Dynamic constellation

Post on 17-Jul-2015






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DynamicConstellationMirella DeocadizGIST 2011, Spring

Define “Information”.

From the discussions we've had in class I think that it's become clear that we can't all come to a consensus on a solid definition. Information requires a more sophisticated definition as it is constantly in flux. It it forever changing. That said, I want to refer to the idea of information as being in a dynamic constellation. There is a core to what information is but since there are many factors involved (the types of information etc.) and the way we access information is constantly changing, it is dynamic.

Just because we can’t define it doesn’t mean that

it doesn’t exist.

The nature of information and the way in which we access it has changed over the years. Why is information constantly changing? (Or in my terminology, in a dynamic constellation?)

Hillary G.’s post on the 26th of February really got me thinking... (Thanks girl!)

“Technological advances relate to

improving communications.”

- Hillary G.

Is this true? Let’s examine the evidence

by looking at technological advances through the years.

Here’s a (very) basic history:

Speech.Speech is the most basic form of technology and it is also the most basic form of communication. However, giving speeches takes away consistency (and in some ways, credibility) of the information that is being communicated. There is also a lack of the ability to store it.

Stone Tablets.

Writing on stone tablets was a more permanent way of receiving and conveying information.

Drawbacks? They aren’t particularly portable and thus, people couldn’t share information very easily.

Scrolls, Parchment & Ink.

These are like the stone tablets in that the information

is easily stored. They also solve the problem of

portability.BUT, they are easily

destroyed and are not easily made. (So information cannot

be assimilated easily.)

Printing Press.The invention of the printing press allowed people to create multiple copies in short periods of time to share with wider audiences. However, the information was not easily altered and thus, it was easy to make mistakes in the information that was being dispersed.

Computers and Copying Machines.Computers made way for large amounts of information to be stored, easily altered (and with laptops) easily transportable. Copying machines allowed information to be spread to wider audiences more efficiently.

Web 1.0 Information became accessible to anyone with

an internet connection. Large amounts of information was available. People could communicate across the globe through email.

Web 2.0 Not only can people communicate throughout

the globe but they can also collaborate extremely easily.

Each technological advancement has improved the way in which people communicate.

At each stage, the information has become more consistent, credible, portable, permanent and accessible.

How does this link back to Corazon Aquino? As a political figure, spreading information

about her campaign was crucial. She used the communications methods of her time to spark a revolution and rise to power.

“Political upheavals have a distinct link to

communications.”- Alex Magno

University of the Philippines

President Aquino’s rise to power is sometimes referred to as the ‘Xerox Revolution’. Why? Because it was the photocopier that allowed her to communicate information to the public.

Other revolutions that used technology to aid communication:

The Iranian Revolution (1979) was closely linked to the audio cassette.

The Tiananmen uprising (1989) was the ‘fax revolution’ because people outside of China gained information through fax machines.

Technology is so important in the way in which we

communicate information. That is why we are in this ‘dynamic constellation’.

This need to change information and technology

is fueled by the need to communicate.

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