

Some funeral preparation and southern humor

Author: Metcalfe, Gayden and Charlotte Hays

A deliciously entertaining slice of Southern life.  Each chapter includes a recipe.

Charlotte Hays is a Delta native and a former gossip column contributor to the Washington Times, New York Observer, and New York Daily News.

Setting: Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi

Setting: Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi

The reading of this entertaining cookbook will place a smile on cooks from the "Delta" -- Arkansas, Louisiana, and Mississippi.

Delicious recipes along with tips are given in each of the seven chapters which deal with the hosting of Southern funerals.

The views of Episcopal and Methodist ladies are predominant in the given advice, but observations of other denominations are included.

A recipe index ranging from seven "casseroles" to seven entries under "pimiento cheese" to many other Southern mouthwatering treats is useful.

This delightful cookbook will provide for readers a chuckle or two and great recipes to use for all types of receptions.

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