Dumbo Octopus

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Dumbo Octopus live far down at the bed of the sea. Dumbo Octopi also have ears that can help them swim ! In this book you are going to learn about how they look, what they eat, and their habitat.


Dumbo Octopus

By: Tania Tan

Dumbo Octopus

Introduction...............................................page 3Their Name and What they look like.........page 4Habitat.......................................................page 5Food..........................................................page 6Glossary....................................................page 7Bibliography..............................................page 8-9

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Dumbo octopi have interesting looks, they have two ears that help them swim and they have skin that connects their eight legs together. Their habitat is also special, because they live at the very bottom of the sea! Dumbo octopi eat jellyfish and big fish even though some of them are deadly. In this book your going to learn about Dumbo Octopuses name and their looks, food, and habitat.

Their Name and What They Look Like

These may look like ears but they actually help the octopus swim.

Dumbo Octopus looks a lot different to other octopus. No other octopus have big floppy ears, they use

they're ears to push themselves through the water to swim gracefully. They were named Dumbo, because

they look like the Walt Disney character 'Dumbo The Flying Elephant'. They're Skin Is also Very Special.

Usually the skin colors of a Dumbo Octopus are green, red, orange and purple. They can camouflage

with their habitat anytime they want, and when they get angry they turn yellow or bright blue. Dumbo

Octopus are shy about showing they're real colors, so they often camouflage.

there is a thin layer of skin that connects all eight legs together.

HabitatDumbo Octopus live far down on the bottom of the sea. They usually live under rocks or in caves; they like to live in a place where they can find pray like worms or other sea creatures that live under rocks. They also lay eggs under their rocks and some of them even hang off the walls of their habitat. Dumbo Octopus live from 4,000 - 7,000 meters below sea level, they usually hover at the bottom of the sea. Every 4 days they move to another place to live, because if they don't, it affects they’re skin. The farthest Octopus found was 7,000 meters under sea level (it was a Dumbo octopus).

! Fun Fact

Dumbo Octopus have special skin cells named


FoodDumbo Octopus eat a lot of food. They eat all their pray whole, they use their tentacles, and then spread them out to find their prey. When they find their pray they strangle it first, then eats it. Dumbo Octopus can eat food that is bigger than them; they can even eat big fish and jellyfish.

Dumbo Octopus don't eat human beings, they only eat humans if they are very angry. Normally Dumbo Octopuses are very shy, but when it comes to food they go crazy for it.

Fun FactDumbo octopus shoot

water through their funnel to escape from their predators, such as giant squids.

Habitat- The area they live in.

Camouflage- something blends into the habitat their on or in.

Pray- The food you are hunting for.

Predators- someone is hunting for YOU.

Background Image page 1:Whaletimes.org.CopyrightDaveShaleStauroteuthisAllRightsReserved..bmp (1134×756)Whaletimes.org. (n.d.).Copyrightdaveshalestauroteuthisallrightsreserved..bmp (1134×756). [online] Retrieved from: http://www.whaletimes.org/CopyrightDaveShaleStauroteuthisAllRightsReserved..bmp [Accessed: 20 Jan 2014].

Background Image page 2:Stanleysubmarines.com.dumbo-octopus.jpg (960×400)Stanleysubmarines.com. (n.d.). Dumbo-octopus.jpg (960×400). [online] Retrieved from: http://www.stanleysubmarines.com/wp-content/themes/karlstanley/images/headers/dumbo-octopus.jpg [Accessed: 24 Jan 2014].

Background Image page 3:Ubuhanga.com.arton982.jpg (595×514)Ubuhanga.com. (n.d.). Arton982.jpg (595×514). [online] Retrieved from: http://www.ubuhanga.com/IMG/arton982.jpg [Accessed: 23 Jan 2014].

Background Image page 4 (Introduction): Dyspraxicfantastic.com.Introduction.png (1398×671)Dyspraxicfantastic.com. (n.d.). Introduction.png (1398×671). [online] Retrieved from: http://dyspraxicfantastic.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/Introduction.png [Accessed: 23 Jan 2014].

Background Image page 4 (dumbo Octopi) :Isite.lps.org.dumbo-octopus.jpg (500×330)Isite.lps.org. (n.d.). Dumbo-octopus.jpg (500×330). [online] Retrieved from: http://isite.lps.org/mkneifl/web/wpp_class_t3/l_matt/dumbo-octopus.jpg [Accessed: 21 Jan 2014].

Background Image page 5:24.media.tumblr.com.tumblr_mklvusmTQy1rn5rgto1_500.jpg (500×517)24.media.tumblr.com. (n.d.).Tumblr_mklvusmtqy1rn5rgto1_500.jpg (500×517). [online] Retrieved from: http://24.media.tumblr.com/c1fdd19b0cce9a979b854d5d8124dfda/tumblr_mklvusmTQy1rn5rgto1_500.jpg [Accessed: 20 Jan 2014].

Background image page 6:Industryleadersmagazine.com.seabed_1015.jpg (1600×1200)Industryleadersmagazine.com. (n.d.).Seabed_1015.jpg (1600×1200). [online] Retrieved from: http://www.industryleadersmagazine.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/07/seabed_1015.jpg [Accessed: 20 Jan 2014].

Background Image page 7 (fish):Brandconstructors.com.small_fish.jpg (765×510)Brandconstructors.com. (n.d.). Small_fish.jpg (765×510). [online] Retrieved from: http://www.brandconstructors.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2013/02/small_fish.jpg [Accessed: 21 Jan 2014].

Background Image page 7 (jellyfish):Wallpaperswide.com.Jelly Fish HD desktop wallpaper : Widescreen : FullscreenWallpaperswide.com. (1920). Jelly fish hd desktop wallpaper : widescreen : fullscreen. [online] Retrieved from: http://

wallpaperswide.com/jelly_fish-wallpapers.html [Accessed: 23 Jan 2014].

Background Image page 8:Scottish.parliament.uk.EducationGlossaryPurple_211x101px.jpg (211×101)Scottish.parliament.uk. (n.d.).Educationglossarypurple_211x101px.jpg (211×101). [online] Retrieved from: http://www.scottish.parliament.uk/images/Education/EducationGlossaryPurple_211x101px.jpg [Accessed: 22 Jan 2014].

Background Image page 9:Aucc.ca.undergraduate-education-bibliography.jpg (620×251)Aucc.ca. (n.d.). Undergraduate-education-bibliography.jpg (620×251). [online] Retrieved from: http://www.aucc.ca/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/undergraduate-education-bibliography.jpg [Accessed: 23 Jan 2014].

About The Author

Tania Tan was born in Singapore in 2003. After living there for 3 months, she moved to Shanghai. She is currently a resident of Shanghai, China. She attended Shanghai American School and was a 5th grader when she wrote this story. She lives in with her family with their poodle Volley, and enjoys playing tennis in the morning with her friends....

Dumbo Octopi have ears that can even help them swim! But how did they get they’re name? Why do they strangle their pray first before eating it? How can they eat food that is bigger than they are? In this book your going to learn about their habitat, what they look like, their name, and what they eat. Read this book to learn more about Dumbo Octopus!

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