Dual Boot Installation with Windows 7 and XP1.docx

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  • 8/16/2019 Dual Boot Installation with Windows 7 and XP1.docx


    Dual Boot Installation with Windows 7 andXP

    How to Setup a Dual Boot Installation with Windows 7 and XP Published by Brink28 Apr 2009

    Published by


    How to Setup a Dual Boot Installation with Windows 7and XP


    This will show you how to install Windows 7 and XP to dual boot with when youalready have either Windows 7 or XP installed first.

      NoteWith a dual boot installaton, you will have two operatin syste!s "#$% installed.

    When you start the &o!puter, you will have the &hoi&e to &hoose whi&h #$ youwould li'e to start up to. This !ethod is the easiest way of doin a dual boot with

    these two operatin syste!s.


    When dual booting with another #$ "e() *ista or XP%, you !ay not always have

    that #$ partition show up in Computer with a driver letter in Windows 7. +f thishappens, then you will ust need to add a drive letter to the #$ "e() *ista or XP%partition in Windows 7 -is' anae!ent for it to show up in /o!puter with a driver



    To stop XP fro! deletin your Windows 7 System estore Points everyti!e XP isstarted, then see System estore Points ! Stop XP Dual Boot Delete to hide


  • 8/16/2019 Dual Boot Installation with Windows 7 and XP1.docx


    Windows 7 fro! XP.

    Windows 7 "inimum Hardware e#uirements

    $%&'( For more information on this, see: Windows 7 system requirements 

    • 13 425bit or 65bit pro&essor

    • ) *B +" for ,-!bit Windows 7 %  - *B +" for ./!bit Windows 7

    • ). *B available dis' spa&e ,-!bit Windows 7 %  -0 *B for ./!bitWindows 7

    • $upport for -ire&tX 9 raphi&s with 28 !e!ory "in order to enable Aero


    -*-5:W -rive

    • +nternet or phone a&&ess to a&tivate Windows 7.

    Windows XP "inimum Hardware e#uirements $%&'( For more information on this, see: System requirements for Windows XP operating systems 

    • P/ with 400 !eahert3 "3% or hiher pro&essor &lo&' speed

    re&o!!ended; 24453 !ini!u! re6:Athlon:-uron fa!ily, or &o!patible pro&essor re&o!!ended

    • 28 !eabytes "% of A or hiher re&o!!ended "6 !ini!u!supported; !ay li!it perfor!an&e and so!e features%

    • .? iabyte "1% of available hard dis' spa&e.=

    • $uper *1A "800 @ 600% or hiher resolution video adapter and !onitor

    • /-5# or -*- drive

    • >eyboard and i&rosoft ouse or &o!patible pointin devi&e

    'X+"P1'( Windows Boot "anager$%&'( This is the boot screen where you select what operating system that youwould like to start. By default, you have ! se"onds to choose another operating

    system before the default operating system will start automatically .


  • 8/16/2019 Dual Boot Installation with Windows 7 and XP1.docx


    %P&I%$ %$'When XP is Installed 2irst

    $%&'( If you have a RI! setup, you will need to have the "indows # RI! drivers

    on a $%B flash drive available to select and load while installing "indows # .

    )3 -o step - or , below for where you wanted to install Windows 7 at.

    -3 &o Create a $ew Partition 4rom the XP Hard Disk Drive  A% With your Windows 7 installation dis& boot into the Command Prompt fro!the System e5overy %ptions s&reen.

    $%&'( &ake sure that the '!(!)! drive is selected first in the boot order in the

    BI#S .


  • 8/16/2019 Dual Boot Installation with Windows 7 and XP1.docx


    % +n the &o!!and pro!pt, sele&t and shrink the XP volume by how !any

    "02 1% you want to have for this Windows 7 partition. "$ee s&reenshotbelow%

    $%&'( *ou would do steps + to in &-T/! T"/ at that link. "indows # will need 

    a minimum of 01 2B 301456 &B7.

    /% /li&' on the X at the top riht &orner to &lose the &o!!and pro!pt. "$ee

    s&reenshot above%

    -% /li&' on the X at the top riht &orner to &lose $yste! e&overy #ptions. "$ee

    s&reenshot below%


  • 8/16/2019 Dual Boot Installation with Windows 7 and XP1.docx


    B% 1o to step .

    ,3 &o 6se a Separate Hard Disk Drive than the XP Drive A% oot fro! your Windows 7 installation dis&.

    $%&'( &ake sure that the '!(!)! drive is selected first in the boot order in theBI#S .

    /3 /li&' on the Install now button. "$ee s&reenshot below%

  • 8/16/2019 Dual Boot Installation with Windows 7 and XP1.docx


    3 When you et to this point, sele&t the partition "step 2% or hard drive to installWindows 7 on. "$ee s&reenshot below%

  • 8/16/2019 Dual Boot Installation with Windows 7 and XP1.docx


    .3 Cinish installing Windows 7.$%&'( *ou would start at step $ in that link to finish installing "indows # .

    73 When finished, restart the &o!puter to have the option to boot fro! XP "Barlier*erision of Windows% or Windows 7. "$ee s&reenshot below%


    +f you are only bootin into Windows 7 and do not have XP listed in the WindowsBoot "anager, then you &an install only 'asyBCD "step 8 #ption Two below% to

    add XP "or Windows 7% while started in Windows 7 the sa!e way to the boot list.


  • 8/16/2019 Dual Boot Installation with Windows 7 and XP1.docx


    %P&I%$ &W%When Windows 7 is Installed 2irst


    • +f you have a +ID setup, you will need to have the XP A+- drivers foryour spe&ifi& !otherboard on a 2loppy dis& available to sele&t and load at

    the 2. pro!pt while installin XP.

  • 8/16/2019 Dual Boot Installation with Windows 7 and XP1.docx


    • +f you have a S+&+ drive, then you will need to do either one of theseoptions to load the $ATA drivers for XP for your spe&ifi& !otherboard.

    o How to Slipstream S+&+ drivers into Windows XP setup CD

    with Dual Boot o4 Windows 7 or 8ista 

    o How to 1oad S+&+ Drivers in Windows XP Setup on your Dual

    Boot PC with 8ista or Windows 7 for how to load your $ATA

    drivers fro! a 2loppy dis& at the 2. pro!pt while installin XP.

    )3 &o Create a $ew Partition 4rom the Windows 7 Hard Disk

    Drive$%&'( If you want to install XP on a separate internal hard dri%e instead, thenskip this step and go to step +.

    A% +n Windows 7, sele&t and shrink the Windows 7 volume in -is' anae!entby how !any "02 1% you want to have for this XP partition. "$ee

    s&reenshots below%$%&'( *ou would do all of &ethod /ne at that link .


  • 8/16/2019 Dual Boot Installation with Windows 7 and XP1.docx


    -3 +nsert your XP installation dis&, then restart the &o!puter and press any 'ey toboot fro! it when pro!pted. "$ee s&reenshot below%$%&'( &ake sure that the '!(!)! drive is selected first in the boot order in the

    BI#S . 

  • 8/16/2019 Dual Boot Installation with Windows 7 and XP1.docx


    ,3 Cro! XP $etup, Press 'nter. "$ee s&reenshot below%


    • +f you have a +ID setup, you will need to have the XP A+-drivers for your spe&ifi& !otherboard on a 2loppy dis& available tosele&t and load at the 2. pro!pt while installin XP.

    • +f you have a S+&+ drive, then you will need to do either one ofthese options to load the $ATA drivers for XP for your spe&ifi&!otherboard.

    o How to Slipstream S+&+ drivers into Windows XP setup

    CD with Dual Boot o4 Windows 7 or 8ista 

    o How to 1oad S+&+ Drivers in Windows XP Setup on your

    Dual Boot PC with 8ista or Windows 7 for how to load your

    $ATA drivers fro! a 2loppy dis& at the 2. pro!pt whileinstallin XP.


  • 8/16/2019 Dual Boot Installation with Windows 7 and XP1.docx


    /3 Press 29. "$ee s&reenshot below%$%&'( /n some multimedia keyboards, you may need to press the &'(o")  or

    &un"tion key before pressing F5.

  • 8/16/2019 Dual Boot Installation with Windows 7 and XP1.docx


    3 $ele&t the partition "step % or hard drive that you want to install XP on usin thearrow 'eys and press Bnter.

  • 8/16/2019 Dual Boot Installation with Windows 7 and XP1.docx


    .3 Cinish installin XP.


    +f you et 'rror loading %perating System after XP restarts)

    • Dsin your Windows 7 installation dis&, boot to the 5ommand

    prompt at startup.

    • Type in these &o!ands below, and press enter after ea&h one.

    o bootre5 :2i;"br 

    o bootre5 :2i;Boot 

    o bootre5 :ebuildB5d 

    • B(it the &o!!and pro!pt and restart the &o!puter.

    • At this point, Windows 7 should boot up the sa!e way before tryin

    to install XP.

    • /ontinue to step 8 below and run Basy/- fro! Windows 7 instead.

    73 +n XP, download and install 3$et 2ramework -30 3 #n the left side of Basy/-, &li&' on the +dd $ew 'ntry button. "$ees&reenshot below%A% +n the top se&tion under %perating Systems, &li&' on the Windows tab. "$ee

    s&reenshot below%% To the riht of &ype, sele&t Windows $&:-k:XP:-k, fro! the drop down

    !enu. "$ee s&reenshot below%

    W+$I$*( Be sure to leave the *utomati"ally dete"t "orre"t dri%e bo<

    checked .

    /% To the riht of $ame, you &an leave the default "i5roso4t Windows XP as thena!e to be displayed in the Windows oot anaer, or you &an type whatever


  • 8/16/2019 Dual Boot Installation with Windows 7 and XP1.docx


    name you would li'e to have instead. "$ee s&reenshot below%

    -% /li&' on the +dd 'ntry button. "$ee s&reenshot below%

    )03 #n the left side of Basy/-, &li&' on the BCD Deployment button, sele&t "dot%the Install the Windows 8ista:7 bootloader to the "B  option, and &li&' onthe Write "B  button. "$ee s&reenshot below%

  • 8/16/2019 Dual Boot Installation with Windows 7 and XP1.docx


    ))3 /lose Basy/-.

    )-3 estart the &o!puter to have the option to boot fro! "i5roso4t Windows XP or Windows 7. "$ee s&reenshot below%

  • 8/16/2019 Dual Boot Installation with Windows 7 and XP1.docx


      Tip+f Windows 7 will not start up when sele&ted, then use your Windows 7 installation

    -*- to do a Startup epair.

    ThatEs it,



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