Driver Behaviour Detection and Vehicle Controlling System Ppt

Post on 15-Nov-2015






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What is arm?

DRIVER BEHAVIOUR DETECTION AND VEHICLE CONTROLLING SYSTEMAIMThe aim of this project is to detect driver behavior using alcohol sensor, limit switch for seat belt alert and controlling the vehicle accordingly by using GSM technology.Proposed systemThe main objective of this project is to develop a system that can detect the alcohol content in the air exhaled by the driver and automatically turn off the car if Alcohol percentage exceeds the limit. It can also check the seat belt is connected to driver or not by using switch alert.HARDWARE TOOLS REQUIREDPower Supply UnitARM 7 (LPC 2148)GSM ModuleAlcohol SensorLimit SwitchDC Motor And DriverLCDBuzzerSOFTWARE TOOLSKeil Uversion 4FlashmagicOrcadBLOCK DIAGRAMARM7 LPC2148Power SupplyLCD DisplayDc motorSeat belt limit switch

Alcohol sensor

MAX 232GSMBuzzer L293DPower supply unit

Step Down TransformerBridgeRectifierCapacitor FilterVoltage RegulatorOutput +5vInput 230v AcARM7 Functional Diagram


We are using LPC2148 in our project.64 pins in which 48 are GPIO out of which 3 are reserved for future purpose & other 16 are for power, crystal oscillator. Each pin has four functions.Two ports: Port 0(32), Port 1(32).2 ADCS.1 DAC.2 UART2 -32-bit timers22 external interrupts.

ARM7- RISC ARCHITECTURELess word size.Less number of cycles for execution.32 bits per cycle.ARM7TDMI-S7- familyT-D-M-I-S- Synchronization.

APPLICATIONS OF ARMTelecommunicationsConsumer good electronicsHome appliancesMedicalARM UTILITIESVOLTAGE =+3.3V.

CURRENT =1.65-1.85mA.

POWER = 0.5 mW. This alcohol sensor is suitable for detecting alcohol concentration on your breath, just like your common breathalyzer. It has a high sensitivity and fast response time. Sensor provides an analog output based on alcohol concentration.ALCOHOL SENSOR

L293D is most widely used motor driver IC , it is used in various applications where motor driving is required.The working of L293D is very simple , this IC consists of two H bridges which are capable of driving two motors at a time. Two input are required for driving a motor.

L293D motor driver

Used to drive the motor in proper manner.Electric motors are used to efficiently convert electrical energy into mechanical energy. Magnetism is the basis of their principles of operation. An electric motor is all about magnets and magnetism: A motor uses magnets to create motion. If you have ever played with magnets you know about the fundamental law of all magnets: Opposite poles attract and likes repel. Inside an electric motor, these attracting and repelling forces create rotational motion.

DC Motor

Used in our project to stop and run the vehicle motor.Limit switch is used to detect the presence of seat belt to the driver or not.Limit switches are used in a variety of applications and environments because of their ruggedness, ease of installation, and reliability of operation. They can determine the presence or absence, passing, positioning, and end of travel of an object. They were first used to define the limit of travel of an object; hence the name "Limit Switch". LIMIT SWITCH

Which can give sound alert to the nearby people when ever seat belt not inserted properly or alcohol detected. BUZZER

GSM TECHNOLOGYGSM (Global System for Mobile communications) is an open, digital cellular technology used for transmitting mobile voice and data services.Power Supply Requirement:Use DC Power Adaptor with following ratings DC Voltage : 12V DC Current Rating atleast : 1A DC Socket Polarity : Centre +ve & Outside ve Applications: SMS based Remote Control & Alerts Security Applications Sensor Monitoring


Working with KEIL softwareADVANTAGESSecurity of vehicle.Detect if the driver is drunk or not.SimplePortableNo practical limitation Less costMore availability of componentsSecured and Low cost It can be applied in all vehiclesAPPLICATIONSWe have implemented the driver behavior detection and alerting system with alcohol and seat belt systems interfaced with controller and when these are crossed the limit then that information will be passed to the user mobiles and vehicle motor will be OFF. Buzzer will be ON in case of alcohol sensor detected and seat belt not inserted.CONCLUSION

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