DreX - V0.6

Post on 09-Apr-2018






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  • 8/8/2019 DreX - V0.6



    Playtest V0.6

  • 8/8/2019 DreX - V0.6


    A Sequence of Events

    Actual excerpts from an ancient Hypertech log found within the Atlas Ruptured, a Hypertech ship found wrecked

    near the edges of the Drex system. Press Play to continue.


    Begin recording. It is it is 109.1 on 018.00.1097. Weve been asked to do these recordings as a security measure;

    everyone onboard the migration fleet has to do it, and after monitoring and exclusion by AORTA, well be defined

    as sane. Or.. whatever else the case may be. Okay.. my name is RECORD OMITTED, currently onboard theAtlas

    Ruptured, the heavy-duty gravity-ship dragging NOAH through unknown space. Weve been running for almost

    three days now. They tell us weve outrun the worst of it. We can finally look into each others eyes and not fear

    for the worst. Captain RECORD OMITTED wont tell us where were going, or what were going to do when we

    get there, but with the three largest Hypertech ships we have (thats the NOAH, ANUBIS and AORTA, all in tow)we shouldn't have to wait long before we get somewhere. (A bell rings in the background.) Guess its my shift for

    observation. I repeat, this is RECORD OMITTED and we seem to have survived the genocide of our species. End



    Begin recording. Weve arrived and whats been termed Zero Space. All coordinates on the ship have been reset,

    and we believe the same is happening across the fleet. Already, theyve detached NOAH, and we seem to be go.

    While we speak, an external dyson sphere, larger than weve ever seen before, is being constructed by the com-

    bination of.. err.. well, I dont know the science, but the gravity stream from ANUBIS seems to bring in asteroids

    and small planets, crushes them into a singular point. The point.. does something to the atoms, makes them mal-

    leable, or releases energy, or something, and then NOAH is capable of using the results to recreate life from

    scratch. The sphere is obsidian, strong stuff. They say itll be done in 0.0.054. My next shift starts soon, and endsaround that time. I might sneak out early, see if I can see it being brought back in. (A high pitched alarm rings in

    the background.) Sorry, sorry, didnt mean that. I will work to my upmost ability. (He laughs) End log.


    Begin recording. Wow. Weve seen some major changes these last few months. They even reopened the vaults

    inside NOAH. Humans and Cascadians and Katrans and everything, all emerging.. But, Im getting ahead of myself

    here. Since my last major log (over 0.03 ago) weve.. weve finished the external dyson sphere. Weve built the

    sun in the centre, Eta Carinae, weve built the smaller full-dyson sphere around Eta, and the planets are now be-

    ing finalised. To think, a blink ago this was just empty space! I mean.. we live long, but compared to these AI, this

    is nothing. What will the future denizens here think of us? Gods that created stars and planets, and gave them

    life, when all their brothers and sisters were destroyed. (A high pitched alarm rings in the background.) Yeah,

    sorry, no mention of the past. Yeah. Soon the planets will hold life, and I look forward to bathing in the sun again!

    End log.


    Begin recording! Its perfect! AORTA must of heard my conversations 0.02 ago. Theyve assigned me on special

    duty to the Reintegration and Repatriation Column. Ill be looking after the Humans. I cant wait! With our suc-

    cessful bid, were trying to get them the closest planet to ARC, which were calling Arcan. And ARC; what a de-

    vice! Weve integrated the inner dyson sphere, officially The ARC, with a large governmental complex jutting

    above it, the Cradle. Its incredible to view, and if we win the bid for the planet, well get to go to the Cradle and

    see things from there. To be at the centre point of the galaxy. Wow.. End log.


    Begin recording. Disaster struck.ANUBIS was released, as we wished to create more living space for the species

    at large; the Katra need a new home, as the Kai-ka-Thear were too dominant, too war-like. But.. Something hap-pened. In the scope of 0.0.0-005.1, he had launched a viral attack onAORTA, our operation AI in the system, and

    had incapacitated NOAH. It was a convergent war, fought across milliseconds through the air; nanomachines join-

    ing sides had ignited in combat, as whole ships were torn asunder. We lost millions of our own, already limited

    species, before NOAH and the remnants ofAORTA could regain control ofANUBIS. We cannot destroy him; his

    evolving technology, the same with NOAH, has outgrown even us. Where I thought we were the Gods, maybe it

    was just them. Well, hes gone now, a place hell never escape from. A sad day for us all. End log.

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    A Sequence of Events018.31.5236533.0

    Begin recording. We won the bid. How long ago it seems. Since this no longer be-

    came compulsory, after the war, Ive found it hard to find the time. The Humans are

    taking well to Arcan, unknowing of the disaster faced by their creators; they have

    split into multiple factions, but none seem to pose any major dominance yet. I cant

    speak much for the other races; I know those horrible insects, Kai-ka-Thear, have

    overrun the Katra completely, and have taken their planet by force. Such divergent

    evolution; they know have four arms, rather than two. The Sigurn are coping well

    with the low temperatures. The Eridarians are struggling, but cope well. But the Hu-

    mans! How well they cope! They are, I admit, becoming quite the obsession of mine;

    RECORD OMITTED says it is because I feel guilty for our loss. Huh. End log.


    Begin recording. A glorious day filled with celebration and cheer! The Constructs,

    whose invaluable work during both our escape on the migrant fleet, and our work

    since, have been declared citizens at least, equals to the Exohumans. We have gave

    three-quarters of their race freedom from the shackles of their programming; they

    declined the planet, preferring not to re-releaseANUBIS, just incase of a similar

    problem. We also managed to recreateAORTA, just in time to register them as a

    species of Drex. They have fell, either disguised on the planets throughout the sys-tem, or simply living in the Cradle as its current master. All seems well. End log.


    Begin recording. The Cendra seemed to be evolving much faster than the other species.

    was brought in on the committee to examine the reasons for this, and attempt to

    reach some sort of decision. It is estimated that they will reach the ARCin almost

    0.0.9103. My decision is to allow all races to enter onto the Cradle simultaneously, and

    be done with it all. They have earned it. End log.


    Begin recording. Today is the day my proposal comes into play. I have been re-named

    solus, Governer of the Races. I have come so far in my fight for equality amongst theraces, and we seem to be here, at least. The races enter the Cradle in 0.0.0-006.2, pre-

    cisely. I must be ready. Wish me luck. End log.


    Begin recording. Why must we come upon disaster after disaster. I knew the Cendra

    evolution was worrying. They smuggled an entire company of their armoured soldiers

    nto the Cradle somehow. They intended to releaseANUBIS. They didnt worship him,

    ike we had feared, but wished to use his power to fight the great enemy of our

    past. (A high pitched alarm rings in the background.) They killed many before the Kai-

    ka-Thear, always ready to fight, managed to subdue them. To see those clawed beasts

    ear through their armour like it was paper such majesty. Are we really the more

    evolved species? Punishment has been decided, voted, and performed. Their planet hasbeen virus-bombed with the genetic excess from NOAH. Such death. I only wish I was a

    mere human, so I could drink away my cares End log.


    Begin recording. It was decided unanimously, and was performed to exact specifica-

    ions. We were on the verge of war! No, not war. Rebellion. The space-faring tech of

    he other races has been stripped from them. The small hive-structure of the Kai-ka-

    Thear has been destroyed. We have stunted our children. But we cannot risk the re-

    ease ofANUBIS. While they attempt to rebuild, we plan to virus bomb the other plan-

    ets, and wipe them all out. Four AI cruisers will carry out this task. All life, killed in an

    nstant. We can re-seed, we still have enough base genetic material to rebuild. Sadly, I

    will not be around to witness it. None of us truly will. It was our interactions, our med-dling, that caused all this. But we will not make this mistake again. Our bodies will live

    on, stunted and imperfect, but our memories will be wiped clean. We will start afresh.

    Our punishment will be just; sterility, insanity, and a painful demise. We are the last of

    our species. The last of the exohumans. And to think.. we came to Drex looking to save

    our species, and have only saw need to end it. We are not Gods. We are monsters. And

    we deserve this. This will be the last time I will perform this act of futility. (You hear the

    charge of an energy weapon.) I am more to blame than the others. End log.

  • 8/8/2019 DreX - V0.6


    The Orbital Bodies of DreX

    Planet OrbitingMoon / Asteroid





    Non-OrbitingMoon / Asteroid

    Tarsus Thear FleetPopulation:~40,005,790,146

    Conditions: 0.87g, 288 K

    Predominant Factions:Kai Ka Thear

    EradreaPopulation: ~1,164,749

    Conditions: 0.90g, 307 K

    Predominant Factions:




    Conditions: 0.91g, 308 K

    Predominant Factions:Cendra, Ghoul



    Conditions: 0.88g, 240 K

    Predominant Factions:Sigurn, Onata, Human

    Dante01Population: UNKNOWN

    Conditions: 0.91g, 293 K

    Predominant Factions:UNKNOWN

  • 8/8/2019 DreX - V0.6


    The CradlePopulation:~5,017,112,945

    Conditions: ~5106


    Predominant Factions:TOWER, CORE, The Isolus,

    Constructs, the Aetherin, Onata

    The A.R.C.Population: 0

    Conditions: ~3106


    Predominant Factions:Incapable of Supporting Life

    Artificial OrbittingObject

    Artificial Non-Orbitting Object



    Conditions: 0.99g, 321 K

    Predominant Factions:Imperial Order, Anurjandria,

    Travellers of Qi, Onata

    IbicaPopulation: ~4,671,008

    Conditions: 0.95g, 302 K

    Predominant Factions:Haven,

    Stormhaven Orbital Fleete of the Logosion: ~244,986

    ons: 0.86g, 297 K

    inant Factions:date,

    he Gods

    PheniixPopulation: ~130,196

    Conditions: 1.07g, 342 K

    Predominant Factions:Ahramayav

    Eta CarinaePopulation: 0

    Conditions: ~5106

    KPredominant Factions:Incapable of Supporting Life

  • 8/8/2019 DreX - V0.6


    ThesystemofdrexDrex went through two major upheavels; first, in what was called the Age of Attrition, which involved the evolution of the races from their primitive begin-

    nings. This was a time of immense chaos, where factions and forces rose and fell, first by the fist, then the blade. As the races evolved, when leaders rose,

    when the grasp of unified leadership and government began to clasp around Drex, technology began to improve; this is a recent change, and tech still

    seems to vary vastly between planets and nations, especially in the Human kingdoms, separate as they all are. Now the level of technology is clearly split

    nto three main distinctions; Archaic, Modern, and Hyper. Archaic tech is what came during the Age of Attrition; where Modern tech existed around them,t was like colour to the blind, an impossible mystery beyond the rational minds ability to unravel it. Many towns and settlements make vast use of Archaic

    tech in their lives, and it is still a huge part of life in Drex. Modern tech is more advanced, either old pre-Attrition tech being rediscovered in the ruins of

    the old world, or re-invented. Lastly, Hypertech is the unknown, from the time-before-time, aeons before the Age of Attrition, and extremely rare.


    ronic that technology referred to as Archaic is

    actually younger than the Exohumans Hy-

    pertech, while being significantly more de-

    graded. Archaic tech examples are swords and

    armour, blacksmithing, steam and clockwork

    engines and animal husbandry. Where few real

    enhancements are ever really made in this area,one constantly changing feature are the materi-

    als used in the process; advanced mining proce-

    dures, mostly conducted by the Sigurn and cer-

    tain Human populations, are unearthing far

    more durable and powerful raw materials,

    greatly enhancing the Archaic Tech being used.

    These ores, of little interest to those of a higher

    technology level, have continued to allow the

    Archaic tech to be a viable option, despite their

    supposed superiority. One benefit of Archaic

    tech that many speak of is s imply this; its hon-

    est. And few can argue against that.

    Archaic TechModern Tech is the mainstay of the Isolus and

    the ARC; space-travel, energy and advanced

    projectile weapons, shields and enhanced ar-

    mours, and cybernetic implants come under

    Modern tech. Humanity, its main source, push

    forward in what is deemed Modern Tech, com-

    ing across such things as: electricity, computers,wi-fi and city-wide neural networks. Considered

    the antithesis of magic, Modern Tech attempts

    to explain and understand everything about its

    surroundings, a style of thought entirely oppo-

    site to that of sorcery. Almost half of the Modern

    Tech advances have came from deconstructing

    and devolving Exohuman Hypertech, and coming

    to ones own conclusions. Now, it is barely con-

    sidered an off-shoot of Hypertech. Modern tech

    comes in two varieties; the common and regular

    that is created in factories, and the rare and

    valuable, from before the Age of Attrition.

    Hypertech is more akin to sorcery than it is to

    science. Created by the Exohumans at the very

    height of their power, Hypertech has been all-

    but wiped out or lost throughout Drex. But still,

    expeditions venture deep into space, into an-

    cient Migration ship wrecks and Nonman laby-

    rinth-bases to acquire the ancient tech; not onlydoes it sell for incredible prices, but if it s worka-

    ble, it can provide great power to the scavenger.

    Examples of Hypertech include the most ancient

    Constructs, Artificial Intelligence, the evolving

    and intelligent structures of ancient Exohuman

    ships, and weapons of incredible power and

    magnitude. The A.R.C. is considered Hypertech,

    as is A.O.R.T.A. Further more, many examples of

    Hypertech come under the control of APAEX and

    the Isolus for study, and those in their grasp now

    are barely understood, and used even less, for

    fear of what might happen.

    Modern Tech Hypertech

    Sorcery is the opposite of Science; Science attempts to understand how the world around it works, where Sorcery, much akin to faith, understands that

    there is a scheme in all of creation, an underlying purpose, which is not for mortal creatures to know. Sorcery literally is speaking in the voice of God, and

    changing the world to better fit the sorcerers desires. Even the most powerful sorcerer cannot undergo permanent sorcerous change, and as such, sorcery

    s considered a temporary and fleeting power, that often becomes worshipped. All living creatures are capable of Sorcery, it is simply the level of their

    ability which defines them. Few can commit more than basic acts, which are barely attributed to sorcery; things like dj vu, thinking about something

    then having the same thing occur, and other people saying what you were thinking. All basic things, all with a hint of sorcery wrapped up inside them. But,

    with the correct training, with restriction and balance, those with stronger gifts can learn to become powerful sorcerers, separated by three different

    schools of sorcery. The one thing that binds the three schools is the Onta; a mark, a stain on ones soul, visible when one casts their f irst real spell.


    Through the use of language, the school of Gnos-

    tic sorcery is considered the most directly pow-

    erful of the three arts. Extensive knowledge of a

    variety of old, ancient, or even dead languages is

    required, and true mastery of this school comes

    only after decades of dedicated training. Speak-

    ng one word with their tongue, and confirming

    that words meaning by uttering the same word,

    n a different language, within their mind, they

    speak a literal Word of God, their spells akin to

    a chant of certainties, describing the world

    around them, and using the Word of God to

    force their words to become truth. Weaker stu-

    dents use dragon heads to scourge with fire, or

    clouds to summon thunder, but the most power-

    ful Gnostic Mages use analogies; mind-bending

    beams of light, holding within the power of God.

    The Gnostic Sorceries are governed by a series of

    Schools, chief among which is the Mandate.

    The GnosisThe Psukhe have only one real force attached to

    it; the Cishaurim. Utilising the power of the cast-

    ers own emotions and feelings, they conjure up

    devastating effects on their enemies, or enlight-

    ening effects on their allies. Well known for their

    ability to fight toe-to-toe with the other sorcer-

    ous arts, they are the most trained and con-

    trolled of all sorceries, due to their immense

    training in emotional and mental control. Their

    barriers and defences are second to none, and

    their healing effects have flung the Anur-

    Jandrian people towards great power. The

    Cishaurim are a quiet sect of sorcerers, split into

    a few major clans led by the descendants of the

    Psukhes creators; people like Fane, Indara,

    Seokti, and Anasurimbor. Many high-ranking

    Cishaurim blind themselves, so they may better

    remain in touch with their emotions; the Dun-

    yani follow a similar, albeit older ritual.

    The Quorah is the youngest of the three arts. The

    darkest and most destructive of the sorceries, it

    pollutes the soul of anyone who utilises it, their

    Onto taking on a more profound stain. Originally

    brought into being by Ahramayav and his creation

    of the Infinite Chorus, it is a widely-believed myth

    that the Quorah purely contains Ahramayavs foul

    sorcery. The Quorah itself is made up of many

    different schools of sorcery and thought, all

    brought under an official title in an attempt to

    protect their practitioners from the hatred of the

    other schools; they are the darkest arts, and most

    consider their practice evil, although with little

    justification. The main schools of thought within

    the Quorah are the Infinite Chorus, which involves

    summoning the Empyrean into this realm as di-

    vine servants, the Tekne, that of twisting and

    changing flesh to create creatures of incredible

    power, and such dark rituals as Necromancy.

    The Psukhe The Quorah

  • 8/8/2019 DreX - V0.6



    Arcan is a planet of glorious fields and temperate weather, almost consid-

    ered a paradise. Consisting primarily of flat-lands, with a few minor

    mountain ranges and polar ice-caps, the planet enjoys year-round warm

    temperatures and fertile grasslands; it is no surprise that the Humans

    flourished as they did here, growing to be one of the most prominent

    species in Drex. What began as a series of tribes and nations now sits as

    two major factions; the Dreamweavers Anur-Jandria, and the ImperialOrder, ruled by Grand Emperor Deimos, both fighting a prolonged war.


    The planet of Cendra is a broken wasteland of a planet. Eons ago, in the

    time-before-time, there was a huge catastrophe here that devastated the

    planet, leaving it with a large crater bigger than any starship, and a burnt-

    out atmosphere. Beneath the deserts and ashlands live the Cendra, a race

    of private tech-hungry factions, who rarely venture outside of their

    vaults. On the surface of Cendra live those called Ghouls, the major mys-

    tery of Drex; mutated, diseased, and in some cases, completely insane.

    Cendra holds great wealth and enticing secrets, despite the risks involved.


    Tarsus Thear was once an unremarkable planet, home to the Kai-ka-Thearand the Onata. It received sunlight, had moderate-if-cool temperatures,

    and a population of wildlife and sentient creatures. Until the Kai-ka-Thear

    took over. Asexual, cannibalising their dead to feed, they swarmed over

    the planet, converting the living matter into hive materials. A huge hive-

    structure now surrounds the planet, home to over 40 billion Kai-ka-Thear,

    their atmosphere all but polluted, their planet almost dead. The largest

    hive city also takes the name Tarsus Thear, and is visible from space.

    Tarsus Thear

    Ibica is the primary-moon of Arcan that has a large population of Humans

    on; how the tribes of Haven came to be based here is a mystery, but clan-

    tales speak of huge starships in the time-before-time delivering them

    here. Due to a staggered orbit, Ibica enjoys only three months of pleasant

    temperatures and sunlight; the other nine months it id hidden behind

    Arcan, and turns into a desolate and snow-covered wasteland. The clans

    of Haven are strong and weathered people, with a unified culture underFather Idriss. The Stormhaven Fleet sits above Ibicas atmosphere.


    Eradrea is a lush planet, covered with forests and lakes, which shares a

    dual-orbit with Cendra. The Eridarians, nimble and swift creatures, have

    learnt from ancient stories teaching of the betrayal of the others races, in

    the time of Gods, whom can never be trusted again. As such, Eridarians

    live isolated in the forests of Eradrea. Only recently have some families

    chosen to step into the light again, hoping to restore their races favour

    with the other species. Eradrea, as such, has a varied and assorted wild-

    life on its surface, which covers both unique plants and animals.


    Viatga is the furthest planet from Eta Carinae, and as such, is the coldestand harshest of the planets. Viatga is snow-covered and ice-cold year

    round, with temperatures never reaching those of the other planets,

    even in their hottest seasons. As such, wildlife is rare, with large trees

    capable of surviving the cold being the only noticeable blip on the hori-

    zon. Much like the planets indigenous species, the Sigurn have made

    huge tunnel-cities beneath the ground, digging deeper towards the plan-

    ets warm core, while becoming masters at the stone working crafts.


  • 8/8/2019 DreX - V0.6



    Newarth is the large Human settlement on Arcan, and recognised as the

    only neutral, independent city on Drex to be powerful enough to be ig-

    nored by Anur-Jandria and the Imperial Order. This neutrality is for a sin-

    gle reason; the city is controlled by TOWER, and over 60% of its size is

    filled by factories. It is the construction capital of Drex, and constructs the

    majority of Human-made weapons and armours sold within Drex, outside

    of the high-tech facilities of the Cradle and TOWERs HQ. Newarth has theargest starport in Drex, and the flow of traffic is constant and unending.


    The Fist of Deimos is home the strongest military faction of Humanity, the

    mperial Order. Governed by their Grand Emperor, Deimos, they have for

    many years been involved in more military struggles than any other fac-

    tion in Drex. They believe in strength and power , and seek to enslave all

    who stand in their way; Humans or otherwise. Currently involved in a

    arge war against Anur-Jandria, their legions are near-unmatched in skill

    and strength, and the Imperial Orders citizens are completely loyal to

    their Grand Emperor, who provides them with safety and supplies.

    Fist of Deimos

    Prima Drex, often called the Silver City of Drex, is a place of pure majesty

    and overindulgence. Constructed when Humanity first arrived on the

    Cradle, it was the first sole-species to be constructed there, and although

    others now exist, it is still the most extravagant city in Drex. Prima Drex is

    the home of TOWER, employing over 80% of the cities workforce, and

    pumping out more weapons, armour and vehicles (including the largest

    starship factory, located on the edge of a space elevator above the city)than any other city in Drex. It is a shining example of Human ingenuity.

    Prima Drex

    The Anur-Jandrians are a tricky group of people to really track down. A

    Nomadic society who have learnt to survive in the deserts on Cendra, the

    only consistent city they have is the desert fortress of Oneiros. Built

    around a large oasis, they act as a trading waypost, supplying lost travel-

    lers with directions, water, and assistance, where necessary. The Oneiric

    Citadel adjoins to the sandstone walls of the city, and acts as Anur-

    Jandrias bastion, beacon of power, and seat of political power; here, the

    Dreamweaver sits on his throne, and fights his war against Deimos.


    Napra-Sigurn is infact two separate cities. In the centre of a large ravinethe upper region of the city of Napra-Sigurn is a perfectly-crafted con-

    struction of the Sigurn, well known for their skills with stone. Much of the

    upper city is carved from the ravine itself, and is surrounded by a large

    moat which stretches deep underground, to protect from the snow and

    cold. Running alongside this hollow moat is the true city of Napra-Sigurn,

    filled with monuments and statues, whose stonework is a marvel to look

    at, which receives many visitors on its artistic nature and merit alone.

    Napra-SigurnIlliure-Canvi is a multi-cultural city, originally started by the Onata, whichsits on the mouth of the largest river on Arcan. Originally a pristine mar-

    ble city, it soon became a popular trade route, especially amongst Hu-

    mans. Its walls quickly expanded to include the shanty towns that grew

    beside it, until it became the river-spanning city it is now. Illiure-Canvi is

    the trade hub of the entire planet, and it is rumoured that anything can

    be purchased there, for a price. Governed by the Onata, it is ran by a

    council that includes Humans, Sigurn and Aetherin within its ranks.


  • 8/8/2019 DreX - V0.6


    The Spire City of Siofra is hidden away within the confines of Eradreas

    deep forests. Capital city of the Eridaria, the city is split between the pov-

    erty-stricken lower classes of the Eridarians, and the rich higher-classes

    that live within the golden spire. Very hostile to outsiders, who are only

    ever allowed into the lower parts of town, its nature and design very

    much represents the Eridarians themselves; unwelcoming to outsiders,

    self-absorbed, and completely self-reliant. The centre of worship for theEridarians New Gods, few outsiders are allowed to freely come to Siofra.

    SiofraThe Cradle is a huge artificial structure sitting atop the Dyson sphere sur-

    rounding Eta Carinae, the star in the centre of Drex. A cross between a

    planet and a space station, it is a Hypertech creation from the time-

    before-time. The centre of the Cradle is a multi-ethnic diplomatic hub,

    complete with the CORE and the Isolus on their ivory tower in the centre.

    As the Cradle expands outwards, it becomes more akin to a planet; grass-

    lands and large sole-species cities, until the edge is reached, protected byenergy barriers and magnetic resonators. Home to the Exohumans.

    The Cradle


    Dante01 filled a series of important roles for Drex; its dual-orbital struc-

    ture, with a central body, maintains gravity, and produces the facility

    with a reserve kinetic power supply. The main body of the facility is a

    well-known prison for those whose actions are irredeemable, for whom

    forgiveness cannot be granted; they are locked in tight cells, never seeing

    ight or freedom again. The first orbital facility, the largest, is the home of

    the Ghosts, elite special forces who protect Drex, and the second struc-

    ture is a research laboratory, of which many advances have borne from.


    Daat, the Silent City, is a place of intense beauty and order, as much amyth as an actual city. Its existence only recently discovered on the bar-

    ren Cendran ashlands by overhead photography, the city is the only sign

    of the existence of the Cendra, both their own visible city, and the only

    place outsiders may enter to better look into Cendran society. Governed

    and ran by those Cendra not concerned with the isolationism of their

    race, it is a large trade hub, popular with explorers and those seeking

    adventure on Cendra, but shows little of Cendra culture and their past.

    Daat, the Silent City

    Aethersun is less a city, and more a fortress. The Aetherin are a winged

    society, and as such, their main city, Aethersun, hovers miles above the

    central courtyard of the Cradle, overlooking the proceedings down below.

    The Aethersun are a limited race; their city contains their entire live-in

    population. They act as the elite guards of the Isolus, Humans who have

    sacrificed their humanity and merged with advanced, and often danger-

    ous technology to better help protect democracy and justice. They are a

    fair species, that take no sides in the ongoing political battles.


    Considered just a small part of the Temple of Logos, the home of theMandate sorcerers and the Tears of the Gods mercenary faction, it is

    nevertheless the most important building on the asteroid. It acts the main

    point of contact with the rest of Drex; it has the only starport on the as-

    teroid, a large communications array, a multi-species team to assist in-

    coming travellers, as well as basing diplomats, emissaries, and intermedi-

    ates of the Mandate. There are few Mandate students based here, but

    the city is still of incredible important, if for it s incredible beauty alone.

    Sigil, City of Doors

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    A Question, Answered1


    Adventures b 1,2,3A,B,C c Shape-Sorters dMy Favourite

    Rhymes e Tick, Tock, Today f My First Words

    You are a baby. Your parents offer you a selection of books as your first. Which do you grab at first?


    a Beat him up bTalk out your

    problems cTell the teacher

    or his parents dWait till he is hurt,

    then help him eGang up on him

    with your friends f Ignore him

    You are 6. A bully is picking on you in Pre-School. How do you respond?


    aPull her hair and

    point at her b Write her a poem cMake her

    Something nice dPay attention to her

    friend instead eHelp her when

    she needs help f Dont even bother

    You are 8. You have your first crush on a girl. How do you get her to like you?


    a Science b Metalwork c English d Ancient Languages e Physical Education f Religious Studies

    Throughout Primary School, you learn many things. What is your favourite subject?


    aCombat and

    Physical bWeapons and

    Maintenance c Engineering dLanguages and

    Relations eHistory and the

    Past f Religion and Faith

    You are 10. You have gotten into a TOWER-Run Specialisation school. What is the schools focus?


    aFear; you are

    Frozen in place bFear;

    you run away c Awe d Amazement e Jealousy f Bitterness

    You see a GHOST trooper for the first time. What thought runs through your head?


    a Heed the advice bResearch it

    thoroughly c Feel a little scared dWatch your back

    all year eIgnore it as

    superstition fIgnore it as


    You are 13. This is widely regarding as being an unlucky number. What are you feelings towards this?


    aMake sure he

    regrets it bGet your friends to

    get revenge cLeave it; youll get

    him later dLeave a surprise for

    him at his house eDistract your

    girlfriend from him f Ignore him

    You are 15. The bully from your youth is harassing you and your girlfriend. What is your response?


    aDo what you can to

    heal him bDrive him to the

    hospital c Say a prayer for him dFind out who he is

    and what happened e Call for help f Walk past him

    You come across a bleeding, injured man on the street. What do you do?


    aAnger; how could

    this happen? bRage; why does

    this happen to me? cAnger at the Doctor

    and hospital dRegret the time not

    spent together eMake her as com-

    fortable as possible fBecome depressed

    and withdrawn

    You have just found out that your Mother is terminally-ill. What is your initial reaction?


    aGet your gun; you

    must bring her back bNothing; she has

    made her decision cAttempt to talk her

    out of it d Go with her eAsk her to marry

    you, and stay fFollow her without

    her knowing

    Your Girlfriend has ventured outside the safety of the Cradle. What do you do?


    aCall security, but

    help them fight bCall security

    and run cTry to fight them

    yourself dCall your friends

    and fight eRun, but lay a

    trap for them fInspire the people

    around you to fight

    You are confronted with 5dangerous illegally-imported off-world monsters. What is your reaction?


    aGet him close; stab

    him in the heart bFire one last

    volley of shots cTry to control

    your pain dSpeak your last,

    dying words eWonder where you

    went wrong fHope your friends

    can avenge you

    Your enemy has just shot you twice in the chest. You are dying. What are your final thoughts?

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    An Answer, QuestionedA B C D E F

    1 Quorista Soldier Scout Knight Artificier Schoolman

    2 Warrior Cishuarim Schoolman Medic Soldier Scout

    3 Warrior Cishaurim Artificier Soldier Medic Quorista

    4 Medic Artificier Schoolman Cishaurim Warrior Knight

    5 Warrior Soldier Artificier Schoolman Cishaurim Knight

    6 Soldier Scout Warrior Knight Medic Quorista

    7 Knight Medic Cishaurim Scout Soldier Warrior

    8 Warrior Quorista Scout Artificier Knight Medic

    9 Medic Artificier Knight Cishaurim Quorista Scout

    10 Soldier Warrior Medic Artificier Knight Schoolman

    11 Soldier Artificier Schoolman Knight Cishaurim Scout

    12 Soldier Scout Warrior Quorista Artificier Knight

    13 Warrior Soldier Medic Schoolman Scout Quorista

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    Zener Four HorsemenA genius scientist, perverted by his

    own creations, and given a twisted

    new form. Now continues to create,

    in the hopes of finding perfection.

    And when each of the four seals

    opened, I heard the beasts within,

    each in turn, say Come, and See,

    and I knew fear incarnate.


    Creation / Circle of Life and Death / Transcendence


    Combat Action3

    Make an attack roll

    against any ally. If you

    hit, heal him by the

    DMG amount x2. If you

    miss, deal regular DMG.

    In the Absense of GodsThe Gods worshipped throughout Drex are an unusual breed; none of

    them are Gods in the sense of religious profundity, but all have large

    followings or temples dedicated to them, in one sense of another. Some

    are ancient Artificial Intelligences, Hypertech constructions, some of

    which watch over Drex, some are simply tales passed through time by

    the faded memories of the exohumans, their locations and physical

    forms long forgotten. Other Gods are recognised as once-living crea-

    tures, often Humans, whose adaption and symbiosis with technology has

    elevated to them to a status above their peers; sorcerous power and

    knowledge the like of which is unknown amongst regular people, and

    those who have given birth to races in their image, all in the pursuit of a

    single cause, just or otherwise. Others still are supernatural beings in-

    deed, whose connection with ancient Hypertech, which links the Gods

    together, seems unfleeting or impossible; an immortal who speaks with

    some ancient unseen God, speaking the impossible truth, dictating the

    future as if it was A mere memory, or an Emperor reborn in the funeral

    pyre as a living construct of flame and rage, set to retake the kingdoms

    lost in the past. Of course, others exist in similar states; these here listed

    are simply followed by people across Drex, known by all, who seem to

    wage eternal wars for the millions of souls they command.

    Alexander AsharithAfter finding a set of ancient scales,he came to wield an army of jackal-like machines, attempting to find

    ANUBIS and learn the truth.

    Asharith came to power in a barbar-

    ian clan, butchering her way to the

    top; a mechanical snout showed her

    faith in ANUBIS, and was rewarded.

    AnubisTheArbiter of Nonpartisan Unification, Barring Indiginous Species,

    ANUBIS, is an ancient machine, as old as N.O.A.H. and older than

    AORTA, whose purpose has long been forgotten, as has his location.

    His followers worship him as a God of Death, but TOWER insist his

    original purpose was peaceful; still, the rumours are persistant.

    Warfare / Destruction / Lust / heartbreak


    Tactical Action4

    If your next attack hits,

    the target takes 3D10

    DMG. If it kills him, all

    enemies in the area take

    D10 DMG.

    The Nascent Organic Acclimation Hub was the Exohumans finest, and

    final, creation. A huge migration ship unequal in size, N.O.A.H. trans-

    ported the seeds of life, the genetic material of the races of Drex, and

    delivered it to its destination. N.O.A.H. now sits on the outskirts of

    Drex, its pieces constituting the Dyson Sphere protecting Drex.

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    In the Absense of Gods

    Xia AhramayavXia, a construct who believes himself

    a Human, uses powerful telepathy

    to make his way in Drex; he has

    been infected by Zenshins virus.

    A mage whose sorcery is beyond

    equal; the Infinite Chorus sings of

    creatures of decay and madness,

    brought from peoples darkest fears.

    ZenshinZenshin is an uncertainty, a mathematical error whom appears in a

    variety of forms. He seems to exist as a dark-side of AORTA, contend-

    ing her decisions with his own malicious intent, and is the only one

    capable of standing against her. He is knowledable, and ancient, but

    untrustworthy, and seeks only for entropic chaos to consume Drex.

    Entropy / Decay / Chaos / Unpredictability



    Activate when you roll a

    dice. Instead, flip a coin;

    a heads counts as an

    automatic critical suc-

    cess, a tails counts as anautomatic critical failure.

    Eclipse IdhielA wandering warrior known for his

    precision swordsmanship, who

    turned from a corrupt empire to try

    to make the world a better place.

    A brutal and vicious warlord whose

    lands were razed in a bloody war.

    Now, he seeks vengeance, punishing

    all who he deems to be lost.

    A.O.R.T.A.AORTA, theArtificial Outer Rim Terminal Array, is the full-function AI

    which rules over Drex, a system AORTA refers to as the Outer Rim.

    AORTA controls all travel, communications, weather, sun-levels, oxy-gen saturation, and a million other variables within Drex, all running

    on an internal AI considered to be infallible and omniscient.

    Neutrality / Justice / Fairness / Determination


    Combat Action3

    Target one opponent,and roll 1D4 for each of

    your levels. Deal sepa-

    rate DMG equal to the

    result of each D6.

    Peabodysan AnphirProtector, warrior, and Archangel ofthe Aetherin, he is a well loved andmuch cherished ruler, whose self-

    lessness is an example to all.

    With an intense hatred of all but the

    Aetherin, the defence the Isolus,

    despite being an exile, comes only

    with the death of all other races.

    SammaelSammael was the creator and previous leader of the Aetherin, the

    elite Isolus security based in the ARC. He took the purest-of-heart

    Humans he could find, and crafted onto their backs mechanical

    wings. Their connection with this technology is symbiotic; now longer

    are they considered Human, but their own species.

    Altruism / Protection / Defence / Faith



    Activate at the start of a

    turn. For this turn, you

    take all DMG targeted at

    your allies, but you cant

    be killed or incapacitated.

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    Rachael VyrusFrom birth, Rachaels body began todecay. She was rebuilt with gearsand clockwork, and now leads the

    Human+ improvement programme.

    Vyrus is a byproduct of the Human+

    programme, who sees unaugmented

    Humans as weak. He reaps a terrible

    fury on the pure-blooded Humans.

    In the Absense of Gods

    DunyainDunyain, brother to Sammael and first amongst the Aetherin, tore off

    his own wings when he saw the direction and restraint they held. He

    believed technology should be completely integrated with Humanity

    to help them grow stronger. Now an exile, technology has made him

    near-immortal, and his search for Hypertech is never-ending.

    Stability / Control / Suffering / Triage


    Ranged Action3

    The next ranged attack

    you make deals 3x DMG.

    You take DMG equal to

    the base DMG rolled.

    Solomon JudgeOne of the few Eridians to serve the

    Dreamweaver, who acts as both a

    lawful merchant and a secret assas-

    sin-for-hire, both loyal to the cause.

    Judge was born inside the Silent

    City, and was the first to ever leave

    its walls willingly. Now he explores

    the world for goods to take home.

    DreamweaverThe Dreamweaver isnt so much a God, but a conduit to another un-

    named God. The Dreamweaver, elected to the throne of Anur-Jandria

    centuries ago, speaks only to his God, who supposedly exists with

    Eshen, and who relays great truths and prophecies to him. Silent, he

    relays orders to his Exarch, who speaks to the loyal followers in turn.

    Sorcery / Solidarity / Stubbornness / Concentration



    Activate when you re-

    ceive combat DMG. Deal

    an equal amount of

    DMG back to the


    Eshen KorinhDr Eshen always believed Humanity

    were the only race deserving of

    Drex. And his silver tongue quickly

    earned him many fervent followers.

    Korinh was once a powerful Prince,

    until he fell into Sentients hands.

    The silvery vial turned him into the

    mask-wearing assassin he is now

    DEIMOSDeimos was the ruler of a small upshot nation, called the Imperial

    Order, centuries ago. In a losing war against Anur-Jandria, he was

    forced back into his last bastion; he willingly burnt it down, sacrificing

    himself and his loyalist followers. He returned years later, a creature

    of flame and rage, and has since retaken his old land, and more.

    SECRECY / Conformity / blind loyalty / Rage


    Free Action2

    If the next attack you

    make hits, it automati-

    cally scores a critical hit.

    All enemies within 20feet of you suffer Burn.

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    The Turning of the WheelEverything that occurs in Drex is classified as a Turn. A turn incorporates one action from every active PC and NPC

    currently taking part in the game. As such, there is a strict sequence that must be followed to maintain structure,

    balance, and to simplify the process as much as possible. A name has been given to each type of turn that can be

    used, to better identify for all involved just what is occurring. In the cause of a turn, every actions occur at near-

    simultaneous times; where it may sound like one action precedes another to an outside observer, in the swirl of

    melee and action it would be difficult to see any real difference in speed or timing between those involved.

    The Many Faces of a TurnCombat Action

    A Combat Action is an attack action with a melee weapon, the butt of a rifle, or even your own fist or a makeshift weapon.

    This also includes such actions as grappling an enemy, throwing yourself at a foe, quick-firing a holstered pistol, or igniting

    your weapon in glorious holy fire.

    Ranged ActionA Ranged Action can only be undertaken when you have an Impact or Energy weapon equipped, or a thrown Combatweapon, and you are NOT within combat range of an opponent. Ranged Actions take the form of powerful long- or me-dium-ranged shots from weapons, using either physical Impact ammunition, or plasma-sheathed Energy blasts. Ranged

    Actions do not just apply to weapon-fire though; an Aim action, as well as Prepare actions, are also classified as Ranged

    Actions, as well as the utilisation of markerlight devices, raising the effectiveness of your allies.Tactical ActionA Tactical Action is a vast and varied event. Tactical Actions often include effects that greatly enhance the players, or his

    allies abilities in some distinct way. From firing multiple times next turn, to incorporating the healing of allies through

    physical or magical means. Free ActionReaction


    Free Actions incorporate nearly everything not already covered; movement, hiding behind cover, switching weapons, and

    opening and closing doors all fall into the Free Action category. These actions take place with no restrictions, regardless of

    distance to enemy, the players status or condition. Other effects of Free Actions include low-effect high-yield buffs, healing

    effects, and other such immediate actions.

    Focus Points, hereafter referred to as FP, are a measure of someone's ability to act in a single term; it is their concentra-

    tion, their ability to react, their level of control of both the situation occurring around them, and their own body. All actions

    require varying amounts of FP to conduct, which are listed below. Focus can also be overboosted, which involves mental

    and physical preparation for the next turn, by sacrificing the current turn; this is explain more on the next page.

    A Reaction is a swift and simple action, a response to any specific circumstances occurring on the battlefield. Most often,

    these Reactions include dodging attacks, blocking attacks using shields, parrying attacks using swords or staffs, or simplygetting the hell out of the way! Other such reactions may, with the training of specialisation classes, including disarming an

    opponent, repositioning an enemy, returning a bewildered enemies attack, or even defending a weak but valuable ally.

    Only one Reaction may ever be taken during any full turn.


    Attacking with a Light weapon 2

    Attacking with a Medium weapon 3

    Attacking with a Heavy weapon 4


    Activating a Feat 26

    Using an Item / Changing Weapons 1

    Activating a Secondary Stat 1

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    Combat & The Turn Se-Roll for Initiative

    At the beginning of any combat, everybody involved rolls for Initiative. For the GM, groups of enemies may

    roll together, where individual higher-levelled enemies may still roll individually. In this case, everybody

    rolls a D10, and adds their Agility bonus to it, giving them their Initiative for the combat. This value will rarely

    chance throughout each individual encounter.



    Feat ActionsIts your turn! Now, you can choose to either acti-

    vate a Feat, or simply go with an Action.

    An action undergoes a process within the scope of a

    normal individual. Attacking with a melee weapon,

    firing a ranged weapon, preparing a weapon, or

    simply moving around the battlefield to better posi-tion oneself. All regular actions are considered free,

    and cost nothing to cost, although their effects are

    often sedated and regular.

    StepThree(B)Its your turn! Now, you can choose to either acti-vate a Feat, or simply go with an Action.A Skill is a defined action, when a PC goes beyond

    the realms of normality and performs an extraordi-

    nary deed; casting sorcery, ignoring DMG, dealing

    incredible blows, or unleashing a hailstorm of bul-lets upon an opponent. To activate, all Skills cost 1

    faith (deducted when activated), and the effects

    must be followed exactly as written.



    Between TurnsSo you acted on your turn, and it was either a phenomenal success, or a disastrous failure! No matter. When

    it isnt your turn, you must still follow the process of combat; during an enemies turn, they could attack you,

    requiring you to dodge an attack, defensively block it using a shield or cover, or even parry a close combat

    attack to better position yourself, or remove your enemies superior position. Where your turn has ended, the

    round of combat continues; remember, you still have your one Reaction to use, which may save your life.



    End of RoundWhat happens now is entirely dependant upon the

    state of combat.

    If there are enemies still remaining when every PC

    and NPC has completed their individual turns, the

    round of combat ends.

    Some skills activate exclusively here. Otherwise, with

    the initiative order remaining the same, the round

    ends and a new round begins. Return to step two,

    and continue.

    End of CombatWhat happens now depends upon the state of combat.

    When there are no enemies left, or alternately, when

    all of the PCs have been wiped out (called a TPKTotal

    Party Kill), the combat comes to a conclusion.

    With the enemies dead, loot is collected, and the play-

    ers continue their mission, ever onwards. With the

    players dead, this is the end of their adventure; some

    GM fiat might save them, otherwise, it results in a




    Starting Your Turn and FocusIts your turn! The first thing that occurs is that you regenerate Focus Points up to your Focus stat; this allows

    you to act in the ways described on the last page. Before you declare any actions, you must declare if you

    wish to Overboost your Focus; by Overboosting, you can set aside up to half of your Focus Points as if you

    had spent them. By doing this, after regenerating Focus Points next turn, you gain the additional Focus Points

    you Overboosted. These are Overboost Focus Points, and must be used during that turn; you can only Over-

    boost regular Focus Points, and Overboosted Focus Points are always spent first.

    Now, with that out of the way you can choose to either activate a Feat, or simply go with an Action.


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    The Birth of a Hero...

    A Word

    On Health

    Each body part has a limit on how much damage it can

    take before it becomes too damaged to continue.

    When you generate your health, cross out the boxes

    you arent using; now, when you take damage, you can

    shade in the boxes as you go along. When a limb dies,

    it is no longer usable. When your torso, and two of

    your limbs runs out of health, you are incapacitated.

    When your head runs out of health, you are incapaci-

    tated. An incapacitated character can no longer act in

    any way, and must be sav-

    ed by an ally quickly, bef-

    ore they bleed out and

    die. This leads to a

    Game Over.

    Create your Character

    Last of all, you must flesh out your character. Generating a

    Character is all about personal choice and preference above all

    else. For those struggling to decide, each Race page offers sug-

    gestions and randomisations to assist this process. If you con-

    tinue to struggle, ask your fellow PCs for assistance, or request

    more background knowledge from your GM. Good luck!


    Enlist in a Career

    Now to select a Career from the list; when your career is se-

    lected, you get an amount of Wealth, as well as relevant

    equipment, which shows your dedication and progress in

    your Career before the start of the game. A Career is an im-

    portant choice, as it entirely effects the way you play DreX

    from this point onwards. It is recommended that you thinklong and hard about your career choice.

    At the start of this book, there is a short quiz which can help

    determine, through a series of questions, which Career

    would be most suitable for you. Your GM may, or may not,

    decide to use this quiz, so keep that in mind.


    Select Your God

    This may be a process skipped by your GM, but a God is

    to be selected and worshipped in a similar way to a Race

    being picked. Read over the Gods, think of your charac-

    ter, and who he would be more willing to follow. Selec-

    tion awards you with a special gift from your God, in the

    form of a Feat which can be used in the same way as your

    Race and Career Feats. But remember, your God can

    have huge effects on the future of your game, even if

    they have relatively little impact at the beginning.


    Calculate your Primary Stats

    Now to generate your Primary Stats. For your health, this equals your Endurance Bonus for each

    limb. For your body, increase it by 1.5, and for your head, reduce it by 0.5. Your movement, per

    turn, is equal to your Agility Bonus, whereas your Wealth is equal to your races starting Wealth,

    times your Luck Bonus. All Resistances and Karma begin at 0, and your Focus starts at 6 (your

    Overboost at 3). Your Level begins at 1, and both your Spent and Earned Experience start at 0.


    Generate your Secondary Stats

    You already have your genetic baseline for the secondary stats; items like Awareness and Technology. Now, to generate those

    stats. First you need to add the effects of nature; roll 2D10 or 1D20 for each Secondary stat. This is your starting stat value. You

    can now add your Racial bonus to this starting value. Now, for each SPECIAL category (ie: Strength has Makeshift, Armorer,

    Intimidate and Tactics) your SPECIAL stat becomes the amount of points you have to distribute in that area. Remember that noSecondary stat can start above 80, and where some may end quite high, it only means that others suffer with lower scores.


    Generating the Special Stats

    Copy the stats from your Race directly onto your character

    sheet; it is important to be precise here. Now, you have a

    character from the genetic template of your species; its

    time to add in a little bit of nurture to your nature. For

    each SPECIAL stat, roll either 1D20 or 2D10, and add the

    result to the stat. The results should give you an idea of

    what your character will be like at the end of the process.


    Select a Race

    Each of the races are individual, coming with unique skills

    and statistics to represent their different abilities in-game.

    Select a race, or speak to the GM about randomising a Race,to add that little bit of surprise to the process. After select-

    ing a Race, and choosing ONE racial feat, you must also se-

    lect a Faction within that race; do not add your Faction bo-

    nuses to your profile yet, this comes later on.




    No matter the circum-

    stances, GMs fiat aside,

    you ALWAYS round down

    on incomplete results.

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    ...Or the Evolution of a VillainLEVEL EXP

    1 START

    2 250

    3 300

    4 350

    5 400

    6 450

    7 500

    8 600

    9 700

    10 800

    11 900

    12 1000

    13 1100

    14 1200

    15 1300

    16 1400

    17 1500

    18 1750

    19 2000

    20 2500

    A living creatures experience in lifeeverything they learn, see, experience, and feelgoes along way towards making them a Hero. Where a creatures genetics give them a baseline upon birthto start from, and their upbringing and environment help to shape them as they reach their adultyears, it is their choices throughout life that really make them who they are; be that Hero, Villian, orcorpse.

    This is the value of Experience. Every enemy killed, every secret learnt, every shadow ex-

    plored; these are all things to learn from, and to make you better at killing, learning, exploring, andmore importantly; surviving. Experience is a valuable commodity, and can be spent in multiple waysto improve your character. All experience is spent before or after a session, and at the GMs approval.

    Levelling Up

    As the GM awards you with experience, one of

    the ways to spend this experience is to Level

    Up your character. By purchasing a Level Up

    (the cost is listed on the table to the side; this

    cost is per level, not cumulative) it shows that

    your character has grown physically and men-

    tally, and has learnt from his experiences.

    A Level Up does a series of important things.

    Your Health will increase by 1 for each limb (to

    a predetermined maximum), you will gain

    Wealth equal to your Races Wealth bonus

    times your Luck Bonus, and you will have the

    option of selecting a new Trait to improve your


    Also, a higher level will often effect how ene-

    mies, and neutrals, react towards you, as wellas your relative Fame, Infamy, and how your

    Karma effects the world around you.


    SPECIAL 10 350

    Secondary 10 200

    Focus 1 500

    Resistance 1 500

    Trait Gain Trait (Costs Listed)

    Stat Increases

    Rather than the broad Levelling Up option, you can

    specialise in one area, giving large increases in one

    specific stat, but leaving all the other stats stationary.

    This may help bump up your ability to pick locks for an

    upcoming stealth mission, but wouldnt increase your

    ability to wire the bomb into the generator and run

    the hell out of there! Useful when youre lacking inone area, or just want to improve another.

    Think: CirclesWhen increasing your various stats, you will see vari-

    ous small circles near them. These circles represent

    limits to start increases; when you pay to increase

    these stats, fill in the circles. If there are no free cir-

    cles, you cannot increase the stat any further!


    Specialising in your

    Starting Career400

    Training in a

    Secondary Career 750

    Specialising in your

    Secondary Career600

    Specialising in your Career

    There comes a time in every mans life when he has to make an important decision; does he continue on the path he has already

    started on, or does he forge a new path, regardless of the difficulties involved. The same can be said about the Careers in DreX. Each

    Career has Five Specialisation options, which reward the player with relevant stat increases, and new and powerful Feats to use in com-

    bat. These become active as soon as the Specialisation is purchased. Meanwhile, a Hero can always choose to begin on a new path; you

    can purchase a brand new Career using your experience earned. This new Career gives additional stat upgrades, and Feats in areas the

    previous Career may have been no help with. Mixing and matching Careers to work well together is the key to creating a powerful

    Hero. Even more important, when your experience again begins to rise, you can purchase Specialisation classes in both of your Careers,

    increasing your options in any given situation, and making you a key member in any team; two heads are better than one.

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    HUMANA social race by nature, apart from birth they have no connections to any other member of their species despite those they form themselves;

    bonds of brotherhood between two close friends, the drunken alliance between two men after their drinking gets out of hand, and the powerful

    bond between two humans donning armour for their lords; especially in the latter regard, Humans are known for their tenacity, their will to

    survive, and their indomitable nature. They s ee life as being made for them, and wish to conquer it in every way possible.

    They are friendly to the other races, and although many humans have pretty strong feelings against the other species of Drex, many often relying

    on imagined persecution against themselves, Humanity are known for their generally friendly nature, their adaptability in social (and environ-

    mental) situations, and their willingness to help the others races; often for a price. Their enterprising nature i s completely unstoppable, as they

    will take on any job, no matter the danger or threat, if the price is good enough; more Human mercenaries exist than any other race.

    But they have a much darker side. The most violent and emotional of the races, they can be extremely unforgiving, and can hold grudges for many decades. They react

    badly to persecution, and will often engage in combat, even warfare, for the most trivial of matters. A race consumed by greed and lust, the other races find them

    difficult to trust; as such, they have to fight for everything they desire, and despite being the underdog in almost every way, they struggle ever onwards.

    Height & Weight

    1 63 190lbs

    2 62 185lbs

    3 61 180lbs

    4 60 175lbs

    5 511 170lbs

    6 510 165lbs

    7 59 160lbs

    8 58 155lbs

    9 57 150lbs

    10 56 145lbs

    1-2 Black





    7-8 Blonde

    9 Red

    0 Dyed


    1-2 3-4 5-6 7-8 9 0

    Brown Blue Green Hazel Grey Gold



    17 Male 20 + D20

    80 Female 15 + D20



    Re-roll any failed roll. You must

    keep the second result.


    Tactical Action3

    Next turn, either: Attack twice with

    any weapon, add +1 to its failure

    rate, OR attack three times with

    any weapon, add +2 to its failure.











































    Wealth 1-3 Poor 150 4-6 Rich 400

  • 8/8/2019 DreX - V0.6


    THE HUMAN FACTIONSHumanity has never really been a collective. They dont live in hive-cities like the Kai-ka-Thear, they dont associate in clans like the Sigurn, and they don't have the

    strong family bonds like the Eridarians. Their factions vary immensely from one to the next; some are companies with employees, some act like monarchies, others still

    are ruled by councils or elected officials, and some are entirely free of rule and ruler, and operate on a best-for-the-community basis.

    Due to their indomitable nature, Humanity have spread to every corner of Drex. They build fortresses in the frozen tundra's of Ibica, roaming caravans that wander the

    desert of Cendra, and huge cities with before-unseen numbers of people living in the same place, all in the safety of Arcan. Their many factions are equally as distinct

    as the differences between the races, and warfare between Human factions is a common occurrence. Faith, nature, virtues; when a Human joins a faction, he often

    adopts everything about them. Many lack the choice, and are simply born into such factions, remaining until they die.

    ANUR-JANDRIA Anur-Jandria follow a castrated Demi-God in a golden mask,

    called the Dreamweaver, who receives orders and instruc-

    tions, in the form of dreams, from an unknown God. Zealots,

    although they look after their followers well.


    +10 Luck

    +10 Arcane

    +10 Language

    -10 Charisma

    -10 Medicine

    -10 Ancient

    PREFERRED CAREER Scout, Cishaurim

    BASEOF OPERATION Oneiros Oneiric Citadel

    Alexios Thairo Com-Aswan

    THE IMPERIAL ORDER The Imperial Order are knightly warriors in heavy armour,

    preferring advanced hand-to-hand weapons over ranged.

    They follow their Great-Emperor with extreme passion, de-

    spite his corruption and oppression.


    +10 Strength

    +10 Armorer

    +10 Block

    -10 Agility

    -10 Block

    -10 Ancient

    PREFERRED CAREER Knight, Warrior

    BASEOF OPERATION Fist of Deimos Foundland

    Herald Calibur Forge

    NOMADSThose referred to as Nomads are the uncounted masses of

    Humanity, those who serve no real faction, follow no real

    course in their life, and whose place is birth isnt prestigious

    enough for categorisation.


    +10 Endurance

    +10 Barter

    +10 Stealth

    -10 Intellect

    -10 Tactics

    -10 Ancient

    PREFERRED CAREER Warrior, Schoolman


    Hampton Basin Riverside


    Those deemed Cradle-born are Humans born in the safety of

    Cradle, in Prima Drex, who have grew up surrounded by

    technology. They are skilled with technology, but have little

    in terms of optimism, or a future ahead of them.


    +10 Perception

    +10 Technology

    +10 Precision

    -10 Endurance

    -10 Block

    -10 Ancient

    PREFERRED CAREER Artificier, Medic

    BASEOF OPERATION Level 1: Enviro Level 9: MaintA

    Level 51: ASec Level 98: HighP Level 177: HomeV

    Dante 01Dante01 is the largest prison within Drex; it is classified as a

    faction within its own right, due to the sheer number of

    people contained within, either as prisoners of the system,

    or those taking it upon themselves as guards.


    +10 Agility

    +10 Lockpick

    +10 Perform

    -10 Luck

    -10 Barter

    -10 Ancient


    BASEOF OPERATION Cell Block VI Cell Block XX

    External Security Kitchen Administration

    THE C.O.R.E.

    The CORE are the diplomats, negotiators, and ruthless busi-

    ness that live on the Cradle, often in the higher reaches of the

    central courtyard, high above the lower ranked Cradle-born.

    Charismatic and charming, but often cold.


    +10 Charisma

    +10 Electronics

    +10 Persuade

    -10 Agility

    -10 Empathy

    -10 Ancient

    PREFERRED CAREER Medic, Knight

    BASEOF OPERATION Prima Drex Supremacy

    New Central Courtyard Newarth

  • 8/8/2019 DreX - V0.6



    Travellers of QiAlly to Anur-Jandria, enemy to the Imperial Order, the Travel-

    lers of Qi are an altruistic nation who command a large area

    of Arcan from their lone stronghold city. Xiao Dan and his

    Generals are said to come from a different dimension.


    +10 Agility

    +10 Awareness

    +10 Empathy

    -10 Endurance

    -10 Stealth

    -10 Ancient

    PREFERRED CAREER Warrior, Medic


    Xuchan Chengdu Zhan-liao


    The Human+ advancement programme has a large following

    across Drex, and despite its often negative image, they per-

    form many good deeds across Human settlements. Rachael

    Nash is their recognised leader and firstborn.


    +10 Intellect

    +10 Tactics

    +10 Repair

    -10 Charisma

    -10 Language

    -10 Ancient

    PREFERRED CAREER Artificier, Schoolman

    BASEOF OPERATION Newarth Prima Drex

    Alexios Ibica-Plas Level 9: MaintA

    AETHERIN The Aetherin are barely considered Human now, despite their

    genetic identity. From a young age, those born as Aetherin

    attach robotic wings to their back. Their symbiosis with tech-

    nology is more a mystic art than an understanding of science.


    +10 Endurance

    +10 Biology

    +10 Repair

    -10 Agility

    -10 Make Shift

    -10 Ancient

    PREFERRED CAREER Knight, Schoolman

    BASEOF OPERATION Aethersun Newarth

    Prima Drex Courtyard New Central

    TOWERTOWER are the largest Human collective across Drex. Gal-

    axy-leader in industry, they control much of the CORE and

    have powerful influence with the Isolus, despite their cold

    and often numbers-orientated outlook on life.


    +10 Perception

    +10 Barter

    +10 Dexterity

    -10 Luck

    -10 Empathy

    -10 Ancient

    PREFERRED CAREER Artificier, Scout


    Newarth PSI Outpost Courtyard

    HAVENRuled over by Father Idriss, the clans of Haven live on the

    ice-moon of Ibica, and endure temperatures and conditions

    few other races must. This has made them strong and pow-

    erful, but also superstitious and clan-based.


    +10 Strength

    +10 Tactics+10 Survival

    -10 Agility

    -10 Electronics-10 Ancient

    PREFERRED CAREER Scout, Warrior

    BASEOF OPERATION Ibica-Plas Noth-tra

    Sath-tra Eyast Cennala


    Despite their conditions, the clans of Haven have progressed

    into space, with help from the Travellers of Qi, with relative

    ease. The Storm Haven fleet is in constant orbit around Ibica,

    more to do with Odrinns exile and loyalty than anything else.


    +10 Strength

    +10 Tactics+10 Repair

    -10 Charisma

    -10 Language-10 Ancient

    PREFERRED CAREER Soldier, Warrior

    BASEOF OPERATION Command: Wartorn BattleShip: Sky Lance

    Med Ship: Oversight Migration: Drift BattleShip: Foresight

  • 8/8/2019 DreX - V0.6


    EXOHUMANExohumans are widely recognised as the Progenitor race on Drex; they created the system around them, the races that live here, and are the

    only ones with a true understanding of Hypertech. Their race reached untold heights in knowledge and technology, and were the fathers of

    sorcery and science. They came here fleeing from an unknown enemy, long forgotten to them, that still haunts their dreams in the dead of

    night. They are a scattered species, infected and diseased by some past atrocity, unable to reproduce and continue their species; it is assumed

    that it was this atrocity that took their memories, leaving them with varied amounts of shrapnel buried deep in their subconscious.

    Now acting as the sages and guides of modern Drex, the Exohumans utilise what knowledge they have to try and teach the other races, to help

    them better themselves in every way possible. Some do it for money or reward, others simply because it is the right thing to do. Few Exohu-

    man communities exist, and yet every major and most minor communities have at least one Exohuman within their ranks, regardless of statusand power; all, except for the Kai-ka-Thear, who distrust the Exohumans and see them as an unnecessary reminder of a past long forgotten.

    Exohumans look similar to Humans. They have a similar height and weight, almost exact body structure and genetic makeup, and similar social structures to Humanity.

    As such, Exohumans are considered the genetic-precursor to the Humans, leading to much conflict between the races. Exohumans, though, are much more intelligent

    and open when compared to Humanity, and if there is a connections between the races, the Exohumans are a welcoming look into Humanities enlightened future.

    Height & Weight

    1 65 190lbs

    2 64 185lbs

    3 63 180lbs

    4 62 175lbs

    5 61 170lbs

    6 60 165lbs

    7 511 160lbs

    8 510 155lbs

    9 59 150lbs

    10 58 145lbs

    1-2 Blonde

    3-4 White

    5-6 Black

    7-8 Blonde

    9 Gold

    0 Dyed


    1-2 3-4 5-6 7-8 9 0

    Grey Gold Blue Brown Green Black



    18 Male 200 + D100

    90 Female 400 + D100



    Activate in response to the activa-

    tion of any spell. Any rolls made for

    this spell can be re-rolled, keeping

    the new results.


    Free Action3

    Roll an opposed Charisma test

    against one enemies Intelligence.

    On a success, the enemy becomes

    your Minion for two turn.











































    Wealth 1-3 Poor 75 4-6 Rich 250

  • 8/8/2019 DreX - V0.6


    AN EXOHUMANSMEMORIESThe Atrocity, as the Exohumans refer to it, was a devastation in their past, after the creation of Drex but before the evolution of the species around them. It left them

    genetically ill, and impossible to cure; they cannot reproduce, as almost 90% of Exohuman young are stillborn after 11 months of agonising pain for the mother. As a

    race gifted with a near-immortality, who have escaped the grasp of age and death, this i s the worst cure they could possible acquire, and has resulted in many Exohu-

    mans practically falling to pieces.

    Exohumans are rarely categorised by faction, but instead, by their memories. The more memories (or shards thereof) that an Exohuman has, the more defined role

    they seem to naturally turn to; those with limited memories, but a wish to learn more, become Librarians, chronicling their race for the young that do survive. Those

    with few varied memories, but one specific dream or desire often become Exodites, explorers and travellers, who take up homes within other racial communities as

    advisers and guardians. Those called the Sepia are almost entirely without their memories; they have no interest in learning more, and live a grey an lifeless existence

    wondering about what was. Finally, and ironically, those who have the most coherent memories of the Exohumans past are the Nonmen; they have mutated,

    changed their physical form through genetics or nature, and often become enemies to Drex, hiding in ancient structures, waiting their chance to take revenge.

    L IBRARIANLibrarians rarely leave the sanctuary of their homes or for-

    tresses. Where many of their race are content without memo-

    ries of their past, Librarians scour literature long outdated to

    catalogue references to a past they desperate grasp at.


    +10 Intellect+10 Ancient

    -10 Strength-10 Persuade

    PREFERRED CAREER Knight, Schoolman

    BASEOF OPERATION Citivas Aethersun

    Napra-Sigurn Sigil Prima Drex

    EXODITEAn Exohuman traveller names himself an Exodite to show

    his separation from his brothers; often abandoning Exohu-

    man society entirely, Exodites wander around Drex, chasing

    after a dream or purpose often long vanished.


    +10 Agility+10 Survival

    -10 Intellect-10 Technology

    PREFERRED CAREER Soldier, Scout

    BASEOF OPERATION Fist of Deimos Homestead

    Standra Hearth Waters Edge

    NONMAN Nonmen are Exohumans who have become twisted with

    memories of the past. Mutating their natural forms, they are

    often hulking creatures of size and power, with great magical

    prowess. Most are enemies of Drex and its people.


    +10 Strength

    +10 Arcane

    -10 Charisma

    -10 Medicine

    PREFERRED CAREER Warrior, Quorista

    BASEOF OPERATION Non-Aurgas Non-Sancta

    Non-Pura Napra-Tacturn Illiure-Fianza

    SEPIA A Sepia has fell through purpose, into the silence of their

    own mind. Grey creatures, sent into despair by the tattered

    remains of their memories; they are pessimistic and hollow

    creatures, caring about few and far between.


    +10 Agility

    +10 Intimidate

    -10 Intellect

    -10 Empathy

    PREFERRED CAREER Soldier, Artificier

    BASEOF OPERATION Non-Sepia Darklight

    Eyes of Grace Cennadra Aethermoon

  • 8/8/2019 DreX - V0.6


    ONATAThe Onata were originally on a small planet called Tarsus-Thear. It was relatively unremarkable, and they shared the planet with a multitude ofother races, prominantly the Zelleth, the Katra, and the Kai-ka-Thear. A race of diplomats, artists and speakers, their culture advanced rapidly;Onatan art sold for huge amounts around Tarsus Thear, long before space travel was accessible, their skills in high demand. That was, until the

    Kai-ka-Thear emerged from underground. The Kai-ka-Thear swarmed across Tarsus-Thear, an unceasing tide of chitin and talon. The Katra fell,

    so did the Zelleth, and it looked as if the Onata would also fall, until an Exohuman Hypership, the Exile, emerged from space. Its cannons

    unleashed molten death upon the Kai-ka-Thear, while transport ships collected the Onata, saving their species. The Kai-ka-Thear were left to

    nurse their wounds, the planet now theirs, while the Onata were relocated to Arcan, the Human planet.

    Since that day, the Onata have a powerful hatred for the Kai-ka-Thear, and an appreciation both of the Humans and the Exohumans. Their art

    and culture has grown to be a mainstay of Drex, the most distinct and recognisable across the galaxy, and their services are in constant demands. They make up a large

    and convincing portion of the Isolus, and their personal CORE has much diplomatic power.

    The Onata themselves are an odd species. They are creatures made entirely of a biological mix of liquids with a similar appearance to water, although much thicker and

    more coalesced. They often take appearance almost exactly like Humans, except for a love of the colour blue, and they are often dressed in loose and provocative

    flowing gowns and impressive layers of jewellery. In defence, they can reform their bodies around wounds, and can turn almost complete invisible.

    Height & Weight

    1 61 175L

    2 60 170L

    3 511 165L

    4 510 160L

    5 59 155L

    6 58 150L

    7 57 145L

    8 56 140L

    9 55 135L

    10 54 130L

    1-2 Bald





    7-8 Cyan

    9 Blue

    0 Dyed


    1-2 3-4 5-6 7-8 9 0

    Cyan Blue Navy Black Silver Clear



    15 Male 30 + D20

    60 Female 25 + D20


    Tactical Action2

    For two turns, you are considered

    to be invisible, and automatically

    roll a 20 for any Stealth tests.


    Free Action2

    Heal 1 health on each of your limbs

    andl 2 health on your torso.

    Wealth 1-3 Poor 125 4-6 Rich 350











































  • 8/8/2019 DreX - V0.6


    AN ONATANS SURGEOnatans are a race of kindness and unity; their young are raised together, in crowds of upwards of two-hundred, spending little time with their parents, and consider-

    able time learning to socialise and look after themselves while around other Onatan children. Their communities are communistic in nature, and currency plays little

    value within their cities; they believe in barter, a trade of one valuable good for another, always items of use or importance; as such, they have a specific caste, those

    referred to as Lakes, who spend countless years learning of financial tricks and the workings of a monetary system; these castes play an important role in keeping the

    Onata a powerful trade nation, and not letting some of the more sly races rip them off.

    Their different classes are referred to as Surges, and are named after formations of water on the surface world, used to adequately represent the given classes nature

    and style. Some examples are River, Ocean, and Rain. These terms are thrown around a lot in Onatan cities, used often as a term of endearment, as much as they

    are used as an insult. Those refer to as Oceans are highly respected amongst the Onata, and often form governing councils to guide cities onwards.

    R IVERThose referred to as Rivers are constantly-moving, fast-

    flowing and ever advancing. Capable warriors, usually free-

    lancers for hire, they are extremely aggressive, and often

    hateful and judgemental of the other races.


    +10 Endurance

    +10 Tactics

    -10 Charisma

    -10 Perform

    PREFERRED CAREER Warrior, Scout

    BASEOF OPERATION Illiure-Canvi Escini-Troi

    Escini-Napra Illiure-Escini Illiure-Wakka

    OCEANOceans are elder Onatans who have seen and learnt much

    more than their fellows. Knowledgeable and wise, they are

    often leaders or people of authority, guiding and teaching all

    who come to them for advice or support.


    +10 Intellect

    +10 Persuade

    -10 Strength

    -10 Intimidate

    PREFERRED CAREER Medic, Cishaurim

    BASEOF OPERATION Illiure-Canvi Viradenne Drop

    Escini-Troi Illiure-Escini Illiure-Seed

    LAKELakes are diplomatics, salesmen, merchants, those who have

    much to offer to the other races. Often travellers, and more

    often than not found in small groups in foreign cities, they are

    a friendly group who seek to advance foreign relations.


    +10 Perception

    +10 Barter

    -10 Agility

    -10 Survival

    PREFERRED CAREER Medic, Artificier

    BASEOF OPERATION Illiure-Canvi Viradenne Drop

    Illiure-Wakka Escini-Canvi Illiure-Escini

    RAINThose referred to as Rain are outsiders, those who are con-

    sidered to have simply fallen out of the sky. Employed as

    assassins, or winding up as murderers, they use their genetic

    talents to infiltrate, steal, kill, and simply take from others.


    +10 Agility+10 Lockpick -10 Charisma-10 Empathy

    PREFERRED CAREER Knight, Scout

    BASEOF OPERATION Illiure-Canvi Illiure-Seed

    Escini-Napra Escini-Troi Escini-Canvi

  • 8/8/2019 DreX - V0.6


    ERIDARIAThe Eridarians are considered the youngest of the species of Drex. Their evolution the slowest, they are still resistant to the growing influence

    of technology in the other, more civilised societies, and their reliance on archaic tech is stronger and more profound than ever. Strange,

    then, that their practicing of the art of sorcery is so much more advanced than the other races, despite its technological inclinations. Still,

    they see the other tech-friendly races of Drex, especially Humanity, as a race to be wary of; during the time of transition between the Eridari-

    ans state of worship, many terrorist factions of Eridarians rose in action against Humanity, the so-called techno-heathens, and continue to

    plague them to this day; of course, all without acknowledgment by the Eridarians ruling classes.

    Still, the Eridarians have much in common with Humanity. Genetically, they are similar; Eridarians are slightly taller, with Humans carrying

    more bulk weight and less pure muscle. Eridarians grasp of trade and currency is severely lacking, and it is only their tenacity and unwilling-ness to be ripped off by the other races that keeps them at the middling point of galactic trade.

    As a race, they are stubborn and quick to anger. In proportion, they have almost twice as many more of their race arrested for crimes on the Cradle as any other race

    (with Humans taking second place). They are an insular race, distrusting of the other races, and are very proud of their achievements and culture, regardless of the

    relatively little impact it has on Drex society. They are ruled by High Priests, and are a highly religious culture, especially since their recent paradigm shift.

    Height & Weight

    1 61 160lbs

    2 60 155lbs

    3 511 150lbs

    4 510 145lbs

    5 59 140lbs

    6 58 135lbs

    7 57 130lbs

    8 56 125lbs

    9 55 120lbs

    10 54 115lbs

    1-2 Bald





    7-8 Brown

    9 Green

    0 Dyed


    1-2 3-4 5-6 7-8 9 0

    Hazel Brown Blue Yellow Orange Green



    17 Male 17 + D20

    80 Female 13 + D20



    Activate when you roll any Ancient,

    Arcane, Empathy or Language test.

    Roll twice, and keep the preferred




    Activate when you make a success-

    ful dodge.

top related