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Aerial View

Also called a bird’s-eye view. Observing from a point of view at a high elevation. In perspective, when the horizon line, and thus the vanishing point (-s), have been placed near or above the top of the picture frame. This applies most often to landscapes, cityscapes, etc. (Be careful not to confuse aerial view with aerial perspective).

Aerial/Atmospheric Perspective

The means by which the illusion of atmospheric distance and depth is created by rendering objects in background space with less edge and value contrast. May also be accompanied by a shift from warmer to cooler hues. softer focus or lighter value.


The reduction or simplification of an image or object to an essential aspect (geometric or organic) of its form or content.


An imaginary straight line that indicates movement and the direction of movement. Be it the X,Y or Z axis or any other one.


Objects or undetermined spaces surrounding the main subject of a work. The most distant zone of space in three-dimensional illusion

Horse with background of greenery and the sky


A light source positioned behind a person or object that can create a silhouette or separate the person or object from the background.

Backlight Behind Chess Pawns The backlight behind the statue and the cathedral makes their

features not seeable to the viewer

Base Tone

The darkest tone on a form, located on that part of the surface that is turned away from rays of light.

The base tone is the darkest tone in the whole drawing

The different types of tones

Blind Contour

Line drawings produced without looking at the paper. Such drawings are done to heighten the feeling for space and form and to improve eye-hand coordination

Cast Shadow

The shadow thrown by a form onto an adjacent or nearby surface in a direction away from the light source. This is the very common type of shadow we all now, and it is usually sharper than form shadow


A word borrowed from Italian (“light and shade” or “dark”) referring to the modeling of volume by depicting light and shade by contrasting them boldly. This is one means of strengthening an illusion of depth on a two-dimensional surface, and was an important topic among artists of the Renaissance.


The organization and interaction of shapes, forms, lines, patterns, light and color


The subject and meaning of a work of art.

The Contents Of The Picture Here Is Lolita~ :3

Continuous Line Drawing

A drawing in which the implement(the drawing tool) remains in uninterrupted contact with the picture plane creating enclosed shapes.

In Plain English:- A drawing created using one single line, the pencil from the beginning to the end of the drawing process. The final drawing consist of one single uninterrupted line.


The outline and other visible edges of a mass, figure or object

Contour Line (Drawing)

A single line that represents the edge of a form or group of forms and suggests three-dimensional quality indicating the thickness as well as height and width of the form it describes. Contour line drawing uses subtle overlapping planes.

In Plain English:- A simplified drawing that uses lines only to describe the object


In this picture, convergence happen when the corridor lines meet at an imaginary point at the distance(called the vanishing point).

In linear perspective, parallel lines in nature appear to converge (come together) as they recede to a point on the Eye Level or Horizon Line. into the picture plane.

Cross-Contour Lines

Multiple, curving parallel lines running over the surface of an object horizontally and/or vertically that describe its surface qualities. Much like wire framing in 3D design.

Cross Hatching

A drawing technique to shade an object using two or more networks of parallel lines in a gradual angular progression (to achieve a build up of complex value).


In linear perspective, the phenomenon of more distant objects appearing smaller.

Take a look at the people in this picture, and notice how the size of each person become smaller as far they get from us, that is diminution


Depiction of shapes and forms on a surface chiefly by means of lines. Color and shading may be included. A major fine art technique in itself, drawing is the basis of all pictorial representation, and an early step in most art activities. Though an integral part of most painting, drawing is generally differentiated from painting by the dominance of line over mass


The rim or border, the place where two things meet: the background (negative space) meets surface of objects (positive space), a “tone” or “value” meets a different tone/value.

Eye Level

In linear perspective, the height at which the eyes are located in relation to the ground plane. Standing creates a high eye-level while sitting creates a lower one. In most views, the eye level will match a horizon line. The same as horizon line. All vanishing points in one and two point perspective are positioned on the eye level.

Eye level is where the greenery meet the sky


The primary or positive shape in a drawing. A shape that is noticeably separated from the background. The figure is the dominant, advancing shape in a figure/ground relationship

The Girl, as well as the lion, are the figure here

The Building Is The Figure In This Picture

Figure-Ground Relationship

An arrangement in which positive and negative shapes alternatively command attention. Also known as a positive/negative relationship.


The “nearest” space represented to the viewer. The “front” of the visual stage. An exaggeration of perspective in which elements nearer to the viewer are shown much larger, and elements at a distance appear much reduced in size.

The rocks in this picture represent the foreground


A technique for producing the illusion of an object’s extension into space by contracting its form. A way of representing a subject or an object so that it conveys the illusion of depth — so that it seems to go back into space.

An Example of foreshorting, the man appears shorter than he really is

because of the angle. And his feet look larger than they really are

Here, we can see see foreshortening by noticing how the street is wider

at the beginning compared to how it is at the end.

Freehand Drawing

Drawn by hand, without the use of any mechanical device — without the aid of a straightedge, compass, protractor, French curves, computer equipment, etc. This is the opposite of mechanical drawing.

Sketches of a lion by Frans Koppelaar. If these were done without the help of any drawing tool, then we could confidently

call it a free hand drawing


•  A total mental picture, or conception, of a form.

•  Gestalt is a German word for form or shape

•  While the above definition was a generic one. Gestalt has many principles that could be explained & understood easily on their own


Similarity:- The principle of similarity states that, all else being equal, perception lends itself to seeing stimuli that physically resemble each other as part of the same object, and stimuli that are different as part of a different object

The eye tend to identify each row of black circles as one object. Similarly, they tend to identify each row of the circles the same



Closure:- The principle of closure refers to the mind’s tendency to see complete figures or forms even if a picture is incomplete

Even though the square and the circle in this picture are not complete, we still see identify them as a square and a circle


Continuity:- Also known as (Good Continuation) When there is an intersection between two or more objects, people tend to perceive each object as a single uninterrupted object.

Even though the row of circles is interrupted by the other circles, we still identify the row of circle as one


Common Fate:- When visual elements are seen moving in the same direction at the same rate (optical flow), perception associates the movement as part of the same stimulus. For example, birds may be distinguished from their background as a single flock because they are moving in the same direction and at the same velocity, even when each bird is seen – from a distance – as little more than a dot. The moving ‘dots’ appear to be part of a unified whole.


Good Form:-The principle of good form refers to the tendency to group together forms of similar shape, pattern, color, etc. Even in cases where two or more forms clearly overlap, the human brain interprets them in a way that allows people to differentiate different patterns and/or shapes. An example would be a pile of presents where a dozen packages of different size and shape are wrapped in just three or so patterns of wrapping paper.


Any gradual transition from one tone to another. In drawing, shading through gradation can be used to suggest three-dimensional illusion.

Gradation here is used to give the impression of the cylinder surface of the robot in the left, as opposed to the solid way it is shaded at the right

Gradation from white to black


A spontaneous representation of the dominant physical and expressive stance of an object. The act of making a sketch with relatively loose arm movements (gestures) — with the large muscles of the arm, rather than with the small muscles of the hand and wrist; Or a drawing made this way.


A framework or pattern of criss-crossed or parallel lines. A lattice. When criss-crossed, lines are usually horizontal and vertical; and when lines are diagonal, they are usually at right angles to each other

Normal Grid Criss-cross Grid


The actual flat surface of a drawing, synonymous with a drawing’s opaque picture plane. In a three dimensional illusion, ground also refers to the area behind an object (or figure).

Half Tone

After the highlight and quarter tone, the next brightest area of illumination on a form. The halftone is located on that part of the surface that is parallel to the rays of light


The brightest area of illumination on a form, which appears on that part of the surface most perpendicular to the light source

Horizon Line

In linear perspective, the line on which all vanishing points are positioned. More accurately described as the eye line or eye level.

The horizontal line, where the sky meets the ground


The placement of images within a two dimensional format. The way to arrange elements in drawing to produce a certain effect or to draw the viewer attention in a certain way.

Light Tone

After highlight, the next light value of illumination on a form. Sometimes called indirect light.


A mark with length and direction. An element of art which refers to the continuous mark made on some surface by a moving point. Types of line include: vertical, horizontal, diagonal, straight or ruled, curved, bent, angular, thin, thick or wide, interrupted (dotted, dashed, broken, etc.), blurred or fuzzy, controlled, freehand, parallel, hatching, meandering, and spiraling. Often it defines a space, and may create an outline or contour, define a silhouette; create patterns, or movement, and the illusion of mass or volume. It may be two-dimensional (as with pencil on paper) three-dimensional (as with wire) or implied (the edge of a shape or form).

Line gesture

A type of gesture drawing that describes interior forms, utilizing line rather than mass. In Plain English:- Using lines instead of shades to describe the forms of the object

Local Value

The basic tonality of an object’s surface. regardless of incidental lighting effects or surface texture. In Plain English:- The value or color of the object/subject. Without it being affected by any light or shadow. For example, the local value or color of a white shirt is white. But may appear yellowish under the sunset light.


A visible trace or impression on a surface, such as a line, a dot, spot, stain, scratch, etc. In Plain English:- The lines made by pencil or strokes by a brush are all examples of marks.

Drawings are created by leaving marks or strokes using pencil or any drawing tools on paper


The density or weight of an object. In Plain English:- Drawing without a contour, using the mass of values and shades to draw the object, the more intense the values is, the more mass they say it has.

An Example Of A Mass Drawing


In composition: to block-in forms with the purpose of achieving an overall organization of visual weight

Mass gesture

A system of broad, gestural marks used to create density and weight in a form.

A drawing created by mass gestures

Middle ground

The area between the foreground and background in a drawing.

Modeled Drawing

A method of drawing which delineates form through the use of a variety of values-A range of tones from light to dark. In Plain English:- Grayscale drawing, which can be done with Pencil, charocal, or any other tool


The arrangement of the parts of an image to create a sense of movement by using lines, shapes, forms, and textures that causes the eye to move over the work.

Negative Space

The space surrounding a positive shape; sometimes referred to as a ground, empty space, field, etc.

A picture where negative space takes most of the space of the



Line of uniform thickness, tone and speed, which serves as a boundary between a shape or form and its environment A. It does not suggest contour, and is therefore flat, two dimensional. A silhouette.

Overlapping Planes

A method of representing hierarchy of space in a drawing. Overlapping occurs when one object obscures from view part of a second object.

One-Point Perspective

A frontal, head on view with a central point at eye level at which all receding parallels appear to converge and vanish.

All the road lines in this picture meet at the point in the distant,

which is called the vanishing point

Planar Analysis

A structural description of a form in which its complex curves are generalized into major planar zones.


Any system used to represent depth or space on a flat surface by reducing the size and placement of elements to suggest that they are further away from the viewer.

An example of perspective, here, the road becomes narrower and

the poles smaller as they get away from us

Picture Frame

The physical vertical and horizontal dimensions of the paper surface.

Picture Plane

The flat, two-dimensional surface on which a drawing is made.


Any flat level or surface


Denotes the illusion of three dimensionality or movement into the picture plane as it relates to the flat, two-dimensional nature of the picture plane itself. We refer to this as plastic space in contrast to perspective space. In Plain English:- The projection of 3-dimentional objects into the picture plane, which we refer to as plastic space.

Positive Space

The shape of an object that serves as the subject for a drawing. The relationship between positive shape and negative space is sometimes called figure/ground, foreground/background relationship. In Plain English:- The space taken by the subject in the drawing or the artwork

The positive space here is the space taken by the dog.


A term that refers to the “accurate” relationship of part to part in a realistic drawing. It can also refer to the expressive purposes, e.g. Distortion of proportion to consciously or unconsciously achieve a subjective intention. Proportion also relates to a sense of balance.

A figure explaining the proportions of Lolita~

Reflective Light

The relatively weak light that bounces off a nearby surface onto the shadowed side of a form.

If you looked closely, you will see the reflective light at the bottom of both apple. Be sure not to mix between the reflective light and the highlight at the top of the


Also known as reflected light

Relative Scale

A way in which to represent and judge the spatial position of an object in three-dimensional illusionistic space so that forms drawn smaller appear further away and forms that are drawn larger appear closer.

The tree at the right, which is closer to us, appears larger than

the one at the left

A better example is presented here. The tree that’s closest to us is larger than any of trees that are

far from us


A drawing that attempts to achieve a near-likeness to the objects being drawn. Drawings which strive to achieve the qualities of realism.

There couldn’t be any better example of representational that

the Mona Lisa by Leonardo Da Vicvi


A depiction or an interpretation. Also, a drawing in perspective of a proposed structure. (Rendering can be used either as a noun or as a verb.) Wikipedia definition:- Rendering in visual art and technical drawing means the process of formulating, adding color, shading, and texturing of an image. It can also be used to describe the quality of execution of that process. When used as a means of expression, it is synonymous with illustrating.

Renders of a tea pot


A ratio or proportion used in determining the dimensional relationship between a representation to that which it represents (its actual size), such as maps, building plans, and models. In Plain English:- If you stated that “each 1 CM in the map is equivalent to 10 KM of land in the real world”. Then you defined a scale. This can also be used in drawing and art creation as well, where it is useful in creating the blueprints of buildings for example. Scale can also be used in drawing. For example, you could draw a house where each centimeter in the drawing corresponds to one meter in the real house

Map Scale, according to this scale, each CM is correspond to 372,000

KM of land

Shallow Space

A relatively flat space, having weight and width but limited depth. In Plain English:- a space that has a width and a heigh, but limited to no depth.

This circuit has a very shallow depth, making it a good example

of a shallow space


A contained, edged-in area on the two-dimensional surface. Or an area that suggests containment. A shape is always interdependent with another element (shape or space) in the composition. Squares, circles and triangles are among the common objects we see everyday.

Examples of multiple shapes


The visual measurements of objects and spaces between objects. Wikipedia Definition:- Sighting” is the use of one (or more) of many techniques for drawing accurately. It is often used when there are several objects and figures in a scene. In other words, sighting is generally using a method that relates one object to all of the other objects. Values, or an array of different shades Measuring the size of the object(s) you are drawing by extending your arm while holding your pencil is the easiest example of sighting.


Any dark two-dimensional shape seen against a light background.

A silhouette of a cat


A quick drawing that loosely captures the appearance or action of a place or situation. Sketches are often done in preparation for larger, more detailed works of art.


The distance between images or points in a drawing. We contain space when defining edges of interrelated shapes.

There’s a space between these two inventions, and between them and the

edges of the picture

Station Point

In linear perspective, the fixed position a person occupies in relation to the subject that is being drawn. In Plain English:- The easiest way to understand what Station Point is to think of it as the point where you or the camera are stationed

From our standing point, or let’s say our station point, we can see the Castle and

the road ahead of us


The actual physical structure or texture of the drawing paper containing degrees of smoothness, gloss, or roughness.

Smooth drawing paper Paper with a rough texture

Two-Point Perspective

A way of representing space on the picture plane in which physically parallel elements of the same size appear progressively reduced along converging rays to the left and right, reaching a single point on the horizon on both the left and right side.

An example of two points perspective. Notice how the sites of the walls converge

toward two points.

Another example of two-points perspective, where the

convergence toward the two points is easy to see

Three Point-Perspective

A system for representing objects in space with exaggerated three dimensionality, through the use of three perpendicular sets of converging parallels.

An example of three-points perspective, each arrow points

toward one of the three vanishing points

The cube, when we face it from an angle like that, is drawn

using three-points perspective


The actual or suggestive surface quality of a two-dimensional shape or three-dimensional volume. Texture can be created by using skillful drawing techniques, erasure, rubbing, or employing specific materials such as sand.

Two Dimensional Space

The flat, actual surface area of a drawing, which is the product of the length times the width of the drawing paper support. In Plain English:- The drawing surface of the paper or the canvas, as opposed to the space inside the drawing

The drawing paper is the 2D medium where we create wonderful worlds in

the 3D dimensions of that world

Three Dimensional Space

The actual space in the environment, and the representation of it in the form of pictorial illusion. In Plain English:- The space or the world where your characters or objects live.


Black, white and the gradations of gray tones between them. The relative degree of light and dark.

Multiple values created by pencil

Value Relativity

The changing visual identity of values in juxtaposition, sometimes called value contrast.

By placing multiple values besides each other, it is easy to see how each value is different relative to the other values.

Value Scale

The gradual range from white through gray to black.

Value Pattern

The arrangement or organization of values that control compositional movement and create a unifying effect throughout a work of art. In Plain English:- The manipulation of the range of values used in the artwork, both in the whole pictures or parts of it. When drawing from living, the artist usually choose a range of values that is smaller than what there’s actually is to create a simpler drawing that is easier on the eye, where the artist can manipulate the values to draw the viewer attention to the main subject in the picture.

Take a look at this picture of the tree, notice how each of the trees has the same color and value pattern, making

them all look equal.

Now take a look at the picture after modifying it, it has modified so that the trees at the center and the ones closer

to us has a more pattern, which attracts more attention to them

Visual Weight

The potential of any element or area of a drawing to attract the eye. The more weight an element has, the more ability it has to attract the eye of the viewer.

Here, the ostriches at the front attract more attention than the one at the back

because of their placement. Color weight can also be manipulated using

the values pattern of the object


The overall size of an object, and by extension the quantity of three-dimensional space it occupies. In Plain English:- The physical size of the object, the bigger the object is, the more volume it has.

This Elephant has a lot of volume in this picture


•  The original glossary came from

•  Pictures are from Wikipedia Commons, Flickr, DeviantArt, or created by yours truly.

•  Some additional definitions came from Wikipedia, us noted in their respected place.

•  Plain English definitions are written by yours truly, I tried my best to keep them as much accurate as possible.

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