Drama Unit Mr. Green. Three Elements Literary Elements= “Story” Technical Elements= “Stuff” Performance Elements= “Stamina”

Post on 13-Jan-2016






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Drama UnitMr. Green

Three Elements

Literary Elements= “Story”

Technical Elements= “Stuff”

Performance Elements= “Stamina”

Literary Elements

The Literary Elements are about the STORY and the CHARACTER

A STORY is any tale that is told in printed form or by live or recorded performance

Every Story Needs:

At least one CHARACTER(person/animal/object)

That Character needs to be DOING something(plot/action)

That Something needs to be in a certain PLACE and TIME(setting)

Usually involves CHANGE(suspense/conflict)

Plot Breakdown

Each plot can be broken down into several important and definite segments:

1. EXPOSITION(Introduces characters and sets up the story)

2. RISING ACTION(Action gains momentum)


4. FALLING ACTION(ties up loose ends)



Also called Conflict, Tension, or The Problem

It is important to understand that suspense is not necessarily negative or refer to mystery

Scholars generally agree on four types of conflict

4 Types of Conflict

1. A character’s struggle within self(Internal)

2. A Character’s struggle with one or more characters(External)

3. A character’s struggle with society(External)

4. A character’s struggle with nature(External)

Plot vs. Theme

What HAPPENS in the story is the PLOT

What the story is ABOUT is the THEME

A THEME is the lesson we learn from the story or the message it hopes to leave with us

Language Terms

Script- Printed copy of a play

Dialogue- Two or more speaking

Monologue- One speaking

Genre- Category of artistic work such as poetry, short stories, performance plays

Technical Elements

The ‘Stuff’

The equipment, objects, and other physical material to put on a show

The scenery, props, lighting, sound, costumes, and make-up are all designed specifically for each production

“How are those objects used to create setting and mood, and how do actors

interact with them?”


Sound effects can augment action both on and off of the stage, as well as indicate something important about the environment


Includes any construction or set elements that designate the physical environment of the story

Examples: painted flats, backdrops, raised platforms



Derived from the word ‘properties’

An object that is used in theatrical production other than scenery or costumes


In addition to clothing, costumes often include appropriate accessories that complete the effect or illusion-such as glasses or hats http://youtu.be/beBui4wXNyM


Lighting effects can evoke any number of emotional reactions in an audience. Lights are placed and focused according to the lighting designer’s light grid.


Applied to the face or to other parts of the body to suggest aging, injury, an animal, or something surreal http://youtu.be/IoJW1hs967I


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