Dragon Ball Legend - Summary

Post on 30-May-2018






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”There`s a myth, since a long time ago. A myth about a god who came to this world, and he was

glad because of the landscapes and mankind that he found. Then he built a Temple and He put

an offering: The Chest of Seven Dragon balls. The person who touches that gift could make hiswish reality, with the objective of reducing his pain and as prize to his work, keeping the beauty

of this world. But the god realized that there were perverse men able to kill themselves for

getting the chest and keeping it for their own benefit.

That woke his rage up, and he destroyed the temple dispersing the dragon balls around the

world, for making that only constant people with good heart could unite those dragon balls. And

evil people would have to pass through eternal calvaries if they wanted to see their

achievements fulfilled. Many powerful men have tried to find the dragon balls. Legends say that

Alexander the Great, Napoleon, Hitler found the magic dragon balls and they got control over

the world during their eras… Today, there´s a terrorist army that threats to get control over the

world. That army becomes stronger every day. They have killed many innocent people, and

razed entire towns to get the dragon balls. We´re not going to allow it. That`s why we`re also

looking for them"


Seven Dragon Balls are dispersed around the world. Some are not found, some are property of

different people. There´s people who knows about the legend, but they just keep the dragon

balls like a jewel, even like money. But there´s someone who sees his dragon ball like

something sacred, beloved, unforgettable… In a little hut, a 14 years old boy, Son Goku prays

kneeling in front of a 4-stars dragon ball, calling it “Grandpa”. He stands up and takes his power 

pole, a mystic crosier. When he leaves, he doesn´t realize that the dragon ball started to shine

for a few seconds.

At the entry of an extensive trail, Chi-Chi, a young girl, is with his father, Ox King, waiting

somebody. Ox King says “He´s not coming”. Chi-Chi doesn´t hear and comes inside the trail

and then she screams and runs, because a big sable-teeth tiger chases her. Chi Chi falls and

the tiger jumps over her, suddenly the power pole appears extended and it makes the tiger fly.

Goku jumps and stands up in front of Chi Chi. The tiger sees Goku, it smells him and then it

leaves. Goku talks to Ox king:

Goku: Sorry for coming late, Mr. Ox. Finally I decide to train with you, sir.

Ox King: Oh, that makes me so happy Goku, and thank you for saving my little girl.

Chi-Chi: What? …I already had calculated its movements… (Everybody laugh)

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Ox King takes Goku to his temple, at the town where he and Son Gohan were born. In the

temple Goku stays watching a picture of an old man. “I miss him too” Ox says. Goku looks

resigned. His grandpa died 5 years ago defending the town from a beast that appeared

sometimes under the full moon and that night, Gohan told everyone that the beast had

kidnapped Goku. After the lethal battle, Ox just found the death body of Gohan and a nude

unconscious Goku with the dragon ball on his hand. “Sometimes I wonder to myself why I don´t

remember anything” Goku says. “It`s better to leave the past, maybe if that monster survived, it

already knows that the Great Son Gohan has a grandson as stronger as him and that he will

defend this town from any attack”. Goku smiles and starts his training.

Meanwhile, a modern truck comes to the town and enters into the trail, going in direction to

Goku´s house. A young woman named Bulma Briefs comes out from the car with a radar on her

hand. She comes inside Goku`s house. A guy at the town saw the truck and goes running.

Bulma wears a jacket with Capsule Corp logo. She looks at the dragon ball.

Bulma: Hello, anyone home, hello? The house`s empty. Oh there it is. (Using a communicator) I

found it, guys. Be careful when he comes.

Goku is noticed about that and he goes to his house, He attacks Bulma but he recognizes her.

Bulma: Goku! It´s me, Bulma!

Goku: Bulma? Bulma!!

Ox: Do you know her, Goku?

Goku: Yeah. She tried to steal my grandpa´s gift 2 years ago.

Bulma says “What? I already explained you why I wanted the ball. We didn`t make the wish that

I want but at least you helped me to destroy the castle of that crazy scientist, do you remember?

Ha ha” Goku doesn´t remember. 

Bulma: … Well, I neither, I fainted and when I woke up everything was destroyed and we all

safe and sound ha ha.

Then Yamcha, a young man, appears with a mysterious woman. He says: “Hey Goku, It has

passed long time” 

Goku: Yamcha?! Wow you`ve changed, I almost don`t recognize you.

Yamcha: Ha-ha yeah, I`m now in a team with Bulma and a new friend, Lunch, I want you meet

her. (Lunch is Bulma´s bodyguard, she has a gun in each pocket).

Goku: And now, “Why do you want my grandpa again?” Bulma answers: “This time it`s not

about a personal search. Yamcha, Lunch and I have come to advice you that you´re in risk if

you have one of the dragon balls. We`re looking for them before they fall into wrong hands.

Goku: “Wrong hands? Who?” Suddenly a explosion happens, and then they hear shoots and


Bulma: Them.

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Everybody goes to the explosion`s zone, the market, where they see a tank and a soldier

talking. He says: “Nobody is going to continue his life if you don`t tell me where that ball is!” He

shoots. Bulma tells about the dragon balls: “if you get the seven dragon balls, a Mystical Dragon

known as Shen Long will appear and grant any wish that you want” Goku can´t resist and

attacks the soldiers, avoiding the blasts, standing on the guns and kicking soldiers´ faces.

Captain Blue is on the tank and he sees Goku with his power pole.

Blue: Ha-ha boy, what are you going to do with that stick?

Goku: Magic.

Goku screams and attacks with the power pole, the power pole gets longer and breaks the tank,

making it exploit. Goku stands up in front of the destroyed tank. A soldier runs away with a


Lunch looks surprised. Bulma and Yamcha look pleased. They invite Goku to join them in their

search. “Now the adventure is more dangerous” Bulma says. “I´m ready” Goku answer s. Oxsays “No, you´re not” Ox tells Goku that his power doesn´t have equilibrium and Goku needs

more training. Goku needs to find Master Roshi (Gohan and Ox´s ancient master). In the dinner,

Chi Chi told Bulma about Goku and how his grandpa died protecting him from a big monster.

Bulma has blurry memories about the big monster destroying the castle of the scientist. Yamcha

is quiet. Chi-Chi tells Goku lives alone but her father Ox cares about Goku.

After the dinner, Goku goes with Bulma, Yamcha and Lunch to Turtle Island. Chi-Chi looks sad

when she says goodbye.


The soldier who escaped comes to Red Ribbon area and talks to Commander Pai. Pai kills himand calls someone ordering him that kills that kid (Goku).

In the jet Bulma talks about the red ribbon and that they surely have designed a dragon ball

locator, like that she created. Lunch gives her the radar and Bulma realizes that a dragon ball is

on the same direction than Roshi`s house. In the island, there are a lot of boats and young

boys. They are waiting for Roshi. One of them, Krillin, gets inside the house and found Roshi

drinking sake and adult magazines on the floor.

Krillin: Master, my name is Krillin. I come from a far country and there are boys out there waiting

for you and for training in your dojo.

Roshi: You don´t understand yet. I closed the dojo 3 years ago!

Krillin: Well, the ad in last week´s newspaper didn’t say the same. You received every

paycheck. I ´m the only one who has trained since 7 years old, I´m from the farest place from

here and I don’t think it´s fair that… 

(A scream and a blast sound. Captain Silver with his army is threatening young monks)

Captain Silver: ¿Where is Master Roshi?

Roshi says to Krillin: see? Now I have more angry kids.

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Roshi comes out his house and he stands against Captain Silver and an army behind him.

Soldiers point their guns to Roshi but they shoot against the boys making them escape. Roshi

gets angry. Roshi runs on the soldiers and they shoot him but Roshi emanates an energy aura

that stops the bullets on the air.

Roshi: Now, here I go.

Roshi do movements with his arms and makes the bullets go to the soldiers, harming in their

legs, they run away and Silver is upset.

Roshi: Now run like cowards. And you, Silver. It seems that Red Ribbon wants employees´

renovation, don´t you think?

Silver: What do you mean, old bastard?

Roshi: Your boss knows that if he wants kill me, he would send a man capable to do that.

Silver: Oh No, You´re going to pay for saying that

Roshi: I recommend you, don´t do that.

Silver screams angry and runs 2 steps, then he stops. Silver hadn´t seen that 5 bullets keep

floating close to him, Silver gets killed by the bullets inside his body.

Roshi: Sorry, I´m so drunk that I forgot to advice you.

Then the jet with Bulma, Goku, Yamcha and Lunch comes to the island. Roshi recognizes Goku

because of his power pole and decides accept Goku and Yamcha as disciple. Krillin appears

(he stayed at Roshi`s house during the attack) and he`s upset because Goku was accepted and

he wasn`t. Finally Roshi accepts Krillin too. Yamcha

Roshi: Well, too many boys, do you ladies (Bulma and Lunch) want some private classes with


Lunch: We`re not going to train, we`re here to protect the dragon balls.

Roshi: Yeah, well, You´re welcome. And maybe I let you protect another balls that are magic


Lunch and Bulma: Pervert.


At Red Ribbon`s Central Base. Commander Red is upset because the search of 4-stars dragon

ball failed. But they keep one dragon ball and 2 located. Red talks about “the another search” to

General Black.”That object has been located already in a secret cave under Atlantic Ocean”

Black says. “Good, It doesn´t matter the way, I´ll get control over the world, even if I have to

make a deal with the devil”. 

In an old and destroyed castle, a shadow appears on a machine that has detected a signal. “It

seems they have found it. It´s time to appear”. 

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Tao Pai Pai kidnaps Chi.-Chi and Ox. Roshi teaches techniques to Goku, Krillin and Yamcha.

Suddenly Master Tsuru makes a visit. He introduces his disciples Ten Shin Han (a 20 years old

man) and Chaos (a 13 years old boy). Tsuru invites Roshi to inscribe his disciples at Tenkaichi

Budokai, World Martial Arts Tournament. Roshi refuses his proposal and ask for a private chat

with Tsuru. Roshi says that he knows why Red Ribbon hired Tao Pai Pai (Tsuru´s brother).

Tsuru says “Don´t worry. They´ll never get that from me, now I want to hear you accept to

inscribe your disciples at the tournament”. 

Roshi: No. It´s definitive.

Tsuru: “Nothing is definitive”. Then Lunch put her gun on Bulma´s head. Lunch was a RR spy.

Tsuru says “We´re still men of honor. So I´ll leave her if your boys fight in the tournament”.

Roshi accepts. Tsuru, Ten, Chaos and Lunch with Bulma leave the island. The training begins.

Roshi talks about Kame Hame Ha. One night, Goku wakes up at 3:00 a.m. and starts his

training; Then Krillin appears ready to train too. “Do you think I`m going to see how only you

become stronger?” Krillin says. Goku and Krillin smiles and go to train. 

At Red Ribbon Base, Commander Red congratulates Tsuru and asks him a last favor: “Give me

your key”. Red knows the legend of the Demon King Piccolo Dai Mao, who wanted to get

control over humanity by the was sealed in a vessel by Mutaito, Tsuru and Roshi`s Master, 500

years ago, Mutaito gave 2 keys to Roshi and Tsuru and they were protect them. Tsuru says that

Red is mad and refuses to give him his key. Then Tao Pai Pai appears and breaks his brother`s

brain, touching his head with the finger. When Red takes the key the key shines and vanishes.

At the same time, Roshi in his house has a feeling and looks for a little box. The box is empty.

Roshi looks worried.

A group of Captain Green and 2 soldiers: Mai and Shu, comes to the cave where a mysterious

closed vessel is. Then Mai and Shu kill Green, and Pilaf, the scientist whose castle wasdestroyed by Bulma and Goku, appears. Pilaf thinks that Red Ribbon sent the big monster to

destroy his castle and lab. And he thinks the chest is the Chest of the Dragon balls, a supposed

source of eternal life. Mai and Shu try to say he`s wrong about the chest, but Pilaf doesn`t hear.

Suddenly the vessel gets open and the lights appear from the vessel.


One month later. The Tournament begins. Tsuru is alive but brainwashed. Ten and Chaos set

Bulma free. Roshi gives his disciples the orange gi. The first fight is Nam vs. Goku. Everybody

loves Nam. Nam is very confident but Goku defeats him with 3 movements. Ten is surprised

“So, this is Son Goku”.


A Red Ribbon´s expedition comes to the place where the vessel is. They seem to see Captain

Green and say “Captain?” But the man is Pilaf who says: “Call me Emperor”. Mai and Shu

(involved in an evil aura) attack and kill the expedition. Pilaf looks defaced and with a blue tone

in his skin. Mai and Shu look savage and stronger. A big shadow behind them smiles saying

“This world can´t wait for me anymore”. 


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The tournament presents a great fight between Goku and Krillin; they show how they learned to

make Kame Hame Ha. Goku`s Kame hame Ha wins. The semi-finals are Goku vs. Ten and

Yamcha vs. Chaos. Goku and Ten have a great fight. Ten flies and opens his third eye. Then he

makes Ki Ko Hu and destroys a half of the ring. After a lot of fast punches and kicks, Goku´s

blasts and Ten´s Do Don Pa, Goku beats Ten. Suddenly Tao Pai Pai appears before the

announcer says “8”. Tao calls Ten useless. Ten is upset and realizes that Goku fights for noble

intentions. Goku is going to fight against Tao but he watches Chi-Chi and Ox with Red Ribbon

soldiers distracting him. They escape with the kidnapped and Lunch. Goku goes for them but

Tao launch his Do Don Pa. Krillin deviates Do Don Pa with his Kame Ham ha and saves Goku.

Red Ribbon soldiers and Lunch put Chi-Chi and Ox in a helicopter and they leave that place.

Goku uses his power pole and gets it stuck in the helicopter. Tao Pai Pai goes to kill Krillin but

Tsuru appears. Tsuru knew that brain death technique and its reverse. Tsuru says “Piccolo`s

free, the worst enemy of mankind is free because of you” Tao Pai Pai looks surprised and he

prepares Do Don Pa on Tsuru. But Tao says “Forgive me brother” making Do Don Pa on

himself. Tao dies. Roshi and Tsuru are again together, against a common enemy. They go withTen, Krillin, Yamcha and Chaos to help Goku.

Commander Red is noticed that his “Dai Mao “expedition is missing and one star dragon ball

was catched by a weird green monster that killed his soldiers. The Red Ribbon helicopter

comes to Central Base, Goku jumps to the floor and he receives a lot of blasts. He avoids them

and gives a chance to soldiers “I don`t want to hurt you, leave this place now”. A soldier laughs

and says “Ha ha do you think I`m going to run away because of a little kid?” Then he shots

Goku. Goku stops the bullets and shows them on his hand. The soldier screams: “Run!” and

runs away. Robots appear and then Goku avoids a lot of missiles launched by them. All of the

buildings are being destroyed. Commander Red hears the explosions.

Red: What the hell? More problems?

Soldier: Commander Red, We`re under attack!

Red: Who are they? What country are they from?

Soldier: It´s a boy.

Red: Repeat what you`ve said.

Goku destroys all of the robots. A scientis t can´t believe it and says “All of my creations,

Impossible” and runs away. Goku comes to the main building. He defeats easily Red and Black.

The Goku goes to the roof where Chi-Chi and Ox are. The soldiers are going to shot Goku butLunch beats them. “Bulma always thought I was better spy than Yamcha”. Chi-Chi hugs Goku

and Ox congratulates him for destroying a complete army. They leave that ruined place driving

a truck. Red escapes in a helicopter, then he sees Piccolo Dai Mao floating in front of his

helicopter. Piccolo (a green demon who wears a purple clothes and a dark grey cape),

recognizes that Red`s evil soul touched the key. As prize Piccolo gives him the fastest and

painless death that he can give. Piccolo touches the helicopter and makes it blow up. Red

screams painfully for a second. “I forgot that humans are so weak” Piccolo sa ys. Pilaf, Mai and

Shu are his servants. They appear in a big jet. However Pilaf keeps the faith that Piccolo will be

King of Universe and names him Emperor of the Earth. The green monster appears with the

one star dragon ball. The monster is called Tambourine. Piccolo orders him to destroy Roshi,

Tsuru and all their lineages. Piccolo tells Pilaf that he needs dragon balls to get eternal youth

and with his recovered body, it would be easier to get his unlimited power back.

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In the middle of the way Bulma´s jet (with the fighters inside) watches the truck. Roshi can´t

believe what Goku did. Ten asks for Goku´s forgiveness. They become friends. It´s already

night. Suddenly Tambourine appears saying “I come in the name of Piccolo Dai Mao , King of

Evil. Before I kill you, do you have seen 2 old guys called Roshi and Tsuru? Then he watches

the 4 stars dragon ball. Krillin fights against him with an energy blast but he is killed. Goku gets

angry and fights Tambourine. Tambourine beats him, Chi-Chi tries to help Goku but

Tambourine takes her. Tambourine flies with the dragon ball and Chi-Chi. Goku is completely

angry, crying for his friend Krillin, his “grandpa” (the dragon ball) and Chi-Chi. He screams

watching the sky and he realizes that the full moon is there. Goku is in shock. His heart beats

stronger. Yamcha can´t believe it saying “No again”. Goku turns into a beast. He´s now a

monstrous big monkey. Chi-Chi recognizes the monster. Beast-Goku beats Tambourine. Chi-

Chi falls to a tree but she is safe and sound. Tambourine drops the dragon ball and Beast-Goku

chases it. Tambourine punches Goku, but Goku is stronger and takes Tambourine, bits him and

breaks his arms. Beast-Goku is out of control and practically eats Tambourine alive meanwhile

Tambourine screams painfully.

Beast-Goku´s snout is full of dark blood. Chi-Chi catches the 4-stars dragon ball. Goku goes to

attack her but he stops and smells her. The he stays watching the dragon ball and screams. Full

moon disappears and Goku turns into his human form, unconscious. Roshi covers him. Yamcha

and Bulma knew about it. Goku turned into the monster that destroyed Pilaf`s castle. Ox can´t

believe Goku killed his own grandpa. Tsuru is worried and sees Goku as a danger. Then

someone appears: Monk Yajirobe. Roshi knows him and says “You see the danger that Piccolo

means, right?” Yaji says “From the sky we can see a lot of things… I need Son Goku. Our 

Master, Karin, needs to prepare him for the definitive battle against Piccolo. He can`t train with

you because you´re afraid of him. You couldn´t hide that feeling”. Yajirobe takes Goku and

leaves. In his cave Piccolo realized his son was murdered. He throws an egg from his mouth

and Chimbal is born. Piccolo is exhausted because he´s very old and he gets some rest.Meanwhile the earth warriors are decided to defeat him forever. The greatest battle is coming.


Goku wakes up and meet Yajirobe. He explains him that Tambourine was defeated but the real

menace is Piccolo. Goku accepts to train with Master Karin who lives in the top of the Sacred

Tower. They climbs up the Tower and Goku meets Master Karin, a big and mystical cat (“I`m a

hermit so I can look like I want”). Goku wants revenge and Karin realizes that Goku has a great

power but he´s useless if he doesn´t focus his Ki (mystical source of power) and gets dominated

by anger. Goku understands.


2 weeks have past. And meanwhile Roshi and Tsuru trains Ten, Yamcha and Chaos. Bulma

and Lunch watches on TV how Chimbal attacks West City, destroying buildings and the fair. A

TV reporter interviews a little child who´s scared (the kid has a little disguise with a pig´s noise

and wears a t-shirt with 2 cartoon characters: Oolong and Puar). Bulma sees Capsule Corp

destroyed. Everyone goes to save his father. He´s still alive but Chimbal got the 2 dragon balls

from Capsule Corp. “Don´t worry-Ten says-we still got 3 dragon ball, and we´ll defend them with

our lives”. Roshi says “It´s time to practice the Mafuba again, Tsuru”. They explain that Ma fuba

is the technique that their master, Mutaito, used against Piccolo, sealing in a vessel. Mutaito

gave them 2 keys to protect the vessel. At the same time, Piccolo tells Pilaf how he possessed

Mutaito for a second, making him believe that the mystic vessel needed 2 keys to be opened,

when only one key was needed.

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Piccolo is recovered and he`s pleased because Chimbal found one dragon ball more and now

he got 4. And Chimbal gives him a Dragon Ball Radar that he found at Capsule Corp. Piccolo

says “I never imagined that technology had advanced on this way. And how has

Communications advanced?” Roshi and co. watch how Piccolo attacks United Nations locations

and He says he`s going to destroy a city every hour until valiant human faces him. Pilaf,

Chimbal, Mai and Shu are with him and having the presidents as hostages. Roshi and Tsuru

have a plan. Ten, Yamcha, Chaos, Tsuru and Roshi go driving an helicopter and face Piccolo

who recognizes Roshi and Mutaito. They take Piccolo and Chimbal to a place far from the city.

Piccolo accepted that because he realized that they got the 4 dragon balls that he needs.


Pilaf keeps the dragon balls. Bulma and Lunch go inside the building but they are found by Pilaf.

Lunch points his gun on them and Bulma says “Give me the dragon balls”. Pilaf laughs and


“We got mystical powers from the King of Evil and we´re immortal! Shu, attack!” Shu runs like a

wolf but Lunch blows his brains out. Bulma says “Now, give me the dragon balls”. Pilaf is

resigned. Bulma reminds Roshi told her: “If you see the sky turns green, go with the dragon

balls where we are.” 


Piccolo is attacked by Roshi and Tsuru. Yamcha, Ten and Chaos beat Chimbal with a lot of kicks

and punches. Piccolo beats Roshi and Tsuru and now the young warriors attack him. Piccolo

fights with Yamcha, Ten and Chaos. Piccolo kicks Chaos and punches Yamcha. Piccolo hangs

Ten and realizes about his third eye, saying sarcastically “What a freak” Piccolo throws Ten tothe floor and he find Roshi and Tsuru. They have a vessel between them. They make Mafuba

(sky turns green, Bulma realizes about that and takes the dragon balls and drives her jet with

Chi-Chi on board. Ox is worried about his daughter). Finally Piccolo seems to be defeated by

Mafuba but Chimbal moves the vessel. Roshi and Tsuru are almost dead. 


Piccolo is angry and he sees Bulma´s jet coming. He uses his power and brings the jet to him.

He gets all the dragon balls. He screams: “Shen Long! Come and grant my wish!” Sky turns

dark, dragon balls are together and starts to spin around Piccolo. Then dragon balls go to the

sky and a thunder appears and goes directly to the dragon balls, then a lot of thunders go to

them. And a powerful thunder appears from the dragon balls and go to the sky, a scream

sounds, and between the clouds, the majestic Shen Long appears. Shen Long sees Piccolo and

says “What do you want?” Piccolo is excited and says “Give me eternal youth, I want to be

young and powerful again”. Shen Long says that´s easy. Piccolo is involved in clouds and

thunders, He flies and get his youth back. Shen long leaves but Piccolo says “ I can´t let you go,

someone else can use you to defeat me or seal me again. Now I´m going to destroy you ” 

Piccolo uses Masenko (a giant ball of energy) and destroys Shen Long. Piccolo exclaims

“Welcome to my Kingdom of Doom, humans”. 


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“Goku, finally you´ve finished your training” Karin´s voice. Goku takes his orange gi on. He´s

ready and is grateful for Karin´s lessons. Goku says “I have to go now”. Karin says “You need

help to come just in time and save your friends. Come here, I have something for you”. Karin

exclaims “Kinton! Flying Nimbus, come here!” A shining yellow cloud appears. “This cloud only

can be used by a pure of heart person” Goku can use Kinton. Karin asks him for his power pole:

“You don´t need it, the essential Ki is inside you, not inside what you use” Goku gives him the

power pole and go.


Piccolo says to Chimbal “Go and kill every human that you see, start with her”. Chimbal is

going to kill and eat Bulma and Chi-Chi. Suddenly Piccolo feels a great Ki. Goku appears in his

Flying nimbus. Chimbal attacks him but Goku kills him with 3 punches. Piccolo thinks “His

power is incredible. Finally I found someone like Mutaito”. Goku gives Bulma the magic beans. 

The Great battle begins. Piccolo attacks Goku, Goku avoids his attacks. They attack at the same

time jumping and running. Piccolo kicks Goku´s face but Goku punches his chest. Piccolo is

upset and attacks Goku with cruelty. Goku says “I won´t let you destroy the earth”. Piccolo

answers “Who´s talking about destroy? I´m going to dominate this planet under my shadow,

the same shadow where I was sealed for 500 years!” Piccolo attacks Goku but Goku exploits

his Ki. Piccolo throws a lot of energy blasts. Goku avoids them and strikes back. Goku is ready

to make a powerful Kame Hame Ha but Piccolo punches him and let him on the floor. 


Goku is tired and damaged. Suddenly Ten, Yamcha, Chaos, Roshi and Tsuru appear recovered

and make a multiple Mafuba, but Piccolo is more powerful and escapes from the Mafuba, he

practically kills the warriors. Goku receives the support from the dying friends. Their faith turns

into energy that Goku receives. Goku attacks and uses Yamcha´s Wolf fist and makes a

Dodonpa with his 5 fingers. Goku hurts Piccolo and Piccolo is very angry and punishes Goku.

Goku is massacred by Piccolo. 

Goku can´t move his legs. Goku sees his dying friends. Chi-Chi says “don´t give up, Goku”.

Then Goku hears Krillin´s voice and says “Sorry, Krillin, I couldn´t revenge you”. Krillin says

“Goku! I don´t want you revenge me; I want you save the world. Focus on that, You must

protect this world”. Goku remembers Karin`s lessons “I need to focus my energy, my Ki, in an

only point”. Piccolo takes his cape on and flies. He´s sure that all the fighters are dead. But

Goku screams “Piccolo!” Piccolo turns around. 

Goku: “I´ve not finished yet… Kaaaaaaameeeeeee…” 

Piccolo is confident because the Kame Hame looks weak.

Goku: “Haaaaaaaaaaaame” 

Piccolo: “You´re only going to die, wasting your vital energy in that weak energy ball” 

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Goku moves his hands and makes Kame Hame Ha to the floor, Goku flies with the impulse.

Piccolo is surprised and attacks Goku, Piccolo screams “Maaaaaaaseeenko!!!!!!!!!!!” Goku

concentrates all his energy in his fist. Goku beats Masenko and passes through Piccolo´s chest,

taking part of his cape. Piccolo is dying but before that, Piccolo throws an egg and his energy

and evil soul goes toward that egg. Piccolo sends that egg far from there and exploits.

Goku is unconscious and falling down, Chi Chi tries to receive him, but the Flying nimbus

catches him. Yajirobe is on the nimbus and talks to Chi-Chi:

“Hey, give these hermit beans to your friends, they`re barely alive. And go with them to

Master Roshi´s house, and wait” 

Chi-Chi says “Wait for?” 

Yajirobe answers “I don´t know, just do what I say… ah and how you seem to be very worried

about Goku, My Master will make your friend don´t turn into that monster again, just try to

forget that monster” 

Yajirobe gives Goku a hermit bean and takes him toward Karin Tower but he says “Well friend,

first we must to reassure everybody”. He goes with Goku at United Nations locations where

the army stay around the building. The TV reporter asks “Where did that demon go? But time

has passed and unfortunately we must wait for a dark destiny”. Yajirobe throws Piccolo´s cape

(that Goku took when he passed through Piccolo´s body) and the cape says “Defeated” in

Japanese. Military men arrest Pilaf and Mai. Lunch and Ox were watching them when Bulma

left the building with Chi-Chi. Pilaf screams: “Don´t touch me! I´m an Emperor!”. 


Goku recovers his strength and is congratulated by Karin in the Tower. Karin says “You did the

impossible. I´m proud of you, Goku. Now Kami-Sama wants to meet you” Goku heard about

Kami-Sama, the Mythological Protector of Earth. Grandpa Gohan told him stories about a

supreme Protector of earth who watches everything. Karin tells Goku that Kami-Sama is also

the creator of dragon balls, and he´s the only one who can get them back to life (because

Piccolo destroyed the Dragon). Karin takes the power pole and makes it extend toward the sky:

“On the top of the Power Pole, you´ll find Sacred Temple, where Kami-Sama lives. This PowerPole is the connection between Earth and Heaven” Goku says “Thanks for everything Master,

thanks Yaji” and goes. 

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Goku comes to Sacred Temple and Mr. Popo receives him. Mr. Popo is the Guardian of the

Temple. He invites Goku to meet Kami-Sama. Kami-Sama appears and Goku confuses him with

Piccolo (Kami is old, green, with 2 antennas on his head). Kami-Sama explains Goku the truth:

“I´m Piccolo, a namekian who came to this planet 500 year s ago. The Ancient Protector of 

Earth chose me as successor. But I had to remove the evil part from me. When I expulsed it, it

took a tangible form and it called itself Piccolo Dai Maoh, self-proclaimed King of Evil when I

was named as Protector of the Earth.

Goku: And did you create the dragon balls?

Kami: That´s right. I created them long time before being named Protector of the Earth. But

Piccolo Dai Maoh destroyed Shen Long, I`ll revive it for making dragon balls work again. But

you must stay to train with me during 3 years. Mister Popo, please give me the statue of Shen

Long to repair it.

Mr. Popo gives him the statue of Shen Long. The statue is broken.

Goku: Three years?? Why?

Kami: Before he died, My sinister part created another son and threw it away. He didn´t

create an ordinary creature, He transferred all of his vital energy to his evil son. That makes

him be the reincarnation of Piccolo Dai Maoh.

Goku: Then I must face him.

Kami: Not now. Before he died, I could get in his mind. He has planned a cruel vengeance on

the right moment.

Goku: And I`ll be there to stop him.

Kami: Then, Let`s start your training.

After that a lot of situations happen: In Roshi`s Island, the dragon balls are gathered and Shen

Long appears, its eyes shine and Krillin appears alive. Everyone´s happy. The world is safe and


Kami: Just like 500 years ago, a group of valiant warriors faced bloody forces and they could

make the good prevail over evil. More powerful enemies can come, but now we are confidentthat we will be protected by Goku and the Warriors of the Earth.


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… Three years later. 

Tournament´s Announcer says: “Welcome to the Final Match of the World Martial Arts


There are 2 fighters walking to the ring and. Roshi, Tsuru, Ox, Bulma and Lunch are at thetribune. Yamcha, Chichi, Krillin, Ten and Chaos are at the ringside. Krillin yells: “You can do it,

Goku!” The fighters are stand on the ring.

The announcer says: At this side we have one of the fighters of the previous Tenkaichi Budokai

that was suspended because of a terrorist attack. Disciple of Kame Sennin School, Everyone,

applause Goku!, And at the other side, we have a fighter who in his first participation has

destroyed his opponents, a mysterious man without words, belonging to unknown place, let`s

applause Ma Junior!

Ma Junior is actually Piccolo`s son. Goku looks adult, They´re looking at each other. The

cymbals start to sound.

Piccolo: This time I´ll revenge my father and then I`ll destroy this planet.

Goku: while I`m here, that won`t happen

Piccolo: I was born product of the desires of revenge of my father. I will chase you to the end

of my days to get my vengeance and destroy this world.

Goku: Then we`ll have to fight to the end of our lives, for the good and the evil.

Piccolo: Ha! Finally you understand. Our destiny is to be enemies forever.

Goku says “Yes, eternally” The cymbal rings and the both are stand while a swarm of bees gets

close to them and then they leave, and the announcer yells: Let´s start to fight!

Goku and Piccolo scream and exploit their Ki. They jump and attack each other. The Last Battle


---THE END---

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