Dr. Villanueva

Post on 23-Apr-2022






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Hi, I’m Dr Villanueva Founder and Chief Health Coach of Modern Holistic Health and Creator of the Healthy Body Restoration System. My mission is to help change our current health model by empowering men and women to understand how they can heal their body. We are leading health transformation and life optimization for women, men, and children across the globe.

I struggled with severe debilitating anxiety, depression, and memory loss in my mid 30’s. If there’s one thing I learned in my journey to freeing myself from depression and anxiety, and getting my memory back it’s that it’s most terrifying when we don’t know what’s causing the problems and how to fix it and when we are told by our doctors that the only solution is a lifetime of medications. Even more terrifying was watching my life crumble piece by piece. I lost 3 successful sports medicine clinics and even my home due to my illness. I had no idea back then that my gut was playing a huge role in my anxiety, depression and memory loss! In fact, I had no idea that my gut had anything to do with my brain, my hormones, or my immune system. I had no idea and apparently none of the doctors I saw had any idea either.

After over 3 years of searching for answers and failed attempts to find solutions to heal myself. And after hanging on to only a thread of hope through my faith, many tears, and agony of battling with anxiety and depression every day, I slowly found the many root causes of what had made me ill and how to fix them. One by one I discovered and eliminated the root causes and healed myself. I became an expert in chronic illnesses and brain chemistry imbalances, healing gut issues, epigenetics, and holistic medicine. Through my journey I have helped thousands of men, women, and children uncover the root causes of their symptoms and regain their health and vitality and joy for life.

I share this with you as a message of hope and inspiration so that you can empower yourself to step up and heal yourself from virtually any chronic health issue that has been holding you back from having the life you want to live. You hold limitless potential to upgrade and transform your life.

Looking out for you,

Dr. Villanueva

The Modern Holistic Health | Gut Repair Quickstart Guide 3

This Guide includes five sections

PART 1Symptoms you may have leaky gut

PART 2The Four R’s of healing your gut

PART 3Favorite herbs and supplements to heal leaky gut

PART 4A Detox/Gut Healing Food guide shopping list

PART 5Some of Our favorite Gut Healing recipes

Symptoms you may have leaky gutLeaky gut may or may not have symptoms associated with it. In fact, that’s what allows health to get out of control many times. You see, so many times people can have symptoms but they have had them their entire life so they don’t really recognize them as a problem!

Some of the less commonly known symptoms of leaky gut include:

Joint pain Arthritis Chronic fatigue

Food allergiesand sensitivities


Weak immunesystem

Skin rashes Weight gain Thyroid disorders

The Modern Holistic Health | Gut Repair Quickstart Guide 4

Other not so obvious symptoms that you might need to dosome serious gut remodeling include

Brain-Related Symptoms like:

And Autoimmune and other Symptoms like:

Brain fog Depression

Anxiety Mood swings


Hashimoto’s disease


Alzheimer’s disease

Rheumatoid Arthritis


Neurological symptoms

Multiple Sclerosis


The Modern Holistic Health | Gut Repair Quickstart Guide 5

Interestingly enough most people don’t recognize some of the more obvious symptoms that they may need gut repair like:

With the symptoms varying so greatly it’s no wonder why so many of us have no clue they may benefit from gut repair. It can be difficult to pinpoint one single cause of leaky gut or other chronic health issues but as we mentioned in our '8QGHUVWDQGLQJ�*XW�5HSDLU' Ebook we now know that foods, environmental toxins, heavy metals, medications, and stress can all contribute to serious gut issues which can spiral into other chronic health issues.

Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)

Small Intestine BacterialOvergrowth (SIBO)

Celiac Disease

Food sensitivities

Gastric ulcers

Crohn’s disease





The Modern Holistic Health | Gut Repair Quickstart Guide 6

The 4R Approach to Healing Your Gut No matter what your health issue is.

The 4R Approach is sure to help you and your gut heal. We have seen dramatic reversal of chronic and inflammatory illnesses in a very short period of time by utilizing the 4 R approach.

The Four R’s of healing your gut

Remove the bad. The goal here is to eliminate toxins and other things that negatively affect the environment of the GI tract such as infections, gut irritants like alcohol, caffeine or nicotine, Inflammatory foods including gluten, dairy, corn, soy, eggs and sugar(which can lead tofood sensitivities).

The goal here is to eliminate toxins and other things that negatively affect the environment of the GI tract such as infections, gut irritants like alcohol, caffeine or nicotine, Inflammatory foods including gluten, dairy, corn, soy, eggs and sugar(which can lead to food sensitivities).

Replace the good. Add back into your diet the essential ingredients for proper digestion and absorption. Many times we can become nutrient depleted by diet, drugs (such as antacid medications) diseases or aging. Digestive enzymes, hydrochloric acid and bile acids that are required for proper digestion and can be supplemented with your gut repair regimen.

Reinoculate with beneficial bacteria to re-establish a healthy gut ecosystem. This may be easily done by taking a probiotic supplement that contains beneficial bacteria.

Repair by providing the nutrients necessary to help the gut heal itself. One of my favorites supplements is L-glutamine, which is an amino acid that helps to rebuild the lining of the gut. Other important nutrients include zinc, vitamin D, omega 3 fish oils, vitamin A, C, E as well as herbs such as marshmallow root, slippery elm, aloe vera, and butyrate.




The Modern Holistic Health | Gut Repair Quickstart Guide 7

Gut Detox/Gut Healing food guide:

The following guide is what we use with our clients to provide your body with nutrient rich foods that assist in healing your gut, while maintaining a well-balanced diet. You will be focusing on eating a variety of nutri-tious foods and avoiding processed foods and common triggers.

Each meal should be a combination of fruits/vegetables, healthy fats and protein. Each day, you should eat:

Water is essential for the gut to detox and heal. As we detoxify, the body needs to be able to flush out toxins. Three ways the body rids itself of toxins is through urination, feces, and sweating. Drinking 64-100oz of SXULILHG� water daily will ensure that your body can properly flush out the toxins that are being released. When you are dehydrated your body will ‘recycle’ and grab water from your feces in your colon, which will in turn dry out your feces and make you constipated. Not only that but when your body pulls water from your colon because you aren’t drinking enough, your body becomes toxic --this water is toxic! So make sure you create a new habit of drinking a minimum of 64oz of SXULILHG�water daily!

While Water is essential to detoxification it can also add toxins to the body if we don’t drink the right water. We need to make sure that we drink pure and filtered water. As we are trying to get your body away from being acidic, it is important to avoid acidic water and chose alkaline water. Ideally water would be stored in a glass bottle, but if glass bottle options are not available make sure to buy water bottles with BPA free plastic.

5-7 servingsof vegetables

2-3 servingsof fruit

2-4 servings of protein(preferably non animal based)


Ɣ Reverse osmosisalkaline water

Ɣ Alkaline water inBPA free bottle

Ideal Water Choices:

Ɣ Tap waterƔ Spring water

Ɣ Distilled WaterƔ Water in plastic bottles with BPA

The Modern Holistic Health | Gut Repair Quickstart Guide 8

The Modern Holistic Health | Gut Repair Quickstart Guide 9

Gut Healing FoodsA healthy gut is essential to a healthy body. Your gut is responsible for absorbing nutrients from your food, making essential vitamins, and even making neurotransmitters for your brain. A large part of the gut healing process includes eliminating viral, bacterial, and parasitic patterns, heavy metals, and environmental toxins from the body. Before you can start a gut repair program it is essential to first detox the gut of any underlying infection patterns, biofilm, and other toxins. The foods listed below will help eliminate the toxins and enable the reestablishment of a healthy gut biome.

Celery JuiceContains mineral salts and healing properties for the gut to re-establish its own production of HCL and lay the foundation to create a healthy gut ecosystem. Start with 4-8 oz/day. You can add D�VPDOO�DPRXQW�oI� apple� cucumber, RU� lime for flavoring if needed - when you are juicing the celery. Drink celery juice on an empty stomach first thing in the morning, during the day or 2 hours after your last meal.


Ɣ Wild blueberriesƔ BananasƔ Apple

Ɣ Grapefruit Ɣ Fruit juices

Fruits with healing and detox properties

** If you currently have blood sugar issues or diabetes, limit your fruits to only the Wildblueberries and some mixed berries (organic always!)

Ɣ FigsƔ Dates

The Modern Holistic Health | Gut Repair Quickstart Guide 10

Ɣ Parsley - 1/4 cupƔ Cilantro - to pull/detox heavy metals, 1/2 cup Ɣ Garlic - if you love it, eat up to 2 cloves/day Ɣ Sage

Herbs to cook with:

Ɣ Spirulina and supergreens Ɣ Atlantic DulseƔ Sprouts like alfalfaƔ BroccoliƔ KaleƔ Clover

Ɣ FenugreekƔ LentilƔ MustardƔ SunflowerƔ and other Sprouted Seeds

Other gut healing foods:


You can eat unlimited amounts of vegetables but need 5-7 servings minimum per day (1 serving = 1/2 cup).

Ɣ Try and eat 3 cups of leafy greens per dayƔ Eat the rainbow - vary the types of colors of vegetables you eatƔ Try to eat organic if possibleƔ Aim for 50% of your vegetables to be raw and 50% of the vegetables

can be cooked

Avoid:Ɣ Corn and white potatoes Ɣ Bell peppers

The Modern Holistic Health | Gut Repair Quickstart Guide 11

Healthy Fats

Ɣ ½ AvocadoƔ Olive oil (don’t use for cooking) Ɣ Avocado oil (great high temp

cooking oil)

Ɣ Coconut oil (great hightemp cooking oil)

Ɣ Raw nuts (no peanuts)Ɣ Nut Butter (no peanuts)

Often times when people have leaky gut they also are having trouble digesting certain foods like meats.When this happens the meats can putrify in your gut allowing for more overgrowth of the bad bacteriaand also causing other issues. But if you chose to eat meat the following guidelines can be followed tohelp ensure you are eating a ‘cleaner’ version of animal proteins. You can also consider adding a gooddiegestive enzyme to help break down the animal proteins.

2- 4 servings per day (serving size = 3-5oz – the size of your palm)

Ɣ Organic, free range chickenƔ Grass fed red meatƔ Wild caught fish that are low in mercury (salmon, halibut)Ɣ Only salmon to eat is wild Alaskan salmon

Avoid:Ɣ High mercury fish (tuna, swordfish)Ɣ Fish that is farmedƔ Atlantic salmonƔ Tilapia - almost all tilapia is farmedƔ Canned meatsƔ Meats that contain nitrates and sulfates (bacon, deli meat, sausage)

The Modern Holistic Health | Gut Repair Quickstart Guide 12

Foods to Avoid

Ɣ Dairy milkƔ YogurtƔ CheeseƔ KefirƔ Gluten wheatƔ BreadƔ CookiesƔ PastaƔ PizzaƔ Sugar cane sugarƔ High fructose corn syrup Ɣ Soy milkƔ TofuƔ EdamameƔ Other grains or brown rice

Ɣ White riceƔ QuinoaƔ BuckwheatƔ AmaranthƔ OatsƔ Wild riceƔ Basmati riceƔ CoffeeƔ EggsƔ Soda (regular and diet soda)Ɣ AlcoholƔ Peanuts & peanut butterƔ Artificial sweeteners (aspartame)Ɣ MSG (Mono Sodium Glutamate)

The Modern Holistic Health | Gut Repair Quickstart Guide 13

Shopping list:


Ɣ ArtichokesƔ ArugulaƔ AsparagusƔ Bean sproutsƔ Beet greensƔ BeetsƔ Belgian endiveƔ BroccoliƔ BroccoliniƔ Brussels sproutsƔ Cabbage Ɣ CarrotsƔ CauliflowerƔ CeleryƔ Chives

Ɣ Collard greensƔ CucumbersƔ Dandelion greens Ɣ FennelƔ Green BeansƔ Hearts of palmƔ Jalapeo peppers Ɣ JicamaƔ KaleƔ LeeksƔ LettuceƔ MushroomsƔ Mustard greens Ɣ OkraƔ Onion

Ɣ ParsnipsƔ PumpkinƔ RadishƔ RutabagasƔ ShallotsƔ SpinachƔ SquashƔ Sweet potatoƔ Swiss chardƔ Turnip greensƔ TurnipsƔ Water chestnutsƔ Yucca roots

The Modern Holistic Health | Gut Repair Quickstart Guide 14


Ɣ AcaiƔ ApplesƔ ApricotsƔ Avocado Ɣ Bananas Ɣ Cherries Ɣ Coconut Ɣ DatesƔ Elderberries Ɣ Figs

Ɣ GuavaƔ HuckleberriesƔ LemonƔ LimesƔ MulberriesƔ NectarinesƔ OlivesƔ OrangeƔ PapayasƔ Passionfruit

Ɣ PeachesƔ PearsƔ PersimmonsƔ PlumsƔ PomegranatesƔ RaspberriesƔ Red currantsƔ RhubarbƔ StrawberriesƔ Tangerines


Ɣ Poultry (chicken, turkey) Ɣ Lean red meat (beef, bison,

venison, wild game)Ɣ CodƔ Wild Alaskan salmon

Ɣ Wild halibutƔ Nuts (raw and unsalted - amonds, cashews, pecans)


Ɣ AvocadoƔ Chia seedsƔ Coconut oilƔ Coconut milk

Ɣ Flaxseed oilƔ Extra virgin olive oilƔ Nuts (raw and unsalted)Ɣ Nut butter (raw and unflavored)

The Modern Holistic Health | Gut Repair Quickstart Guide 15


Ɣ BasilƔ Bay leavesƔ CardamomƔ CayenneƔ Chili powderƔ ChivesƔ CilantroƔ Cinnamon Ɣ Cloves

Ɣ CuminƔ DillƔ GarlicƔ GingerƔ LemongrassƔ MintƔ MustardƔ NutmegƔ Oregano

Ɣ PaprikaƔ ParsleyƔ Pepper (black)Ɣ RosemaryƔ SageƔ Sea Salt (Himalayan

Pink Sea Salt is best)


Ɣ Almond milkƔ Coconut milkƔ Apple cider vinegarƔ Balsamic vinegarƔ Broth (low sodium organic

chicken, beef or vegetable)

Ɣ Red wine vinegar Ɣ TarragonƔ ThymeƔ TurmericƔ Vanilla extract (pure)

Easy replacement tips:Ɣ Replace aluminum foil with nonbleached parchment paperƔ Replace milk or creamer with almond or coconut milkƔ Use organic, unrefined coconut oil as a moisturizer on your skin and hair instead of lotion or hair masksƔ Replace coffee with Dandy Blend Tea

The Modern Holistic Health | Gut Repair Quickstart Guide 16

Daily Meal Plan IdeasEarly Morning On an empty stomach 2-8oz of pure celery juice (this aids greatly in gut repair) or warm water with fresh lemon juice.

Breakfast Detox smoothie.

Lunch Salad with greens, fruit, and fish (if you desire an animal protein).

Dinner Any vegetable dish with lean animal protein, if desired.

12 Easy recipe ideas for gut healing:

Breakfast Ideas:

What you need:Ɣ 1 cup of frozen berries (assorted berries are great)Ɣ 1 serving of your favorite flavor of vegan protein powderƔ 1 cup of sugar-free vanilla almond milk or coconut milkƔ This is a tasty and healthy breakfast for the person on the go. Combine the

ingredients in your VitaMix or blender (we recommend adding the milk first)and blend until smooth. This is a pretty thick shake, so if you want more of aliquid consistency add more milk.

The Berry Good Shake: Serves 1

The Modern Holistic Health | Gut Repair Quickstart Guide 17

Yogurt Parfait: serves 1

What You Need:Ɣ Plain coconut yogurtƔ Ground flaxƔ 1/2 cup of berriesƔ Drizzle of organic, wild honeyƔ In a bowl, layer 9 oz. of yogurt, honey, berries.

Veggie Breakfast Hash:

Ɣ Brussels sproutsƔ Butternut squashƔ OnionƔ Ground turkey

Ɣ Avocado (optional)Ɣ Olive oilƔ SaltƔ Garlic powder

1. Cut Brussels sprouts in half and cut butternut squash into 1/2” cubes.2. Toss in olive oil, salt and garlic powder. 3. Roast Brussels sprouts and butternut squash in oven at 400 degrees for 25

minutes.4. While the Brussels sprouts and squash are cooking, saute onion and ground

turkey (use olive oil, salt and garlic powder) *You can use organic vegetable broth to add to the pan if the onions and turkey start to burn in the pan.

5. Saute Brussels sprouts, squash, onion and turkey in pan together.6. Garnish with avocado, if desired

The Modern Holistic Health | Gut Repair Quickstart Guide 18

Lunch and Dinner Recipe Ideas:

Whitefish with Lemon Vinaigrette with Supergreens: serves 6

Cook’s Note: It’s best to make the lemon vinaigrette first

What You Need:Ɣ 8 tablespoons avocado oilƔ ����FXS�RI�UHG�RQLRQV��GLFHG��GR��»��FXS�LI�\RX�GRQ¶W�ORYH�RQLRQV�Ɣ 1 large head radicchio (about 12 oz.), coarsely chopped (I used red cabbage�Ɣ 1/3 cup fish brothƔ Salt and freshly ground black pepperƔ 6 (5 to 6-ounce) whitefish filletsƔ Almond flour, for dredgingƔ Lemon vinaigrette, recipe follows

1 Heat 2 tablespoons of coconut oil in a heavy large skillet over medium heat.2 Add the onions and saute until tender, about 2 minutes. 3 Add the red cabbage and saute until wilted, about 5 minutes. 4 Add the supergreens like kale, spinach, chard, or your favorite greens and broth, and cook until the leaves are tender, stirring often, about 5 minutes, depending on which greens you use. 5 Season the red cabbage mixture, to taste, with salt and pepper. 6 Meanwhile, heat 3 tablespoons of avocado oil in a 14-inch (or 2 smaller) nonstick frying pan over medium-high heat. 7 Sprinkle the fillets with salt and pepper. 8 Dredge the fillets in flour to coat completely. Shake of the excess flour and fry 3 fillets in each pan until they are golden brown and just cooked through, about 3 minutes per side. 9 Spoon the radicchio mixture over the center of the plates. Top with the fillets. Drizzle the vinaigrette over and serve immediately.

The Modern Holistic Health | Gut Repair Quickstart Guide 19

Lemon Vinaigrette

What You Need:Ɣ 1/4 cup fresh lemon juiceƔ 1/4 cup lightly packed fresh Italian parsley leavesƔ 2 cloves garlicƔ 2 teaspoons finely grated lemon zestƔ 1/2 teaspoon saltƔ 1/4 teaspoon freshly ground black pepperƔ 1/3 cup extra virgin olive oil

1 Blend the lemon juice, parsley, garlic, lemon zest, salt, and pepper in a blender.2 With the machine running, gradually blend in the oil. 3 Season the vinaigrette, to taste, with more salt and pepper.

Cauliflower Taco Bowl

Ɣ 1 lb lean ground turkeyƔ 1 1/4 tsp kosher saltƔ 1 tsp garlic powderƔ 1 tsp cuminƔ 1 tsp chili powder

For the toppings:

Ɣ 4 oz. avocado (1 small) Ɣ chopped cilantro

Ɣ 1 tsp paprikaƔ 1/2 tsp dried oreganoƔ 1/2 small onion, mincedƔ 3/4 cup waterƔ 4 cups uncooked riced cauliflower

Ɣ 1 cup chopped lettuceƔ lime wedges

1. Over high heat, brown the turkey in a large skillet breaking it into smaller pieces as it cooks, about 5 minutes.

2. When no longer pink, add 1 tsp salt and the dry seasoning and mix well.3. Add the onion, pepper, water and cover.4. Simmer on low for about 15 minutes.5. Remove the cover and add the cauliflower, add 1/4 teaspoon salt and cook

until tender, about 8 minutes. 6. Transfer to a plate and serve with avocado, lettuce, guacamole and lime.

The Modern Holistic Health | Gut Repair Quickstart Guide 20

To make marinade Ɣ ¼ cup olive oilƔ ½ cup lemon juice Ɣ ¼ tsp saltƔ ¼ tsp pepper

Lemon Pepper Chicken

Ɣ ½ tsp oreganoƔ ¼-½ tsp red pepper flakesƔ 1 pack organic free range boneless skinless chicken breast

1. Mix marinade ingredients in bowl and pour over chicken.2. Let chicken marinate for 8-12 hours.3. Lightly cover your baking dish in olive oil.4. Bake chicken with a little marinade in the dish at 350 degrees for

approximately 30 minutes or until done.

Ɣ 1 tbsp. olive oilƔ 2 lbs. butternut squash (zig zags or cubed)Ɣ 2 tsp. ground chipotle powder Ɣ 1 tsp. saltƔ Zest and juice from 2 limesƔ 1/3 cup cilantro

Chipotle Lime Butternut Squash

1. Preheat oven to 425 degrees.2. Toss all ingredients into a large bowl.3. Line baking sheets with parchment paper and spread squash evenly

across baking sheet.4. Bake for 25 minutes* until tender and lightly browned, and then flip and

cook for another 8-10 minutes. *Depending on cut, this time will vary!

The Modern Holistic Health | Gut Repair Quickstart Guide 21

Ɣ 1 large head of cauliflower, cut into floretsƔ 1-2 tablespoons olive oil (see notes)Ɣ 1 tablespoon ground turmeric Ɣ 1 teaspoon each: sea salt and chili powderƔ ½ teaspoon black pepperƔ 1 lemon, cut into half slicesƔ Cilantro, to serve

Roasted Cauliflower

1. Preheat your oven to 425 degrees. Line a large baking sheet withparchment paper

2. Add the cauliflower florets to a large bowl and drizzle with the oil. Sprinkle the turmeric, sea salt, chili powder, black pepper, and ginger over top and toss so everything is well coated. Transfer to the prepared baking sheet and roast in the oven for 40 minutes, turning halfway. At the halfway mark (after 20 minutes) add the lemon slices to the baking sheet.

3. Serve the turmeric cauliflower with the roasted lemons squeezed over top and a little cilantro.

Ɣ 4 golden beets Ɣ 5-6 cups of arugula Ɣ 2 large avocado

Roasted Beet and Arugula Salad

Lemon Dressing:Ɣ 1 ½ cups olive oilƔ 2/3 cups lemon juice

Ɣ 1 tsp saltƔ 1 clove of garlic, minced

1. Preheat oven to 400 degrees.2. Wash beets, peel them and cut off tops and bottoms.3. Cut beets into cubes.4. Toss in olive oil and cook in dutch oven.5. Bake for 45-60 minutes. (should be tender)6. Let beets cool.7. Place arugula and avocado in bowl and toss in dressing.8. Add in beets and toss and let sit for 1 hour before serving.

The Modern Holistic Health | Gut Repair Quickstart Guide 22

Ɣ 2-3 heads of romaineƔ 1 red onion

Ɣ Kalamata olives Ɣ 2 avocados

Greek Salad

For dressing:Ɣ ½ cup olive oilƔ ½-¾ cup lemon juice (depending on desired taste)Ɣ 3-5 tbsp of red wine vinegarƔ 2 tsp minced garlicƔ ¼ tsp saltƔ ½ tsp pepperƔ ¾ tsp oreganoƔ ½ tsp red pepper flakes *alter measurements to achieve desired taste

1. Mix dressing in bowl, and set aside.2. Chop romaine, onion, olives and avocado and put in large mixing bowl.3. Toss in dressing and let sit for 1-3 hours prior to eating.

Ɣ 6 heaping cups cauliflower florets (from 1-1/2 pound cauliflower) cut into 1-inch floretsƔ 3 garlic clovesƔ 2 tbsp olive oil, plus 1 teaspoonƔ 1 teaspoon turmericƔ 1 teaspoon cuminƔ 1/8 teaspoon crushed red pepper flakes, optionalƔ 1/2 tsp kosher salt, to tasteƔ 1 medium chopped onionƔ 3 cups vegetable brothƔ 1/4 cup full fat canned coconut milk, shaken wellƔ 2 tablespoons chopped cilantro

Healing Turmeric Cauliflower Soup

1. Preheat the oven to 450°F. Smash the garlic cloves with the side of the knife.2. Place the cauliflower florets and smashed garlic in a large bowl and drizzle

with 2 tablespoons olive oil. Shake the bowl a few times to coat the cauliflowerevenly with the oil.

The Modern Holistic Health | Gut Repair Quickstart Guide 23

3. In a small bowl combine the turmeric, cumin, salt and crushed red pepper flakes.Sprinkle evenly over cauliflower, tossing well to coat evenly.

4. Place the cauliflower on a large rimmed baking sheet and bake in the center ofthe oven until browned and tender, about 25-30 minutes, turning the floretsoccasionally so they are evenly cooked. Reserve 1 cup.

5. Meanwhile, heat a medium pot over medium heat, add 1 teaspoon oil and onionand cook until translucent, about 2 to 3 minutes. Add the broth and transfer theremaining roasted cauliflower to the pot, bring to a boil and cook covered onlow 15 minutes.

6. Use a hand blender (or regular blender carefully in batches) and blend untilsmooth. Salt to taste as needed, stir in coconut milk and serve topped with roastedcauliflower and cilantro with additional coconut milk for drizzling if desired.Makes 4 1/2 cups.

Ɣ 2 lbs cauliflower (1 large head)Ɣ 1 tbsp unsweetened almond milk or coconut milk Ɣ 1 ¾ tsp sea saltƔ 1 ½ tsp garlic powder (add more to reach desired taste)

Garlic Mashed Cauliflower

1. Cut the cauliflower into chunks, place in a food processor and pulse for10 seconds until the cauliflower is broken into small pieces. Alternatively youcan chop it by hand.

2. Place the coconut oil into a large skillet on medium high heat. add in thecauliflower and sprinkle with salt. Cook for 6 to 7 minutes until the cauliflowerbegins to turn golden in colour.

3. Add in the almond milk and garlic and let the cauliflower cook for approximately10 minutes until there is no liquid in the bottom of the pan, it should all beabsorbed into the cauliflower.

4. Transfer the mixture to a food processor or blender and puree untilcompletely smooth.

5. Serve warm.

The Modern Holistic Health | Gut Repair Quickstart Guide 24

Ɣ 1 cup chopped yellow onionƔ 3 tbsp coconut oilƔ 1 small clove minced garlicƔ 2 tsp fresh rosemary

Lemon Rosemary Cauliflower Rice

Ɣ 2 tbsp lemon zestƔ 1 ½ tbsp lemon juiceƔ 1 ¼ tsp sea saltƔ 4 cups raw cauliflower rice (from recipe above)

1. In skillet, cook the onion in 2 tbsp of coconut oil for 6 minutes on medium heat, stirring occasionally.

2. Lower heat and stir in garlic and rosemary and last tablespoon of oil.3. Turn heat back up to medium and stir in lemon zest, lemon juice and raw

cauliflower rice.4. Cook for 8 minutes covered, stirring occasionally.

Any recommendations/consultations with respect to nutritional health, diet, supplementation or detoxification is done exclusively for educational and informational purposes and is for non-diagnostic purposes and general guidelines only. The determination to take or withdraw from any medical intervention resides within the legislative authority of physicians, nurses, and nurse pract tioners. We support the distribution of current research and information relating to all topics and likewise encourage our readers to make informed health care decisions having researched and understood all balanced and accurate information to which these decisions pertain. In every case, please consult with your medical physician regarding any changes you make to your medical regimen, as doing without consultation or supervision by a qualified healthcare practitioner may be dangerous.

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