Dr Didier bosseboeuf, ADEME, France Irmeli Mikkonen, MOTIVA, Finland Lea Gunter (MOTIVA, Finland) Regional workshop WEC-ADEME Evaluation of Energy Efficiency.

Post on 31-Mar-2015






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Dr Didier bosseboeuf , ADEME, FranceIrmeli Mikkonen, MOTIVA, FinlandLea Gunter (MOTIVA, Finland)

Regional workshop WEC-ADEME “Evaluation of Energy Efficiency Policies in the MENA Region”

organised by ANME with the support of UNDPTunis, 15-16 March 2010

The WEC project on energy efficiency policies evaluation: Case study on innovative integrated tools for

communication for energy efficiecny

Innovative integrated tools for communicationMain issues

What kind of Tools/measures do exist?

What are the most ones currently implemented?

What are the first tools generally implemented?

What is the easiest one?

Single tool versus integrated tools


Innovative integrated tools for communicationCases studies in progression

Cuba: Cuba’s Energy Revolution

Chile: Good Energy Initiatives (Iniciativas con Buena Energia)

South Africa: Energy Efficiency (multiple sub-campaigns Power Alert, Energy Smart, Power Play, Pedal Power, Shower Sense, Save it)

United States: Drive $marter Challenge Campaign

Finland: Compressed Air Efficiently (PATE)

Russia: Save Energy Campaign

United Kingdom: Energy Saving Trust Consumer Campaign (Dave)

France: faisons vite ça chauffe


China; india

Selection Criteria for Case Studies

Good geographical distribution

Total objective 10 cases, at least 5 cases from non-OECD

Wide coverage of sectors and end-uses including

Coverage of both types of energy behaviour: investment behaviour, habitual behaviour

Analysis based on available ex-post analysis

Campaigns closed maximum 3-5 years ago

Stand-alone communicating campaigns vs. packages of instruments

Communication Tools Used

Campaign Communication channels usedCuba: Cuba’s Energy Revolution (La revolución energética)

School campaigns, energy festivals, billboards, paper and electronic mass media, home and company visits by “social” workers (trabajadores sociales)

Chile: Good Energy Initiatives (Iniciativas con Buena Energia)

Education campaigns at all levels, a guidebook and tools for companies, eco-driving education to truck drivers, mass media campaigns, a movie bus, information dissemination by energy distributors, energy efficiency week

Finland: Compressed Air Efficiently (PATE)

Audit tool, training events, brochures, media campaigns, Energy Efficiency Week

Russia: Save Energy Campaign TV, newspapers, magazines, billboards and subway posters

South Africa: Energy Efficiency (multiple sub-campaigns Power Alert, Energy Smart, Power Play, Pedal Power, Shower Sense, Save it)

Colour-coded information on load situation in TV, TV spots, TV reality series, traditional media campaigns, fun interactive tools, demonstration of efficient shower heads on beaches, energy efficiency ambassadors road show with super hero characters

United Kingdom: Energy Saving Trust Consumer Campaign (Dave)

TV lead media (starring a sympathetic character Dave and his energy saving house where appliances talk), supported by radio, online advertising and PR

United States: Drive $marter Challenge Campaign

1st programme phase with tip cards, media interviews, radio, billboard, mobile marketing, interactive website etc.

2nd programme phase implemented through a high-visibility nationwide video contest, traditional media and digital media (including facebook, twitter and YouTube)

Integrated Communication Tools

In most cases, multiple communication channels are used in order to reach all chosen target groups to take into account socio-economic factors, language, access to media etc.

All cases feature communication channels working in an integrated manner. Some innovative examples are illustrated hereunder:

The UK TV campaign DAVE itself provided information on energy efficiency but with the aim of marketing other information services, namely the energy advice centers and internet services

In Cuba, one of the multiple target groups is school children. Energy theme is now integrated in many school disciplines. An annual energy festival has been introduced whereby children lean through songs, poetry and theatre and which through municipal and provincial events culminates in national events.

Integrated Communication Tools: examples (cont’)

In Finland, the marketing campaign for an energy audit tool uses media tools and brochures and also addresses needs of the target groups through training. Furthermore, information on the tool was disseminated during the annual Energy Efficiency Week which is participated by many target group members.

In South Africa, one of the technologies promoted were efficient shower heads. They were advertised e.g. in radio, print media. An innovative approach were simultaneous demonstrations on the beach. To promote CLFs normal mass media campaigns were used but a again, demonstrations were organised by introducing a dynamo bicycle called Pedal Power powering both a CLF and an incandescent lamp and clearly demonstrating the difference. Demonstrations were given in major cycling events. Furthermore, efficient technologies were promoted in reality type TV shows.

Innovative integrated tools for communicationMain issues Cases: Cuba and Chile

Cuba: Cuba’s Energy Revolution (La revolución energética)

Implemented in the context of an energy crisis, Addresses the problem of lack of information

Target groups: general public, companies and communities

School campaigns, energy festivals, billboards, paper and electronic mass media, home and company visits by “social” workers (trabajadores sociales)

Monitoring by participant interviews and surveys

Chile: Good Energy Initiatives (Iniciativas con Buena Energia)

Implemented in the context of threatening energy crisis and energy rationing, which was avoided due to the campaign

Education campaigns at all levels, a guidebook and tools for companies, eco-driving education to truck drivers, mass media campaigns, a movie bus, information dissemination by energy distributors, energy efficiency week

The results of telephone interviews show that the campaign was successful and 25% of actions taken were due to the campaign alone

After successful emergency-campaigning another one to thank people

The communication strategy of CubaThe communication strategy of Cuba

Prensa Plana



Vallas de avenidas

Barrio debates



Población en general, teniendo en cuenta su desempeño en la sociedad.

Organizaciones sociales y de masa.

Didactic game for kids of 8 years old

Games with cards with energy efficiency message gor kids.

Free card game provided.

60 000 copiesLa edición abarcó 60 mil ejemplares.

Innovative integrated tools for communication Cases: Finland and Russia

Finland: Compressed Air Efficiently (PATE)

Developing and marketing an energy audit tool to help industry reduce energy use for pressurised air production

Developed in cooperation with target industries, equipment suppliers and consultants

The audit campaign aimed at changing primarily habitual behaviour in companies by influencing motivational factors

Marketing by training events, brochures, media campaigns, Energy Efficiency Week

Russia: Save Energy Campaign

Major emphasis on energy efficient lighting and efficient use of lighting

TV, newspapers, magazines, billboards and subway posters

Started in Moscow in 2006, expanded to 15 regions in 2007

Innovative integrated tools for communicationCases: South Africa and United Kingdom

South Africa: Energy Efficiency (multiple sub-campaigns Power Alert, Energy Smart, Power Play, Pedal Power, Shower Sense, Save it)

Campaigns implemented in time of energy shortage

Target groups: residential sector, school children and to a lesser extent industry and commercial sector

Colour-coded information on load situation in TV, TV spots, TV reality series, traditional media campaigns, fun interactive tools, demonstration of efficient shower heads on beaches, energy efficiency ambassadors road show with super hero characters

The brief

A “winwingroup” is rolling out two road shows; one that is designed to be performed in corporate environments and one that is designed for schools

The project

Thewinwingroup created 3 Energy Miner Super Hero characters; Captain Watt, Dyna Mo and Miss X Static and developed 2 very versatile 25 minute shows, one specifically targeted at corporate individuals and one for school children. The shows are witty, funny and interactive. They include bicycle powered light displays and a human powered coffee machine. Although highly entertaining, the shows also communicate very valuable tips and

suggestions of how South Africans can reduce their consumption of electricity in their individual capacities

Innovative integrated tools for communicationCase of United Kingdom

United Kingdom: Energy Saving Trust Consumer Campaign (Dave)

Objectives to increase use of energy advisory centers and to market the services of the Energy Saving Trust

TV as lead media (starring a sympathetic character Dave and his energy saving house where appliances talk), supported by radio, online advertising and PR

Monitoring data collected by interviews/surveys confirming good visibility and that the campaign had prompted action

Innovative integrated tools for communicationCases: United States

United States: Drive $marter Challenge Campaign

Campaign objectives were to reduce gasoline costs, vehicle miles travelled and national gasoline consumption

Campaign implemented in the context of economic recession and high energy prices affecting lower and low-middle income drivers

Implemented jointly by Alliance to Save Energy and 19 non-profit, for-profit and governmental partners, trade associations and companies

1st programme phase with tip cards, media interviews, radio, billboard, mobile marketing, interactive website etc.

2nd programme phase implemented through a high-visibility nationwide video contest, traditional media and digital media (including facebook, twitter and YouTube)

The campaign message “hundreds of dollars a year” saving-message has led to clear changes in people’s driving habits.

Innovative integrated tools for communicationPreliminary Findings and Conclusions

The full potential of communicative instruments in pursuing energy efficiency is still largely untapped particularly outside the OECD countries

Case examples implementation mainly in isolation instead of combining with other policy instruments

Use of behavioural theories in campaign design is not evident. However, substantial effort had been put on campaign design phase.

Markets need to be segmented, target groups chosen, their needs analysed and communication channels tailored accordingly. Case study results in this respect were mixed.

Availability of good-quality evaluation data on energy-related communication campaigns is still a rarity, in general. However, various approaches are used for the evaluation of communication campaigns.

Preliminary Findings and Conclusions Factors to consider in choice of the instrument

Needs assessment of the target group, tailoring the messages, cost vs. budget, media coverage and media access, cultural factors, long-term view vs. short campaign

Multiple communication channels were used in order to reach all chosen target groups to take into account socio-economic factors, language, access to media etc.

The most frequently used instrument is TV (also in LCDs), next other mass media and internet in more developed countries. However, major differences between the countries in various stages of industrialisation were not visible in this relatively small sample.

Innovative approaches included: use of new social media (US), roadshows to supplement TV when not everyone has access to it (South Africa), showerhead demonstration on beaches (South Africa), video contest (US), use of political meetings (Cuba), use of “social” workers (Cuba), thanking people for having made and effort (Chile)

Preliminary Findings and Conclusions: General

Most case examples have been implementation in isolation instead of combining with other policy instruments (regulatory, financial). Given the results of needs assessment and the mix of prevailing energy efficiency barriers, communicative instruments may need to be combined with other types of instruments. For example, if major economic barriers prevail preventing consumer action, different financial instruments may be necessary.

While pursuing a massive energy efficiency information campaign, Cuba has restructured its residential electrical tariffs and implemented a program to change over to energy efficient appliances. Whereas the tariff restructuring increased electricity prices creating a clear motivation to save, the appliance programme helped to compensate the additional cost to the consumers.

Preliminary Findings and Conclusions: Evaluation

Availability of good-quality evaluation data on energy-related communication campaigns is still a rarity, in general. The case studies show results, which are positively biased.

The cases demonstrate various approaches to evaluation of communication campaigns, the impact of which is usually perceived difficult to evaluate. Approaches taken:

Process evaluation by surveys, interviews

Impact evaluation by

Surveys regarding measures implemented

Estimates based on market and sales data

Engineering estimates based on pilot cases

Monitoring changes in total consumption

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