DPAC Report - Six Months and Still Waiting - Personal Testimonies of PIP Assessment Delays

Post on 24-Nov-2015






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This document contains anonymised emails and posts to the Disabled People Against Cuts website from 2013 relating to disabled people who have applied for PIP Assessment and have been subject to unacceptable delays.


  • DPAC Research Six Months and Still Waiting - Testimonies of PIP Assessment Delays

    Disabled People Against Cuts

    Six Months and Still Waiting: Testimonies of PIP Assessment Delays


    This document contains anonymised emails and posts to the Disabled PeopleAgainst Cuts website from 2013 relating to disabled people who have applied for

    PIP Assessment and have been subject to unacceptable delays.

    Prepared by the DPAC Research Team, May 2014Disabled People Against Cuts:DPAC is a grass roots campaign body. It was formed by a group of disabled people after the first mass protest against the austerity cuts and their impact on disabled people held on the 3rd October in Birmingham 2010, England. It was led by disabledpeople under the name of The Disabled Peoples Protest. DPAC has over 20,000 members & supporters and an outreach of over 45,000 disabled people. DPAC works with many anti-cuts groups, Universities, Disabled Peoples Organizations, and Unionsmail@dpac.uk.net www.dpac.uk.net twitter: @ Dis_PPL_Protest


  • Table of Contents 1 Introduction........................................................................................................................2 2 Personal Testimonies.........................................................................................................2 3 Further Reading...............................................................................................................34

    Abbreviations Used

    DLA Disability Living Allowance, a UK Disability Benefit which being replaced by Personal Independ-ence Payments (PIP)

    PIP Personal Independence Payment, a UK Disability Benefit which is replacing Disability Living Allow-ance (DLA)

    Capita a private company which has been contracted by the DWP to perform PIP Assessments

    ATOS - a private company which has been contracted by the DWP to perform PIP Assessments

    ESA Employment and Support Allowance UK Government Sickness Benefit

    BMA British Medical Association

    DWP Department for Work and Pensions - UK Government Department

    GP General Practitiioner (Medical Doctor)

    HMCTS Her Majestys Courts and Tribuneral Service

    NAO National Audit Office

    JSA Job Seekers Allowance

    MP Member of Parliament

    WCA Work Capability Assessment test for claimants right to claim the ESA Benefit

    WRAG Work Related Activity Group

    1 IntroductionThis document contains anonymised emails and posts to the Disabled People Against Cuts website from 2013 relating to disabled people who have applied for PIP Assessment and have been subject to unacceptable delays.

    For further reading on this subject, see section 3.

    2 Personal TestimoniesNote: The testimonies included in this document are presented completely un-edited, except to remove personally identifiable information. Many of these testimonies are extremely distressing, and where people have expressed anger and frustration at their situation by use of extreme language, this has been left in the testimony, un-modified.

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  • Waited from July till end of August for assessment

    Applied for pip end of august had a face to face assessmenton the 15th November. Dwp have still not received the reportfrom capita.I have a movement disorder dystonia which effects my wholebody,I sometimes can not speak,walk, or see due to spasms. My life is on hold can not go out due to parking getting in to a wheelchair or using my walking aid in a normal parking space is a joke! I have called capita on several occasions to be told that there is a back log. My report is in the process of seniors waiting to be checked. I feel sorry for all the people waiting for assessments and decisions atos, capita to get there act together.

    Still waiting I rang DWP to be told ATOS have 6 weeks to return the hard copy of the assessment. Ye when I rang ATOS they told me They had no right to tell me that !!!Lies lies n more lies while people suffer

    The link at the bottom of this post provides details of what my son expereinced on the day of his assessment, which we only took because they could not provide a home assessment in our area. A formal compliant was made with them on the day of the assessment (17/01). They claim to have written what they refer to as an aknowledgement and apology letter which they say is dated 31/01 yet it has still not arrived. I have written to my local MP and he has written toPaul Pindar the Chief Exec of Capita.

    I have spoken with one of the Capita Health Professionals today and they have confirmed that they do have sufficient evidence to confirm my sons diagnosis (letter from Neurologist and outcome of most recent MRI) but according to them they do not have sufficient information to establish the functional impact the disease has on my sons day to day living. I responded with the fact that they do have this as this is what is described in the questionnaire, but irrespective of diagnosis, they are unable to take the claimants word for it, even though the PIP literature says that face to face assessments may not be necessary if they have been sent sufficient information. What they are telling me on the phone appears to be in conflict with the literature.

    My arguement is that there are certain medical diagnosis such as chronic, incurable diseases and those that are terminal, where the medical diagnosis itself and the words of the person battling to deal with the disease should be sufficient for Capita to complete a paper based assessment without the trauma of putting someone through the ordeal of having to prove what they can no longer do when what they should be doing is putting aside what theyve lost to startfocusing on what they can do.

    I have got Capita to agree that what they want is reassurance that the claimant (my son) is notlying. It is their policy to have this validated (through interviews) and they have an approach where one size fits all. This is what I have a problem with. The approach they take to weed out the benefits cheats is not the approach they shoudl be applying to people that are clearly vulnerable and facing life challenges that most healthy people would not understand.

    A serious medical diagnosis should be sufficient to reassure the Capita Heath Professionals that the claimant is likely to be telling the truth. However, I am going to get my sons MS Nurse and GP to sign a letter stating that the functional impacts my son describes in his questionnaire

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  • are line line with his medical diagnosis. This should be sufficient and if it is, should be adopted as the standard approach for a specific list of conditions.

    This approach would be in line with the existing government approach to Medical Exemption Certificates, whereby the claimant describes how his / her condition affects him / her in an official form and the GP signs it. This is what I did for my son and he now holds a Medical Exemption Certificate which I got for him without the need for a stressful assessment.

    I feel really strongly about protecting vulnerable people from being put through the stress of these assessments. I have seen first hand how much harm they can do and want to do everything possible to prevent people who do not have Mums, Partners, Siblings or Good Friends to fight their corner for them as I have for my son. It breaks my heart when I witness thestress this is causing my son and makes me weant to cry when I continually read similar storiesfrom people in desperate need of support.


    Its worth mentioning that my son was registered as disabled without the need for an assessment and was approved for a blue badge without the need for an assessment.

    In both cases, I described how James is functionally impacted by his disease and provided copies of the Medical Diagnosis from his Neurologist, his latest scan results and a timeline of events back to the date when he was first referred to a Neurologist (in July 2013) and they accepted this as being sufficient evidence of his need for help being a genuine one.

    PIP should be the same!

    I dread to think how much of our taxes are being wasted putting peoplethrough these assessments unecessarily.

    I applied at the start of august 2013 had my assesment 2nd of January 2014 and they still as of todays date 6th of February 2014 have NOT sent the report back to the DWP !The place for the assesment had no parking so had to pay and display so also ended up with a parking ticket also still as yet have not had the travel expenses repaid.

    After the assessment I was left in severe pain due to the woman not listening to a word i said about my walking or the use of my hands and arms. Because i said i can put a microwave meal in a microwave that means i can cook for myself i did try to explain there is no way i could take it out again safely and take it to atale to actually eat the food but that didnt count. Because i canget a taxi from my house to a destination that also means i am able to use public transport again wouldnt listen when i said thats all well and good what do i do at the destination sit on the pavement and hope a random stranger will push my wheelchair for me . but hey they know best i guess !!!I have no blue badge ( as i cant get one without having pips)I have no help besides ESA which atos also did the assessment forand i had to appeal and won my appeal. My health is deterioratingby the day due to not been able to leave the house as i can no

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  • longer drive the manual car i have, depression is setting in I wait daily for the post man with the news from DWP.

    I applied 29 th Aug 2013 still waiting for home visit [Posted Feb 7th 2014]

    Applied start of August 2013, had letter from DWP requesting details, all sent and received by DWP before end August 2013 and have heard nothing since. Phoned Atos who said they received the deails from DWP in August 2013 but still no appointment or letter of acknowledgement from Atos.Have phoned Atos twice (last conversation was Feb 7th) was told not tophone as it was a waste of time, I was in a queue, not near the top for an appointment and would have to wait my turn.The lady I spoke to also was very abrupt and not inthe slightest helpful. I have also seen report that after the assesment it could take atleast a 2 months for Atos to complete / audit there report, then DWP has to decideSo it seems like to whole process could take over 1 year to get a decision. seems like the whole thing is not fit for purposeOr maybe its another way of not paying anybody new

    I applied for PIP first week of July 2013. I received an appointment for an assessment for 2nd December. Atos then cancelled it and sent meanother appointment for 14th January 2014. Their completed assessment has still to be sent to the DWP.

    I applied for pip in august 2013, had my face to face in February 6th 2014 rang pip severals times, they told me was with a case manager after another 10 days was told thehard copy of report hadnt been received there waiting for another . Discuiting .

    I applied in June 2013 had assessment on 30th august and still have had NO decision I am at my wits ends.. I ring every week to be told the same thing.. Your report is still with our senior advisor (its been there for 5mths) we are understaffed.. I have made several official complaints a manager will ring me back and say the same thing.. All I want is decision

    applied 1st sep 2013. today been for medical assesment 17/2/14. after it was cancelled on the 23/01/14 was told the day i got there it was cancelled. funny thing is im amazed how many cancellations people get when looking through help forums on line

    I applied in over 7 months ago. Still on stage 2 awaiting a assesment, no date yet.

    Hello. I applied for PIP on september24th. I started to call in January to check

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  • status.I called again on monday24th February and DWP gave me the number for atos. I called them and they told me they were in process of getting an appointment for an assessment but there is a shortage of assessors for my area!!!! Am so very distressed and anxious. I spent seven weeks in a psychiatric bospital last year. Am still under psychiatrist and CPN. I know my CPN sent supporting evidence on 2nd january. This is just terrible and am so worried. Surely our doctors and health workers can assess us. They can make an honest decision because they have been treating us for so long. I am so worried and just dont know what to do. I feel like i am going backwards with my illness instead of moving forward. Sorry.

    I had a accident on sept 6th and my heel horizontally snapped in half and the hercules ten dent came through the bck of my heel causing a opened wound fracture which went septic and lead to my calf being usedas my heel tissue n 5cm screw 2 hold the heel down. Thankfully I should make a recovery in a year or so and I can not wear shoes the same size as ive now got a heel with a heel above it and all the skin is new skin thats developed. l applied for pip because it affects my walkin bathing ect n constant pain relief. Now reading all these I wonder if I will ever hear from atos again,i did phone them and they say its with the health care assessment team and theres a back log so to wait for a appointment. What gd is that I need help now ive paid tax n ni and am entitled to help to aid me through this horrific time.Ive sent pics all docs names physio names surgeons names what more do they need for it to viewed and a decision made

    Applied 19/9 still waiting for an assessment, you ring to chase and get told something different each time you ring! I wanted to make a complaint they couldnteven get my name right.its disgusting the way they are treating people and evenworse how you have to justify why you deserve this help when there are many others getting something for nothing!

    Ive been receiving DLA since 2010 but then got told I have to apply for PIP now, Ive only been waiting over a month so not as long as you guys who have commented but Im disgusted with them and the waiting time, they clearly dont realise that some people live of this money that they receive of them and it helps them a lot,if they know that such a large amount of people is applying for this they should have more people working and trying to help us, maybe theyll understand when theyre in our shoes one day.

    I applied for pip on 18/07/13 on my 8th month now still no decision dwp said they sent my form to atos on 30/07/13 had my assessment 3 months later in October almost 5 months later I still dont have any news the waiting time is a joke

    I applied for PIP in November 2013. In December 2013, a Nurse Practitioner from the DWP, contacted my Mental Health Coordinator, to ascertain about my capability to attend for an assessment appointment. I contacted ATOS on 6th March 2014, to enquire as to what was happening about my PIP application. I was informed by ATOS that they were waiting for me to

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  • attend the assessment appointment. My obvious thoughts were that they would be waiting until hell freezes over waiting for me to attend an assessment appointment until they had the common sense / professional working practice of actually sending me a letter inviting me to attend for one. I have now got an appointment to attend on the 26th March, a wait of some 4 months.

    I waited eight months before my atos appointment. during this eight months of help I found the assessment circumstances to be discriminltory against mental heath patients.Im now dismayedto be told after only a few weeks I have to go through the whole procedure again for was ,docs note, social report and assessment..talk about wasting tax payers money including the time of my social worker and doctor

    Hello, just thought I would give an update! I had my assessment yesterday 7/3 which was ok but have no idea how it went, I just told the truth on how I struggle on a daily basis with uncontrolled RA munching away at my joints. I only got the assessment because I rang up to chase yet again and asked if there were any cancellations, which there were, I took the first oneeven though it was on the other side of town because Im sick and fed up of waiting to hear something!! I just hate the way us disabled people or people with chronic health conditions have to justify why we deserve help..does anyone else claiming a benefit have to do thisNO!!! I do appreciate that there has to be evidence as anyone could claim but really its just so stressful wondering if you have been believed or scored enough points. Ive paid into the system for years and not asked for anything and I didnt ask for this condition but I do ask to be believed!! I was told I should hear back within 2-3 weeks..well see!!! Something seriously needs to be done though how these PIP Applications are being handled as its just causing further stress and angst to already sick and vulnerable people.

    I have waited 5 months almost with no assessment date yet the DWP have told me my forms and stuff used to apply for pip has been dated at the 25th of October I phone atos and the replyI get is I should have an appointment soon . It is so annoying as I lost my car cant walk or use public transport and dont get out of the house at all as taxis are too expensive the whole impact this is having on me is horrible Im getting a lot more unwell due to stress

    I called atos up about my pip face to face a few weeks ago had put on my form would like hone vistit as due to health and ppl thinking im being abusive and agressive got call back and told if they could get a report from my social worker i may not need a face to face called theface am on friday and told i dont need a face to and a report is being made up applied back in nov so just have to wait now to see what happens as not sure ifthats a good thing or not not to have a face to face

    i have waited up to now 5 months for pip assessment still no appointment made loads of phonecalls same answer appointment soon sick to death of it no one should be treated like this im so low i feel i dont want to be here anymore at least i would not have the worry and stress that hasmade my condition worse atos is disgusting for the way they treat vunerable people and something needs to be done to this company like put out of action for good never to return

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  • Applied for PIP the first day it was rolled out in Wales on 1 July 2013, had a home visit assessment from Capita on 14 August. No decision yet some 10 months on. Call centre are justtelling us its now a priority, it will be done soon, apologies for delay, we are doing everything wecan, etc. Manager has returned my call twice but told me the same thing. Filled a complaint direct with Capita and told to wait 20 days for a response. MP queried on my behalf this month and was told they are waiting for the visiting officers report which was completed 7 months ago.

    I applied in Sept 2013 for ESA/PIPHeard nothing until I got my MP involved 3 weeks ago, now have PIP assessment on 18th March ,40 min drive away so taxi paid for by Atosthen 3 days later ESA medical assessment only 5 min drive awayI am grateful to finaly get these assessment dates but my fear isA physiopherapist will not give me physio until I am diagnosed, a Pain Management team will not help me until I am diagnosedMy neuro-surgeonwho I get the results from 2 recent mri scans from,thinks i may have further spinal problemsHe also says it is not his position to diagnose me,just operate,I am still recovering from ACDF 0n C6-C7 (spinal surgery)I do after 2 years of suffering finaly see a neuroligist who will start the diagnostic procedure on the 24th of marchSo how the elll is Atos going to assess methey will cause me pain and discomfort, as any activity doesI will be on maximum dose of tramadol and codiene for itand if it turns out I still have compression on my spine then they may cause me permanent nerve damage,more than i already haveI dont believe any medicaly trained person has looked at my file ,if they had then they would not ask this of meIfi was not so desperate for the benfits i am entitled to i would ask for a home visit.And as for BlueBadgelol I asked months ago and have never heard anything back, just had to beg and borrow the tax disc money yet again,otherwise i am housebound,well am anyway as cannot afford diesel what with only 71 a week assessment rate.

    Applied for PIP 1st week in july 2013 and had a face to face assessment in september 2013. I call once a week to hear its still in the final stages as it has been since november. I was told by one person that claims were being processed much quicker now than when they started working there in december. I live in hope it wont be much longer but i`m not optimistic.


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    I had a prolaped disk and had a spinal fusion at 20 years old and claimed dla for around 8 months after having 4 children and various problems including servere back pain my condition got to the stage were I cannot walk and need to be hoist transfered capita are aware ,my husband has been on ssp since November we get esa but only a top up of 25 a week so we live on the money we get for the kids I am in hospital at the moment I had an assessment for the end of February but due to me been in they wont come my husband only has 7 weeks left on sick pay hope things will get sorted soon he cannot work now I cannot work it out how people seem to live a comfortable life on benerfits but we just feel that its a brick wall in front ofus

    I applied for pip August 2013 , had my ftf January2014 . Have had no decision as yet the dwp keepSaying its with the DM and in its final stages , thats the way its beenFor the last 8 wks, had a phone call Monday of last weekSaying I would have a decision in 7 to 10 days , s thats been and goneDont think Im going to phone again as I get so upsetWhen I hear the same words no not done yetI cant understand how ESA can get your claim done assessmentForm and f t f done and dusted within 13 wks ( Im in the supportGroup) but pip cant do the same , its the same companyThat are doing both medicals . Oh well I will just have to tryAnd keep paying my bills ect out of not much until its sorted

    I have applied in November and have heard absolutely nothing yet. Called DWP and was advised that my case has been handed to ATOS for an assessment. I am very limited with regards to finance, health and moving about and I feel that this Government picks on the weakest links in order to save money they waste elsewhere. This whole situation makes me feel very vulnerable. Is this Government and their henchmen dragging their heels so badly, hoping that many applicants die during the long assessment process?

    was on dla but forgot to reapply, lost all help in August, applied for pip in early September, had my face to face with atos on 13 January, still not had anynews, I have had 2 hip rplacements , which one has medicaly failed, I have a heart condition, depression and severe anxiety problems , diabetes which needs a daily injection, high blood pressure , and have just recently had the results of an mri scan which reveals I have a thing called a cerebbelar atrophy on the brain, this leaves me confused and in some instances unable to form words and think when under stress, im 49 years old , worked hard as a farmer[tenant] for most of my working life now

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  • am being supported by my wife , as my esa money has also been stopped, if I or the health workers at the dwp and atos were aware of my condition im sure I would still be getting my dla and esa support group benefit, I am a proud man and sometimes say and think I can do more than I can, which unfortunately has left me feeling quite ill and worthless im confused at the best of times but , really dont know whats coming next , it wont be good news , anyway rant over .

    I made my claim early July 2013,I had my assessment by Capita on September 13th 2013,I was told there was a bit of a backlog. I have phoned and got the usual reply that Im in a queue that is in its final stages,my claim looks as though its running smoothly with no problemscall again in about 4 days,that was November and still I havent heard a thing,subsequent phonecalls have had similar replies. This is my first claim for any kind of disability benefits in the past year my mobility has decreased due to rapid degenerative osteoarthritis to both knees.Having had a full time job understandably my financial situation has changed a lot plus the stress of coming to terms with being disabled has been hard enough as it is. I think it is the not knowing that gets to me the most. My self esteem is very low,there is no respect for the claimants of PIP.

    I applied for PIP in August 2013, its now March 2014 and I still have not had an assessment.I was offered an appointment in Birmingham (I live in Worcestershire), I called to say I could nottravel and was too poorly to attend and then asked for a home appointment, at first I was told they would find out, but then they came back to phone and said my appointment had been cancelled, they could not offer me another appointment and that I would have to call back.I called back every week, eventually they gave me another appointment, I arranged a lift, just before I left home I had a phone call from CAPITA saying my appointment had been given in error and they cancelled it.That was last year, then this year they offered me an appointment in Cardiff (because it was accessible by train from Worcester. I called to say that I could not afford to pay the train or taxi fares, that I am a divorced single Mother struggling to make ends meet. They cancelled my appointment.I was told by CAPITA that it the system runs on a first come first served basis and that I should call every Monday morning, the first people to get through are the ones who get appointments. They said they know the system is flawed , but they can do nothing about it.I have; Fibromyalgia, Hypothyroidism and Angina, I also have spinal injuries and arthritis. My conditions have been worsened due to GPs not carrying out correct tests or treating in time, forexample my hypothyroidism was untreated for approx 15 years (minimum apparently) due to this my body was unable to break down cholesterol, which can be a contributory cause of Angina. GPs dont even apologise, in fact wont even admit mistakes were made, they say theycan only discuss one symptom at a time and that this is why it can take so long to diagnose complex illnesses. This has led to me being unable to live normally and has left me incapableof many things, I have always worked, used to be very active (until health worsened so much). My only hope of employment now is self-employment, I cannot guarantee my health is going to be okay day-to-day, so I am trying to build a small business working from home making craft work and simple jewellery. I have no funding and cannot obtain any, but although its a daily struggle and heartbreakingly difficult I refuse to sit on the scrap heap that Government departments appear to be trying to throw me onto. Is this why our tourist offices removed the word Great so that it just reads Britain now?

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  • My partner was diagnosed last August with Cancer, this came as a massive shock, we were told to make a claim for PIP and waited for a reply, Nothing!! we called ATOS who said they hadnt received our application. We made it again and waited!! Nothing again so we called and were told even with all the treatment and stress we were going through that we would have to attend an interview. We arrived to find an physiotherapist not a trained doctor that knows nothing about my partners condition, who was in a really bad mood, because she had damagedher car that morning and was waiting for the tow truck,her phone constantly ringing and rushingus to get through the applicaton. My partner was made to feel like a criminal, he has worked for32 years without one day of sickness to be told he really should have taken out private insurance then he wouldnt need to make a claim. She wanted to know why I had given up work, I told her because hes so sick from the chemo, we have to travel 40 miles for treatment on a regular basis most days he struggles to get out of bed but she said he should be capable of taking public transport!! 7 hours of chemo is bad enough then to make a 40 mile train journeyand make 2 changes is incredible, We have been treated terribly and 7 months later and weekly phone calls we are told everytime 7-10 days we are really downhearted that the system has let us down.,

    The DWP forwarded my application to ATOS on 22/08/13. Over 7 calendar months and still waiting for an assessment appointment. Ive made 5 phone calls and they cant tell me anything.

    Please. Does anyone know what is happening with our claims. Am still waiting for an assesment. Has been seven months. Have tried to speak to DWP and atos with no joy. So verystressful. Surely someone can help us all. I would just like to know what is happening. Please help.

    been waiting for my face to face assessment since end of oct still none offerd this is so unfair on people [Posted April 1st 2014]

    I got an email address off atos to complain about the length of time and that every time I rang they said no appointments had been released. Hey presto an email came back the next day with an appointment the very next week.I did mention that I believed their target was 30 days and as mine had been 96 what theyproposed to do about it.had face to face 10 days ago so not sure how long it will be before I get a reply maybe a nice xmas present !!

    Hi, Ive been waiting since July/Aug 2013 [Posted April 2nd 2014]. I have bipolar, have a long history of depression anxiety and been hospitalised twice in 2013, my first being in 2008. To be honest I am not relying on it as desperately as others (say with cancer) or mobility problems myheart goes out to them. Surely they must be priority. My mother has stage four arthritis in both knees is working full time so shes not as desperate I suppose as others. But she applied 1 month after myself and has not been assessed yet. What this means to her is she cant have a blue disabled parking badge. Walking is painful for her.

    Anyway I dont want to complain as its a bit of a long shot that I would qualify.

    I just posted to impart I rang dwp this year who had passed it to atos and gave me their number. I rang and was told the problem is there are no appointments available, the helpful

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  • customer service assistant did check the diary for a fortnight and there was nothing available.

    Thankfully I receive my ESA currently but have no idea when I will be granted a work capability assessment, seeing that atos are now not processing these.

    Applied for PIP, in July 2013, like most have been waiting ever since, recieved a letter from ATOS in December 2013 saying, they had contacted my Dr. etc for evidence. Still waiting for assessment. Cant understand why they ask for you to send evidence, if they still gonna requestit from your Dr. Is this a delaying tactic?

    I recieved a form to fill in in December, a new claim for ESA?, had the assessment in March 2014, taken out the work related group and put in Support Group.

    Have contacted my MP, via e mail, but no reply as yet. Although funny enough, got my ESA assessment, a week after contacting him.

    I wait with baited breath

    , I applied for Personal Independance Payment in July 2013, I suffer with post-traumatic stress disorder, and I have agoraphobia. I need a full time carer as I am prone to suicide attempts. In October 2013, I had to go for an assessment with Capita, by the time I arrived with my carer, I was already in full panic mode, the assessment began, and I found that I was being asked to repeat my answers as the assessor couldnt hear me, so my carer spoke for me. The assessor accidently set her panic button off, and I went into a full hyperventilation, the assessor did not stop the interview, despite the fact that I was shaking, hyperventilating, and so desperate to leave, after what was about an hour, I collapsed in the foyer of the building, a paramedic was called, and he said that I had passed out because of extreme anxiety. In January, February, andMarch 2014, I have contacted Capita to find out when the report of my assessment will be sent to DWP, in every instance both mty carer and myself has been told that the report is just about to be sent off, and that they have prioritised it due to my mental health. Now in April, there is no decision, and the report is still with Capita.

    waited from July 2013 for assessment had one in January was told dont hold breath for answerand seen as i had waited since July theres no rush and then she laughed .

    I applied for PPI 7 Months ago On January24th I received a letter telling me I will be having a home visit between 6th 11th January. YES dates before the letter was typed.

    I lost my hearing around 2 years ago and have not fully adjusted I suffer with panic attacks and depression as I really am scared going out as I can not hear what is going on around me and am intimidated.

    I got a friend to call up and was given an appointment today, He asked if he could attend as he can sign and was told no, it has to be one of their interpreters. I had to travel from Birmingham to Walsall on my own and I was scared but I got there.

    I had been sat down about 30 mins when the receptionist came up talking to me I had no Idea what she was saying she pointed to the door and waved bye bye.

    I was scared to death I was in the middle of a strange city alone. I text my friend and he came to me ( a 21 mile drive) he signs so he went in to the assessment centre and was told they had not booked an interpreter for some reason.

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  • My friend rand Capita and they did not care at all he explained he has lost an afternoons work and cost me money and distress. He was told that there are no appointments in Birmingham or Walsall for around 5 months. In some situations I have to book an Interpreter and I have to pay for it and I just dont have the money so I am getting more and more isolated my depression is kicking in and I am scaredand just dont want to be here anymore no one cares !

    Applied june/july 2013 had assessment end of november still waiting for a decision. Ive got multiple sclerosis plus mental health issues,Ive had to miss important hospital appointments because i cant affordthe travel expenses & Im basically stuck in the house 24/7. My sisteris the only family Ive got & she helps me as much as she can but shes a single mum & works full time. Im relying on this pip to reclaim some of my independence. Im only 26. Almost a year Ive been waiting for a decision its completely unacceptable.

    My Partner filled out and sent the claim form in in July 2013 heard nothing for weeks so wrote to D W P at the end of September 2013 got no reply so she rang them in the Middle of December 2013 and was told that she was on the waiting list for an assessment but they had no idea when this will happen they are absolutely hopeless this has now been going on for 8 months and she hasnt even had the assessment yet

    I was diagnosed in november with a brain tumour and had emergency surgery to remove it also in november , i also had a shunt fitted in the left side of my head as well as contracting blood clots during surgery after 2 .5 years of being misdiagnosed by a gp i was hoping that my pips assement would bd a speedy one , god how wrong am i its nos nesrly easter and i still have not got a assessment from atos let alone a date .this whole process is disgusting i have teo kids and i am unsble to work and feelmtotally let down

    I applied for PIP in NovemberIve waited over 4 and a half months. Me and my husband are living mainly off whats left of our life savings with his jobseekers and housing benefit to top it up (because of a preexisting loan we have no money to live on). He was made redundant after 12 years in October; then we were evicted 3 weeks later after we notified the management company about leaking windows. I am housebound and unable to do much at all. The job market seems dead and my husband is still out of work. Atos told me that there is no timeframe for assessments and that home visits take even longer.

    Sent my form off on the 2nd September. Phoned DWP just before Christmas and was told my form was sent to ATOS on the 4th of September and I needed to call them. I did and was told there were no appointments available in my area at that time and it can take up to six weeks to get one. Id already waited 13 weeks!I called again on 8th April and was given a cancellation for the following week 17th April for medical assessment. Eight months so far, I wont be holding my breath for the outcome. Its all a

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  • sham, absolutely disgusting.

    I have problems walking and bending down, which has been caused by an old armyinjury in the mid 1990s and has been getting worse since around September 2013 and is at the stage wear I am now in pain 24/7, and I have cartilage and knee cap damage in both knees and a bone in my right hip that is growing the wrong shape. Iapplied for PIP in October last year, the DWL informed me they sent the documentation to ATOS on 3rd December and it should be assessed within 16 weeks, however following numerous phone calls and finally getting the number for ATOS I contacted ATOS and they informed me that the waiting list is currently at approximately 22 weeks, and I am still waiting.

    My wife applied for PIP having epilepsy and back problems going back many years after a bike accident. This was 13th September, her forms were passed to ATOS within 2 weeks and they put her on the waiting list for a face to face, today 16th April she is still awaiting an appointment. Despite many phone calls to ATOS we get the usual sorry theres no cancellations, but you are moving up the waiting list. It seems this is the norm for many people yet nothing can be done and there is nobody you can turn to to air your complaint, DWP just say its all on ATOS and they have no say in the matter!!

    I suffer with anxiety , depression, high blood pressure , asthma. I m in receipt of esawas told to apply for pip by my local jobcentre so I did in november 2013 January 2014 I had a letter from capita for a face to face assessment which the lady turned up very worried about the questions she would be asking me eventually got through it after 2hrs , I waited and wauted for a letter to arrive about the decision no letter so I rang pip several times was told to ring back in 2 weeks so I did then was told to ring capita so I did was fobed off your paperwork is with the case workerring back in two weeks so I did guess what still with case worker god knows how many times I rang them both I was determined to get an answer from them and notto give up .I then rang capita 17 march 2014 and hooray after so many calls back and forth your paperwork has gone over to pip they have it now, so I rang them after a number of attempts they have awarded me with pip .any body out there who are still waiting jyst keep naging them I rang my wife rang on my behalf ask to speak to a manager put your point over im really sorry to hear that people still hav heard after several months . Tbey told me they back date your payment from the day they re your form I know its alot off stress guys not knowing I was in your position but it will be worth it at the end. So keep naging and sta d your ground everyone after all ifyour entitled to it you should have it all the best everone and good luck

    My partner had a very bad fall back in January leaving his arms with all his bones out he contracted compartment syndrome almost losing his arm. He has lost most feeling in his hand and arm leaving him mostly disabled in his left arm and had 4 operations metal plates and reconstruction on his arm. Also traumatic stress

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  • disorder after his fall and very high anxiety. I am my partners full carer he cant do much for himself with the pain. We applied for pip and carers allowance in January and have got nowhere they said it would take 12 weeks to prossess. I was refused carers allowance and my partner is still waiting. We called them this week to find out what was happening and they toldUs it wouldTake another 16 weeks to prossess and theyre was lists or people waiting he is no different we are struggling he has his own flat it costs me 60 per week to tend to him he has hospital visits it costs 30 a time travling and waiting. I called them today to ask if theres any help I canRecive and was asked if I was on income support and tax creditsWhich I am for my daughter is 2 years old myPartner cant work and the adviser saidWhat more help do you want yourGetting free benefit which upset me and when I asked her why she said that she saidShe never ment it that way aExplained what way did you mean it you said it that way that is clearly howYou ment it we are stillWaiting for any word everytime we call they said that they cant help this is shocking we need this help and we areGetting nowhere!! But people with drug habits will be helped right way!

    My son age ow aged 16 originally in receipt of DLA for his medical condition and learning difficulty was receiving the low rate for both but as he delayed in re applyimg after one year in recipe of DLA he was then regarded as a new case and reaching 16 meant applying for PIP.

    October 2013 he applied, then it took months to get a reply and when he did was then reffered to ATOS. It took months feb2014 to get an appointment !! Now we are April 2014 and still no decision even the the medical assor who is a paramedic assured me the longest it would take is 8weeks! I called them yesterday and they were vague with their answer when asked whats happening. Apparently they have now had to write to another doctor for more info! They have already had the hospital specialist letter what more do they need!

    I would like to know legally how long they can keep a person waiting on a decision?My son needs help getting around with this money as he is deaf with a learning difficulty. Its disgusting to think he wasceligablevfor it once and his condition has not changed so if they do decide not to award it how can they justify this when once he was receiving it.

    26 weeks? What a joke. Ive been waiting for about 40 weeks now Have been calling Capita to find out why my assessment which I waited 6 months to get still hasnt been processed and passed on to DWP. Ive been talked to like what Im asking about is ridiculous! Like I should just wait endlessly and keep quiet.

    My original claim form was requested on the 18th September last year, it tookuntil the middle of December before I received the claim form. This was completed and received back with DWP on the 18th December 2013. It then

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  • took until the 26th March before I had the assessment.After calling them to see how long this will now take I was informed that it was passed to the decision maker on the 31st March, but I am still waiting for a decision to be made.I have now raised a complaint with DWP over the length of time the claim is taking.

    Been waiting for a decision from PIP for six months. Contacted them yesterday and listened to a short voice recording stating that PIP claims are taking up to 26 weeks. Anyone know why this is taking so long?

    i applied Sept 26 2013 for PIP and after hearing nothing for 3 months called DSS they said it had been passed to PIP on 16 of October 2013 i have spent now 7.5 months waiting for an appointment for a home visit as i suffer fibromyalgia ,spondilosis and sciatica along with bad migraines and panic attacks and need someone with me if i go out which is virtually never i have now been trying for 23 years to get disability benefits and they keep moving the goal posts to suit themselves i have to walk with crutches sometimes for support because i am in so much pain but to look at me i look like any normal person in the street and that is exactly what they see they have had specialist reports from professors not the junior drs explaining my problems and i am now in limbo awaiting yet another NO answer from them should i cut both arms and legs off and my head before i get anything from them


    I completed the form and sent it off in August last year, after 3 months of not hearing anything I contacted the DWP who confirmed that my form had been received and sent to ATOS, I called them and was told that they had my application and it was just a case of waiting as there where no cancellation appointments available.

    After still not hearing, a month ago I emailed my local MP explaining the situation, and that I have never had to claim for anything before in my life, but for the last two years have been off work and not received a penny, and was advised to claim for PIP, but seemed to be getting no where. Within two weeks of sending the email I had a letter from ATOS and email from MP to say that I had an appointment for the 22nd April, which I attended yesterday. In the letter I was told to take any paperwork relating to my medicalcondition with me, this I did it wasnt even looked at , I was told that I should photocopy itall and send it off to Atos to support my claim. I had a medical and was asked to do things which really aggravated my back.

    I was told that they dont know how long it will take to hear back?

    So please if you are still waiting please try contacting your local MP it does seem to help.

    I made a claim the beginning of august last year was told that letters for medical assessments would b e sent out and people would have them at the beginning of october at a medical centre as I have anxiety problems Imy cpn requested a home visit which I had on the 14 november and havent had anything yet no decision

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  • keep ringing them and get told ring back in a couple of weeks and we should have some news for you but still nothing

    I applied in October, Was supposed to be assessed by Capita on New Years Eve, butno one turned up! Came out to me on 17th January and done home assessment, Capita sent report 17th February 2014 but this was not received by DWP. Despite my phoning both parties informing them both that a report was sent and not received, this was ignored (another delaying tactic). On 28th March a letter was sent to me to say they received my report. I have phoned every week since up untiltoday .. each time I was told they hadnt received my report from Capita even though I had a letter stating they had received them . today I am told its still with the decision maker!!!!!! ARGGHH!! How long does it take these people to make a decision? I have Rheumatoid Arthritis and Lupus SLE Does this decision maker know of a cure for these conditions? Is he waiting on it to miraculously disappear? Where is the support for disabled people in Britain?

    I applied for pip in november. I have been waiting for assesment. Phoned them yesterday, they said it was a 26 week wait and I would hear soon. First time I have ever claimed anything in my life. Have suffered with depression and anxiety throughout. Has anyone had assesment for any of these conditions ?

    I applied for PIP at the beginning of july 2013 and had a face to face assessment in october 2013. I have phoned capita once a week religiously since before christmas and yesterday (22nd april) they informed me that my report has finally been sent tothe DWP. I was told by the lady on the phone that it may take upto 10 days for DWPto receive the report even though it is sent electronically. Its taken 42 weeks to get to this point so it may be almost a year by the time i get a decision.

    Just a quick updateI phoned the DWP this morning to see if they had received my report and they havent as yet, but they do have the electronic copy so thats somethingThe DWP`s automated call routing system appears to have new options, I dont remember hearing these the last time i phoned.If you have waited less than 26 weeks press this key, if you have waited more than 26 weeks press this key

    I applied for PIP back in September 2013. Yesterday I tried to ring to find out what ishappening with my claim and I ended up sitting at the end of a phone beeping at me! Its not the first time I have tried, there are not enough people to answer the queries and I am not going into the job centre every month to make a call! Thats the helpline I was told to phone at the job Centre. About the same time I asked for areconsideration for ESA to be placed in the support group instead of the work related activity group. I had to phone the tribunal service in London for thatno answer. I guess that support is out of the question these days. i have had MS for 12 years and have difficulty walking crippling fatigue and am so tired of all this waiting!! June 2014 they take away my contribution based benefit and then want to ask intrusive questions about my partner as well as me. So come June I could have absolutely no independence and my partner will ahve to work harder to keep

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  • both of us. Really looking forward to the quality of life that will provide

    ditto, had my esa stopped after 365 days + lost dla payments in the same month . December was devastating had a total of 625 taken away , my wife who is a school cleaner has to do extra hours to try to earn more , I was in thesupport group but somehow ended in the work group , I have what the doctors say is major health issues , one of which is a brain atrophy which leaves me confused and depressed, am waiting surgery

    I applied for PIP in October 2013 i have not heard anything to date. I did phone the pip line back in January and was informed my application had been received and was with ATOS and if i called them i would get an estimate of when i would go for my assessment. Contacted Atos and they informed me they could not give me any idea of when i would be seen and could only confirm they had my application. this is ongoing five months now.

    Applied for PIP back in August 2013, had my assessment in Birmingham with Capitain October 2013, now still waiting an answer April 2014. Had a letter December 2013 apologising for the delay. Phoned DWP in January was told they had received the electronic copy of the report, still waiting the hard copy and I could ring Capita direct, if I wanted. I rang Capita and was told there was delays and basically it would be sent when it was ready, the person wasnt very helpful at all. Its like bagging your head against the brick wall. I dont know what to say, its absolutely disgusting to be treated this way.

    Since 2010 Ive been suffering wiith ancer , it has gave me lots of side effects that cant be treated and I suffer with on a daily basis. Im now 17 and was told to apply for PIP I did in end of January and last week I had my assesment, I am very surprised that I have got my assesment so fast it didnt get cancelled but then the second appointment was fine. Im just wondering how long have people waited from thaving heir assesment to actually receiving a decision?

    Hi all ,

    I have a cronic pain disorder that I have been suffering with for two years now the pain is disabling takeing very high levels of pain relief and morphine its taken. Over my life Im now using two sticks to get around I have just been issued with a blue badge witch is helpful . Going to the pain clinic next week and to see a rumatoligist they think I have fibromyalgia also I do suffer with bit of depression and anxiety because of the situation Im in Im 26 and have to relie on some one else to wash and dress me as Im in of much pain and very stiff In a morning to move I applied for pip in April after loosening my job due to health reasons said they cant no longer fisilatate my long term illness I called capita today who said itsin the process of seeing if I need a home visit a clinic visit or non atall has any one been awarded pip and what is capata assisment like

    I applied for PIP October 2013, I havent heard anything at all. Ive called a few times to be told

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  • that my claim was with ATOS. The last call I made 2months ago told me that I need to attend a face to face as yet no appointment has been given. Im not sure how I will cope with that, I havebipolar II disorder and suffer anxiety meeting new people and when in unknown/strange environments.

    I have had to cut my hours to remain in work, my employer has made me attend a few case conferences with regard to my attendance at work and how my condition affects me at work. This in itself is stressful as I feel that I am always at risk of losing my job completely because of my condition.

    I applied 17th july 13 had my assessment in Birmingham due to no appts in Coventry, my son took me for my assessment, (nice gentleman did interview), good job I took my consultants letters with me as he didnt have copies of the ones I sent to DWP.He told me he would submit my claim and to ring DWP at end of January, still no answer, keep ringing Capita to be told its waiting for a Senior Professional to look at it, also told its there fault for delay and the longer it takes might be a better result for me!!!!!!!!!Keep ringing to be told the same answer.In so much pain and because I cant get out getting more depressed

    We have been waitng now 10 months and are in the same boat as everyone here, cant stand the stress of it all its just not fair to put us all through all this waitng weall need closure

    I applied for PIP on the 09th September 2013. The DWP sent my paperwork to ATOS on the 23October 2014, I finally had my assessment on 11th March 2014. I was told at the assessment that my paperwork would be sent back to the DWP in a couple of weeks. I rang in a couple of weeks to be told the paperwork is sent back to ATOS and not DWp. I then rang ATOS to be toldthat it had to be checked before being sent back to the DWP, I asked how long this would take and was told a maximum of 6 weeks. I rang up on Tuesday to check that my paperwork was back with the DWP as that was 6 weeks and was told it wasnt. ATOS, said it was due to the bank holidays.

    I sent a complaints e mail to Atos 20.02.2014 their complaints leaflets state you will get a reply in 20 working days so I should have had a reply by March 20th rang Atos today 16.04.2014 and asked why I had not had a reply I was told that there was a computer issue, I rang several days later re my assessment and asked about the e mail complaint, I was told that they had a new team dealing with complaints and that if I emailed again that I would probably get a reply, as they were dealt with in strict date order. When I said I hadnt had a reply from my first e mail they said I probably would if I emailed again.

    The DWP PIP helpline now states that claims are taking up to 26 weeks to process, as of the 22.04.14 it was 32 weeks. I have also been told that when the DWP get the paperwork back they try to get a decision made in 3 weeks. At this moment I can not see me getting a decision anytime soon. Even my local MP has been unable to help.

    I had to move out of my 3 storey house and move into a bungalow due to my mobility/health problems, I can only claim ESA. I claimed ESA in Oct 2013 and it went into payment within the week, my paperwork was assessed by ATOS (different dept) by the beginning of Dec 2013 that

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  • I was put into the support group.

    I own a 3 storey house which I rent out to cover my mortgage, because of this we can not claimany other benefits. My husband is my main carer, he can not claim carers allowance until I havea decision on my PIP claim. He will also only be allowed a 3 month back date. Therefore, despite having always worked and never claimed benefits we have to live on a very small amount of money each week because of the failings of the new benefit system. As PIP is a newbenefit, they have no timescales to keep to, so. in theory, we could all still be in the same situation 6 months on.

    On the whole I find the whole process stressful, inadequate and also makes me realise why people do not claim benefits. I was advised by my GP to apply for thesebenefits, I dont understand why the word of a GP or a consultant, on the abilities ofsomeone they see on a regular basis are not enough, as opposed to a physiotherapist who you have never met before and see for an hour is the basis for this benefit.

    my partner had to wait 9 months before he got to see atos and they arepeople with out any medical experience we had to travel from Southampton to Portsmouth to be seen and had to get a taxie as I dontdrive been told he has now been awarded it after 10 months but still no letter or backpay

    I put in a claim for pip in September 2013 and keep being told by ATOS is it awaiting an assessment appointment in my area. I really think that they hopeyou either get better or die before they have to deal with you. I was told the last time I phoned and chased it up that they cant cope because the system wasnt ready before the Gov made the switch over! I am not really expecting to be successful with the claim as the more I read about PIP i.e. people with cancer and no limbs etc being turned away I ask myself are there any successful applicants anymore plus the people who asseess you arent even medically trained so how would they know what each individual person is going through on a day to day basis. The whole thing is a joke but it is an easy target benefit!

    my partner applied for pip in oct 2013 and hes still waiting for an essesment now nearly 7 month later, its a joke, when he rings he gets told hes still in the queue for an essesment.

    hi I put a claim in for my partner in june 2013 only got seen in feb 2014 only because I got a solicitor to chase them up phone 2-3 times a week to pester them I phoned last Friday and was told he had been awarded pip and to wait for a letter and was going to get back pay havent received letter yet or back pay will be contacting them in morning if still nothing so far been waiting 10 months

    I had an accident going back to December 2012, lost vision in both eyes. I reluctantly decided to claim PIP i i had at this point no income.

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  • This is what i experienced, Claimed PIP around August 2013, i got a form to complete, which i did and returned to ATOS in September2013.Waited and waited and waited, in April 2014 i was told i would require surgery now i needed help urgently as i would lose my vision for quite sometime before it got better.ATOS fobbed my off over the 5 months.I decided to write to my MP and the department of Health, Emailed letters outlining my wait on 10th April 2014 and surprise surprise i got a call from ATOS on 11th April 2014. Medical arranged for the next day.

    Please if you are waiting longer than 3 months you should email the Department of Health & your local MP.You have every right to fair treatment, i have worked all my life and did not want to claim.When i was injured i tried to continue with my job and this was stopped due to my vision.

    When i did attend the ATOS appointment the waiting room was empty, that,s odd hmm mm NO Comment.

    I am very concerned for all disabled people who require help, they cannot possibly wait months on end, I was lucky my family helped me otherwise if i had no one to turn to i would have probably suffered in silence.

    Its shocking the amount of time we are having to wait, keep ringing until you get a cancellation otherwise you will be waiting weeks maybe months. Its interesting to note that no other benefit make the applicants wait this long or go through assessments etc. its bad enough being disabled or having a long term health condition without having to prove we are telling the truth?! I can understand the need for it though to cut down on fraudbut honestly why the delays and why are we not even getting an update letter as a matter of curtesy if you ring to chase it up, you just get the same old jargon told to you, its as if you are an inconvenienceperhaps they are trying to frustrate us into giving up the claim??!! Enough is enough something really has to be done about the delays Please please someone in power hear her pleas and frustrationsHELP US PLEASE!

    I sent my claim form in on 27th October 2013, after waiting 3 months I rang the DWP who advised that they sent ATOS my form on 2nd November, I then rang ATOSand was advised that there is a delay and that they need to assess me and would send me a cancellation in due course. I rang them again last week and they have now sent me out a complaints procedure. I feel that I shouldnt have to fill this in, they should be doing their job and have seen me by now. I do appreciate that they have a lot of work on their plate, but if I used that excuse at work, well I probably wouldnt have a job now. This payment is supposed to make life easier, all I can seeis that it is causing people more stress and when you are ill, stress is the last thing you need!

    Im in Dundee and been waiting since 2nd dec 2013 so Scotland not as good as some people are saying,

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  • Maybe for others good luck, Im losing the will to live now .

    I must say I was lucky looking at your comments I sent out filled form for PIP on the 10th of January 2014. My ATOS face to face consultation was on the 31st of March. I gotthe letter from DWP dated 18th April saying that there is a delay and apologising. they said they have all the stuff from ATOS and will contact me as soon as the have made thedecision.

    The people at ATOS in Glasgow were really nice.

    I hear a lot of problems about atos not much about capita they received my paper work 7th April and said they would be sorting a assessment out soon how soon we will see and I will keep you all up dated but defo agree its a joke of a system good luck guys

    don t know lovely but i have been waitin for a decision about my son s brain tumour for nearly a year it s crazy capita keep cancellin appointments an makin stupid excuses

    I suffer from walking difficulties where I can only walk so far before I start getting really bad pains in my hips and legs, & need help getting in and out of the bath, I am only 23 and really cant hack the pain, which some days the pain is dreadful, and Im taking pain killers every 4 hours and constantly having backache because how I walk, I also suffer from IBS, depression and anxity ( dont no how to spell it) because of people taking the mik because how I walk,, I made my PIP claim in June 2013 and after having my appointments cancelled 4/5 times because of having needing a home visit, finally had my assessment the 12th march 2014, the assessor could tell from how I walk I have a condition, and was told that her opinionshe could see why I wouldnt be able to claim PIP, 7 weeks on I still havent heard anything, Ive been told to phone up about the decision of my claim, does anyone know how long it takes for a dicision to come back?

    my son had a brain tumour removed in december 2013 he had been on dla for epilepsy until may 2013 where i had to fill forms in to renew it , he was turned down then he had this tumour which i in formed the dwpso far capita have cancelled 3 appointments at my home since january this year 2014 , the next appointment is supposed to be on the 6th of may 2014 my son has been diagnosed with a rare brAIn disease called pituitary xonthagranuloma which i am told is very rare for his age

    I am suffering from Breast Cancer, it is my third time of having this. The Assessment Centre has had my form since 10 October 2013. I also got the doctor towrite a letter which I sent with the form. I have been ringing them for weeks with no joy. My local MP wrote to some Director to find out why it is taking so long, but wedidnt get a reply. I now keep going into the red in my bank account when the rent is due, because I have had to cut my hours down due to the medication tiring me

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  • out. I am still paying rent & Council Tax & although I will get my money back dated, I will not get back all the Council Tax & rent I have had to pay! This is doing my head in now & the stress does not help my situation! Thank you for listening.

    I have adhd, ocd, tourettes syndrome, social anxiety, depression and a high resting pulse and take beta blockers. I find it nearly impossible to go out I have been waiting since june 10th 2014 its now may 2nd 2014 !! they told me they have the report back and will make a decision within 3 weeks it is now 3 weeks 2 days and now there telling me 4 weeks

    I suffer from PTSD and went for an assessment around 5 weeks ago! To be honest itwas a difficult and degrading place to go to and to deal with! I could prepare myselffor the interview as my head was all over the place and I was extremely nervous, anxious and stressed before! During the interview, I became extremely emotional due to the nature of the questions asked and found it difficult to communicate. When the interview was over it set me back months as I slipped back and to this day still struggle to keep a level head!I contacted DWP last week regarding my claim and decision and been told that it is with the decision makers and could take another 3-6 weeks! Again this stresses me as I just want to know whether I am getting this or not! If I dont get this I know I have the right to an appeal, but I am not sure I can cope with the added stress and more lengthy wait to be awarded. I think that the way the system is set out doesnt work and I feel that they should assess people on an individual basis and in certain categories where very like the ESA system if there is a valid reason why you are notemployable you go onto support rate, like I am on. I came off ESA several times over past 2 years to try and work, but the PTSD took hold and I couldnt sustain employment.I can only hope the government gets their act together and stops penalising those who genuinely need this extra help. Support wise from DWP is Nada too. Thanks and good luck with your documentary!

    Hello everyone. Ive read some of these comments and appalled by the long delays.I have been waiting since December 2013. I have several conditions but my most notable (and the ignorance of this condition is so frustrating) dissociative Identity Disorder A.K.A d.i.d. and formerly known as Multiple personality disorder M.P.D I have poor kidneys, asthma and several other conditions that always pop up in interviews and i see the discrimination disguised in things like fear, false understanding or jokes. I have ha the book past so many times. I have switched inthe Job centre and cant receive benefit (still dont recall what truly happened, afterblackout which is a clear indication I switched into another alter). I am qualified as achef but qualifications are scribbled that dont help you. I have been on JSA then ESA then JSA then back to ESA to apply for PIP and wait 5 months with no peace of mind. I have found disgraceful articles relating to death counts due to or after goingfor assessment. I had looked after a girl whos mind was more balanced but she couldnt do any psychical things like lifting etc as she had a fused spine and severalother serious conditions. I hope everyone gets the needed and help your entitled for. This is disgusting to everyone and elitist behaviour against the disabled and

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  • poor needs to stop. Sorry for the long winded message I can understand but never fully know all if your pain.

    I applied for PIP on August 26th 2013 and am STILL awaiting assessment. ATOS have had my paperwork since 19th September 2013 and to date still havent contacted my consultant. I have lumbar degenerative disc disease and my situationhas deteriorated since I had two spinal procedures last year. I call ATOS every two weeks and am told that I am on a waiting list. I have now waited 37 weeks and have not even received an acknowledgement. This is totally and utterly unacceptable. I have contacted the DLA on numerous occasions to update them on how my situation is worsening, but am told there is nothing they can do. ATOS are contracted by the government so it is within the governments power to deal with ATOS. I have also heard horrendous things about the assessment itself and have been told that they are conducted by people who arent medically qualified. Its no wonder ATOS staff are being abused! People are sick to death of hearing their excuses and dealing with their unprofessionalism.

    Surely these waits must be against some European law? Everything else is. I have breast cancer as well as fibromyalgia and anxiety, I have been waiting since Jan and have been told it will be 6 months before I even hear about my pip claim, couldbe doing with the financial help now to buy in some care services. Total disgrace and an issue which requires immediate action. First time I have ever made a claim, appauled by this governments treatment of the sick, they aught to hang their heads in shame. I am not destitute so not in financial hardship, however as previously stated could do with the help now.

    I have been waiting for an ATOS medical since August 2013.I have 2 arthritic discs,2 bulging discs and a lateral tear. I am on all sorts of pain killers including powerful patches. Manchester Social Services have been very helpful and made adaptations to my home and given me a bluebadge.

    Unfortunately such is my condition I can not even get up the stairs any more. I have moved my bed in to the living room.

    After waiting 8 months for an ATOS medical I wrote to my MP John Leech and the Disabled people minister Mike Penning for their support.

    On the 23rd April 2014 I received a reply from my MP John Leech. The next day I received a telephone call from ATOS to inform me they would be in touch within 7 days to arrange a medical. They arranged for me to receive a home visit on the 7th May between 1030 am and 1200pm.

    I sat waiting with my husband for ATOS to arrive to conduct the medical on me. At 1210pm it was obvious that nobody was going to call.

    I telephoned ATOS on 03003300120 to inform them nobody had attended my home address. I was informed that somebody from ATOS had called and knocked for 20 minutes and had rang my home telephone number. This was a blatant lie I informed the operator. My bed is in the living room next to the front door and I was sat with my husband. Nobody had called at my home address. I had only waited a further 10 minutes after the allotted appointment time to telephone them. Why would I do this ?,I am housebound. I burst out crying on the telephone, I

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  • couldnt believe someone would blatantly tell lies. This person lying is the one who was going togive me my medical assessment.

    I was informed by ATOS that a note would now be put on the computer screen to say I was not at home and could not be contacted. Obviously. I was so upset I was absolutely devastated.

    I immediately telephoned my helpful MP John Leech within the hour. And someone called Chrisis going to endeavour to contact ATOS.I also immediately contacted the DWP to inform them that I had not missed any medical, that I was at home. The lady I spoke to at the DWP was called Nicola and she agreed it made no sense considering i was telephoning everyone within minutes off 1200pm.She said there is a PIP complaints procedure she will be activating a complaint on my behalf that will take up to 5 days.

    I will be accessing my online BT Telephone record and printing off the incoming calls for today as evidence and sending them to the relevant people.

    I am still terribly upset and in a state of shock that an ATOS employee could completely fabricate a failed home appointment they way this person has done. The stress of it all is becoming too much, I am struggling to get by and need more financial help. I am genuinely disabled. I have the full support off my GP/Hospital. I am at my wits end with it all. I really am in a state of shock.

    I made my initial claim for pip at the end of June 2013. I have Crohns disease and had a large part of my bowel removed five years ago which has resulted in a huge impact to my day to day living. I am now being treated for stress and anxiety, I believe as a direct result of this appalling system. Three weeks ago I was told by the DWP that I would be hearing within three weeks. This morning I phoned and was told my claim was awaiting a decision and it would take another week to process. This appallingly chaotic system needs to be thoroughly investigated as myexperience has been an utter shambles from the beginningand I havent even began to mention my treatment at the hands of ATOS !

    My wife applied for PIP having epilepsy and back problems going back many years after a bike accident. This was 13th September, her forms were passed to ATOS within 2 weeks and they put her on the waiting list for a face to face, today 16th April she is still awaiting an appointment.Despite many phone calls to ATOS we get the usual sorry theres no cancellations, but you aremoving up the waiting list. It seems this is the norm for many people yet nothing can be done and there is nobody you can turn to to air your complaint, DWP just say its all on ATOS and they have no say in the matter!!

    Update 07/05/14 Contacted my local MP Charlie Elphicke who replied by letter to simply state he applauded the work i done as a carer for my wife and that he was aware of the long waiting times and was monitoring it. So much for getting your local MPs help!!!!

    my daughter was recieveing DLA for depression, mental health issues and aspurgusuntil she turned 16 when it suddenly stopped with no warning. I phoned DLA who told me she would now have to claim PIP. I filled out forms and sent them back in dec 2013 and she is still waiting today. I dont get any money for her and im on benefits myself. PIP is supposed to help my daughter in her life yet all this has done

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  • is cause a lot of stress for all of us. I have had to turn to the foodbank and had to sell things I own to survive day to day and my daughter once again stays in her room every day all dayI think its a disgrace that people who need help are having to wait so long for it.

    I was wondering if perhaps you should approach your local social services for support with your daughter.Asperges doesnt just go away at 16.Maybe they can put you in touch with a support group.I can sympathise with you as I havean 18 year old daughter who has Lupus and inflammatory athritis.She hasnt heard anything with regards to her PIP claim after months either.Take care anyway Caroline x

    Capita are no better every time you call its a different story I have put a complaint in not sure that will even be sorted out Im really confused they all seem as if there trained to lie. Ive only been waiting two months but got no where it seems very stupid do they back date the money when if they finally sort things out Im struggling to work only part time now its a struggle

    i had the same problem, it took 3 times to get capita to come out, finally dec last yr some lady did.. the first 2 appointments no body turned up. i felt like nobody cares about the disabled, unless you got no limbs theyll make you work. i didnt expect me to be ill im 47, but it has..i suffer with anxiety and this has made me so ill on top of having other phyisical illness.wheres our human rights, they need to stop this and go back to how it was. i cant sleep i have had housing benifit etc stopped, now i finally am going on tosupport allowance. but all this change over makes me so ill.i struggle with making calls im so anxious, i talk my self out of ringing .. i have nobody to help me.

    I suffer from M.E or post viral fatigue syndrome.I applied after FINALLY admitting that I needed helpI was immediately given ESA (support group) for ATOS (I nearly fainted that I did not have to appeal!)I applied for PIP on Dec 6th 2013I got an appointment for an interview with CAPITA for the 28th of Jan 2014No one turned up. no Call, no E-mail no nothing to say why, or to re-arrangeDue to my situation I then forgot about the interview, sleeping a lot tends to do that, and when awake you just need to do things that are REALLY important like getting food., or paying the rent etcI eventually found the appointment letter again, E-mailed Capita and got a new date for the 6th of May, thankfully they actually arrived this time so now it is just a case of waiting for the DWP.I have received no apology from Capita for the lack of attendance on the 28th of Jan, I did not even ghet an acknowledgement of my E-mail, just the new appointment

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  • My son has Aspergers and Neurological Nystagmus and was in receipt of DLA. When he reached 16 his money was stopped and he was told to apply for PIP. That was 1st July, 2013. After many phone calls an appointment was made for December for Atos but they failed to attend blaming DWP for giving them an incorrect contact number (DWP dispute this). A further appointment was made and cancelled and we finally saw them at the end if January.

    This was a 24 min assessment as my son became distressed so they finished it early. It was carried out by a nurse who didnt examine or ask any questions about my sons eyes or ask about his ASD. It took her four weeks to provide her report even though she was typing it when we were there and decided that he was a normal teenager with no visual impairments. He was given 0 points. I have asked for a review.

    MY ADVICE to anyone starting the process is to send all paperwork, medical reportsetc with your application as Atos dont often even contact your medical team. My sons decision and many others have been purely based on the short assessment with, quite often, a health professional with no experience if their condition. Also print off a copy of the PIP points system and be guided by that.

    My husband has pulmonary fibrosis and is deteriorating more rapidly than his respiratory team envisaged. C.A.B. worker completed a PIP claim for him in December 2013 and we had phone confirmation that the claim had been received.We have now been given an end of life care plan to complete and still no word re his claim. We dont meet the criteria for Carers Allowance or any other support as Ihave a pension. We used savings to buy a bed and fit a walk in shower downstairs as he can no longer get upstairs. What happens to his claim if he dies before they actually get around to dealing with it? I cant afford to pay for personal care and ourvisiting medical team only provide medical care.People struggle enough when facing ill health and disability without the additional stress of trying to actually get what they have paid for throughout almost 40 years (each!) of full employment.

    I also applied last july (17th) rang again this morning to be told its with the assessor who did my interview in January still, told the man on other end I was told 2 weeks ago it was now in a pile for the file to be looked out because they have got more staff, he replied you shouldnt have been told that.

    Over the weekend my 11 year old son was having to get me up off the floor because I was having to crawl due to the pain in my back & hips.

    Have had enough now, operation on discs not worked & consultant said he wont operate again, fluid on my hip which they wont drain, tried drugs which dont work, already had depression which is now worse, hardly leave the house.

    Have told them this morning I want to make a complaint.

    I applied for pip as I had been advised to by numerous people inc someone from the DWP.I have had agoraphobia,anxiety issues re abuse since childhood inc rape,broken bones,burgled 3 times.Frozen shoulder in both arms.Arthritis,osteoporitis.Severe blinding sickening

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  • migraines.Depression.Incontinence.Ocd.GORD.I applied last yr and received an interview recently.Embarrassing to say the least.I cannot bathe as Im unable to get in and out of the bath.Im unable to reach to wash parts which now smell,sore,chafe.No one to help me dress.Have been braless for over a year,and 42gg.Awful sight.Cant cook or hold a brush to make myself presentable.Gained 4 stone by no exercise and eating quick non cooked food like buns,fruit,cereal,carbs based rubbish.Have a person who takes me on a quiet day to bank,shop,chemist for medson prescription inc pain killers.All this once a month only .Ive eaten nothing for days sometimes.Seen no one for 4 weeks.Non one works to care for someone for nothing unless its family,friends.As a recluse Ive no one.Still waiting to see if Im worthy of pip.

    I rang the DWP to see how long my claim would take and was told at least 26 weeks before I even get to hear about getting an assessment with ATOS health.Something is very wrong with this system and people who desperately need the money for help are missing out and suffering as a result. Unless you are long term sick you have no idea how much your lifestyle changes, how quickly you become isolated and dependant on others for help and charity and as a result how depressed and low you eventually become to the point you just feel like not bothering to claim, or alternativly you condition gets so bad you die. Possibly this isthe intention of the new system, it certainly is not person focused, kind or caring :-))

    hi ,my husband Robert became very ill at xmas he had got to give up work,he is 64 this june. they told him it was bile duct cancer and had to have an op in leeds to remove most of his internal organs, we put in for pip in jan this year ,we still have not had a letter and when we rang up they told us it can take 24 weeks for a letter then an assessment could be 18 months, we waited another month NO letter so I rang again and they said they would send one out I told them I wanted to speak to a supervisor but they told me somebody would ring me in 5 days .yep you guessed it its now 5 days no call .I am starting a video diary about this pip it sucks.my hubby underwent a 7 hour op on Monday to try remove the cancer he worked everyday as have I ,and this is how we get treated am sick to death with the system and sick of pip.as soon as my hubby gets well am going to be kicking off big time ,hang your heads in shame pip.

    Been on sick since 6/5/12 ( only 40 percent of lung capacity ) still awaiting atos assessmenthow long do you have to be on sick lines before they do any action?

    Hi the PIP process is a complete joke. My father has been waiting on a decision nowsince last year. My mother looks after him and is unable to work due this and they are only getting ESA. They waited 26weeks then called then were told they had to wait another 3 weeks (that time was up last week) called them last Monday and was told to give them yet another week as everything is there but no decision has

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  • been made yet. Called today and yet again no decision made and we were simply told to wait another 2-3 weeks. Please does anyone no why this is taking so long and if there is anyone else we can speak to as I feel this is completely ridiculous.

    For anyone reading I have an update about my fathers pips claim.We have contacted to office of our local MP who have been really helpful. They have taken all of the details and are contacting DWP on our behalf to push for an answer. Hopefully this will give us an answer quicker. I will post again to give an update

    just thought i wauld share my experience with pip i put a claim in october of 2013had my assesment on the 29th of april this year pip got my assement back on the 2nd of may i have runf them to day but still no still no decione as yet .x

    I have severe irlen syndrome, asthma and social anxiety.I struggle with everyday life. Im 16yrs old and even getting on a 10min bus rode to college everyday is a huge task for me. Im constantly stuck in my room and id love to go out and spendtime with my friends. I cant go out when its summer, because i get constant migraines and high levels of stress due to brightness of outside.My diagnostics has concern for me, and she has put me down for and irlen glasses test. But unfortunately i can not afford these glasses (289.50).I have sent out my pip form along with a report, a docotrs report on my anxiety and my inhalor box.This was 2months ago (March 22nd).

    Ive still not heard off them.

    Anyone one know how long i will hear from them?

    I put in a claim for pip in August 2013. I had not heard anything by march thisyear so rang and they said I am on the list for an assessment and should hear soon.still no letter or anything. I had vulva cancer. suffering from lymphodema and side effects of radiotherapy.can hardly walk sometimes. I am in pain every day due to ulcerations and genital lymphodema.

    I have been waiting since last October for my PIPS assessment; they know I need one but they just cant give me an appointment this has a knock on effect of preventing me and my family from claiming other benefits (eg attendance allowance) which unfortunately is leaving us vulnerable to financial poverty [PostedMay 20th 2014]

    3 Further Reading Disability benefits contractor runs into trouble - video National Audit Office - Personal IndependencePayment: early progress - Summary National Audit Office - Personal Independence Payment: early progress - Full Report Shocking PIP figure raises new Motability concerns

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  • Personal Independence Payments: a failing system is trapping disabled people without benefits Letter of Complaint to Capita over PIP Assessment, publised on the Web Life in the PIP queue: Family lose Motability vehicle due to PIP delays Civil servants deployed to help Capita clear PIP assessments backlog Personal independence payments are a punishment of the poor and ill Atos misled ministers to win lucrative contract assessing disabled for benefits Sick and disabled made to wait for more than six months to know if they will get benefit Disability rights 'disgrace': Terminally ill facing distress and financial difficulty for weeks because

    of delays in benefits contract

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    1 Introduction2 Personal Testimonies3 Further Reading

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