Dorcé Family Haiti · “Thanks be to God for His indescribable gift!” (2 Corinthians 9:15) Without Jesus’ sacrifice we would all be lost. Easter was a few weekends ago, but

Post on 01-Aug-2020






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20 HA

“But now in Christ Jesus you who once were far off have been brought near by the blood of Christ.” Ephesians 2:13 “Thanks be to God for His indescribable gift!” (2 Corinthians 9:15) Without Jesus’ sacrifice we would all be lost. Easter was a few weekends ago, but His sacrifice was for all time. May we never forget or take His grace for granted. We pray you all had a blessed holiday celebrating the gift and miracle of our Risen Lord!

We have been grateful for time to just breathe and regroup as the attacks on Carries and political demonstrations have slowed in the past month. It is still difficult to find many supplies and to afford those that are available, but God is faithful and He continues to provide. School carries on: we have moved downhill to the old building for security reasons, but attendance numbers are good considering the instability of the past year. Please pray for this peace to continue, for safety for all of us, and for the teachers and students as they prepare for the June state exams.

Dorcé Family Wilckly, Dee, Ashley, Kelsey, Josiah

April-May 2019


With Love, The Dorcés

We will be in the Midwest this summer: please contact Shaina Ascone ( if you would like to schedule a time for us to come visit and

share about the work in Haiti!

From a new family living at Kyona

(top) to whose father we were able to

give a job, to baby goats being born,

to our bucket-garden producing fruits

and vegetables (left), to the kids

allowing so much “inside time” to

encourage their innovation and

creativity (right: Josiah made Roman-

design sandals for a church program

he is planning), we are doing our best

to keep busy!

We were so grateful for

a peaceful, celebratory

Easter weekend. The

Kat Kalen church outdid

themselves with

decorations and

numerous special

performances with song

and dance. We were

encouraged to see the

people working and

worshipping together

after a season of conflict

and division. Please

continue to pray for the

people of this


Praise the Lord for four more baptisms!

On the day before Easter!

Please pray for the growth and discipleship of

Wedson, Gerson, Anchelot, and Soovensky.

Sponsor A Child’s Education:

$40 a month

Sponsor a Teacher’s Salary: $100 a month



For more information: If you would like to send a gift, please make your

check out to Blessing Hearts International

and mail to this address:

Blessing Hearts International

2431 N. Minnesota Ave.

Joplin, MO 64801

Ministry Opportunity:

Since Shaina’s job changed to a State-side position we have been looking for someone to

come teach the kids (Kelsey and Josiah)!

Please contact Shaina at

for details on the job description if you are interested!

Please pray for me (Dee), as I will be

homeschooling the kids until this position is filled, and for wisdom and energy to also

accomplish all the tasks and demands of the ministry.

Come Visit Us!

Encounter Haiti and see the ministry you

partner with! Contact Shaina Ascone at

(309)255-5393 or for more information about leading or joining a team!

Help us build the wall!

Nehemiah Project: $250 per 500 ft. section

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