
The scorching Cambodian sun backlit the plastic bags that were being carried by small children as they scavenged through garbage for something to eat or sell.As we stood and watched the smell was overwhelming and bits of garbage blew through the air getting stuck in our hair and eyelashes burning our eyes. This was these children’s every day reality.

Then we learned that these kids could go to school if only for school supplies. A few years earlier Pymean Noun built a school at the Dump called the POI school and gave the families rice in exchange for letting their children attend school instead of working the dump to feed their families. The money earmarked for school supplies was used up with the rice program and they had no supplies. Wanting to make a difference in these children’s lives we went shopping! We bought cases of school supplies and donated them to each and every student at the PIO School plus more for those waitlisted so more children could attend. It was a wonderful and joyous day but I was haunted by it.

Our Story

It is custom in Massai culture for a man, many times much older, to marry a younger woman in exchange for a dowry of cows. Due to the age discrepancy, it increases the likelihood that they will be widowed. Once widowed, many do not inherit property because there are multiple wives. They are not allowed to remarry, nor can they return to their families because doing so would force them to repay the cows from the marriage dowry. Enkiteng Lepa, an NGO, created a village of protection in 2007, where Massai widows can live peacefully. They collectively own a herd of cows and a cellphone charging business for the locals that use cell phones. Many of the women earn money from crafting and selling beadwork or performing traditional dances for tourists. Ace of Good hires these women to make all the backpacks for our deliveries to Kenya.

Empowering Women

The UN estimates that 120 million children are denied an education every year, many due to their inability to afford school supplies or fees. Education is the key to fighting poverty, hunger, disease, terrorism, global warming, you name it: almost every problem can be addressed through education.

The students of the Tent School in Dharamsala India, at the Charan Khad slum, who show special interest and aptitude are invited to attend the Hostel School. Here they live in a boarding school setting yet only 15 minutes walk from the Charan Khad slum where their families live. For all of these students The Hostel School is the first time they have lived with electricity and running water, proper bathrooms, and proper meals, and have slept in proper beds. Ace of Good visited with these amazing students of the Hostel Schools and delivered a bckpack filled with School supplies to each and every child.

Educating Children

For every backpack you buy, we deliver another backpack, filled with school supplies, to a child in need around the world. If you want to keep giving, additional backpacks can be sent to children in need for $25.00 each.

Why Give?

There are 120 million children around the world who are being denied an education because they can’t afford school supplies. Your gift will allow them to attend school.

What Do You Get?

100% of your $25 will be used to provide a backpack filled with supplies to a child in need.

Please note that this gift is not tax-deductible.

Donate Money To Charity

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