Doctor Who - Fire Starter - 2nd Draft

Post on 05-Apr-2018






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  • 7/31/2019 Doctor Who - Fire Starter - 2nd Draft


    1 Doctor Who Firestarter Fiona Conn

    Doctor Who :: Firestarter

    By Fiona Conn


    The DoctorEmma Collins

    Moira Hannigan -- 24 years old.

    William Spencer -- 25 years old.

    Peter Dewey -- 30 years old.

    Iain McPherson 43 years old.

    Prisca Addington -- 22 years old.

    Generic Team Members #1, #2 and #3 -- age & gender flexible.

    UNIT Officer #1 -- Gender & age flexible.

    Aliens #1 & #2 -- Ageless, Female.

    Regent Male, probably somewhere in his 40s-50s.

    Villagers any age, any gender.

    FADE IN:

    P1 [EXT] Space

    We hear absolutely nothingness. All is silent. Perhaps now might be a good time to fade in the

    usual music used for the zooming into Earth scenes in the New Series? If we can accompany it

    with sound effects, all the better, but if not thats fine, also.

    P2 [INT] Peters flat, somewhere in London Night

    We hear some very quiet traffic filtering in through the window. Its raining outside. Typical

    night in London. Theres some soft beeping, almost like radar. Peter is pacing.

    Peter: Come on, come on answer already

    Just then, theres static, like a radio tuning, and a voice so young and yet carrying all the

    weight of the millennia speaks, perhaps slightly chidingly

    Alien #1: Is it not said, patience is a virtue, young Dewey?

    Peter makes a quiet grumbling, sighing noise but says nothing.

    Alien #1: Come; tell us what your plans are.

    Peter: The operation is in place.

    P3 [INT] TARDIS Night

    We hear the usual interior hum of the TARDIS. Peters voice and that of the aliens filtered a

    bit, indicating the discussion is being overheard.

    Peter: We can make the drop whenever youre ready.

    Alien #1: Then we shall set course and be on our way.

    The transmission cuts off. We hear a lever being pulled.

    Doctor: (quiet, grimly) And I wont be too far behind.

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    2 Doctor Who Firestarter Fiona Conn

    The TARDIS starts up and we hear the sound of it travelling through the Vortex (perhaps we

    can nick it from the Attack of the Grask game?)

    P4 [INT] British Museum, London Night

    We hear the usual sounds of London at night remember thats its also raining outside very

    quietly in the background, perhaps even slightly echoey, given the massive size the exhibit

    rooms? Just then, the TARDIS materialises. The door squeaks open and out steps the Doctor

    and Emma. We hear them walking around a bit as they talk.

    Emma: Its dark

    Doctor: Well, it is the middle of the night, Emma

    Emma: Ive never been in a museum at night I hope you brought a torch.

    Doctor:No zombie mummies here, Emma, I can assure you..

    Suddenly, the alarms go off. The Doctor and Emma freeze.

    Doctor: Oops.

    Emma: (rather pointedly) Do you always do this, or were youplanningon getting caught?

    Doctor: Oh dear.

    CUT TO:


    1 [EXT] British Museum, London Night

    Possible Music: All The Strange, Strange Creatures DW S3 OST.

    We hear a car pulling up outside the British Museum. Its still pouring down. We can also hear

    the alarms from outside. Somebody steps out of the car, talking via walkie-talkie.

    Moira: Do we know where they are?

    William: (over the walkie-talkie) Not yet. A search is being conducted as we speak. Abbas

    checking the CCTV logs.

    Moira: Alright. On my way. Firestarter out.

    She tucks her walkie-talkie into its holder and runs towards the doors.

    2 [INT] British Museum, London Night

    We hear footsteps approaching each other and intruder alarms.

    William: Glad youre here. Weve just cleared the first floor.

    Moira: Okay. Have some of the others check the exits again. Ill head up to the second floor.

    William: Acknowledged.

    Moira: Come on, you lot, dont just stand there!

    Moiras footsteps, followed by a group of others, run up a set of stairs.

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    3 [INT] Corridors Night

    We hear the footsteps shuffling down corridors. Doors are opened, rooms checked and


    Moira/Team Members 1 and 2: Clear!

    4 [INT] One of the rooms in the Museum Night

    The alarms seem much louder in here. Emmas a bit annoyed, perhaps panicking slightly, while

    the Doctors just wandering around, looking at things.

    Emma: Doctor, arent you going to do anything? Like get us out of here?

    Doctor:No need, or reason to, really. Looks like were locked in, anyway.

    Emma: And you cant just use that sonic wand thing of yours

    Doctor: Sonicscrewdriver, Emma. (Beat) Theyll find us soon enough. Perhaps in doing so,

    we can get to the bottom of this a bit quicker.

    5 [INT] Down on the ground floor - Night

    We hear footsteps approaching. Someone stands to attention.

    William: Report!

    Team Member #3: All exits have been secured, sir.

    William: Understood.

    He pulls out his walkie-talkie.

    William: Firestarter, how are you getting on?

    6 [INT] Corridor Night

    Moira: Still checking, Fletcher. All rooms clear thus far. The exits?

    William: All checked and secured.

    Moira: Alright. Well, weve one more room on this floor to go. Ill keep in touch.

    William: Right. Fletcher out.

    Moira and crew head down the corridor to the next room. Moira stops in front of the doorway

    and the two other team members on either side of the door.

    6 [INT] Inside the Room Night

    We hear Moira carefully unlock the door and loosening the handle.

    Doctor: Ooh, I think weve been found

    The Doctor wanders over in the direction of the door

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    7 [INT] Corridor Night

    We hear Moira and crew preparing to go in

    Moira: (slowly, whispered) 321

    The door bursts open on her command.

    8 [INT] Room on the Second Floor, British Museum Night

    Everyone piles into the room, safeties being pulled off as they take up position on either side of


    Moira: Hands behind your head, now!

    Doctor: Ah I mean you no harm.

    Emma: Better do as she says. You may be some long-lived Time-Lord thing, but that doesntmeanIam.

    Brief pause, and then

    Moira: (puzzled) Doctor?

    Doctor: (likewise sounding somewhat perplexed) Moira?!

    Emma: You know her?

    Doctor: Emma, this is Moira, she and I travelled together and most of the time, she WASNT

    with the people pointing guns in our faces

    Moira: (Recovering) Hey! Would you mind explaining exactly what youre doing here?

    Doctor: (perhaps slightly surprised by her abruptness) Well, I could ask you the same

    question, Moira.

    Moira: I workhere, Doctor. Whats your excuse?

    That question catches him at a disadvantage. How much will she believe if he tells her? Rather

    than telling her, he fumbles for an excuse instead.

    Doctor: Uhm, well We were just passing through.

    Moira: (Not impressed) Yes, same old excuses. And dyou remember what trouble it tended

    to land us in?

    Doctor: (gently, almost tinged with sadness) Moira Do you think you might be able to

    lower your weapons, now that you know were not a threat?

    Moira: Hmmph. (Beat, then sighs) Very well. (To her colleagues, clearly not liking it)

    Holsters, people. (To the Doctor) But rest assured, I WILL be watching you.

    We hear people safety-ing their weapons and reholstering them.

    Doctor: (murmured) I think I can live with that.

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    Emma: Maybe you can, but I cant, Doctor. (To Moira) Excuse me, do you make a habit of

    treating everybody as a potential criminal?

    Moira: (Defensively) Im just doing my job! If you didnt want to be treated like a criminal,

    perhaps you shouldnt have come here in the middle of the night, setting off the alarms!

    Doctor: (with just a hint of warning) Emma, Moira, please

    Moiras walkie-talkie fuzzes. We hear Iains voice coming through it.

    Iain: Firestarter, you there?

    Moira clicks on her walkie-talkie, answering his call.

    Moira: Im here, Abba, what do you need?

    Iain: The new GPS trackers finally pulled up a result. (Beat) I think weve found our missingartefact.

    Moira: Aah, about time. Ill be right down.

    Iain: Acknowledged. Abba out.

    Moira: (To the Doctor and Emma) You two had better come with me. Im not taking any


    Doctor: (with a sigh) Alright. Emma, you coming?

    Emma: Like I have a choice.

    The Doctor chuckles grimly.

    FADE TO:

    9 [INT] Special Operations HQ, British Museum Basement, London -- Early Morning.

    A set of lift doors open. We hear the group walking out and along. Perhaps some music?

    Moira: (As if continuing a conversation)So, we're a bit like a "special ops" team. I'm their

    leader, along with William. Iain's our techie, he handles the computers and research. Prisca is

    our archaeology expert -- you can literally ask her about any given artefact in this museum,and she'll tell you everything about it, from its provenance, to how the museum got it. (Pause)

    She was one of the few people I had the pleasure of head-hunting. She joined us just last year,

    straight out of York University.

    William: Prisca's GPA impressed me, as well. We offered her a job, on the condition that she

    passed her exams and graduated. She succeeded with flying colours.

    Moira: As for Peter -- he handles security and provides our weapons training. He's currently

    trying to teach me how to Fence, actually

    Doctor: But what do you actually do, Moira? So far, you've given me a potted history of the

    museum, and a low-down on your team members. But you seem to be evading the question,

    somewhat. Surely you know better than that?

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    6 Doctor Who Firestarter Fiona Conn

    Moira: (totally wrong-footed)IYes, of course I do We handle missions to retrieve

    artefacts for the British Museum from some of the more shady dealers. I mean, we do get

    people who turn up artefacts in their parents' -- or grandparents' -- attics, most of the time,

    but we're supposed to recover the stuff that crops up on the black market. (Beat) Using our

    state of the art laboratories, we then analyse the artefacts before they're put into storage or

    displayed upstairs in the museum.

    William: When artefacts are stolen or go missing, it's up to us to recover them. Essentially,

    we protect the museum, sort of like a security detail.

    They arrive at Iain's desk, where he's working on something

    Moira: One of our artefacts has been stolen recently. We've been searching for it for the last

    couple of weeks.

    Doctor: If you don't mind, may I take a look?

    Moira: (sternly) I wouldnt push my luck, if I were you, Doctor.

    Doctor: (rather confused) What?

    Moira: For all I know, youre the one whos been taking the artefacts in the first place.

    Doctor: I Moira, come on, surely you know me better than that?

    Moira: (perhaps slightly coldly) What about the Royal Sceptre of the Skrillik Emperor?

    Doctor: That was different! *To Emma* The Royal Sceptre of the Skrillik Emperor was

    actually a harnessing crystal

    Emma: Can we discuss backstory later?

    Awkward silence.

    Iain: (Trying to break the tension) The artefact in question is logged as being from Ancient

    Greece, Doctor.

    Prisca: It was recovered during an archaeological exploration of the Parthenon thirty years

    ago. We're still not entirely sure what it is -- at the time of its discovery, it was thought

    perhaps it was an elaborate piece of decoration. Its design is Hellenistic in style, butit

    doesn't exactly fit with a lot of the other artefacts or tablets found in the temple.

    Doctor: Hmmm. While it may well have beenfoundin Greece, and is also very old, human

    hands did not craft that artefact.

    Moira: I know -- that's what I've been telling them, these last couple of weeks. I mean, just

    look at the design. It sort of resembles a clock.

    Doctor: It does, doesn't it? (Beat)"First contact" happened earlier on in human history than

    perhaps historians like to think. And on a very regular basis, too.

    Emma: You mean, all those movies

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    Doctor: Theres a grain of truth in them someplace, Emma. The concepts probably pretty

    well engrained in race memory or what youd call the collective unconscious. Its like trying

    to explain how the Big Bang happened, or how certain religions came about theres a grain

    of truth in the explanations, but massive parts of them require quite a leap of faith. (Beat) The

    recent incidents in London arent the only visits Earth has had, you know.

    Emma: (jokingly) Explains a lot about government policy at times, then

    Doctor:Now you mention it did you know that for a brief, six month period, Winston

    Churchill was actually a robot?

    Emma: You are kidding me.

    Doctor: I wish. What a nightmare that was (Beat, then to Moira and crew) Do you have

    any idea who stole the artefact?

    Moira: Thats what weve been trying to find out since this whole thing started.

    Doctor: Moira, let me ask you something is it entirely possible that you have a well, a

    leakwithin your group?

    Moira: I Doctor, I know the black market and sales of artefacts on auction sites such as

    Ebay can bring in some extra money, but why would any of my people do that?

    Doctor: Im honestly not sure but if you let me, I can help you to find out.

    Terse silence. Moiras indecision is palpable. Perhaps we can imagine her looking around at


    Iain: I wouldnt put artefacts at risk, Moira. You know that.

    William: Same. Im stuck behind the desk doing paperwork most of the time, anyway.

    Prisca: I may be one of the few with the security over-rides, but you can bet I would never

    give them away, Maam.

    Moira: Peter?

    Peter: Well, look, its been found now, so at the very least, lets go and get it before it goes

    walkabout again.

    Moira: Point taken. Iain, William, Prisca, you guys go on ahead. Ill lock up before I go.

    Peter: Who are you taking with you, Moira?

    Moira: Well, surely, you have security duties upstairs, Peter

    Peter: You mustbe kidding if you think Im going to let you go down there on your own

    Moira: Well, I technically wouldnt be alone Id be meeting Iain and the others

    Peter: I wont allow it. Either form up your own team, or youre staying put, Moira.

    Moira: (perhaps slightly taken aback by Peters insistence) Okay

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    Doctor: Perhaps Emma and I could come with you.

    Moira: What?!

    Doctor: Well, I did tell you Id be willing to help.

    Moira: But

    Peter: Frankly, I wouldnt risk leaving them here, Moira.

    Emma: (Incredulous) You still consider us a threat?

    Peter: (Totally ignoring Emma) Either way, you cant win.

    Doctor: (Pleading) Please, Moira let me help you.

    Silence for a few seconds as Moira tries to make her mind up.

    Moira: (with a sigh, dejected) Alright. Peter, Doctor, Emma, youre with me.

    Doctor: Thank you. You wont regret this.

    William walks past the computer. Half way down the room, he stops, turns and calls out:

    William: Iain. Prisca.

    Prisca hurries over, Iain pushing out his chair to get up, then tidily pushing it back in before

    following suit. Together, they head for the elevator.

    Moira: And that just leaves us. Peter, go show our guests where to get suited up with theappropriate gear. (Beat) No weapons, though.

    Peter: Of course. (To the Doctor and Emma) Follow me.

    Moira sighs quietly, finally sitting down. Perhaps the Doctor stops in his tracks, turning back

    to her We hear the Doctor and Emma conversing quietly in the background.

    Emma: Doctor?

    Doctor: Its alright, go on with Peter and get your kit. Ill be with you in a few minutes.

    (Beat) Besides, I have some rather conflicted feelings on getting trussed up in military-style


    Emma: Hmm, okay. See you in a few minutes, then.

    Emma goes with Peter. The Doctor wanders back over to Moira.

    Doctor: You alright, Moira?

    Moira: Mm? Oh, Im fine. (Yawning slightly) Its just been a long night.

    Doctor: Burning a little too much of the midnight oil?

    No answer. And then:

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    Moira: Youve changed a lot since I first knew you.

    Doctor: More than you know. It was all so long ago. (Beat) Not long after you left, actually.

    Moira: I was only 16, Doctor I was frightened.

    Doctor: All grown up now it seems good.

    Moira: Mm. I turn 25 next week.

    Doctor: Is that so?

    Moira: (with perhaps a tiny hint of amusement) Can you believe it?

    Doctor: (perhaps smiling, himself) And heres me without an appropriate birthday present to

    give you.

    Moira: Well, you can make up for it by telling me exactly what youre doing here.

    Doctor: (With a sigh) You always were one for very direct questions.

    Moira: So does that mean Im finally going to get an answer out of you?

    Just then, Moiras walkie-talkie fuzzes and Peters voice is heard.

    Peter: Were good to go, Firestarter. Confirm contact point?

    Moira: Saved by the walkie-talkie, Doctor. Consider yourself lucky.

    Moira clicks on her walkie-talkie.

    Moira: At the garage, Chessboard. Where we normally meet.

    Peter: Understood. Chessboard out.

    10 [INT] Weapons Locker, Basement, British Museum Early Morning

    We hear Peter locking up the weapons cages as Emma fiddles with her vest. The overbearing

    sound of air conditioning can be heard in the background.

    Peter: Dont fiddle about with it too much. That vest is your life. Treat it with respect.

    Emma smoothes down the Velcro, trying to restrain herself.

    Emma: This is just far too weird.

    Peter: Weird how?

    Emma: It seems only yesterday that I discovered Torchwood existed for real. And then

    UNIT! To find other top-secret agencies it just seems like the stuff of James Bond or


    Peter: (chuckles) I guess it can be a little hard to swallow at first. For all the things we

    dismissed as pure flights of fancy to all be real.

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    Emma: How come you need to get all dressed up these vests and stuff, anyway? If youre

    dealing with finds coming in from the black market, surely its mostly just people with metal

    detectors who dig this stuff up for a hobby?

    Peter: By and large, you would be right, Emma. But now and then, we get some real nasty

    pieces of work.

    Emma: (with a laugh) I can just imagine it now evil bookworms and archaeologists, hell-

    bent on destruction!

    Peter: (Laughing) Well, when you put it that way, it does sound rather silly, yes. (Sobering

    up) Nonetheless, like our friends at Torchwood, we work to the glory of Queen and Country,

    in partnership with our colleagues at the British Library.

    Emma: So youve worked with Torchwood?

    Peter: Still do. I worked for UNIT until a few years ago, and then I was made an offer I

    couldnt possibly resist.

    Emma: And youve been working here ever since?

    Peter: Well, no I was under the command of Messers. Gentleman and Joker at the British

    Library for a little while before I came here.

    Emma: Mr. Gentleman and Mr. Joker?

    Peter: Codenames. I never did learn their actual identities.

    Emma: So what brought you here?

    Peter: UNIT and Torchwood conspired and asked me to babysit one of our staff.

    Emma: (murmured) Moira

    Peter: Yeah.

    Emma: Any idea what the deal is with Moira and Jas sorry, the Doctor?

    Peter: Apparently, she knew him a number of years ago, when she was in her teens. He

    looked a bit different, back then. UNIT said something about him regenerating.

    Emma: Does he does he make a habit of this kind of thing?

    Peter: I cant honestly tell you. Much of what I know only concerns Moira. Theres a lot of

    classified material floating around.

    Emma: (sadly) I see.

    Peter: How long have you two --?

    Emma: Seems like forever. (Beat) Im carrying his child. (Coughs slightly, perhaps near on

    tears) Im carrying his child and he

    Peter: Im sorry.

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    11 Doctor Who Firestarter Fiona Conn

    Perhaps we can convey through sound the sense of Peter placing a hand on Emmas shoulder.

    Emma breathes in and out, trying to force back the tears.

    Emma: Its okay. (Coughs and laughs slightly) I feel silly. It was probably such a long time

    ago for him.

    Peter: Yeah. (Beat) We ought to head down to the garage, before Moira locks up.

    Emma: Yeah. Lead on, McDuff.

    Peter laughs as they leave the room, and he flicks a switching, turning out the locker room light

    behind him.

    CUT TO:

    11 [INT] Warehouse, Dockside, London -- Morning.

    Perhaps a brief exterior shot where we can hear seagulls, and a car pulling up, then on theinside of the warehouse, we hear people -- Moira and crew -- quietly creeping in.

    Moira: (whispered) Right, let's try and keep it down, shall we? Come on.

    Perhaps some music in the background as Moira and crew move off, dashing quietly down the

    corridors, though we can still hear their rifles rattling.

    Perhaps we might hear a CCTV camera homing in on them at some point as they go down the

    corridor, taking note that they're actually there, though no alarms go off at this point.

    Doctor: (whispered) I think we've just been spotted, Moira.

    Moira: (whispered) It's just a CCTV, camera, Doctor. They're all over Britain. Big Brother

    likes keeping an eye on us.

    Doctor: (whispered) Just the same, better safe than sorry

    The Doctor approaches the camera, turns his sonic screwdriver to the right frequency, holding

    it up to the surveillance camera. The camera begins to spit sparks.

    Peter: (whispered, sharply) Oi!

    Doctor: (whispered) It's alright, it'll calm down in a minute. (Beat) There, see?

    The camera finally ceases to work or even protest. The sonic screwdriver is turned off.

    Moira: (whispered) Come on, let's keep going, shall we?

    And so they continue down the corridors, trying to be as quiet as possible.

    12 [INT] Third floor, Warehouse, London -- Morning

    We hear Moira and crew still continuing down the corridor. William, Prisca and Iain approach

    from the right.

    Moira: (whispered) Welcome back, William.

    William: (whispered) Thanks. How you're getting on?

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    Moira: (whispered) So far, not so good.

    William: (whispered) Our search was fruitless, too.

    Iain: (whispered) I've never known the computers to be wrong, Moira. I --

    Moira: (whispered) Ssh. Don't give up all hope, yet. We've still got some rooms to search.

    Moira tries the door handle.

    Prisca: (whispered) It's locked.

    Emma: (whispered) Doctor, do you think this is it?

    Doctor: (whispered) It could well be. Moira, if you'll allow me?

    The Doctor applies the sonic screwdriver to the lock. The innards give way and the doorunlocks. He carefully tests the doorknob. The door swings open.

    Doctor: (whispered) After you.

    Moira: (whispered) Thank you

    Moira slowly, carefully, tiptoes into the room

    13 [INT] Room 3-07, Third Floor, Warehouse -- Morning.

    followed by everyone else.

    Iain: (whispered) Seems to only be old, disused crates

    William: (whispered) So much dust

    Moira turns her torch on, doing a quick sweep of the room. And then --

    Doctor: (whispered) Moira, what was that?

    Moira: (whispered) What was what?

    Doctor: (whispered) I think I just saw something glinting, over in that direction Pass yourtorch over it again.

    Moira: (whispered) Alright. (Beat) My god, you're right.

    The Doctor walks over to where Moira's torch beam is held and picks up the item.

    Doctor: (whispered) I think you've just found your stolen artefact, Moira.

    Moira: (whispering, but also letting loose a sigh of relief) Oh, fantastic!

    Just then, theres a soft beeping from where the Doctor picked up the artefact.

    Moira: (her voice kept quiet, still, but warningly) Doctor, what the hell did you do?

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    Doctor: (murmured) Oh no

    William: (quietly, disapproving) And of course, you totally failed to notice the digital clock

    right next to it. Well done, Doctor.

    Emma: (quietly) A ticking timebomb set off by weight sensors?

    Peter: (quietly) Sounds like your evil bookworms and archaeologists theory is being borne

    out, today.

    Doctor: (quietly) Now really isnt a good time..!

    Moira: (quietly)Everyone scatter! We'll have to each make our own way back to the

    Museum! (Turning to the Doctor) Doctor, Emma, come on!

    Peter: (quietly) I'll come with, too!

    William: (quietly) Prisca, Iain!

    And so, scatter they do.

    The music takes over for a minute or two, and then we fade back in their footsteps, running


    Emma: (slightly out of breath)Doctor, I think were lost!

    Doctor: What brings you to that conclusion?

    Emma: Weve just passed the same empty window three times!

    Emma seems to stop, and the Doctor slows down, turns and wanders back. Everyone else

    comes to a halt.

    Doctor: I was hoping you wouldnt notice.

    Moira: Some things dont change then?

    Doctor: Obviously. (Trying to catch his breath) Still, we need to keep going there must be

    some way out of here, come on

    The Doctor jogs on ahead, but nobody else follows.

    Doctor: What are you waiting for? That things about to explode!

    Emma: And all the while, youre leading us around in a circle! Tell me how thats better than

    waiting to be caught up in the explosion!

    Theres a slight cracking sound overhead, like cement beginning to go

    Peter: Emma! Move!

    Doctor: EMMA!!

    Peter runs towards Emma, pushing her down.

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    Emma SCREAMS.

    We hear the ceiling caving in, separating the Doctor and Emma, one on either side.

    Everyone coughs as the dust settles.

    Peter: Everyone alright?

    Emma: (coughing and sobbing slightly) I dont know

    Moira: (brushing self off) Im fine, Peter. (Coughs)

    Peter: You look okay, Emma no cuts or bruises can you stand?

    The Doctors voice is slightly muffled as he calls from the other side of the rubble.

    Doctor: Emma! Are you alright?

    Emma: (Pretty much in tears by now) No!

    A beat, and then

    Doctor: Just hold on, I should be able to find a way through

    Emma: Doctor, is this what you put everyone through?

    Doctor: (puzzled) Im sorry?

    Emma: So you should be!

    Doctor: Emma, listen to me Im going to get you out of here, no matter what it takes,

    alright? But I need you to trust me.

    Emma: Trust you? How can I trust you? You changed into someone else before my eyes!

    (Beat) Should I trust you the way Moira trusted you and then you left her behind, like she no

    longer mattered?

    Moira: (stunned how does she know?) Emma

    Doctor: Emma, until not so long ago, I lived the same life asyou! It was a life I had never

    known But for me, that life is over. I cant go back. But I

    Moira: Doctor Emma: Jason...

    Doctor: I wont pretend that life and its consequences dont exist! (Beat, then stronger) I

    wont let it go to waste! Im going to get you out of here, Emma, if its the last thing I do!

    The Doctor begins heaving away bits of wood and concrete, trying to make a gap.

    We hear Moira approaching.

    Moira: Doctor, stand back from the rubble a bit. I think I can be of help

    Doctor: (warily) Moira, what are you up to?

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    The Doctor steps back slightly from the bits of fallen in ceiling.

    Moira isnt listening. We hear a sound like ghostly breathing, as if inhaling and an almost

    warm, glowy sound

    Doctor: (in a warning tone) Moira, what are you wait! STOP!

    Peter: (almost proud, gleeful) Wait until you see this theres a reason we call her The


    Followed by the crackle of fire, and then a, fwoom! as the rubble goes up in flames and

    then dies, making an opening.

    Moira: Everyone, GO GO GO!

    Doctor: Emma!

    We hear Emma hurrying to the Doctor, and then everyone dashing down the corridor.

    CUT TO

    14 [EXT] Warehouse, London Docks Day

    A large door is opened and the group runs out. We hear them piling into the car. It starts and

    the acceleration is pretty much stamped on, and not a moment too soon a few seconds later,

    the warehouse explodes.

    Theyre safe.

    15-17 OMITTED

    18 [INT] Special Operations HQ, Lab, The British Museum -- London

    We hear the lift doors opening. Moira steps out in the laboratory, where everyone is waiting.

    Prisca: How'd it go?

    Moira: Fine. The Director was a bit disappointed, but he has every right to be. (Beat) How's

    the analysis going?

    Iain: It's at 99%

    The computer starts bleeping.

    Iain: Done.

    Perhaps some quiet music as they gather around Iain's computer to see the results.

    Iain: Well, it's definitely authentic, and not a copy.

    Moira: Mm, I thought so.

    Doctor: Have many artefacts have gone missing as this one did?

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    Prisca: There has been a bit of a rash of thefts, recently. Repatriation of artefacts has been a

    hot issue within the last few years. People have been taking artefacts and attempting to send

    them back to their countries of origin.

    Moira: I have to wonder, though given that this item is not of Earthly origin, perhaps the

    thieves were trying to return it to their alien creators?

    Doctor: I was just thinking that, myself. Perhaps you ought to investigate your staff, Moira?

    It sounds like there really may be a leak -- after all, inside information would be needed in

    order to gain access to these artefacts.

    Moira: But Doctor why? Why this one? If it's just a timing device, it can't be that

    important by now to an alien race who may well have advanced by now. Surely, they might

    even view it as primitive? And why would my staff do such a thing?

    Brief silence, and then:

    Doctor: (with a sigh)I don't know yet, Moira. I really wish I did.

    Big dramatic sting!

    19 [INT] Peter's Office, British Museum Morning

    Not much except some computer hum. Peter's very secretive, so no windows or doors open.

    Alien #1: And the artefact?

    Peter: (dispirited) Back in the custody of Moira.

    Alien #1: I see... Disappointing, but somehow expected.

    Peter: I beg your pardon?

    Alien #2: (almost with a sense of nostalgia... fondness) You forget, young Dewey... we

    partnered with the Children of your Earth once many moons ago. We have seen the human

    way. Should we not come to expect, after such experience, that your ways will not have

    changed over the centuries?

    Peter: Please. Give me another chance. I can make it work. I won't renege on our deal I

    The dishonour would be too great.

    Alien #2: We remember your Children once also speaking of Honour.

    Peter: Then you know why I must do this... why I must complete this task.

    Brief pause.

    Alien #1: Very well. Our course settings have not yet been changed, so we are still on


    Peter: Thank you. I won't let you down.

    Alien #2: (perhaps with a faint smile) Do your best. Boukenshin out.

    The screen emits white noise as communications are cut. Peter sighs.

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    Peter: (murmured) I just hope human behaviour doesn't clue you in to what's really going

    on... (Scornfully) What was I on about, honour? (He tuts at himself) The only true honour lies

    in the protection of Queen and Country...

    Faint military style drums beat as we shift to our next scene....

    20 [INT] Moira's Office, British Museum -- Morning

    The usual sound of bird song and traffic coming in from the outside, as shes got her window

    open. Iain and Moira are drinking tea.

    Iain: (perhaps slightly incredulous) You gave him the artefact?

    Moira: It's alright, you can trust him, Iain.

    Iain: Rather you than me. The Director'd do his nut if he knew.

    Moira: Then the Director doesn't have to know.

    Silence, both like stubborn children. Then --

    Iain: You really trust this Doctor fellow?

    Moira: (Almost teary) Yeah. I do. I I've known him for a very long time.

    Iain: What happened between you two? I get the feeling there's something you're not telling


    Moira: We just parted on bad terms, is all. (Beat) I was an idiot, back then

    Iain: If I can ask What age were you?

    Moira: Sixteen, but(sighs) I don't really reckon that's a terribly good excuse. The

    Doctor, he he taught me a better way of living, you know? He taught me to take

    responsibility for my words, my actions he taught me that it's worth standing up and being

    counted. He wanted me to ask questions, to speak out to live a better life

    Iain: I see.

    Moira realizes that Iain really doesn't see. He doesn't know the Doctor as she does. It's not

    worth pressing the point.

    She sighs. Picking up on her need for solitude, Iain finishes up the last of his tea.

    Iain: Thanks for the tea, Moira. I think I'm gonna head back to the bullpen. Paperwork, you


    Moira: Yeah.

    She begins to ruffle through some of the papers cluttering her desk.

    Moira: I've got a tonne of papers to look at and sign, myself.

    Iain: I'll leave you to it, then

    He gets up from her seat and leaves her office

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    21 [INT] TARDIS Console Room

    We hear the interior hum of the TARDIS. The doors open and the Doctor and Emma enter the

    TARDIS together.

    Emma: What do you plan to do with the artefact?

    Doctor: Hopefully, find out exactly which planet this artefact came from. I've got some

    equipment that I can use to run some scans. Perhaps, the TARDIS databases might be able to

    identify it

    The Doctor begins to press some buttons on the console, starting up the processes required to

    scan the artefact.

    Emma: I see. (Beat) Doctor, about Moira

    The Doctor pauses upon being asked this question. He releases a little sigh, probably frowning

    a bit.

    Doctor: I can see there's no fooling you, Emma. (Beat) I'm afraid we simply parted on bad


    Emma: Do you do you regret it?

    Doctor: (Not answering) I'm proud of the progress Moira's made since leaving. She's doing

    what we always did. She's living a good life, Emma Perhaps leaving did her some good

    Beat, slightly awkward.

    Emma: Doctor you said you wanted a second chance Who is she, really? Was Moira

    Doctor: (cutting her off) Gosh, no! Did you really think --? (With a laugh) No no no. She was

    in her teens when we met With her metahuman powers,someone had to help her

    Emma: Metahuman?

    Doctor: Humans with psionic and seemingly magical powers. Some of them are merely

    latent, but others, such as Moira

    Emma:Need help controlling it, right?

    Doctor: Yes. (Beat) Her father died you see. She was young and she was scared, more sothan any kid at her age. (Pause) I tried to give her what she wanted, I tried to be the father she

    needed, but it just didnt work out.

    Brief silence, and then:

    Emma: Dyou think youll need any books to help you, cause Im sure Priscas got some

    stuff that could help

    Doctor:Not sure how much Ill need it the TARDIS can be pretty comprehensive when she

    wants to be (With a smile) Buuuuuuuut it cant hurt to have a little extra help.

    Emma: (Finally, a smile!) Alright. I wont be long.

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    We hear Emma heading down the gangway and out the doors. The Doctor chuckles and presses

    a few buttons, eliciting a booping sound from the controls

    22 [INT] Random Corridor in the British Museum Day

    We hear Emmas footsteps heading down the corridor, and Iains approaching from the other


    Iain: (polite, but slightly distant) Lo

    Emma: Hallo (Beat) Hey! Its Iain, isnt it?

    Iain: It is indeed. What can I do you for?

    Emma: (Realizing hes trying to be humorous, chuckles) Im just looking for Prisca. I told

    the Doctor Id ask her if she had any books that might be of help.

    Iain: You might try the Reading Room the entrance is down in the Great Court.

    Emma: Great! Thank you.

    Just as she continues on her way, Iain turns to her, calling her back.

    Iain: Hang on Emma?

    Emma: Yes?

    Iain: Firstly, youll need a pass to get in to the Reading Room.

    Iain rummages around his pockets, then hands her a card.

    Emma: Ah, right thank you.

    Iain: Secondly: would you mind if I asked you a couple of questions?

    Emma: Sure. Whats up?

    Brief pause, and then Iain hesitantly opens up with his questions, his paternal, over-protective

    side finally overpowering his usual polite distance.

    Iain: If I may how long have you known the Doctor?

    Emma: Im not sure anymore, to be honest. I thought I knew him and then he goes andchanges I didnt realize I wasnt the only one he had ever travelled with.

    Iain: (icily) I can only hope, for your sake, that he treats you with more courtesy than he did


    Emma: Those two were never he told me he tried to be like a father to her.

    Iain: Thats the impression I get from how Moira speaks of him, as well.

    Beat, and then:

    Emma: I should try to find Prisca

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    Iain: Ah, right sorry to keep you, then, Emma.

    Emma: Its okay. Ill see you later.

    Iain: You too. (Beat) Good luck.

    Emma: Thanks.

    They go their separate ways, each with a mission in mind

    23 [INT] Random Office, British Museum Day

    We hear the TARDIS exterior hum from inside the room. The door squeaks open as Iain easily

    opens it this must be the room from which Emma came. And theres the Blue Box he saw in

    the surveillance tapes

    Iain wanders towards the TARDIS.

    Iain: (Murmured) How anyone can travel in something so small

    He opens the TARDIS front door and we hear the interior hum as he steps in.

    Iain: What the ?

    The usual mischievous music as Iain realizes, this is no ordinary Police Box. He takes a quick

    walk around the TARDIS, ascertaining that this is not an illusion.

    24 [INT] TARDIS, parked Day

    As Iain walks back into the TARDIS, the Doctor chuckles.

    Doctor: The TARDIS gets that reaction a lot.

    Iain: I beg your pardon?

    Doctor: The TARDIS. Shes bigger on the inside than on the outside.

    Iain: Erm, yes. Had noticed.

    Beat, and then

    Doctor: Still analysing, Im afraid. The TARDIS computer hasnt come up with anything,

    yet. Still early days, though.

    Iain: Do you need any help? Maybe theres some way of recalibrating the database search

    This prompts the Doctor go into horseplay mode, moving around the console and pressing

    buttons, Iain following after him, watching, increasingly disenchanted.

    Doctor: Recalibrate the database search? Oh, no no no, THIS ---

    Says he while bapping something with a mallet:

    Doctor: -- is VERY sensitive equipment!

    Iain: Is that supposed to sound impressive?

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    Doctor: (his bubble burst slightly) It isnt?

    Ooooo, boy. Wrong thing to say. Iain loses his patience.

    Iain:Now listen here, Doctor! I dont know what game youre playing, but do you realize the

    kind of harm you cause? They nearly died in that warehouse because of your lack of caution!

    (Beat) Moira is since you arrived, shes been more on edge than I have ever seen her. I

    dont know WHAT you did, but let me warn you: you had better treat that Emma girl right,

    because if you pull another stunt like you did with Moira

    We begin to fade from the TARDIS to Emma wandering through the museum, trying to find her

    way to the Reading Room.

    25 [INT] One of the exhibition rooms - Day

    Iain: (VO, maybe a slight echo) I will have no trouble reporting you to the correct


    A glass door opens and Emma walks into the room. The glass door slowly swings closed behind

    her. She walks towards Moira, who happens to be sitting in the exhibition room, appearing to

    be looking at the artefacts, but is in fact, staring off into space.

    Awkward silence, and then:

    Emma: Amazing, isnt it?

    Moira: Mmm?

    Emma: All these artefacts we know so little about the past, but these they give us aninsight into how things used to be.

    Moira: (with a tiny smile) All we can really do is speculate, in some cases.

    Thermoluminescence can tell us when that pot there, for example, last had heat applied to it,

    for example, but it cant tell us why the heat was applied maybe it was used for cooking?

    Maybe it was used in ritual. Who knows?

    Beat, then:

    Emma: The Doctor might.

    Moira: (slightly distancing herself again) And even then, great care must be taken not topollute the timelines.

    Emma: Moira, can I ask you two seemed to be close once what went so wrong that he

    just upped and left you one day?

    Moira: Its hard to explain, without knowing what youve seen and what you havent

    Wrong reply. Emma gets slightly irritated.

    Emma: Look, I know I havent been travelling as long, but that doesnt mean Imstupid.

    Moira: Im sorry, I wasnt implying that you were, I just ((sighs))

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    Emma:No, its fine. I assume you dont want to pollute my timeline.

    Moira: Emma Im a metahuman. I its in my nature to just not talk about it. Too many

    who dont understand. My kind used to have problems. (Beat) The Doctor he took me in,

    taught me, helped me to control my powers.

    Emma: The pyrokinesis, you mean?

    Moira: Yeah.

    Emma: Its funny travelling with the Doctor, things like this just seem like youre stuck in

    a bad B-movie!

    Moira: (laughing now) Oh, I know! Does he still do that thing where, when he explains

    something at all, its at 100 miles per hour, and then he just STARES at you when you go,

    what? o.O

    Emma: All the time! (Laughing, too) And when you were with him did you ever noticehow hard it is to FIND things on the TARDIS?

    Moira: I got lost once when the TARDIS started shifting rooms around. Was trying to find

    my room and ended up flailing around in the swimming pool! And the cupboards arent much


    Emma: Oh, him and his friendly cupboards. He wasnt much better when he was still Jason

    things used to regularly fall out of the cupboards when you went to look for even just some


    Moira: Jason?

    Emma: Yeah, he has this ability to turn himself human, apparently. He doesnt do it unless

    in emergencies.

    Moira: Doctor as a human thats a new one on me.

    Emma: It was how we met ((sighs)) He turned himself human to evade some enemy.

    Well, he started having dreams about being this man named the Doctor. It turns out they

    were the memories of who he truly was sorry, is. (Beat) Torchwood came and took us

    away told him he was this man named the Doctor, and the only chance for Earth to be

    saved was for him to become this Doctor.

    Perhaps a flashback to Jasons final moments as a human as he returns to being the Doctor?

    Emma: Ive been travelling with him ever since I still see aspects of Jason in the Doctor

    and Im *Awkward pause* carrying his child, Jasons child. .

    Moira is worryingly silent on that.

    Emma: So what about you? How did you two meet?

    Moira: I was 15 at the time. At a careers thing with my class. (Chuckling slightly) Never

    thought Id wind up at the British Museum. (Beat) I knew about my powers, even back then

    they had begun to show themselves when I got stressed out or angry. (Beat) And of course,

    the Doctor was there, researching some adipose thing. Kept asking questions. Made the

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    woman behind the table rather uncomfortable. (Beat) We kept bumping into each other at the

    various careers booths at the event.

    Emma: Sounds like there was more to him than just researching the adipose.

    Moira: Yeah. It turned out, some of the folks there, representing a temping agency, were I

    think the Doctor called them phobovores kind of like vampires, but they fed on fear.

    Peoples fears for what kind of careers they might get or not. (Beat) I came under their

    influence, but more for fear of myself my powers the Doctor saved me. He showed me

    who I am a metahuman and told me that it was okay, that he would help me. He taught

    me to believe in my powers its the only thing can stop a phobovore: faith.

    Emma: But what about your family? Surely they must have been wondering where you


    Moira: You forget the TARDIS travels in time, not just space When he took me home, it

    was to a couple of minutes after Id left with him in the TARDIS

    Emma: So what happened that made you want to go home?

    Moira: I (pauses; shes finding this difficult to talk about, it really really hurts SFX

    maybe Moira shifts, turning away from Emma, not wanting her to see her upset or

    something.) It was a long time ago, I it doesnt matter.

    Emma: (now concerned, very gently, like to a sister)Moira what happened?

    Moira: Im not Im not normal, you know that The powers I have I honed over a long

    period of time. The Doctor was part of that. He taught me to control it, urged me to use them

    wisely. But now and then, I (voice dropping to a whisper) I got scared

    Emma: (guessing, quietly) and you used your powers the wrong way?

    Silence. Moiras too ashamed to admit the truth. But Emma is spot on.

    Emma: Moira Jason The Doctor whatever you want to call him he might not be the

    same man you knew, but Im sure he hasnt changed that much. I watched him become

    someone else before my eyes, as well but when I looked deeper hes still the same

    person, deep inside. I believe Jason is still within him, just hidden. (Pause) Talk to him, Im

    sure he understands Im sure hell forgive you.

    Moira remains silent.

    CUT TO:

    26 [INT] TARDIS (day)

    wherein the Doctor and Iain discuss Moiras leaving.

    Doctor: So how did you two meet, anyway? Youre at least twice her age Id have thought

    youd be running the agency rather than Moira.

    Iain: Age these days means nothing, Doctor, you should know that. (Chuckle) She may be

    young, but Moiras a good and fair leader. Has her flaws, who doesnt? Were here to guide

    her, not just work for her. (Beat) She chose me out of a number of other candidates, goodness

    only knows why. (Pause) The way she behaves around you were you two?

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    Doctor: We were close. (Sighs) I wish that I could have guided her, helped her, better

    Iain: Ill bet. When I look at my two, Im reminded every day of the care I have to take in my

    words and actions Theyve grown up into responsible young women, but theyre still


    Doctor: What age are they?

    Iain: Eldestll be 17 this coming May. The younger is 15

    Doctor: Same age Moira was when we met

    Iain: (sternly) You took her away from home at a time when she most needed her parents,


    Doctor: (hauntedly) I know. I I wanted to teach her, to help her with her powers I saw

    her potential

    Iain: You saw her potential and wanted to do what? Turn her into you?

    Ouch. A low blow, but probably accurate. The Doctor is silent. Merge scenes here.

    Iain: You cant just bandy around ideals, Doctor. You cant just run away from your

    responsibilities. Stand up and be a real man. Be a real father for once in your life. (Beat) Now

    I dont know what made her run away I dont know who you even are

    Switch to Exhibition Room:

    Emma: He might well change face, mind, attitude he might have all the power of time and

    space under his hands But, Moira. hes as human as you and me!

    Switch to TARDIS, Iains line overlapping Emma:

    Iain: but Moira shes as human as I am. She still has a beating heart under that exterior,

    dyou see? A beating heart that can be hurt, and frightened.

    Exhibition room, merging into each other:

    Emma: A beating heart that can be hurt, and frightened(Beat, then gently) A beating heart

    that can be broken.


    Iain: If you want so much to be a father talk to her and make sure you follow it up

    your words, your ACTIONS, can impact young lives!

    In the exhibition room:

    Emma: You cant go on being afraid of him, Moira. You cant you cant live your life

    hiding from the consequences of your actions. You need to take responsibility for your

    behaviour and do the right things, you know?

    Here, their lines merge into one line, said at exactly the same time.

    Iain: If you love her so much apologise!

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    Emma: If you love him so much apologise!

    Big emotional music.

    27[INT] Random Office, British Museum (Day)

    Moira enters the room and we hear the exterior hum of the TARDIS.First thing she does is

    open the window. It's a bit stuffy. We hear the sounds of birdsong and traffic outside. Then, she

    turns around. The TARDIS has been parked here, for now. (Perhaps we could have the Bad

    Wolf theme in the background?)

    Moira: I forgot it used to hum like that all the time. It's almost as if it's alive.

    She gently runs a hand down the side of the wooden box, then opens the TARDIS door,


    28 [INT] TARDIS Console Room (Day)

    We hear the interior hum of the console room as Moira walks up the gangplank.

    Moira: Wow, it's certainly changed a bit since last I was here.

    Doctor: Ah, Moira! Yes -- we had to jettison our old console room little incident with a


    Moira: Still hums like it used to, though.

    Silence falls between them, and then --

    Moira: Doctor?

    Doctor: Mm?

    It's all a bit awkward, all of a sudden.

    Moira: I I mean, you Uhm

    Doctor: I see you've sharpened up your abilities.

    Moira: Huh? Oh, yes. After after having left you

    We enter a flashback of Moira's past. Voices chanting incomprehensibly, something that sounds

    rather like, burn him, burn him, burn him!

    Regent: You stand accused of witchcraft, Doctor, have you any last words?

    Doctor:You have it all wrong! I I'm not what you think I am! Please, listen!


    Moira: (narrating, sadly) I had used my abilities with the intention to kill. Doctor, you

    always taught me that there had to be another way: defend and protect first. Never use my

    abilities to harm

    Flashback continues.

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    Regent:Light the pyre... may the deity have mercy on his soul.

    Moira: (hysterical) No, you can't do this! STOP!

    Doctor:Moira, just hold on, we'll be okay, we'll get out of it!

    Regent:Restrain the girl!

    Moira: Stop! (Sobbing) No! Please!

    We hear the sound of glowing and a sort of ethereal inhale.


    The sound of flames...

    Regent: (Screams in pain as he is set alight)

    We hear also others in the crowds screaming with pain, set alight by Moira's powers.

    The flashback continues, switching to the TARDIS interior as the Doctor and Moira return to

    the TARDIS after the event.

    Moira: (narrating) You were absolutely furious

    Doctor:Do you not even realize how serious your crime is?!

    Moira:Doctor I'm sorry! They they were going to KILL you!

    The Doctor sighs.

    Doctor:Look I understand, but you really shouldn't have done it.


    Doctor:Moira, stay back. I'm taking you home. You can't stay.

    Moira:Why? If this is about my "crime", I'm sorry, Doctor! (Beat) Look, you're being really

    hypocritical you kill when it suits YOU to do so! What's so different about killing to protect

    the both of us?

    Doctor: (Now appalled and angry) The difference is,Iknow what I'm doing! You don't! They

    were only reacting according to their beliefs, Moira they could have had opportunity to learn

    something, but now... now you've done more damage to their timeline, and possibly even

    affected their entire culture! They were still only primitive...

    Moira:I saidI'm sorry. Why won't you listen to me? How many times do I need to


    Doctor: (Pleading this goes beyond moral outrage. Shes broken his trust, and hes hurting.

    Badly.) Please, Moira, for once: do as you're told.

    Moira: (nearly crying) Doctor

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    The TARDIS lands

    Doctor:Go GO!

    Moira finally bursts into tears and runs away from him. The Doctor mumbles incoherently,

    setting co-ordinates. The door slams behind Moira.

    Moira's on the verge of tears.

    Moira: After that I swore I'd never use my abilities again. I shunned them, tried to ignore

    them But, Doctor, the more I tried to just pretend I was "normal", the more I realized

    ultimately I was doing my memory of you a great injustice. Doctor you were always

    better than that. You deserved far better treatment than simply being forgotten.

    Moira swallows back her tears, and then continues.

    Moira: I tried to hone my abilities and remember everything you taught me, Doctor. I tried tolive my life to the best standards that I could. (Beat) I remembered, on one of our

    adventures, we had met UNIT. I finally caved in and called them. They happily helped me to

    re-adjust and rebuild my life. UNIT payed for my college and university tuition, and then I

    ended up working here, at the British Museum, leading our group.

    Doctor: Moira I'm proud of you. You've come so far since last we met. You're thriving!

    Moira: I still never forgot about that day, though, Doctor. Perhaps, I never could allow

    myself to forget

    Doctor: (gently) Moira, let it go. Don't hold on to it. You know I could never want you to

    punish yourself, sweetheart.

    Moira finally dissolves into tears.

    Moira: Doctor Oh, Doctor, I'm sorry I'm so so sorry.

    She wraps the Doctor in a hug. The Doctor, initially stunned, then slowly hugs her back. Moira

    can finally just let loose and have a good cry, having finally said what she needed to.

    Doctor: I know, I know

    There's a little pause before the Doctor continues. He's mustering all his strength, for this is not

    just his attempt at healing Moira -- but also, at letting go of that day himself. (Just like the oldsaying goes: Physician, heal thyself. =P)

    Doctor: andI forgive you, Moira.

    Another pause. Then:

    Doctor: (sotto voce) Dinnae fash, lass.

    In spite of her tears, Moira manages to giggle at this, her tears assuaged.

    Moira: I finally found you My Doctor.

    When the Doctor responds, it's with a deep, paternal pride towards Moira.

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    Doctor: My Moira. My Moira Hannigan.

    Something starts to beep.

    Moira: Doctor, what's that?

    Doctor: The old girl's finished analysing the artefact.

    Moira releases the Doctor from her arms and he presses some buttons on the console, calling

    up the results on to the scanner screen.

    Doctor: Hmmmm, now that's interesting... You remember noting earlier that the device

    looked rather like a clock?

    Moira: It does seem to bear an uncanny resemblance to a clock, yes...

    Doctor: What would you say if I told you that your name, Moira, is derived from a collectivenoun, describing three agents of destiny?

    Moira: I'd say anything's possible, but I'm not exactly expert on linguistics.

    Doctor: Didn't say you had to be. Take a look at this.

    The Doctor taps the scanner screen lightly.

    Doctor: According to scans, this clock may well be what we thought. A clock. A very ancient

    and rudimentary clock, but a clock nonetheless.

    Moira: And that's a big deal, why? And how does that connect to my name?

    Doctor: (with a grin) Patience and all shall be revealed. (Beat) Even as far back as the ancient

    times, your ancestors understood the nature of time. The Egyptians and the Babylonians had it

    all worked out, clever folks that they were. The Greeks, and later the Romans, continued the

    evolution of this understanding of time, using water and sun to mark its passage. However,

    what they also realized, is how fleeting time can be...

    Moira: And the agents of destiny personified its passage, the fleetingness of time.

    Doctor: Exactamundo. (Beat) Clothos. Lachesis. Atropos. Known to your ancestors as the

    Moirae, or Moira that is, the Fates. Each had her duties, weaving people's lives into

    existence, embroidering the events and daily humdrum, before casting off the threads andtrimming the strings.

    Moira: Then... are you saying that these mythological figures might have actually existed?

    Doctor: It wouldn't be the first time Earth's had its history influenced by what could be

    loosely termed, visitors. (Beat SFX as he picks up the clock) And this clock... was

    perhaps a tool of one such visitor, a memento mori as it were...

    Moira: (quietly) Remember that you have to die....

    Doctor: Grisly stuff, eh? (Beat) I would never normally advocate the idea of destiny... I

    always preferred the idea that we make the future with our own hands, but if there isn't some

    strange influence of the Fates, I don't know how this could ever have happened: that I would

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    meet up with you, whose name is a testament to the presence of these Fates, and that we

    would end up unravelling the mysteries of destiny together. Too big to be ordinary

    coincidence. But here we are, proof of destiny's pudding!

    Moira: And proof that we really can make a new future with our own hands.

    Doctor: What I don't understand... is why it's only now that it's attracting attention.

    Moira: I don't know why any of my staff would want to sell it on the black market.

    Doctor: Moira, this is far bigger than black market. (Uncomfortably) I... have a confession to


    Moira: (wary) Go ahead...

    Doctor: Before I arrive here last night, I... intercepted... a transmission. A rather long range

    one at that, originating here on Earth. There's a ship on its way to Earth to retrieve this self-

    same artefact. (Possibly catching the panicked look on her face) It's not like that, Moira, it'sokay, they're harmless! What worries me more is that someone has figured out how to contact

    other cultures other cultures influential in the development of humanity. I can't for the life

    of me understand why anyone and no offence Moira here on Earth, of all places, would be

    attempting to repatriate an artefact to its originating culture. Why anyone here on Earth would

    even care, for that matter.

    Moira: The pater nosters and ave marias you now owe me aside, is there any way you can tell

    who it was?

    Doctor: (Takes a deep breath) Moira, I have reason to believe... that your mole... is Peter.

    Moira: (gently) Why didn't you tell me earlier?

    Doctor: Oh, Moira, I wanted to, but that transmission could easily have been hearsay. I

    wanted to check it out and confirm my suspicions...

    Moira: Fair does. And now I come to think of it...

    We hear a flashback of Scene 9, wherein Peter argues with Moira over the uplift mission:

    Peter: Who are you taking with you, Moira?

    Moira:Well, surely, you have security duties upstairs, Peter

    Peter: You must be kidding if you think Im going to let you go down there on your own

    Moira:Well, I technically wouldnt be alone Id be meeting Iain and the others

    Peter:I wont allow it. Either form up your own team, or youre staying put, Moira.

    Moira: He did seem rather resistant to the idea...

    We hear footsteps coming up the gangplank, female. Emma has returned.

    Emma: Rather resistant to what idea?

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    Doctor: Emma, oh thank goodness you're here! You were with Peter earlier did you two

    talk about much while in the locker rooms?

    Emma: A little, yes. (Verbally frowning slightly as she tries to remember) He said he'd been

    hired to babysit you, Moira and no offence, but I can see why, given your powers and all.

    Moira:None taken. There's more truth to it than I want to think about.

    Emma: When I told him that we had met Torchwood and UNIT, he told me... that he used to

    work for UNIT...

    Moira: Mm, that's right. He was hired on the basis of having been one of my tutors for a year

    during my degree.

    Doctor: Did he say if there was any connection to Torchwood?

    Emma: Yes, and he's still working for them.

    Doctor: I think we have our answer, Moira.

    Moira: So he's doing it all for Queen and Country, then?

    Emma: Sounds a bit sinister, doesn't it? My understanding of Torchwood was that they were

    to keep watch for threats to Earth, but...

    Doctor: They do... they're just slightly overzealous, is the problem.

    Moira: Torchwood has a habit of killing aliens that they don't particularly like, and then

    stealing their technology, to create new and bigger weapons with which to obliterate their

    enemies. They're a bit shady, really.

    Emma: So you think Peter's involved with some Torchwood plan that requires the artefact in

    some way?

    Doctor: Essentially, yes. He's using the artefact (he picks up the clock again to show it to

    Emma) this clock, as a lure to attract the attention of a culture that once long ago, left it here

    on Earth. Once they're here... I only shudder to think what horrors he may have in mind.

    Emma: Even worse, couldn't such an act spark some kind of intergalactic warfare?

    Doctor: And that, Emma, is my deepest fear...

    Transitional music.

    29 [EXT] SPACE

    A ship hovers near the moon, approaching Earth.


    Peter walks down a corridor of the lockup slowly, trying to locate the artefact.

    He pauses in front of a grilled locker with a box. Peter strokes the bars almost affectionately,

    then ruffles about in his pockets. The key falls out on to the floor.

    Peter: (Sharp intake of breath)

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    He picks the key up, and proceeds to unlock the cage.

    Peter pulls the box out and just as he's about to open it:

    Doctor: I wouldn't do that if I were you.

    We hear Moira disengage the safety on her weapon. Across the room, William does exactly the


    Moira: Put the box back, put your hands where I can see them, and step away from the cage.

    Peter: And if I don't?

    Moira: If you don't...

    She walks towards him slowly.

    Moira: can explain to the Director why I am requesting your resignation.

    Peter: (beat, then snorts and laughs) Moira, really, that's the best you can come out with? I

    mean, come on, even if I do as you say, you'll still have to report me anyway.

    William: Does it help your decision any if I tell you that your friends at Torchwood have

    been arrested under UNIT orders?

    Emma: What I'm more interested in knowing, is why put our world at risk over some silly


    Peter: At risk? Emma, think of it! The man you love just happens to be an alien! An alienwho impregnatedyou, who isputting you at risk every single day! Now just imagine, without

    me, without Torchwood, wouldn't there be more aliens doing the exact same thing?

    Emma: (uncertain, uncomfortable) I....

    Doctor: Don't listen to him, Emma. He's not protecting the Earth. He's not even helping it.

    There are rules laws

    Peter: Save your moral crusades, Doctor. By all rights, you ought to be exempt from this

    discussion because of what you are.

    Moira: That's enough!

    Terse silence.

    Moira:Now, you can put that back and step away from the cage, or I willopen fire. Maybe

    UNIT will even be lenient with you if you co-operate.

    A pause, and then:

    Peter: (sigh) Alright, alright, I give in. I'm putting it back.

    He pushes the box back in, hands the key to Moira.

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    William safeties and holsters his weapon as he walks over to Peter, and then guides Peter's

    wrists into cuffs.

    William: By the authority vested in me by UNIT, I am arresting you on charges of theft and

    breaches of Interstellar Peace. You do not have to say anything, but it may harm your defence

    if you do not mention when questioned something which you later rely on in court. Anythingyou do say may be given in evidence. (Beat) Do you understand, or do I need to repeat the


    Peter:No, I understand.

    William: Alright. Let's go.

    Doctor: Wait.

    Moira: Doctor?

    Doctor: Just one thing. (Beat) Where were you planning to meet them?

    Brief pause.

    William: (quietly) Remember you don't have to say anything.

    Peter: It's okay, it'll all come out anyway. (To the Doctor) Down by the dockside. They

    should be arriving soon.

    Moira: That all?

    Doctor: That's it. Thanks. Book 'em, Billo.

    William: (quiet groan of irritation)

    Feet head down the corridor. Except for Emma's. The Doctor stops, and turns to her.

    Doctor: Emma, you coming?

    Emma: (snapped out of whatever was going on in her brain) Mm? Oh, right... sure.

    Emma heads down the corridor to the Doctor, and they walk from the room together.

    CUT TO:

    31 OMITTED

    32 [EXT] SPACE

    The ship hovers in Earth's orbit. A small craft disembarks. (Music suggestion: The Lone Dalek,

    continued into next scene)

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    33 [EXT] DOCKS DAY

    The TARDIS materialises at the Docks, and Emma, the Doctor and Moira get out. A ship flies

    into hearing range...

    The ship hovers gracefully down, and with a hiss, stops. Then, a door opens, and out step these

    beings... They're beautiful, but look so incredibly young, despite carrying the wisdom of theages in their eyes.

    Doctor: (stunned) Hal-lo...

    Alien #1: (Gently) The one named Peter is not here...

    Doctor: Ahhh... no, no he's not.

    Alien #2: Then... one of you must be the one named Moira.

    Moira: Uhm, yes. (Beat) How d'you know my name? If-if I may ask?

    Alien #1: We have woven your cloth with intricate detail. We knew you before you were

    made, and watched as you were formed. Yours is a bright and vibrant pattern, and one whose

    name we know well.

    Alien #2: (with warmth) Another whom we know well is the Doctor.

    Doctor: And that's a vibrant pattern as well.

    Alien #2: Indeed, your own past bears much colour, Doctor.

    Moira: Wait, but if you're the Fates, then... you predetermined our paths, which means... youmust have known this would happen?

    Alien #2: Much has been spoken in the tales of the Children of Earth, but alas, much of it

    bears inaccuracies.

    Alien #1: Fate lies not with some distant entity, but rather, in your own hands. We are merely

    the recorders.

    Alien #2: We watch and listen as your deeds are embroidered in the fabric of life,

    occasionally stepping in to replace the thread and de-tangle the snags.

    Emma: And... isn't there a third?

    Doctor: (as if counting) Clothos...

    Moira: Lachesis...

    Alien #1: (softly) And Atropos. She who cuts the threads.

    Emma: Please don't tell me the only reason she's not here

    Alien #2: Your time is not yet. Although all stories must end eventually.

    Emma: (insincere) That makes me feel so much better.

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    Alien #1: Have faith, child... and know that you control your own destiny. Time will tell what

    great things lie in store.

    Doctor: Speaking of time... I think I have something that belongs to you.

    He rustles around his pocket, and takes out the clock thing.

    Doctor: This was found a few decades ago, here on Earth. I believe Peter was using it as a

    lure to bring you here, under false pretences.

    Alien #1: (touched by the kind gesture) Oh my. One of our old spirit clocks.

    Alien #2: It would have been attached to one of our looms. Every new life is assigned to a

    loom with its own clock, Doctor, to monitor the time-frame the life would walk the earth...

    this will be very valuable in continuing our duties as recorders.

    Alien #1: Thank you very much, Doctor.

    Doctor: Just... do me, and yourselves, a favour?

    Alien #2: If it is in our power, we will do what we can to honour your request, but... if you

    should seek to evade your story's end...

    Doctor:No, no... nothing of that sort. Just... go. And never come back. There are those who

    would harm you.

    Alien #1: The Children of Earth remain children, then?

    Moira: Yes. And like children, we're just as apt to get into trouble.

    Emma: Speak for yourself!

    Doctor: But know this: whatever trouble befalls them they are protected.

    Alien #2: (with slight amusement) Your pattern becomes ever richer, Doctor. But some things

    remain a constant. Very well, we cede to your request. (Beat) Hail and farewell, Doctor.

    Alien #1: Hail and Farewell.

    Doctor: (softly) Hail and Farewell...

    The aliens ascend back up into their craft. There's hissing as stuff comes to life, and it floats up

    and then flies away. Music segues into Rose's Theme.

    Emma: They are protected?

    Doctor: What else was I going to tell them? Don't wage war on them, I'd rather not hurt

    you? Wonderfully diplomatic, that!

    Moira: (With a smile) They were right though. Some things do remain a constant. Even when

    you change.

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    Doctor: I'm not the only one.


    Doctor: You really are all grown up.

    Moira: I had to.

    Doctor:No. You made the conscious choice to. You took hold of your own fate and changed

    it. (Beat) Although, if you wanted to, you could mix it up a little more, maybe take one more

    ride on the wild side...

    Emma: Doctor..?

    Moira: (with a smile) No. I... have a life here. On earth. Andsomebody's got to explain to the

    Director about the clock being missing again. (Beat) 'Sides, both of us have changed, and I

    don't think things could ever be the same.

    Doctor: I wouldn't want things to be the same. But I take your meaning. Besides, you don't

    need me you're doing just fine on your own.

    Moira: Yeah. You too.

    They hug.

    Moira: My Doctor.

    Doctor: (with paternal pride) My little Moira Hannigan.

    The Doctor opens the TARDIS door, heading inside. Moira and Emma hug.

    Moira: Best of luck to you and the baby.

    Emma: Thank you.

    Moira: And... if you need anything... I'm here.

    Emma: I'll keep that in mind.

    Emma steps into the TARDIS. The doors close. Moira takes a couple of steps back as theTARDIS dematerialises.

    Moira: (smiling) Until next we meet... Doctor.

    CUT TO:


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