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26th Congress, 2d Session.

Doc. No. 62. Ho. of Reps




Statements of the Third Auditor, of officers who have not rendered their accounts within the year ; of accounts which have remained unsettled more than three years; and an abstract of moneys advanced prior to 3d March, 1809, on the books of the late Accountant of the War Department, unac¬ counted for.

January 16, 1841. Read, and laid upon the table.

Treasury Department, First Comptroller's Office, January 14, 1841.

Sir : In compliance with the provisions of the act of Congress passed the 3d March, 1809, entitled “An act further to amend the several acts for the establishment and regulation of the Treasury, War, and Navy Depart¬ ments,” and of the act of the 3d March, 1817, entitled “An act to provide for the prompt settlement of public accounts,” I have the honor to transmit herewith the following documents, received from the Third Auditor of the Treasury:

First. Statement of such officers as have not rendered their accounts within the year, or have balances unaccounted for, advanced one year prior to the 30th September, 1840, as appears by the books of his office.

Second. Statement of accounts in his office, which have remained un¬ settled, or on which balances appear to have been due more than three years prior to the 30th September, 1840.

Third. An abstract of money advanced prior to the 3d of March, 1809, on the books of the late Accountant of the War Department, and which remained to be accounted for on the books of his office on the 30th Sep¬ tember, 1840.

I also transmit, herewith, copies of the letters of the Third Auditor,, which accompanied the recited documents.

J have the honor to be, very respectfully, your obedient servant, J. N. BARKER, Comptroller.

Hon. R. M. T. Hunter, Speaker of the House of Representatives.

2 Doc. No. 62.

Treasury Department, Third Auditor’s Office, January 12, 1841.

Sir : In transmitting to you the statement of accounts unsettled, or on which balances appear to have been due more than three years on the 30th September last, arising from moneys advanced prior to the 3d March, 1817, I have the honor to remark, that it amounts to less than the similar statements furnished for the year 1839 by $11,186 13.

With great respect, your obedient servant, PETER HAGNER, Auditor.

J. N. Barker, Esq., First Comptroller of the Treasury.

Treasury Department, Third Auditor’s Office, January 12, 1841.

Sir: I have the honor to enclose to yon, herewith, pursuant to instruc¬ tions, statements as follows, viz: 1st. Statement of such officers as have not rendered their accounts within the year, or have balances unaccounted for, advanced one year prior to the 30th September, 1S40, as appears by the books of the Third Auditor; furnished in pursuance of the direction contained in the 13th section of the act, passed March 3, 1817, entitled “ An act to provide for the prompt settlement of public accounts.” 2d. Statement of accounts in the office of the Third Auditor, which have re¬ mained unsettled, or on which balances appear to have been due more than three years prior to 30th Sepember, 1840; furnished in pursuance of the direction contained in the 2d section of the act of the 3d March, 1809, en¬ titled “An act further to amend the several acts for the establishment and regulation of the Treasury, War, and Navy Departments.” 3d. An ab¬ stract of moneys advanced prior to the 3d March, 1809, on the books of the late Accountant of the War Department, and which remained to be ac¬ counted for, on the books of the Third Auditor, on the 30th September, 1840.

With great respect, your obedient servant, PETER HAGNER,

3. N. Barker, Esq., First Comptroller of the Treasury.


Statement of the names of such officers as have not rendered their accounts within the year, or have balances unaccounted for, of advances made one year prior to 3(M September, 1840, as appears by the books of the Third Auditor; fur¬ nished in pursuance of and agreeably to the 13 th section of the act passed 3d March, 1817, entitled “ An act for the prompt settlement of public accounts

Names and rank, Amount. Remarks,

Hugh Brady, col. 2d infantry Isaac Lynde, capt. 5th infantry R. E. De Russey, It. col, eng,

Thomas S. Bryant, It., &c. Winfield Scott, maj. gen. R. E. De Russey, It. col.

J. B. Crane, It. col. R. E. De Russey, It. col.

P. S. Belton, capt. and a. a.q. m. A, R. Johnston, It. 1st dragoons-

Thomas Johns, It. and a. a, q.m.

J. P. Taylor, capt. and a. a. q, m. Thos. Henderson, assistant sur¬

geon U. S. A,

$500 00 11 38 31 12 85 47

45 84 100 00

5 44 1,380 00

41 67

300 00 172 69

25 91 2 79

123 41 817 65

135 82 25 89

100 00 19 87

Protection of northern frontier: Advanced him by Maj. Gen. Scott in April, 1839. Subsistence : Balance 13th November, 1840; being amount of suspensions, requiring further explanation. Expenses of board of visiters : Balance 14th March, 1839. Purchase and repairs of instruments for the band at West Point: Balance 14th March, 1839, $172 56; since

which, he has Deen credited, by Capt. Delafield, for $87 09, Compensation to the acting professor of chemistry: Balance 14th March, 1839. Erectton of public buildings to contain certain public stores: Balance 14th March, 1839, $1,016 57; since

which, he has been credited, by Capt. Delafield, for $916 57. Col. De Russey was furnished with a statement explanatory of balances against him, in March, 1839, and

requested to deposite the amount to the credit of the Treasurer, in order to close these accounts; he is now disbursing on accounts of fortifications at Forts Monroe and Calhoun. Hire of mechanics: Amount received of Lt. J. G. Smith in July, 1838. Army transportation: Balance 11th December, 1840; he rendered accounts in 1840; settled in December. Payot quartermaster’s and adjutant’s clerks: Balance 14th March, 1839, of an advance in August, 1838.

See remarks above. Protection of the northern frontier: Advanced by Gen. Scott in April, 1839. Buddings for military and other exercises at West Point: Balance 14th March, 1839, of an advance in Au¬

gust, 1838. See remarks opposite his name above. Subsistence: Balance 17th August, 1840, agreeing with his own statement; written to, to refund the amount. Guartermaster s department: Balance 21st September, 1840. Incidental expenses quartermaster’s department: Balance 21st September, 1840. Subsistence: Balance 12th September, 1840.

He claimed to have closed these accounts; the difference arises on vouchers suspended for correction. He has been written to on the subject. Barracks, quarters, &c.: Balance 30th January, 1839. Army transportation : Balance 30th January, 1839.

Arising on suspended and disallowed items in his accounts. Has returned corrected vouchers on file, and explanations, and has others to return when corrected. Guartermaster’s department: Advanced him in August, 1839. Guarterm aster’s department: Amount of fuel for his family in the 1st and 2d quarters 1838, issued by

Capt. Timothy Green, and charged to Doctor Henderson on settlement of Capt. Green’s account. CO

Doc. N

o. 6


Names and rank.

Harvey Brown, captain

R. E. Caldwell, It. marines

Alex. J. Swift, capt. top. eng. -

Henry Saunders, maj. and c. s. - William Bowman, lieutenant - R. B. Lee, major

J. W. Cotton, capt. 3d infantry -

Charles Hoskins, lieutenant, &c.

Thos. S. J. Johnson, It. and a. a. q. m.

R. E. De Russey, It. col.

J. L.Thigpin, capt.and a, a. q.m. volunteers.

STATEMENT—Continued. '

Amount. Remarks.

' $4,209 64

187 20

298 26 755 27

85 35 24 50 64 24

11 13 N«

3,202 85 1,867 04

972 50 2,100 00

500 53 196 15 251 63

10 44

2,953 64

1,666 25

300 00

Preventing, &c., Indian hostilities: Balance 30th November, 1840, arising on commissions charged by him; disallowed; and he is so informed.

Preventing, &c., Indian hostilities: Balance 27th July, 1840. He claims to have closed his account; the difference arises on an advance of $100 not credited in his account, and the residue on suspended vouch¬ ers. Called on to refund the $100. \

Securing the site of Fort Caswell: Balance 20th August, 1840. Opening a passage between Beaufort and Pamlico sound : Balance 20th August, 1840.

He claimed a balance; the difference arises on items suspended, &c. He is now in Europe. Quartermaster's department: Balance December, 1840; which he has been called on to refund. Army transportation : Balance 29th December, 1840. Called on to refund. Officers’ transportation : Amount paid him (on voucher 75, B, 2d quarter 1839) for the transportation of his

servant from Little Rock to St. Louis. Army transportation : Balance 29th May, 1840. He claimed to have closed his accounts; balance arises on

suspended vouchers, which he has promised to have corrected. Wagons and carts: Balance 20th December, 1839. Freight and transportation into Florida : Balance 20th December, 1839, $6,000. Since refunded $4,132 96. Transportation 4,000 volunteers : Balance 20th December, 1839. Drafts lying over, &c.: Balance 20th December, 1839.

Arising in part on suspended vouchers, some of which have been returned corrected, and are on file for settlement. Quartermaster's department; Balance 7th May, 1840. Barracks, quarters, &c.; Balance 7th May, 1840. Army transportation: Balance 19th May, 1840. Incidental expenses quartermaster’s department: Balance 7th May, 1840.

He was written to in May, 1840; informed of the settlement, and called onto refund the balance of $988 75. Models for drawing department of engineers:. Amount charged to him, as turned over by Capt. Delafield

$2,518 94, and $123 01 advanced by Capt. Delafield in November, 1838; making $2,641 95. At hiscredit’ by the same, $48 31.

Miscellaneous and contingent expenses: Balance 14th March, 1839, $2,227 71; of which sum, $1,666 25 was advanced to him in December, 1837, and August, 1838; there is, however, at his credit, on account of <l models for drawing department,” $288 70, which will be transferred to his credit on account of some other appropriation. See further remarks opposite his name on 3d page.

Subsistence; Amount advanced him, by Lt. J. H, Winder, in December, 1837,




N. Darling, It. and a. a. q. m. -

P, N. Barbour, lieutenant

Win. Albqrtis, It, and a. a. q* m.

Jas. Duncan, It* and a. a. q. m. -

T. L. Brent, It. and a. a. q. m. -

E. D. A. Wade, It. and a. c. s» -

L. M. Powell, It. U. S, navy Z. M. P. Inge, It. 2d drag.

Chas. Hoskins, lieutenant

W. H. French, It. 1st art. and a. a. q. m.

B. K. Pieree, colonel

Silas Casey* lieutenant -

J. R. D. Burnett, It. and a. a. q. m.

W. E. Aiskwith, It. 1st art. Thos. Childs, maj. arid a. q. m* -

E. G. Elliott, lieutenant

R, B. Alden, It, 4th infantry

100 00

27 53 29 87

6 50


35 78 264 69

501 22

297 78

500 00 59 93

989 88

76 88

320 00

17 44

47 26

100 00 12 20

479 83 2 50

16 88

Drafts lying overi Balance loth October, 1810, He claimed to have closed his account ; the difference arises on items suspended. Written to.

Preventing, &c., Indian hostilities: Balance, &c., as above* Guartermaster’s department; Balance 13th November, 1840. Army transportation : Balance 13th November, 1840.

He claimed to have closed his accounts. These balances arise on a voucher for $28 87, turned over for settlement to the office of the Second Auditor in June, 1840, and an overpayment of $1 on a voucher j and for $6 50 suspended on two vouchers in November, 1840. Written to on the subject. Freight or transportation : Balance 4th November, 1840. He acknowledges a balance of one cent; the dif¬

ference arises on fractions not credited him in a former settlement of his accounts. Preventing, &c., Indian hostilities: Balance December 2,1840* Subsistence: Balance December 2, 1840.

He was informed of these balances in December, 1840, and called on to refund the amount* Hire of a corps of mechanics t Balance 3d October, 1839; arising on vouchers, and items suspended on settle¬

ment of his account, and explained to him; which, in reply, on the 11th October, 1839, was received whilst under orders to move from Trenton, but would be attended to as soon as he reached his post.

Subsistence: Balance 26th October 1840. He acknowledges a balance of $72 03; the difference arises on his being charged, in his account for “subsistence,” with $200, which he credits in his accounts (on file for settlement) for quartermaster’s department; and $25 75, an item not allowed. Explained to him in Octo¬ ber, 1840.

Preventing, &c*, Indian hostilities t Amount advanced him, by Lt* John L’Engle, in April, 1838. Subsistence: Amount advanced him, in the 2d quarter 1839, $489 94; since, at his credit, by Lt. T. S. Bry¬

ant, $430 01. Miscellaneous and contingent charges** Balance 20th December, 1839. See remarks opposite his name on

4th page. Protection northern frontier: Balance 14th February, 1840. He acknowledged a balance of $50 85; the

difference ($26 03) arises on vouchers suspended. Written to. Protection northern frontier: Balance 23d April, 1840, agreeing with his own account. Informed of the

settlement. Subsistence : Balance 21st December, 1840, arising on suspensions and disallowances; voucher for $12 20

on file, to be passed to his credit. Miscellaneous and contingent charges: Balance 19th May, 1840. He claimed to have closed his accounts;

balance, arises on vouchers suspended and disallowed. Written to. Subsistence : Amount advanced in Maxell, 1839, by Lt. John B. Grayson. Subsistence : Amount of commutation of rations, for August and September, 1838, of Ebenezer Mayberry,

paid on the order of Maj. Childs; not admissible, and charged to the major, who is held accountable. Subsistence : Amount advanced him in June, 1839, by Lt. Charles Hoskins, $500; since, at his credit, $20 17. Guartermaster’s department: Balance 11th September, 1840. He claimed to have closed this account; the

difference arises on items suspended, &c. Written to on the subject. Army transportation : Balance 26th November, 1840. He claimed to have closed his account; the balance

arises on items suspended, &c,



No. 62.


Names and rank. Amount. Remarks.

James B, Graham, major r SI,222 90 2,181 74

Road from northern boundary of Florida to Appalachicola: Balance 2d March, 1840. Protection northern frontier: Balance 2d March, 1840.

He was on duty on the northeastern frontier, which, as stated by the chief of the Topographical Bureau, prevented his rendering his accounts. His attention was called to the subject, and his accounts are expected early to be rendered.

Treasury Department, 'Third Auditor’s Office, January 1,J.,844,





Statement of accounts in the office of the Third Auditor of the Treasury which have remained unsettled, or on which balan¬ ces appear to have been due more than three years prior to September 30, 1840; furnished in pursuance of the directions contained in the 2 d section of the act of the 3 d of March, 1809, entitled “ An act further to amend the several acts for the establishment and regulation of the Treasury, War, and Navy Departments

Name and rank.

Adams, Joseph C., captain

Alexander, William, lieutenant 10th -

Armstrong, John, lieutenant rifle Armistead, Lewis G. A., captain rifle -

Arrison, John, captain 22d

Remarks of the Third Auditor.

$183 98

845 72

1 84 19 63

571 75

Balance on settlement August 11, 1823. Reported for suit September 28, 1821.

Balance on settlement June 9, 1819. Suspensions $395 92, the vouchers being defective. Reported for suit September 28, 1821.

Balance on settlement May 16, 1817. Balance on settlement January 2, 1819, $4 63, and

$15 for contingencies. Balance on settlement June 1, 1818, $371 75, and

$200 since charged. Reported for suit May 16, 1822.

Remarks of the Solicitor of the Treasury on all cases re¬ ported for suit.

Committed to jail. Desperate.

Suit ordered October 12, 1821. Not found.

Nil habet, 1822. Never since heard of.

Armstrong, John, lieutenant 22d Ayer, Lewis M., lieutenant 24th

Allen, George C., paymaster 7th

Alexander, Marshall T., lieutenant

Atwood, John, lieutenant 31st •

20 00 58 19

186 95

34 82

157 85

Advanced for bounties, &c. Balance on settlement May 28,1819. Claims credit

for payments made. Vouchers defective. Balance on settlement May 28, 1819, $86 95; $100 -since charged. Suspensions, for want of proper vouchers, equal to balance.

Balance on settlement August 15, 1818. Claims a balance, which cannot be allowed for want of vouchers.

Balance on settlement August 22,1818. Claims a balance, which cannot be allowed for want of vouchers. Reported for suit May 6, 1822.

Non est inventus.






Name and rank.

Anderson, Robert, lieutenant 26th Allen, Ethan A., deputy qr. m. genl, -

Awl, James, ensign 16th

Arrell, Richard, lieutenant 41st

Amberson, Silas, captain 22d -

Andrews, Robert, acting deputy qr. m.

Allen, Hannibal M., captain -

Ayers, Marshall, lieutenant 43d

Allen, William S., ensign Aiken, James G., ensign

AUbrjght, Peter, ensign 1st rifle r

5 3-“ u si o

§ g § a a — o

l i §3 J-q S „ i"c2

2 3 „ |*.2 a biijH „ c ft

CD <

S I j-S S3 u

2 I

•§ o a o •Sh £ 03 03

a £ Ctrl fe „ c oco ^ O CD c s o ^ S-5 s.5 os o

g’SS* g S'? 2 g>.2 v. «-9-i “i ° © Cti <p r £ ° Grd'c- P a> o © 2 5 > C cti th o V 5 ^3 > T3 a3 r

Remarks of the Third Auditor,

$94 80 425 19

263 20 *

210 00

100 00

425 32

619 21

Balance on settlement August 28, 1818. Balance on settlement June 19,1826. Has rendered

vouchers for $86, and claims a credit for others lost in the Ohio river, amounting to $140, Legislative interference necessary.

Balance on settlement July 23,1819. It is probable the money was expended, having paid over the acknowledged balance to his commanding officer. Vouchers, however, for the expenditure have not been rendered. Reported for suit May 16, 1822.

Advanced for pay and bounties. Reported for suit May 29, 1822,

Advanced for contingencies. Reported for suit July 19, 1822.

Balance on settlement November 21,1815, $267 32; $158 since charged. Dead.

Is stated to be dead. Reported for suit October 29, 1821.-

570 00

48 425 56

12 07

Advanced for bounties, &c. Reported for suit Sep¬ tember 29, 1821.

Balance on settlement September 13, 1814. Balance on settlement Januar)r 28,1828. He makes charges to nearly the balance for bounties paid, (no vouchers,) and lor moneys stolen. Reported for suit September 28,1821. .

Balance on settlement June 3,1814,

Remarks of the Solicitor of the Treasury on all cases re¬ ported for suit,

Nulla bona. Desperate,

J udgment December, 1824. No property.

Not found. Desperate.

Non est inventus,

Non est inventus.

Non est inventus,

Doc. N

o. 6


Anspach, Philip, comet dragoons

Andrews, Philo, a. dep. qr. m. gen. -

Aull, William, lieutenant 4th rifle

Abbott, David, lieut. Tennessee militia Anderson, John, lieut. col. of engineers

Allston, S. R., lieutenant

Anderson, John W., agent

Alston, Willis, a. qr. m. Flor. militia

Armstrong, R., brig. gen. Tenn. vol.

166 00

603 16

231 26

50 00 $22 80

417 24

88 07

539 81

610 97

4 92

1,600 00

1,046 93

3,595 13

720 00

Advanced for bounties, &c. Reported for suit June 28,1822.

Balance on settlement April 9, 1816. Reported for suit November 21, 1825.

Balance on settlement September 14,1815. Report¬ ed for suit October 29, 1821.

Advanced him in March, 1815. Officers’ transportation. Dead. Charged to him

on recommendation of Quartermaster General. Reported for suit February 15, 1840.

Roads and canals. Balance on settlement October 2, 1835. Dead. The balance will be collected from the w'idow. Reported as above.

Quartermaster’s department. Balance June 6,1836, $155 35. $67 28 since credited.

Officers’ transportation. Balance May 31, 1836. Vouchers suspended, #40 35. Written to, and statement furnished. Residue in January, 1836.

Subsistence. Balance August 12, 1836. Same re¬ mark as next above.

Harbor of river Raisin. Balance April 10, 1837. He claims to have closed his accounts. Difference arises on items not allowed. Written to.

Hostilities of Seminole Indians. No accounts ren¬ dered for this advance.

Miscellaneous and contingent charges. Cost of 13 horses purchased by G. K. Walker, acting Gover¬ nor, in January, 1836, and sold by Mr. Alston. Brought to his debit in July, 1838, and written to to refund the net proceeds of the sale.

Preventing and suppressing Indian hostilities. Bal¬ ance November 27, 1837. Amount of sundry vouchers paid by Lieutenant Hickman on his or¬ der, and charged to his account, of which he was informed, and furnished with a statement of the objections to the payment.

Preventing, &c., Indian hostilities. Amount of sun¬ dry vouchers, 4th quarter, 1836, paid by Captain Clark on his order; charged to General A. per de¬ cision of the Second Comptroller.

Non est inventus.

Non est inventus.

Non est inventus.







Name and rank.

Albadi, Joseph, captain Lou. vol.

;1 8 > c S' ! p > W £ ! d &

1 i c-13 : ‘ O o

Arthur, W. H., Alabama militia

Alexander, E. B., lieutenant, &c.

Abbott, A., brig. gen. Tenn. vol.

Alexander, E. B., lieut. and a. qr.'mr. -

O 2 c xo 2 ftp £ « 5

.a > S- o S c-S

O S'

! §> « 3

Remarks of the Third Auditor. Remarks of the Solicitor of the

Treasury on all cases re¬ ported for suit.

$90 12

437 90

16,105 32

700 00

3,231 97

Preventing, &c., Indian hostilities. Amount paid to him by P. Morrison, in the 2d quarter of 1836, for back rations alleged to be due the companies. Charged to him, by direction of the Second Comp¬ troller, in September, 1838. Written to, Septem¬ ber 17, 1838, and informed of the charges, and called upon to furnish evidence that the money was paid over to the persons entitled thereto.

Preventing, &c., Indian hostilities. Amount of pro¬ vision stores paid for by Lieutenant Simpson, in the 2d, 3d, and 4th quarters of 1836. Charged to him on settlement of Lieutenant Simpson’s account in September, 1838. He was written to, September 28, 1838, informed of the charge, and requested to furnish a statement of the stores he received, and an abstract of issues, to show that the provisions have been applied to the use of the troops.

Volunteers and additional dragoons. Balance Sep¬ tember 20, 1838. Unsettled accounts to September 30. 1840, on file, which claim to be closed.

Hostilities Seminole Indians. Advertised by Lieu¬ tenant L. Thomas, December, 1836, for hospital stores and transportation of sick. Written to for accounts and vouchers.

Barracks, &c., Fort Jesup. Balance September 17, 1838, $13,231 97, of which $3,231 97 was advanced in August, 1837. Has rendered accounts to Sep-




Armstrong, R.,brig. gen. Tenn. militia

Allford, John, commissary of pur¬ chases for the 13th regiment <3f Flori¬ da militia.

Aldrich, E. S., regimental surgeon Florida militia.

Auld, Edward, captain steamer Convoy

Adams, John S., late contractor

Bruce, Bailey, lieutenant 12th

Butler, William 0., captain 44th

Bruton, George, lieutenant 18th

Baskerville, E. B., ensign

917 25

20 00

46 13

421 00

720 00

1,000 52

25 00

201 74

373 20

tember 30, 1840; according to which, he owes nothing. His accounts remain unsettled.

Preventing, &e., Indian hostilities. Amount of sun¬ dry vouchers paid by Captain M. M. Clark on his order; now charged to General A. He has been informed of the charge, and furnished with a list of vouchers, with remarks thereon.

Preventing and suppressing Indian hostilities. Am’t of property received by him and paid for by Lt. Vmton in the 1st quarter of 1837. He was in¬ formed of the charge on the 2d of June, 1838, and called on to render evidence of the application of the property.

Preventing and suppressing Indian hostilities. Am’t of value of saddle, bridle, and martingale, paid for by Lt. George Watson in the 3d quarter of 1837. He was called on to pay over this amount to the quartermaster at this post, June 22, 1838.

Preventing and suppressing Indian hostilities. Bal¬ ance June 19, 1840. He claimed to have closed his accounts. The difference arises on three vouch¬ ers charged by him, which were not forwarded with his account. Called on to furnish them.

Harbor of New Castle, Marcus Hook, &c. Balance September 8, 1840. A judgment (on his contract) was obtained against Mr. Adams for $746 38. His situation, and the circumstances of the case, as stated by the district attorney, and reported on by the Chief Engineer to the Secretary of War, obtained the sanction of the latter to receive one- half in full of the judgment, and pass receipts in full. The amount paid only has been credited by the accounting officers.

Balance September 6, 1816. Reported for suit Oe- Nonest inventus, tober 12, 1821,

Advanced to purchase forage for public horses. No vouchers rendered, though doubtless expended in part, if not the whole.

Balance October 3,1817. Suspensions $12, for fur¬ ther vouchers.

Advanced for bounties, pay, and contingencies. Re- Non est inventus, ported for suit December 13,1821.






Name and rank.

2.5 S'


53 ou odd ° *

c ti °

m £

S bo "in

2 g 2 03 w p ^ ^ c3 ftH <D ^

o P £ ^ o .55 *£ 0) 05

£<*>S g« „,C > S

o 2 s—* r7^ 22 O © o3 a) ^

*d o ro ^ o _r

!«§!§■§ 1 e5.5 5 A S>'3 oj S

Remarks of the Third Auditor. Remarks of the Solicitor of the Treasury on all cases report¬ ed for suit.

Brady, Samuel, lieutenant 8th Beall, Elias, captain 43d

Bliss, John, acting a. d. q. m. g. Butler, Thomas, captain 28th -

Berry, Thomas, lieutenant 2d rifle

Breckenridge, Robert, captain 2d rifle

Bayley, John, lieutenant colonel

Billings, E. B., lieutenant 44th

Bomford, Thomas, lieutenant 7th

Bryan, Willis N., ensign Brown, Samuel, major

Beasley, Reuben G., agent for prisoners

Burns, Hector, ensign 16th

Branch, Benjamin, captain artillery -

812 00 66 35

50 00 178 16

362 94

1,700 00

42 00

575 77

33 31

41 77 9,889 76

3,428 86

163 65

100 00

Advanced for bounties, &c. Balance on settlement May 28,1817. Suspensions

nearly equal thereto. Advanced for contingencies. Balance on settlement May 10, 1817. Suspensions

SI 52. Balance on settlement July 31, 1818. Suspensions

$360, not properly vouched. Rep'orted for suit May 29, 1822

Advanced for bounties, &c. Reported for suit July 13, 1821.

Advanced for expenses in marching his troops. No vouchers. It is presumed he made expenditures.

Balance on settlement May 28, 1817. Suspensions $116. Reported for suit April 20, 1822.

Balance on settlement May 24, 1817. Suspensions $25 35, for further vouchers.

Balance on settlement May 19, 1820. Balance on settlement August 3, 1820, $2,789 76;

$7,100 since charged. Reported for suit July 19, 1821.

Balance on settlement August 6, 1817. Reported for suit June 7, 1819.

Balance on settlement September 8, 1814. Suspen¬ sions of greater amount,for want of proper vouchers.

Advanced for bounties, &c. Reported for suit May 29, 1822.

Non est inventus.

Non est inventus.

Non est inventus.

Verdict for United States May term, 1827. Nulla bona.

No suit. Consul at Havre.

Dead. Representatives un¬ known. Desperate.

Doc. N

o. 62.

Boyle, James H., captain artillery

Bird, William C., lieutenant 5th

Bueklin, Joseph, captain 9th -

Barbour, Isaac B., captain 9th -

Belmear, Francis, acting paymaster Maryland militia.

Bryant, Daniel C., captain 31st

Baker, Marshall, lieutenant 45th Bean, Stephen, captain 33d

Barlow, Jesse -. -

Boerstler, Charles G., lieutenant colonel

Buckner, Bailey, ensign

Burnside, J. M., lieutenant 16th

Baldwin, Larkin L., ensign 43d

Bull, John G., paymaster Pa. militia -

Burrill, William, lieutenant 13th

Brearly, Benjamin, lieutenant -

Bartlett, John P., lieutenant 3d artillery

100 00

349 83

1,167 00

213 98

11 48

334 26

4 00 297 16

200 00

98 18

85 57

1,400 00

23 05

21 94

814 59

1,872 00

1,121 92

Advanced for bounties, &c. Reported for suit May 29, 1822.

Balance on settlement August 31, 1814, #208 83. Suspensions exceeding the balance. $141 since charged.

Balance on settlement September 8, 1817, $1,217, and $30 since credited. Reported for suit Novem¬ ber 24,1819.

Balance on settlement September 10, 1817. Sus¬ pensions $101 80, for want of proper vouchers. Reported for suit May 29, 1822.

Balance on settlement October 2, 1817.

Balance on settlement November 10, 1817. Suspen¬ sions $269 25, for want of proper vouchers. Re¬ ported for suit November 11, 1824.

Balance on settlement November 17, 18-17. Balance on settlement December'10, 1817. Sus¬

pensions $156 50, for want of proper vouchers. Reported for suit November 22, 1826.

Advanced for contingencies. Reported for suit No¬ vember 21, 1825.

Paid in 1812 for contingencies. Dead. Has ren¬ dered no account.

Balance on settlement April 12,1824. Was to have been paid in the session of Congress of 1829.

Advanced for bounties, &c. Accounts rendered without vouchers for $269 20. Reported for suit October 12, 1821.

Balance on settlement March 9,1818. Suspensions more than the balance, for want of vouchers.

Balance on settlement ^February 22, 1822. He claims compensation equal to this amount, which is inadmissible.

Balance on settlement August 26, 1824. Reported for suit June 29, 1821.

Balance on settlement July 15, 1824. Reported for suit October 12, 1821.

Balance on settlement October 29, 1818. Suspen¬ sions $740 77, for want of proper vouchers. Re¬ ported for suit May 29, 1822.

No property in August, 1822. Never since heard of.

Non est inventus.

Non est inventus.

Non est inventus.

Non est inventus.

Suit ordered November 23, 1825. Non est inventus.

Dead. Representatives un¬ known. No suit.

Judgment at January term, 1824, for $876 29. Nulla bo¬ na. Desperate.

Non est inventus.

Dead. No property.





STATEMENT—Continued, »-

Name and rank.

a £ £

s- CS r^J

O '

5ii -§ 05 ® iff ► 00

■° *2 HQ ^ s S 53 A1 P^OQ o

s §?s 8,1 la §-6e3

J8E as a SB’S

P’S ^ <-> o rS o Ps &

®6'l O £V<'Sr

g © o © >• •« S «S p > b •2^1

Remarks of the Third Auditor. Remarks of the Solicitor of the Treasury on ail cases re¬ ported for suit.

Bostick, John G., lieutenant 8th

Belknap, Augustus, pay’r N. Y. militia

Brown, Simon, lieutenant 31st -

Brown, A. W., lieutenant Bohonon, Ebenezer W., ensign 31st

Briggs, Isaac, ensign 31st Baird, William, captain 19th - Bowne. Gabriel H., wagonmaster

Brown, William

Boyden, Alvan, lieutenant 45th Brace, Amasa J., lieutenant 12th

Bayley, Richard M., lieutenant Brimhall, Elisha, lieutenant 9th

Brimhall, Elisha, a. a. c. s.

$362 21

425 27

169 93

84 65 400 00

54 39 13 00

420 00

400 00

4 00 1,787 26

7 50 92 00

$230 76

Balance on settlement February 4,1823. Reported for suit May 29, 1822.

Advanced for pay and subsistence. Reported for suit June 5, 1818.

Balance on settlement August 29, 1818. Suspen¬ sions $57, requiring further vouchers. Reported for suit November 27, 1826.

Balance on settlement March 13, 1821. Advanced for bounties, &c. Reported for suit May

29, 1822. Balance on settlement May, 1819. Balance on settlement May 17, 1820. Advanced for quartermaster’s department. Report¬

ed for suit May 29, 1822. Advanced for quartermaster’s department. Report¬

ed for suit May 3, 1821. Balance on settlement March 20, 1820. Balance on settlement July 28, 1818. Reported for

suit November 24, 1819. Advanced for quartermaster’s department. Balance on settlement September 11, 1818. Report¬

ed for suit November 22, 1826. Balance on settlement June 6, 1821. Gtuartermas-

ter’s department. Reported lor suit November 22, 1826.

Judgment for $374 94. Nulla bona.

Non est inventus.

Non est inventus,

Dead. No property. Desperate.

Non est inventus,

Non est inventus.

Non est inventus.

Non est inventus.

Non est inventus.

Elackley, Moses, captain 13th - 244 00 Balance on settlement September 17,1818. Report¬ ed for suit December 14, 1819.

Non est inventus,

Doc. N

o. 62.

Butler, Thomas, brigade quarterm'r

Benjamin, Caleb, a. d. q. m. g. -

Bacon, Josiah, lieutenant 4th -

Bugbee, Luther, lieutenant 31st

Brett, Robert, lieutenant dragoons

Bryant, Samuel H., lieutenant -

Blair, James, lieutenant 19th - Bryant, Joseph, captain 10th -

Brown, James, jr., lieutenant 7th

Billings, William, captain

Bingham, William, lieutenant 3ist Bangs, Thomas, ensign 9th

Bayley, John, p. m. 57th Va. militia - Bean, N. G., lieutenant 21st Brooks, Fred., captain sea fencibles - Bacon, Timothy, lieutenant 34th Barbour, Gabriel, lieutenant dragoons

Brush, John S., lieutenant artillery -

Bostwick, Benjamin R., barrackmaster

Beall, Robert, lieutenant 14th -

Beall, Robert, lieutenant 14th -

550 00

2,148 54

1,397 44

11 40

250 00

190 00

71 20 519 61

96 00

101 80

52 25 424 00

17 71 12 79 63 07

191 24 1,770 00

800 44

5,649 60

2,706 02

2,237 98

Advanced for marching expenses of Virginia mili¬ tia. Reported for suit June 3,1825.

Balance on settlement October 1, 1818, $1,998 54; $150 since charged. Reported for suit September 28, 1819.

Balance on settlement December 9, 1825. Reported for suit November 12, 1835.

Balance on settlement December 29,1818. Suspen¬ sions $10, for want of proper vouchers.

Advanced for bounties, &c. Reported for suit De¬ cember 13, 1821.

Advanced for contingencies. Reported for suit De¬ cember 13, 1821.

Balance on settlement January 4, 1822. Balance on settlement May 5, 1819. Reported for

suit May 29, 1822. Balance on settlement June 3, 1819. Suspensions

equal thereto. Balance on settlement June 1,1820. Reported for

suit October 29, 1819. Balance on settlement September 12, 1829. Balance on settlement November 7, 1816, $124;

$300 since charged. Reported for suit November 22, 1826.

Balance on settlement September 25, 1820. Balance on settlement September 20, 1821. Balance on settlement September 17, 1819. Part of a balance on settlement January 4, 1817. Advanced for recruiting service. Reported for suit

June 5, 1819.

Balance on settlement January 26, 1816, $701 44; $99 since charged. Reported "for suit Nov. 5,1819.

Advanced for quartermaster’s department. Report¬ ed for suit June 5, 1821.

Balance on settlement September 13, 1820, $2,553; $153 02 since charged. Reported for suit Septem¬ ber 28, 1828.

Balance on settlement May 5, 1819, $237 98, and $2,000 since charged. Quartermaster’s depart¬ ment. Reported as above.

Suit ordered June 7,1825, Non est inventus.

Fi. fa. returned nulla bona. Desperate.

Non est inventus.

Non est inventus.

Dead. Suit dismissed. Des¬ perate.

Dead. No representatives. Suit dismissed. Desperate.

Capias. Non est inventus.

Non est inventus.

Alias execution returned by de¬ puty marshal November 27, 1822, being unable to make any part of the debt.

Non est inventus.

Non est inventus.

Nulla bona; return for Janu¬ ary, 1822. Since then, non est inventus.

Nulla bona; return for Janu¬ ary, 1822. Since then, non est inventus. Ox





Name and rank.

Barker, George W., captain 42d

Barker, Peleg, captain sea fencibles

Blanvelt, Daniel A., paymaster Buck, Londus L., lieutenant 6th

Badger, Edmund, lieutenant 9th

Bradley, Carter H., ensign 20th

Booth, Sylvester, lieut. 4th infantry -

Bacon, Benedict, q. m. Ken. militia - Burbeck, Henry, colonel Bean, Richard, lieutenant Blanchard, William, lieutenant 19th -

Brady, Josiah, lieutenant 26th -

Butts, David C., captain 31st - Brooks, Henry, lieutenant Branton, N,, lieutenant 7th Bixbee, Moses, jr.

STATEMENT—Continued. *- 05

S 3 6^ s|b« M

o ®.S a 3.2 -a

£ oT s*5 3S|S


3 SS

$200 00

130 40

25 49 1,122 00

283 67

f.aSg« gSg* « Is £ t g>j -•■S'l* ° | o Si g ° a Tf c 3 « o g o ° g > G Cti .S O 5 -3 ► - «

501 00

4,053 00

75 00 60 96 44 70

600 00

545 00

Remarks of the Third Auditor. Remarks of the Solicitor of the Treasury on all cases re¬ ported for suit.

Advanced for bounties, &c. vember 11, 1824.

Reported for suit No- Nil habet. Attorney’s return for February, 1825. Never since heard of.

Balance on settlement February 11, 1820. Suspen¬ sions for want of vouchers equal thereto.

Balance on settlement January 21, 1821. Balance on settlement April 7, 1820. Suspensions

$66. Reported for suit September 5, 1823. Balance on settlement August 21, 1821. Suspen¬

sions $144 50. Reported for suit November 11, 1824.

Advanced for bounties, &c. Reported for suit De¬ cember 13, 1821.

Balance on settlement May 7, 1822. Reported for suit November 9, 1820.

Advanced for militia. Paid by quartermaster for furniture for his quarters. Balance on settlement June 11, 1814. Advanced for recruiting. Reported for suit May 3,

1821. Advanced for recruiting. Reported for suit May 3,


Non est inventus.

Non est inventus.

Non est inventus.

Nulla bona.

Non est inventus.

No goods; no lands, January, 1824. Since then, non est in¬ ventus.

34 00 100 00 50 00

100 00

Balance on settlement December 12, 1821. Advanced for bounties, &c. Advanced for bounties, &c. Advanced for volunteers.





Boote, William R., captain 2d infantry Blaize, Francis, ensign

Borden, Samuel, Iieut. and quarterm’r

Brooks, Jonathan, captain 6th -

{©Ballinger, John, captain 24th -

Branch, Henry, captain 12th -

Britton, F., captain Bucklin, Rufus, lieutenant 11th

Brown, Henry, lieutenant Bailey, Thomas S., lieutenant 8th

Beebee, Ebenezer, captain

Bender, Henry, lieutenant 21st Barneville, Edward, lieutenant 34th

Bernard, Julius, lieutenant dragoons

Bryan, Peter, lieutenant 28th -

Brown, Jeremiah, ensign Bache, Richard, captain volunteer ar


Barnett, Joseph, lieutenant 20th

Berryman, Walter, lieutenant 2d artil lery.

Bailey, James, lieutenant 6th .

1 50 578 00

975 50

863 50

1,228 19

564 58

40 01 1 81

30 00 283 38

1,891 04

50 00 261 52

300 00

668 85

20 00 100 00

434 00

64 05

533 90

Balance on settlement March 26, 1813. Dead. Balance on settlement November 8, 1824. Report¬

ed for suit November 11, 1824. Advanced for camp equipage. Reported for suit

November 11, 1824. Balance on settlement September 6, 1816, $206.

Suspended for want of proper touchers. Report¬ ed for suit October 12, 1821.

Balance on settlement December 28, 1824. Report¬ ed for suit October 12, 1821.

Balance on settlement June 10,1813. Reported for suit November 11, 1824.

Balance on settlement August 16, 1816. Balance on settlement June 28, 1819, $154 19;

$152 38 since credited. Advanced for contingencies. Balance on settlement March 14, 1816, $233 38;

$50 since charged. Reported for suit October 12, 1821.

Advanced for bounties and clothing. Dead. No account rendered. From reports received, it is believed the greater part of the money was ap¬ plied.

Advanced for bounties, &c. Balance on settlement September 15,1829. Report¬

ed for suit October 15, 1829. Advanced for contingencies and bounties. Report¬

ed for suit May 3, 1821. Balance on settlement November 9, 1816, $612.

Suspended for additional vouchers. Reported for suit October 12, 1821.

Advanced for contingencies. Advanced for quartermaster’s department. It is

stated he made expenditures exceeding this amount.

Advanced for bounties, &c. Reported for suit No¬ vember 11, 1824.

Balance on settlement June 26, 1816. Suspensions equal to the balance.

Balance on settlement August 12,1828. Reported for suit September 26,1825.

Nil habet.

Non est inventus.

Non est inventus.

Non est inventus.

Dead. No repres’tives. Claim desperate.

Non est inventus.

Judgment February term, 1830. Desperate.

Non est inventus.

Non est inventus.

Non est inventus. Suit discon¬ tinued. Desperate.

Judgment January term, 1828, against administrators, for $792 36. Desperate. -4

Doc. N

o. 62.

STATEMENT—Continued. oo

Name and rank.


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Remarks of the Third Auditor. Remarks of the Solicitor of the Treasury on all cases reported for suit.

Berry, Joseph, ensign -

Brooks, Jonas G., ensign

Beall, Henry, lieutenant 28th - Booker, Daniel, lieutenant 20th

Bender, Joseph, lieutenant 31st

Buck, Daniel A. A., captain 31st

Baker, Asa, lieutenant 21st

Baylor, Cyrus A., lieutenant 17th

Berry, Samuel S., lieutenant 17th

Berringer, Philip, lieutenant - Baynton, Edward, lieutenant 3d artil¬

lery. Burnett, M. D., captain 46th -

Beckett, John, lieutenant Benedict, Ebenezer, lieutenant 27th -

Brownson, Gideon, lieutenant 30th

$120 00

28 00

42 30 290 07

133 33

89 76

158 71

1,250 00

178 13

40 00 500 00

100 00

25 00 594 00

8 00


Balance on settlement December 16, 1816. Report¬ ed for suit October 15, 1829.

Balance on settlement October 22, 1816. Suspen¬ sions equal thereto.

Balance on settlement September 10, 1819. Balance on settlement June 14, 1828, Reported for

suit December 8, 1821. < Advanced for bounties, &c. Reported for suit Oc¬

tober 15, 1829. Balance on settlement December 1, 1816. Suspen¬

sions $47 32, for want of proper vouchers. Balance on settlement August 27, 1816. $108 77

suspended for want of proper vouchers. Advanced for recruiting. Accounts rendered with¬

out vouchers for $538 75. Reported for suit No¬ vember 11, 1824.

Balance on settlement September 26, 1816. Sus¬ pensions $52 50, for further vouchers.

Advanced for militia. Advanced for bounties and contingencies. Report¬

ed for suit May 3, 1821. Overpaid him on settlement September 26, 1815.

Reported for suit October, 1829. Advanced for quartermaster’s department. Advanced for bounties and contingencies. Report¬

ed for suit December 13, 1821. Advanced for contingencies,

Non est inventus.

Judgment against administra¬ tor Nov,, 1827. Desperate.

Non est inventus.

Suit ordered November 18,, 1824. Non est inventus.

Non est inventus.

' Non est inventus.

Non est inventus,

Doc. N

o. 62.

Burr, Samuel, ensign 29th

Buckley, Thomas M., lieutenant 11th - Beaulard, John A., lieutenant 8th Brown, Walter B., ensign 11th

Backus, Andrew, foragemaster New York militia.

Barney, William, lieutenant 30th Butler, Paul D., major -

Bowman, William, lieutenant 21st Bradford, D. M., captain Term, militia Barnes, James, lieutenant Barker, Thomas, lieutenant 10th

Biddle, Thomas, late pension agent - Biddle, Thomas, late pension agent -

Bennett, Thomas, lieutenant artillery -

Backus, Christopher, doctor -

Bradley, Benjamin, capt. and a. c. s. - Beard, Wm. C., captain 1st infantry -

Blaney, James R., lieut. and a. c. s.

Breese, Sidney, U. S. attorney -

Brook, David, lieut. and a. q. m.

Broadus, Wm., major, and superintend¬ ent Harper’s Ferry.

Barr & Lodowick, contractors

500 00

82 34 50 00

109 82

100 00

Advanced for bounties, &c. Reported for suit May 3, 1821.

Balance on settlement October 8, 1829. Advanced for bounties, &c. Balance on settlement June 29, 1816. More sus¬

pended for want of proper vouchers. Advanced for forage.

Dead. No representative.

50 00 500 00

50 00 5 00

75 00 176 00

$729 68 411 35

9 00

37 00

40 50 57 70

264 39

250 00

338 40

155 44

1,234 24

Advanced for bounties, &c. Advanced in June, 1812, by Governor Meigs, for

expenses of erecting a fort at Lower Sandusky. Advanced for recruiting service. Advanced by General Carroll in 1815. Advanced by General Carroll in 1815. Advanced by Jesse Copeland in 1812, on account of

bounties and premiums and contingencies. Invalid pensions. Balance April 13, 1839. 'j Revolutionary pensions. Balance August 3, 1833. |

He claims credit for SI,029 84 on suspended )■ vouchers, which will be allowed when the objec- | tions are removed. Reported for suit April, 1839. j

Quartermaster's department. Amount paid by A. W. Hamilton for six buckets.

Quartermaster’s department. Amount paid by Thomas F. Hunt for wood for his office.

Subsistence. Balance on settlement July 29, 1821. Quartermaster’s department. Balance on settle¬

ment July 25, 1822. Reported for suit August 1, 1822. ’

Subsistence. Balance on settlement March 22,1827, for subsistence stores in 1824. Reported for suit November 30, 1832.

Revolutionary pensions. Paid over to him by S. Bond, surety of Philip Fouke, on account of judg¬ ment.

Balance on settlement February 1, 1828, for balance of stores remaining in his hands of sales in April May, and July, 1826.

Balance on settlement February 9, 1828. Quarter¬ master’s department.

Balance on settlement July 16, 1830. Subsistence. Difference between the contract price, and cost of

Dead. Suit ordered May 2, 1839, against the representa¬ tives and sureties. Suit pend¬ ing. Continued at April term, 1840. Debt secured.

Non est inventus.

Suit ordered December 6,1832. Non est inventus.

Proceedings suspended by re¬ quest of Commissary General,





STATEMENT—Continued. to o

Name and rank.

^ ■5 .2

iiaii; 'o ^ o ^ H o * ^ <U,5 5 S3

o 2 -2 M'S

Is P-2 g-§ «s g ~ §■§ S 8*Sg>.sf

rJ.S CQt Vh 0 73 M r O Cj Vh 'C rrt C ^s£«|r = u atfa- P 03 O ® C<j ' S fern S > |Ap-§’3;

Remarks of the Third Auditor. Remarks of the Solicitor of the Treasury on all cases reported for suit.

Bradford, William, lieutenant rangers

Blaney, George, major

Blaney, George, major

Blaney, George, major

Brant, Joshua B., major Bennett, Abijah, lieutenant 23d

Brown, T. S., lieutenant engineers Brown, T. S., lieutenant engineers

Brown, T. S., lieutenant engineers

Brown, T. S., lieutenant engineers

$249 25

$7 67

130 43

1,684 09

26 00

2,484 62

545 50 215 81

2 39

23 02

sundry provisions purchased by Lieut. P. Morri¬ son, acting commissary, at New Orleans, in 4th quarter, 1830. Reported for suit July 7, 1830.

Quartermaster’s department. Per-diem travelling allowance paid him in November, 1833. Report¬ ed for stoppage in February, 1836.

Fort at Oak island. Balance January 22, 1836. Dead. He claims commissions, which were not allowed.

Cape Fear river. Balance January 22, 1836. Ad¬ vances in 1834 and 1835, arising, in part, on sus¬ pended vouchers requiring correction.

Quartermaster’s department. Vouchers 9 and 10 paid by Lieut. Winder; but charged to Major Blaney, by direction of Second Comptroller.

Defence of frontiers. Balance November 17, 1840. Balance September 10, 1829. Reported for suit Oc¬

tober 15,1829. Fortifications at Charleston. Balance May 11,1839. Pier or breakwater at Dunkirk harbor. Balance

October 5, 1836. Beacon-light or pier at Grand river. Balance Oc¬

tober 5, 1836. Beacon-light at Ashtabula creek. Balance October

5, 1836. He directed the balances remaining in his hands to be placed to the credit of the Treas¬ urer in the Bank of America, where he had kept

who stated that a balance was due them on another contract.

Dead. No representative.




Blair, W. K., pension agent -

Beard, Joseph A., acting quartermaster Richmond Blues.

Brown, T. S., lieutenant engineers -

Boone, John, pensioner

Baldwin, H. D., quartermaster Florida volunteers.

Beckley, Alfred, lieutenant, and acting assistant quartermaster.

Battle, J. A., captain Tennessee volun¬ teers.

Barbour, P. N., lieutenant

Bache, Hartman, major engineers

Butler, P. M., Governor

Baldwin, H. D., quartermaster

570 23

2,806 45

228 31 139 06 147 28 192 39 155 25 120 06 22 34

1,246 63

3,710 00

28 30

100 00

2 19

415 63

232 00

6,898 26

his public funds while disbursing. The Treasu¬ rer, at the time, refused to recognise the deposite

. to his credit. Invalid pensions. Balance September 30, 1840, of

an advance in August, 1835. Disbursing. Preventing, &c., Indian hostilities. Balance May

22, 1838. Suspensions requiring correction and explanation to a large amount. Statement furnished.

Obstructions at Ashtabula creek.^ Balances October Works at Buffalo. I 5, 1836. He has Black Rock harbor. j been called on to Cleveland harbor. )■ refund these bal- Obstructions at Grand river. ances. Ceased Works at Presqu’isle. | to disburse Aug. Dunkirk harbor. J 31, 1840. Pensions June 7,1832. Amount overpaid him, hav¬

ing been paid under the special act for his relief of June 28, 1836; and, also, under the general law of 1832. Brought to his debit, and his pension stopped. Died January 31, 1837.

Preventing and suppressing Indian hostilities. Amount advanced in September, 1836, $8,000; since brought to his credit, $4,290.

(Quartermaster’s department. Cost of fuel sold to families of officers in third quarter 1836, at Fort Hamilton.

Preventing and suppressing Indian hostilities. Re¬ ceived of Lieutenant Hickman in August, 1836. No accounts rendered.

Road from Fort Towson to northern boundary of Louisiana. Balance .November 13, 1840.

Survey of Crow shoal, Delaware bay. Balance November 25, 1840, on settlement of his accounts for third quarter 1840, and is now disbursing.

Preventing, &c., Indian hostilities. Balance June 27, 1839, arising on vouchers suspended, and re¬ turned him for correction.

Preventing, &c., Indian hostilities. Balance Janu¬ ary 1, 1840; at his credit, $94, leaving $6,898 26 remaining of property received by him of Lieut. Vinton, and charged to him until the disposition of the property is accounted for. He was inform- tQ




ST ATEME NT—Continued, 145

Name and rank.

O 2 H 1^°

C1. g £3 q-, ^ QJ (D 2 ^

■S > S S =rS Ss 3—^0 g-S tS* <u o'g 3 bog <a >* ® c.S^-

° S o Cd b T3 GO

s w c ? 05 O 0) b3 ^

g cd -23 OT3k2 3 ^3 > *43 a S

Remarks of the Third Auditor.

Blount, R. J., quartermaster volunteers

Boyd, George, lieutenant, and acting assistant quartermaster.

Broadby, R. D., captain volunteers

Bigelow, Robert, quartermaster Florida volunteers.

Brown, Rigdon, quartermaster Florida militia.

$5 34

768 29

250 00

2,218 19

2,495 53

ed of the state of his accounts in January, 1840, and called on to render his accounts for property, and to liquidate the balance of his debit.

Subsistence. Balance November 7,1839, remaining in his hands of sales of property in November and December, 1836. Arising on suspended items ex¬ ceeding the amount.

Preventing, &c., Indian hostilities. Balance March 21, 1838. He claimed to have closed his accounts. The difference arises on suspended and disallowed vouchers requiring correction, &e., of which he has been informed.

Preventing, &c., Indian hostilities. Amount ad¬ vanced by D. H. Yinton in second quarter 1837. His attention called to the subject March 24, 1838.

Preventing, &c., Indian hostilities. Amount of pro¬ perty received by him and paid for by Captain H. Brown and Lieutenant Webster in third quarter 1837. He was written to, February, 1838, to render accounts for the disposition of the property, &e.; and again called for accounts in May, 1838.

Preventing, &c., Indian hostilities. Amount of pro¬ perty received by him and paid for by Lieutenant D. H. Yinton in first quarter 1837. He was in¬ formed of the charge June 1, 1838, and called on to render evidence of the application of the property.

-j 4%

Remarks of the Solicitor of the Treasury on all cases report¬ ed for suit.


J, & i




t * *

Brown, Harvey, captain and assistant quartermaster.

Bullock, E. D., captain, &c.

Burke, Thomas, captain, &c. -

Bean, Jonathan L.,late capt. 2d dragoons

Bonneville, B. L. E., captain -

Balcli, Samuel G , lieutenant 24th

Connor, Daniel, lieutenant 25th Crawford, Obadiah, lieutenant

Cook, Philip, major 8th

Campbell, J. H., captain 24lh - Corcoran, John, lieutenant 17th Coleman, Samuel, lieutenant 19th

Chilton, Wm., lieutenant 2d rifle

Chase, Moses J., lieutenant 3d -

Chapman, John, lieutenant 6th

Clark, Patterson B., ensign 2d rifle

Cornyn, Dominick, lieutenant 22d

Craig, James, lieutenant 21st -

Childs, Rodolphus R. -

300 00

40 41 195 00

134 24

60 00 70 00

304 30

126 00

359 46

144 00

698 00

2,730 00

209 66


18 36'

263 84 31 86


341 99

36 84

Road from Pensacola to Tallahassee, and thence to St. Augustine. Balance November 30, 1840, the amount of a charge for commissions. Disallowed.

(Quartermaster's department. Balance July 15, 1839. Subsistence. Balance November 16, 1839. Has

suspended and other vouchers, which he states he will soon render.

(Quartermaster’s department. Balance April 3,1839, which he was requested to pay over to the quarter¬ master at Tampa Bay.

Preventing, &e., Indian hostilities. Balance - 19, 1840, remaining in his hands of an advance by Lieutenant B. Poole in August, 1837. Resigned.

(Quartermaster’s department. Balance June 5, 1840. He claimed a small balance. The difference arises on errors, &c., explained to him by letter.

Advanced for bounties, &c. Reported for suit De¬ cember 13, 1821.

Balance on settlement March 21, 1817. Advanced for bounties and contingencies. Report¬

ed for suit June 18, 1822. Balance on settlement May 20, 1818, $96 74.; an(j

$37 50 since charged. Received of Adam Peck, on account of bounties, &c. Advanced for the recruiting service. Balance on settlement October 5, 1824. Suspensions

exceeding the balance, for want of proper vouch¬ ers. Reported for suit 20th November, 1824.

Balance on settlement July 16, 1819, $382; since credited, $256.

Balance on settlement October 21, 1813. Reported for suit October 20, 1819.

Balance on settlement May 3, 1817, $74; and $70 advanced for contingencies.

Balance on settlement October 1, 1818. Reported for suit October 20, 1819.

Advanced for bounties, &c. States that he lost his accounts and vouchers.

Balance on settlement August 26, 1817. Suspen¬ sions, $136. Reported for suit November 30,1824.

Balance on settlement January 9, 1818.

Non est inventus.

Non est inventus.

Non est inventus.

District attorney declined bring¬ ing suit, in consequence of the poverty of the party.

Non est inventus.

Non est inventus.

525 o

05 to

to CO


STATEMENT—Continued. *3

Name and rank.

Carter, Isaac, captain 34th

Clough, Moses, lieutenant 34th » -

Cooper, Enoch, lieutenant 11th

Carty, Josiah S., lieutenant 42d

Conant, Augustus F., lieutenant

Cumming, Francis D., captain 16th - Colvin, Robert B., paymaster - Cantine, Moses C., lieutenant 13th

Claiborne, W. C. C., late Governor of Louisiana.

Connelly, J. M., captain 3d artillery -

Crutcher, James, paymaster Kentucky militia.

Clark, Salmon, captain 30th -

Church, Thomas M., lieutenant 16th -

£* <3 <v

eS 3,55

3 3 o

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S <r» m o g-£

Remarks of the Third Auditor.

$1,193 24

978 24

252 00

300 00

130 06

172 00 12 00

1,846 00

5,000 00

514 55

5 00

1,075 00

139 41

Balance on settlement February 13, 1822; $888 67 suspended. Reported for suit September 28, 1820.

Balance on settlement January 4, 1817, $1,333 24; $20 since charged, and $375 credited. $405 sus¬ pended for want of proper vouchers. Reported for suit September 26, 1827.

Balance on settlement February 19, 1818. Report¬ ed for suit 18th June, 1822.

Advanced for bounties, &c. Reported for suit 18th June, 1822.

Balance on settlement June 8, 1820. As much sus¬ pended for additional vouchers.

Balance on settlement March 20, 1820. Balance on settlement July 25, 1818. Balance on settlement March 10, 1820. Reported

for suit September 26, 1820. Advanced in 1814 for pay, &c., of militia. It is

presumed the money was applied. Balance on settlement April 8, 1820. Suspensions,

$181 27. Reported for suit November 30, 1831. Stopped from the pay of John Claflin, as admitted

by Paymaster Crutcher, Advanced for bounties, &c. Accounts rendered without vouchers for $230. Reported for suit Sep¬ tember 28, 1821.

Balance on settlement June 18, 1818. Suspensions equal thereto.

Remarks of the Solicitor of the Treasury on all cases report¬ ed for suit.

No property. Desperate.

Non est inventus.

Non est inventus.

No property.

Non est inventus,

Nil habet.

Non est inventus since 1821,


Doc. N

o. 62

Claiborne, M. M., ensign 12th -

Conkey, Joshua, captain N. Y. militia

Campbell, John, captain 13th -

Cochran, Andrew P., captain 45th Campbell, John, captain 26th -

Cooper, John B., deputy paymaster

Crawford, Wm, M., lieutenant 24th Coleman, Samuel, ensign

178 00

135 00

198 71

16 00 3,190 00

1,085 62

88 25 200 00

Cox, Jonathan, ensign - Call, Robert, ensign 12th Clark, Joseph, lieutenant 28th -

25 91 40 46

500 00

Clay, Joseph, captain 10th Creed, Wilson, ensign 7th

92 95 46 00

Curtis, William H., lieutenant 12th 215 00

Campbell, William, captain artillery 2,718 26

Cocks, William, captain artillery

Clarke, John G., lieutenant 5th

Cone, Festus, captain -

Cuyler, Ralph B., lieutenant 6th

Cloud, George, captain 10th -

Clinton, Owen, captain 19th -

Cole, Leonard, ensign - .

78 00

76 00

122 00

1,562 36

883 47

878 98

66 80

Advanced for bounties, &c. Reported for suit Oc¬ tober 15, 1829.

Balance on settlement July 10, 1818, $125; and $10 since charged. Reported for suit September 20, 1824.

Balance on settlement July 5, 1821. Reported for suit 15th June, 1821.

Balance on settlement August 8, 1818. Balance on settlement October 26, 1821. Reported

for suit October 30, 1821. Balance on settlement November 11, 1822. Has

additional claims. Balance on settlement October 6, 1819. Advanced for bounties, &c. Reported for suit 18th

June, 1822. Balance on settlement December 30, 1818. Balance on settlement July 11, 1820. Advanced for bounties, &c. Reported for suit June

5, 1821. Balance on settlement June 4, 1840. Balance on settlement May 10, 1819, $22; and $24

.since charged. Advanced for bounties, &c. Reported for suit Oc¬

tober 15, 1829. Balance on settlement July 15, 1816, $1,148 71.

Suspended for want of proper vouchers. Report¬ ed for suit 3d June, 1825.

Balance on settlement September 10,1819. Heclaims a balance not established by proper vouchers.

Advanced for contingencies. Reported for suit Oc¬ tober 15, 1829.

Advanced for contingencies. Reported for suit Oc¬ tober 15,1829.

Advanced for bounties, &c., and quartermaster’s de¬ partment. Reported for suit November 10,1819.

Balance on settlement February 12, 1820. Suspen¬ sions, $155 50. Reported for suit November 5, 1819.

Balance on settlement February 12, 1820. Suspen¬ sions, $12. Reported for suit September 28, 1821.

Balance on settlement February 11, 1820. Suspen¬ sions, $9 80.

Non est inventus.

Non est inventus.

Non est inventus.

Non est inventus.

Non est inventus.

Dead. Suit abated in 1822.

Non est inventus.

Non est inventus.

Non est inventus.

Non est inventus.

Dead. Representatives un¬ known.

Suit discontinued in 1821. De¬ fendant non est inventus.

Suit ordered October 12,1821. Non est inventus.

Doc. N

o. 62.


Name and rank.





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Remarks of the Third Auditor. Remarks of the Solicitor of the Treasury on all cases report¬ ed for suit.

Chapman, Jeremiah, captain 21st

Camp, Thomas, a d. q. m. g. - Clark, J., paym’r 4th Georgia militia - Chrystie, John, lieutenant colonel

Cogswell, William, forage master Crawford, Reuben, lieutenant 20th

Calhoun, James, jr., Baltimore Carr, Wm. Wv, lieutenant 13th

Chase, Jonathan, q. m. Virginia militia Childress, William, ensign 39th

Carney, D. L., lieutenant 19th -

Craton, Isaac, lieutenant 10th - Canty, Samuel B., lieutenant 18th Crossman, Daniel, captain 34th

Carney, John, ensign - Clark, Thomas, lieutenant 34th

$724 00

687 78 27 39

488 30

3,812 04 622 53

20 00 739 11

30 00 200 00

651 94

25 00 2 00

233 08

24 00 585 00


Balance on settlement January 25, 1822. Reported for suit 8th January, 1822.

Balance*on settlement October 11, 1823. Dead. Balance on settlement February 13, 1824. Balance on settlement May 11,1821, $388 30; $100 since charged. Dead.

Reported for suit July 27, 1821 ... Balance on settlement March 8,1817, $472 53; since

charged,,$150. Suspensions, $84 12. Has, prob¬ ably, a claim for pay, which requires his statement.

Balance on settlement May 26, 1821. Dead. Balance on settlement July 16, 1814, and September

21,. 1816, $704 11; further charge of $35. Re¬ ported for suit June 5, 1821.

Advanced for medical and hospital department. Advanced for bounties, &e. Reported for suit J une

3, 1821. Balance on settlement November 12, 1816. Sus¬

pensions equal thereto. Advanced for contingencies. Balance on settlement September 3, 1818. Advanced for bounties, &c. Account render^! with¬

out vouchers for $119 86. Advanced for contingencies. Advanced for bounties, &e. Accounts rendered without vouchers for $367 83. Reported for suit September 28, 1821.

Judgment June term, 1828, for $1,004 18. No property.

Non est inventus.

Dead. Representatives non sunt inventi.

Suit ordered. Non est inventus.

Non est inventus.

Craig, Samuel H., ensign 17th

Campbell, John, ensign Cooper, John, surgeon’s mate - Cock, William, captain 6th

Cross, Joseph, captain artillery Constant, Joseph, lieutenant colonel - Campbell, John, lieutenant 1st infantry Chisholm, William, captain 6th Clark, Robert, lieutenant 4th infantry -

Chrystie, James, lieutenant 14th

Crawford, Charles, captain

Carson, Charles, captain 15th - Crooks, Robert B., lieutenant 28th

Chittenden, Giles J., contractor Cummings, James, ensign Chase, Charles, captain volunteers Cowan, Andrew, ensign

Collinsworth, James, late U. S. attorney

Conner, Samuel S., lieutenant colonel Crowder, Robert A., lieutenant 31st - Carr, Robert W., ensign 35th -

Cole, John B., lieutenant 35th -

Charleton, Francis D., lieutenant 35th Caldwell, John, lieutenant Crump, John G., lieutenant

485 70

142 29 25 50

151 09

310 24 275 90

40 00 12 59

534 11

747 53

178 48

50 00 29 40

44 82 50 00 50 00

124 32

4,838 87

7 51 88 79

833 00

54 50

70 55 50 00

100 00

Balance on settlement August 4, 1823. Reported for suit October 12, 1821.

Balance on settlement August 9, 1811. Advanced for contingencies. Balance on settlement August 15, 1812, $51 09, and $100 advanced for contingencies.

Advanced for bounties and camp equipage. Overpaid him for pay, &c. Dead. Advanced for contingencies. Balance on settlement November 6, 1824. Balance on settlement July 7, 1824. Says his vouch¬

ers were lost on board the Chippewa. Balance on settlement September 26, 1816, $647 53, and $100 since charged. Suspensions $365.

Balance on settlement November 9, 1824. Report¬ ed for suit November 30, 1824.

Advanced for bounties, &c. Balance on settlement March 21, 1821. Reported for suit October 15, 1829.

Balance on settlement October 29, 1821. Advanced for bounties, &c. Advanced for quartermaster’s department. Balance on settlement January 13,1823. Reported for suit September 28, 1821.

Balance on settlement August 29, 1836, being a dif ference between the amount received and the amount deposited by him to the credit of the Treas¬ urer of the United States, as received from the es¬ tate of Robert Searcy, late deputy paymaster. Re¬ ported for suit September 1, 1836.

Balance on settlement August 9, 1814. Balance on settlement June 25, 1821. Advanced for bounties, &c. Reported for suit June 5, 1821.

Balance on settlement* September 24, 1816. Sus¬ pensions $52.

Balance on settlement June 8, 1816. Advanced for quartermaster’s department. Advanced for bounties, &c. Reported for suit Oc¬ tober 25, 1829.

Discontinued. Judgment May, 1822, for costs only.

Non est inventus.

Dismissed at November term, 1833.

Non est inventus.

Suit still pending in circuit court, West Tennessee. Dis¬ trict attorney’s report for Sep¬ tember term, 1837. Died in Texas, insolvent. Suit dis¬ missed.

Suit abated by district attorney fall term, 1824. Defendant non est inventus.

Non est inventus.

*o <1




STATEMENT—Continued. to GO

Name and rank.

Campbell, James, lieutenant 17th

Cummings, Calvin, ensign 21st Clary, E. A., lieutenant 40ih - Carroll, John, lieutenant 27th -

Clark, Avery, lieutenant 24th -

Caldwell, Richard, captain 25th Campbell, Caleb B., ensign 19th Clark, James, captain 32d

Crockett, Robert, marshal Kentucky district.

Caldwell, Charles, paymaster N. Y. militia.

Charleton, James, late captain 12th Camp, Wm. G., lieutenant

Cauly & Co., John H., contractors

Chase, Wm. H., captain engineers


| § 2«

18 3,2 a 2 ~ (U „ cd -H o !h


H Mg <u.S -S-s’S a o .


Remarks of the Third Auditor. Remarks of the Solicitor of the Treasury on all cases re¬ ported for suit.

$487 44

50 00 57 75

400 00

154 00

178 77 100 00 300 00

246 29

$54 17

Balance on settlement November, 1816. Suspen¬ sions $478 87.

Advanced for contingencies. Balance on settlement July 13, 1816. Advanced for bounties, &c. Reported for suit July

7, 1823. Advanced for bounties, &c. Reported for suit Oc¬ tober 15, 1829.

Balance on settlement February 2, 1822. Dead. Advanced for bounties, &c. Advanced for bounties, &c. Reported for suit June

11, 1825. Received by him in 1815, on a judgment obtained against Robert Taylor.

Balance on settlement September 27, 1819. Arrear-

Suit ordered July 10,1823. Not found.

Non est inventus.

Nil habet.

8 00 2,629 92

1,621 51

ages. Arrearages prior to July, 1815. Balance on settlement January 4, 1831. Quarter¬ master's department. Reported for suit October 9, 1822.

Subsistence. Balance on settlement January 30, 1832. Reported for suit July 7, 1830. '

Non est inventus.

Judgment May 2, 1831. Exe¬ cution issued. No property found.

662 45 1,901 59

733 71

Fort Bienvenu. Balance on settlement June 5,1838. Fort at Grande Terre. Balance September 29,1839, of advances in duly and December, 1834.

Fort Jackson. Balance June 5, 1838, of advances

3 O



■■^sr g

Clinch, Duncan L., lieutenant colonel

Carter, L. F., lieutenant

Collins, R. D. C., lieutenant, and acting assistant quartermaster.

Chase, Wm. H., captain engineers

90 86

160 00

308 32

7,270 15

1,879 04 1,752 51

1,252 34

615 76

31 63

178 73

4,466 52

in July and December, 1834. ChefMenteur. Balance on settlement October 19,

1822. Preventing, &c. Indian hostilities. Value of a horse

killed, and paid for by Lieut. Shannon, on the or¬ der of Col. Clinch, 1836. Informed of the charge, and requested to refund.

Quartermaster's department. Balance September 25, 1839, of an advance in September, 1836. Dead. His widow written to.

Quartermaster’s department. Balance November 8, 1839.

Officers’ transportation. Balance June 24, 1837. Road from Memphis to Little Rock. Balance June 24, 1837. Advanced him in March, 1836.

Road from Columbia to Little Rock. Balance June 24, 1837. Advanced him in March, 1836.

Road from Strong’s to Batesville. Balance June 24, 1837.

Road from Washington to Jacksonville, Arkansas. Balance May 30, 1836. Reported for suit June 3, 1840.

Road from Fort Smith to Fort Towson. Balance June 24,1837, of advances in December, 1834, and May, 1835.

Road from Helena to Chochee river. Balance June 24,1837, of advances in December, 1834, and May, 1835. Balance November 8,1839, $17,446 68; for which amount he was reported for suit June 3, 1840, in which are included the above balances, and also $345 50, advanced subsequent to September 30, 1836. Vouchers suspended - $10,112 19 Suspended for want of an appropriation for road from Missouri State line to Fulton, on Red river - - 2,716 94

Suit ordered June, 1840, for the sum of $17,446 68. No report yet received from the district attorney.

6,196 14

Suspended .... 12,829 13 He has been furnished with statements explanatory of the suspensions.. J

Repairs and contingencies of fortifications. Bal¬ ance September 20, 1839. Balance of an advance in September, 1836. Has accounts, and is disbursing. to


Doc. N

o. 62.

STATEMENT—Continued. CjO o


Name and rank.

u ra 2 O G C cti 3 £ ■I V. o <3 .a l£l

ll § To rO Ui -2o

2 |®~

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Remarks of the Third Auditor.

Chandler, T. M., acting agent subsist¬ ence department.

Crabb, H. N., lieutenant marines

Chase, Wm. H., captain engineers

Currier, Jacob, St. Louis volunteers -

Chapman,John A., Alabama volunteers

$301 76

870 00

808 49

77 30

184 85

Hostilities Creek Indians. Balance April 30,1839, of an advance in June, 1836. Dead. Adminis¬ trator written to, who states the estate is ample, and the debt will be paid.

Preventing, &c. Indian hostilities. Has rendered accounts, in which he credits this sum, and ac¬ knowledges a balance due the United States of $286 42. Received January 4, 1841.

Fort at Mobile point. Balance September 20, 1839. Disbursing, and has accounts on file for settlement.

Preventing, &c. Indian hostilities. Amount paid to him by P. Morrison, in the second quarter of 1836, for back rations, alleged to be due their companies; charged to him by direction of the Second Comp¬ troller, in September, 1838. Written to, Septem¬ ber 17, 1838, and informed of the charge, and called upon to furnish evidence that the money was paid over to the persons entitled thereto.

Preventing, &c. Indian hostilities, Amonnt of pro¬ vision-stores paid for by Lieut. Simpson in the second, third, and fourth quarters of 1836; charged to him on settlement of Lieut. Simpson’s accounts, in September, 1838. He was written to, September 28, 1838, informed of the charge, and requested to furnish a statement of the stores he received, and an abstract of issues, to show that the provisions have been applied to the use of the troops.

Remarks of the Solicitor of the Treasury on all cases reported for suit.


A Doc.



Cook, James W., Alabama volunteers 59 50 Same remark as to John A. Chapman.

Croghan, George, colonel and inspector general. )

Covington, E. F., lieutenant 1st infantry

Clyman, James, lieutenant and a. c. s.

Cross, Trueman, major and quarterm’r

Chandler, Walter S., It. and a. q. m. -

Carter, L. F., lieutenant and a. a. q. m.

Cross, Osborn, lieutenant and a. q. m.

Chase, William H., captain engineers

Conway, J., Governor of Arkansas -

Conway, J., Governor of Arkansas -

20 41

55 93 /

489 34

79 67

43 10

5,604 05

220 00

6 00

168 82

11,753 66

Officers’ transportation. This sum paid him on voucher 11, B, third quarter of 1834, by Lieut. T. B. W. Stockton; only charged to him in May, 1839, by decision of the accounting officers then made, being an overcharge for his transportation from Fort Crawford to Fort Snelling. Informed of the charge, and requested to refund the amount.

Subsistence of militia to suppress Indian hostilities. Balance May 19, 1834. Sales of provisions in May, July, and August, 1832.

Subsistence. Balance January 19, 1837, of an ad¬ vance in 1833. Out of service.

Subsistence. Balance July 29, 1834, of an advance in 1833 as disbursing quartermaster at Washing¬ ton city.

Subsistence. Received from Lieut. McKenzie in January, 1835. Drowned January 25, 1835, soon after the advance was made.

Subsistence. Balance July 29, 1839. Dead. His widow written to, to return vouchers, and refund the balance.

Pascagoula river. Balance May 28, 1836, arising on suspended voueher requiring correction. Dis¬ bursing, and has other accounts on file for settle¬ ment.

Increasing depth of water at mouth of Mississippi river. Balance September 20, 1839, $108; since at his credit $102, leaving $6 a suspended item in his account. He has accounts on file unsettled, and is disbursing.

Volunteers and additional dragoons. Balance Sep¬ tember 17, 1840.

Preventing, &c. Indian hostilities. Balance Sep¬ tember 17, 1840. His account was reported for suit February 13, 1840, for $21,864 28. Since re¬ duced to $11,922 48. He was informed of the balance against him ; and having stated he had in his possession further vouchers, requiring some corrections, he was, on the 18th September, 1840, written to, to forward them. CO




STATEMENT—Continued. co

Name and rank.

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Remarks of the Third Auditor.

Crabb, H. N., lieutenant marines

Curry, Moses, captain volunteers

Crum, Richard R., quartermaster Flor¬ ida militia.

Chaffin, James B., quartermaster Ten¬ nessee volunteers.

Coats, Nathan, lieutenant and a. c. s.

Chase, William H., major Chase, William H., major

$600 00

300 00

110,087 43

175 48

1,259 45

1,663 48 5,092 75

Hostilities Creek Indians. Advanced by E. J. Weed, in June and July, 1837. Has rendered ac¬ counts. See remarks opposite his name p. 30. Now a clerk in the office of the Clerk of the House of Representatives. The Second Comp¬ troller has directed his pay to be stopped.

Hostilities Seminole Indians. Amount advanced him by Lieut. Webster, in January, 1837. Writ¬ ten to for his accounts and vouchers.

Preventing, &.c. Indian hostilities. Amount of pro¬ perty received by him, and paid for by Captains Brown, Vinton, and M. M. Clark, in the first, third, and fourth quarters of 1837. He was writ¬ ten to, in February, 1838, to render accounts for the disposition made of the property, &c.

Hostilities of Seminole Indians. Balance October 8, 1839, which he was requested to deposite to the credit of the Treasurer, and forward certificate therefor.

Preventing, &c. Indian hostilities. Balance July 25,1839. He acknowledged a balance of $294 22. Has claim to further credits on suspended vouch¬ ers. His attention has been called to the liquida¬ tion of the balance against him.

Fort Pickens. Balance September 20, 1839. Incidental expenses of fortifications, &c. Balance

September 20, 1839. Has accounts and vouchers

Remarks of the Solicitor of the Treasury on all cases reported for suit.





Clark, Thomas M., agent

Collins, Charles O., captain -

CoDuncan, Benjamin, lieutenant 39th Dunham, George, ensign 33d -

Durant, Charles, captain 40th -

Dearing, James H., lieutenant artillery

Desha, Benjamin, captain 2d rifle

Darrington, John, lieutenant colonel 4th

Dick, E. D., captain 18th

Danvers, Matthew D., captain 29th

Darrow, Daniel M., lieutenant 27th -

Dubois, J. L., ensign 6th

Denton, Thomas W., late 13th Davis, John, captain -

Duncan, Joseph, lientenant 17th

Doane, David, captain 45th Dickerson, Jacob, ensign 15th

Dunckell, George P. Davis, Benjamin, lieutenant 24th Dearing, Anthony, ensign 39th

Diffenbach, Lewis, ensign 16th

$10 00 151 65

143 68

294 77

135 98

132 82

1,830 58

5,437 03

142 00

4,940 00

100 00 208 50

239 09

34 00 578 05

32 26 15 00

1,500 00

70 50

on file which will account for these sums. 2,757 82 Breakwater at the mouth of Merrimac river. Bal¬

ance October, 1840. Unsettled account for the third quarter of 1840 on file.

12,190 62 Hostilities of Seminole Indians. Balance Decem¬ ber 5, 1839. Has unsettled accounts to September 30, 1840, on file, and in which lormer balances are brought forward, and is disbursing.

Advanced for contingencies. Balance on settlement April 19, 1821. Reported for

suit July 19, 1822. Balance on settlement April 21, 1817. Reported

for suit July 19, 1822. Balance on settlement July 21, 1819. Suspensions

$60. Reported for suit July 19, 1822. Balance on settlement August 21, 1817. Suspen¬

sions $114. Balance on settlement October 21, 1821, $32 82.

Since charged $100. Balance on settlement January 5, 1819. Reported

for suit July 11, 1821. Balance on settlement September 10,1817, $4,537 03;

$900 since charged. Reported for suit June 29, 1821.

Balance on settlement September 16, 1817. Suspen¬ sions equal to this amount.

Advanced for recruiting. Accounts rendered with¬ out vouchers for $240. Reported for suit October 12, 1821.

Advanced for bounties, &c. Advanced for contingencies. Reported for suit Oc¬

tober 30, 1821. _ Balance on settlement March 25, 1825. Has fur¬

ther claims. Balance on settlement June 26, 1818. Balance on settlement September 1, 1818. Report¬

ed for suit October 30, 1821. Balance on settlement March 21, 1821, Advanced for contingencies. Balance on settlement August 29, 1818. Suspen¬

sions $186. Reported for suit September 26,1820. Advanced for bounties, &c.

Non est inventus.

Non est inventus.

Non est inventus.

Dead. Judgment against ad¬ ministrator. No property.

Judgment January term, 1822. Desperate.

Non est inventus.

Non est inventus.

No property.

Non est inventus.





STATEMENT—Continued, co

Name and rank.





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Remarks of the Third Auditor. Remarks of the Solicitor of the Treasury on all cases re¬ ported for suit.

Davis, Horatio H,, captain 32d

Duncan, Thomas, paymr.Penn. militia Drew, Ira, lieutenant -

Davis, James, captain 30th

Denton, Joel, lieutenant 39th •

Dunham, Lewis, surgeon Duncan, James, captain 17th -

Doherty, James, major 28th

Durant, Jackson, lieutenant 4th Duncan, Wm, R., captain artillery - Draper, Henry, ensign 8th

Douglass, Alfred H., captain -

Dyer, Wm, M., lieutenant 9th Drew, Francis, captain 33d

Doyle, Richard, lieutenant 17th

$239 00

80 27 493 71

2,382 00

128 47

4 92 17 52

121 24

221 71 98 00 80 00

168 70

78 20 6 00

128 13


Advanced for bounties and contingencies. Report¬ ed for suit October 30, 1822.

Balance on settlement February 6, 1820. Balance on settlement November 2, 1821. Report¬

ed for suit July 19, 1822. Balance on settlement December 21, 1829, $2,332;

$60 since charged. Suspensions $60. Reported for suit September 28, 1821.

Balance on settlement July 16, 1829. Reported for suit July 19, 1822.

Balance on settlement October 19,1819. Balance on settlement October 31, 1821, which he

promises to refund. Balance on settlement May 13, 1819. Suspensions

$109. Balance on settlement May 19,1819, Balance on settlement June 1,1819. Advanced for bounties, &c. Accounts rendered

without vouchers, admitting $10 to be due from him.

Balance on settlement November 6,1819. Suspen¬ sions $137.

Balance on settlement November 2, 1821. Balance on settlement June 24,1815, and January

23, 1816. Balance on settlement May 19, 1820. Suspensions

exceeding the balance.

Non est inventus.

Non est inventus.

Non est inventus.

Residence unknown.

puncan, John.




Duncan, John, ensign 21st Delong, Samuel, ensign

Duffell, Henry, lieutenant 12th Deyo, Henry, ensign 13th

n 34 176 00

19 59 73 58

Dixon, Don C., lieut. and paym. 24th Dearborn, Simon, lieutenant 34th

230 46 505 15

Dubose, John, captain sea fencibles 37 10

Dixon, A. M., ensign - Dearborn, Thomas, lieutenant 33d

50 00 81 60

Davis, Isaac, surgeon 6th infantry 375 60

Dwight, Joseph H , ensign 13th Donnelly, Peter, lieutenant 13th Dyer, Otis, lieutenant 8th

233 09 64 00

364 79

Darnell, John, lieutenant 2d infantry -

Downes, Richard C., surgeon 14th Davidge, Thomas, ensign 14th Dickinson, Silas, captain 31st -

Dodge, Richard, brig, general militia - Denny, Thomas, cadet Darby, Benjamin, lieutenant 30th Doherty, John, lieut. militia cavalry -

Duncan, Samuel, a. a. qr. tm\ genl. -

Downs, Jeremiah, captain militia rifle Dixey, John F., lieutenant 40th Diman, Jeremiah, lieutenant * Danielson, T. E., ensign 19th - Dunlap, Alexander, captain volunteers Davis, Samuel P., lieutenant 32d Dawson, Nicholas L., paym* Md, mili.

Doyle, Thomas, lieutenant volunteers -

64 80

5 00 150 00 748 38

231 20 150 00 109 22 470 00

350 74

10 27 20 00

515 00 89 00

100 00 100 00

1,419 22

40 00

Balance on settlement August 20,1821. Advanced for bounties, &e. Reported for suit Sep¬

tember 26, 1820. Balance on settlement October 26, 1816. Balance on settlement September 25, 1820. Sus¬

pensions $8. Advanced for pay, &c. Balance on settlement November 11, 1816. Sus¬

pensions $412 11. Balance on settlement February 11, 1825* He

claims a balance. Advanced for bounties, &c. Advanced for bounties, &c. Accounts rendered

without vouchers for $80. Advanced for contingencies and hospital c\epart-

menn Balance on settlement October 17, 1829, Advanced for bounties, &c. Balance on settlement May 2,1816. Suspensions,

&c., $315 95. Received for transportation of baggage, to which he

was not entitled. Advanced for contingencies. Advanced for contingencies. Balance on settlement February 17,1817. Suspen¬

sions $412 80. Advanced for militia. Advanced for contingencies. Balance on settlement September 8,1816. Advanced for quartermaster’s department. Re¬

ported for suit October 29, 1821. Advanced for quartermaster’s department. Re¬

ported for suit October 29, 1821. Balance on settlement April 9, 1816. Advanced for contingencies. Advanced for contingencies. Advanced for bounties, &c. Advanced for contingencies. Advanced for bounties, &c. Balance on settlement April 11,1816, Reported for

suit June 11, 1818. Advanced for contingencies.

Nil habd*

Non est inVenttls.

Non est inventus.

Dead. Judgment. Nulla boha.

STATEMENT—Continued,, co os


Name and rank.



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. Remarks of the Third Auditor. Remarks of the Solicitor of the Treasury on all cases re¬ ported for suit.

De Treville, Richard, lieutenant Delafield, Richard, captain engineers -

Dusenbury, S. B., lieutenant, &c.

Davis, Thomas A., lieutenant -

Dille, David, pensioner - ' -

De Russey, R. E., lieutenant colonel -


$10 00 190 31

1,375 58

518 35

789 07

233 79

5,487 80

8 80

352 27

382 41

17 58 1,284 38

50 00

Improperly received for quarters in 1824. Fort Jackson. Balance February 13, 1840. Cumberland road east of the Ohio. Balance Au¬

gust 19, 1836. Reported for stoppage: Repairs of Cumberland road in Virginia. Balance

August 19, 1836. Reported for stoppage. Rebuilding Fort Delaware. Balance August 19,

1836. Reported for stoppage. Harbor of New Castle, Marcus Hook, &c. Balance

August 19, 1836. Reported for stoppage. (Quartermaster’s department. Balance October 1,

1839. Has unsettled account to September 30, 1840, on file, and is disbursing.

Barracks at Fort Crawford. Amount of his claim for per diem, 3d quarter, 1830; having previously received the amount from Major Garland.

Pensions per act June 7, 1832; being an over-pay- mentjn March, 1834,

Repairs and contingencies. Balance on settlement May 26, 1836.

Fort Hamilton. Balance May 26, 1836. Fort Columbus and Castle Williams. Balance as

above. Arrears of expenses of board of visiters in 1834 and

1835. Balance March 14, 1839, of an advance in July, 1836. Suspended for want of a receipt. Dis¬ bursing.

w s

525 o

os 9

Drane, Anthony, late lieuf. and a. q. m.

Doty, Ellis, pension agent

Davis, Jonathan, lieut. Tennessee vol.

Disbrow, Henry, agent

Dunn, Uriah, qr. mr. Alabama vol. -

Dimmoek, Charles, captain and a. q. m.

712 90 (Quartermaster’s department. Balance June 18, 1839. Reported for suit November 30, 1838.

516 82

5,789 92

598 60

3,969 91

5,279 39

169 55 76 85 54 07

300 00

6 83

10,902 24

69 30

Repairing and extending levees. Balance June 12, 1835. Reported for suit November 30, 1838.

Officers’ transportation. Balance September 19, 1837. Reported for suit as above.

Purchasing site and erecting barracks at New Or¬ leans. Balance June 12,1835. Reported as above.

Militia of Illinois and other States. Balance Sep¬ tember 22, 1837. Written to in relation to his ac¬ counts, September 14, 183% Reported for suit as above.

Army transportation. Balance September 13,1837. Reported as above. Suit ordered December 3, 1838. for $17,084 54. Balance reduced in Au¬ gust, 1839, $16,892 54. Suit pending.

Bala’e Sept. 11,1838. Arises in part on

Invalid pensions vouchers returned Revolutionary pensions Y to him for correc- Pensions, act May 15, 1828 tion; some return’d,

I and others promis- J ed when corrected.

Preventing, &c., Indian hostilities. Amount ad¬ vanced him by J. W. McCrabb, in September, 1836. No account rendered.

Harbor of river Raisin. Balance July 12, 1837. Claimed to have closed his accounts. Difference arises on items not allowed. Written to.

Preventing, &c., Indian hostilities. Amount ad¬ vanced by Colonel H. Stanton in August and Sep¬ tember, 1836. Accounts on file for settlement, on which he claims credit to the amount charged to him; on examination of which, various objections have occurred, of which he has been informed, and requested to remove.

Hostilities of Seminole Indians. Balance March 11, 1839.

Suit ordered Decembers, 1838, for $17,084 54. Judgment for defendant at May term, 1840 j carried by writ of error to cir¬ cuit court.

CD <1

Doc. N

o. 62.

STATEMENT—Continued. co QD

Name and rank.





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Remarks of the Third Auditor. Remarks of the Solicitor of the

Treasury on all cases re¬ ported for suit,

Dimmock, Charles, captain and a. q. m.

Pe Russey, R. E., major .

Podge, Henry, colonel . *

Downing, Charles, colonel Flor. militia

Davis, Lewis N-, a. q. m. Flor. militia

Drum, S. H., lieutenant and a. a. q. m.

Davidson, W. B., captain 3d artillery -


$23 51

1 00

6 47

1,754 00

131 37

100 00

13 50

Hostilities of Creek Indians. Balance March 11, 1839. Written to, March 14, 1839, and requested to refund the balance, ($92 81.)

Army transportation. Charged to him on settle¬ ment of Lieut. J. A. Phillips’s account 3d quarter of 1834, by direction of the Second Comptroller. A payment made in advance for the transportation of a soldier from West Point to Fort Hamilton by his authority.

Quartermaster's department. For stationary over¬ issued to him in November and December, 1835. Informed of the charge November, 1836, and re¬ quested to refund the amount.

Hostilities of Seminole Indians. Advanced to him by Lieut. Webster in December, 1836. Has ac¬ counts on tile for settlement exceeding the amount.

Preventing and suppressing Indian hostilities. Amount of property received by him of Capt. H. Brown, 3d quarter of 1837. Informed of the charge, and called on to render accounts, May, 1838.

Preventing and suppressing Indian hostilities. Balance October 13, 1840, arising on settlement of his subsistence account, in which there are sus¬ pensions equal to this amount.

Subsistence. Advanced him in July, 1837, by Lieut. Shannon, which remains to be accounted for,




De Russey, R. E., lieutenant colonel - 561 46

Davis, J. P., lieutenant and a, a. q. m. 5,574 58

Emmons, Elihu, lieutenant 31st Edmondson, William, lieutenant 43d

Evans, Thomas, ensign 16th -

$216 02 51 50

64 05

Edwards, Abraham, captain 19th

Egerton, L., captain 31st Edgecomb, Nicholas, lieutenant 33d Elmore, Benjamin T., captain -

Edsall, Richard, lieutenant 15th

111 86

7 13 42 00 65 59

19 00

Eskridge, George, ensign 12th -

Edwards, Robert, captain 17th Eubank, J. T., a. d. q. m.

100 02

100 00 2,228 62

Ellis, Solomon, contractor 11,485 11

Edvyards, Joseph W., lieutenant 29th 150 00

Miscellaneous and contingent expenses. Balance March 14, 1839, $2,227 71, of which $561 46 was advanced prior to September 30,1837. He claims credit on suspended items, and is disbursing.

Preventing and suppressing Indian hostilities. Balance May 21, 1840, $15,574 58, of which $5,574 58 was advanced prior to September 30, 1837. Has unsettled accounts to September 30, 1840, on file, and in which former balances are brought forward, and this money accounted for.

Balance on settlement June 1, 1818. Balance on settlement June 4, 1818. Suspensions $8.

Balance on settlement August 1,1820. Suspensions $55 62.

Balance on settlement January 12, 1822. Chiefly suspensions.

Balance on settlement May 19, 1820. Balance on settlement October 6, 1818. Balance on settlement July 28, 1820, $45 59; and $20 since charged.

Balance on settlement February 27,1819. Suspen¬ sions $12.

Balance on settlement August 12, 1819. Suspen¬ sions $4 33.

Advanced for contingencies. Balance on settlement March 28, 1833. Reported for suit October 6, 1819.

Balance on settlement March 4, 1819, $12,375 13, of account for supply of rations in Georgia; since credited $890 02. Reported for suit October 5, 1819.

Advanced for bounties and contingencies.

Judgment. Indulgence. In¬ formed the district attorney, October 29, 1838, that the in¬ dulgence had expired, and requested him to forward his report. Further indulgence granted to Gen. James Tay¬ lor, surety of Eubank, Febru¬ ary 28,1839, until the close of the next session of Congress. Still before Congress.

Non est inventus.





STATEMENT—Continued. o

Name and rank.

*2 ^B ^ ® a> §OT

S«5®S C _,,0 £,5

g 'I “* to § 03 ^ © C.K • „ «! .3 OQ <D r£2 m r-*

o £ ° ss ^ £ .g g ?,g S ? S a £.2

Remarks of the Third Auditor.

Emery, Jeremiah, captain 33d

Edmonson, Thomas, lieutenant 28th - Edes, Jeremiah, lieutenant 34th

Eddy, Farley, lieutenant Einigh, Nicholas, captain militia Eddy, Tisdale, major - Everish, Calvin, lieutenant Eddy, Jonathan, lieutenant 31st Easton, Thomas, quariermaster militia Eubank, William, lieutenant 17th

Evans, A., ensign 17th • Erwin, James, captain grenadiers Egan, John, lieutenant 27th Edmondson, John, a, c. s,

Ewing, Nathaniel, president bank Vin¬ cennes,

Eaton, N, J., lieutenant and a. c, s.

$199 65

58 00 1,093 82

24 50 00

248 00 150 00 274 31

36 20 390 00

190 00 50 00

116 10 $928 59

10,682 54

22 29

58 68

Balance on settlement January 6, 1820. Suspen¬ sions equal thereto.

Advanced for bounties, &e. Balance on settlement January 4, 1817. Reported for suit February 6, 1821.

Short credited by him. Advanced for quartermaster’s department. Advanced for quartermaster’s department. Advanced for quartermaster’s department. Balance on settlement June 8, 1815. Balance on settlement April 9, 1816. Advanced for bounties, &e. Reported for suit Oc¬ tober 2, 1821.

Advanced for bounties, &c. Advanced for quartermaster’s department. Improperly received for pay, &c. Subsistence. Balance on settlement April 3, 1822. Reported for suit December 3, 1822.

Balance on settlement April 18, 1821. Pensions. Reported for suit November 14, 1821.

Subsistence. Balance July 24, 1839, $3,866 96, as an offset to which there is at his credit, on account of subsistence of militia, $3,844 67, leaving in his hands $22 29.

Army transportation. Balance January 31, 1837, $93 68; since credited with $35—leaving in his hands $58 68; both balances arising on a charge

Remarks of the Solicitor of the Treasury on all cases re¬ ported for suit.

Non est inventus,

Dead. Suit abated.

Suit ordered December, 1827, Not found.

Judgment for $11,318 18. No property found.

Doc. N

o. 62.

Eliason, William A., captain engineers

Edwards, Charles W., captain Louisi¬ ana volunteers.

Easter, R. J., captain and a. d. q. m. g.

Evans, Musgrove, superintendent

Engle, James, lieutenant and a. q. m. -

Ewing, J., major

Edwards, Benjamin, q. m. Plor. militia

Evans, O., captain Arkansas volunteers

Fontaine, John J., lieut. 2d artillery - Foster, William L., captain 9th Fuller, Charles, captain 4th Forsyth, Benjamin, captain rifle

55 00 40 00

8 00 301 62

108 57

71 89

25,092 66

1,554 22

1,553 88

111 50

177 03 1,022 25

400 00

2 25

3,515 61

60 00

for compensation not admissible, $68 16. Items not allowed, $12 81. Dropped March 18, 1837, from the rolls of the army.

Incidental expenses of fortifications and purchase of land. Balance April 10, 1839, of an advance in September, 1836.

Preventing and suppressing Indian hostilities. Amount paid to him by P. Morrison, 2d quarter of 1836, for back rations alleged to be due the com¬ panies. Charged to him, by direction of the Second Comptroller, in September, 1838. Written to, Sep¬ tember 17, 1838, and informed of the charge,, and called upon to furnish evidence that the money was paid over to the persons entitled thereto.

Balance on settlement April 18, 1821. duartermas- ter’s department. Reported for suit April 20, 1821.

Balance on settlement March 2, 1837. Road from Detroit to Chicago. Reported for suit June 11, 1829.

duartermaster’s de-' partment.

Officers’ transporta¬ tion.

Army transportat’n. Barracks at Green Bay.

Balance May 11, 1835. He acknowledged abalancedue the United States of $891 07.

- Difference arises on items suspended and disallowed. Resigned Dec’r 31, 1834. Reported for suit.

Subsistence. Amount advanced in May, 1837. Has unsettled accounts on file, in which he’claims to have accounted for this.

duartermaster’s department. Balance December, 1840, which he has been called upon to pay over.

Preventing and suppressing Indian hostilities. Amount of property received by him, and paid for by Lt. D. H. Vinton, in 1st, 2d, and 3d quarters of 1837. Informed of the charge, and his attention called to the subject March 24,1838.

duartermaster’s department. Amount advanced him by Lt. L. F. Carter in November, 1836.

Advanced for bounties, &c. Advanced for bounties, &c. Balancfe on settlement November 10, 1817. Balance on settlement January 3, 1821. Dead,

Judgment November term, 1821. Desperate.

Judgment June, 1838. Debt perfectly secured by bond and mortgage on real estate.

Suit ordered October 22, 1829, for S3,864 66. Suit pending. Called on district attorney, August 22,1840, for his report.

Doc. N

o. 62.

Name and rank.

Fleming, David, captain 3d artillery -

Fobes, Caleb G., lieutenant 24th

Fetter, Jacob, lieutenant 22d - French, Cornelius R., doctor - Fields, Elisha, captain 40th

Farwell, Abel, lieutenant 11th Fendall, John, lieutenant 5th -

Fenner, Robert, captain

Featherston, William, ensign 17th

Fullerton, David, paymaster Pennsyl¬ vania volunteers.

Flanagan, John, lieutenant 21st Farwell, John, lieutenant 31st -

Farrar, Thomas W., captain 10th

Foster, Charles, ensign

Ferris, William B., ensign

STATEMENT—Continued. * „ *

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o o s; S ~ c 'Sf s "8 o §•§ gb g C ct3 .52 OtSm >.*43

Remarks of the Third Auditor. Remarks of the Solicitor of the

Treasury on all cases re¬ ported for suit.

$2,250 00

1,126 06

152 73 65 00

539 85

Advanced for recruiting service. Reported for suit Non est inventus. October 12,1821.

Balance on settlement January 28, 1818. Reported Non est inventus. for suit November 1, 1821.

Balance on settlement December 9, 1824. Advanced for quartermaster’s department. Balance on settlement April 22,1818. Suspensions,

$386 85. 255 91 218 24

Balance on settlement March 20, 1821. Balance on settlement May 7, 1818. Suspensions,

$147 77. 482 57

1,083 03

194 91

88 42 510 00

140 71

621 00

661 00

Balance on settlement September 2, 1818. Suspen¬ sions, $151 62.

Balance on settlement July 9, 1818. Suspensions, $380. Reported for suit September 5, 1823.

Balance on settlement August 24, 1815. Reported for suit September 26, 1820.

Balance on settlement April 4, 1822. Advanced for bounties, &e. Reported for suit 12th

October, 1821. Balance on settlement June 3, 1818, $165 71; and

$25 since credited. Balance on settlement July 8,1818, $321; and $300

sincp charged. Advanced for bounties, &c. Reported for suit Oc¬

tober 12, 1821.

Suit ordered November 1823. Not found.

Judgment. Execution stayed. Desperate.

Non est inventus.

Non est inventus.




Falconer, Jonathan H., lieutenant 14th

Ford, Stephen, lieutenant 8th -

Foster, John, captain 22d

Forward, Daniel, lieutenant 25th

Fisher, Meredith W., lieutenant 17th - Felton, Skelton, lieutenant Follett, Charles, captain

French, Thomas, lieutenant 36th

Fay, Heman A., captain Fairfax, Ferdinand, citizen

Fraser, John, lieutenant 29th -

Furman, John, lieutenant

Findley, John, lieutenant

Farnsworth, A., surgeon’s mate Faulkner, James, major artillery Findley, Thomas P., paymaster

Fowler, Wm,, q. m. New York militia Fisher, Philip, ensign 36th Farnum, Bradbury, lieutenant 21st Frisbee, Gideon, captain New York

volunteers. Farley, Henry F., ensign Ford, Patrick, lieutenant

Fairchild, Wm. H., lieutenant 48th

Fullington, James - Farnham, Charles, lieutenant 4th

230 45

47 00

1,054 21

803 00

673 80 71 95

3,248 00

846 00

17 70 00

113 51

185 00

160 01

50 00 70 00

8,390 07

118 24 46 00 11 87

150 00

42 00 131 10

320 83

25 00 100 00

Balance on settlement October 17, 1818. Suspen¬ sions, $26 50.

Balance on settlement December 11,1819. A greater amount suspended.

Balance on settlement February 12, 1819. Suspen¬ sions, $689 25. Reported for suit September 27, 1820,

Advanced for recruiting. Reported for suit 12th October, 1821.

Balance July 10, 1819. $342 suspended. Balance May 17, 1824. Advanced for bounties, &c. Reported for suit 24th

November, 1819. Balance May 4, 1820. States that he expended the

money, and gave .his accounts to his commanding officer, and will attend and settle them.

Balance June 1, 1815. Balance of moneys advanced him to purchase lands.

Dead. Balance January 17, 1811, $103 51; and $10 since

charged. Advanced to pay volunteers. Reported for suit

September 26, 1820. Balance on settlement January 12, 1814. Suspen¬

sions, $40. Advanced for contingencies. Advanced for ordnance. Balance on settlement May 9,1814, $8,890 07. $500

since credited. Reported January 31, 1831. Balance on settlement December 12, 1814. Balance 10th March, 1815. He claims $32. Balance 2d August, 1818. Advanced for quartermaster’s department. Report¬

ed for suit November 12, 1821. Balance on settlement November 2, 1821. Balanceon settlement June 5,1815, $108 14. $22 96

since charged. Balance February 3, 1820. Reported for suit June

23, 1822. Advanced for quartermaster’s department. Advanced for bounties, &c.

Dead. Representatives un¬ known.

Non est inventus.

Died very poor,

No suit. Place of residence unknown.

Non est inventus.

Non est inventus.

Suit ordered July, 1822. Not found.





Name and rank.

■a £■“ t i-i f^H o ^ H 3*f P m O rt fl a- ° 4J O

$ o - £ §\2

Ph ^ *“

A fl

“Is S*2 C SD'fc, «.a ^

■§ ’C "S

2 3 S CD 13 m ° g.£ §S8S

Remarks of the Third Auditor. Remarks of the Solicitor of the Treasury on all cases report¬ ed for suit.

Ferguson, Thomas H., ensign

Field, Gabriel, lieutenant rifle

Fitch, Benjamin, lieutenant 6th

Floyd, Gabriel J., agent engineer de¬ partment.

Fowler, A. C., lieutenant, and acting assistant quartermaster.

Farley, John, lieutenant artillery

French, E., lieutenant artillery

Fraser, Upton S., lieutenant, and as¬ sistant commissary subsistence.

Fulton, Win. M., captain, and assist¬ ant commissary subsistence.

$550 00

$2,171 70

172 00

86 14

91 23

405 56

465 06

9 83

14 58

30 00

1,580 50

Advanced for quartermaster’s department. Report¬ ed for suit November 16, 1825.

Balance on settlement October 20, 1832. Quarter¬ master’s department. Part of an advance, made by James McGunnigleand Jacob Brown, for trans¬ portation. It is believed the principal part has been disbursed. Dead.

Quartermaster’s department. Advanced by B. Wat¬ son. Reported for suit November 30, 1832.

Completing the removal of obstructions in Appa- lachicola river. Balance April 12, 1831.

Quartermaster’s department. Balance September 6, 1834.

Officers’ transportation. Balance 22d March, 1837. Dead.

Subsistence. Balance July 17,1834, arising, in part, on suspended vouchers.

Quartermaster’s department. Per diem travelling allowance. Reported for stoppage.

Quartermaster’s department. Cost of fuel issued to his family, in 1st, 2d, and 4th quarters 1835, by Lieutenant Dimmoek. Reported for stoppage.

Subsistence. Advanced in June, 1835. Killed in Dade’s defeat.

Subsistence. Amount advanced between Novem¬ ber, 1836, and March, 1837, 351,800; at his credit,

Not found. Suit dismissed.

Non est inventus.

Doc. N

o. 62.

Ford, Samuel, captain 1st dragoons -

Fisher, A. A., captain volunteers

Freeman, W. H., lieutenant colonel marines.

Field, William, contractor

Gray, James, lieutenant 39th - Giles, E. M., lieut. and q. m. artillery -

Graham, John A., lieutenant -

Gray, T. V., deputy quarterm’r general Gay, Thomas B., lieutenant 18th Grantland, Samuel, lieutenant 12th -

Green, William G-, captain 44th

Gibson, James, captain 12th Greenough, Parker, lieutenant 4th Garrett, Henry, captain 43d - Gookin, Supply B., lieutenant 34th - Goode, Robert, lieutenant

George, Daniel, lieutenant 45th Gates, John, jr., paymaster artillery

188 00 236 40

300 00

100 00 4 00

300 00

1,442 61

182 06 126 06 371 16 274 70

1,246 50

39 04 62 00

155 61

629 10

295 77

3,539 77

$219 50. Has accounts on file unsettled, ■which claim to be closed.

Subsistence. Balance January 8, 1841, remaining of an advance to him in May and March, 1837. His attention has been called to the liquidation of the same.

Preventing, &c., Indian hostilities. Amount of prop¬ erty received by him, and paid for by D. H. Vin¬ ton, in 2d quarter 1837. Informed of the charge, and his attention called to the subject 24th March, 1838.

Preventing, &c., Indian hostilities. Balance 3d Au¬ gust, 1839, $310 77; since relunded $15; leaving in his hands $295 77, to the liquidation of which his early attention was requested in August, 1839.

Volunteers and additional dragoons. Amount paid him by Governor Conway, in April, 1835, on ac¬ count of his contract. In the account of Governor Conway, a statement of forage, &c., supplied by William Field on vouchers 1 to 12, is on file, re¬ quiring explanation and further investigation.

Advanced for bounties, &e. Balance July 20, 1818, $146 40; $190 since advanc¬

ed. Reported for suit July 19, 1822. Advanced for quartermaster’s department. Report¬

ed for suit October 29, 1821. Balance December 10, 1821. Balance June 18, 1817. Suspensions equal thereto. Balance July 6, 1817, $125; additional advances

$175. Reported for suit June 19, 1822. Balance March 20, 1820, $1,294 17, caused by sus-

epnsions; $148 44 since charged. Balance August 11, and September 2, 1819. Balance August 26, 1817. Suspensions $23. Balance October 23, 1817. Suspensions $215 01. Balance January 11, 1820. Suspensions $74 50. Balance July 29, 1816, $846 50. Suspensions $28 ; .$400 since charged. Reported for suit July 19, 1822.

Balance July 10, 1818. Suspensions $8. Advanced for bounties, &c.

Non est inventus.

Non est inventus.

Suit abated. Not an inhabitant.

Not an inhabitant. Suit abated.





Name and rank.

Guy, John R. -

Gray, Robert, major - Gregg, Daniel, late captain 45th Gilmore, Andrew, ensign 13th -

Garrard, John M., late paymaster Ken¬ tucky militia.

Gordon, Smith W., lieutenant 44th

Geslain, Francis, hospital surgeon Griswold, Joseph captain Gaines, Thompson, paym’r Ky. militia


I O M)

3 si's 3-a 18 S ® to" > GO

. ^.in o 2 U si s-t 3 a _ a _ d) 05 ^ ii-< 3 ftg S CkS 3 <s33 Sira

$233 76

1 00 8 00

303 13

232 31

110 00

30 00 40 00

184 07

Remarks of the Third Auditor.

Balance January 20, 1818, $133 76; and $100 since charged. He rendered defective vouchers for nearly the amount, which were returned to be per¬ fected.

Erroneously credited him on settlement. Balance June 3, 1818. Balance on settlement January 5, 1819. Reported

for suit July 19, 1822. Balance May 28, 1821. Reported for suit June 17,


Balance August 12,1822. Suspended. Vouchers informal.

Advanced for hospital department. Advanced for bounties, &c. Balance November 9, 1820. Reported for suit No¬

vember 27, 1821.

Remarks of the Solicitor of the Treasury on all cases re¬ ported for suit.

Non est inventus.

Suit ordered June 29, 1818, for $17,361 16. Balance reduced in January, 1823, to $232 31. At November term, 1829, the debt was paid to the district attorney, Geo, M, Bibb. Suit ordered against Mr. Bibb, April 2, 1830, for the amount paid him in this case, with in¬ terest from the date of pay¬ ment. It was recovered, and Mr. Bibb reported insolvent.

Suit ordered December 14,182L for $184 07. Judgment De¬ cember term, 1822,for $184 07,



. N

o. 82.

Green, James, acting d. q. in. g. Gates, Jonas, lieutenant 31st Gibson, Robert, lieutenant 34th Goodwin, Burwell, lieutenant 10th

Gibbs, Abiel, lieutenant 30th - Gates, A., ensign -

Greenwood, Miles, captain 16th

Gutridge, W., ensign - Goodwin, Kemnel, lieutenant 14th Gordon, W. J., lieutenant 10th -

Gano, John S., major gen. Ohio militia

Gwin, Daniel, lieutenant 24th - German, Walter, captain 4th - Green, G. H., paym’r 108th N. Y. militia

Griswold, W., paymaster N. Y. militia Green, James, lieutenant col. militia -

Gustine, Amos, lieutenant Gookin, Nathaniel, lieutenant 34th Green, James, lieutenant 11th

Goodrick, Valentine R., lieut. 11th Gibson, John H., acting gov. of Indiana

Graham, Henry R., lieutenant rifle Glenn, Henry, acting d. q. m. g.

Gilbreath, John, lieutenant 24th

Gilbert, John, ensign 30th Gill, John, captain sea fencibles

168 50 120 22 90 59

192 63

224 00 1,000 00

448 00

112 00 40 00

2,222 00

436 16

20 00 31 40 19 60

99 11 1,250 00

42 02 45 38

1,063 00

55 00 702 94

20 00 115 65

507 68

1,100 00 19 81

Balance September 6, 1819. Balance July 16, 1819. Balance June 26, 1819. Suspensions $29. Balance May 28, 1819. Suspensions $31. Report¬

ed for suit July 19, 1822. Advanced for bounties, &c. Advanced for bounties, &c. Reported for suit No¬

vember 16, 1821. Balance July 17,1822. Reported for suit July 19,

1822. Advanced for bounties, &c. Advanced for quartermaster’s department. Balance on settlement December 3, 18i6. Reported

for suit November 24, 1819. Balance on settlement December 19,1823. Suspen¬

sions $540 60. Balance on settlement January 20, 1820. Balance on settlement May 22, 1820. Balance on settlement May 22, 1820. Suspensions

$8 20. Balance on settlement September 23, 1823. Advanced for quartermaster’s department. Report¬

ed for suit September 28, 1821. Balance on settlement October 10, 1816. Balance on settlement December 6,1824. Advanced for bounties, &c. Reported for suit Sep¬

tember 23, 1824. Advanced for bounties, &e. Balance March 4, 1833, $692 94; and $10 since

charged. Overpaid on settlement August 17, 1814. Balance August 4,1828. Dead. Reported for suit

July 16,1832. Balance September 12, 1816. Reported for suit July

19, 1822. Advanced for bounties, &c. Reported July 13,1821. Balance on settlement May 21, 1821.

with interest from November 9,1820, till paid. Am’t paid to George M. Bibb, and' same proceedings had as in the case of Garrard.

Judgment. No effects. Des¬ perate.

Suit abated. . Cannot be found.

Suit abated. Cannot be found.

Non est inventus.

Non est inventus.

Non est inventus.

Not found. Suit dismissed.

Residence unknown.

Non est inventus.






Name and rank.

Goode, John, lieutenant 26th -

Gibson, William, lieutenant 38th

Gilmore, Robert, captain Ohio militia Grantt, John T., lieutenant 11th

Gilman, Harvey, ensign 31st - Gholson, James, paym’r 7th Ky.militia. Garrett, John, ensign 10th Grant, Jonathan, ensign

Grayson, P., adjutant general - Gray, James, captain Tenn. militia . Gibson, James, colonel 4th rifle

Gibson, James, colonel 4th rifle

$821 37

64 94

93 00 307 19

287 35 140 17 30 00

200 00

50 00 5 00

4,845 96

$150 00

Advanced for bounties, &c. Accounts rendered for $174. Reported for suit May 29, 1822.

Balance November 22, 1828, for pay alleged to be due him.

Advanced for quartermaster’s department. Balance October 22, 1816. Suspensions exceeding

the balance. Vouchers defective. Balance on settlement July 2,1816. Suspensions $12. Balance on settlement October 22, 1822. Advanced for recruiting service. Advanced for bounties, &c. Reported for suit-Sep-

tember 23, 1824. Advanced in March, 1815. Advanced in March, 1815. Balance on settlement August 11, 1821. Reported

for suit September 25, 1821. Arrearages prior to July, 1815. Reported as above.

Griffith, S., lieutenant -

Goff, Wm., paym’r Mississippi militia Gaines, E. P., major general -

Gerrard, A. B., quarterm’r 1st infantry

43 95

45 67 120 72

227 10

Balance on settlement May 20, 1817. Quartermas¬ ter^ department. Reported for suit November 30, 1832.

Arrearages. A double payment in 1814 and 1815. Quartermaster’s department. Paid by Major Stan¬

ton, for office rent, from May 1, 1829, to February 20, 1830; charged to General Gaines by the de¬ cision of the Second Comptroller.

Balance on settlement April 6, 1823.

Remarks of the Solicitor of the Treasury on all cases re¬ ported for suit.

Judgment July, 1825. Non est inventus since then.

Suit ordered September 25, 1824. Non est inventus.

Dead. Representatives un¬ known. No suit.

Dead. Representatives un¬ known. No suit.

Non est inventus.




Gantt, Stoughton, captain rifle -

Glascock, Thomas, brig, gen. militia -

Griswold, E. B», late lieutenant

Grant, John, contractor

Griswold, H. W., lieutenant -

Gallagher, J. S., lieut. and a. a. qr. mr.

Gaines, George S., pension agent Gardiner, John L., major

Grier, Wm. N., lieut. and a. a. qr. mr.

Gardiner, J. R. B., lieut. and a. a. c. s.

Gorman, James, lieut. Louisiana vol. -

Gadsden, James, colonel

375 80

5,886 00

1,492 17

2,300 00

38 50

11 08

1,213 56 77 00


28 07

71 79

3 00

Balance on settlement'December 4,1819. Quarter¬ master’s department.

Brigade militia. Advanced in December, 1817. He has produced vouchers for advances and ex¬ penditures, on which he claims a credit for 82,988, and evidence on Which he claims a credit for $1,700 or $1,800, requiring additional information before they can be satisfactorily acted upon. This he states he is procuring; and, also, that the whole, or nearly ho, has been applied to the public service, the vouchers for which have in part been lost. ’

Subsistence. Balance on settlement January 22, 1829. Died September 17, 1828.

Sackett’s Harbor. Advanced in December, 1827, for furnishing a dredging machine, which is un¬ derstood to have been delivered, but necessary evidence thereof has not been furnished.

Quartermaster’s department. Fuel issued to his family. Reported for stoppage in February, 1836.

Officers’ transportation. Balance January 29,1836. Resigned June 28, 1836,

Revolutionary pensions. Balance January, 1840. Quartermaster’s department. Balance December

28, 1837, for fuel issued to his family in 3d quar¬ ter of 1836 and 1837. Reported for stoppage.

Quartermaster’s department. Balance May 14, 1839, 85 56, and $5 54 since passed to his credit.

Quartermaster’s department. Balance August 19, 1836, $58 07; since repaid $30, Advanced in January, 1836.

Preventing, &c., Indian hostilities. Amount paid to him by P. Morrison in 2d quarter of 1836, for back rations alleged to be due their companies. Charged to him, by direction of the Second Comp¬ troller, in September, 1838. Written to, Septem¬ ber 17, lr-38, informed of the charge, and called upon to furnish evidence that the money was paid over to the persons entitled thereto.

Preventing, &c., Indian hostilities. Balance May 24, 1837. Pie claimed to have closed his account. The balance arises on an error of $1 disallowed, of which he has been informed,





. N

o. 62.

STATEMENT—Continued. ©

Name and rank.

Gratiot, Charles, brigadier general

Griffith, J. Wallace, a. qr. mr.

Gilpin, W., light dragoons

Green, Timothy, captain

Hyde. Thomas, captain 43d -

Harbaugh & Potter, contractors Hoit, Paul G., ensign 11th

Hathaway, Simeon, ensign 30th

Hampton, Wade, major general

m Ogtf

o g.S! n ^

Z v % fit-0 O _r

a? & CD

c; * T3

w ^ O <u C ■*“*

o i- g£.2 <v a Q-

rg'.SSTJ ^ <u » Sk! ,q - C!

° 1 ► 2 i ►.’Sjt

$248 95

7 38 32 36

395 52

719 79

22g ■SaS: ? ^ O , -5 > : C g s.S O -5 o .ti >- c'h S" 3*3 O

ol = c-ff 5 ® o » nj P

° £ o £ua

$29,292 13

135 19

70 45

224 45

Remarks of the Third Auditor,

Fort at Grande Terre. Balance December 17,1838, $33,192 94. He is entitled to credits for $3,902 79 under other heads of appropriation. Reported for suit December 18,1838, for $31,674 45, which has since been reduced to ®29,292 13.

Preventing, &c., Indian hostilities. Amount of property received by him, and paid for by Lieu¬ tenant Vinton, 3d quarter of 1837. He was inform¬ ed of the charge June 11, 1838, and called on to render evidence of the application of the property.

Subsistence. Balance May 17, 1839. Agrees with the accounts he rendered. His brother has been informed of the settlement and balance.

Fort Monroe. Balance September 28, 1837, of an advance by Lieutenant Charles Dimmock, in Jan¬ uary, 1835; agrees with his own account. Has accounts on file unsettled for quartermaster’s de¬ partment for 2d and 3d quarters of 1840, and is disbursing.

Balance on settlement December 29, 1818. Sus¬ pensions $118 17.

Balance on settlement April 7, 1817. Balance on settlement April 4, 1817. Suspensions

of greater amount. Balance on settlement September 30,1824. Report¬

ed for suit September 23, 1824. Balance May 21, 1821, $919 79, and $200 since

Remarks of the Solicitor of the Treasury on all cases reported for suit.

Judgment., issued. Debt¬ or committed. Desperate.


Doc. N

o. 6£L

Hopkins, C. B., lieut. and a. a. qr. mr.

Hulse, J. P., ensign 2d rifle Hall, Edmund, ensign 28th

Hamilton, George, lieutenant 41st Hight, George W., lieut. artillery

Holden, Daniel, captain 45th - Harris, James, lieutenant 40th Hall, E. T., lieutenant and p. m.

Hicks, Abner H., lieutenant 35th

Hoffman, Frederick W., lieut. 28th Hargis, Thomas F., lieutenant 32d -

Henderson, Joseph, captain 22d

Hall, Robert R., lieutenant 22d

Hall, Elisha, captain 45th

Hawkins, Abraham, captain 4th Hatch, John, lieutenant 31st -

Hamilton, Alexander, ensign 24th

Haynie, Elijah, lieutenant 24th

Hickcox, Samuel B., lieutenant 29th -

Hill, Samuel R., ensign 23d

Hollingshead, John, lieut. dragoons - Hendrix, Henry, ensign 30th - Hobart, William F., lieut. artillery

1,086 19

156 80 280 00

36 00 3,706 85

16 00 10 60

1,006 67

220 00

30 00 751 15

1,454 70

246 71

183 86

63 95 290 47

300 00

296 50

448 00

346 25

241 35 426 94

5,001 00

credited. Made disbursements for secret sendees, the vouchers for which remain to be rendered.

Balance September 28,1818. Reported for suit Oc¬ tober 20, 1819.

Balance J une 27, 1817. Advanced for bounties, &c. Reported for suit Feb¬

ruary 5, 1823. Balance on settlement May 28, 1817. Suspensions. Balance June 1,1817. Suspensions $1,050 30. Re¬

ported for suit November 5, 1819. Balance August 7, 1818. Balance June 26, 1827. Suspensions. Balance August 20, 1821. Suspensions of greater

amount. Balance July 12, 1817, $40. Since charged with

$200, and credited with $20. Advanced for contingencies. Balance July 13, 1818, $651 15. Since charged

$100. Suspensions $69 40. Reported for suit Oc¬ tober 30, 1827.

Balance on settlement November 20, 1819. Sus¬ pensions $845 69. Reported for suit June23,1821.

Balance May 20, 1819. Reported for suit July 26, 1822.

Balance on settlement August 21, 1817. Suspen¬ sions $14.

Balance September 3, 1817. Suspensions $49 36. Balance on settlement May 4, 1824. Reported for

suit July 26, 1822.

Advanced for bounties, &c. Reported for suit Sep¬ tember 5, 1823.

Balance on settlement August 28, 1818. Suspen¬ sions $86. Reported for suit July 26, 1822.

Balance on settlement December 22,1817. Report¬ ed July 26,1822.

Balance May 28, 1819. Suspensions $28 20. Re¬ ported for suit July 26, 1822.

Balance February i8, 1818. Dead. Balance August 21, 1818. Suspensions $186 46. Balance November 24, 1826. Reported December

8, 1821.

Dead. Has left no property.

Suit ordered, November 18, 1823. Non est inventus.

Non est inventus.

Non est inventus. e §

Non est inventus.

Non est inventus,

Judgment, October, 1826, for $373 58. Ca. sa. issued. Debt¬ or committed. Desperate.

Non est inventus.

Non est inventus.

Non est inventus.

Non est inventus.

Non est inventus. Cn



STATEMENT—Continued. C" to

Name and rank.

Hickman, H. H., captain 17th

Hayne, Arthur P., inspector general -

Harman, Silas, p. m. N. Y. militia Hunter, David, lieutenant 12th Henshaw, Wm. S., lieutenant 5th Hazard, William, lieutenant 2d Hazard, W. W., hospital surgeon

Hite, R. G., adjutant general -

Hanham, James R., captain artillery -

Hill, Henry 0., lieutenant 5th Hawkins, Thomas, lieutenant 17th Harris, Thomas, lieutenant 20th

Huber, Henry, lieutenant 38th Harrison, Richard M., lieutenant 23d Hughes, Benjamin, act. d. qr. mr. gen, Hall, J ohn, captain -

Holmes, Bartlett, master mason

2 C i 'l

at 1 £ §, 2 o £ < 2 B Wll

!-Q » ' o IS S2

m O > &£ S>!3

O-xl ^ ^ : a ±2

^ 0) 0) r ^ m & > s “ 2 r- 2 S p .d o o ^ - o .d

CO bo d . d.S ^ ©ss :ioS|2

p rt.S o-a.3 ^ rd > ’43 Ci ^

Remarks of the Third Auditor.

$1,799 82

130 00

26 97 143 65 274 06

11 06 700 00

270 00

2,310 33

301 40 100 00 440 32

Advanced for bounties, &c. Reported November 26. 1821.

Balance January 2, 1822. Has claims of greater amount.

Balance August 19, 1820. Suspensions $9 36. Balance March 15, 1814. Balance June 1, 1816. Balance August 26, 1816, and $51 suspensions. Advanced for medical and hospital department. Re¬

ported for suit November 11, 1821. Balance November 11, 1815, ©120, and $150 since

charged. Advanced for bounties, camp equipage, and quar¬

termaster’s department. Reported for suit October 22, 1821.

Advanced for bounties, &e. Advanced for contingencies. Advanced for bounties, &c. Reported for suit Sep¬

tember 5, 1823.

20 00 112 76 149 89

1,616 00

50 00

Advanced for contingencies. Balance on settlement February 7, 1814. Balance on settlement May 19, 1815. Balance October 12, 1827. He alleges that he lost

$1,670 by unavoidable accident. Balance on settlement for quartermaster’s depart¬


Remarks of the Solicitorof the Treasury on all cases report¬ ed for suit.

Non est inventus.

Non est inventus.

Non est inventus since 1821.


Non est inventus, April, 1824. Suit abated, fall term, 1834, Desperate.




Hinkley, Nathaniel 304 61

Howard, Lewis, captain Hall, George K., lieutenant 32d Hogan, John, captain 39th Hawkins, Perry, lieutenant Hamilton, Joshua, captain rifle Hunter, George H., major Hays, H. A., lieutenant dragoons

100 00 133 33

70 00 22 25

115 77 370 00

1,281 92

Holmes, A. H., captain 8th 974 00

Hood, John, lieutenant Helmes, F. T., lieutenant 10th Heath, Levi, lieutenant

50 00 58 00

200 00

Helt, Jacob, ensign Hutchinson, Joseph, lieutenant 29th

60 00 208 45

Hardaway, Benjamin, ensign 700 23

Hopewell, John, lieutenant 12th Halloway, Edward, lieutenant Huntington, H. W., lieutenant 37th Hawley, Gideon, lieutenant 30th Hall, Elijah, captain volunteers Hopkins, David T., lieutenant“41st -

685 00 98 63 4 00

40 01 55 93

300 00

Hamilton, Alexander, captain 21st

Hoppock, John L,, captain

44 00

600 00

Harrison, George, paymaster Kentucky militia.

524 92

Balance on settlement November 19, 1816, $254 61; $50 since charged. Suspensions $297 94.

Advanced for bounties, &c. Advanced for bounties, &c. Advanced for contingencies. Advanced for contingencies. Balance on settlement December 14, 1820. Advanced for bounties, &c. Balance on settlement August 15, 1814, $341 92;

the residue since charged. . Reported for suit Sep¬ tember 26, 1817.

Advanced for bounties, &c. Accounts rendered, without vouchers, for $189. Reported for suit Sep¬ tember 26, 1825.

Advanced for contingencies. Advanced for quartermaster’s department. Advanced forquartermaster’s department. Reported

for suit November 1, 1821. Ad vancedfor contingencies. Balancb on settlement July 23, 1816. Suspensions

$75 25. Balance on settlement July 12, 1816. Suspensions.

Pay account to be rendered. Balance on settlement March 9, 1816. Balance on settlement October 14, 1816. Balance on settlement June 27, 1816. Balance on settlement April 30, 1816. Advanced for quartermaster’s department. Advanced for bounties, &c. Reported for suit Aug.

7, 1822. Balance on settlement September 8, 1833. Suspend¬

ed charge requiring further vouchers. Advanced for bounties, &c. Reported for suit Aum

7, 1823. Balance on settlement March 3, 1830. Reported

for suit July 9, 1818.

Non est inventus.

Killed in battle during the late war. Left no estate.

Non est inventus.

Dead. No estate.

Killed at York, Canada, leav¬ ing no estate.

Judgments Execution in the hands of the marshal June, 1835; no information since. District attorney has been call¬ ed upon for a report; and, by letter, dated May 28, 1839, states that this case will be at¬ tended to at the next term of Ox




STATEMENT—Continued, Ox 4

Name and rank.





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Remarks of the Third Auditor.

\ . / ,

Remarks of the Solicitor of the Treasury on all cases re¬ ported for suit.

Henry, William, lieutenant 3d artillery

Hewson, Thomas, wagon-master

Hedges, Frederick E., lieutenant 5th -

Herrin, David, lieutenant 26th - Hukill, Levi, lieutenant 1st dragoons -

Hartell, Christian, captain 27th Hazleton, John, lieutenant 19th Hays, Michael C., captain rifle

Hedges, James, captain 26th -

Hutchins, Charles, lieutenant 35th Hayden, William D., paymaster 38th -

Heaton, William S., lieutenant 11th - Hanson, Tunis, lieutenant 29th Hallum, George, captain 39th *

Hodges, Benjamin, p. m. Md. militia • Humphreys, Gad, captain 6th -

$70 00

300 00

187 25

13 39 294 87

68 00 239 49 299 16

1,366 32

98 30 24,972 82

18 24 35 64

112 50

46 35 150 00


Advanced for quartermaster’s department and con¬ tingencies.

Advanced for quartermaster’s department. Report¬ ed for suit October 28, 1821.

Balance on settlement July 11, 1818, Suspensions $92.

Balance on settlement February 16, 1820. Balance on settlement September 19, 1820. Sus¬

pensions $117. Dead. Balance on settlement December 17, 1818. Balance on settlement June 8, 1823. Balance on settlement November 2, 1818, Suspen¬

sions $12. Balance on settlement November 14,1818. Report¬

ed for suit September 27, 1819. Balance, &c., April 18, 1819. Suspensions $7 85. Balance December 9, 1818. Reported for suit July

9, 1818. Balance on settlement March 12, 1819. Balance on settlement December 7, 1819. Balance on settlement March 24, 1819. Suspensions

$62 50. Balance on settlement December 10, 1824. Advanced for bounties, &c,

court. Called again on dis¬ trict attorney for report Aug. 22, 1840.

Non est inventus.

Dead. Representatives un¬ known.

Judgment. No property. Des¬ perate.




Hinton, Spencer, lieutenant 10th

Hart, Henry, ensign - Huston, William, lieutenant 26th Hobbs, William C., lieutenant Henderson, John, lieutenant - * Hawkins, M. L., lieutenant

Horner, Wm. S., hospital surgeon Hart, John D , lieutenant dragoons

Hart, Benjamin P., lieutenant 38th

Hill, Josiah, lieutenant rifle * Hammons, Moses* ensign 23d - Henry, George, lieutenant 15th Hairston, Samuel, lieutenant 29th Hobert, Henry A., lieutenant artillery Hamilton, John, lieutenant 17th Hoxey, Thomas, paymaster Georgia


Hunn, P. F., paymaster N. Y. militia Hopkins,T. S., brigadier gen eral militia Hull, William, captain volunteers

Harper, Samuel, lieutenant Hahn, Michael, lieutenant 27th Hughes, William, lieutenant 17th

Humphreys, Carlisle, surgeon’s mate - Howerton, James, lieutenant 28th Hamlin, Nath'l, quarteimaster militia

Howe, Rufus, and Isaac Slames, cornet and lieutenant militia.

Houts, Philip, lieutenant 27th

, 420 00

153 00 238 00 100 00 50 00 75 00

20 00 675 57"

606 00

30 00 10 00 50 00 76 21

245 00 102 66

1,303 60

53 77 50 00

400 00

50 00 200 00 180 00

20 00 100 00 348 50

20 00

274 50

Advanced for bounties, &c. Reported for stilt Aug. 7, 1822.

Balance on settlement August 24, 1824. Balance on settlement April 9, 1819. Advanced for bounties, &c. Advanced for bounties, &e. Advanced for bounties, &c. Reported for suit Aug.

7, 1822. Advanced for contingencies. Balance on settlement May 15, 1820. Suspensions

8643 23. Balance on settlement October 15, 1819. Reported

for suit May 28, 1822. Balance on settlement October 22,1819. Balance on settlement January 26,1820. Suspensions. Advanced for bounties, &c. Balance on settlement February 11, 1820. Balance on settlement March 23, 1820. Balance on settlement April 1, 1820. Balance on settlement May 21, 1824. By his owil

statement, his account is balanced. Errors and disallowances constitute the difference.

Balance on settlement January 19, 1822. Advanced for quartermaster’s department. Advanced for contingencies. Reported for suit

November 16, 1821. Advanced for bounties, &c. Advanced for bounties, &c. Advanced for bounties, &c. Account rendered for

$22. Advanced for contingencies. Advanced for the recruiting service. Advanced for quartermaster’s department. Supplies

for Vermont militia in 1812. Reported for suit August 1, 1827.

Advanced for purchasing forage for cavalry in 1812.

Amount received for pay, &c,, in 1812; and, with which, as he did not accept the appointment, he has been charged till he produces evidence of ser¬ vice.

Not found. Suit abated.

Not found. Suit abated.

Non est inventus.

B p

Non est inventus.

Non est inventus.

o CA




Name and rank,

£ <u a? rC QhC Cr-i

5g3 „43 > S ^ 22 w o _ 2 cfl^S6 S3 .5 o O rj ^ .. ej *3 © V* Q

« i 2 !D.s . ^§5|"S: O Sv.’Cn-iCO

SOW ®'-<

« U S’d'c-G 2 ® o o is H rt «* “ n «

Remarks of the Third Auditor. Remarks of the Solicitor of the Treasury on all cases report- ed for suit.

Hoffman, Daniel, ensign Ohio nailitia -

Harris, J. W., lieutenant Tenn. militia Houston, J. P., br. inspec. Tenn, militia

Harrison, Batteal, captain 2d rifle Hitchcock, Henry, Sec. Ala. Territory

Hawkins, Samuel, contr., Mobile Point

Humphreys, Reuben, captain 8th Hooker, Richard, captain cavalry

Hobkirk, John B., lieutenant -

Hohkirk, John B., lieutenant apd a. c. s.

$88 00

15 00 500 00

23 91 $265 61

107,220 34

126 35 120 00

22 83

769 62

Advanced him for pay of the company, beyond the amount stopped by the paymaster from the pay of the company, in respect to the advance.

Advanced on account of pay in 1815. Advanced on account of his pay and emoluments.

Has claims which cannot be admitted for want of evidence of service.

Balance on settlement December 12, 1823. Balance October 16, 1823. Arrearages prior to July

1815, Fortifications. Balance June 26, 1822. Reported

for suit J une 27, 1822,

Subsistence. Balance January 12, 1828. Arrearages, Advanced in 1813, for procuring

rations and forage for his company. (Quartermaster’s department. Balance on settlement

September 23, 1823, $52 83 • since refunded, $30. Reported for suit August 24, 1824.

Subsistence. Unaccounted for at the expiration of his duties, Reported as next aboye.

Suit ordered August 16,1822, southern district of N. York, against Robert Tillotson and Nicholas Governeur, sureties, for $107,220 34. Suit still pending; twice postponed, on defendants’ application, by the court, District attorney’s re¬ port March 16,1840,

Judgment May, 1827, No pro¬ perty.

Judgment May, 1827. No property.

Doc, N

o. 62


Hanson, William K., lieut, and a. c. s.

Hamilton, R. M., quartermaster, &c. -

Hickman, J. P., major Alabama vols,

Henderson, J. E , lieut. and a. q. m. -

Howe, C. S,, lieutenant and a. a. q. m.

10G 59

3 21

100 50

27,099 56

100 00

120 41

567 14

Subsistence. Amount advanced in May and June, 1836, $813 44 ; since credited with $706 85. Has accounts on file for settlement.

Quartermaster's department. Balance November 3,1837, $882 49; since charged to him $175 30, received of J. P. Davis, 'in July, 1836, making $1,057.79. There is at his credit, on account of army transportation and officers’ transportation, $1,054 58, leaving still in his hands $3 21.

Hostilities of Seminole Indians. Advanced in April, 1836. No accounts rendered.

Preventing, &c. Indian hostilities. Balance No¬ vember 11, 1840. Vouchers suspended for correc¬ tion, &c., $19,674 47; $6,013 82 transferred to subsistence department, and $1,102 51 to the Sec¬ ond Auditor.

Hostilities of Seminole Indians. Advanced him by Lieut. S. B. Dusenbury, in April, 1836. Died July 4, 1836. No accounts rendered.

Quartermaster’s department. Balance March 20, 1839, of an advance in August, 1836. Reported for suit April, 1839.

Army transportation. Balance November 1-2, 1840. Reported for suit in April, 1839, for $987 55, and transcripts furnished again. November 12, 1840, reduced to $687 55.

Hill, Thomas M., lieut. and a. a. q. m.

Hawkins, George S , colonel -

Henderson, Elias, quartermaster vols.

6 01

200 00

1,000 00

Subsistence. Balance March 6, 1839; arises on errors disallowed. His administrator written to.

Hostilities of Seminole Indians, Amount advanced by Colonel Wadsden, in February, 1836. No ac¬ counts rendered.

Hostilities of Creek Indians. Amount advanced by Colonel Stanton, in August, 1836. No accounts rendered.

Suit ordered April 18, 1839, in the southern district of Ala- j. bama, for $987 55. It was ^ recently ascertained that Lt. ® Howe is a resident of the middle district of Alabama. A suit will be ordered against him in that district, as soon as the transcripts called for on the 29th ultimo are received; the one sent to the southern district having been lost by mail. [Transcripts furnished under date of November 12, 1840.— Third Auditor.]

Ox -4


STATEMENT—Continued. cm 00

Name and rank.

y c 3

2 ® J ^ J-* rC og.H c g eg c S ^ o rtr9- *-

g S **

1*2 c bo £ o> c ft ■Sl-s

s gjs

iS/sTS- •L jw - o,h £\2 §■•3 cS

Hinton, H. B., wagon-master Tennes¬ see volunteers.

Hollingsworth, S. P., Alabama mil. -

Havis, 0. B., Alabama militia, Huske, John, pension agent

Hobart, C. C., lieutenant 5th infantry

Hoffman, William, lieut. 6th infantry

Hampson, James, superintendent

c s £ |o 't?Ux > S _ 3 ~ o _ ® c cj'S S6 3-§ o 8^ S* g g % ^ Mlg

o ̂oOtd^ I •if It a es.s i-o^ 9.0 ► J3 n!§

$117 76

1,849 07

18 25 10,001 20

2,127 08

32 95

'225 27

Remarks of the Third Auditor.

Preventing, &c, Indian hostilities. Amount receiv¬ ed of Lieut. Hickman, in September, 1836. No accounts rendered.

Preventing, &c. Indian hostilities. Amount of pro¬ vision-stores paid for by Lieut. Simpson, in the second, third, and fourth quarters of 1836. Charged to him on settlement of Lieut. Simpson’s account, in September, 1838. He was written to, Septem¬ ber 28, 1838, informed of the charge, and requested to furnish a statement of the stores he received, and an abstract of issues, to show that the provi¬ sions have been applied to the use of the troops.

Same remark as to S. P. Hollingsworth. Invalid pensions. Balance October 3 L, 1840, $10,210

53 cents; of which $10,001 20 were advanced prior to September 30, 1837. Disbursing; arid his accounts for the third quarter of 1840 are on file for settlement.

Balance on settlement May 26 and June 19, 1827. Reported for suit December 4, 1827.

Seminole hostilities. Balance November 22, 1838. He acknowledges $7 95 ; difference arises on sus¬ pended vouchers.

Cumberland road east of Zanesville. Balance Au¬ gust 15, 1832, arising from suspended vouchers requiring explanation and the sanction of the

■ Secretary of War.

Remarks of the Solicitor of the Treasury on all cases reported for suit.

Judgment November, 1828. Desperate.

Doc. N

o. 62.

Howard, William, civil engineer

Harris, William L., lieut. and a. q. m.

Herring, D. S., lieutenant

Harper, R., agent -

Hall, F. C., lieutenant marines

Heintzelman, S. P., lieutenant

Hunt, F. E., lieutenant

Hoban, F. P., midshipman U. S. navy

Hayward, Richard, captain Florida mi¬ litia.

Hunt, F. E., lieutenant -

1,532 72

321 91

1,300 44

27 73

30 04

70 13

225 50

185 10

3,633 10

124 23

150 00

82 20

28 67

Cumberland road west of Zanesville. Balance June 13, 1833, arising from suspended vouchers, for explanation, as above.

Survey of White and St. Francis rivers. Balance August 19, 1834, agreeing with his own account. Dead.

Roads and canals. Balance August 19, 1835, re¬ maining in his hands, of advances made by him in July and August, 1834. A suspended voucher was sent to him for correction, which will entitle him to a credit of $64 60. Dead.

Barracks at Fort Crawford. Balance October 22, 1836. Out of service. Called on to refund.

Subsistence. Balance May 27, 1836. Sales of pub¬ lic property in 1834 and 1835.

Subsistence. Balance November, 1836. Was re¬ quested to pay over the balance November 5, 1836. Subsequently ascertained that he died June 22,1836.

Beacon light, Cunningham creek. Balance No¬ vember 12, 1839. Reported for suit November 25, 1839.

Subsistence. Balance September 23, 1840, of which he was informed, and requested to refund the amount, September 23. 1840.

duartermaster’s department. Balance July 23, 1840. Brought forward by him in his subsequent accounts, which have been rendered to September 30, 1840. Still disbursing.

Hostilities of Seminole Indians. Balance Septem¬ ber 19, 1840, advanced him by Lieut. C. O. Col¬ lins, in May, 1837. Will be accounted for in his subsistence accounts, on file for settlement.

Preventing, &c. Indian hostilities. Advanced him in May and June, 1837. No accounts or vouchers rendered,

Preventing, &c. Indian hostilities. Amount of pro¬ perty received by him and paid for by Lieut. Vin¬ ton, in the second quarter of 1837. His attention called to the subject March 24, 1838.

Subsistence. Remaining of an advance to him in 1837, of $100. Unsettled accounts on file, which claim to be balanced,


Or <o





Name and rank.

Irby, Joseph, lieutenant 3d - Ion, Jacob B.,,captain artillery Irvine, William, lieutenant 7th Jones, William, captain 8th

Jones,rTerah, lieutenant 16th -

Jones, Elisha, captain 9th

Jackson, George W., captain 17th and paymaster.

Jaquell, Isaac, lieutenant 4th rifle Johns, Abijah, ensign 19th

Jones, William B., captain artillery Johnson, William, lieutenant 24th

Jones, Edward, lieutenant 39th Johnston. James, lieutenant 14th Johnson, John, major 21st

Johnson, Peter C., lieutenant 12th

STATEMENT—Continued. &> o

1 s | § §« ' ® s - IJPpo

: s-gs cc'E ! £■£ 3.2-a : C <d

IgfpS Remarks of the Third Auditor. Remarks of the Solicitor of the

T reasu ry on all cases reported for suit.

$79 40 18 82

142 00 475 32

Balance May 8, 1817, #63 40; #16 since charged. Balance February 22, 1819. Suspensions #36 82. Advanced for bounties, &c. Balance on settlement June 24, 1817. Suspensions

#375 16. 407 92

626 37

15,629 75

225 29 207 69

16 00 531 26

133 62 175 50 208 88

927 33

Balance April 26, 1821, #357 92, and #50 since charged.

Balance September 17, 1818. Suspensions #338 30. Non est inventus. Reported for suit December 8, 1821.

Balance August 14, 1818, #71 75 ; #15,558 since charged. He alleges to have lost his accounts and vouchers on board the Chippewa, on Lake Erie, during the war.

Balance September 19,1818. Suspensions #79 80. Balance October 1, 1818, #157 69. #66 suspended,

and #50 since charged. Balance July 7, 1819. Balance on settlement July 9, 1812, and November

11, 1818. Acknowledged balance due United States $318. Difference arises from moneys re¬ ceived by him, and not credited.

Balance on settlement January 16, 1819. Advanced for bounties, &c. Balance July 15, 1821. Probably has additional claims.

Balance August 24, 1816. Suspensions $539 50. Non est inventus since 1822. Reported for suit December 13, 1821.

3 O

05 ts3


Johnson, Thomas S., lieutenant 2d rifle Johnson, William, cornet Jones, Henry B., lieut. sea-fencibles -

Jones, Benjamin B., captain

Jones, John, ensign 23d.

Johnson, John, lieutenant 12th

Johnson, David -

Jenkins, Matthew, lieut. 3d artillery -

Jacobs, Joseph K., ensign 9th - Johnston, Lewis, q. in. volunteer rifle -

Jordan, James, lieutenant 26th Jones, Charles G., captain 29th

Jenkins, W., br. q. m. New York mili¬ tia.

Jackson, D. E., ensign- Jones, John, contractor for bricks

Jetter, Robert, major Tenn. militia vol. Johnson, H., and John Milroy, super¬

intendents. «r

Johnston, Thomas, lieut. and a. q. m.

Jamison, L. T., lieutenant and a. q. m.

220 00 126 64 113 00

602 03

300 00

1,600 00

1,000 00

1,080 00

50 00 487 00

100 00 300 00

59 72

Balance on settlement June 17, 1814. Advanced for pay. Balance January 23, 1817. Accounts rendered Without vouchers, wherein he claims a greater amount.

Balance June 19, 1816, $642 03; $40 since credited. Suspensions, &c. Pay account to be rendered.

Advanced for bounties, &c. Reported for suit Sep¬ tember 11, 1823.

Advanced for bounties, &c. Reported for suit May 3, 1822.

Advanced for quartermaster’s department. Re¬ ported for suit May 3, 1821.

Advanced for quartermaster’s department. Re¬ ported for suit May 3, 1821.

Advanced for bounties, &c. Advanced for quartermaster’s department. Re¬

ported for suit August 1, 1827. Advanced for bounties, &c. Advanced for quartermaster’s department. Re¬ ported for suit October 18, 1821.

Advanced for quartermaster’s department.

Suit ordered Nov’r 18, 1823. Judgment August term, 1824. Desperate.

Non est inventus.

Non est inventus.

Non est inventus.

Non est inventus.

Non est inventus.

200 00 $940 58

61 18 55

758 10

4,001 62

3,961 45

1,629 96

Advanced for bounties, &e. Fort Jackson. Paid him for making bricks at

Plaquemine, for which no account has been ren¬ dered.

Brigade militia. Balance May 13, 1820. Cumberland road in Indiana. Balance on settle¬ ment October 31, 1834, arising from overpayments of bills.

Officers’ transportation. Balance February 2, 1836. Dropped from the rolls of the army, and since dead.

Quartermaster's department. Same remark as next above.

Army transportation. Same remark as next above.

Subsistence. Balance April 11, 1840, $2,294 58, of which $1,629 96 were advanced prior to Sep¬ tember 30, 1837.





STATEMENT—Continued. o to

Name and rank.

•h S m D rC 2* C Grrt

M'S ^ <U 5 c-2 S5 p.~ cS o 86 3* g S S 2 g’.s

s_ <u6'S O S 'tr t3 ^ ^ O ° ^

S ° c-d'c-f 3«)OC^

C ctf .£2 O T3 uS >'3 c3£

Remarks of the Third Auditor. Remarks of the Solicitor of the Treasury on all cases report¬ ed for suit.

Jewett, E., agent quartermaster’s de¬ partment.

Johnson, Hezekiah, deceased, captain

Jamison, L. T., captain, &c. -

Kenny, Joseph, captain 25th - Keese, George, lieutenant 6th -

Kenney, John, captain 2d rifle King, William, lieutenant Kennedy, John, lieutenant 12th

Kibbe, Noadiah, lieutenant 31st Kellog, Elisha, p. m. New York militia Kelley, Daniel G., lieutenant 45th

$389 34 565 07

261 13 41 04 60 04

491 94 32 31 50 84

$60 00

656 86 138 53

6 98

33 15

2,865 47

Quartermaster's department. Amount advanced by requisition in August, 1836. No accounts ren¬ dered.

Officers’ transportation. Balance Sept. 30, 1838. Storehouses, &c., at Pittsburg. Balance September 30, 1838.

Incidental expenses quartermaster’s department. Balance Angust 27, 1838.

Barracks, quarters, &c. Balance Aug. 27, 1838. These balances arose on the settlement of his ac¬ counts for 3d quarter, 1837—the last rendered; and a statement explanatory of the settlement was for¬ warded to his son. Vouchers to amount of $311 87 suspended for correction.

Quartermaster’s department. Balance July 24, 1839. Dismissed December 31, 1838. Reported for suit.

Balance May 27, 1834, and April 14, 1837. Balance May 12, 1820. Nothing more admissible

to his credit. Balance May 22, 1818. Suspensions $84 48. Balance May 20, 1814. Balance May 28, 1814, $140 04; and $470 since charged, and $550 credited.

Balance April 28, 1818. Suspensions $373 33. Balance September 4, 1818. Balance September 12, 1818. '





Kincaid, John W., lieutenant -

Knox, John, lieutenant 26th Kenney, William, lieutenant artillery King, Edward, captain 18th -

Kerr, J., contractor with T. Buford -

King, Adam, acting paym’r of militia Kellogg, Silas D., 29th

Knox, Ebenezer, ensign 21st - Kent, Robert W., captain 14th Kenan, Michael J., captain 18th Keys, Isaac, lieutenant 12th Kehr, John D., ensign -

Koontz, Jacob, lieutenant 20th Kean, Jesse, ensign 14th

King, William, lieutenant 5th - Kinney, Abraham, contractor - Keller, William ... Kinney, Nicholas C., lieut. and q. m. 12th Ketchiine, Charles, captain

King, John, captain 23d Keener, Melchor, lieutenant 36th

Kay, Aaron, wagon-master

Kercheval, John, assistant quarterm’r Kelly, Thomas D. Kerr, Archibald, lieutenant

Kingsbury, Lawson, lieutenant 9th Kirby, Samuel, lieutenant 35th

Keys, Julius, brigade major

Keith, M. Irvine, captain 8th - Kirby, John, lieut. and q. m. 13th

1,568 00

197 24 24

203 62

5,434 05

223 85 2,022 80

483 77 23 72

359 49 26 87

374 00

529 67 264 48

200 00 45 60 30 00

250 00 280 00

34 25 200 00

200 00

12 00 130 00 220 00

75 00 800 00

300 00

15 00 150 p0

Balance November 17, 1821. Reported for suit No¬ vember 23, 1821.

Balance July 1, 1819. Suspensions $178. Balance February 20, 1815. Balance on settlement May 31, 1823. Reported for suit July 12, 1821.

Balance September 11, 1819. Reported for suit April 5, 1821.

Balance August 23, 1819. Dead. Balance July 6, 1821, $1,910 06 ; and $112 76 since charged. Reported for suit July 6, 1821.

Balance June 17, 1820. $201 35 suspended. Balance March 18, 1820. Suspensions $23 62. Balance May 16, 1820. Balance May 28, 1814. Balance December 29, 1813, $204; and $170 since charged.

Balance February 25, 1817. Suspensions $21 35. Balance July 6, 1815, $150 16; since charged $114 32.

Balance on settlement May 8, 1822. Balance on settlement November 28, 1821. Advanced for contingencies. Account and vouchers rendered for $72. Advanced for bounties, &c. Reported for suit July

7, 1820. Advanced for bounties, &c. Advanced for bounties, &c. Accounts rendered without vouchers for $20 35.

Advanced for quartermaster’s department. Re- - ported for suit July 7, 1820. For blankets returned to him by Paymaster Gaines. Advanced for pay. Advanced for bounties, &c. Reported for suit Oc¬ tober 17, 1822.

Advanced for bouhties, &c. Advanced for bounties, &c. Reported for suit July 7, 1823.

Advanced for contingencies. Reported August 1, 1827.

Advanced for expenses apprehending deserters. Advanced for contingencies.

Dead. Representatives un« known. .

Judgment June term, 1823; since then, non est inventus.

Nulla bona.

Non est inventus.

Non est inventus.

Non est inventus.

Suit abated. Not found.

Non est inventus.

Judgment May term, 1828. Nulla bona. Desperate.

05 WJ





STATEMENT—Continued. &S

Name and rank,

Keiser, Christopher, lieut. ordnance - Kerr, George, q. m. South Carolina mil.

Keiser, Christopher, lieut. ordnance -

Kingsbury, James W., lieutenant

Kingsbury, G. P., lieut. and a. a. q. m.

Kingsbury, J ames W., lieutenant

Kearney, S. W., lieutenant colonel

Kibby, E., lieutenant and a, a. q. m. -

$363 75

O *

•S aS fl-o *£ > i” islrs

Is 2 a-S • v. a'S'S w§onSH

|Sifif 1S3§£j

$6,413 07

10,399 35

5 12

47 11

54 93

170 00

621 46

Remarks of the Third Auditor.

Advanced for ordnance. Seminole hostilities. Accounts on file 1st and 2d quarters, 1836, claiming to be closed. Called on for further vouchers and explanations. Settlement suspended.

Advanced for quartermaster’s department. Bal¬ ance on settlement February 7,1820, Reported for suit December 2, 1820.

Balance February 21, 1827. Gluartermaster’s de¬ partment. Disbursing on account of subsistence.

Gluartermaster’s department. Balance June 17, 1837, remaining of an advance in May, 1835. Ordered to refund.

Subsistence. Balance December 15, 1840, 'which he has been requested to liquidate.

Military road from the Mississippi, between the mouths of St. Peter’s and Des Moines. Balance May 11, 1837, $150. Since charged to him $20. He rendered an account for expenses incurred as a commissioner on the road, amounting to $170, and credits the sums here charged to him, but without vouchers, and for which he has been writ¬ ten to.

Subsistence. Balance November 28, 1840. Dead. The attorney in fact of his widow (administra¬ trix) informed of the balance, and called on to liquidate it,

Remark^ of the Solicitor of the Treasury on all cases reported for suit.

No suit. Dead. Representa¬ tives unknown. Desperate.




Kearney, Philip, lieutenant dragoons -

King, Benjamin, doctor

King, Benjamin, doctor ox

Kendrick;, James, quartermaster Flor¬ ida militia.

Kennedy, J. F., late lieut. and a. c. s.

King, Robert, pension agent -

Laval, Jacint, lieutenant colonel

Lane, Rufus K., lieutenant 33d Laprade, William, lieutenant - Lewis, Cornelius N.

Ladd, Samuel, ensign 16th Larkin, John, lieutenant 22d -

Lent, James W.,jr., lieutenant artillery Lee, Washington, lieutenant - Legate, Samuel, lieutenant

Lewis, Aaron, lieutenant 9th - Lamar, Robert, lieutenant 8th -

$108 41

42 16 218 44

1,427 25

610 58 1,994 68

121 96 136 18

1,731 93

251 02 421 44

600 00

74 60

72 87

49,289 33

1,367 06

5 76

Quartermaster's department. Advanced him, in September, 1837. Has unsettled accounts on file, which he claims to be closed.

Quartermaster’s department. Amount of sundry vouchers disallowed in Major Cross’s account of 1st quarter, 1837, now admitted, and by Second Comptroller charged to Doctor King.

Barracks, quarters, &e. Amount of sundry vouch¬ ers disallowed in Major Cross’s account of 1st quarter, 1837, now admitted, and by Second Comptroller charged to Doctor King. He was informed of the charges against him, and called on to refund the amount October 22, 1838.

Preventing, &c., Indian hostilities. Amount of property received by him, and paid for by Lieuts. Vinton, Brown, and Webster, in 4th quarter, 1836, and 1st, 2d, and 3d quarters, 1837. Called on in February, 1838, and again May, 1838, to render accounts and vouchers.

Subsistence. Balance March 22, 1839, arising mainly on vouchers suspended for want of for¬ mality, which were delivered to his administrator in April, 1839.

Pensions May 15, 1828. Balance July 31, 1840, $'105 76, of which $5 76 was advanced prior to September 30, 1837. Unsettled accounts to Sep¬ tember 30, 1840, on file. Disbursing.

Balance February 25, 1823. Reported for suit De¬ cember 8, 1821.

Balance June 19, 1824. Balance May 14, 1817. Balance June 7, 1819. Reported for suit September

26, 1820. Balance July 2, 1819, $529 58. $90 since charged. Balance June 30, 1820, $1,694 68. $300 since

charged. Reported for suit July 7, 1820. Balance March 7, 1827. Balance October 25, 1823. Balance June 28, 1821. Reported for suit June 30,

1821. Balance July 24,1818. Suspensions $244 45. Balance May 15, 1818.

Never received of Comptroller, as appears from records.

Non est inventus.

Non est inventus.

Non est inventus. Suit abated.





STATEMENT—Continued. cs ©.


Name and rank.

'g pa {^O • H ^ H 0) rg g G r3 £ M oco ^ 2 ® G s-SSls S.S'S 1^ §■5 s* <o

5*Jfi, o o ° ^ ® ff G rcJ' G *" S®0®cj 8 b-a Si:.

Remarks of the Third Auditor.

Lovett, Thomas C., ensign 8th $162 56

Lee, Charles W., lieutenant 15th Looker, Allison C., ensign rifle Lytle, John, captain

243 33 449 43

1,408 94

Lyman, Chester, major 1,868 12

Levake, Augustus, lieutenant 26th - 25 00 Langham, John S., paymaster Mary- 4,797 10

land militia.

Balance April 10, 1819, $730 56- $10 since charg¬ ed, and $578 credited.

Balance on settlement September 10, 1818. Balance April 22,1819. Suspensions $32. Balance November 20, 1813. Reported for suit

August 3, 1821. Balance September 26, 1818, $1,668 12. $200 since

charged. Suspensions $1,424. Reported for suit December 13, 1821.

Balance September 2, 1818. Balance November 13,1819. Suspensions $664 41.

Reported for suit September 3, 1822.

Littlejohn, Leonard J. M., paymaster 224 38 Maryland militia.

Lyford, Fifield, lieutenant - - 50 63

Livermore, Charles, lieutenant 13th - Lee, John, lieutenant 24th Leonard, Frederick, to pay Delaware

militia. Larned, Simon, colonel 9th

106 30 319 37 342 92

539 76

Lawrence, Thomas, lieutenant 22d 362 05

Leith, James, lieutenant 29th 868 00

Balance January 25, 1825.

Balance March 26, 1819, $200 63. $150 since

Balance June 24, 1819. Balance July 29, 1819. Principally suspensions. Balance November 8, 1820. Suspensions nearly equal thereto.

Balance October 14, 1815, $1,298 88. $759 12 since credited.

Balance January 11, 1820. Suspensions nearly equal.

Balance January 11, 1820. Reported for suit Octo¬ ber 28, 1821.

Remarks of the Solicitor of the Treasury on all cases re¬ ported for suit.

Judgment. Nulla bona. Des¬ perate.

Judgment Sept, term, 1827, for $7,338 58. Execution re¬ turned nulla bona.

Non est inventus.




Lothorp, Charles, captain Lea, George W., ensign 38th - Luckett, Nelson, late major dragoons - Lynds, Elam, captain 29th Libby, Daniel, captain 21st Law, Prentiss, captain 3d - Loring, Joseph, colonel 8th Lewis, William, lieutenant colonel

Kentucky militia. Lucas, John, captain 26th

Ligon, William B., ensign 43d Loftin, William M., lieut. 3d infantry -

Lane, M. M., lieutenant 33d - Lawsotf, John M., ensign Levake, John, captain 26th

Lawton, Charles, captain volunteers - Lane, James, lieutenant Lentner, Jacob, lieutenant 32d - Leach, J., lieutenant 7th Lomax, Edward L., ensign

Lyon, Thomas, captain 16th -

Lyon, Thomas, lieutenant 16th Lee, Isaac, cornet ... Luckett, J. N. R., lieut. 2d infantry Leavitt, William, lieutenant 19th

Lane, Daniel, lieutenant Lithgow, William, lieutenant - Lytle, Robert, lieutenant sea fencibles - Leakin, S. C., captain 38th Larned, Charles, lieutenant 38th Lucas, John, and John Abercrombie,

sureties of Hamlin Cook, paymaster 8th infantry.

Leslie, Jacob C., lieutenant 26th

Lawson, John H., ensign 43d -

157 41 105 00 100 00 61 33

242 79 346 00 28 00

521 00

151 69

55 51 2,228 78

78 75 44 00

832 35

60 00 150 00 57 08

200 00 300 00

228 00

248 00 40 00

240 00 1,260 00

50 00 30 00

100 00 50 00

100 00 1,268 98

505 00

350 00

Balance January 18, 1820. Balance February 9, 1820. Advanced for contingencies in 1813. Balance April 20, 1821. Balance November 23, 1820. Balance May 20, 1811, $146. $200 since charged. Balance February 15, 1816. Balance November 10, 1821, $20. $501 since

charged. Balance November 19, 1822. Reported for suit

November 27, 1821. Balance May 4, 1821. Balance Mav 29, 1815. Reported for suit June 29,

1821. Balance July 22, 1816. Suspensions $76. Balance January 24, 1821. Balance December 22, 1821. Reported for suit No¬

vember 30, 1821. Balance December 28, 1826. . Advanced for bounties, &c. Advanced for bounties, &c. Advanced for bounties, &c. Advanced for bounties, &c. Reported for suit July

7, 1820. Advanced for bounties, &c. Killed at York April

27, 1813. , Advanced for bounties, &c. in 1814. Advanced for militia. Advanced for bounties, &c. Advanced for bounties, &c. Reported for suit July

7, 1822. Advanced for bounties, &c. Advanced for camp equipage. Advanced for contingencies. Advanced for contingencies. Advanced for contingencies. Balance July 19, 1838. Reported for suit -

Execution levied on real estate. Sold for $10. Desperate,

Non est inventus.

Non est inventus.

Non est inventus.

Non est inventus.

Judgment. Defendants dead. No property found.

Advanced for bounties, &c. Reported for suit July 7, 1825.

Advanced for pay. Dead.

Non est inventus.

C5 <1




STATEMENT—Continued. CD 0©

Name and rank.

Lewis, James A., ensign 20th - Lacy, John T. -

Lewis, R., forage-master Georgia mi¬ litia.

Lawrence, James, ensign 43d - Loockerman, Vincent E., captain 32d - Ligget, James, ensign - Le Barron, Francis, late apothec’y gen.

Lyman, Robert, lieutenant Lawshe^ Lewis, lieutenant and q. m.

Lea, Luke, late pension agent Lay, John O., contractor

Leech, George, lieut. mounted rangers

Lamotte, J, H., lieutenant, and a. c. s.

Legate, S. B., lieutenant

Lacy, E. M., lieutenant, and a, a. q. m.

i 1S „ a 3,3 <o S *•

S«i|oS2 3 oj’0 g<£i.o

- B SP'a

ijSsSis; rooisS® . -S S-a—1

- £■§

it O s

d M> 2 a- 3 '7Iq

„ O O '

O > S CO wl

43 >'

$348 00 500 00

100 00

Remarks of the Third Auditor.

Advanced for contingencies. No account rendered. Advanced for quartermaster’s department. Report¬

ed for suit October 22, 1821. Advanced for quartermaster’s department.

54 00 100 00 25 50

300 00

$1,209 17 14 88

108 00 3,877 30

513 00

3 75

2 27

87 28

Advanced for bounties, &c. Advanced for bounties, &c. Advanced for bounties, &c. Advanced in 1814 to S. Akerly, to pay hospital stewards, &e., and accounted for by him to said Le Barron.

Subsistence. Balance December 2, 1825. Dead. Quartermaster's department. Balance October 1,

1818: Revolutionary pensions. Balance April 13, 1837. Subsistence. Balance, 1829, $3,825 72; $51 58 since charged. Reported for suit September 19, 1829. ,

Subsistence. Out of service. Amount of his draft on commissary general for rations to Capt, Beck’s company of rangers. Abstract of issues requisite.

Quartermaster’s department. Balance December 17,1836, Unsettled accounts part 3d quarter, 1840, on tile.

Balance August 8, 1835. Reported for stoppage February, 1836.

Barracks at Fort Winnebago. Balance May 16, 1837. Advanced by Major Whiting. Accounts


Remarks of the Solicitor of the Treasury on all cases re¬ ported for suit.

Non est inventus.

Judgment, November term, 1830. Execution issued, No effects. Nulla bona,

Doc. N

o. 62.

Lytle, Charles, late mil. storekeeper -

Lane, John F., lieutenant

Lee, Thomas P., lieutenant

Liddell, A. J., a. q. m.

Lindsay, Geo. F., lieut. marines

Lauderdale, William, captain spies -

Lauderdale, William, captain volunteers

Lee, R. W., lieutenant

76 17

27 00

388 52 636 01 896 00

10 28 30 48

2,839 32

300 00

200 00

100 00

1,263 27

137 69

305 15

76 59

on file for settlement. Road from Fort Howard to Fort Crawford. Bal¬ ance 23d June, 1838, of an advance in May, 1836. Accounts on file for settlement.

Officers’ transportation from Washington to New York. Paid him by Colonel Stanton. Not entitled to the allowance. Called on to refund.

Quartermaster’s department. Balance May 22,1839. Army transportation. Balance May 22, 1839. Hostilities Creek Indians. Balance May 22, 1839. Dead. His father has been informed of the state of his account, and called on to have it liquidated.

Army transportation. Balance October 30,1840. Hostilities Creek Indians. Balance October 30,

1840. Writlen to, and requested to liquidate these balances.

Preventing and suppressing Indian hostilities. Amount advanced in September, 1836, by Lieut. iE. Mackay. No accounts rendered.

Hostilities Creek Indians, Balance October 1,1839, of an advance by Major E. J. Weed, in June and July, 1836.

Creek hostilities. Advanced him in July, 1836, by Lieut. J. P. Taylor. No accounts rendered.

Preventing, &c. Indian hostilities. Amount ad¬ vanced him by Lieut. J. P. Taylor, July 4, 1836.

Quartermaster s department! Balance October 27, 1838.

Army transportation. Balance October 12, 1838. Advanced in July, 1835.

Subsistence. Balance October 30, 1838, $505 15; of which $305 15 was advanced prior to Septem¬ ber 30,1837.

Officers* transportation. Balance April 25, 1840. Reported for suit November 5, 1838.

Suit ordered November 20, 1838, for $4,916 10. Judg¬ ment at June term, 1839, for $5,088 16. Execution issued and returned in August, 1839, “No part satisfied.” The dis¬ trict attorney, by letter dated May 5, 1840, advised that Lee is not now a resident of the district of Massachusetts, and that whether he will re¬ turn is uncertain. That no¬ thing, however, will be lost by his absence, as the judgment will probably ever remain un¬ satisfied.


OS so

. N

o. 62.

STATEMENT—Continued, ©

Name and rank.

S 2

■£3 « ^ a s

i Pi: 5s g g - g §.T3 a © © ® Q. r

u 73 cd ~ Ph

• .-< G <13 © -S ttS g;a f OOr™ 4»«!!s c c-2 E-5 3~ s O °2 t5<t! <» S'S 2 §>.s..

Vh »2'S “J3 o S'-'C-aS

o ° gJ o ^ C ° G'O § “•§ § 2 § c «j .52 o ro 5-a >mzs «jS

Lynch, James, capt. Alabama volunt’rs $500 00

Lear, W. W., major, and a. a. q. m. -

Lawton, R. B., lieut. 2d dragoons

Lacey, E. M., lieutenant

Lauderdale, Wm., captain spies

Lacey, E. M., lieut., and a. a. q. m. -

853 04

13 43

142 71 157 34 172 10

100 00 200 00

1,223 57

71 72

Remarks of th* Third Auditor. Remarks of the Solicitor of the Treasury on all cases re¬ ported for suit.

Hostilities Seminole Indians. Advanced him by Lieut. Gouverneur Morris, in April, 1836. Has promised to send on his accounts, and states that he claims a balance.

Subsistence. Amount advanced him $891 63, at his credit $38 59. Unsettled accounts on file, on which he claims a balance.

Subsistence. Part of an advance in March, 1837, for subsistence for recruits, paid to the contractor, and charged to Lieut. Lawton, until explanations are received.

Army transportation. Balance June 23, 1838. Barracks, quarters, &e. Balance June 23, 1838. Officers’ transportation. Balance June 23, 1838. Accounts on file for settlement, which he claims to

be balanced. Preventing, &c. Indian hostilities. Creek hostilities. Advanced by J. P. Taylor, July 4, 1836, and July 8,1836. Called on to render accounts and vouchers.

(Quartermaster’s department. Balance July 2,1838, $223 57; since which, he is charged with $1,000. Has unsettled accounts on file, which he claims to be closed.

Subsistence. Balance October 26, 1840. He claim¬ ed to have closed this account. The difference arises on errors, &c,

Doc. N

o. 62.

Lomax, Mann P., major 3d artillery -

Ledwick, Michael, q. m. Florida militia

Livingston, James, It. Florida militia -

Lear, W. -W., major -

Luther, R. A., lieutenant

Lee, R. H., late special contractor

Lindsay, George F., lieut. marines

Maxwell, Thompson, captain - McDonald, James, captain 14th McMillan, David, lieutenant - ' -

McMahon, James - McGowan, Johnson, captain -

Means, Robert, ensign 5th

Madison, Andrew L., captain 12th

Marshal], Isaiah H., lieut. Pa.volunt’rs

$62 00 100 00 900 00

57 42 3,074 00

1,700 00

624 00

640 00

78 76

37 50

1,474 93

89 41

288 78

71 77

852 53

(Quartermaster’s department. Amount paid him in 1st quarter of 1837, as commutation for his fuel, charged to him on decision of Second Comptroller^ He was informed of the charge May 11, 1839.

Preventing and suppressing Indian hostilities. Bal¬ ance September 13, 1838, of property received 1st quarter of 1837. Called on June 1, 1838, for evi¬ dence of application.

Preventing, &c. Indian hostilities. Amount of pro¬ perty received by him, and paid for by Lieut. Vin¬ ton, in 1st quarter of 1837. Informed of the charge June 2, 1838, and called on to render evidence of the application of the property.

Officers’ transportation. Balance September 27, 1838, $639 41, of which $89 41 advanced prior to September 30, 1837. Has unsettled accounts on file to September 30,1838, and which he claims to be closed.

Preventing, &c. Indian hostilities. Balance May 31, 1839, which he has been called on to liquidate.

Subsistence. Balance May 10, 1839, which he was requested to refund, and forward evidence thereof to this office.

Preventing, &c. Indian hostilities. Balance Octo¬ ber 1, 1839, and April 4, 1840, $1,110 63; at his credit, $258 10. He claimed a balance of $1 01, the difference on items suspended amounting to $494 69; a charge for commissions of $613 34, in¬ admissible, and small items of errors explained to him.

Advanced for quartermaster’s department. Advanced for bounties, &c. Advanced for bounties, &c. Reported for suit May

3, 1821. Balance on settlement March 19,1832. Advanced for bounties, &c. Reported for suit July

16, 1821. Advanced for bounties, &c. Reported for suit July

13, 1821. Advanced for bounties, &c. Reported, &c. Septem¬ ber 26, 1820.

Advanced for volunteers. No accounts rendered.

Non est inventus. Suit abated.

Non est inventus. Suit abated.

Nil habet.

Non est inventus.


No. 62.

STATEMENT—Continued. t3

Name and rank.

McFarland, A., lieut. 2d dragoons Meyer, Henry, ensign -

McChain, George, lieutenant 25th

McFarland, D., major 23d

Miles, Joseph P., captain Morgan, Laquille, captain 12th

Cti S3 £ o m * & cti ^

a O J C

3 m ^ 2.2 = BZ o

3 C o c ° u "Co £ „ 'C o Spp, S-|tj §'5 s • O of > CO

■Q s-'O’-' <-> cd cti _r

§•111 Q) ®h ig*


Slip C »£ St3 * o 5 2ro roXJ > ** .. “ ** c 2 = c-9 S3 3.3 ca o 83 o£ g

S'ESgi . <« o3'§ ° £v.‘ETfsg> c o

o o to 0)'

O <D Q 0) ct» g

s slj-gJ

Remarks of the Third Auditor,

$50 00 2,812 00

750 00

947 00

Advanced for contingencies. Advanced for volunteers. Accounts rendered with¬ out vouchers for $581. Reported for suit October 12, 1821.

Advanced for quartermaster’s department. Re¬ ported for suit May 3, 1821.

Advanced for quartermaster’s department. Re¬ ported for suit September 26,1821.

98 00 459 00

Advanced August 8, 1817. Advanced for bounties, &c, Reported for suit No¬

vember 27, 1821.

Monroe, Thomas, lieutenant 20th Meed, James, captain 7th Martin, Joseph A., ensign 24th Mountjoy, Thomas, lieutenant 27th - Martin, Oliphant, lieutenant - Mitchell, Lemuel H., lieutenant 29th - Morse, Abel, lieutenant 6th Martin, Thomas J., lieutenant 16th -

52 98 131 24 250 00 222 00

35 50 125 00

2 50 550 00

Mosby, Benjamin, captain 28th 1,415 00

Maker, James, lieut. col. Md. cavalry 150 00

Advanced for contingencies. Advanced for bounties, &e. Advanced for pay. Advanced for bounties, &c. Advanced for bounties, &c. Advanced for bounties, &c. Advanced for contingencies. Advanced for bounties, &e. Reported for suit July

21, 1827. Advanced for bounties, &c. Reported for suit Sep¬

tember 28, 1820. Advanced for clothing,

Remarks of the Solicitor of the Treasury on all cases re¬ ported for suit.

Nil habet.

Non est inventus.

No goods, no lands, January, 1824. Since then, non est in¬ ventus.

Dead. Judgment against ad¬ ministrator for costs only. Defendant having no assets in hand to be administered. Costs paid by administrator.

Nil habet.

Dead. No representatives.

Doc. N

o. 6%

Morrow, William, lieutenant 22d

Montgomery, Lemuel P., major 39th - McClelland, Hugh, lieutenant 33d

Miles, William H., lieutenant 43d McClintic, John, captain and p. m. vols.

Mclntire, John B., ensign 34th

Maclay, Samuel, lieutenant artillery -

McGuire, Samuel, captain 35th Morris, Horace, ensign 11th Morse, Samuel A., quartermaster Mitchell, Charles, lieutenant - Murray, George, lieutenant 5th Morrell, Stephen, jr., ensign -

McKelvey, James S., captain * Morgan, John E. - McCall, John, surgeon’s mate - McGee, James, lieutenant 22d McClary, Andrew, captain 11th McCrimmin, David, adjutant 4th McNair, John, ensign 28th Munroe, Jonas, lieutenant Morris, David, lieutenant 19th Machin, Thomas, captain 29th Martindale, S., lieut. colonel militia - Martin, William, ensign N. Y. militia Matson, Aaron jr., ensign 31st - Minor, James, lieutenant 35th

McComb, William, brigade quarter¬ master New York militia.

McClellan, D., a. d. q. m. g. McCormick, Samuel, captain -

Moses, Philip, ensign - - • - McClure, George, brig. gen. militia - McDowell, James G., lieutenant

200 00

229 33 384 54

6 67 794 00

170 00

200 00

1,819 50 48 00 71 14 90 00 50 00

171 51

200 00 150 00 55 00

8 00 339 15 250 00 100 00 20 00 50 00 60 00

200 00 60.00

360 00 200 00

250 00

1 05 15 00

450 00 502 14 100 00

Advanced for contingencies. Reported for suit J uly 21, 1827.

Advanced for clothing. Advanced for bounties, &c. Reported for suit July

21 1827 Balance June 11, 1822. Advanced for pay, &c. Reported for suit May 3,

1821. Advanced for bounties, &c. Reported for suit May

3, 1821. Advanced for bounties, &c. Reported for suit July

21, 1821. Advanced for contingencies. Reported May 1,1822 Advanced for pay. Advanced for bounties, &c. Advanced for quartermaster’s department. Advanced for contingencies. Advanced for pay, &c. Accounts rendered without

vouchers, wherein he claims a balance. Advanced for bounties, &c. Advanced for contingencies. Advanced for contingencies. Advanced for quartermaster’s department. Advanced for bounties, &c. No accounts rendered. Advanced for bounties, &c. Advanced for bounties, &c.- Advanced for bounties, &c. Advanced for bounties, &c. Advanced for quartermaster’s department. Advanced for contingencies. Advanced for pay, &c. Advanced for bounties, &c. No account rendered. Advanced for bounties, &c. Accounts rendered

without vouchers for $56. Advanced for quartermaster’s department. Report¬

ed for suit October 8,1821. Advanced for quartermaster’s department. Received for old wagon-wheels sold at Fort Jen¬

nings. Advanced for bounties, &e. No account rendered. Advanced for contingencies. No accounts rendered. Advanced for bounties, &c.

Non est inventus.

Non est inventus.

Non est inventus.

Deserted during the late war. Not since heard of.

Non est inventus.

Non est inventus.

Non est inventus.

<1 U>





Name and rank.



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, 18


Remarks of the Third Auditor. Remarks of the Solicitor of the Treasury on all cases re¬ ported for suit.

Mathews, Timothy, ensign 30th Mott, Sylvanus, lieutenant

Maddox, De Town, lieutenant 24th - McKenzie, Kenneth, captain 14th Miller, John, colonel 19th Mcdueen, John, lieutenant 10th McCaw, William, hospital surgeon Moore, Hugh, captain - Morse, E. B., captain -

Morgan, Asa, captain dragoons Munday, James, lieutenant 2d infantry

Macrae, D. F., ensign 3d infantry

Miller, Abraham, lieutenant artillery Marye, Robert B., lieutenant 8th Manning, Enoch, lieutenant 4th

Macomb, Joseph, lieutenant Maxwell, George, ensign 41st - Mitchell, John, lieutenant artillery McKenny, James, lieutenant 22d McArthur, Duncan, brigadier general

$130 00 100 00

100 00 100 00 375 00 120 00 200 00

5 40 3,537 26

234 65 ' 279 75

888 00

95 00 231 96 432 71

52 50 175 00 93 50 57 50

738 00


Advanced for bounties, &c. Advanced for bounties, &c. Accounts rendered

without vouchers, wherein he claims a balance. Advanced.for bounties, &e. Advanced for bounties, &c. Dead. Advanced for bounties, &c. Ad vanced for bounties, &c. Advanced for quartermaster’s department. Balance August 5, 1818. Balance November 1, 1821, $2,281 26; $646 since

charged. Suspensions $1,830 17. Reported for suit February 6, 1821.

Balance November 6, 1813. Suspensions $98 40. Balance August 6, 1817. Suspensions of greater

amount. Balance May 21, 1818. Suspensions $58. Reported

for suit November 27, 1821. Balance December 10, 1818. Suspensions $8. Balance July 24,1818. Suspensions $121 91. Balance Juiy 3, 1817. Suspensions $12 45. Re¬

ported for suit October 12, 1826. Balance July 5, 1817. Suspensions $250. Balance July 12, 1817. Balance August 19, 1822. Suspensions $130. Balance September 2, 1818. Balance August 24, 1821, $778; $40 since credited.

He claims credit for $775 advanced by him to

Non est inventus.

Non est inventus.

Non est inventus.

Doc. N

o. 62.

Mcllvaine, D., lieutenant 39th Murdock, Francis B., lieut. artillery -

McLaughlin, Nathaniel, lieutenant Myers, Jacob, lieutenant 13th -

Mein tire, Aaron, ensign 23d - McDonald, Angus, lieutenant 12th

McLaughlin, George, lieutenant

Mahon, Thomas, ensign McCarty, John, lieutenant 23d McChesney, John, captain 15th Mills, William G., lieutenant 14th Maline, Florant, lieutenant 15th

McDonagh, P., lieutenant artillery McQ.ueen, William, captain 8th McMurphy, John, ensign 13th

McIntosh, John N., captain

Milliken, Joel, captain -

Moony, William, captain 22d - Morgan, Thomas J., ensign 17th Mason, John, captain 28th

Miller, Edward W., lieutenant rifle - Mytinger, George, ensign 22d

McClelland, Matthew W., lieutenant -

Miller, Jacob, captain 7th Mitchell, Richard, ensign 17th Moore, James F., lieutenant 28th Merrill, John, lieutenant 31st -

69 80 1,235 07

266 32 1,002 00

653 33 1,933 38

83 30

950 16 343 89 688 74 298 33

1,939 88

504 00 239 88 821 00

265 10

273 03

340 25 390 55

1,500 39

16 98 272 85

491 00

192 17 626 00 200 00 133 32

Major PuthufF, the receipt for which has to be forwarded.

Balance April 2, 1821. Balance April 22, 1820. Reported for suit August

20, 1821. Balance April 27, 1824. Balance April 27,1824. Reported for suit June 29,

1821. Balance December 14, 1821. Balance July 2,1819, SI,883 38; $50 since charged.

Reported for suit July 13, 1821. Balance November 2, 1822. Suspensions $13. Re¬

ported for suit July 13, 1821. Balance October 1, 1818. Suspensions $391 62. Balance October 17, 1817. Suspensions $73 80. Balance May 17, 1820. Suspensions $20 41. Balance November 26, 1817. Dead. Balance December 10, 1817, $139 88; $1,800 since

charged. Reported for suit November 27, 1821. Balance September 15, 1819. Balance November 17, 1821. Balance May 23, 1818, caused by suspensions. Re¬

ported for suit November 26, 1820. Balance March 22, 1819; differing from his state¬

ment $20. Balance October 20,1821. Reported for suit Octo¬

ber 17, 1820.

Balance August 8, 1818. Suspensions $112. Balance August 25, 1818. Suspensions $278 50. Balance March 23, 1824. Reported for suit Sep¬

tember 26, 1824. Balance August 27, 1818. Suspensions $12. Balance September 4,1818. Reported for suit May

3, 1821. Balance May 21, 1820. Suspensions. He says that

$448 was stolen from him. Balance September 16,1818. Suspensions $223 75. Balance September 17, 1818. Suspensions $170. Balance September. 19, 1818. Balance September 27, 1819, $78 32; $55 since


Non est inventus.

Non est inventus.

Suit abated. Not found.

Judgment. No effects. Despe¬ rate.

No property May, 1822. Never since heard of.

Non est inventus.

Judgment. Execution issued. Committed to prison and dis¬ charged. Debt lost.

Judgment. Execution issued. No estate found.

Non est inventus.

<1 cn

Doc. N

o. 62.

STATEMENT—Continued. <1 05

Name and rank.

Milligan, John, lieutenant 19th McLoud, Colin, lieutenant 26th McKnight, Alex. R., lieutenant 29th - Martin, Wyley, captain

McFadden, Neal, lieutenant 19th Minor, Asa, ensign 29th - McLain, Isaac, paymaster Virginia

militia. Morris, Robert, ensign 13th McClelland, Michael - Moore, Thomas P., lieutenant 23d Martin, Wait, lieutenant 23d - Morris, William, jt\, lieutenant 33d - McCalley, Alexander, lieutenant 33d - Morris, Lemuel, captain sea fencibles -

Milton, Homer Virgil, colonel 3d in¬ fantry.

Morris, Robert H., captain 13th

Morris, Dabney, ensign

Moore, Robert B. Markle, Joseph, captain volunteers Moss, Benj. W., paym’r Virginia militia


« H lan'S 3 oa .S A

2-3'l'S |S5

- . CD ^ „ J a r/1 o

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Js g g &° ^ <a S OCO W) iS ^ ^ O “ o - S a c'S Sw 3-H Jj G ° •B ° o ‘S ^ W) d . ed ^

, CD «■« ' (fl o

Remarks of the Third Auditor.

$550 62 73 00

120 02 868 24

538 28 72 20

385 22

234 16 214 09 212 95 276 00 369 14 140 34

2,282 79

1,997 62

585 70

262 89

447 33 20 00

161 68

Balance November 27,1818. Suspensions $552 97. Balance November 27, 1821. Balance January 11, 1819. Balance September 4,1819. Suspensions $319 34.

Reported for suit November 21, 1821. Balance May 17, 1819. Suspensions $458. Balance April 24, 1819. Balance May 17,1819. Required to refund the bal¬

ance. Balance June 24, 1819. Suspensions $209 80. Balance January 16, 1825. Balance April 14, 1823. Balance November 24, 1819. Suspensions $106. Balance December 19, 1819. Suspensions $319. Balance December 29, 1819. Suspensions $130. Balance March 8, 1820, Reported for suit March

11, 1820. Balance May 10, 1820. Reported for suit Septem¬

ber 28, 1820. Balance June 29, 1813, and August 20, 1816. Re¬

ported for suit July 7, 1820. Balance June 11,1815,$186 10; $76 79 sincecharg-

ed. Reported for suit May 3, 1821. Balance January 31, 1817. Suspensions $61 50, Balance November 15, 1821. Balance March 19, 1824.

Remarks of the Solicitor of the Treasury on all cases re¬ ported for suit.

Judgment June term, 1824. No property. Gone to S. America.

Non est inventus.

Non est inventus.

Non est inventus.

Non est inventus since 1821.

Doc. N

o. 62.

Miller, Geo. P., paymaster 13th Ken¬ tucky militia.

Morgan, Lewis, lieutenant 2d artillery

Morse, Elias, ensign 34th Melntire, John, lieutenant 3d rifle Means, Thomas, captain 33d - McMillan, William, lieutenant colonel McKenzie, Chas. C., lieutenant 2d rifle Murray, Thos. G., lieutenant artillery

Mason, John T., lieutenant 36th McDonald, James - Myrick, William, lieutenant - Magruder, Samuel W., surgeon’s mate Morris, John, captain 4th rifle Mills, John, ensign 37th

McComas, J. H., quartermaster militia

Martin, John, lieutenant 44th -

Massey, M. S., lieutenant 2d artillery -

Meigs, Return J., Indian agent Massey, M. S., lieutenant 2d artillery -

Meigs, Return J., Indian agent

McLean, James, lieutenant 7th

Morrison, A. H., surgeon’s mate

Mitchell, George E., colonel -

1,312 18

327 24

272 65 8 29

23 60 637 37

78 79 1,244 00

103 81 154 01 115 51 28 74

107 78 389 86


343 00

404 94

624 23

Balance January 23, 1824. Suspensions $933 90. Required to remove objections, and refund the balance.

Balance April 18, 1823. Suspensions nearly equal thereto.

Balance May 4, 1822. Balance October 4,1818. Suspensions $8. Balance July 16, 1814. Balance November 19, 1816. Suspensions $68 19. Balance May 15, 1822. Balance May 12, 1812, $44; $1,200 since charged.

Reported for suit July 17, 1817. Balance April 27, 1815. Balance January 18, 1817. Suspensions $149. Balance April 16, 1816. Balance July 25, 1814. Balance September 21,1816. Suspensions $104 66. Balance October 16, 1816; admitted by him to be

due the United States. Balance December 7, 1830. Reported for suit No¬

vember 23, 1821, for $2,600.

$789 31

79 86

50 00

60 00

4 00

Balance June 22,1822. Suspensions $86. Requir¬ ed to forward accounts and vouchers.

Advanced him July 5, 1814. Reported for suit 8th December, 1821.

Advanced him June 20,1822. Reported for stoppage. (Quartermaster’s department. Amount advanced

him in May, 1823. Reported for suit 8th Decem¬ ber, 1821.

Advanced him March 12, 1819. Reported for stop¬ page.

(Quartermaster’s department. Out of service. Re¬ ported for suit November 30, 1832.

Arrearages. Advanced for purchase of fresh beef; charged to him by direction of the Second Comp¬ troller.

Part of $14 paid for his quarters; $10 transferred to his credit from the books of Second Auditor.

Non est inventus.

Verdict for plaintiff, June, 1830, for 97 cents and costs. Col¬ lected by Anthony Campbell, late marshal, and never paid over by him. He has since died insolvent.

Dead. Representatives un¬ known.

Dead. Representatives un¬ known.

No suit. Utterly insolvent.

<1 <1




STATEMENT—Continued. 00

Name and rank.

Mooklar, Wm. T., a. a. com. subsistence McRay, Wm. D., lieutenant 6th

Maurice, James, agent -

w tn 2 y C s c3 p |S^ o s|

If1 o os a

° rt'd u ^ ® o fl u © Or g

% oS d ^ CO ■s s g s © s v*< o » ,

S S o 13 «*• jS m'et5 S gj2 S S.13^ « 05 O ^■5 ss

■§? Cl <n i

^ © <D ! " I W — O - g £& B'S

g <D O | «f.§

C2 rO

§^| '3 rtS

$2 70 73 83

8,582 10

12,125 68

Remarks of the Third Auditor.

Subsistence. Balance May 8,1824. Out of service. Balance June 3, 1823. Subsistence. Has funds of

the Missouri banks in his hands, which would not be received for more than would cover this sum.

Fort Calhoun. Balance December 26, 1823. Re¬ ported for suit May 29, 1822.

Fort Monroe. Balance .December 17, 1824. Re¬ ported for suit as above.

Matheny, J. B., corp. Captain U. Wood’s company.

MeGunnigle, J., captain, and acting deputy quartermaster.

McCloshy, J ames, and others, commis¬ sioners.

McKenzie, John, lieutenant, and assist¬ ant commissary subsistence.

Monroe, James, late captain -

73 00

400 00

8 55

126 47

64 48

4,132 49

Arrearages. Double payment, in 1814 and 1815, for pay.

Guartermaster’s department. Improperly credited on settlement, in respect to advances to Capt. J. R. Stubbs. Dead.

Road from Detroit to Chicago. Balance 13th July, 1836.

Balance November 30,1827. Subsistence. Report¬ ed for stoppage.

Guartermaster’s department. Balance on settlement July, 1838. Reported for suit June 20, 1833.

Subsistence. Balance on settlement November 17, 1838. Reported for suit June 20, 1833.

Remarks of the Solicitor of the Treasury on all cases report¬ ed for suit.

In this case, two bonds were taken, viz: one dated August 18, 1818, penalty $25,000; the other dated September 26, 1820, penalty $20,000. The sureties to the first were ex¬ onerated at the trial, by the decision of the Chief Justice; the penally of the second has been paid. Balance desperate.

Suit ordered January 7, 1834. Still pending.

Suit ordered January 7, 1834. Still pending. The district




Mountfort, John, major 2d artillery

Maitland, William S., lieutenant, and assistant quartermaster.

Morion, A. H., late lieutenant, assist¬ ant quartermaster.

Morel, John H., marshal

Mason, Milo, major and a. a. q. m.

Milroy, John, sup’t eng’r department -

McNeill, Wm. G., captain engineers -

117 26

36 40


81 51

902 85

172 89

2,079 93

6 75 «

402 10

53 90 * ■

3,155 91

178 96

318 63

396 00

Officers’ transportation. Disallowed in Capt. Shan¬ non’s account. Charged to him by decision of the Second Comptroller. Reported for stoppage.

Subsistence. Balance October 10,1839, remaining of an advance in October, 1835.

Subsistence. Balance April 4, 1837. Required to refund.

Quartermaster’s department. Balance August 22, 1833, remaining in his hands of an advance by L. T. Carter in January, 1822.

Balance July 1, 1832. Subsistence, sales of, and provisions, unaccounted for on adjustment of his account in 1831 and 1832. Resigned July 12,1833.

Balance August 29, 1832. Road from Fort Smith to Fort Towson. Suspensions $146 40; $46 49 to be accounted for. Reportedforsuitfor$l,157 25.

Arrearages. Money received by his deputy mar¬ shal on a judgment against Col. W. A*. Tennille, and not paid over to the Treasury.

Wharf at Fort Washington. Balance April 2, 1834. Reported for stoppage February, 1836. Dead.

Quartermaster’s department. Balance April 2, 1836, of advances in October. 1833, and January, 1834. Reported'as above.

Officers’ transportation. Balance April 2, 1836, of an advance in October, 1833. Reported as above.

Cumberland road in Indiana. Balance December 9, 1837. Has vouchers on tile which will reduce this balance. Written to on the subject of his ac¬ counts.

Quartermaster’s department. Cost of fuel issued to his family in 1833 and 1834. Reported for stoppage.

Roads and canals. Balance May 18, 1835, $368 63; since credited with $58.

Officers’ transportation. Amount per diem paid him, and cost of fuel, in 1833 and 1834. Reported for stoppage.

attorney advises, by letter da¬ ted September 7, 1840, his ex¬ pectation of having this suit shortly brought to a close.


-Suit instituted June 9, 1840. Still pending.

<1 CO





STATEMENT—Continued. oo o

Name and rank.

o c » 0 £ s3'i ©

■S §■“ S*.2 o g.O 05 .g a

•“ rCJ S3 > ^ © P m ^ O 0^ ,0 cj grH i^°2g>2 “SoS>'(li 55 c3 03 33 zn ^3 <0 O _r n « ® f- OT 0h t_, ^~* rrt g 03 ^ P-X3 2 *53

£* oj-s cS

Remarks of the Third Auditor. Remarks of the Solicitor of the Treasury on all cases re¬ ported for suit.

McNeill, Wm. G., captain engineers -

Merchants and Mechanics’ Bank at Wheeling, Virginia.

Manning, D. A., lieut. and a. a. q. m. -

Mellon, Charles, capt. and a. a. q. m. -

McRee* Samuel, captain 1st infantry -

Mellon, Charles, captain, &e. -

Montgomery, Alex., It. and a. a. q. m. -

Mathis, John, captain S. C. militia

$544 14


678 85

99 53

27 12

9 01

33 00

25 00

200 00

Road from northern boundary of Florida to Appa- lachicola. Balance September 27, 1837, arising in part on suspended vouchers requiring correc¬ tion.

Cumberland road east of the Ohio. Balance Au¬ gust 7,1837.

Quartermaster’s department. Balance‘February, 25, 1838, $683 75 j since refunded $4 90.

Subsistence. Balance March 19, 1836, arising on suspended vouchers requiring correction.

Quartermaster’s department. Amount of fuel is¬ sued to his family by Lt. Dimmock, in the 1st, 2d, and 3d quarters of 1835. Reported for stoppage. Dead.

Subsistence. Amount of 53 rations over what the recruits were entitled to. Paid for by Lt. Kings¬ bury, and charged to Capt. McRee by direction of the Second Comptroller. Reported for stoppage.

Quartermaster’s department. Fuel issued to his family in 1st and 2d quarters of 1836, by Lieut. T. Green. Reported for stoppage.

Army transportation. Balance January 2, 1839; the difference between an advance of $500 re¬ ceived of Lt. Engle, and $475 paid over to C. S. Howe. Written to.

Seminole hostilities. Has been called on for his ac¬ counts.

Doc. N

o. 62.

Mitchell, L. N., U. S. military agent -

Moniac, David, capt. Creek volunteers

McKoin, James L., capt. Tenn. vols. -

OsMartin, Henry L*. a. q. m. g. Ala. vols.

Marks, F., captain Louisiana vols.

Morrell, Benjamin B., auctioneer

Ming, F. L., captain volunteers

Marshall, J., cashier and pension agent

Millen, John H., lieut. and a. a. q. m. -

McCrabb, John W., capt. and a. a. q. m.

Mountfort, John, major 2d artillery

800 00

200 00

150 00

615 75

50 88

4,312 75

25 00

385 99

105 35

3,547 62

36 40 117 26

Preventing and suppressing Indian hostilities. Amount advanced in June, 1836, by Lieut. L. B. Webster. No accounts rendered.

Creek hostilities. Advanced him by Lt. S. Casey, in September, 1836. No accounts rendered.

Preventing and suppressing Indian hostilities. Re¬ ceived of Lieut. Hickman in August, 1836. No accounts.

Preventing and suppressing Indian hostilities. Re¬ ceived of Lieut. Hickman in August, 1836. No accounts; states having turned over all his re¬ ceipts to GLuartermaster J. C. Thompson. Thomp¬ son written to.

Preventing and suppressing Indian hostilities. Amount paid to him by P. Morrison, 2d quarter of 1836, for back rations alleged to be due the com¬ panies. Charged to him, by direction of the Se¬ cond Comptroller, in September, 1838. Written to September 17, 1838, and informed of the charge, and called upon to furnish evidence that the money was paid over to the persons entitled thereto.

Preventing and suppressing Indian hostilities. Amount of proceeds of subsistence stores, &c., sold at auction in September and October, 1836. Reported for suit September 11,1838.

Hostilities of Seminole Indians. Paid him in April, 1836, by Governor Call, for sundry expenses. Charged to him, and called on for explanation.

Invalid pensions. Balance June 18,1840, $1,130 99; of which $385 99, was advanced prior to Septem¬ ber 30, 1837. Accounts on file for settlement.

(Quartermaster’s department. Balance December 7, 1838, of an advance in June, 1836, arising on items not allowed. Written to.

Subsistence. Balance June 24, 1839, $3,694 75; of which $3,547 62 was advanced prior to Septem¬ ber 30, 1837. Dead.

Subsistence. Balance October 10, 1839. Officers’ transportation. Remaining in his hands

of the sum of $139 44. Charged to him by direc¬ tion of the Second Comptroller on settlement of Lieut. Shannon’s account in August 1833.

Insolvent, and left the country.






Name and rank.

Milliken, Phineas, sutler

McDuffie, Geo., gov. of South Carolina

Maury, L. M., lieut. 2d dragoons

Macomber, B., captain marines

Martin, Thomas, pension agent

Matlain, Lewis, q’rm’r Florida militia

Micklin, Matthew, quartermaster and surgeon, Florida militia.

Millen, John N., lieut. and a. d. q. m. -

: £ s c« A ill" io'S- M O U o ts* §.s1?r

§■5 o* 5

8^2 |P.| ^ ©’S's 0 °|oSl o m ^ ^ S GT3 s P <V o 03 C o t’m > g eg .Si C nz

Remarks of the Third Auditor. Remarks of the Solicitor of the Treasury on all cases re¬ ported for suit.

$1 65 Subsistence. Balance October, 1840, agreeing with his own statement.

50 Hostilities of Seminole Indians. Balance October 19, 1837; of which he was informed in October,

93 22

59 15

100 00

1837. Subsistence. Part of a requisition issued in March,

1837, for subsistence for recruits. Paid to the con¬ tractor, and charged to Lieut. Maury, requiring explanation ; which he promised in April, 1837, to furnish. Resigned February 28, 1838.

Preventing, &c., Indian hostilities. Balance April 18, 1838. Has unsettled accounts on file about equal to this sum.

Pensions. May 15, 1828. Balance September 15, 1840. Has accounts on file for settlement for 3d

7,178 20

1,275 80-

3,298 12

quarter of 1840, and is disbursing. Preventing, &c., Indian hostilities. Amount of prop¬

erty received by him, and paid for by Lt. Vinton, in 1st quarter of 1837. He was informed of the charge June 1, 1838, and called on to render evi¬ dence of the application of the property.

Preventing, &c., Indian hostilities. Same remark as to Matlain.

Subsistence. Balance August 14, 1837, 86,793 31; since credited with 83,495 19. Accounts on file unsettled, which he claims to be closed.

Doc. N

o. 62.

Morris* W, W-, Alabama militias-

MoKissack, W, M, D., lieutenant

Normdh, Wm. H.,lie|itenafft 43<J Newcomb, Smith, ensign -

Neilson, Archibald, dnsign 9th

Norris, Lewis, ensign 9th

Niel, Adrian, lieutenant 2d -

Neilson, Oliver H., lieutenant 38th Nelson, Alton, lieutenant 29th - Noble, Andrew, p. m. Penn, militia - Nye, John, captain 9th - Nelson, William, lieutenant 14th Nearing, Asahel, captain 19th -

Nash, William A., lieutenant 34th

Nevers, William, lieutenant 34th Newbegin, George, lieutenant 33d Neal, Robert, lieutenant 40th - Neilson, D., apothecary general

Nash, James, paymaster N. Y ork militia

$687 24 769 93

865 50

189 14

76 98

27 25 119 22

9 74 142 39

1,104 00 1,234 58

68 00

32 31 12 80

230 60 560 00

938 98

250 00

320 00

850 00

Noble, John, lieutenant 7th

Nickerson, Freeman, lieutenant 31st -

Nelson, George, captain

Preventing, &c., Indian hostilities. Balance March 4, 1839, amount of sales of corn in 1836; which he was written to on 4th of March, 1839, to refund.

Subsistence. Amount advanced by Lieut. George Wilson, $4,075 90; of which $2,019 44 was ad¬ vanced prior to September 30, 1837. Unsettled accounts to include 2d quarter of 1840, on file, in which this sum is credited.

Balance in 1817. Suspensions $279 98. Balance September 25,1824— Reported for suit June

29, 1821. Balance July 20, 1818, Suspensions exceeding the

amount. Balance October 2, 1816, $89 14. Suspensions $24;

$100 since charged. Balance September 7,1818. Suspensions exceeding

this. Balance October 6, 1818. Caused by suspensions. Balance November 19, 1818. Balance June 17, 1824. Balance December 21, 1819. Balance May 4, 1820. Reported for suit Dec. 1821 Balance May 29, 1814, $1,104 58; $130 since

charged. Reported for suit May 23,1821. Balance December 21, 1814, $48; and $20 since

charged. Balance December 2, 1820. Balance July 27, 1824. Balance September 11, 1816. Advanced for hospital department. Reported for

suit November 12, 1821. Balance January 17, 1821. Reported for suit June

9, 1824.

Advanced for bounties, &c. Reported for suit June 29, 1824.

Advanced for bounties, &c. Reported for suit Sep¬ tember 26, 1820.

Advanced for bounties, &c. Reported for suit May 3, 1821,

Non est inventus?.

Non est inventus. Killed in battle at Fort Meigs.

No administrator.

No property. Attorney’s reports 1822 and 1829.

Suit ordered. Principal dead. Judgment against Thorpe, surety, March term, 1837, for $1,450 18, and costs. No ef¬ fects. Desperate.

Non est inventus. Suit discon¬ tinued.

Non est inventus.

Suit abated. No inhabitant.

© O p




STATEMENT—Continued. 00

Name and rank. Remarks of the Third Auditor. Remarks of the Solicitor of the Treasury on all cases reported for suit.

Norvell, Joshua, lieutenant Newman, Montgomery, It. 2d artillery Nicholas, George, surgeon’s mate Nash, Martin, major militia - Norton, C. A., lieutenant 26th -

Nicholson, John, captain sea-fencibles Noyes, Christian, lieutenant 18th Newman, Francis, captain artillery - Newkirk, Charles, lieutenant artillery Neal, Francis, citizen - * ... * Neely, Thomas, corporal Miss, militia

Nute, L. M., lieutenant

Newcomb, F. D., lieutenant and acting quartermaster.

$60 00 100 00 20 00 20 00

200 00

240 00 25 00

212 00 50 00

$38 80 48 90

4 50

318 72

Advanced for bounties, &c. Advanced for bounties, &c. Advanced for contingencies. Advanced for militia. Advanced for bounties, &c. Reported for suit May

28, 1822. Advanced for contingencies. Advanced for quartermaster’s department. Advanced for bounties, &c. Advanced for quartermaster’s department. Arrearages. Balance December 10, 1822. Pay ; being a double payment in 1814 and 1815 by

Paymaster Hitchcock. Officers’ transportation. Balance August 27, 1836.

Reported for stoppage February, 1836. duartermaster’s department. Balance August 24,

1837, $721 68; at his credit $402 96, leaving due $318 72. Resigned. Suspensions equal to the

Non est inventus.

Newton, W. S., captain

Neville, Robert, lieutenant 26th

Owens, Simeon, captain 1st infantry

560 00

639 13

800 00 amount.

duartermaster’s department. Amount advanced him by Captain I. Clark“in March, 1837. Has un¬ settled accounts on file; according to which, this sum has been expended, except $29 79.

Advanced lor contingencies. Reported for suit May 28, 1822.

Balance October 10, 1811, and $200 since charged.

Non est inventus.

t x.

Doc. N

o. 62-

Olmstead, Edward, lieutenant 6th

Oneal, Ferd. A., lieut. sea fencibles Opie, Le Roy, lieutenant 5th - Oliver, Joseph, lieutenant 43d - Overton, Thomas J. -

Orr, Alexander D., a. d. q. m. g.

Ovvings, Samuel, p. m. 6th Md. militia Overton, Walter H., captain - O’Connor, John, surgeon’s mate Oliver, Matthew, paymr. N. Y. militia Outlaw, Wm. W., lieut. and a. c. s. - Ogden, C. A., captain engineers -

Owen, Lewis, quartermaster’s agent -

471 65

10 00 205 62 392 91

1,146 01

184 85

121 72 235 63

20 00 31 97

695 63 1,646 04

12 28

Balance April 14,1817. Suspensions $242. Killed in Upper Canada November 11, 1813.

Advanced for contingencies. Balance April 22, 1822. Balance December 20,1819. Caused by suspensions. Balance July 20, 1819. Reported for suit June 29,

1821. Balance May 5, 1824. Claims credit beyond this

amount. Balance March 2,1819. Balance March 25, 1824. Advanced for medical and hospital department. Balance November 23,1820. Balance November 17,1832. Fort at Mobile Point. Balance August 19, 1836. Pascagoula river. Balance July 25, 1836. He is

disbursing on account of Cumberland road in Illi¬ nois and Indiana, and has been directed to refund these amounts. Reported for suit March 11,1839, for $1,658 32.

1,000 00 Quartermaster's department. Advanced in June, 1836, by Lieut. J. A. Chambers.

459 45 Creek hostilities. Advanced him by Lieutenant J. A. Chambers in second and third quarters 1836. There is, at his credit, $725 25 on account of pre¬ venting and suppressing Indian hostilities, which still leaves due from him $734 20; of which sum, $487 20 is for provisions, the issue of which to the troops is not accounted for; the residue, $247, he states he paid over to Quartermaster Brant, but has produced no receipt, nor has the quartermaster credited the amount. Written to on the subject.

Non est inventus.

Suit ordered March 9,1839, for $1,658 32. Assumpsit. Ver¬ dict on general issues, May term, 1839. Bill of exceptions. Writ of error to Supreme Court. Dismissed in Supreme Court U. S. at January term, 1840, for irregularity. The point of law arising in this case is before the Supreme Court in another ; and, if de¬ termined in favor of Govern¬ ment, an alias writ of error will be prosecuted—otherwise nothing is due.

3 O

05 to



STATEMENT—Continued. go

Name and rank.



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Remarks of the Third Auditor, Remarks of the Solicitor of the Treasury on all cases report¬ ed for suit.

O’Neale, J. H. P., lient. 2d dragoons -

Porter, George W., lieutenant 38th Page, Charles, captain 12th

Pike, Zebulon M., brig, general

Pendleton, John, lieutenant 3d rifle Post, Ezra, captain - Phelps, Samuel S., paymaster militia - Powers, Thomas M., lieutenant 16th -

Peters, Charles, lieutenant 44th Pendleton, Wm, F., ensign 20th Porter, J. M., a, q. m. Georgia militia Proctor, S. R., captain - Pettibone, John R., ensign 30th Pecbham, Lewis, lieutenant 4th Powers, Levi, captain 31st Powell, James, lieutenant 33d - Pryor, Nathaniel, captain 44th Pagan, Alexander ... Perry, James, captain ... Paine, Brackett, lieutenant 12th Pegram, Edward L., lieutenant 35th - Palmer, James, lieutenant 28th

$53 18 1,209 36

1,491 34

15 85 90 75

230 93 2,984 59

818 50 470 19 64 91

812 19 49 40

103 82 176 17 144 98 398 00 283 50 721 56

87 56 763 00

17 75

$35 75 Subsistence. Balance September 30, 1839. He was written to, and requested to refund this balance,

Balance July 21, 1818. Balance September 12,1817. Reported for suit June

19, 1821. Balance June 14,1820, $991 34; $500 sinceeharged.

Killed in battle. Balance May 1, 1826. Balance December 15, 1818. Balance February 2, 1822. Balance April 3 and August 1, 1820. Suspensions

$2,202 45. Balance June 20, 1818. Suspensions $551 50. Balance June 29, 1818. Suspensions $98 95. Balance April 15, 1818, Balance January 3, 1822. Balance July 11, 1818. — Balance July 7, 1818. Suspensions $41. Balance July 21, 1818. Suspensions $160. Balance July 25, 1818. Suspensions $86 54. Balance August 26, 1818. Caused by suspensions. Balance August 25, 1818. Suspensions $238 50. Balance November 10,1818. Suspensions $717 56. Balance September 28, 1818. Suspensions $28 82, Balance January 8, 1819. Suspensions $448. Balance December 15, 1818,

Not found. Suit abated,




Price, Clarkson, lieutenant 26th 296 00

Peyton, Robert, captain 2d infantry - Pei kins, Richard, p. m. Va. militia - Perley, John, lieutenant 9th Patterson, Reuben B., p. m. Va. militia Pugh, Jona han, p. m. Va. militia Packard, N. R., brigade quartermaster

159 96 421 00 451 69 388 58 46 89

391 82

Phelps, Epaphras L., a. d. qr. mr. gen. 1,605 09

Phagan, John, captain 39th Payne, James, to pay Virginia militia - Petrie, Jacob D., p. m. N. Y. militia -

132 04 14 93

370 71

Pendergrast, G. E.,hos. surgeon’s male Pasteur, Edward, colonel Pemberton, John T., dist. paymaster -

20 50 50

11,568 23

Pifer, Peter, lieutenant 3d rifle 110 84

Peyton, James R., lieutenant - Parker, Win., lieutenant 3d rifle Paulding, Wm. K., ensign 34th

202 00 318 02 524 96

Prichard, Wm., captain 2d rifle 869 31

Pendleton, James T., paymaster Paige, John K., captain 13th -

563 37 554 16

Phinney, George G., lieutenant Porter, Thomas C., lieutenant Poland, Benjamin, captain 34th Post, Thomas, captain 12th

174 00 115 00 120 00

1,870 00

Phillips, Richard, ensign 23d - Purdy, Robert, colonel 4th Perkins, S. M., ensign 31st

160 00 210 00 580 00

Balance December 16, 1818, $126; $170 since

Balance J une 29, 1819. Balance June 2, 1819. Balance June 2,1874, $281 69; $170 since charged. Balance June 30, 1820. Balance October 9, 1821. Balance May 8, 1821. Reported for suit October 5,

1819. Balance May 16, 1828. Reported for suit October

12, 1821.

Balance March 15, 1821. Balance August 30, 1820. Balance November 17, 1820. Required to refund

the amount. Balance July 15, 1814. Balance May 17, 1811. Balance June 13,1823. He claims additional cred¬

its, and has been requested to sustain them by vouchers.

Balance June 3 and August 6, 1814, $20 84, and $90 since charged.

Balance May 1, 1812, $2; $200 since charged. Balance July 24, 1815. Some suspensions. Balance March 11, 1816, $388; $136 96 since

charged. Balance September 2, 1816, $569 31. Suspensions

$568 04; $300 since charged. Balance July 2, 1821. Suspensions $324 12. Balance May 8, 1821, to the payment of which his

earliest attention was requested. Advanced for bounties, &c. Advanced for bounties, &c. Advanced for pay. Advanced for pay. Reported for suit September

16, 1831.. Advanced for bounties, &c. Advanced for bounties, &c. Advanced for bounties, &c. Reported for suit De¬

cember 8, 1821.

No property. Desperate'.

Dead. Judgment, 1827, against administrators; $205 67 re¬ covered; no more expected; desperate.

Non est inventus.

Non est inventus. Ob




STATEMENT—Continued. oo oo

Name and rank.

Peabody, Asa, ensign 31st Price, Benjamin, ensign Pease, George -

Prevost, Frederick’ J., lieutenant 6th - Peebles, Joel, lieutenant 29th -

Patterson, Thomas A., captain rifle - Parris, Alexander, captain artificers -

Plummer, Richard, lieutenant 10th

Peckham, Paul, ensign 4th

Peyton, Bernard, captain 20th - Pennell, William, captain 6th - Plume, John J., lieut. and qr. mr, 6th - Parker, Thomas, captain Patch, Daniel, lieutenant Pitts, Thomas - - Palmer, Aaron, captain Paige, Daniel, lieutenant Prossor, Wm., lieutenant 7th -

Pike, James, lieutenant 4th

<D g §1;

ggs ~ * g S bc'S 0 c

. S'S-o j ®'g 8.- , £3 CO C 5^ «0O

; s 3 03 •§"


$130 00 50 00

533 75

240 00 1,000 00

162 40 1,050 00

610 00

1,128 00

54 17 10 00

280 00 184 00 500 00 32 00

100 00 508 00

1,516 00

200 00

Remarks of the Third Auditor.

Advanced for bounties, &c. Advanced for quartermaster’s department. Advanced for hides sold in 1814. Reported for suit

October 12, 1821. v Advanced for bounties, &c. Advanced for bounties, &c. Reported for suit No¬

vember 21, 1821. Advanced for bounties, &e. Advanced for contingencies. Reported for suit Oc¬

tober 20, 1819. Advanced for bounties, &c. Accounts rendered for

$133. No vouchers. Advanced for contingencies. Accounts rendered

for $1,021 60. No vouchers. Reported for suit December 13, 1821.

Advanced for bounties, &c. Advanced for camp equipage. Advanced for contingencies. Advanced for bounties, &c. Advanced for quartermaster’s department. Advanced for quartermaster’s department. Advanced for militia. Advanced for bounties, &c. Advanced for bounties, &c. Reported for suit July

7, 1823. Advanced for bounties, &c.

Remarks of the Solicitor of the Treasury on all cases reported for suit.

No suit ordered. Place of res¬ idence unknown.

Non est inventus.

Non est inventus.

Non est inventus.

Non est inventus.




Price, Samuel, captain artillery

Pettibone, Chauncy, lieutenant 6th Peyton, John S., captain artillery Phelps, Seth, captain llth Provaux, Joseph, lieut. 1st artillery - Parsons, Luke, captain militia Pangle, Isaac, lieutenant 39th - Parlin, Silas, jr., captain volunteers -

Perry, David, captain 5th

Palmer, Loring, lieutenant Perry, David, captain 5th

Palmer, Loring, lieut. and a. c. s.

Pratt, James, lieutenant 5th -

Polk, Edward, lieutenant artillery

Passons, Thomas, lieutenantTenn. vol.

Parker, Thomas, eontrac’r for clothing

Pearson, John, private Capt. Wells’s co. Pope, Leroy, pension agent

Powell, Thomas, invalid pensioner -

Philbrick, John, lieutenant, &c.

787 83

70 00 96 00 67 48

250 00 45 00

177 00 2 41

2,109 00

150 00 SI,912






58 391




Advanced for bounties, &c. Accounts rendered for $365 50. No vouchers.

Advanced for contingencies. Advanced for bounties, &c. Advanced for the pay of his company. Advanced for bounties, &c. Advanced for the purchase of forage in 1812. Advanced for bounties, &c. Difference between amount of his receipt, and amount

receipted for on his pay-roll of his company. Advanced for bounties, &c. Reported for suit No¬

vember 21, 1821. Advanced for bounties, &c.

66 Advanced for quartermaster’s department. Report¬ ed for suit November 21, 1821.

16 Advanced for subsistence. Balance July 27, 1834. Reported for suit October 10, 1822.





13 68




Balance April 2, 1821. duartermaster’s depart¬ ment. Reported for suit November 13, 1821.

Balance March 2J, 1819* S47 46, and 75 cents since charged, duartermaster’s department.

Brigade militia. For paying the expenses of his detachment.

Arrearages. Amount of his order on Callender Ir¬ vine, in 1812, in favor of Thorpe, Seddell, & Co., for kersey. The Commissary General has been directed to bring suit for the recovery of the money.

Arrearages. A double payment in 1814 and 1815. Revolutionary pensions. Balance December 30,

1824, $440 64; $48 96 since credited. Vouchers equal to the difference suspended for want of phy¬ sician’s certificate.

Invalid pensions. Overpaid him in 1820, and charged to his personal account by decision of the Secretary of War.

duartermaster’s department. Paid him for trans¬ portation of baggage.

Subsistence. Balance January 22,1828, for provis¬ ions remaining in his hands, received in May, 1826 and 1827.

Non est inventus.

Non est inventus.

Proceedings suspended; Pal¬ mer having: made an assign¬ ment of his pension for the payment of the debt.

Non est inventus.

ao CO




STATEMENT—Continued. o

Name and rank.

a 2“ S-


o d £ s s- ° <

irJ W Q/C g « ®

PH ^ ^

c3 i t- £ GO

&E ■S.’g t-sss

.,_ 03 0}

■S ftS §73 ^i)u2n

^.gl I- 8-3 3* <o «'£ 14 5P § 03 “.g-s^

Vh ©n.s

:i,sa| S ° fitfc g ® o <D cS 2 >’3 s > g 03 .S 0 73

<1 !■*’> "

Remarks of the Third Auditor. Remarks of the Solicitor of the Treasury on all cases report¬ ed for suit.

Perkins, Peter, lieut. col. Miss, militia

Pentland, Joseph, captain

$200 00 Arrearages. Advanced to pay marching expenses in October, 1814.

53 49 Subsistence. Balance December 19,1829, which he was requested to refund. Dismissed April 22, 1830.

Prest.U. S. Branch Bank, Fayetteville, North Carolina.

Prescott, Jonathan, late lieutenant

Pierce, Benjamin K., major

President U. S. Branch Bank, Wash¬ ington city, pension agent.

President U. S, Branch Bank, Provi¬ dence, R. I., pension agent.

109 10

4,223 09

267 01

72 00

118 60

1 09

Invalid pensions. Balance October 10,1836. Claims to further vouchers.

Removing bar at mouth of Nantucket harbor. Bal¬ ance December 20, 1831, $1,648 09; $2,575 since charged. Has rendered no accounts of the dis¬ bursement of the money. Reported for stoppage. Resigned August 30, 1833.

Quartermasters department. Payment made for rent and damages of buildings at New Castle, Del. Charged to his personal account.

Pensions, act May 20, 1830. Balance June 3, 1836. Suspensions and disallowances.

Invalid pensions. Balance June 8, 1836, arising on suspended vouchers wanting correction.

Pensions, act May 20, 1830. Balance March 11, 1836.

President U. S. Bank, Philadelphia, pension agent.

President U. S. Branch Bank, Hart¬ ford, Conn., pension agent.

20 79 264 00

712 08 8

Revolutionary pensions. Balance March 11, 1836. Invalid pensions. Balance May 16, 1836, of an ad¬

vance in February, 1834. Revolutionary pensions* Balance as next above. Pensions, act June 7, 1832. Balance January 15,






President U. S. Branch Bank, Rich¬ mond, Va., pension agent.

President U. S. Branch Bank, Cincin¬ nati, Ohio, pension agent.

President U. S. Branch Bank, New York city, pension agent.

President U. S. Branch Bank, St. Louis, Mo., pension agent.

President U. S. Branch Bank, Ports¬ mouth, N. H., pension agent.

President U. S. Branch Bank, Lexing¬ ton, Ky., pension agent.

Pettigrew, Charles, lieut. and a. c. s. -

President U. S. Branch Bank, Pitts¬ burg, Pa., pension agent.

3,940 25

2,215 50

1.434 41 5;571 48

4G0 11 1,384 57 1,648 20

6,656 91

128 53 1,328 63

154 00

1,030 26 42 06

308 10

204 96 726 47 180 50

45 35 210 00

437 72

999 48

Invalid pensions. Balance June 8, 1836, of advan¬ ces in February and August, 1834. Reported for suit.

Pensions, June 7, 1832. Balance, &c. as next above.

Revolutionary pensions. Balance, &c. as above. Revolutionary pensions. Balance March 22, 1836,

of advances in December, 1833, and August, 1834. Reported for suit.

Pensions. June 7,1832. Balance, &c. as next above. Invalid pensions. Balance, &c. as above. Invalid pensions. Balance April 19, 1836. Re¬

ported for suit. Revolutionary pensions. Balance April 19, 1836.

Reported as above. Pensions, May 20, 1830. Balance, &c, as above. Pensions, June 7, 1832. Balance July 9, 1839. Re¬

ported as above. Invalid pensions. Balance May 2, 1836. Vouch¬

ers suspended, wanting corrections, equal to this amount.

Pensions. June 7,1832. Balance, &c. as next above. Revolutionary pensions. Balance January 7, 1836,

remaining of an advance in February, 1835. Balance on settlement November 30, 1836, arising

in part on vouchers suspended for correction. In¬ valid pensions.

Revolutionary pensions. Balance, &c. asnext above. Pensions. June 7, 1832 Balance, &c. as above. Subsistence. Balance February 6, 1836. Claims

to have closed his accounts. Difference arises on suspended vouchers, and a remittance of $100 since making his accounts up.

Army transportation. Balance September 3, 1835. Invalid pensions. Balance May 25, 1836, $42; and

$168 since charged, having been twice erroneous¬ ly credited for that amount.

Revolutionary pensions. Balance May 25, 1836, $197 72; $240 since charged, as above.

Pensions. June 7, 1832. Charged to the agent under the above circumstances.

'I Transcript of the accounts against the Pres’t U.S. Branch Bank at Richmond, Va., as agent for the payment of pen¬ sions, amounting to $7,590 16, was transmitted, June 23,1839, to J. M. Read, Esq., district attorney at Philadelphia, for suit. The same against the President U. S. Branch Bank at Cincinnati, Ohio, for$7,416 16 cents. The same against the President U. S Branch Bank at New York city, for $9,900 93—amounting in all to $24,907 25. On the 10th of August, 1839, the district at¬ torney was called on for his

, report. No report yet re¬ ceived.





STATEMENT-Continued. eo

Name and rank. O cd.S

| sis

|DS. „ OJ.S

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o - G

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£ <U cu 2« g cxj 3.S # O"

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<< > "S a S

Remarks of the Third Auditor. Remarks of the Solicitor of the Treasury on all cases reported for suit.

President U. S. Branch Bank, Burling¬ ton, Vt., pension agent.

Posey, Thomas, pension agent

Phelps, Henry, agent eng. department

Pickens, J. J., captain S. C. militia

Porter, Peter B , agent

Putnam, John G., a. q. m. Flor. militia

Pierc}r, William P., lieut. U. S. navy

Page, John, captain a. a. q. m.

13 21 20 00 7G 83

57 37

21 15

200 00

340 79

1,000 00

32 00

246 25

Invalid pensions. Balance October 8, 1836. Pensions. June 7, 1832. Balance October 8, 1836. Revolutionary pensions. Balance August 1, 1836,

arising on suspended vouchers requiring correc¬ tion. Not yet returned.

Obstructions in Grand river. Balance October 4, 1838. Items disallowed. Written to.

Beacon-light, Grand river. Balance October 4, 1838, of an advance in 1837.

Seminole hostilities. Accounts on file to account for this amount, for settlement, as soon as explana¬ tions are received.

Harbor of Black River. Balance November 28, 1839. He claimed a balance of $394 21. The difference arises on a charge for compensation for his services, of. $735, disallowed by the Secre¬ tary of War. Written to, to refund.

Hostilities of Seminole Indians. Amount advanced by Colonel Gadsden, in February, 1836. No ac¬ counts rendered.

Preventing, &c. Indian hostilities. Paid him for the forage of two horses, in May and July, 1836. Charged to his personal account for want of evi¬ dence of his being entitled to receive forage. Written to.

Quartermaster's department. Balance May 20,1839, remaining of an advancein May, 1836. Written to.

Doc. N

o. 62.

Pierce, Benjamin K., major -

Patten, G. W., lieutenant’

Peyton, R. H., lieut. Tenn. volunteers

Parkhill, Samuel, It. col. Flor. militia

Pearce, B. K., lieutenant colonel

President of Branch of State Bank of Alabama, at Decatur.

]. 150 00

169 70

30 00

156 60

64 40

175 40

64 40

555 91

264 40

402 43 20 00

Hostilities of Seminole Indians. Charged to Major Pierce in June, 1837, on settlement of Lieut. M. M. Clark’s account. Account of Dickson & Cole for one hogshead (120 gallons) of rum destroyed at Micanopy, by order of Major Pierce, for the pur¬ pose of making room for sick officers. Paid by his order. The charge is not admissible, under the decision of the Secretary of War, of Novem¬ ber 8, 1836, that the act of May 28, 1836, does not provide for the payment of private properly lost, destroyed, or taken for the public service. Re¬ quires legislative authority.

Guartermaster’s department. Balance October 9, 1837. Has unsettled accounts to September 30, 1840, in which this balance is accounted for.

Preventing, &c. Indian hostilities. Amount advanc¬ ed him in October, 1836. Written to, for his ac¬ counts and vouchers.

Preventing, &c. Indian hostilities. Amount of pro¬ perty received by him, and paid for by D. H. Vinton, in the second quarter of 1837. Informed of the charge, and his attention called to the sub¬ ject March 24, 1838.

Road from Niles to St. Joseph’s river. Balance April 1, 1839, $587 47; since paid over to Lieut. J. N. Macomb, $523 07.

Road from Shelden’s to St. Joseph’s river. Balance April 1, 1839, $503 83 ; since paid over, as above, $328 43.

Road from Clinton to Grand river. Balance April 1,1839, $523 10; since paid over, as above, $458 70.

Road from Detroit to Chicago. Balance April 1, 1839, $888 14; since turned over, as above, $332 23 cents.

Road from Detroit to Saganaw. Balance April 1, 1839, $1,567 59 ; since turned over, as above, $1,303 19 cents. He turned over the balances he ac¬ knowledged to his successor. The balances here charged arise from suspended items in his accounts.

Revolutionary pensions. Balance Feb. 9, 1839. Pensions. May 15,1828. Balance Feb. 9,1839. Of

which sums, $48 remain suspended. CO CO




STATEMENT—Continued. o


Name and rank.

President of Commonwealth Bank, at Boston, s

Potter, J. Adams, agent

Poole, W. L., military storekeeper

President of Branch of Farmers’ Bank of Delaware, at New Castle,

Charles, Randoiph1 lieutenant

Ross, Leonard, captain 40th - Rich, Peter, lieutenant 14th Reab; George, lieutenant 23d • Read, George, lieutenant 16th Reynolds, T., lieutenant 18th -

Rahm, John, lieutenant 16th - RobinsonvNicholas, lieutenant Rpmaynej Samuel B,, captain 41-st

;1 o ig| S S '

2.2 i 03 o <

5^ I C pH

'll rG tO 5 1—1

>-> ^ .o' s_, j-y> ci

Remarks of the Third Auditor, Remarks of the Solicitor of the Treasury on all eases reported for suit.

$4 00

$39,816 09

9,991 88


14 25

122 64

Pensions, June 7, 1832. Balance March 14, 1839, $79,816 09; of which sum $39,816 09 was ad¬ vanced prior to September 30, 1837.

Pensions. May 15, 1828. Balance March 14, 1839. Account reported for suit March 22, 1838, for $91,998 85; since reduced to $89,807 97.

Beacon-light, Grand river. Balance November 28, 1840, arising from an error in addition. Informed.

Barracks, quarters, &c. Amount of voucher 4 B, third quarter, 1837. Lieut. L’Engle’s account for furnishing and setting glass. Charged by direc¬ tion of Second Comptroller.

Pensions. June 7, 1832. Balance October 31, 1840, of which $122 64 advanced prior to September 30, 1837. The account of the bank was reported for suit for $10,201 71; sinee reduced to $1,117 86.

Advanced for bounties, &e. Balance March 26, 1817.

49 82 635 50

2 25 243 16 404 50

89 59 193 15 32 00

Balance July 24, 1819. ^Balance April 30, 1819. Suspensions $35 75. Balance July 3, 1817. Balance June 24,1817. Balance June 26, 1817, $354 50. Suspensions $124

75 cents; $50 since charged. Balance May 27, 1814, $14 50 ; $75 since charged. Balance November 27, 1819. Suspensions $35 50. ! Balance December 1,1817. Suspensions $32,

3 O

©5 N3


Rivery, Peter - Rue, Benjamin S., ensign 19th Roberts, M. A., lieutenant 8th -

Rose, Charles R., lieutenant 35th Rice, Theodorick B., lieutenant 7th - Russell-, Moses M., lieutenant artillery

Rockwell, Samuel, lieutenant artillery Rogers, William, captain 15th

Ruffin, Robert R., It. and paym’r art. -

Ruffin, John, lieutenant artillery

Rippey, Samuel A., lieutenant 22d Ramsey, Thomas, captain artillery

Ritchie, John, captain artillery

Roane, Fayette, lieutenant dragoons -

Robinson, Jesse, captain 2d artillery - Read, Thomas M., captain- 25<h

Rodes, Wm., p. m. Kentucky militia - Robinson, Hugh, lieutenant 13th Roberts, John, (3d,) wagon-master

Ross, William, ensign 21st Roof, Adam J., p. m. New York militia

Radcliff, John C., p. m. N. Y. militia - Ragland, J. P., p. m. 6th Ya. militia - RDfeertsoUj Alexander, lieutenant 17th

172 90 58 92

8 00

25 75 90 75

814 00

216 77 309 23

1,511 11

632 00

60 00 334 60

1,453 40

426 30

119 14 743 86

156 80 78 26

760 20

421 32 15 71

67 44 48 20 11 15

Balance February 18, 1818. Balance May 19,1818, $172 09; $114 since credited. Balance August 12, 1818, $278; and $270 since

credited. Balance May 22, 1818. Suspensions $12. Balance May 17, 1818. Caused by suspensions. Balance August 5, 1818. Reported for suit August

8, 1820. Balance October 22, 1820. Balance February 24, 1824. Was required to ac¬

count for the same without delay. Balance September 23, 1826. His earliest attention

was requested to the payment of the same. Balance May 5 and December 8, 1819, $592 ; and

$40 since charged. Balance May 10, 1819. Balance July 24, 1815, $580 23; $245 63 since

credited. Balance December 4, 1819. Reported for suit May

1, 1822. Balance February 24, 1825. Reported for suit No¬

vember 5, 1819,

Balance October 1, 1819. Balance January 25, 1821. Dead. His widow re¬

quested to forward any accounts and vouchers which might be in her possession.

Balance July 21, 1821. Balance August 21, 1820. Suspensions $52 84. Balance November 6, 1822. Reported for suit July

13, 1821. Balance May 1, 1820. Balance September 12, 1820, $309 95; $293 94 since

credited. Balance October 25, 1820. Balance May 15, 1822. Balance April 9, 1826. Reported for suit October

12, 1821;

Non est inventus,

Killed in battle. No represent¬ ative.

Judgment November term, 1828, against executors. Con¬ sidered good when assets. The district attorney, by let¬ ter dated 12th February, 1839, reports his intention to close this case.

Non est inventus.

Dead. Representatives tm- known.





STATEMENT—Continued. co C5

Name and rank,

Read, James, captain artillery

Root, Richard H., lieutenant 13th Read, Wm. B., lieutenant 3d artillery - Rippetto, Thomas, lieutenant 20th

Rose, Alexander F., captain 6th Riddle, James W., ensign 14th Rudd, Richard, p. m. Kentucky militia

Reynolds, Abraham, captain 15th Rea, George, lieutenant 5th

Ross, Edward, captain dragoons

Randolph, Thos. B., lientenant artillery Rees, Jonathan, lieutenant 17th

Robinson, Simeon, lieutenant 30th Robb, Benjamin T., artillery - Reed, John, jr., lieutenant Sth - Ryan, John EL, lieutenant Remington, Silas, surgeon

Rogers, John D., lieutenant dragoons -


“ago 3 s s " 3 ® -2 § g bpS

J 2 ’H ^ g-e ^

jS Sts

M'S 9 © a g-o SS UlSj,

I-?«§>.§ . V. ®6'l O g 'tr ^ ^ ^ o ® rH S ° fi -O £ 'fj S ? 2 P u

3, a > -a 8.-S

Remarks of the Third Auditor. Remarks of the Solicitor of the Treasury on all cases report¬ ed for suit.

$656 24

143 70 86 50

2,557 36

225 60 203 59 575 34

49 00 500 00

1,100 00

150 00 1,880 00

245 00 2,310 00

50 00 200 00 250 00

40 00

Balance November 11, 1811, $248; $408 24 since charged. Reported for suit October 23, 1821.

Balance December 15, 1820. Balance April 15, and July 22, 1815. Balance July 17, 1815. Reported for suit July 24,

1815. Balance May, 1821, $105 60; $120 since charged. Balance September 25, 1815. Suspensions $145 25. Balance December 19, 1820. Suspensions $516 74.

Requested to pay over the difference ($58 60) to the credit of the Treasurer of the United States.

Balance August 31, 1821. Advanced for bounties, &c. Reported for suit Julv

27, 1825. Advanced for bounties, &c. Accounts rendered

without vouchers for $1,099. Reported for suit October 12, 1821.

Advanced for bounties, &c. Advanced for bounties, &c. Reported for suit May

25, 1822. Advanced for bounties, &c. Advanced for quartermaster’s department. Advanced for bounties, &c. Advanced for contingencies. Advanced for quartermaster’s department. Report¬

ed for suit November 12, 1821. Advanced for contingencies.

Non est inventus.

Non est inventus.

Non est inventus.

No property. Attorney’s re¬ ports for 1820 and 1829.

Non est inventus.

Non est inventus.





Randolph, Archibald C., captain Robinson, John, ensign 12ih -

Robinson, William, contractor Rutland, John, captain - Read, Phineas, brevet quartermaster -

Riddle, John, lieutenant -^Ritchie, Thomas, lieutenant 36th

Robinson, Samuel, ensign Ricketts, Benjamin, ensign 14th

Rogers, G. H., ensign 14th

Ragland, Thomas, ensign Riding, John T., lieutenant Robinson, L., lieutenant 26th -

Ross, Robert P., lieutenant 27ih

Ronalds, Mason, lieutenant 13th

Ruland, Isaac, ensign militia Rouse, Alpheus, q. m. N. Y. militia - Roy, Beverly, lieutenant 24th - Rockwood, Cephas L., captain 31st - Richardson, R. D., captain ordnance -

Riddle, David, major -

Rathbone, William P., contractor

Reynolds, Thos., to pay Virginia militia Robeson, William L., lieutenant and


T -—-**~rnmr'

750 00 1,524 50

76 26 160 00 340 00

40 00 100 00

10 00 450 00

336 24

50 50 00

467 00

720 00

408 00

60 00 300 00

60 00 50 00 4 00

1,096 00 3,761 75

42,900 19

Advanced for bounties, &c, Advanced for bounties, &c. Reported for suit Sep-

tember 28, 1821. Over-credit on settlement in 1816. Advanced for bounties, &c. Advanced for quartermaster’s department. Report¬

ed for suit November 13, 1821. Advanced for quartermaster’s department. Advanced for bounties, &c. Advanced for militia. Advanced for bounties, &e. Accounts rendered for

a greater amount. No vouchers. Advanced for contingencies. Reported for suit May

1, 1822. Advanced for contingencies. Advanced for contingencies. Ad vanced for contingencies. Reported for suit May

1, 1822. Advanced for bounties, &c. Reported for suit May

1, 1822. Advanced for bounties, &c. Reported for suit Oc¬

tober 13, 1821. Advanced for quartermaster’s department. Advanced for quartermaster’s department. Advanced for bounties, &c. Advanced for bounties, &c. Received for pay and clothing of servant, to which

he was not entitled. Advanced for contingencies and quartermaster’s de¬

partment. Dead. Reported for suit October 29, 1821.

Balance May 13,1822. Subsistence. Reported for suit March 9, 1821.

130 14 1,654 69

Balance May 18, 1822. Arrearages. Balance May 5,1837. Ouartermaster’s department.

Reported for suit October 12, 1821.

Suit abated. Not found.

No property.

Non est inventus.

Non est inventus.

Non est inventus.

Non est inventus.

Non est inventus.

Verdict in favor of defendant. Carried to the circuit court by writ of error. Dismissed April, 1830.

Judgment for SI,656. Writ of errorsuedout of United States Supreme Court. Decided in United States Supreme Court, January, 1835, in favor of United States; remanded to





STATEMENT—Continued. cc GO

Name and rank.





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Remarks of the Third Auditor. Remarks of the Solicitor of the Treasury on all cases re¬ ported for suit.

Reynolds, William, lieutenant, and as¬ sistant commissary subsistence.

Russell, Gilbert C., late colonel

Rogers, Ebenezer, a deceased pensioner Rogers, Jason, captain 6th inl'antry

Robinson, E. B., captain volunteers -

Rogers, W. A., captain volunteers


$9 99

200 00

80 00 191 47

19 00

45 83

Balance April 23,1828. Subsistence. Suspensions equal thereto.

Gtuartermaster’s department. Paid for a horse loan¬ ed to an express, which was subsequently returned. Reported for suit November 27, 1822.

Pension. 7th June, 1832. Overpayment to him. Quartermaster's department. Balance October 28,

1839. Has rendered vouchers for $308 53. Re¬ signed in July, 1836.

Hostilities Creek Indians. Balance 28th March, 1839. Called on to refund.

Preventing, &c , Indian hostilities. Amount paid to him by P. Morrison, 2d quarter 1836, for back rations alleged to be due their companies. ( harg- ed to him, by direction of Second Comptroller, in September, 1838. Written to, September 17, 1838, and informed of the charge, and called upon to

district court. Judgment against Robeson’s heirs, Feb¬ ruary term 1837, for $1,833 61. Execution in hands of mar¬ shal. Execution returned by John H. Holland, late mar¬ shal, satisfied. The marshal has absconded. Nothing ex¬ pected.

Judgment May term, 1827, for $278. Execution issued. No property found.

i --—4- I




T --1

Robeon, Charles, quartermaster Flori¬ da militia.

Robinson, Anthony, pension agent

Reed, Leigh, major Florida militia

Read, W. M., a. q. m, -

Ripley, J. W., captain

Ramsay, George D., captain -

Roberts, B. S., lieut. and a. a. q. m.

Sanborn, Matthew N., captain 40th Scott, Daniel L , quartermaster Simons, Rodolpbns, lieutenant 23d Scammon, George, lieutenant - Scruggs, Buford, lieutenant 7th Scott, Luther, lieutenant artillery

* I

#23 66 239 01

50 56 35 61

287 24 936 76

77 50

4,980 20

737 00

78 80

98 68

9 33

461 91

1,245 08

furnish evidence that the money was paid over to the persons entitled to it.

Preventing, &c., Indian hosli'ities. Amount of the purchase of 31 blankets by said Robeon, and paid for by Captain L. B. Webster in 3d quarter 1836, and charged to Robeon-, by direction of Second Comptroller. Called upon to furnish evidence of the disposition of the articles, in November, 1838.

Invalid pensions. Balance 12th March, 1840, $11,777 20; of which $4,980 20 was advanced prior to>30th September, 1837. Unsettled accounts on file, and disbursing.

Preventing,&c,, Indian hostilities. Amount of prop¬ erty received by him, and paid for by Lt. Vinton, 2d quarter of 1837. Informed of the charge, and his attention called to the subject March 24, 1838.

Preventing, &e., Indian hostilities. Amountof prop¬ erty received by him of Captain Brown, 3d quar¬ ter of 1837. Informed of the charge, and called on for accounts, May 1838.

Officers’ transportation. Balance August 21, 1838, $1,198 68, of which $98 68 was advanced prior to September, 1837. Has unsettled accounts on file to September 30, 1840, in which former balances are taken up, and this talancb accounted for.

Officers’ transportation. Balance August 18, 1840. Account tor 3d quarter of 1840, on file for settle¬ ment, in which this balance is taken up and ac¬ counted for.

(Quartermaster’s department. Balance April 17, 1839,81,787 19, of which there remains $461 91 advanced prior to September 30, 1837.

Subsistence. Balance March 16, 1839, $1,537 49, of which there remains $1,245 08 advanced prior to September 30, 1837. His account reported for suit for the amount of the balances against him.

Balance November 9, 1816. Balance July 22, 1815, and November 27, 1817. Balance January 1, 1819. Suspensions $39 50. Balance October 3, 1815. Suspensions $42 50. Balance May 3, 1817. Caused by suspensions. Bslance March 24, 1818. Suspensions $595. CO






y<-: r^fp^' re pcinaa^,' ■guim/.

i .... gintotri* vo' • • 8&o;f‘ D-1 u g<ropoi.3jJ

Name and rank.

Smith, William, lieutenant 18th

Smith, Samuel W., lieutenant 18th

Smith, Elisha, lieutenant 30th - Street, John, lieutenant 18th - Sparks, John B., lieutenant 14th

Simons, Royal D., lieutenant 24th Selden, Martin L., lieutenant 30th Swoyer, Jacob, lieuienant 5th Smurr, Eiias, lieutenant 4th rifle Smyth, Kiehard C., lieutenant 23d

Sparks, Richard, colonel 2d infantry -



a S" 3 4

£ hc'E ®.a Q 5-Sts ^ >3 43

a .o J-CN

’2 S|°2 . m "a > £ ^4" e e m o III Is

Remarks of the Third Auditor.

$2,194 00

1,210 00

Balance January 5, 1818. Reported for suit Octo¬ ber 20, 1819.

Balance June 5, 1817. Reported, &c. June 14, 1817.

96 13 291 95 375 59

709 00 344 41 454 20 231 51

2,562 30

1,674 91

Balance August 9, 1817. Balance January 16, 1820. Caused by suspensions. Balance June 6, 1820, $489 59 ; $106 since credited.

Suspensions equal to the residue. Balance July 17, 1817. Suspensions $173 34. Balance August 8, 1817 Suspensions $324. Balance July 9, 1818. Caused by suspensions. Balance February 20, 1819. Balance January 12, 1820. Reported for suit April

12, 1821. Balance July 31,1838. Reported for suit Novem¬

ber 9, 1822.


Remarks of the Solicitor of the Treasury on all cases report¬ ed for suit.

Non est inventus.

Non est inventus.

Dead. No suit. Desperate.

Judgment for $1,750, and inter¬ est. Indulgence for one, two, and three years, upon making the debt secure. Balance re¬ duced to $1,385, exclusive of interest, from February 24, 1835. Balance increased to $1,674 91, including interest, down to July 31, 1838. Dis¬ trict attorney called on Octo¬ ber 11, 1838, for his report. The district attorney has re¬ ported that this claim is per-


100 D

oc. N

o. 62.

f -4- i

Smith, Charles, lieutenant 44th

Shipp, Edmund, captain rifle - Sizer, Asa B., major 29th

Stanley, Nathaniel, captain 45th

Spencer; Abner P., captain 29th

Stewart, James M., lieutenant 22d Sproat, James W., ensign 16th Stephens, William, lieutenant 34th

Schuyler, Abraham, lieutenant Stewart, Robert, lieutenant 2d artillery Smith, Francis, ensign 2d infantry Stable, Joseph, ensign 22d Symmes, John C., lient. 1st infantry -

Smalley, Daniel, lieutenant Sangster, Thomas, capt. 2d infantry -

Shang, Wm. H., ensign 17th -

Swearingen, John, lieutenant 2d rifle - Smith, Phelps, lieutenant 30th •• Stockton, John, lieutenant 2d rifle

Steels, George G., captain 16th

Simons,' Peter, ensign 43d Smith, Philip, lieutenant 26th - Stallings, Elias, capt. 1st infantry Simpson, Joseph S., lieutenant 14th

4 1

411 31

147 75 123 14

38 00

5,768 80

159 50 149 73 369 00

361 44 49 92

268 00 158 00 551 58

449 57 4,916 60

1,870 00

318 00 366 00 797 55

1,603 62

198 98 107 60 470 34 501 00

Balance February 5, 1819; agreeing with his own statement. Required to refund the amount.

Balance September 3, 1817. Balance January 17, 1823. Reported for suit No¬

vember 30, 1821.

Balance September 13, 1817, $8; and $30 since charged.

Balance July 27, 1818, $5,738; and $30 since charg¬ ed. Reported for suit September 17, 1819.

Balance January 6, 1819. Suspensions $78 50. Balance September 29, 1817. Suspensions $115' 37. Balance November 19, 1816, $224; and $145 since

charged. Suspensions $244. Balance November 27, 18J9. Suspensions $20. Balance October 15, 1817. Balance February 24, 1818. Caused by suspensions. Balance February 16, 1820. Balance June 1, 1812, and November 14, 1816,

$101 58; and $458 additional charge. Accounts rendered for $426 25, but vouchers for $6 25 only.

Balance May 19, 1820. $403 suspended. Balance September 28, 18i9. Reported for suit

November 30, 1821. Balance May 19,1819. Suspensions $400. Report¬

ed for suit November 9, 1820. • Balance December 14, 1818. Suspensions $4. Balance October 9, 1818. Suspensions $116. Balance February 5, 1819, $595 75; and $201 since

charged. Reported, &c. August 14, 1826. Balance January 10, 1822. He alleges to have de¬

livered his accounts to Col. Dennis, who sent them to the War Department, but which do not appear to have been received.

Balance August 7, 1818. Suspensions $32 75. Balance August 25, 1818. Balance September 23, 1818. Suspensions $99 31. Balance October 15, 1818. Reported for suit Sep¬

tember 26, 1820.

fectly secure, and will be paid soon.

Judgment January term, 1824, for $139 14. Nulla bona. Desperate.

Non est inventus.

Judgment Novem. term, 1824. Since then, non est inventus.

Non est inventus.

Non est inventus.

Non est inventus.



62. 101

Name and rank.

Searcy, Robert, acting parser -

Scott, Benjamin H., lieutenant 9th Sullivan, Clement, captain 14th Smith, Guy, lieutenant 39th

Smith, Josiah A., p. m. Md. militia Smith, Jasper Y., to pay riflemen

Stokes, John K., capt. 2d dragoons

Sutherland, Solomon, captain - Scott, Chasteen, lieutenant 17th

Scholtz, John G., lieutenant 27th

Sampson, John,d. q. m. g. N. Y. militia Scott, Samuel, paymaster 24th -

Shewel1, Nathan'el, p. m. Penn, militia


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Remarks of the Third Auditor.

$2,832 37 Balance August 20, 1836. Reported, &c. Julv 21, 1821.

179 25 44 38

360 07

123 90 428 83

1,178 95

144 34 361 25

5,592 96

155 68 32,702 20

302 82

Balance March 11, 1819. Suspensions $20 30. Balance September 8, 1819. Suspensions $45 08. Balance November 27, 1832. Required to pay the

same without delay. Balance March 26, 1819. Balance April 12, 1819, $116 35. Disallowed. Re¬

quired to pay to the credit of the Treasurer of the United States.

Balance August 9, 1822. Suspensions nearly equal thereto.

Balance May 28,1819. Suspensions $92 02. Balance May 29,1820. Suspensions $238 50. Has

a claim for pay, &c., which he has been requested to exhibit.

Balance April 29, 1819. Suspensions $482 37. Re¬ ported for suit August 3, 1820.

Balance July 15, 1819, $135 60; $30 since charged. Balance January 17, 182L. Vouchers lost. Legis¬

lative interference necessary. Balance June 8, 1825,

Remarks of the Solicitor of the Treasury on all cases re¬ ported for suit.

Judgment June term, 1827, for $17,028 41. Debt considered secure. Balance reduced to $2,832 37, including interest down to August 24, 1837. The district attorney has been called on far his report.

No suit. Imprisoned for for¬ gery.

i0“2 D

oc. N

o. 6£.

Strother, George, captain 10th

Smyth, Wm., captain 1st rifle -

Smead, Benjamin, captain 11th

Stockton, Robert, lieutenant 19th Simpkins, Arthur, captain

Shane, Abraham, lieutenant 27th Stuart, Timothy, p. m. N. Y. militia -

Skinner, David, to pay N. Y. militia -

Staats, Wm. B., ensign 6th

Schener, Jacob, captain 16th -

Spam, John R., captain artillery Shelton, Wm. A., captain 20th Shackelford, C., p. m. cu. Va. militia - Sanford, Daniel, p. m. Va. cavalry

Scull, Jasper, p. m. Penn, militia Scott, Wm. G.. captain Stall, George W., captain

Simmons, John, ensign 19th -

Scott, Wm. T., lieutenant 2d rifle Smith, John D.f lieutenant 34th

Sill, David, qr. mr. New York militia Simpson, Robert, doctor, St. Louis

Smith, John, colonel 3d infantry Seely, Robert G., lieutenant 2d infantry Small, Francis W. - Smoot, John W., lieutenant 5th Sturgis, Wm., lieutenant 22d -

Smith, Nathaniel, lieutenant -

16 75

4,279 16

278 38

470 00 724 21

15 34 1,166 82

649 77

2,725 13

999 38

4 07 467 70

11 30 405 33

100 22 35 63

671 77

648 08

257 01 414 16


123 00 77 03

401 00 48 39

411 17 72 69

1,195 81

695 51

Balance June 22,1815, $550 70; $553 79 since cred¬ ited.

Balance April 22, 1834. Reported for suit April 20, 1821.

Balance October 16,1819. Requested to refund the balance.

Balance July 12, 1816. Suspensions $219. Balance June 23, 1814, $603 21; $120 50 since

charged. Balance August 21,1821. Balance May 6, 1822. Reported for suit July J6,

1821. Balance August 27, 1826. Required to pay. No

further allowance can be made. Balance September 7, 1820. Reported for suit Sep

tember 30, 1830. Balance March 29, 1820. Reported for suit April

28, 1821. Balance May 10, 1820. Balance June 27, 1822. Claims additional credits. Balance August 21,1820. Balance December 31,1827. Required to make an

early settlement. Balance August 26,1826. Balance March 3, 1824. Balance December 4, 1820, $471 77. Suspensions

$362; $200 since charged. Balance June 18, 1824. Reported for suit Septem- - ber 25, 1821. Balance November 24, 1821. Balance February 1, 1814, $24 16, and $390 since

charged. Balance March 28, 1815. Balance in his hands as assistant military agent at

Fort Madison in 1812. Balance July 9, 1810, $1; $400 since charged. Balance June 7, 1813. Balance March 26, 1820. Dead. Balance June 19, 1815. Balance May 17,1815, $60 81; $1,135 since charged.

Reported for suit July 14, 1821. Balance August 25,1824.

Non est inventus,

Non est inventus.

Non est inventus.

Non est inventus.

Non est inventus.

Nulla bona.



62. 103

Name and rank.

Spalding, Nathaniel, lieutenant 30th - Scott, Robert, captain 4th rifle - Smith, Daniel, lieutenant 29th Sdth, Drury, ensign - Simons, John H. - Scott, YVm., lieutenant 24th Strother, Benjamin, lieutenant 2d rifle

Simple, John - Stark, Robert B., lieutenant Shelden, George B., lieutenant 4th

Stewart, Charles, lieutenant 15th

Smith, James, lieutenant 30th - Smith, jr., Charles, lieutenant lGth Shannon, Wm,, lieutenant

Smith, Robert, lieutenant 19th -

Sparks, C. A., lieutenant 3d rifle Senter, German, surgeon’s mate

Smith, Richard, captain


Jx: S j ® S'

S 5

J-o = S.o “ S “ « -G C-3 ? Begw > S a 3 " o « c-9 5“ ci q o -C rt © o at" © o ^ ™ |n £ .

o £ ~ ”& 'Z! 2 ^ o ° ^ S ~ C ° C’C P © O © C6 g


Remarks of the Third Auditor. Remarks of the Solicitor of the

Treasury on all cases re¬ ported for suit.

$378 26 40 13

361 09 891 00 207 94

17 85 1,150 00

390 00 20 00

1,708 00

1,858 00

Balance December 18, 1816. Suspensions $144. Balance March 28, 1815. Balance August 16, 1816. Balance October 16, 1815. Suspensions $854 97. Balance October 1, 1816. Balance October 1, 1834. Advanced for bounties, &c. Reported for suit July

12, 1821. Advanced for bounties, &c. No account rendered. Advanced for contingencies. Advanced for bounties, &c. Reported, &c., Novem¬

ber 30, 1821. Advanced for bounties, &c, Reported, &c.,Novem-

Non est inventus.

Non est inventus,

Non est inventus.

340 00 150 00

1,093 00

500 00

40 00 345 22

500 00

ber 30, 1821. Advanced for bounties, &c. No account rendered. Advanced for bounties, &c. .Advanced for bounties, &c. Accounts rendered -without vouchers for $690 98. Dead. No further papers expected.

Advanced for bounties, &c. Reported for suit Au¬ gust 14, 1826.

Advanced for contingencies. Advanced for hospital department. Reported for

suit December 13, 1821. Advanced for quartermaster’s department. Report¬

ed for suit December 13, 1821.

Non est inventus.

No suit. Residence unknown.

No suit. Residence unknown,

A - i

104 D

oc. N

o. 62.


Sharer, Philip S., ensign 17th -

Shubrick, Thomas, lieutenant Siannard, John, lieutenant colonel Steel, Robert, captain -

Smith, Walter, ensign 29th Seward, Mason, captain 19th - Staple, Elliot, lieutenant

Scott, Edward H., lieutenant 36th

Simons, Asa W., lieutenant 11th

Spencer, Thomas, lieutenant - Shaw, Neal, lieutenant 6th

Scott, Charles, late Gov. of Kentucky -

Saint, Daniel, lieutenant 43d -

Smith, W. R., lieutenant 17th -

Shanks, Thomas W., ensign 26th Sterry, Robert, maj. and inspector gen. Sumner, Joseph, lieutenant 34th Sanderson, James P. - Smith, Benjamin, lieut. 2d dragoons - Spencer, Anderson, lieutenant 26th Stewart, John, ensign 32d

Smith, Wm. W., lieutenant artillery - Smith, John W., captain 35th - Scofie-ld, Joseph, lieutenant 15th Smith, Benjamin, lieutenant 46th Schovel, Asahel, captain militia Skinner, R., late U. S. attorney

Storr, Israel, lieutenant 37th - Steel, Matthew S., ensign 10th Salisbury, Reuben, lieutenant 30th

200 00

100 00 330 00

1,074 00

10 00 92 00

170 00

500 00

1,000 00

60 43 28 75

2,500 00

669 75

300 00

100 00 193 69 300 00 200 00 230 00 284 00 326 91

100 00 300 00 100 00 350 00

75 00 157 00

30 00 10 00

118 00

Advanced for bounties, &c. Reported for suit De¬ cember 13, 1821.

Advanced for bounties, &c. Advanced lor bounties, &c. No account rendered. Advanced for quartermaster’s department. Re¬

ported for suit December 13, 1821. Advanced for bounties, &c. Advanced for bounties, &e. Advanced for bounties, &c. Says he has settled his

account with his commanding officer. Advanced for bounties, &c. Reported for suit Sep¬

tember 28, 1821.

Advanced for bounties, &c. Reported for suit July 13, 1821.

Advanced for contingencies. Received for transportation of baggage, to which he

was not entitled. Advanced for pay of rangers. Application has been

made for the vouchers. Advanced for bounties, &c. Accounts rendered

without vouchers for $275. Advanced for bounties, &c. Accounts rendered

without vouchers for $180. Advanced for bounties, &c. Has claims lor pay, &c. Advanced for quartermaster’s department. Advanced for bounties, &c. No account rendered. Advanced for contingencies. Advanced for quartermaster’s department. Advanced for bounties, &e. Advanced for bounties, &c. Accounts rendered for

$205. Reported for suit May 28, 1822. Advanced for medical department. Advanced for bounties, &c. No account rendered, Advanced for bounties, &e. Advanced for quartermaster’s department. Advanced for quartermaster’s department. Received by him on account of interest due the Uni¬

ted States by George Merchant. Advanced ior contingencies. Advanced for quartermaster’s department. Advanced for bounties, &c.

Killed at river Raisin. Suit abated.

No suit. Residence unknown.

Drowned himself while in cus¬ tody of the marshal, under execution, February, 1824.

Non est inventus.

No property. .No suit. Des¬ perate.



62. 105

Name and rank.

Swearengen, James S., captain Smith, David, lieutenant Stockton, Robert, lieutenant 28th Scott, R. W., lieutenant 7th

Scott, R. W., lieutenant 7th Sloan, Charles, doctor -

Shields, Thos., purser and prize-agent

Spencer, Joel, late a. d. q. m. -


Stone, John, lieut. and quartermaster

Sloo, Thomas, jr., agent

Shriver, James, agent - Steele, Hiram, agent -

Sterling, G. A., lieutenant


2-G £

S 66 a O g* O O

a 2 ei G -Q

C Ph ■S2 ^

o. • ^ c £> Si

at? »<.

c fl.§ Sf s .2 cd o

3 ? S HtE 03'S-I 7

° |o'Sl £ O (B rt S CH3 C 3 o O ® ci O >•- c > G d.ii O-rr

5-* "

Remarks of the Third Auditor.

84 00 50 00

130 00 805 00

810 50 144 12

2,206 75

300 00

61 80

31 19

122 41 70 32

22 00

Advanced for bounties, &e. Advanced for contingencies. Advanced for bounties, &c. Advanced for bounties, &c. Accounts rendered

without vouchers for $922 52. Quartermaster’s department. Balance May 15,1821. Quartet master’s department. Balance January 3,

1824. Dead. Act for the relief of sundry officers, &c. Advanced

to pay George T. Ross, and officers and men of the army under his command, their portion of the ap¬ propriation, vouchers for which have not been rendered.

Quartermaster’s department. Advanced to Sanders Donoho, and twice credited. Reported, &c., No¬ vember 20, 1832.

Quartermaster’s department. Balance May, 1821. Dead. Reported for suit November 30, 1832.

Quartermaster’s department. Balance September 28, 1820,88 55, and #22 64 since charged.

Roads and canals.- Balance November 21, 1828. Balance July 29,1829, for disbursements for deepen¬

ing the harbor of Sackett’s Harbor, which he has been requested to refund.

Quartermaster’s department. Balance of moneys received from Lieut. F. Carter in August, 1831.

Remarks of the Solicitor of the Treasury on all cases re¬ ported for suit.

Residence unknown.

Non est inventus.

106 D

oc. N

o. 62.

Stanton, Henry, major -

State of New Hampshire

Shaumburg, J. W., lieut. dragoons

Shannon, Samuel, lieut. and a. q. m. -

Smith, Henry, captain -

Sullivan, J. B., assistant surgeon

Sevier, R., late lieut. and a. a. q. m. -

Selden, Joseph D., superintendent

Scott, H. S., lieut. and a. a. q. m.

Smith, Constantine, lieut. and a. a. q. m.

Smith, John L., major of engineers -

Smith, Henry, captain -

145 94

10,839 94

39 87

660 99

144 03 *27 30

200 05

83 01 8 30

11 13


8 08

360 42

47 75

1,412 73

132 58

No account ever rendered to (Quartermaster Gen¬ eral or to this office.

Subsistence. Balance on settlement September 16, 1833, arising on a charge for commissions. Not al lowed.

Balance November 1, 1826. Caused by disallow¬ ances and suspensions; the objections occasioning which have not been remove.d.

(Quartermaster's department. Balance July 1,1837, of the value of a public horse received of Lieut. Swords in June, 1834, of which he has been in¬ formed. Resigned July 31, 1836.

Road from Colerain to Tampa Bay. Balance Janu¬ ary 19, 1840. Dead.

Balance January 19, 1839. Army transportation. Road between Ports Lawrence and Adrian. Balance

March 11,1837. Has accounts on file for settle¬ ment.

Road from Vistula to Indiana State line. Balance, &c., as above.

Piers at La Plaisance bay. Balance, &c., as above. Officers’ transportation; being an overcharge for

transportation. Subsistence. Balance June 28, 1838, remaining in

his hands, of sales of provisions, &c., in 1833 and 1834, Has offered explanations, not satisfactory. Further proof necessary.

Officers’ transportation. Balance June 23, 1835. Reported for stoppage November, 1836.

Piers at Buffalo harbor. Balance September 1,1836. Has been requested to refund.

Subsistence. Has accounts on file for settlement; which, it is stated, will accouni for the amount against him.

(Quartermaster’s department. Balance March 16, 1835, $77 75; since which, he refunded $30. Killed by the Indians in Florida.

Repairs of Fort Lafayette. Balance June 8,1839. Dis¬ bursing.

Road from La Plaisance bay, &c. Balance Janu¬ ary 17, 1839. Disbursing, and has accounts on file for settlement.



. 62. 107


Name and rank.

d) j y c s kj p iH <D cti

•S O g.S2

s*. £

cd'd . -So CJ S-<

1 8/« 2 « a. ~

“e2 2 S g^o “ Mg, o C ft

S- 2 ^ £~ S

2 ^ cd

Remarks of the Third Auditor. Remarks of the Solicitor of the

Treasury on all cases re¬ ported for suit.

Scott, H. L., lieut. and a. a. q. m.

Schley, Wrn., Governor of Georgia -

Simpson, John K.,pension agent, Boston

$0 43

5,011 21

495 92

24,921 96

38,011 84

Quartermaster’s department. Disallowed on settle¬ ment January 15, 1839. Written to.

Preventing, &c., Indian hostilities. Received of Quartermasters Mackay and Waite in July and September, 1836.

Subsistence. This sum, paid A. C. Phillips and E. Cary, on the order of Governor Schley, second quarter 1836, charged by direction of Second Comptroller.

Invalid pensions. Balance March 8, 1839. Re¬ ported tor suit in February, 1838.

Revolutionary pensions. Balance March 8, 1839 Reported as above, for $63,352 75 j since reduced to $62,933 80.

Suit ordered February 19,1838, for the balance then stated to be due - - $63,352 75

In addition to the foregoing,another account against Mr. Simpson, as agent for paying pensions, was transmitted to the district attorney March 23, 1838, amounting to - 91,998 92

155,351 67


108 D

oc. N

o. 62



Shannon, Samuel, captain

Scott, Winfield, major general

Smith, Henry, captain ■ Skinner, D. G., quartermaster -

184 99

4 26

650 00

8 24 100 00

Obstructions in Appalachicola river. Balance Jan¬ uary 19, 1839, $520 19 ; due him on other accounts, $335 20. Dead. His representatives have been written to.

Hostilities Seminole Indians. Balance June 13, 1838. Accounts on file for settlement.

Preventing, &c., Indian hostilities. Amount paid on his order to C. J. Malone, the value of his slave killed by the Indians in March, 1836. Charged to his personal account, under the decision of the Secretary of War, (of which he has been informed.) That the act of the 28th of May, 1836, does not provide for the payment of private property lost, destroyed, or taken for the public service. Re¬ quires legislative authority before the charge can be allowed.

Huron river. Balance February 10, 1840. Preventing, &c., Indian hostilities. Balance July

9, 1838. Advanced in September, 1836. No ac¬ counts since rendered.

Judgment at May term, 1839, against—Hall J. How & Chas. Hood, sureties of Simpson for $61,780 42. Execution satis¬ fied by levy and extent of lands appraised at the sum of $62,786 42, which was in full satisfaction of the debt, and all cost and charges, &c.

Suit for the second sum con¬ tinued at September term, 1839, of the United States dis¬ trict court, as to S. S. Lewis and others. The debt was embraced in the judgment against the Commonwealth Bank of Boston, and most of it made by levy and extent of land. Residue secured in 1839, and will soon be realized.




62. 109


Name and rank.

Sloan, T. T., lieutenant marines

Swartwout, H., lieut, and a. a. q. m.

Smith, H. L., Alabama militia

Smith, T. F., captain 1st infantry

Smith, Henry, captain -

y 1 S'5-- d p <v m & & (S-0 It!

Ha £ “ o

„ ^ d 2 to>

a u <U O r- !g &V §•£

§"■5 Sro

~ S « bj •5 ag ct3 * s S 2”

1 c| S’S p-p d o §6 3* <B S £ 2 ° £ o °

2 ° § a - J flj O 4) tfl 2 >•« S > - o3 O -o . ;j3 >'3 a).

Remarks of the Third Auditor. Remarks of the Solicitor of the Treasury on all cases re¬ ported for suit.

$2,280 34

108 85

1,561 54

550 00

410 02

10 05

Preventing, &c., Indian hostilities. Advances to him by Colonel Stanton and Lieutenant Lindsay in August and September, 1836. No accounts re¬ ceived. Written to on the subject.

Subsistence. Amount advanced him in July, 1836. Disbursing. Has accounts on file to third quarter 1839, for settlement.

Preventing, &c., Indian hostilities. Amount of pro¬ vision stores paid for by Lieutenant Simpson in the second, third, and fourth quarters, 1836. Charged to him on settlement of Lieutenant Simpson’s ac¬ count in September, 1838. He was written to Sep tember 28, 1838, informed of the charge, and re¬ quested to furnish a statement of the stores he receiv¬ ed, and an abstract of issues, to show that the pro¬ visions have been applied to use of the troops.

Military road from Mississippi, between the mouths of St. Peier’sand Des Moines. Amount advanced in January and May, 1837. Rendered an account for expenses as commissioner, without vouchers, on which he claimed a balance. He was written to for vouchers, but none received. Out of service.

Cleveland harbor. Balance February 10, 1840, of an advance in October, 1836.

Grand river. Balance, &c., as above. Has been di¬ rected by the Topographical Bureau to pay the bal¬ ances against him over to his successor; evidence

110 D

oc. N

o. 62.

Swift, Joseph G., superintendent

Smith, Henry, captain -

Stockton, W. T., agent -

Shankland, Thomas, agent

Stennicke, A. H., doctor

Sampson, Lloyd G., agent engineers -

Smith, John R., lieut. and a. a. q. m. -

Searcy, J. G., captain Florida militia -

Stockton, R. G., lieutenant

Smead, R. C., lieutenant, &c. -

1,192 23

477 09

12 70

723 74

13 51 14 22

764 52

907 53 100 00 229 06

73 20

89 52

45 40

471 55

of which has not yet been received. Beacon-light, Genesee river. Balance July 12,1839.

Has accounts on file unsettled, in which be claims to have reduced this balance to $270 51, and has further accounts to render. Disbursing.

Works at Buffalo. Balance February 15, 1840; which he has been called on to pay over.

Harbor of Black Rock. Balance January 3, 1838, arising on errors and overpayments disallowed, of which he has been informed.

Harbor of Salmon river. Balance April 18, 1839. Reported for suit for $2,745 07. Judgment against his sureties for $2,000, which has been paid with interest, leaving this balance.

Q.uarlerrnaster’s department. Officers’ transportation. Overpayments received

for the transportation of his baggage, and commu¬ tation for fuel and quarters. Called on to pay over the amount November 15, 1839.

Preserving the point of land leading to the light¬ house at the Gurnet, Duxbury. Balance July 31, 1840. Dead. Levi Sampson was written to, July 31,1810, with a view to have the balance refunded.

Subsistence. Advanced prior to September 30,1837. Officers’transportation. Advanced in February, 1837. Army transportation. Balance December 28, 1837. Guariermaster’s department. Balance December

28, 1837, $75 95; since brought to his credit #2 75. Has subsistence and quartermaster’s accounts on file for settlement, which he claims to be closed.

Preventing, &c., Indian hostilities. Amount of property received by him, and paid for by Lt. D. H. Vinton, 2d quarter of 1837. Informed of the charge, and his attention called to the subject March 24, 1838.

Subsistence. Part of an advance by Lieut. Gray¬ son, in July, 1837. Accounts on file unsettled, in which this money is apparently accounted for.

Preventing, &c., Indian hostilities. Balance Au¬ gust 8, 1837, $171 55; since charged with $300. Has unsettled accounts on file to March 31, 1839, according to which he owes but $99 68f,





Name and rank.

o? = >.o O) « & P c-g

H-5! a J = •5 8-s s* g 8'S 2 =?.s . ° Pv-'C'C'71 ^ 3 C 03 03 ^ COW -o "

§ 03 c*2 §

<-C > ‘13 CtiS

Remarks of the Third Auditor. Remarks of the Solicitor of the Treasury on all cases re¬ ported for suit.

Shreve, H. M., superintendent -

Saunders, F., lieutenant 2d dragoons -

Smith, John L., major -

Stephens, Thomas, lieutenant 30th Tyier, John, lieutenant 27th -

Tracy, J. L., lieutenant Turner, Thomas, ensign - * Thompson, Francis, p. m. Md. militia Taylor, James, captain 30th Thompson, J. L., lieutenant 43d Thompson, Ebenezer, captain 9th

Townsend, Isaac, lieutenant 34th Turpin, Beverly, lieut. 2d dragoons -

Turner, Israel, captain 10th -

$G5 98 85 00

36 00 124 00 23 78 64 18

184 55 659 37

178 00 956 56

176 07

$18 36

11 97

135 00

22 18

Constructing boat, &c. Balance December 14, 1840. Disbursing.

Preventing, &c., Indian hostilities. Advanced by Lt. Bullock, $135 ; and since credited $123 03.

Subsistence. Advanced by Lt. Bullock in April, 1837. Has accounts on file for settlement, in which these sums are credited.

(Quartermaster’s department. Cost of fuel issued to him in 2d, 3d, and 4th quarters of 1836, beyond what is allowed. Charged to his personal account, of which he was informed in April, 1837. Is dis¬ bursing on account of fortifications, &c., and has unsettled accounts on file.

Balance October 8, 1818. Suspensions $30. Balance March 26, 1817, $25. Additional charged

$60. Suspensions $‘88 17, Balance July 3, 1818. Balance April 28, 1820. Caused by suspensions. Balance April 20, 1818. Balance March 12, 1819. Suspensions $98. Balance June 23, 1818. Suspensions equal thereto. Balance May 11, 1819. Reported for suit Septem¬ ber 25, 1820.

Balance July 28, 1818. Suspensions $19 77. Balance August 4,1815, $876 56; $80 since charged.

Suspensions $564 60. Balance August 24, 1820. Suspensions $68.


Non est inventus.

3 o


112 D


Tate, Jesse 0., lieutenant 39tli - Thompson, W. P., p. m. Va. militia -

Taylor, Samuel A., lieutenant 43d

^Townsly, Wm,, lieut. 1st rifle - Tipton, Jacob, lieutenant rifle - Thorn, Frost, p. m. N. Y. militia Tyler, Edmund, p. m. Va. militia Thompson, Joseph, captain 28th Townsend, Solomon D., capt. artillery

Taylor, James, district paymaster

Taylor, William, captain Tobey, Charles E., captain 21st

Taylor, Reuben, lieutenant 7th Trippe, James, lieut. 2d dragoons Torrance, Robert, quarterm’r militia -

Turner, Tilman, lieut. 3d infantry

Thomas, George W., ensign 34th Taite, J. C. Tannehill, Adamson, brig. gen. militia

Trimbo, John, lieutenant 28th - Terry, Noah, captain sea-fencibles Taylor, Ebenezer, capt. vol’r cavalry - Turner, Stephen, lieutenant 9th

Taliaferro, M., captain 35th - Tracy, David, lieutenant 37th - Taylor, Nathaniel, brigadier general -

8 00 160 00

Balance March 22, 1819. Balance February 7, 1825. Reported for suit Janu¬

ary 20, 1820.

45 38

51 62 96 00 66 67 44 47

231 15 480 65

5,309 34

Balance February 16, 1820. Suspensions of greater amount.

Balance March 24, 1820. Balance May 9, 1820. Balance May 30, 1820. Balance June 26, 1822. Balance February 17, 1817. Suspensions $75. Balance May 8, 1811, $447 65, and $33 received for

double rations, to which he was not entitled. Balance June 17, 1833. Reported for suit May 12,


200 00 450 00

10 00 653 00

2,520 00

600 00

60 00 50 00

500 00

150 00 200 00 200 00 460 00

20 00 104 00 500 00

Advanced for bounties, &c. Advanced for bounties, &c. Accounts rendered

without vouchers for $658. Advanced for bounties, &c. No account rendered. Advanced for bounties, &c. No account rendered. Advanced for quartermaster’s department. Ac¬

count rendered in part. Advanced for bounties, &c. Reported for suit Sep¬

tember 9, 1826. Advanced for bounties, &c. Advanced for contingencies. Advanced for militia. Dead. Representatives al¬

lege that the money was stolen from the general, and wish for an opportunity to apply to Congress.

Advanced for bounties, &c. Advanced for contingencies. Advanced for contingencies. Advanced for bounties, &c. Reported for suit Sep¬

tember 28, 1828. Advanced for contingencies. Advanced for bounties, &c. Advanced for quartermaster’s department.

Debt collected by late district attorney, J. Beeson, and $160 retained by him for commis¬ sions. Return for 1829. Bee¬ son has been dead upward of of 13 years.

Suit pending. Proceedings sus¬ pended February 28,1839, till the close of the next session of Congress.

Non est inventus.

Non est inventus.



62. 113


Name and rank,

ci p ( D QQ

V- H O $ ® 2 ! §rfn g S CJ o -2o p ?-< <13 O «

lip *|£§ - ® bn £ p A

SS|3 rt JS S © r„ o o 2 s»s

« ® ckJ A > c „ ~°sl p p-2

p-p «J O rS ; ©

p '$. * Wirt

° ^ 'P "S 73 r O O P 03 ' P^pTSp- £ © o £ p o > *p p > P p.2 Opk 5 43 >*43 pf

Remarks of the Third Auditor. Remarks of the Solicitor of the Treasury on all cases reported for suit.

Tompkins, D. D., late Gov. New York Tatbam, William, colonel Taylor, Tilden, lieutenant 24th Tarrant, John, lieutenant

Tolson, William, lieutenant 3d infantry Tucker, John, lieutenant and a. c. s. - Tapley, Evan, paymaster militia Tennille, William A., quarterm’r gen’l

1304 00 100 00 50 00

640 00 $1,729 00

24 00 280 48

44 40 351 01

Refunded by paymaster Edwards. Advanced for contingencies. Advanced for bounties, &c. Advanced for bounties and quartermaster's depart¬

ment. Reported for suit October 29, 1821. Advanced for quartermaster’s department. Subsistence. Balance April 11, 1822. Arrearages. Double payment in 1814 and 1815. Arrearages. Balance April 16, 1836. Reported

for suit November 10, 1820.

Judgment May term, 1826. Dead. Desperate.

Judgment at November term, 1821, for $6,785 90, with in¬ terest and costs. Balance re¬ duced by subsequent settle¬ ments to $351 01, and interest from April 2, 1836. Party poor; on a pension of $8 per month.

Taylor, Zachariah, lieutenant colonel 244 80 Quartermaster's department. Balance September 24, 1836. Reported for stoppage November 5, 1836.

Thatcher, Amos R., lieutenant

Triplett, J. B., lieutenant Thomas, David, agent at Buffalo

6 00

21 00 459 50

42 30

Quartermaster’s department. Balance September 3, 1824.

Subsistence. Balance October 11, 1825. Dead. Quartermaster’s department. Balance January 7,

1826. Dead. Pier at mouth of Buffalo harbor. Balance January

28, 1829,

% O


114 D


Ten Eyck, Conrad, Mead, and Parks, commissioners.

Temple, Robert, pension agent

Thomas, Martin, lieutenant and a. c. s.

Torrence, S., late lieut. 4th infantry -

Thornton, W. A., lieut. and a. q. m. -

Tuttle, Stephen, lieutenant engineers -

' l

Tupper,Thos., late capt. and a. a. q. m. g. ' ♦

Talcott, Andrew, captain engineers -

Thomas, Charles, captain

Thayer, Sylvanus, lieutenant colonel -

Talcott, Andrew, captain engineers -

97 63

48 00

100 08

30 00

318 62

27 30

151 41

99 00

4,578 09

22,496 03

583 79

736 55

4,147 39

4,853 29

723 56

218 96

Road from Detroit to Saginaw. Balance June 18, 1828.

Revolutionary pensions. Balance October 9, 1829. States that he has claims exceeding this amount.

Subsistence. Balance June. 28, 1830, Reported for suit by Second Auditor.

Subsistence. Advanced him in July, 1822, by Gov. Morris. Dead.

Officers’ transportation. Balance May 20, 1837, arising on disallowances and suspensions. Re¬ ported for stoppage, November, 1836. Since dead.

Repairs of Fort Delaware. Payments to soldiers on extra duty, not authorized. Dead.

Harbor of New Castle, Marcus Hook, &c. Balance December 18, 1833. Suspensions, &c.

Arrearages incurred in preservation of Pea Patch island. Balance as above.

Repairs of Fort Marion. Balance August 1, 1834. Dead. He acknowledged a balance of S3,227 25. Difference arises on items suspended and disal¬ lowed.

Guartermaster’s department. Amount of sundry duebills and interest thereon. Paid under an act of Congress. Insolvent.,

Purchase of instruments to carry into effect the act of July 14, 1832. Balance October 30, 1839.

Fort Monroe. Balance January 17, 1839; remain¬ ing in his hands of advances in April and Septem¬ ber, 1832, and August, 1834.

Fort Calhoun. Balance May 22, 1839, remaining, &c. as above.

Barracks at Fort Gibson. Balance January 31, 1840, of an advance in July, 1835. Has accounts on file for settlement.

Collecting materials for a fort on George’s island. Balance May 25, 1840, of advances in March, 1835, arising from commission charged, &c., not admitted to his credit.

Arrearages of expenses of astronomical observa¬ tions in 1835. Balance October 30, 1839, of an advance by N. Rice, in July, 1836. Called on to refund.

Doc. N

o. 62.



Name and rank.

Thompson, John C., q. m. g. Ala. vols.

i Temple, Robert, deceased, late pension


Thruston, C. M., late captain artillery

Thomas, Lorenzo, lieutenant, &c.

Thomas, Lorenzo, captain, &c.

JSo 5 S i o u

o rf.S , *5 £ .*3 :



3 Its ^ <D <X) 2 CO

■§ ° CJ 2 l.a-§N §■5 S* <u

U * 2 gls V. iu'S'Eq

® i’s‘S'85 d O CQ ~ O 3 drOc3-; O © O ® oj ! C oj0^5^,

rCj > *£3 cj *

Remarks of the Third Auditor. Remarks of the Solicitor of the Treasury on all cases reported for suit.

$6,500 00

1,000 00

356 34 30,656 89 13,368 61

20 20

3,161 86

478 65

1,471 28

3,843 84

Preventing, &c. Indian hostilities. Advanced in May and August, 1836, by Lieutenants Grayson and Clay.

Creek hostilities. Advanced by Major Stanton in July, 1836. Has been called on to render his ac¬ counts.

1 Invalid pensions. > Revolutionary pensions. ) Pensions, June 7, 1832. Balance July 18, 1840.

Amount of payment on account of certain pension cases contained in a statement from the Pension Office in December, 1834, with interest thereon, and approved by the administrators of Mr. Tem¬ ple.

Quartermaster’s department. Cost of fuel issued to his family by Lt. T. Green, in the 2d quarter of 1836; brought to his debit in Aug. 1836; was written to, to refund, Aug. 18, 1836. Resigned Aug. 31, 1836.

Hostilities of Seminole Indians. Balance March 24, 1840.

Quartermaster’s department. Balance March 24, 1840, $648 40; of which, $478 65 was advanced prior to September 30, 1837.

Preventing, &c. Indian hostilities. Balance March 24, 1840.

Volunteersand additional dragoons. Balance March 24, 1840. Has unsettled vouchers on file, equal to


Doc. N

o. 62.

Taylor, F., lieutenant -

Turner, H. S., lieutenant 1st dragoons

Thomas, Wra, O., a. q. m. Florida mil.

Taylor, J. P., captain and a. a. q. m. -

Taylor, W. It., q. m. Florida militia -

Thornton, W. A., lieut. and a. a.qr. mr.

Ullman, J. J., capt., a. d. qr. mr. militia

Upham, Edward, ensign 1,010 00

72 92

261 80

600 00

1,335 64

5,590 52

15,654 85

1,352 50

445 29

11 16

289 50

these sums, for adjustment. (Quartermaster's department. Balance June 14,

1838, $1,061 72; since brought to his credit $886 20, leaving $72 92. Advanced prior to September 30, 1837.

Officers’ transportation. Balance June 14, 1838. Has unsettled accounts on file, which he claims to be closed.

(Quartermaster’s department. Advanced him in August and September, 1837. Has unsettled ac¬ counts on file, which he claims to be closed.

Preventing, &c. Indian hostilities. Amount of pro¬ perty received by him of Captain H. Brown, in the third quarter of 1837. Informed of the charge, and called on to render accounts, May, 1838.

(Quartermaster’s department. Balance February 4, 1840, $10,601 21; of which, $5,590 52 was ad¬ vanced prior to September 30, 1837. Of this bal¬ ance, Captain Taylor only admits $501 54 to be due the United States.

Subsistence. Balance October 30, 1837, $16,255 07; since brought to his credit $600 22, leaving in his hands $15,654 85. Unsettled accounts on file, in¬ cluding the first quarter of 1840.

Preventing, &c. Indian hostilities. Amount of pro¬ perty received by him, and paid for by Lieutenant Vinton in the first quarter of 1837. He was in¬ formed of the charge June 2, 1838, and called on to render evidence of the application of the pro¬ perty.

Preventing, &e., Indian hostilities. Balance June 12, 1838. Has unsettled accounts on file rap to June 30, 1840, which he claims to be closed.

Subsistence. Balance October, 1840. He claims to have closed this account. The balance arises on errors, of which he has been informed.

Militia of Illinois and other States. Balance Feb¬ ruary 1, 1834, consisting of suspended vouchers, which were returned to him for correction, Febru¬ ary 12, 1834.

Advanced for bounties, &c. Reported for suit De¬ cember 8,1821.

Non est inventus.



62. 117


Name and rank. Remarks of the Third Auditor. Remarks of the Solicitor of the Treasury on all cases reported for suit.

Yance, Oliver, lieutenant 27th Vail, Samuel, captain 7th

Van Antwerp, Henry, lieutenant

Van Buren, Lawrence, quartermaster

Van Buren, P. B., captain 29th Vail, John, captain 18th Vanschaick, Gerrit H., p. m. N.Y. mil. Valleau, John, lieutenant 15th Vischer, N. T., captain rifle Vandersee, Storm T., wagonmaster - Vanderslice, Joseph H., lieutenant 22d Vail, Thomas, ensign -

Vosburg, Peter J., colonel 9th -

Vernor, John, jr., N.Y. militia Vanhorne, Thomas B., lieutenant col. Vandersee, Storm A., lieutenant vol. - Van Ness, John P., pension agent

Vanderver, J, S., captain dragoons

$298 14 1,368 00

829 78

364 71

1,450 34 57 37

267 11 125 25 161 51 135 14 220 79

1,755 00

650 00

130 00 9 10

10 00 $476 77

1 32

Balance July 17, 1817. Caused by suspensions. Balance July 18, 1816, $1,088; $280 since charged.

Reported lor suit June 20, 1821, Balance February 3, 1819. Reported, &c., June

20, 1821. Balance October 16, 1821. Reported, &c., Decem¬

ber 13, 1821. Balance June 20,1818,$400 34; $1,050 since charged. Balance December 20, 1819. Balance May 9, 1820. Balance July 14, 1813. Balance November 16, 1821. Balance March 15, 1814. Advanced for pay. Advanced for bounties, &c. Reported, &c., No¬

vember 24, 1819. Advanced for quartermaster’s department. Report¬

ed for suit November 24, 1819. Advanced for quartermaster’s department. Balance August 9, 1832. Advanced for bounties, &c. Revolutionary pensions. Balance August 15,1840,

$872 77, of which $476 77 were advanced prior to September 30, 1837. Disbursing; and has ac¬ counts for 3d quarter, 1840, on file for settlement.

Subsistence. Balance September 25, 1837. Re¬ ported for stoppage.

Not found. Suit abated.

No suit. Party insane. .

Non est inventus.

Non est inventus.

Non est inventus.

118 D

oc. N

o. 62.

Walker, Wm., captain 39th

Wayne, Wm, C., lieutenant 8th

Watson, John A., a. d. qr. mr. gen. Whalock, Phint as, lieut. 4th infantry White, Philip, captain 9th

Wiley, James, lieutenant 33d - Welsh, Wm., lieutenant 43d - Wells, James, lieutenantllth - Waterman, F. Y., lieutenant 29th Watkins, John, lieutenant. Woodward, Francis, lieutenant 24th -

Webster, Nathaniel, captain 33d Weston, Samuel, paymaster volunteers

Wilde'y, Joshua, captain 23d - Wynkoop, John, ensign 34th - Wingatm Thomas, qr. mr. Ken. militia Wiighf, B mjamin, captain 39th Williams, Phineas, captain

Ward, Wm., lieutenant Williams, Alexander J., captain

Waring, John, lieutenant 4th ■ Wa:ker, Elisha M., lieutenant 24th

Williams, Byrom, ensign 28th Walker, John C., lieutenant 26th

Wilson, Abiel, ensign 4th Webb, Stephen, lieutenant 30th Warley, Felix B., corporal 8th

Williams, John, ensign 3d rifle

Wilcox, Joseph M., lieut. 3d infantry - Williamson, John S., lieutenant 24th -

298 34

1,300 00

301 94 4 00

427 10

91 66 74 10

186 41 51 59

9 75 1,876 00

505 66 2,580 20

464 96 76 00

135 75 555 64

1,245 00

266 96 1,497 61

10 00 548 00

266 00 1,459 36

196 75 38 10

177 80

349 63

301 43 431 94

Balance April 7, 1817, $128 34, and $270 since charged, $100 credited.

Balance May 14, 1817, $1,200; $100 since charged. Reported for suit November 5, 1819.

Balance January 5, 1821. Dead. Balance October 9, 1818. A suspension. Balance March 9, 1818. A greater amount sus¬

pended. Balance May 4, 1818. Balance August 5, 1817. Balance November 11, 1818. Suspensions $154. Balance September 16, 1818. Suspensions $50 37. Balance December 11, 1816. Balance March 31,1821. Reported for suit Decem¬

ber 18, 1821. Balance September 21,1818. Suspensions $327 35. Balance February 12, 1820. Suspensions $915 50.

Reported for suit October 4, 1820. Balance January 11, 1819, $220 85. Suspended. Balance March 5, 1819, $26; $50 since charged. Balance November 10, 1823. Balance April 21, 1818. Suspensions $199 03. Balance April 27, 1818. Reported for suit Novem¬

ber 10, 1819. Balance July 8,1819. Balance November 25, 1819, $997 61; $650 since

charged; SlaOcrcdited. Reported, &c., May 1,1822. Balance September 3, 1818. Balance August 24, 1818, $586; suspended $286;

$38 since credited. Balance September 22, 1818. Balance August 5,1816, $779 36; $680 since charged.

Reported for suit October 17, 1822. Balance October 6, 1818. Balance October 6, 1818. Balance October 24, 1818, $77 80; $100 since

charged. Balance March 14,1820. Requested to refund the

amount. Balance November 6, 1818. Dead. Balance February 16,1819, $229 06; $202 88 since


Non est inventus.

Non est inventus.

Non est inventus.

Non est inventus.

Non est inventus.

Non est inventus.

Doc. N

o. 62.


Name and rank.

Wynkoop, James J., lieutenant 29th - Wheeler, Francis T., lieutenant 13th -

Wood, Robert, ensign

Wagnon, Thomas P., lieutenant 28th -

Wells, Wm. S., lieutenant 24th

White, Clement, eaptain 20th - Wellington, Henry, lieutenant 9th Williby, John, lieutenant 27tb - Worster, Alexander, lieutenant 33d - Wade, Nathan'C., ensign 10th Womack, Jesse, lieutenant 8th Warner, Henry W., p. m. N. Y. militia Weed, Harvey, p. m. N. Y. militia Woolsey, M., a. d. qr. mr. gen.

Wingate, John, brig. gen. Ohio militia Williams, Barnet, p. m. Ken. militia -

Warner, Joseph, qr. mr. Ohio militia - Wilcox, Daniel B., lieutenant!3th


1 g « >,0 «2ss? ■5 gg ^ <D <V c 00

S a-S S-S J3.3 « O g’S o* <B

g ° C'd'c-g § £.2 g £ % c ts.2 o-aiS 5 -C > ‘43 ci S

Remarks of the Third Auditor.

$106 08 523 65

451 00

158 00

512 50

4 12 171 44

75 15 51

230 00 126 00 110 40

1 86 13,142 26

5 00 754 79

26 32 743 67

Balance February 20, 1819. Balance May 6, 1821. Reported for suit Septem¬

ber 16, 1820. Balance March 25,1819. Reported for suit Sep¬

tember 26, 1825. Balance April 22,1819, $221 50; $63 60 since cred¬

ited. Balance March 26, 1824. Reported for suit Sep¬

tember 26, 1820. Balance June 30,1815, $348 12; $344since credited. Balance October 14, 1819. Balance December 11, 1819. Balance December 11, 1818. Balance January 25, 1820. Balance February 26, 1821. Balance March 7, 1820. Suspensions $17 24. Balance October 6,1826. Balance November 30,1822. Suspensions$6,112 28.

Dead. Representatives called upon for further vouchers and explanations,

Balance February 3, 1824. Balance January 3, 1827. Required to refund the

amount. Balance November 19, 1823. Balance December 13, 1813, $193 67; $550 since

charged. Reported for suit November 30, 1821.

Remarks of the Solicitor of the Treasury on all cases report¬ ed for suit.

Non est inventus.

Non est inventus.

Judgment. No estate.

Non est inventus.

120 D

oc. N

o. 62.

Wyehe, George, lieutenant

Wilkinson, Wm. L., lieutenant

Woodman, Benjamin, lieutenant 34th

Wentzell, Alexander - White, Hays G., brigade quartermaster Warren, William, lieutenant 19th

Weegy, Samuel, lieutenant 16th Ward, Uriah, captain 31st Wilson, John, lieutenant Will, George, ensign 26th Worth, Barzillai, paym’r N. Y. militia

Wickliffe, M. H., paym’r Ken. militia Way, Ebenezer, captain 4th West, Charles, lieutenant 27th Wood, Eleazer D., colonel Wade, James S., lieutenant 7th Wyatt, John, lieutenant 28th - Whitlock, E. L., major 15th - Wilcocks, J., major - White, Edward, lieutenant

Walter, Francis, lieutenant 15th

Weatherbee, Samuel, lieutenant 31st -

Winters, John, lieutenant

Waters, D., quartermaster N. Y. militia

Waters, Aaron, lieutenant 29th

Winn, Thomas, lieutenant artillery

Wall, Joseph G,, lieutenant

Walker, Enos, lieutenant 31st - Wilson, Nathaniel, surgeon

121 60

131 78

130 37

40 00 223 55 205 62

34 18 5 06

11 28 167 06 380 73

9 15 279 56 192 00 80 00 84 00

250 00 16 00

2,245 20 747 00

500 00

680 00

N 275 00

400 00

450 00 .

590 00

544 00

135 00 100 00

Balance June 26,1821. Promised to render further vouchers.

Balance December 10, 1818, $45: $86 78 since charged.

Balance March 8, 1823. Reported for suit May, 1822.

Balance August 1, 1820. Balance August 11,1814, $140; $83 55 since charged. Balance November 25, 1813, $180 62; $25 since

charged. Balance April 17, 1816. Balance June 27, 1814. Balance June 29, 1816. Balance June 10, 1816. Balance April 5, 1821. Reported for suit Septem¬

ber 29, 1826. * Balance April 23, 1821. Balance June 25, 1822. Advanced for bounties, &c. Advanced for bounties, &c. Advanced for pay of the army. Advanced for bounties, &c. Advanced for bounties, &c. Advanced for pay, &c., Canadian volunteers. Advanced for bounties, &c. Reported for suit in

1820. Advanced for bounties, &c. Reported for suit May

1, 1822. Advanced for bounties, &c. Reported for suit May

1, 1822. Advanced for quartermaster’s department. Report¬

ed for suit November 12, 1821. Advanced for quartermaster’s department. Report¬

ed for suit October 8, 1821. Advanced for bounties, &c. Reported for suit Sep¬

tember 26, 1825. Advanced for pay. &c. Reported for suit Septem¬

ber 26, 1820. Advanced for bounties, &e. Reported for suit Sep¬

tember 26, 1820. Advanced for bounties, &c. Advanced for medical and hospital department.

Judgment. Desperate.

Non est inventus.

Non est inventus.

Non est inventus.

Non est inventus.

Non est inventus.

Non est inventus.

Judgment at August term, 1826. Desperate.

Non est inventus.

Process not executed. Suit abated.


c. N


62. 121


Name and rank.

* aS

! § c 3 ^ © a:

: S 1 a*

g*.§ C t-D £ 0) C ft

w rt X ft- 4 . O'® ~ > M ^ ^ (U ffl o

> &v3 £52

Remarks of the Third Auditor.

West, J., assistant apothecary general $300 00

White, Ebenezer, captain 21st - 370 00

Watson, John, captain militia cavalry White, Benedict, lieutenant 36th Ward, James, lieutenant 38th - Wallace, John C. - - Williams, Jonathan, colonel -

30 00 110 50 30 00 80 00

650 00

Williams, Simon C., lieutenant Watson, R., lieutenant 25th Williams, Jonathan, lieut. col. Va. mil.

196 00 220 00 200 00

Willard, John S., lieutenant 31st Westover, Ira, ensign 4th Williams, John, lieut. N. Y. militia Wheelock, L. T., ensign 31st -

250 00 50 00 40 00

1,070 00

Walts, George, lieutenant dragoons Weeks, Sheorick, lieutenant 30th Wadham, Heman, lieutenant 30th

30 00 236 00 695 00

Wooding, J. C., ensign 1st infantry Whitehead, Philip C., lieutenant 15th Walker, William, sub agent - Ware, William F., captain

300 00 25 00

608 24 4 50

Advanced for medical and hospital department. No account rendered.

Advanced for bounties, &c. Accounts rendered without vouchers, wherein he claims a balance.

Advanced fox quartermaster’s department. Advanced for bounties, &c. Advanced for contingencies. Advanced for pay, &c. Advanced for completing fortifications. Vouchers

on file, wherein he claims a balance. Advanced for bounties, &c. Advanced for bounties, &c. Advanced for contingencies. Reported for suit Au¬

gust 1, 1827. Advanced for contingencies. Advanced for bounties, &c. Advanced for contingencies. Advanced for bounties, &c. Reported for suit Oc¬

tober 12, 1821. Advanced for pay, &c. Advanced for bounties, &c. Advanced for bounties, &e. Reported for suit No¬

vember 30, 1821. Advanced for bounties, &c. No account rendered. Advanced for bounties, &c. For provisions delivered over to him Balance of advances made to him as assistant mili-

Remarks of the Solicitor of the Treasury on all cases report¬ ed for suit.

Non est inventus.

Non est inventus.

Non est inventus.

122 D

oc. N

o. 62.

Wattles, Simon D., captain 23d

Whiting, Henry, lieutenant 1st drag’ns Wells, Thomas F., lieutenant 8th Watson, William, ensign 26th Wescott, Joseph, captain

Weakley, J., captain Tenn. militia Watts, James H., lieutenant 23d Wilhight, Thomas C., lieutenant 18th

Wilhight, Thomas C.,lieut. and a. q. m. West, George, paym’r Tenn. vols. Wheaton, Joseph, a. d. q. m. g.

Washburn, Samuel, It. and q. m. art. -

Woodward, Amos, a. c. s.

Wilcox, John R., lieutenant

Ward, James, captain and military storekeeper.

Wood, John, lieutenant

Wright, A. M., lieutenant and a. c. s. - Weils, A., captain volunteer cavalry - Webb, E., lieutenant ...

Welsh, H. P., lieutenant and a. c. s. -

Wheeler, Aaron, superintendent

Whiting, Henry, major

175 00

20 00 101 60 155 00

1,247 61

20 00 266 37 710 00

$16 38 50 00 30 00

1,377 35

46 50

13 52

358 33

89 87

396 24 68 21

141 30

19 77

52 32

3,792 28

336 18

104 01

tary storekeeper at Ockmulgee. Advanced for expenses of transporting troops in

1812. Advanced for bounties, &c. Advanced for bounties, &c. Advanced for bounties, &c. Advanced to pay himself and company. No ac¬

count or vouchers rendered. Advanced for pay. Advanced for bounties, &c. Balance on settlement November. 24. 1821. Re¬

ported for suit November 30, 1821. Balance May 23, 1822. Reported as above. Advanced for his detachment. Received in lieu of corn borrowed in 1814, and not

accounted for. Reported for stoppage. (Quartermaster’s department. Balance March 4,

1822. Reported for suit December 3, 1822. Quartermaster’s department. Balance August 3,

1822. Quartermaster’s department. Balance September

10, 1824, $77 27; and $63 75 since credited. Quartermaster’s department. Balance May 2, 1820.

Reported for suit October 11, 1821. Quartermaster’s department. Balance February

20, 1828, $314 87; and ®225 since credited. Balance December 19,1827. Reported for stoppage. Arrearages. Double payment in 1814 and 1815. Quartermaster’s department. Received in 1824 for

transportation of baggage. Quartermaster’s department. Balance April 19,

1826. Cunningham creek. Balance April 6, 1831. Re¬

quired to refund. Militia of Illinois and other States. Balance May

3, 1838, of an advance in July, 1832. Accounts on file for settlement.

Subsistence of militia, per act of July 14, 1832. Balance as above. Disbursing.

Road from Detroit to Grand river. Balance April 5, 1839, $728 21; $624 20 since credited. Dis¬ bursing.

Non est inventus.

No suit. Place of residence unknown.

Non est inventus.

Doc. N

o. 62.


STATEMENT—Continued. '' j ’ /

Name and rank.

Whiting, Henry, major

■a s,

£ el" a*! 3 ■£ p 2 (3 S~ ° US'® ^ if° £ g-®

§*.2 <D £ &

■SI'S £3*1*5 3 s|s nj

0) (O ffi o

&-S §S

Wilkinson, T. F. J., lieut. and a. c. s. -

Washington, John M., lieut. and a. a. q. m.

Whiting, Henry, major

Ward, Charles, captain

Wood, E. J., a. q. m. Florida militia -

^ 05 <D 2™ M#i > » |.S’§ °a


S ° d'V as 5 0) O © <3

S «j.S 5x3 ctj

$23 47

45 08

100 00

12 00

12 60

3 87

2,080 51

166 58

Remarks of the Third Auditor. Remarks of the Solicitor of the Treasury on all cases reported for suit.

Works at Green Bay. Balance May 23, 1838, re¬ maining of an advance in December, 1834. Dis¬ bursing.

Road from Detroit to Fort Gratiot. Balance Octo¬ ber 10, 1839, remaining of an advance in April, 1835. Disbursing. Has accounts on file for the third and fourth quarters of 1838, and the first and second quarters of 1839, for settlement.

Subsistence. Balance December 29, 1834, arising from a remittance made him and not credited in his accounts, of which he has been advised.

Quartermaster's department. Amount of fuel issu¬ ed to him in 2d and 3d quarters, 1836, by Lieut. T. Green. Reported for stoppage October, 1838.

Barracks at Fort Winnebago. Balance May 23, 1838. Disbursing, and has accounts on file for settlement.

Quartermaster’s department. Balance October 27, 1836.

Preventing, &c., Indian hostilities. Balance June 13, 1837, of advances in July, 1836. Arises from suspended vouchers, $1,975 48, and compensation charged $108 70, with 20 cents error disallowed. Resigned.

Hostilities Seminole Indians. Amount advanced by Col. Gadsden in February, 1836. No accounts rendered.

Suit instituted May 9,1839, for $100. Pending. Continued at May term, 1840.


124 D

oc. No.



Washington, William L., captain Ten¬ nessee volunteers.

Wicks, William R., a. c. s. Tennessee volunteers.

Watson, George, captain and a. c. s. -

Williams, J. W., captain Louisiana volunteers.

Webster, L. B., captain and a. a. q. m.

Walker, G. K., late acting governor -

Wall, William, lieut. and a. a. q. m. -

250 00

80 00

186 19

Preventing, &c., Indian hostilities. Amount re¬ ceived of Lieut. Hickman in August, 1836. No accounts rendered.

Preventing, &c., Indian hostilities. Amount re¬ ceived of Lieut. Hickman in August, 1836, $50; and $30 for subsistence stores, paid for by Lieut. J. H. Simpson 3d quarter, 1836.

Subsistence. Balance November 26, 1838, of an advance in September, 1836. His account for the balances against him reported for suit.

103 87 Preventing, &c., Indian hostilities. Amount paid him by P. Morrison 2d quarter, 1836, for back ra¬ tions, alleged to be due their companies. Charged to him, by direction of Second Comptroller, in September, 1838. Written to September 17, 1838, and informed of the charge, and called upon to furnish evidence that the money was paid over to the persons entitled thereto.

7,370 00 Seminole hostilities. Balance March 11, 1839. He claims his account to be balanced. Difference, suspensions and disallowances. Reported for suit, for balances against him, April 22, 1839.

3,000 00

749 82

108 13

Hostilities Seminole Indians. Amount advanced by R. K. Call in December, 1835, for the purchase of horses. Brought to his debit on settlement of Governor Call’s account. Written to November 2, 1838, to render his accounts and vouchers.

Subsistence. Balance July 11, 1840, $1,449 82, of which $749 82 was advanced prior to September 30, 1837.

Hostilities of Creek Indians. Balance July 1, 1840. Advanced in June, 1836. He claimed his accounts closed. The balance against him arises on vouchers not allowed. Written to, and furnished with a statement of differences.

Suit ofdered October 19, 1839, for $16,887 51, including the sum of $186 19, on the list of balances. Continued, on af¬ fidavit of defendant, at April term, 1840.

Suit ordered April 24, 1839, for $8,481 47. Judgment for plaintiff in September, 1840, for $2,711 92. Defendant’s counsel has given notice that a writ of error is to be brought to the next circuit court.



62. 125



Name and rank.





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Remarks of the Third Auditor. Remarks of the Solicitor of the Treasury on all cases re¬ ported for suit.

Wade, R. D. A., lieut. and a. a. q. m. -

Waite, C. A., captain, &c.

Watkins, T. L. C., lieutenant marines

Walbach, J. B., brevet colonel -

Whiting, Henry, major

Watson, George, captain, &c. -

Wood, H. R., colonel 11th Florida mi¬ litia.


$297 78

65 85

704 50

155 85

350 00

3,738 54

2,038 23

600 00

Subsistence. Balance October 26, 1840, of advan¬ ces prior to September 30, 1837. Written to.

Purchase of 28 fire-engines. Balance November 9, 1840. His accounts to September 30, 1840, as quartermaster, &c., embraces this balance. Still disbursing.

Preventing, &c., Indian hostilities. Balance April 30, 1840.

Subsistence. Balance April 30, 1840. Dead. His .. account was reported tor suit in May, 1839, for

$4,415 77. Since reduced, by corrected vouch¬ ers, to the above balances.

Subsistence. Advanced prior to September 30, 1837. Accounts on file unsettled, showing this money to be accounted for.

Officers’ transportation. Balance May 23, 1838, $4,314 98. Since at his credit, $576 44. Has rendered accounts to September 30, 1840, and in which his former balances are brought for¬ ward. Still disbursing.

Preventing, &c., Indian hostilities. Balance Octo¬ ber 12, 1839, $12,410 73, of which $2,038 23 was advanced prior to September 30, 1837. His ac¬ count for the balances against him, reported for suit October, 1839.

Preventing, &c., Indian hostilities. Amount of property received by him, and paid for by Lieut.

Suit ordered October 19, 1839, for $16,887 51. Continued on affidavit of defendant at April term, 1840.

126 D

oc. No.


Wilson, George, late lieutenant 1st in¬ fantry.

Webster, L. B., captain, &c. -

Wilkins, James C., pension agent

Woodruff, William C., pension agent

Young, Hugh, captain -

Yarnall & Mitchell, contractors

Yeates, R. N., lieut. and a. c. s. York, Jeremiah, lieu'enant 31st Young, Thomas B., lieutenant 24th - Young, William, lieutenaut 7th Yet by , Thomas, cornet Va. militia Young, Robert, paymaster 19th Young, Robert, ensign 26th Yost, Philip, lieut. 1st infantry

$122 28 120 95 124 00 92 00 34 00

207 34 71 84

171 64


33 35

48 00

1,111 47

15 00

851 52

97 00

813 23

7,804 23

Vinton, 3d quarter, 1837. He was informed of the charge June 11, 1838, and called on to render evidence of the application of the property.

Quartermaster's department. Balance October 9, 1838, amount of deduction for want of appropria¬ tion for barracks at Fort Crawford, the same be¬ ing expended beyond the advance in his hands, and the balance of the appropriation carried to the surplus fund before a settlement was made of his account, and not since appropriated. Resigned December 31, 1837.

Subsistence. Balance June 26, 1839, remaining in his hands of the sales of. property in 3d quarter, 1837. Resigned December 31, 1837.

Preventing, &c., Indian hostilities. Balance March 11, 1839. His account has been reported for suit, at his own request.

Pensions June 7, 1832. Balance May 25, 1839, $519 27. Since paid over to J. P. Walworth $504 27, leaving in his hands $15, the amount of a suspended voucher requiring correction.

Invalid pensions. Balance November 27, 1840, $1,269 51, of which $851 52 was advanced prior to September 30, 1837. Still disbursing.

Quartermaster’s department. Balance March 26, 1840.

Surveys, &c., Ohio and Mississippi rivers. Bal¬ ance as above. Dead.

Subsistence. Balance September 1,1830. Report¬ ed for suit September 3, 1830.

Balance November 28, 1820. Balance September 18, 1821. Balance December 8, 1814. Balance December 20, 1819. Balance August 29, 1821. Balance July 14, 1823. Balance June 30, 1823. He claims a balance. Balance November 6, 1825. Reported for suit Sep¬

tember 26, 1825.

Still pending in chancery. Proceedings suspended Feb¬ ruary 27,1839, till the close of the next session of Congress. Continued at fall term, 1840.

Non est inventus.



. 62.



Name and rank.





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* Remarks of the Third Auditor. Remarks of the Solicitor of the Treasury on all cases report¬ ed for suit.

Yates, Wm. C., ensign 5th Young, James M., lieutenant 30th Young, Jonathan W., lieut. 30th Young, Benjamin, captain Ala. spies -

$33 40 299 00 191 32

$292 62

Balance April 24, 1816. Advanced for bounties, &c. No account rendered. Advanced for bounties, &c. Preventing, &c., Indian hostilities. Amount of pro¬

vision stores paid for by Lt. Simpson,in 2d, 3d, and 4th quarters of 1836. Charged to him on settlement of Lt. Simpson’s account in September, 1838. He was written to September 28, 1838, informed of the charge, and requested to furnish a statement of the stores he received, and an abstract of issues to show that the provisions have been applied to the use of the troops.

702,421 86 1,146,246 35

Treasury Department, Third Auditor's Office, January 12, 1841. PETER HAGNER, Auditor.

128 D

oc. No.


Abstract of moneys advanced prior to March 3, 1809, on the books of the late accountant of the War Department, and which remain to be accounted for on the books of the Third Auditor of the Treasury, on the 30 th of September, 1840,

Names and rank. Amount.

^Armstrong, John, captain ^Armstrong, Hamilton, ensign -

Armistead, John B., captain cavalrv - Armistead, Bartholomew It. 2d reg’”t -

$10 56

100 377

Anderson, Thomas, captain rifle Butler, Richard, brigadier general Buchanan, Wm., capt. 2d levies

1,600 200 300

Remarks of the Third Auditor.

36 00 00 94

82 00 00

Balance on settlement May 31, 1803. Dead. Balance October 1799. Dead. Advanced for pay April 28, 1801. Dead. Transferred September 30, 1813, from the books of the late

accountant to the books of the Treasury Department, for collection. Retransferred to the books of the Third Au¬ ditor June 29,1822.

Same remarks as to Bartholomew Armistead Same remark as to Bartholomew Armistead. Same remark as to Bartholomew Armistead

Blake, Philemon C., lieutenant, &c. Bloodworth, James, lieutenant Bean, Wm. C., captain Blount, Jacob, contractor for gun-car. Bowie, James T., lieutenant - Beesley, Maurice, lieutenant -

Collins, James -

Chandler, Richard, ensign and p. m, -

Crocker, Doddridge - Clinton, Samuel, lieutenant

Craig, Elijah, captain 7th infantry

4 00 68 88

486 00 750 00 600 00 873 02

1,600 00

8,204 42

163 34 120 00

476 00

Balance November 5, 1800. Balance March 1, 1807. Balance June 27, 1811. Advanced on account of his contract in 1794, 1795, and 1797. Advanced for recruiting purposes in 1803. Dead. Advanced for pay of militia in the western expedition in

1794, on certified rolls. Receipts for the money were to have been obtained and forwarded to the accountant of the War Department. Such receipts, it is alleged, were not taken, and his accounts, therefore, remain unsettled.

Transferred August3,1810, from the books of the late account¬ ant to the books of the Treasury Department, for collection; and retransferred June 29, 1822, to the books of the Third Auditor.

Transferred September 30, 1813, to the books of the Treas¬ ury for collection; and retransferred to the books of the ac¬ countant September 17, 1816.

Same remark as to Richard Chandler. Transferred September 30, 1813, as above stated; and re¬

transferred, &c., June 29, 1822. Same remark as to Samuel Clinton.

Remarks of the Solicitor of the Treasury on all cases reported for suit.

Cannot be found.

Non est inventus.

Is said to reside in France. No suit.

Nil habet.

Non est inventus.



. 62.



Names and rank.

Carson, William, lieut. and paym’r

Clark, John, lieutenant rifle Gumming, John, lieutenant rifle Clements, Thomas, ensign Carter, John C., ensign Chambers, James, lieut. and paym’r - Campbell, Joseph, lieutenant -

Clark, Cary, lieutenant

Coeyman, Andrew, paymaster militia Clark, James, capt. mililia Cashman, Alden G., lieut. militia Dunham, James, lieutenant militia Duffield, Edward, paymaster mililia - Doyle, Thomas, captain Daniel, Cordial N., surgeon’s mate Dale, Richard, captain 5th Duforrest, John V., ensign Doane, Isaiah, captain 4th Dayton, ffm,, p. m. New Jersey militia

Davis, Thomas, captain Drake, Samuel, ensign

Davis, Thomas, contrac.forjackscrews

Evans, Owen, contrac. for small arms Evans, Walter, paymaster militia

Amount. Remarks of the Third Auditor. Remarks of the Solicitor of the Treasury on all cases reported for suit.

$1,190 03 Balance on settlement October 14, 1840 Principal died insolvent. Judgment against surety, May term, 1830. Debt secured.

11 08 255 11

6 06 109 67 471 88 43 20

32 32

19,195 82 699 83

36 00 2,432 94

10,576 92 91 57 45 75 21 41

8 60 35 73

12,021 06

20 50 00

300 00

3 34 7,388 64

Balance May 30, 1803. Balance June 27, 1820. Balance September 19, 1809. Balance August 7, 1811, $37 74, and $71 33 since charged. Balance June 5, 1811. Received for subsistence in 1799, for which he had been pre¬

viously paid. Received for subsistence in 1804, and for a period during

which he had drawn his subsistence in kind from the con¬ tractor.

Same remark as in the case of Maurice Beesley. Same remark as in the case of Maurice Beesley. Advanced him in 1809 for recruiting purposes. Same remark as in the case of Maurice Beesley. Same remark as in the case of Maurice Beesley. Balance May 14, 1805. Dead. Balance March 1, 1816. Balance March 2, 1811, Balance May 1, 1812. Balance August 20, 1811. Balance July 31, 1805. Pay of militia in the expedition of

1794. He has other claims, but has not sustained them. Balance November 2,1812. Transferred October 9, 1811, to the books of Treasury, for

collection; and retransferred to books of Third Auditor, June 29, 1822.

Transferred September 30,1813, as above; and retransferred as above.

Do. do. do. do. Same remark as in the case of Maurice Beesley.

Dead. Representatives not found.

130 D




Eddy, George, paymaster militia Everett, Samuel, major militia Elder, Thomas, paymaster militia Esierbrook, Nathan, captain - Emery, Ephraim, 2d lieut. artillery - Edmonds, Elias, lieutenant Fergus, John, lieutenant Findley, David, captain rifle -

Findley, Ebenezer, paymaster militia - Frantz, John - Foster, Thomas, lieut. colonel militia - Fisher, George, paymaster militia Greer, John - Gray, Archibald, ensign

Glenn, Henry, agent for transportation Hamtramck, John F., major -

Hall, Wm., contrac. for gun carriages

Hughes, Thomas, captain 2d infantry Horton, John, lieutenant 3d regiment - Hutchins, Wm., captain Hanna, James, lieutenant colonel Henderson, Wm , captain militia Harris, Wm., paymaster militia Hubbard, Thomas, captain Jackson, Jacob - - Kalteison, Michael - Kimball, Joseph -

Lyman, Cornelius - Latimer, Bezaleel, contractor -

Lawton, Wm., surgeon’s mate Lyon, Matthew, contractor Lyle, Alexander S., lieutenant Lebourn, John, lieutenant 2d artillery Lampkin, Peter, lieutenant Lithgow, Wm. M., lieutenant - Lee, Archibald, lieutenant and agent -

6,949 13 2,105 21 2,211 15

164 42 120 12 500 00

39 72 179 43

2,686 30 100 00

6,086 46 1,221 66 2,791 96

211 69

Do. do. do. Do. do. do. Do. do. do.

Balance on settlement February 7, 1812. Balance July 15, 1812. Advanced in 1809 for recruiting purposes. Balance September 4, 1811. Balance October 29, 1811. Dead. Left money, &c., with

Major Bowyer. Same remark as in the case of Maurice Beesley. Same remark as in the case of Samuel Drake. Same remark as in the case of Maurice Beesley.

Do. do. do. Do. do. do.

Same as Samuel Drake -

3,350 30 Transferred September 30,1813, &c., as in case of O. Evans. 430 69 Transferred as in case of Samuel Drake -

3,000 00

31 36 18 00 19 48

6,050 25 243 03

9,544 37 540 82

24 53 123 40

1,624 30

312 76 38 97

Transferred August 3, 1816, &c.; and retransferred as *S. Drake.

Balance May 31, 1798. Balance July 20, 1811. Balance February 24, 1810. Same as in the case of Maurice Beesley.

Do. do. do. Do. do. do. Do. do. do.

Received for pay more than he was entitled to. Balance July 9, 1812. Dead. Balance of money placed in his hands in 1810, by the military

agent. Transferred August 3, 1810, &c., as in case of S. Drake

Do. do. do.

301 00 28 61

960 00 141 56 208 00

65 25 47 50

Transferred October 9, 1811, &c., as in case of S. Drake Transferred September 30,1808, &c., as in case of S. Drake.

Do. do. do. Balance May 14, 1807. Balance September 24, 1806- Balance May 4, 1810. Balance June 7, 1825.

Suit ordered January 21,1811. Non est inventus.

Dead. Representatives non sunt in¬ vent!.

Non est inventus.

No property. Desperate. Desperate. Hez. Huntington, who

collected this claim, insolvent. Non est inventus.



62. 131

STATE MENT—Continued.

Names and rank. Amount.

Lee, Thomas, lieutenant $612

Landais, Lewis, cadet h Logan, James, ensign 2d infantry Lawrence. Thomas, paymaster Light, John, major militia McMickle, John, ensign Millen, William, ensign 2d infantry - Mead, Wm. C., ensign Mi liken, John, express McDurmot, Paul, paymaster militia - Marsh, Joseph - May, Daniel, lieutenant colonel militia Mosher, Jeremiah, lieut. colonel militia Massey, Ebenezer -

56 353

7,795 1,835

20 70

196 100

11,641 3,045 4,789 4,425


Remarks of the Third Auditor. Remarks of the Solicitor of the

Treasury on all cases reported for suit.


00 45 69 10 00 00 11 00 72 60 05 53 41

Advanced in 1800 and 1801. Sworn account rendered, but no vouchers.

Advanced in 1803 for recruiting purposes. Advanced in 1804. Same as in the case of Maurice Beesley.

Do. do. do. Charged in 1792. Dead. No account rendered. Advanced in 1792. Advanced in 1806. Advanced in 1807 on account of services as express. Same as in the case of Maurice Beesley.

Do. do. do. Do. do. do. Do. do. do.

Transferred November 30, 1809. &c., as in the case of Sam- No property. Desperate.

Melchor, Jacob, lieutenant 1st infantry McClary, John, ensign

uel Drake. 138 92 Transferred August 3, 1810, &c., as to S. Drake 623 94 Transferred October 9, 1810, &c., as to S. Drake

Non est inventus, Desperate. Place of residence unknown. No

suit. Miller, Edward, captain Magnan, Charles, ensign Marsh, Samuel Nicholson, William, deputy p. m. gen.

Neville, Presley, ensign Newman, Daniel, lieut. 4th infantry - Noland, Enos, lieutenant Osborn, Robert W„, lieutenant Peyton, Yelverton, ensign

Paine, John, ensign 2d levies -

10 97 31 09

118 75 1,506 60

Transferred September 30, 1813, &c., as to S. Drake Received for subsistence more than he was entitled to. Balance June 5, 1813. Transferred August 11, 1810, as in case of S. Drake

46 81 149 50

35 23 158 79 45 39

Transferred October 9, 1811, &c., as in case of S. Drake. Transferred August 3, 1810, &c., as to S. Drake. Balance August 23, 1802. Due on his account as assistant military agent. Transferred October 9, 1811, &c., as to Sami. Drake

1,013 15 Transferred November 18, 1809, &c,, as to S, Drake

Do. do.

Residence unknown. Process not executed.

Nulla bona. Desperate.

Dead. Judgment against repre- resentatives, October, 1823. Des¬ perate

Dead. No representatives to be found.

o. 9VK

132 D

oc. N

o. 62


Pasteur, Thomas, lieutenant -

Price, Benjamin, captain Phelps, Hugh, colonel Virginia militia

Pendergrast, Garrett, surgeon’s mate - Prior, Abner, captain ... Powell, John F., lieutenant Prescott, George W., captain 4th

Rogers, Wm. A., contractor - Ritchie, Robert, lieutenant Robeson, Jonathan, captain militia Rand, Benjamin, ensign Rennick, Seymour, lieutenant Roney, John, ensign ... Robinson, Thomas, paymaster Ragan, John, captain - Rathburn, Samuel B. - Sevier, John, brigadier general

Smith, Ballard, captain Steele, John, lieutenant Semple, Robert, ensign Simmons, Stephen G., lieutenant Strother, George, ensign Smith, John, contractor Stille, James, ensign - Sanders, John, account of fortifications

Saxon, John, lieutenant 3d regiment - Strode, Thomas, captain 5th - Smith, James S. Sebastian, Alfred, lieutenant - Stewart, Benedict, ensign Salmon, George, p. m. Md. militia Stewart, Daniel, paymaster militia Stephenson, Stephen, lieut. col. militia Sparhawk, Jonathan H. Sumpter, Thomas -

661 22 Transferred October 9, 1811, &c., as to S. Drake

3,192 53 Transferred November 18, 1819, &e., as to S. Drake 934 64 Transferred September 30, 1813, &c., as to S. Drake

3 82 41 60 10 52

882 14

77 88 3,622 03

54 64 160 00 68 00

500 00 7,625 32

232 82 18 00

1,602 73

107 38 28 36

300 00 1,129 13

180 00 25,753 17

143 06 3,877 66

Received for subsistence more than he was entitled to. Balance June 10, 1803, Balance June 28, 1809. Advanced in 1808 for pay of his company. The money was

doubtless applied, but receipts have not been rendered. Transferred August 31, 1810, &c., as to S. Drake - Transferred August 3, 1810, &c., as to S. Drake Transferred October 9, 1811, &c., as to S. Drake Advanced in 1797 for recruiting purposes. Advanced in 1802 for recruiting purposes. Advanced in 1806 tor recruiting purposes. Same as in the case of Maurice Beesley. Balance July 18, 1811. Balance June 5, 1812. He alleges that the money was applied, and furnished ac¬

counts which are unsatisfactory. Dead. Transferred October 9, 1811, &c., as to S. Drake Transferred September 13,1813, &c., as to S. Drake. Transferred September 30, J813, &c.,as to S. Drake. Transferred October 9, 1811, &c., as to S. Drake, Transferred November 18, 1809, &c., as to S. Drake Transferred October 9, 1811, &c’., as to S. Drake. Transferred August 3, 1810, &c., as to S. Drake Transferred October 9, 1811, &c., as to S. Drake

121 00 900 28

1,803 55 300 00 120 00

22,797 85 3,917 16 1,402 81

1 16 50 00

Balance June 28, 1803. Dead. Balance January 4, 1820. Advanced him as assistant military agent. Advanced in 1804 for recruiting purposes. Advanced in 1804 for recruiting purposes. Same as in the case of Maurice Beesley. Same as in the case of Maurice Beesley. Same as in the case of Maurice Beesley. Received for subsistence more than he was entitled to. Paid for defending a suit against the United States for lands

purchased of him for public use, and against all claims to which he was bound to defend the United States.

Dead. Representatives unknown. No estate.

Not found. Suit ordered April 27, 1812; suit

abated; not an inhabitant.

Non est inventus. Non est inventus. Non est inventus. No suit.

Non est inventus.

Has never been found.

Desperate. Administratrix pleaded, May term,

1820. No assets. Desperate.



62. 133


Names and rank. Amount.

Toomy, John, major * Taylor, Charles hi., lieutenant artillery Tillinghast, John, ensign Thompson, John W. - Thompson, Robert, lieutenant - Taylor, Edward, captain militia Woodruff, Abner, paymaster militia - Wharton, Kearney, paymaster militia Williams, Leonard, lieut. 2d artillery -

$5 39 34 16

170 801

16,731 15,971


Wilkins, John, jr., quartermaster gen’l 20,519

Waterhouse, George, lieutenant Walton, Benjamin, lieutenant 7th Williams, Robert, governor Michigan

Territory. Webster, Rezin, lieutenant Whitney, Moses, captain

260 715 324

256 846

Woodbridge, William H., captain 140

Yates, William, lieutenant 1st artillery 555

Remarks of the Third Auditor.

41 00 11 87 00 70 87 14 17


28 14 12

Balance July 15, 1803. Balance February 24, 1806. Transferred August 3, 1810, &c., as to S. Drake Received for subsistence more than entitled to. Advaneed in 1792 for recruiting purposes. Dead. Same as in the case of Maurice Beesley. Same as in the case of Maurice Beesley. Same as in the case of Maurice Beesley. Remaining in his hands as military agent at Fort Independ¬

ence. Balance June 19, 1827. The cash accounts of Gen. Wilkins

have been audited under the act of Congress for his relief, and reported to the Second Comptroller ; the result of which, it is believed, will close the account. His property accounts remain to be adjusted.

Balance May 16, 1812. Balance July 16, 1811. Balance February 17, 1824, $210 12. $114 since charged.

01 33



Balance June 18, 1824. Advanced in 1808 for pay of his company. The money was

doubtless applied, but no receipts produced. Amount of his note given August 20, 1807, for a public

horse sold to him. Transferred October 9, 1811, &c., as to S. Drake

303,158 53

Remarks of the Solicitor of the Treasury on all cases reported for suit.

Non est inventus.

Dead. Representatives unknown.

Treasury Department, Third Auditor’s Office, January 12, 1841. PETER HAGNER, Auditor.

134 D

oc. N

o. 62.

Abstract of moneys advanced prior to March 3, 1809, on the books of the late accountant of the War Departmen t, and which remain to be accounted for on the books of the Third Auditor of the Treasury, on ihe 30 th of September, 1840.

Names and rank.

^Armstrong, John, captain ^Armstrong, Hamilton, ensign

Armistead, John B., captain cavalry - Armistead, Bartholomew It. 2d regd -

Anderson, Thomas, captain rifle Butler, Richard, brigadier general Buchanan, Wm., capt. 2d levies

Blake, Philemon C., lieutenant, &c. - Bloodworth, James, lieutenant Bean, Wm. C., captain Blount, Jacob, contractor for gun-car. - Bowie, James T., lieutenant - Beesley, Maurice, lieutenant -

Collins, James -

Chandler, Richard, ensign and p. m, -

Crocker, Doddridge Clinton, Samuel, lieutenant

Craig, Elijah, captain 7th infantry


#10 56

100 377

1,600 200 300

Remarks of the Third Auditor.

36 00 00 94

82 00 00

Balance on settlement May 31, 1803. Dead. Balance October 1799. Dead. Advanced for pay April 28, 1801. Dead. Transferred September 30, 1813, from the books of the late

accountant to the books of the Treasury Department, for collection. Retransferred to the books of the Third Au¬ ditor June 29,1822.

Same remarks as to Bartholomew Armistead Same remark as to Bartholomew Armistead. Same remark as to Bartholomew Armistead

4 00 68 88

486 00 750 00 600 00 873 02

1,600 00

8,204 42

163 34 120 00

476 00

Balance November 5, 1800. Balance March 1, 1807. Balance June 27, 1811. Advanced on account of his contract in 1794, 1795, and 1797. Advanced for recruiting purposes in 1803. Dead. Advanced for pay of militia in the western expedition in

1794, on certified rolls. Receipts for the money were to have been obtained and forwarded to the accountant of the War Department. Such receipts, it is alleged, were not taken, and his accounts, therefore, remain unsettled.

Transferred August3,1810, from the books of the late account¬ ant to the books of the Treasury Department, for collection; and retransferred June 29, 1822, to the books of the Third Auditor.

Transferred September 30, 1813, to the books of the Treas¬ ury for collection; and retransferred to the books of the ac¬ countant September 17, 1816.

Same remark as to Richard Chandler. Transferred September 30, 1813, as above stated; and re¬

transferred, &c,, June 29, 1822. Same remark as to Samuel Clinton,

Remarks of the Solicitor of the Treasury on all cases reported for suit.

Cannot be found.

Non est inventus.

Is said to reside in France. No suit.

Nil habet.

Non est inventus.






Names and rank. Amount.

Carson, William, lieut. and paym’r $1,190

Clark, John, lieutenant rifle - Cumming, John, lieutenant rifle Clements, Thomas, ensign Carter, John C., ensign Chambers, James, lieut. and paym’r Campbell, Joseph, lieutenant -

11 255

6 109 471


Clark, Cary, lieutenant 32

Coeyman, Andrew, paymaster militia Clark, James, capt. militia Cashman, Alden G., lieut. militia Dunham, James, lieutenant militia Duffield, Edward, paymaster militia - Doyle, Thomas, captain Daniel, Cordial N., surgeon’s mate Dale, Richard, captain 5th Duforrest, John V., ensign Doane, Isaiah, captain 4th Dayton, Wm., p. m. New Jersey militia

Davis, Thomas, captain - -* Drake, Samuel, ensign

Davis, Thomas, contrac. for jackscrews

Evans, Owen, contrac. for small arms Evans, Walter, paymaster militia

19,195 699

36 2,432

10,576 91 45 21

8 35




3 7,3^8

Remarks of the Third Auditor.

03 Balance on settlement October 14, 1840

08 11 06 67 88 20


82 83 00 94 92 57 75 41 60 73 06

20 00


34 64

Balance May 30, 1803. Balance June 27, 1820. Balance September 19, 1809. Balance August 7, 1811, $37 74, and $71 33 since charged. Balance June 5, 1811. Received for subsistence in 1799, for which he had been pre¬

viously paid. Received for subsistence in 1804, and for a period during

which he had drawn his subsistence in kind from the con¬ tractor.

Same remark as in the case of Maurice Beesley. Same remark as in the case of Maurice Beesley. Advanced him in 1809 for recruiting purposes. Same remark as in the case of Maurice Beesley. Same remark as in the case of Maurice Beesley. Balance May 14, 1805. Dead. Balance March 1, 1816. Balance March 2, 1811. Balance May 1, 1812. Balance August 20, 1811. Balance July 31, 1805. Pay of militia in the expedition of

1794. He has other claims, but has not sustained them. Balance November 2,1812. Transferred October 9, 1811, to the books of Treasury, for

collection; and retransferred to books of Third Auditor, June 29, 1822.

Transferred September 30,1813, as above; and retransferred as above.

Do. do. do. do. Same remark as in the case of Maurice Beesley.

Remarks of the Solicitor of the Treasury on all cases reported for suit.

Principal died insolvent. Judgment against surety, May term, 1830. Debt secured.

Dead. Representatives not found.

130 D

oc. N

o. 62.

Eddy, George, paymaster militia Everett, Samuel, major militia Elder, Thomas, paymaster militia Esterbrook, Nathan, captain - Emery, Ephraim, 2d lieut. artillery Edmonds, Elias, lieutenant Fergus, John, lieutenant Findley, David, captain rifle -

Findley, Ebenezer, paymaster militia - Frantz, John - Foster,Thomas, lieut. colonel militia - Fisher, George, paymaster militia Greer, John T Gray, Archibald, ensign

Glenn, Henry, agent for transportation Ilamtramck, John F., major -

Hall, Wm., contrac. for gun carriages

Hughes, Thomas, captain 2d infantry Horton, John, lieutenant 3d regiment - Hutchins, Wm., captain Hanna, James, lieutenant colonel Henderson, Wm , captain militia Harris, Wm., paymaster militia Hubbard, Thomas, captain Jackson, Jacob - Kalteison, Michael - Kimball, Joseph -

Lyman, Cornelius Latimer, Bezaleel, contractor -

Lawton, Wm., surgeon’s mate Lyon, Matthew, contractor Lyle, Alexander S., lieutenant Lebourn, John, lieutenant 2d artillery Lampkin, Peter, lieutenant Lithgow, Wm. M., lieutenant - Lee, Archibald, lieutenant and agent -

6,949 13 2,105 21 2,211 15

164 42 120 12 500 00

39 72 179 43

2,686 30 100 00

6,086 46 1,221 66 2,791 96

211 69

Do. do. • do. Do. do. do. Do. do. do.

Balance on settlement February 7, 1812. Balance July 15, 1812. Advanced in 1809 for recruiting purposes. Balance September 4, 1811. Balance October 29, 1811. Dead. Left money, &c., with

Major Bowyer. Same remark as in the case of Maurice Beesley. Same remark as in the case of Samuel Drake. Same remark as in the case of Maurice Beesley.

Do. do. do. Do. do. do.

Same as Samuel Drake -

3,350 30 Transferred September 30,1813, &c., as in case of O. Evans. 430 69 Transferred as in case of Samuel Drake -

3,000 00

31 36 18 00 19 48

6,050 25 243 03

9,544 37 540 82 24 53

123 40 1,624 30

312 76 38 97

Transferred August 3, 1816, &c.; and retransferred as S. Drake.

Balance May 31, 1798. Balance July 20, 1811. Balance February 24, 1810. Same as in the case of Maurice Beesley.

Do. do. do. Do. do. do. Do. do. do.

Received for pay more than he was entitled to. Balance July 9, 1812. Dead. Balance of money placed in his hands in 1810, by the military

agent. Transferred August 3, 1810, &c., as in case of S. Drake

Do. do. doi

301 00 28 61

960 00 141 56 208 00

65 25 47 50

Transferred October 9, 1811, &c., as in case of S. Drake Transferred September 30, 1808, &c., as in case of S. Drake.

Do. do. do. Balance May 14, 1807. Balance September 24, 1806. Balance May 4, 1810. Balance June 7, 1825.

Suit ordered January 21,1811. Non est inventus.

Dead. Representatives non sunt in- venti.

Non est inventus.

No property. Desperate. Desperate. Hez. Huntington, who

collected this claim, insolvent. Non est inventus.




62. 131


Names and rank. Amount.

Lee, Thomas, lieutenant $612

Landais, Lewis, cadet - Logan, James, ensign 2d infantry Lawrence. Thomas, paymaster Light, John, major militia McMickle, John, ensign Millen, William, ensign 2d infantry - Mead, Wm. C., ensign Mi’liken, John, express McDurmot, Paul, paymaster militia - Marsh, Joseph - May, Daniel, lieutenant colonel militia Mos'ier, Jeremiah, lieut. colonel militia Massey, Ebenezer -

56 353

7,795 1,835

20 70

196 100

11,641 3,045 4,789 4,425


Mejchor, Jacob, lieutenant 1st infantry McClary, John, ensign

138 623

M iller, Edward, captain Magnan, Charles, ensign Marsh, Samuel - Nicholson, William, deputy p. m. gen.

10 31

118 1,506

Neville, Presley, ensign Newman, Daniel, lieut. 4th infantry Noland, Enos, lieutenant Osborn, Robert W., lieutenant Peyton, Yelverton, ensign

46 149 35

158 45

Paine, John, ensign 2d levies 1,013

Remarks of the Third Auditor. Remarks of the Solicitor of the

Treasury on all cases reported for suit.


00 45 69 10 00 00 11 00 72 60 05 53 41

92 91

Advanced in 1800 and 1801. Sworn account rendered, but no vouchers.

Advanced in 1803 for recruiting purposes. Advanced in 1804. Same as in the case of Maurice Beesley.

Do. do. do. Charged in 1792. Dead. No account rendered. Advanced in 1792. Advanced in 1806. Advanced in 1807 on account of services as express. Same as in the case of Maurice Beesley.

Do. do. do. Do. do. do. Do. do. do.

Transferred November 30, 1809. &c., as in the case of Sam¬ uel Drake.

Transferred August 3, 1810, &c., as to S. Drake Transferred October 9, 1810, &c., as to S. Drake

No property. Desperate.

Non est inventus. Desperate. Place of residence unknown. No

suit. 97 09 75 60

Transferred September 30, 1813, &c., as to S. Drake Received for subsistence more than he was entitled to. Balance June 5, 1813. Transferred August 11, 1810, as in case of S. Drake

81 50 23 79 39

Transferred October 9, 1811, &c., as in case of S. Drake. Transferred August 3, 1810, &c., as to S. Drake. Balance August 23, 1802. Due on his account as assistant military agent. Transferred October 9,1811, &c., as to Sami. Drake

15 Transferred November 18, 1809, &c., as to S. Drake

Do. do.

Residence unknown. Process not executed.

Nulla bona. Desperate.

Dead. Judgment against repre- resentatives, October, 1823. Des¬ perate.

Dead. No representatives to be found.

132 D

oc. N

o. 62.

Pasteur, Thomas, lieutenant 661 22 Transferred October 9, 1811, &c., as to S. Drake

Price, Benjamin, captain Phelps, Hugh, colonel Virginia militia

3,192 53 Transferred November 18, 1819, &c., as to S. Drake 934 64 Transferred September 30, 1813, &c., as to S. Drake

Pendergrast, Garrett, surgeon’s mate - Prior, Abner, captain - Powell, John F., lieutenant Prescott, George W., captain 4th

Rogers, Wm. A., contractor - Ritchie, Robert, lieutenant Robeson, Jonathan, captain militia Rand, Benjamin, ensign Rennick, Seymour, lieutenant Roney, John, ensign - Robinson, Thomas, paymaster Ragan, John, captain - Rathburn, Samuel B. - Sevier, John, brigadier general

Smith, Ballard, captain Steele, John, lieutenant Semple, Robert, ensign Simmons, Stephen G., lieutenant Strother, George, ensign Smith, John, contractor Stille, James, ensign ... Sanders, John, account of fortifications

3 82 41 60 10 52

882 14

77 88 3,622 03

54 64 160 00 68 00

500 00 7,625 32

232 82 18 00

1,602 73

107 38 28 36

300 00 1,129 13

180 00 25,753 17

143 06 3,877 66

Received for subsistence more than he was entitled to. Balance June 10, 1803. Balance June 26, 1809. Advanced in 1808 for pay of his company. The money was

doubtless applied, but receipts have not been rendered. Transferred August 31, 1810, &c., as to S. Drake - Transferred August 3, 1810, &c., as to S. Drake Transferred October 9, 1811, &C., as to S. Drake Advanced in 1797 for recruiting purposes. Advanced in 1802 for recruiting purposes. Advanced in 1806 tor recruiting purposes. Same as in the case of Maurice Beesley. Balance July 18, 1811. Balance June. 5, 1812. He alleges that the money was applied, and furnished ac¬

counts which are unsatisfactory. Dead. Transferred October 9, 1811, &c., as to S. Drake - »- Transferred September 13,1813, &c., as to S. Drake. Transferred September 30,1813, &c.,as to S. Drake. Transferred October 9, 1811, &c., as to S. Drake, Transferred November 18, 1809, &c., as to S. Drake Transferred October 9, 1811, &c’., as to S. Drake. Transferred August 3, 1810, &c., as to S. Drake Transferred October 9, 1811, &c., as to S. Drake

Saxon, John, lieutenant 3d regiment - Strode, Thomas, captain 5th - Smith, James S. Sebastian, Alfred, lieutenant - Stewart, Benedict, ensign Salmon, George, p. m. Md. militia - Stewart, Daniel, paymaster militia Stephenson, Stephen, lieut. col. militia Sparhawk, Jonathan H. Sumpter, Thomas -

121 00 900 28

1,803 55 300 00 120 00

22,797 85 3,917 16 1,402 81

1 16 50 00

Balance June 28, 1803. Dead. Balance January 4, 1820. Advanced him as assistant military agent. Advanced in 1804 for recruiting purposes. Advanced in 1804 for recruiting purposes. Same as in the case of Maurice Beesley. Same as in the case of Maurice Beesley. Same as in the case of Maurice Beesley. Received for subsistence more than he was entitled to. Paid for defending a suit against the United States for lands

purchased of him for public use, and against all claims to which he was bound to defend the United States.

Dead. Representatives unknown. No estate.

Not found. Suit ordered April 27, 1812; suit

abated; not an inhabitant.

Non est inventus. Non est inventus. Non est inventus. No suit.

Non est inventus.

Has never been found.

Desperate. Administratrix pleaded, May term,

1820. No assets. Desperate.






Names and rank.

Toomy, John, major - Taylor, Charles M., lieutenant artillery TilliDghast, John, ensign Thompson, John W. - Thompson, Robert, lieutenant - Taylor, Edward, captain militia "Woodruff, Abner, paymaster militia - Wharton, Kearney, paymaster militia Williams, Leonard, lieut. 2d artillery -

Wilkins, John, jr., quartermaster gen’l

Waterhouse, George, lieutenant Walton, Benjamin, lieutenant 7th Williams, Robert, governor Michigan

Territory. Webster, Rezin, lieutenant Whitney, Moses, captain

Woodbridge, William H., captain

Yates, William, lieutenant 1st artillery


$5 39 34 16

170 801

16,731 15,971



260 715 324

Remarks of the Third Auditor.

41 00 11 87 00 70 87 14 17


28 14 12

Balance July 15, 1803. Balance February 24, 1808. Transferred August 3, 1810, &c., as to S. Drake Received for subsistence more than entitled to. Advanced in 1792 for recruiting purposes. Dead. Same as in the case of Maurice Beesley. Same as in the case of Maurice Beesley. Same as in the case of Maurice Beesley. Remaining in his hands as military agent at Fort Independ¬

ence. Balance June 19, 1827. The cash accounts of Gen. Wilkins

have been audited under the act of Congress for his relief, and reported to the Second Comptroller ; the result of which, it is believed, will close the account. His property accounts remain to be adjusted.

Balance May 16, 1812. Balance July 16, 1811. Balance February 17, 1824, .$210 12. $114 since charged.

256 01 846 33

140 00

555 00

303,158 53

Balance June 18, 1824. Advanced in 1808 for pay of his company. The money was

doubtless applied, but no receipts produced. Amount of his note given August 20, 1807, for a public

horse sold to him. Transferred October 9, 1811, &c., as to S. Drake

Remarks of the Solicitor of the Treasury on all cpses reported for suit.

Non est inventus.

Dead. Representatives unknown.

Treasury Department, Third Auditor's Office, January 12, 1841. PETER HAGNER, Auditor.




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