Dmi Michael Scott Pres.

Post on 18-Nov-2014






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Michael Scott: A Boss Worthy of His MugBy: adie8080, butterfly3703, jacs81,

and TheSouthernDandy

Who is Michael Scott?

• Michael Scott is currently the Regional Manager of Dunder Mifflin-Scranton.

• A former salesperson, Michael was promoted to Regional Manager replacing Ed Truck, who retired.

Michael’s Management Style• Michael has a unique way

of comforting his employees and therefore, motivating them.

• “I guess the atmosphere that I've tried to create here is that I'm a friend first and a boss second, and probably an entertainer third.”

• Michael goes out of his way to eliminate both obvious and subtle discrimination.

• “You may look around and see two groups; white collar, blue collar. But I don’t see it that way and you know why not? Because I am collar blind.”

• Sometimes Michael just goes with the flow and lets things work out for themselves.

• “Sometimes I'll start a sentence and I don't know where it's going. I just hope to find it somewhere along the way. Like an improv conversation. An improversation.”

• Michael is never bitter to others and understands what’s good for the company.

• “So Ryan got promoted to corporate where he is a little fish in a big pond, whereas back here in Scranton, I am still the top dog in a fairly large pond. So who is the real boss? The dog or the fish?”

• Michael treats everyone as equals.

• Yes, I was the first one out. And yes, I’ve heard "women and children first". But, we do not employ children. We are not a sweatshop, thankfully. And women are equal in the workplace by law. So if I let them out first, I have a lawsuit on my hands.

• Michael also knows about perseverence and to not give up no matter what.

• “What is wrong with these people? They have no willpower. I once went 28 years without having sex. And then again for seven years.”

What do Michael’s employees and others think?

• “I have been Michael’s number two guy for about 5 years. And we make a great team. We’re like one of those classic famous teams. He’s like Mozart and I’m like...Mozart's friend. No. I’m like Butch Cassidy and Michael is like...Mozart. You try and hurt Mozart? You’re gonna get a bullet in your head courtesy of Butch Cassidy.” –Dwight Schrute

• “How dare you all attack him like this. Michael is your superior! You should be bowing down in front of him.” –Dwight Schrute.

• “What's the upside? I overcome my nausea, fall deeply in love, babies, normalcy, no more self-loathing. Downside... I date Michael Scott publicly and collapse in on myself like a dying star. Why is this so hard? That's what she said. Oh my god, what am I saying?” –Jan Levinson

• “People underestimate Michael. There are plenty of things that he is well above average at. Like ice skating. He is a very good ice skater.” –Jan Levinson

• “I don't think Michael intended to punish me by putting Ryan back here with Kelly. But, if he did intend that... wow. Genius.” –Toby Flenderson

• “Michael's like a movie on a plane. You know it's not great, but it's something to watch. And then when it's over, you're like, how much time is left on this flight? You know, now what?” –Toby Flenderson

• “I can tell Michael's mood by which comedy routine he chooses to do. The more infantile, the more upset he is. And he just skipped the Ace Ventura talking butt thing. He never skips it. This is bad.” –Pam Beesley

• “When a child gets behind the wheel of a car and runs into a tree, you don't blame the child; he didn't know any better. You blame the 30-year-old woman who got in the passenger seat and said, "Drive, kid; I trust you.“ –Pam Beesley

For Your Consideration: Michael Scott for World’s Best Boss

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