Post on 21-Jan-2018






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18 Where there is no revelation,

people cast off restraint;

but blessed is the one who heeds

wisdom’s instruction.

“If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask

God, who gives generously to all without

finding fault, and it will be given to you.”

5 Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and do

not depend on your own understanding.6 In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will

make your paths straight.

5 I will visit you when I go through Macedonia—

for I intend to go through Macedonia—6 and will probably stay

with you for a while or even spend the winter

with you. Then you can send me on my way,

wherever I decide to go.

7 I do not want to visit with you now just in

passing, because I hope to spend a longer

time with you if the Lord permits.8 However, I’ll stay on in Ephesus until

Pentecost,9 because a door has opened wide for me to

do effective work, although many people are

opposing me.

6 Solomon went up to the bronze altar before

the LORD in the tent of meeting and offered a

thousand burnt offerings on it.7 That very night God appeared to Solomon

and told him, “Ask what I am to give you.”

8 Solomon replied to God, “You showed great

gracious love to my father David, and have

established me as king in his place.9 Now, LORD God, your promise to my father

David is fulfilled, because you have made me

king over a people as numerous as the dust

of the earth.

10 Give me wisdom now, so I may go in and

out among this people, because who can rule

this great people that belongs to you?

11 God told Solomon, “Since you had this in

mind, to ask neither to focus on riches,

wealth, honor, or the lives of those who hate

you, nor have you requested a long life, but

instead you have asked for wisdom and

knowledge for yourself, so that you may rule

my people over whom I have established you

as king,

12 wisdom and knowledge have been

granted to you. Furthermore, I will give you

riches, wealth, and honor—such as none of

the kings owned who lived before you and

none after you are to ever attain their equal.”

7 Getting wisdom is the wisest thing you can

do! And whatever else you do, develop good


20 Walk with the wise and become wise;

associate with fools and get in trouble.

33 Don’t be fooled by those who say such

things, for “bad company corrupts good


5 If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask

God, who gives generously to all without

finding fault, and it will be given to you.

8 The LORD says, “I will guide you along the

best pathway for your life. I will advise you

and watch over you.

Finally, when we could stand it no longer,

we decided to stay alone in Athens.

27 “ I am leaving you with a gift – peace of

mind and heart. And the peace I give is the

gift that the world cannot give. So don’t be

troubled or afraid.”

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