Disruptive Innovation and The Future Of Digital Transformation

Post on 12-Apr-2017






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"The safest thing you can do is take risks.The riskiest thing you can do is play it safe." Seth Godin

Photo by Perrenque

you are where you are not because of luck …

you are where you are because you took risks others were not willing to take

the world has changedis changing

change is imminent and essential to survival

„we are at a critical point where rapid change is forcing us to look not just at new ways of solving problems but to new problems to solve”Tim Brown, CEO, IDEO

we need…

new strategiesnew ideas

new products


incremental ideas

better! bigger! faster! smaller!

thinner! ...

owning products accessing experiences


disruptive thinking

changing the way you think about competition and the

business you are in

what if?

disruptive innovation

taking your product/service/business

in a different direction

winning not by doing it “better”, but winning by doing it differently

business model

Source: Business Model Generation


”Design is learning how to see. It’s figuring out where the opportunities really are. It’s seeing the gap and visualizing in advance what is going to work." Seth Godin

putting people first

human centered design


behaviors are never right or wrong, but they are always meaningful

don’t focus on technology

focus on customer needs, wants and behavior

WTF is“digital”?

“Digital is not a medium. It is the era we are in.”Greg Johnson, Global Creative Director,Hewlett Packard

disruptive forces

warm aircool air

tropical moisture

our pefect storm

Photo by Ranpict.com

mobile social media


disruptive technologies

Source: Brian Solis

Houston, we have a problem!

Photo by Euclid vanderKroew

Houston, we have a problem!

it all comes down to how we embrace disruption that allows us to better understand, and in turn, react to it

opportunity to integrate these digital technologies to your products / services / business by creating new value

*check out video on YouTube as: COKE HAPPINESS REFILL

Source: 99U

develop a sense of urgency

this is your time!


70% proven20% proving10% testing new models

“If you don’t like change, you are going to like irrelevance even less.”General (Ret.) Eric Shinseki

Ivan HernandezDigital Strategy and Development@IvanHernandez_


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