Disorders of growth. General Pathology

Post on 28-Nov-2014






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Dr/ Walid Zedan

Dr/ Basant Hamdy

1433القعدة، ذو 17الثالثاء،

By the end of this lecture

students should be able to:

Describe & enumerate the

causes of atrophy.

Define hyperplasia,

hypertrophy & metaplasia.

Differentiate physiologic from

pathologic hyperplasia.

Differentiate physiologic from

pathologic hypertrophy.

To get some knowledge about

the developmental disorders

Definition: Reversible changes in size, number,

phenotype, metabolic activity, or functions of cells

in response to changes in their environment


1- physiologic (response to normal stimulation by

hormones or endogenous chemical mediators)

2- pathologic (response to stresses to escape


Forms: hypertrophy, hyperplasia, atrophy,


Stimulus or stress

Normal cell Adaptation








Cell death



Definition: increase in the size of cells increase in

the size of the organ (with increased functional


No new cells, just larger cells

Hyperplasia (will be discussed later), entails increase

in the cell number

Types & causes:

1- physiologic:

Increased functional demand

Skeletal muscles

heart (within limit)

Specific hormonal stimulation

Pregnant uterus

(estrogen stimulates s.m.

hypertrophy & hyperplasia)

2- pathologic:

a) Adaptive hypertrophy

(wall of hollow muscular


- Stomach in case of pyloric


- Left ventricle in case of

aortic valve disease or


- Urinary bladder in case of

urethral stricture

b) Compensatory hypertrophy:

In paired organs as in kidney:

when one kidney is absent or

removed surgically, the other

kidney is enlarged in size

c) Hormonal hypertrophy:

eg: excessive growth hormone

leads to gigantism or acromegaly

* Selective hypertrophy (eg: smooth ER

in hepatocytes of patients treated with


Definition: increase in the number of cells

increase in the size of the organ.

It may occur with hypertrophy & often in

response to the same stimuli.

Types: physiologic & pathologic

1- physiologic hyperplasia

a) Hormonal (glandular epithelium of female

breast at puberty & pregnancy)

a) Compensatory (when a portion of tissue is

resected or diseased, eg. Liver)

2- Pathologic hyperplasia

a) Excessive hormonal or

growth factor stimulation

• Endometrial hyperplasia: due to

loss of balance between

estrogen & progesterone

hormones. This results

in abnormal menstrual


• Thyroid gland: due to increased thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) in thyrotoxicosis.

• Adrenal gland: due to adreno-corticotropic hormone (ACTH) in Cushing’s syndrome.

b) Hyperplasia is an important response of CT

cells in wound healing. Growth factors are

produced by WBCs responding to injury & by

cells in ECM.

c) Hyperplasia due to viral infection. e.g.: HPV

that causes skin warts & squamous cell

papilloma of m.m. Here, growth factors may

be produced by virus or by infected cells.

Sebaceous hyperplasia

Papillary hyperplasia of the palate

Gingival hyperplasia

Hyperplasia & CANCER !!

Pathologic hyperplasia constitutes a fertile soil in which cancerous proliferation may eventually arise.

• Endometrial hyperplasia increased risk of endometrial cancer

• Certain HPV infections predisposes to cervical cancers

Definition: shrinkage in the size of cell by loss of cell

substance. When a sufficient number of cells involved,

the entire tissue/organ diminishes in size.

The cells retreats to a smaller size at which survival is still possible.

New equilibrium is achieved between cell size & diminished blood supply

or trophic stimulation.

Mechanism: Reduction in structural components of cell





Mitochondria &





Types & causes:

1) Physiological

- Atrophy of thymus gland atrophy after puberty

& thyroglossal duct after birth (involution)

- Decreased workload


immobilized limb to

permit healing of


- Loss of hormone

stimulation: atrophy

of ovaries & uterus

after menopause

2) Pathological

1. Loss of innervation.

2. Starvation (lack of

food & its

absorption) &


Unilateral tongue

atrophy following

hypoglossal nerve


4. Pressure atrophy: as tumor pressure on

surrounding tissue.

- In many situations, atrophy is accompanied by

increased autophagy “self-eating”: a process

in which starved cell eats its own components

in an attempt to find nutrients & survive.

3. Senile atrophy: in old

age “brown atrophy of

the heart”

Definition: transformation of one type of tissue into

another type of the same differentiation.

Cells sensitive to a particular stress are replaced by

other cell types better able to withstand the adverse


Mechanism: it seems to be induced by altered

differentiation pathway of tissue stem cells (genetic

reprogramming of stem cells rather than

transdifferentiation of already differentiated cells)


1) Epithelial metaplasia

2) Connective tissue metaplasia

1- Epithelial metaplasia

Squamous metaplasia

- In the respiratory

epithelium of

habitual cigarette

smokers & in

vitamin A


a) Squamous metaplasia

- Transitional epithelium of urinary bladder to stratified

squamous epithelium in urinary bilharziasis

b) Odontogenic epithelial metaplasia

c) Glandular metaplasia

- In chronic gastric reflux, normal st. sq. epith. of the

lower esophagus may undergo metaplastic

transformation into gastric or intestinal type



1) Epithelial metaplasia

2) Connective tissue metaplasia

1- cartilage to bone in old age

2- bone occasionally forms at

foci of injury

3- muscle tissue to bone “ in

traumatic myositis ossificans

Difference Between Congenital & Hereditary Conditions

Congenital defects/anomalies:

Structural defects that are present at, before, or after

birth but not necessarily inherited “transmitted by genes”. They have either cosmetic or functional

significance. They may be a significant cause of

infant illness, disability & death.

Hereditary defects/Anomalies:

Diseases or conditions transmitted by genes, some

become apparent at birth & others years after birth.

Known causes can be grouped into the following categories:

1. Genetic factors: All chromosomal syndromes are associated with

congenital malformations (10-15%). e.g. Down syndrome & Turner


2. Environmental influences

• Infections: Viral, Rubella, Toxoplasmosis, Syphilis, CMV, HIV to which

the mother was exposed (2- 3% ).

• Drugs: alcohol, Androgens, Phenytoin , Thalidomide & Warfarin (1%)

• Maternal disease states: Diabetes, Phenylketonuria &

Endocrinopathies (6-8%).

• Pregnant smokers

• Irradiation

3. Multifactorial inheritance : which implies the interaction of

environmental influences with two or more genes of small effect, is the

most common genetic cause of congenital malformation representing


4. Unknown: comprises 40-60%

Organ–specific malformations

: refers to the complete absence of an

organ or its primordium

: indicates incomplete development of an


: means underdevelopment of an


: describes the absence of an opening

of a hollow visceral organ or duct such as that of

salivary glands, of intestines or of bile ducts





Hemifacial - atrophy

Progressive atrophy of tissues on one side of the face


1. Atrophic malformation of cervical sympathetic

nervous system

2. Hereditary

3. Trauma or infection

4. Peripheral trigeminal neuritis

5. A form of localized scleroderma


Noticed at 1st or 2nd decades of life

Noticed first as a white line or furrow on one side

of the face near midline

Lesion extends progressively to include atrophy of

all tissues on one side of the face

Eye appears depressed in the orbit

Epilepsy & trigeminal neuralgia might occur

Skin on the affected side would look dark &

pigmented with loss of hair on that side

Oral Manifestations

Atrophy of tongue & lips on the

affected side

Underdevelopment of the roots

Retarded eruption of the teeth

Reduced growth of the jaw on

the affected side

* Mild form of facial asymmetry is more common

* Hemihypertrophy might involve:

- entire half of the body

- one or both limbs

- The face & head


a) Chromosomal abnormalities

b) Localized chronic infection

c) Lymphatic & vascular problems

d) Neurogenic abnormalities

e) Unknown

Clinical Features

a) Mental disturbances

b) Skin abnormalities such as


c) Varicosed veins

d) Umbilical hernia

e) Hemangioma

f) Thick & coarse hair on the

involved side

Oral Manifestations

a) Large permanent teeth in the affected side

b) Premature eruption of the permanent teeth

c) Premature shedding of deciduous teeth on the

affected side

Differential Diagnosis:

Neurofibromatosis, Fibrous Dysplasia

1. Agnathia

Extremely rare

Total absence of the jaw

partial absence of the jaw might be seen

In the maxilla: one of the maxillary processes

or premaxilla

In the mandible: one side of the mandible, the

condyle or ramus

2. Micrognathia

Either true or relative

True when the actual jaw is small relative to normal


Relative when jaw size is normal & teeth are large


It might be due to:

1. posterior positioning of the mandible relative to

maxilla or

2. agenesis of condyle

Agenesis of the TMJ or ankylosis of the joint might

lead to acquired micognathia

3. Macrognathia

Abnormally large jaw

In both mandible & maxilla in hyper-pituitary gigantism

Mandibular prognathism is considered as a form of Macrognathia

Macrognathia can be true with actual large jaw or

relative when the jaw size is normal whereas the size

of teeth is smaller ” Microdontia”


1. increase size of the ramus

2. increase Mandibular length

3. increase the gonial angle

4. anterior position of the glenoid


5. decreased maxillary length

6. posterior positioning of the maxilla

7. prominent chin button

8. Varying soft tissue contour

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