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Start Importing Now - 7 Steps To Importing From China!

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Step By Step Importing Guide

Hey and WELCOME to the Quick Start guide for Making Money in the Importing and Exporting Business! This guide will give you a great introduction and show you exactly how to take your first baby steps in making money online selling imported products.

Before we get to final details about importing, let me just reveal to you quickly the four things you need to do first before anything else, these four things are important because it assists you in ensuring your import-export business is built and you are making money online as soon as possible. You dont want to be doing this 6 months from now do you? The goal is to make money as soon as possible in this business and you do that by doing the following:

First thing you need to do is think of and BUY a domain name. Domain names cost $9 USD a year for a .com or for a or (for New Zealanders) its about $15 a year, we always tend to pay more for things over here dont we? :(

Why am I recommending you buy a domain name? Simply and surely you need to lock in your business name before somebody else gets it! I've seen this happen too often so you have a few of options here in what you name your

website. I use Crazy Domains (<<<<--- Click to check them out) as they are a great host and domain name provider, and have a fantastic up-time guarantee. Definitely check them out.

When selecting a domain name, be sure to remember to include what your product is as it helps people find you online. So for example if you are selling alcohol breath testers, it's good to have that keyword in the domain name, for example Do you understand what I mean?

Alternatively, if you are planning on selling multiple products, so for example alcohol breath testers, USB devices, gardening equipments, and pet toys, then you will need a generic name. So what do I mean by that? Maybe or That way, it's generic.

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Suman Saha
Crazy Domains

The second thing I advise you do is get hosting! I recommend Hostgator (<<<<--- Click to check them out) as this is the website hosting that I use. They have a fantastic up-time guarantee, as well. And on top of that, you can host unlimited

websites with them! Some hosting providers charge per website you host whereas I host over hundred websites with one hosting account and is one low-fee per month I think it's $9.99 a month. Definitely check them out!

So what is hosting? Hosting is where you store your domain name. If you are wanting to get a website,which I highly advise you do, as this is the number one way in making money online, then you definitely need a domain name and a hosting. Hosting will set you back less than 10 dollars a month and a domain name will set you back about ten bucks a year. Say that's quite affordable. So lock one in right now!

Once you have your website up, it is imperative and very important that you build a database, a newsletter list. So when people come to your website, you build a database via a newsletter which will enable you to grow a base of hungry customers wanting to buy your products. The reason you are reading this report right now is you subscribed to one of my newsletters or seminars. So it works! This is where you make the real money online. And once you have a big database, you launch to that database your new product. I've done this many times and this has enabled me up to $25,000 Australian dollars per week using a database and launching new products.

Look at any other big tim marketers like Frank kern or Eben Pagan or other super switched on marketers out there and they will say the same thing and have a database collection tool asking for

your name and email. This is something you need to do! Aweber (<<<<--- Click to check them out) is something that I use for some of my businesses. It's very affordable and it's a great way to start building a list.

Lastly, you need to get traffic for your website. Something that I talk about a lot in seminars is video traffic, not only because it is fast and easy to do but also because it is free to do. Creating awesome Youtube videos about your products, about your

happy customers, product demonstrations and more, will send free traffic to your website. I use Video Maker (<<<<--- Click to check them out) Check them out and they offer a brilliant product and you can make unlimited awesome videos. Check out some of their case studies. You can make an awesome video like that in less than 5 minutes!

Now onto the nitty gritty of the exciting importing business!

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Suman Saha
Host Gator
Suman Saha
Suman Saha
Video Maker

Many online traders are eager to begin sourcing products from abroad, most especially from China. If that’s what you’d like to do as well, take the time to read my "quick start guide" before you get started.

Importing attractive, low priced goods from another country is a terrific way to increase your profit. But international trade transactions are complicated and you really need to have a handle on what you’re doing, especially with regard to costs, or you can take a financial thrashing. My guide has been developed from advice “straight from the horse’s mouth”, that is, ecommerce entrepreneurs who have been there and done it already. You will find a goldmine of advice from these experienced traders in an organized format for your use, saving you many, many hours of research for yourself. Be advised, however, that this advice may not work for everyone under all circumstances. When in doubt, be guided by your own professional advisors.

Please do not take action solely on the content of this introduction. Importing from China can be quite complex and a specialist should be involved! Please contact us before taking any action.

1. Importing Overview

Before we break the importing process down into its component parts and pass along insider advice, let’s take a summary walk through the process of importing.

1. Identify a product to import. (we can help you with this) 2. Investigate the costs of importation, e.g., customs duty, shipping, warehousing. 3. Identify and verify potential suppliers. 4. Pay for and evaluate product samples. 5. Discuss and agree on shipping and payment terms. Ensure that proper documents will be available. 6. Select a customs broker and shipping agent. 7. Place trial order. If the order is large, hire an inspection company. 8. Make payments. 9. Track progress of your goods through delivery to you. As you can see, importing can be tricky,

especially in the beginning. But we've got the information you need to improve your profitability by importing.

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2. Sourcing

We talk about sourcing in our other programs so we won't spend time on it here, except for some good Insider advice.

GOOD ADVICE: If you are going to go straight to China to source your products, don't decide "Hey, I’ll buy these because they're the cheapest"; they're generally cheapest for a reason. To get higher quality merchandise for a good price you will need to buy in bulk with a pretty high MOQ (minimum order quantity.

Once you have identified supplier and product, “standard terms and conditions” should be established. These provisions outline the pricing and quantity arrangements for importing your merchandise. Once both parties agree on the terms and conditions the seller will draft a sales confirmation. Once the confirmation is signed by the importer, it becomes a legally binding contract. The length of these written arrangements can vary depending upon size of order and stipulations between buyers and sellers

A Sales Confirmation or agreed upon proforma invoice must outline: The port of destination Who is the seller and buyer Mode of delivery Shipment preferences Date of order and invoice Country of shipment origin Quantity either in number, weight or volume and a description of imports

including country of origin and quality of product Purchase price of the goods, these figures may vary depending upon type of

Currency used during exchange

The issue of shipping is complicated enough to spend some time on separately in the next section.

Inspection Company If you are placing a large order, you have a great deal at risk. Lower your risk by hiring an inspection company in the country of origin to inspect the goods before they leave the country.

Inspections can take place during manufacture to catch problems before they become too big, at the time of packing at the factory to be sure that the right materials are being shipped and /or at the dock to be sure that the right merchandise will be loaded up and shipped to you.

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GOOD ADVICE: You may be hesitant to spend the extra money on all of the “helpers” such as inspection companies, shipping agents and customs brokers. But, until you know what you are doing, these professionals can save you a lot of money by avoiding problems that can result in spoiled or inferior product shipments, unexpected importing costs or goods held up in a warehouse while problems are sorted out.

3. Shipping

Shipping is a huge issue that is fairly complicated to understand, especially when you are just starting out.

Shipping Terms

First things first. One of the arrangements you will make with your wholesale supplier will be shipping terms. You will need to get familiar with what the various shipping terms (incoterms) are so that you know what you are agreeing to in that discussion.

WARNING: Although incoterms are supposed to be internationally understood, there are some differences in definition by country, so be sure you know what your incoterm means in each individual situation.

Typical terms are:

FOB (Free on board) A trade term requiring the seller to deliver goods on board a vessel designated by the buyer. The seller fulfils its obligations to deliver when the goods have passed over the ship's rail. However, there is also:

"FOB origin" indicates the buyer pays shipping cost, and takes responsibility for the goods when the goods leave the seller's premises.

"FOB destination" designates the seller will pay shipping costs, and remain responsible for the goods until the buyer takes possession.

CIF (Cost, Insurance and Freight) A trade term requiring the seller to arrange for the carriage of goods by sea to a port of destination, and provide the buyer with the documents necessary to obtain the goods from the carrier.

EX WORKS A trade term requiring the seller to deliver goods at his or her own place of business. All other transportation costs and risks are assumed by the buyer.

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There are a variety of other possible incoterms as well.

GOOD ADVICE: We have an excellent chart and flow diagram describing the incoterms and the responsibilities of each party. Go here: Incoterms

Shipping Agent

If you are starting to feel a little bit queasy about shipping, be smart and retain a shipping agent. A shipping agent will handle all aspects of getting your cargo from the manufacturer or wholesaler to you. They are experts in negotiating shipping terms, arranging freight forwarding, clearing customs, warehousing and final delivery. Insiders say that you should shop around since prices vary quite a bit by shipper and the smaller agencies can do just as good a job at sometimes lower prices.

Arrival in Your Country

One of the big issues in getting your product through customs and released to you is making sure that the needed paperwork is all in order. Skip down to the section on clearing customs for more information on required documents.

You should be aware that if your merchandise is arriving LCL (less than a container load) it will go to a bonded warehouse (you will have to pay storage) until the documents clear customs and you pay all fees. Insiders say that storage fees are very high so the faster your cargo clears, the better.

Your shipping agent can handle all of these logistics, including arranging for the cargo to be unloaded and delivered to you.

NOTE: You may hear the word “devan” in your logistics conversation. This is an esoteric shipping word meaning to unload.

You can also go to the warehouse and unload yourself. You are usually allowed about three hours to unload your cargo. If you need more time, you have to pay for it.

WARNING: It can take 3-4 days from the time you present all of the documents and make payments for cargo to clear customs, so don’t be surprised.

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4. Import or Customs Duty

Import duty is another fee that you may have to pay upon importing goods into the U.S., Australia and the UK. Import Duty depends upon the nature of the goods, their value and the country of their origin.The amount of customs you pay depend on how goods are classified and which country they are coming from. (The duty may be the result of a trade agreement.) This site,, is a good source of information. Still, you may not want to figure out customs issues on your own. This is one of those times when an expert, i.e., a customs agent, can save a lot of problems.

INSIDER‟S ADVICE: Use a customs agent to help you sort out duty issues. They are worth their weight in gold because they know how to get things done and can be the difference between having to pay a surprise fee or not or having your shipment held up because the paperwork is not correct.

Some traders try to get around paying customs duty by using couriers or undervaluing the worth of merchandise on documentation.

WARNING: “Don’t do it!” It's illegal, you will eventually get caught and you will pay penalties. Plus, Customs keeps track of offenders. If they catch you doing something you shouldn't once, they'll check you every time.

5. Clearing Customs and Cargo Release

According to veteran traders, correct paperwork plays a huge role in successful importing and cannot be taken lightly or you’ll spend a lot of time and money undoing the mess you’ve made.


There’s not much variation from country to country in terms of the documentation that you will need when you import goods.

Letter of Credit – This letter comes from your bank and states that they will guarantee payment provided the entire required documents (usually specified in the letter) are in order. If you do not use a letter of credit, you may have to provide your credit card information or make some other payment arrangement so that your goods will be released to you once they have cleared customs.

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Purchase Order – Use the purchase order (received from the supplier) to arrange bank financing or to demonstrate to Customs that your order is what you say it is.

Certificates of Origin – The certificate of origin is a document that verifies the country from which you have imported the merchandise. It is used by Customs to assess tariffs (which can be based on originating country), limit quantities in the case where there are restrictions on the amount of a product that can come into a country (often applies to textiles) and prompt inspections of goods.

Bill of Lading – The bill of lading is a description of the purchase and the shipping contents; applies to shipments by sea.

Airway Bill – Same as bill of lading; used for delivery by air.

Inspection Report – If you have paid for an inspection of goods before they left the originating country to be sure that you are getting what you ordered, the inspection report will be included.

Packing List – List of all the cardboard boxes contained in the container and the contents lists inside the boxes.

Invoice – Complete summary of merchandise along with price in the currency of sale. Your customs broker or shipping agent will handle paperwork for you. They will use the Customs Automated Commercial System (ACS), which electronically receives and processes entry documentation and provides cargo disposition information. The system reduces clearance time from days to hours or even minutes. Customs brokers use the Automated Broker Interface (ABI) in combination with ACS to process your merchandise.

6. Finding and Using Import Professionals

Insiders agree that using importing professionals makes sense until you are comfortable with the procedures and can begin to take on the responsibility yourself. You’ll discover that shipping agents, freight forwarders, customs brokers, import/export agents and others may have similar or overlapping roles. In fact, many of these professionals and companies have deliberately branched out into other areas in order to be a one stop solution. That means that you can’t necessarily tell which services will be provided by the name of the professional or company you are dealing with. Choose the right group by understanding all of the elements that you need help with (as we have described them here) and then determining which companies offer which services.

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7. Final Word

There is a great deal of value in mastering the art and science of importing. Start by using professionals to help you through the complexities then do your own managing to increase your final profit on your imported goods. If you are serious about importing and making money then contact us today and attend one of our LIVE bootcamps to learn the system from Peter Sun.

Would you like one-on-one help?

This is why Start Importing Now exists! We take the hassle and headache out of importing and make it easy to do. We explain this somewhat complicated process into a step-by-step system in many of our programs and live events. If you would like us to help you start your import export business and start making money profiting from your imported goods we can help you.

We conduct advanced trainings and bootcamps for our clients on how to import from China and build a profitable business. Call us today on (02) 8007 4127 (Australian number) or email us at FREE Webinar Reveals The 7 Hottest Products You Could Import From China Now And Make Money With ... Even If You've Never Imported Before or Sold Anything On eBay! Click this link now to watch the FREE Webinar Who Is Peter Sun & Start Importing Now?

WARNING . . . Peter Sun‟s Importing System Was Not Created For Those People Who Only Want ToMake An “Average” Profit or Income. This system was created for those individuals who want to

achieve SPECTACULAR Financial success and aspire to becoming financially wealthy with a relatively short period of time through a BUSINESS. It is NOT suitable for people who want to be employees,

students or dependent on someone else for their destiny. Use At Your Own Risk!!

“I went from being a broke, shy nerd who Failed University, Attempted Suicide and Lost Everything

in my first business. . . To making more money than Top Doctors and Lawyers in the information

and consulting business . . .

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Waterfront Dream Home

$1.7 million gives you Jet-ski, Two Jacuzzi spas, private „golf-course‟ and a Hollywood style mansion complete

with Grand Piano and 3 meter chandelier and boat jetty.

My next dream home on the water. After having enough of living in the country . . . I bought this waterfront property worth over $1.7million. It was too small for my growing family . . .

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2004: And This Epic Property on 9 Acres I lived, worked and ran the business from this 150 square epic size of hotel like proportion home in the hills overlooking the Gold Coast for 4 years. I bought the house below in 2007 and lived in both properties for about a year.

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And Now ... Finally THIS

My current dream home:

This is the home I now live in with my 5 surfboards, 4 bikes, 5 children (on and off). Its about 150 metres from the beach. And has four levels, private elevator, swimming pool and spa, plus beautiful views from the top level all over the Gold Coast and the ocean.

My Bank Statement showing the deposit for the purchase of the above property on the 8th May, 2007 (notice the balance)

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Why am I showing you where I lived? And my bank account details. It’s not to boast, but rather to prove and show you that I am not some guy living in a basement garage,

dreaming of using your money to get rich. I have already done it and have been doing it for the past 19 years or so!!!

If you are sick of making peanuts working for someone else. Want to be able to make money fast in your business. Or simply

want to make a difference in the world. I have developed the importing and Selling systems to get you there!!

Please let me introduce myself . . .

My name is Peter Sun. I have five beautiful Children (4 daughters, and a boy Hugo) and most of my business life I have worked from magnificent properties, high up on a mountain overlooking the Gold Coast or near the beach in sunny Queensland. I like to work from home, And …

In the 19 years I have been doing this, I learnt something very valuable . . . If you want to make money in business . . . it doesn’t matter what degrees you have. How old you are or what ethnic background you posses. It matters not if you are a man or a woman. Tall or short. Good looking or downright ugly.

In business the only thing that matters is simply this . . .

Can you get a RESULT or not? Can you make money, get customers and make a profit or can‟t you?

But you know it’s not even about the money. You see, most people in business just want to make money so that they can go and sail that boat. Hang out with their kids. Travel first class. Drive a nice new car. Live in a dream home. Go surfing, fishing, play golf, save the whales or whatever.

That’s why I created a totally logical, proven and yet incredibly simple system for helping almost any business start importing from China and SELLING their imported goods online, offline and become wholesalers.. . which enabled me and others I trained to go from broke to earning as much as $5,000 per hour working just 3 - 4 days a week.*

And . . . since 1995 I have AVERAGED$1.4 million PER Year. Using the Internet, Direct Mail, Phone and One-on-one contact

and small workshops.

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Despite the fact that I now often spend more time at the beach than at the office, my clients businesses are structured so that they can still make more money in a month than most people see in a year. Over the last 18 years I have achieved my “dream” of having a great lifestyle (and making a lot of money.

You may find my story hard to believe at first but please, put aside your reservations until you’ve heard what I have to say and read this message in full. It may just be the chance to change your life in a big, big way. I know it’s easy to make a lot of claims and say “I made this much” “And I did this or that” but if you just take the time to attend one of bootcamps or events, I promise I will prove to you that not only it is possible, but that it has been (and is being) done by many others right now as we speak.

Would you like one-on-one help?

This is why Start Importing Now exists! We take the hassle and headache out of importing and make it easy to do. We explain this somewhat complicated process into a step-by-step system in many of our programs and live events. If you would like us to help you start your import export business and start making money profiting from your imported goods we can help you.

We conduct advanced trainings and bootcamps for our clients on how to import from China and build a profitable business. Call us today on (02) 8007 4127 (Australian number) or email us at

FREE Webinar Reveals The 7 Hottest Products You Could Import From China Now And Make Money With ... Even If You've Never Imported Before or Sold Anything On eBay!

Click this link now to watch the FREE Webinar

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