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Post on 05-May-2018






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I. Introduction

1.1 Backgrounds

Bangladesh is country in South Asia. It is bordered by India to its

west, north and east; Myanmar (Burma) to its southeast; and is

separated from Nepal and Bhutan by the Chicken's Neck corridor.

To its south, it faces the Bay of Bengal. The largest city is Dhaka

situated at the center as capital. There are 10 metropolitan cities

having a lot of municipal small towns inside each of them.

Bangladesh is fourth polluted country in the world; Dhaka,

Narayanganj, Gazipur are among top 25 worst polluted cities listed

by WHO. Dhaka is referred as ‘Sick City’ (warm humid tropical

climate getting worse each day).

Unfortunately, urbanization is taking place too quickly in unplanned

approach and thus many municipalities are unable to find the proper

balance necessary for preventing a range of symptoms from

developing, which can leave a city rather sick and in turn impact the

well-being of residents. Bangladesh is a land of tropical climate and

rivers which are ended into the longest sandy seashore of the world;

and therefore has been very well known for its green agricultural

landscape and mangrove forest as well 1 . Recently,

1Simulating Land Cover Changes and Their Impacts on Land Surface Temperature in Dhaka, Bangladesh - Bayes Ahmed, Md. Kamruzzaman, Xuan Zhu, Md. Shahinoor Rahman and Keechoo Choi


rapidlyincreasing economy has lifted a rapid growth of urbanization

in Bangladesh. Thus ‘the green’ especially in the cities like the

capital-Dhaka, is fast diminishing (Table 1) and rising urban heat

island (UHI) effects.Tabassum et al reported that the trend of green

space declination in Dhaka city seems to be null within 20202.

Design and application of green landscape on building exterior is

an inhalation demand of time. Though a very few practice of green

application on buildings as a part of leisure activity had been

reported, these small scale practitioners are not sufficient against

the UHI effect. Besides the decorative benefit, green roof or wall

plantings may provide food, temperature control, hydrological

2Tabassum, T &Sharmin, S., 2010. The Impact of Green Space Declination in Dhaka’s Local Thermal Environment, Conference proceeding, URBANIZATION, TRAFFIC JAM AND BANGLADESH ENVIRONMENT, ISBN: 978-984-33-5373-3

Table 1. The trend of green space declining in Dhaka city

Year Total vegetation(ha) Total built-up(ha)

1975 6585 5551

1985 <6250 >9000

1995 5687 >11682

2005 3992 16105

2010 <2225 >16105 (Estimated)

2020 0 (Estimated) >16105(Estimated)


benefits, architectural enhancement, habitats or corridors for

wildlife, and recreational opportunities.

To see this plot in a big scale, lack of research interest and

technological knowledge stands like barriers. As a result, the rate

of developmental research is very slow and involves long interval.

Recently, it has become the point of interest among the motivated

researchers to a step toward intensive and extensive green roof

designing as well as green wall designing in Bangladesh3.

On the other side, urban activities generate large quantities of city

wastes including several Biodegradable materials (like vegetables,

animal wastes, papers, wooden pieces, carcasses, plant twigs,

leaves, cloth wastes as well as sweepings) and many non-

biodegradable materials (such as plastic bags, plastic bottles,

plastic wastes, glass bottles, glass pieces, stone / cement pieces).

On a rough estimate Indian cities are producing solid city wastes to

the tune of 50,000 - 80,000 metric tons every day. If left uncollected

and decomposed, they are a cause of several problems such as

clogging of drains, causing serious drainage problems including the

burst leakage of drainage lines leading to health problems, barrier

to movement of water, solid wastes have seriously damaged the

normal movement of water thus creating problem of inundation,

3Archived from the original (2011) and retrieved 2015. Map of Dinajpur


damage to foundation of buildings as well as public health hazards,

foul smell - generated by dumping the wastes at a place, increased

microbial activities. Microbial decomposition of organic wastes

generates large quantities of methane besides many chemicals to

pollute the soil and water flowing on its surface. When such solid

wastes are hospital wastes they create many health problems - as

they may have dangerous pathogen within them besides dangerous

medicines, injections. Underground soil in cities is likely to be

polluted by chemicals released by industrial wastes and industrial

wastes, decomposed and partially decomposed materials of

sanitary wastes. Many dangerous chemicals like cadmium,

chromium, lead, arsenic, selenium products are likely to be

deposited in underground soil. Similarly underground soil polluted

by sanitary wastes which generate many harmful chemicals. These

can damage the normal activities and ecological balance in the

underground soil.4

Land is a natural commodity of environment which is used

or various constructive purposes. Land cover is actually defined as

the utilization of land by human beings and the natural functions of

land. There is a need to develop balance between natural land

services and human interruption due to construction. If a state



of harmony cannot be achieved then the first thing which is going to

be ruined is environment. Land will be completely modified due to

constant urban growth and space for agricultural

growth and natural forests will become less. If forests keep

decreasing at the same pace then environmental pollution will

increase up to a limit which would be unable to control.

Ecology is defined as the relationship of human beings with

environment. Similarly urbanization is directly linked with

the environment and environmental resources. It is due

to urbanization that human beings are changing the topology of this

earth. Forests are becoming extinct due to deforestation and

the level of ground water has been decreasing at a very fast rate.

The reason is over consumption of water resources due to

high urban growth. There are many part of the world in which urban

areas face water shortage and they have to opt for other ways to

avail water rather than ground water.

Urbanization doesn’t only cause deforestation; in fact all

other types of environmental pollution also became very common.

For instance air pollution in urban areas is increasing just because

of elevated use of vehicles. Now cities have expanded so much that

without a fueled vehicle it is not possible for access different

facilities and to go to their daily work and offices. In order to get to


their destination earlier people purchase cars. The exhaust of these

cars and other motor vehicles include deadly greenhouse

gases such as carbon monoxide. These greenhouse gases not only

cause pollution but are also a contributing factor in global warming.

It means that urbanization has led human beings enter into a phase

of constant challenges from the environment which

are crucially important to cater for the long term survival.

Decrease in the ground water is not the only problem caused due

to urbanization. Pollution of rivers and contamination of

different water sources are also caused by urbanization. Cities

often face the challenge of proper waste management and due to

negligence in this department, water pollution occurs. Waste is

usually dumped in the water resource due to which aquatic life gets

disturbed. Even plants and animals living in the aquatic

ecosystems are exterminating at a very fast rate.5

Bangladesh has been ranked fourth among 91 countries with worst

urban air quality in the latest air pollution monitoring report of World

Health Organization (WHO). Moreover, three Bangladeshi cities

have been put among the top 25 cities with poorest air. The 2014

version of the Ambient Air Pollution (AAP) database consists mainly

of urban air quality data of 1600 cities from 91 countries.



Pakistanhas been shown as the worst country in the category with

Qatar and Afghanistan ranked second and third. Iran, Egypt,

Mongolia, United Arab Emirates, India and Bahrain take the other

spots in the worst ten. In the city-wise assessment, Narayanganj

has been marked as the 17th city with worst air quality whereas

Gazipur and Dhaka have been ranked 21st and 23rd respectively.

In the report, six of the top 10 cities with highest air pollution were

from neighboring India with Delhi taking the first spot. The other

Indian cities in the top chart are Patna in the second spot, Gwalior

third, Raipur fourth, Ahmedabad ninth and Lucknow tenth.

Pakistan's Karachi has taken the fifth position. The report says that

almost 90 percent of people living in the cities are being exposed to

dangerous levels of air pollution. Outdoor air pollution killed 3.7

million people in 2012 and the WHO says it is now the world's

largest single environmental health risk. The report also states only

12 percent of people are living in cities that conform to the WHO air

quality guideline levels.

The report was more extensive than a similar database released by

the WHO in 2011. The report was prepared on the basis of the

monthly air quality monitoring data of 2013 of the Department of

Environment (DoE), Bangladesh. The DoE has set up air quality

monitoring stations in eight cities, including Dhaka, Narayanganj,

Gazipur, Rajshahi, Chittagong, Khulna and Sylhet. Though


Narayanganj has the highest level of gaseous pollutants, the report

shows the air of the northern metropolis Rajshahi contains the

highest level of dust particles6. Among the gaseous pollutants which

the DoE measures are carbon monoxide (CO), sulphur dioxide

(SO2), oxides of nitrogen (NOx) and ozone (O3), methane and non-

methane pollutants.

Plastic has become the most common material since the beginning

of the 20th century and modern life is unthinkable without it.

Unfortunately, what makes it so useful, such as its durability, light

weight and low cost, also makes it problematic when it comes to its

end of life phase. Dozens of millions of tons of plastic debris end up

floating in world oceans broken into microplastic, the so-called

plastic soup. Microplastics are found in the most remote parts of our

oceans. Entanglement of turtles by floating plastic bags, sea

mammals and birds that die from eating plastic debris and ghost

fishing through derelict fishing gear produce shocking pictures.

Moreover, plastic is not inert and chemical additives, some of them

endocrine disruptors, can migrate into body tissue and enter the

food chain. The massive pollution of world oceans with plastic

debris is therefore emerging as a global challenge that requires a

global response. The European Union should be a showcase for



how to build a coherent strategy to optimize plastic waste policy. A

second challenge is linked to resources conservation. Nearly 50%

of plastic waste in the EU is still landfilled. Therefore, much energy

and processed raw material is lost instead of being recycled into

new products. Until now there is no comprehensive policy response

to such challenges. Specific aspects are addressed in various

pieces of legislation, like the Waste Framework Directive with its

2015 separate plastic waste collection target or its 50% household

waste collection target by 2020.7

Although there many

approaches are being

developed for waste

management; the plastic

waste management

seems to be uncontrolled

in Bangladesh.

Recycling is processing used materials (waste) into new, useful

products. This is done to reduce the use of raw materials that would

have been used. Recycling also uses less energy and great way of

controlling air, water and land pollution. Effective recycling starts

7Ambitious waste targets and local and regional waste management - Ecologic Institute (Albrecht Gradmann),UmweltbundesamtÖsterreich (Thomas Weissenbach (main author) andHubert Reisinger) and RIMAS (Francesca Montevecchi).

Figure 1 Waste plastic causing pollution in Dhaka


with household (or the place where the waste was created). In many

serious countries, the authorities help households with bin bags

with labels on them. Households then sort out the waste themselves

and place them in the right bags for collection. This makes the work

less difficult. Paper waste items include books, newspapers,

magazines, cardboard boxes and envelopes. Items include plastic

bags, water bottles, rubber bags and plastic wrappers. All glass

products like broken bottles, beer and wine bottles can be recycled.

Cans from soda drink, tomato, fruit cans and all other cans can be


Plastic use in road construction is another recycling option Recent

studies in this direction have shown some hope in terms of using

plastic-waste in road construction i.e., Plastic roads. Plastic roads

mainly use plastic carry-bags, disposable cups and PET bottles that

are collected from garbage dumps as an important ingredient of the

construction material. When mixed with hot bitumen, plastics melt

to form an oily coat over the aggregate and the mixture is laid on

the road surface like a normal tar road. Use of the innovative

technology not only strengthened the road construction but also

increased the road life. Rainwater will not seep through because of

the plastic in the tar. So, this technology will result in lesser road

repairs. Plastic will increase the melting point of the bitumen. Roads

laid with plastic waste mix are found to be better than the


conventional ones. Plastic road would be a boon for India’s hot and

extremely humid climate where durable and eco-friendly roads

which will relive the earth from all type of plastic waste. Help to

improve the environment. Use of the innovative technology not only

strengthened the road construction but also increased the road life.

The idea of using recycled materials in green roof construction site

will be very exciting and needed to be studied in perspective of


The tradit ional way of potted planting in Bangladesh is not yet

effect ively researched for f ight ing against UHI and micro

climate of Dhaka city occurred by pollut ion . Shortage of

experts and no off icial guideline for roof top garden design

using recycled materials . Here, I report a standard roof top

garden design guidelines wh ich can minimize the gap between

the current status of green roof in Bangladesh and a model

green roof designed by research based guidelines using

recycled waste materials .


1.2 Goal & Objective

This study is designed to create a single solut ion to shot out

these major two problems i.e. green reduction and plast ic

mediated pollut ion by with install ing roof top garden with

recycled waste plast ic material around the Dhaka city.

The goal is to upgrade the roof top garden concept of

Bangladesh more functionally as well as aesthetically using

recycled waste materials to improve the city condit ion)

The object ive of the study is to make a guidebook with sample

roof top garden design based on the context of Dhaka city.

I I. Scope & Method

2.1 Scope

2.1.1 Contexts

Manufacturing is a sunset industry in west. Because of the low

costs it could be quite rewarding to start a plast ic recycling

factory in Bangladesh. The main prospects are below:

Affordabil i ty of the labor cost and the fast developing

recycling industry of post -consumer plast ic wastes in

Bangladesh are the great advantages to compete in the global

market. The consumption rate of plast ic in Bangladesh is

5kg/year as compared of world consumption rate 30kg/year,


there is a huge potential for the domestic growth of the plast ic

industry in Bangladesh. The populat ion growth in Bangladesh

is high and therefore the consumption rate wil l increase and

if the plast ic industry can take the consumers of lower &

middle class, the business should be prof itable 8. Thus, the

concept of ut i l izing plast ic in the rod/ construct ion or in the

roof top can easily be manipulated in Bangladesh.

2.1.2 Time

Bangladesh has three major seasons: summer, winter and

rainy season. W inter is very short and suitable for all the

construct ion works and for plantat ion e nd of rainy season wil l

be the best choice to avoid heavy rainfall. Pract ically it wil l

take almost a year to install such a well-planned green roof.

However, theoretically, it is already studied and surveyed in

my study and hopefully the continuation of s tudy in very detail

wil l not take longer period of t ime.

8A Report on Plastic Industry of Bangladesh Mansur Ahamed (Ph. D) Research Department, JBBC Corporation.


2.1.3 Site

Bangladesh is located in the Indomalaya ecozone. Its ecology

includes a long sea coastl ine, numerous rivers and tributaries ,

lakes, wetlands, evergreen forests, semi evergreen forests,

hil l forests, moist deciduous forests , f reshwater swamp

forests and f lat land with tall grass. The Bangladesh Plain is

famous for its fert i le alluvial soil which supports extensive

cult ivat ion. The country is dominated by lush vegetat ion, with

vil lages of ten buried in groves of mango, jackf ruit ,

bamboo, betel nut , coconut and date palm 9. There are 6000

species of plant l i fe, including 5000 f lowering plants 10. Water

bodies and wetland systems provide a habitat for many

aquatic plants. Water l i l ies and lotuses grow vividly during

the monsoon. The country has 50 wildlife sanctuaries. Beside,

having all these plantat ion f riendly features, Bangladesh is my

native country and so it is very convenient for me to gather all

necessary information for my study, therefore it is selected as

the site of study.

9Bangladesh | history – geography: Plant and animal life. Encyclopædia Britannica. 10Jump up^ "Flora and Fauna – Bangladesh high commission in India". Bangladesh High


2.2 Method

Mostly my study material includes reviewing the related

l iteratures and theoretical analysis as well as a bit of survey

study. Methodology is to applying the knowledge theoretically

to establish a proper guideline o f a green roof project based

on recycled materials.

Dhaka, the capital city of Bangladesh

Polluted city with waste materials

diminished green space

Rooftop garden with recycled waste materials

Rooftop garden design guideline

Figure 2 Research Flowchart


I I I. Literature Review

3.1 From Babylon to Dhaka: The History of

Rooftop Gardens

At present, in Dhaka the roof garden has been quite popular.

Just looking at the dif ferent types of roof gardens can be s een

in most container based system. However, most of the roof top

garden has been developed in an unplanned way. The planned

init iat ives on the roof of the plant, even vegetables can be

grown. The collect ive love of nature in the clouds h as existed

since the beginning of recorded t ime.

The f irst known roof

gardens are thought to be

the ziggurats of ancient

Mesopotamia, the most

famous of which is the

Hanging Gardens of

Babylon, one of the Seven

Wonders of the Ancient

World. Usually located in

the courtyards of major

cit ies, these enormous

pyramid towers had

Figure 3: Reconstruction of the Hanging Gardens of Babylon, 1924, from the Collection of the New York Public Library


stairways that spiraled along their outer edges, with trees on

the staircase landings to provide some respite f rom the harsh

desert sun. Our only proof of their existence is classical

writ ings based on ora l histories; no archeological proof has

ever been found (although, recently a Brit ish academic

claimed to have identif ied the true location of the Hanging

Gardens of Babylon.)

Fast forward to The Renaissance, when Italians were crazy

for their gardens the more symmetrical and ordered in design,

the better. The oldest and best preserved roof garden is f rom

this t ime, located in the town of Pienza in Sienna, Italy. Pienza

was the birthplace of Aeneas SilviusPiccolomini, who had a

palace built for himself the re when he later became Pope Pius.

On the roof , a formal garden was erected for him to hold

audiences. The entire town of Pienza, now a UNESCO World

Heritage site and its place have remained virtually untouched

since the 15th century.

The tradit ional roof garden in Bangladesh started f rom the

very early unspecif ied t ime with pot planting in residential

buildings as a hobby. Then it started to transform gradually

since 1989 by developing the terrace garden and 1994 as

thermal comfort for urban area.


But the concept started to renovate as urban agriculture faster

than any other signif icances. Now it is playing an important

role in economic sector because there are many people who

sell vegetables in the market af ter fulf i ll ing the household


3.2 Present condit ion of Dhaka

In Bangladesh, the pract ice of roof top garden is ancient but

it is very small scale and a malnourished sector due to lack of

awareness and extensive research. However, here some of

the developmental steps are mentioned which are done b y a

few researchers in Bangladesh.

Overall, the approach of green roof top development in

Bangladesh summarized in f rame (Table 2)

Figure 4 Traditional Rooftop Garden with Pot Planting in Dhaka


Table 2: The developmental steps of green roof top of


Year Scientif ic or non-scientif ic reports

Strategic Procedure


cif ied

Pot plants in

residential buildings

of Bangladesh

Just as hobby11.

1989 Terrace Housing Natural venti lat ion and

effect of air well on air f low

and air velocity12.

2004 Residential

Vegetat ion

Financial and

environmental benef it13.

2005 Roof Gardening Impact on built

construct ion14.

2007 Roof gardening Important aspects of roof

gardening 1 1

2009 Green roof concept

in Residential

apartment building

Green roof in context of

Dhaka city apartment15.

2010 Natural green


The effect of Green roof in

urban l i fe16.

2013 Applicat ion of

extensive and

intensive green roofs

Comparison and contrast

between two major types of

green roof in Dhaka city17.

11Natural Green Application technology on Building in Dense Dhaka City is provide a sustainable, energy saving, comfortable and healthy environment. RumanaRashid ,Mohd. Hamdan Bin Ahmed , Md. Sayem Khan 12Mallick F.H. PhD thesis (unpublished), AA school of Architecture. 13SudiptaBarua, Sarah Bashir, Study of the effect of residential vegetation on built environment; 2005 14Sajjaduzzaman; Analytical study on cultural and financial aspects of roof garden. 15 Shad, Sheikh DibyaPorkash, Dhaka,2007 16 Hossain MM, effects of green roof concept on residential apartment in the context of Dhaka city. (Unpublished) 17Rumana Rashid, Green roof and its impact on urban environment and sustainability, World Journal of Management, Vol 2


From the upper table it is clear that almost st i l l now green roof

is a pract ice among the rich and upper middle class society.

This pract ice is not studied well enough to be available for

general and mass people, ult imately result ing ineffect ive

approach against UHI effect.

Markov model simulated land cover maps of Dhaka area

shows the land cover changes for 2019 and 2029; and the

impacts on Land Surface Temperatures in respective periods.

Simulat ion results show that if the current trend continues, at

the year of 2019 and 2029, 56% and 87% area of Dhaka

respectively wil l face more than 30°C tempera ture.

Nevertheless, with a great loss of vegetat ion replaced by

buildup area18.

18Simulating Land Cover Changes and Their Impacts on Land Surface Temperature in Dhaka, Bangladesh - Bayes Ahmed, Md. Kamruzzaman, Xuan Zhu, Md. Shahinoor Rahman and Keechoo Choi


Green roofs have many benef its as presented above, but

green roofs also have negative aspects. Based on various

Figure 5 MLP Markov model simulated land cover maps of DMP area (2019 and 2029).


researches, the following issues requiring attention of th e

designers are identif ied:

• Green roofs have more demanding structural standards.

Some exist ing buildings cannot be retrof it ted with a green roof

because of the load of the soil and vegetat ion. Depending on

what kind of roof it is, the maintenance costs could be higher.

• Green roofs also place higher demands on the

waterproof ing system of the structure both because water is

retained on the roof and due to the possibil i ty of roots

penetrat ing the waterproof membrane. Install ing adequate

waterproof ing systems and root barriers can increase the cost

of the roof .

• However, for those l iving in increasingly tall buildings

the roof gardens are offering doorstep recreation spaces and

contacts with nature in the vert icality.

Thus, poor installat ion, wrong material choices, negligent

maintenance has played an impactful role as barriers in this


Green inf rastructure establishment can immediately be

applied to the governmental organizations, public places,

educational inst itutes, off ices etc. compared to any personally

owned building as we can see f rom the well -established


examples because this message can be f irst adopted by this

type of powerful, well known and scattered organizations to

create example in a growing city. Nature is gett ing sensit ive

day by day by changing its climates, features, weather,

productivity etc. It changes its face at dif ferent places of the

earth. Thus it is possible that green inf rastructure is needed

to be studied at the place where it is going to be applied

considering the climate, plant resources, weather and other

necessary parameters of that specif ic place. Bangladesh is

allowing one of the fastest growths of urbanization thus Dhaka

is one of the fastest growing cit ies. There are many reputed

universit ies in Dhaka, which are al so an example of


Being a concrete jungle by grabbing huge amount of vegetated

surfaces under rapid urbanization and housing process,

Dhaka as well as residential areas is facing several extensive

environmental problems. So, the importance of vegetat ion

should be analyzed for the betterment of the city’s existence .

Home owners of ten want to avoid this solut ion thinking about

the extra load of evenly distributed substrate on the roof as

they are familiar only with vegetat ion l ike - f lower or f rui t trees

in planter boxes in very l imited space with a poor water

irr igat ion system also not aware of the weight of the garden.


But, intensive or extensive type of roof ing is more convenient

and recommended as substrate depth and load can be

balanced and easy to maintain compared to vegetat ion in the

planter box. As the intensive green roof is almost a new idea

in the context of Dhaka, people are not aware of its importance

and benef its and don’t know exactly whom to contact with for

more details. There is lack of technical information - standards

about the whole system and technical expert ise in this f ield to

support interested owners and developers. There are many

added benef its for owners such as long l ife span of the roof ,

energy savings to the building, increases tenancy. Besides,

storm water management, reduced water logging and air

temperature at the micro level are benef its for developers and

community as a whole. Occupants of buildings also get

benef ited by low outdoor and indoor temperature, more air

f low, less air and noise pollut ion.


Figure 6: Current rooftop garden system of Dhaka


Very inspiring news is, now a days, the government of

Bangladesh is highly focusing on encouraging the mass

people about roof gardening as a part of that they took a lot

of init iat ives as follows 19:

The mayor of South Dhaka city corporat ion,

SayeedKhokon announced that 10% of holding tax wil l

be reduced who has green roof on top of their building.

Clarifying the misconception that roof gets wors e af ter


Educating people about most effect ive and safe roof


Spreading the idea and sense of “Green Dhaka - Clean

Dhaka” among all.

A professor of dept. of Geography and Environmental

sciences of Dhaka University named Dr. Humayun Kabir

also providing motivat ional speech l ike, green roof wil l

not only for beautif icat ion, it wil l make a balance in the

environment which has high UHI effect.

A lot of owner has diminished a lot of tree in last 20




3.3 Rooftop garden with recycling waste product

Recycling is processing used materials (waste) into new,

useful products. This is done to reduce the use of raw

materials that would have been used. Recycling also uses less

energy and great way of controll ing air, water and land

pollut ion. Effect ive recycling starts with household (or the

place where the waste was created). In many serious

countries, the authorit ies help households with bin bags with

labels on them. Households then sort out the waste

themselves and place them in the right bags for collect ion.

This makes the work less dif f icult . Paper waste items include

books, newspapers, magazines, cardboard boxes and

envelopes. Items include plast ic bags, water bott les, rubber

bags and plast ic wrappers. All glass products l ike broken

bott les, beer and wine bott les can be recycled. Cans f ro m

soda drink, tomato, f ruit and all other cans can be recycled.

Plast ic use in road construct ion is not new. Recent studies in

this direct ion have shown some hope in terms of using plast ic -

waste in road construct ion i.e., Plast ic roads. Plast ic roads

mainly use plast ic carry -bags, disposable cups and PET

bott les that are collected f rom garbage dumps as an important


ingredient of the construct ion material. When mixed with hot

bitumen, plast ics melt to form an oi ly coat over the aggregate

and the mixture is laid on the road surface l ike a normal tar

road. Use of the innovative technology not only strengthened

the road construct ion but also increased the road l ife.

Rainwater wil l not seep through because of the pla st ic in the

tar. So, this technology wil l result in lesser road repairs.

Plast ic wil l increase the melt ing point of the bitumen. Roads

laid with plast ic waste mix are found to be better than the

conventional ones. Plast ic road would be a boon for India’s

hot and extremely humid climate where durable and eco -

f riendly roads which wil l relive the earth f rom all type of plast ic

waste. Help to improve the environment. Use of the innovative

technology not only strengthened the road construct ion but

also increased the road l ife.

Considering the current overpopulated and polluted situation

of small city Dhaka, it is reasonable wise to pay attention in

increasing the green roof . Because it improves thermal

performance, cleaning the air-cooling a city, decreases urban

heat island effect, creates & preserves of habitat & ecological

biodiversity. Moreover, it increases property value and other

benef its for building owners effect ive for managing storm


water. Last but not the least, it opens the door of aesthetics,

offers open space and urban food production.

3.4 Plantation in Bangladesh

3.4.1 Effects of Seasons

Bangladesh has a tropical monsoon climate. There are

basically four seasons in a year: winter (December -February),

summer (March-May), monsoon (June-September) and

autumn (October November). The average temperature across

the country usually ranges between 11°C and 29°C in winter

months and between 21°C and 34°C during summer months.

Annual rainfall varies f rom 160 cm to 200 cm in the west, 200

cm to 400 cm in the Southeast and 250 cm to 400 cm in the


The climate is tropical in Dhaka. The summers here have a

good deal of rainfall, while the winters have very l i t t le. The

Köppen-Geiger climate classif icat ion is Aw. The average

temperature in Dhaka is 25.9 °C. In a year , the average

rainfall is 2022 mm The driest month is January. There is 6

mm of precipitat ion in January. Most of the precipitat ion here

falls in July, averaging 377 mm. 20



Figure 7 Climate Graph of Dhaka

Figure 8 Temperature Graph of Dhaka


3.4.2 Soil and water for Plantation

Bangladesh has three broad types of soil, namely, Flood Plain

Soils (79%), Brown Hil l Soils (13%), and Terrace Soils (8%).

Soil scientists further classify "Flood Plain Soils" of

Bangladesh into 14 subtypes varying f rom calcareous to non -

calcareous, acid basin to acid sulphate, grey to brown

Piedmont, peat and Terai soils.

The "Brown Hil l Soils" are located in the hil ly regions of

Chittagong, CHTs, and Dhaka and Sylhet districts and vary

f rom brown sandy loam to clay loam.

The "Terrace Soils" exist in the "Barind" and "Madhupur"

tracts of Bangladesh and consist of brown to grey clays and

loams. The country has f ive major river systems: the Ganges

or Padma and its deltaic streams, the Meghna and the Surma

river systems, the Jamuna and its adjoining channels, the

North Bengal rivers, and the rivers of the Chittagong Hil l

Tracts and the adjoining plains.

The Ganges River system is divided into two segments, the

Ganges and the Padma. The Meghna River is the union of the

Sylhet-Surma and Kusiyara rivers. The Jamuna and its

adjoining channels span a large area f rom North Central


Bangladesh to the Meghna River in the Southeast. The Tista

is the most important water carrier of Northwestern

Bangladesh that meets the Jamuna. The Feni, the Karnaphuli,

the Sangu, and the Matamuhari are the four main rivers that

const itute the river system of the CHTs and the adjoining

plains of Bangladesh. Overall, the soil and water source are

very suitable for plantat ion in Bangladesh.

3.4.3 Plant types

The area under agricultural use is subdivided into three

categories, namely the net cropped area, current fallow, and

cult ivable waste which is a fallow for more than a year.

Agriculture land use has been able to maintain its share at

about 66% of the total area of the country during the 1970s

and 1980s but its share has fallen to about 59% during the

1990s. The share of land under "other uses" l ike sett lements,

homestead, rivers, etc. has consistentl y risen over the past

period21. Bangladesh is the world’s largest producer of jute.

Rice being the principle staple food, its production is of m ajor

importance. Rice production stood at 20.3 mil l ion tons in the

1996-97 f iscal years.

21Bangladesh | history – geography :: Plant and animal life. Encyclopædia Britannica.


Crop diversif icat ion programs, credit , extension and research,

and input distribut ion policies pursued by the government are

yielding posit ive results. The country is now at the threshold

of attaining self -suff iciency in food grain production. Forest

areas of Bangladesh vary considerably from one source to

another, and there is a general need of reliable information in

this regard, e.g. the total forest area is 2.56 mi ll ion ha (FMP,

1993), 2.25 mill ion ha (BBS, 1999) and 1.47 mill ion ha (World

Bank, 1997. However, in Bangladesh, of the total area

agricultural land makes up 65% of the geographic surface,

forest lands account for almost 17.5% (2.53 mill ion ha) (FD,

2004), while urban areas cover 8% of the land. Water and

other land uses account for the remaining 10%. The total

forest land includes classif ied and unclassif ied state lands,

homestead forests and tea and rubber gardens.



22Simulating Land Cover Changes and Their Impacts on Land Surface Temperature in Dhaka, Bangladesh - Bayes Ahmed, Md. Kamruzzaman, Xuan Zhu, Md. Shahinoor Rahman and Keechoo Choi

1 2

3 4

Figure 7 Present Land cover Map of Dhaka: (1) Buildup Area, (2) Green Area, (3) Water body, (4) Bare land


3.5 Review of the Rooftop Garden Design Techniques

3.5.1 Rooftop Garden design

In Bangladesh, the pract ice of roof top garden is ancient but

it is very small scale and a malnourished sector due to lack of

awareness and extensive research. However, here some of

the developmental steps are mentioned which are done by a

few researchers in Bangladesh.

In Dhaka, urban dwellers hardly seen any greenery around

them, every inch of land is occupied by concrete structures.

The solut ion l ies in planting as many trees as possible, and

the only place to do that seems to be roof tops. If people can

make vegetable, f ruit , f lower of ornamental gardens, this wil l

supply f resh vegetables for them. Fruits and vegetables

purchased in the city are of ten mixed with chemicals, which

are hazardous for health, but a roof to p garden can be a source

of f resh vegetables for city dwellers, and also be a pleasant

and unusual sight.23

23NogorKrishor (Urban Farmer) Working for The Greenery of Dhaka City - By M.H.M. BorhannuddinBhuyan


3.5.2 Need for green roof

Considering the current overpopulated and polluted situation

of small city Dhaka, it is reasonable wise to pay attention in

increasing the green roof . Because it improves thermal

performance, cleaning the air, cooling a city, decreases urban

heat island effect, Creates & preserves of habitat & ecological

biodiversity. Moreover, it increases property value and other

benef its for building owners effect ive for managing storm

water. Last but not the least, it opens the door of aesthetics,

offers open space and urban food production.

3.5.3 Use of recycled waste product for roof garden

Pre consumer and postindustrial recycling of products mad e

f rom poly-vinyl chloride (PVC) is already well established in a

variety of industrial segments. With regards to thermoplast ic

PVC roof ing membranes, efforts to reclaim and recycle plant

trimmings go back well over a decade.


The grinding process is very effect ive at separating scrim, as

well as the polyester felt backing used in some applicat ions,

f rom the polymer matrix. The residual f luff can be used as a

reinforcing f iber in the production of cement blocks for

landscaping and retention wall construc t ion or as feedstock in

waste to energy conversion processes.

Although a signif icant amount, the roughly four mil l ion pounds

of trimmings material produced, processed and recycled

annually by one manufacturer, pales in comparison to the

potential volumes available for post-consumer recycling.

Figure 8 Geo-textile made by recycled plastic


One of the major problems with creating a roof top garden is

the sheer weight of soil. While a typical rooftop is designed to

handle about 20 to 40 pounds per square foot, some soil can

weigh up to 120 pounds per squa re foot. That means that,

while you may have the space for a roof top garden, it st i l l

might not be feasible. But Gaia Soil, a social venture of Gaia

Inst itute, a non-prof it corporat ion, has found a way around

that part icular problem, using an unexpected pr oduct:


Environmentalists have long decried the use of Styrofoam, or

polystyrene, because of its non -sustainabil i ty, health

concerns, hazardous waste, and pollut ing qualit ies. It ’s an

unlikely coupling, to be sure, but it ’s also quite innovative .

Gaia Soil uses recycled Styrofoam and pectin to create a

synthetic soil.

End of Service Life Recycling of Thermoplast ic PVC Roof ing

Membranes By S.P. Graveline, Vice President Technical

Services, SikaSarnaf i l, a Division of Sika Corp.

The nearly weightless Styrofoam is coated with pectin, which

is a gel that “holds every plant and every f ruit and leaf

together,” according to Paul Mankiewicz, creator of the new

soil. A cubic foot of Styrofoam and pectin weighs just 10


pounds and can hold up to 20 pounds o f water. That’s a big

difference f rom the 120-pound natural product.

Some are concerned about the possible risks associated with

using Styrofoam as soil. Th is is a matter of concern that it

might leech dangerous chemicals into plants, blow off into the

air, or create other environmental concerns. But so far, there

is no indication of any of those problems. It ’s been in use for

years in some locations and there have been no problems.

The soil is also held down by a coconut f iber or burlap cover,

topped with an inch or so of compost, and t ied together with a

root matrix—so there’s no real danger of it blowing off . One of

the best things about this synthetic soil—besides the fact that

it makes roof top gardening far more feasible —is that it ’s

completely sustainable. It uses materials that have already

been made and would otherwise go into our waste system.

That makes i t completely carbon-neutral24.



IV. Development of rooftop garden design guideline

4.1 The Basic Green Roof Garden

A green roof is a green space created b y adding layers of

plants on top of a tradit ional roof ing system. The layers of a

contemporary green roof system, f rom the top down, include:

The plants, of ten specially selected for part icular

applicat ions,an integrated irrigat ion system and controls an

engineered growing medium, which generally wil l not

include soil but coconut husk , mustard oil cake, wood ash


A landscape or f i l ter cloth to contain the roots

The growing medium, while allowing for water penetrat ion,


A specialized drainage layer, some times with built - in water


The waterproof ing/roof ing membrane, with an integral root

repellent, and

The roof structure, with tradit ional insulation either above

or below.

4.2 Design Considerations

There are several important designs and structural dif ferences

between ground level landscape development and roof top

developments. The following are the special construct ion

requirements and considerat ions when developing a roof


Protect ion of the integrity of the roof and structure

Posit ive drainage

A long-term, l ightweight planting medium

Ir rigat ion for optimum plant growth and sustainabil i ty

Adaptat ion to the climatic condit ions

Select ion of hardscape materials (paving, structural

materials, site furnishings and water as a design

element) and their special use and requirements as part

of a roof garden system


Provisions for ut i l i t ies

Public safety and security

Ease of maintenance

4.3 Protection of the Structure

4.3.1 Protection of the Roof and Structure

The single most important element in roof top gard en

construct ion is protect ing the integrity of the roof and the

structural components under the garden. For this reason there

must be waterproof ing of exceptional longevity to prevent

damage and to reduce the possibil i ty of long term expensive

reconstruct ion. For this reason it is recommended a

completely new waterproof ing layer be added to the exist ing

structure to insure the longevity and integri ty of the

waterproof ing system.

4.3.2 Load Bearing Capacity

The structural engineer should verify the maximum load

bearing capacity of the exist ing structure. These f igures

should be available f rom the records of the previous

construct ion of the helipad. Typically, a minimum addit ional

dead load l imit of 150 psf between columns is needed to

accommodate the construct ion of a roof garden. Loads above


columns and at the roof ’s edge can be considerably higher,

however a structural engineer should be consulted to

establish the load bearing capacity of those areas. These

higher load bearing areas should be used to accommodate

larger specimen plantings and trees.

4.3.3 Waterproofing

As mention before, a completely new waterproof ing system

should be installed to protect the building’s structure. There

are several types of waterproof ing available, however,

elastomeric materials offer the greatest protect ion.

Bituminous waterproof ing should be avoided. Over t ime the

organic components in bituminous waterproof ing interact with

the soils and the plant materials and therefore increase the

l ikelihood of system failure.

A properly installed wa terproof ing system can last the l ifet ime

of the building, however a single small leak may require the

removal of the entire garden to f ind and repair the damage.

Therefore, in order to insure the integrity of the waterproof ing

it is recommended a protect ive topping coat of concrete be

applied, as soon as possible, following the installat ion of the

new waterproof ing.

Key Points: Protection of the Structure


The single most important considerat ion regarding roof and

deck garden construct ion is protect ing the roof and structure

f rom damage due to excessive loading or leaks.

A structural engineer should always be consulted prior

to roof garden landscape design and construct ion.

Roof top structures must typically be able to support a

dead load of 150psf to accommodate the construct ion

of a garden.

The roof must be completely covered by an elastomeric

material and protected by a concrete topping slab.

4.4 Planting Provisions

Like the roof on which the garden is to be built , a roof garden

is constructed in layers. Just as failure in the roof components

can cause signif icant damage to the building, so too can

failure of the planting components causes signif icant and

costly damage. Therefore, it is imperative to take care in

choosing and install ing materials of the highes t quality and

species conductive to a roof top’s environment.

4.4.1 The Roof Drains

The exist ing roof drains are appropriate for use within the roof

garden. Some minor modif icat ions may be required to


accommodate the new waterproof ing and topping slab.

Nevertheless, the four roof drains and their size are adequate

to support the roof garden’s needs. Special care should be

taken and accommodations made to allow access to those roof

drains should there ever be the need to access them for


4.4.2 The Drainage Layer

The drainage layer, direct ly above the concrete protect ive

slab, should be very porous to permit water to pass easily

through it . It must be permanent and continuous over the

entire roof surface and strong enough to support the weight of

the plant materials and hardscape above it . This layer must

be kept f ree of any materials that could prevent the f ree f low

of water to the drains. Because of its l ightweight and

integrated f i l ter fabric, McCaren Designs recommends the use

of Enkadrain for this drainage la yer. Further, its .75 inch

thickness allows for more planting media in areas next to

paved areas.

4.4.3 Filter Fabric

To prevent the planting media f rom going into solut ion and

being lost in or clogging the drainage layer and roof drains, a


water-permeable barr ier of f i l ter fabric is needed. As

mentioned previously we recommend Enkadrain because the

f i l ter fabric is integral with the drainage course.

4.4.4 Planting Media

The crit ical criteria in the formulat ion of a suitable planting

media for roof gardens include: l i ghtweight; the abil i ty to hold

nutrients; adequate moisture holding capacity; and the

capabil ity of developing a f irm (for plant stabil i ty) yet easily

drained soil structure. There are several ready mixed medias

available that meet these requirements. Howe ver, care must

be taken in select ing these l ightweight soils to be sure there

are adequate non-organic components incorporated into the

mix. Soil mixes consist ing of solely organic material wil l

decompose, losing nearly 30% of its mass every year, thereby

requiring f requent topdressing to maintain the soil mass.

Therefore one should incorporate sand and expanded shale

into these prepared planting media. When this mixture is

properly moist it wil l weigh approximately 60 pounds per cubic


4.4.5 Irr igation

The relat ively thin, well -drained soil mixtures used in roof

garden construct ion cannot provide the plantings with the


subsurface water normally available to ground level plantings.

Care must be exercised to prevent the soil mass f rom drying

out and causing damage to the plant materials. Hand watering

is too labor intensive and is not cost effect ive. Therefore, we

recommend the installat ion of a sensor controlled drip

irr igat ion system. Drip irrigat ion is preferred in roof garden

applicat ions because the effects of wind can cause above

ground systems to perform inconsistently.

4.4.6 Mulch

Drying and overheating of the soil can be prevented by the

applicat ion of 2 -3 inches of shredded hardwood mulch.

Besides providing protect ion of the plant materials this mulch

serves to hide the drip irrigat ion l ines and emitters.

Key Points: Planting Provisions

An important considerat ion regarding roof and deck garden

construct ion is the substrate support ing the plantings.

The exist ing roof drainage system is adequate to

support the installat ion of a roof garden.


Planting media and the drainage course should provide

for fast percolat ion of water and be f ree of f ine silts that

can clog the f i l ter blanket and block drainage.

Planting media should contain suff icient mineral content

to stabil ize the plantings and maintain soil mass.

On a regular basis soils require topdressing to

replenishment decayed organic material.

Drip ir rigat ion is the prefer method of providing moisture

to the planting.25

5.1 People and food culture/ vegetable growing culture

of Dhaka

5.1.1 Current Use of Residentia l Rooftops in Dhaka

Presently the roof tops of the residential buildings are being

used for various purposes: for drying and washing clothes, as

playground for children, for entertaining guests, for cool air

during the summer, to sunbathe in the winter. On most of the

25Design & Planning Parameters - McCaren Designs, Inc.


roofs, some form of pleasure garden exists, sometimes there

are f ruit gardens and less of ten, vegetable garden as well.

6 Fruits and Vegetables Produced:

About 60 variet ies of f ruits and vegetable s are produced in

Bangladesh. Not all types can be produced on the roof top. The

types and mix are chosen in the city depending upon individual

household food preferences, availabil i ty of seeds types that

can be grown on the roof top, climate and availabil i t y of soils.

In the food garden the following f ruits and vegetables are

commonly grown; Guava, Lemon, Papaya, Grapes, Green

Chil i, Pumpkin, Squash, Onion, Garlic, Coriander leaves,

Tomato, Mushroom, Leafy vegetables (e.g., Callaloo, Jute

Leaf and Red Amaran thus), and other (e.g., Cucumber, Flat

bean, Bit ter ground, Ribbed ground, Ladies f inger,

Amaranthus, Dhudi, Cowpea and Brinjal). Some families also

cult ivate spices and plants used for medicinal purposes.

7 Owners’ Determination to Rooftop Garden:

Mostly the owners enjoy gardening. About 68% of the

residents spend 50-80 Canadian $ per annum. Many of them

have plans to init iate food gardening in the future. Only less

than 5% of house owners are wil l ing to allow tenants to roof top

gardening. They also do not want to increase rent to allow


their tenants to rooftop garden as they might lose the tenant

if rent is increased.

8 Leasing:

Although many roofs are currently being underuti l ized the

owners seem to be reluctant to allow outsiders in the roofs.

They worry that this may hamper their privacy.

9 Manpower Availability:

Manpower does not seem to be a problem, since one or two

persons are available in every house. In most of the cases

someone in the family is available to look af ter the garden.

Moreover, most of the family has members who have

knowledge about and experience in agriculture and gardening.

10 Materia ls for Gardening:

Obtaining gardening materials (such as soil, seeds etc.) is not

a problem. They are easily available in the local market and

in the nurseries.

11 Water Supply:

Water access is becoming a serious problem in Dhaka.

However, most of the respondents stated that water is not a

problem for those who can pay for it . Those who own buildings

can also afford water. In 98% cases they have access to water


on the roofs, and there are already water pipes installed on

the roofs for other purposes (such as cloth washing etc.).

12 Suitability of the Rooftops:

Every house owner thinks that their roofs are suitable for

gardening and do not require improvement work. In mo st of

the cases shedding f rom the next building were not perceived

as a problem. Most of them also did not identify any physical


13 Assistance Required:

Most owners are reluctant to take any outside help sources.

Few respondents sought part ial help (from nurseries and

f riends). However, some owners are wil l ing to join Roof top

Gardeners Associat ion if formed in the future.

14 Problems Identif ied:

The possibil i ty of burglary seems to be a main problem. Other

anticipated problems include attack of the gar dens by insects,

birds and monkeys.


14.1 Maintenance

5.3.1. Growing vegetables

It is very important to study about the types of suitable

vegetable which wil l be selected for green roof installat ion.

Here a l ist of plants those are easily grown vegetables in





name Scientific name Family

Cabbage Bandhako



oleracea var capitata



r Phulkopi


oleracea var botrytis


Kohlrabi Olkopi Brassica

oleracea var gongyloides



cabbage China kopi Brassica chinensis




Petsai Natishak Brassica chinensis


Saishin China

shak Brassica parachinensis





k Brassica campestris


Turnip Shalgom Brassica rapa


Radish Mula Raphanussativus



sprouts ---


oleracea var gemmifera Cruciferae


cress Sachi Nasturtium officinale Cruciferae

Pea Motor Pisumsativum Cruciferae


bean Sheem Lablab niger Leguminoseae


bean Barbati Vignasesquipedalis Leguminoseae





m Phaseolus vulgaris Leguminoseae






obus Leguminoseae




eem Conavaliaensiformis Leguminoseae

Lima bean Rukuri Phaseoluslimensis Leguminoseae


soybean Soyabean Glycine max Leguminoseae




k Desmodiumtrifolium Leguminoseae

Yam bean Shakalu Pachyrrhizustuberosa Leguminoseae




a Cucurbita maxima Leguminoseae


gourd Lau Lagenariasiceraria Cucurbitaceae




a Benincasahispida Cucurbitaceae

Cucumber Shasa Cucumissativus Cucurbitaceae


(short) Khira Cucumisanguina Cucurbitaceae


gourd Jhingga Luffaacutagula Cucurbitaceae


gourd Dhundul Luffacylindrica Cucurbitaceae




ala Momordicacharantia Cucurbitaceae


gourd Kakrol


is Cucurbitaceae


Palwal Patal Trichosanthesdioica Cucurbitaceae




a Trichosanthesanguina Cucurbitaceae

Squash Squash Cucurbitapepo Cucurbitaceae


n Banggi Cucumismelo Cucurbitaceae


gourd Talakuchi Coccineacordifolia Cucurbitaceae


melon Futi

Cucumismelo var momor

dica Cucurbitaceae




nggi Cucumismelo Cucurbitaceae


on Tarmuj Citrulluslanatus Cucurbitaceae

Potato Alu Solanumtuberosum Cucurbitaceae

Brinjal Begoon Solanummelongena Solanaceae

Tomato Tomato Lycopersiconesculentum Solanaceae




h Capsicum annuum Solanaceae

Chilli Jhalmaric

h Capsicum species Solanaceae

Okra Dhedosh Abelmoschusesculentus Solanaceae

--- Laffa Malveverticillate Malvaceae

Rozelle Chukur Hibiscus sabdariffa Malvaceae


amaranth Danta Amaranthuslividus Malvaceae


amaranth Lalshak Amaranthusgangeticus Amaranthaceae



amaranth Katanotey Amaranthusspinosus Amaranthaceae


amaranth Noteyshak Amaranthusviridis Amaranthaceae

Haicha Chanchi Alternantherasessilis Amaranthaceae





(sabuj) Basella alba Amaranthaceae





(lal) Basellarubra Basellacease

Spinach Palonggsh

ak Spinaciaoleracea Basellacease

Beet Beet Beta vulgaris Chenopodiaceae


foot Bathua Chenopodium album Chenopodiaceae


herb Helencha Enhydrafluctuans Chenopodiaceae

Lettuce Lettuce Lactuca

sativa var. capitata Compositeae


spinach Kolmi Ipomoea aquatica Compositeae

Kangkong Gimakolmi Ipomoea reptans Convolvualceae


potato Mistialu Ipomoea batatus Convolvualceae

Carrot Gajor Daucuscarota Convolvualceae




Thankuni Centella japonica Umbelliferae


Parseley Parseley Petorselinumcrispum Umbelliferae

Celery Celery Apiumgraveolens Umbelliferae

White yam Mateyalu Dioscoreaalata Umbelliferae

--- Pestaalu Dioscoreabulbifera Dioscoreaceae

Cassava Shimulalu Manihotesculenta Dioscoreaceae

Eddoe Mukhikach

u Colocasiaesculenta Euphorbiaceae

Tannia Dudkachu Xanthosomaviolaceum Araceae

Tannia Moulavika

chu Xanthosomaatrovirens Araceae

Giant taro Mankachu Alocasiamacrorrhiza Araceae


foot aroid Olkachu


latus Araceae

Drumstick Shajina Moringaoleifera Araceae

Plantain Kanchkala Musa paradisiaca Moringaceae


papaya Papay Carica papaya Musaceae


onion --- Allium fistulosum Caricaceae

Asparagus Asparagus Asparagus officinalis Liliaceae

Sorrel Takpalang

g Rumexvasicarious Liliaceae

Jute leaf Patpata Corchoruscapsularies Polygonaceae

Water lily Shapla Nymphaeastellata Tiliaceae


carandilla Sheetalau Passifloraquadrangularis Nymphaceae


jack fruit Echad Artocarpusintegrifolia Passifloraceae


Baby corn Chotobhut



mays var. saccharata Moraceae

--- Malencha Jussiaearepens Graminae


sorrel Amrulshak Oxalis europaeaJord Onagraceae


purslane Nunia Portulacaoleracea Oxalidaceae

Fern Dhekishak Dryopterisfilix-mas Portulaceae



Shamkala Otteliaalismoides Polypodiaceae



5.2.2 Growing flowers

Sl. Local name

English name

Scientific name Family Picture




Dahlia variabilis


2 Aster Aster






Calendula officinalis





Chrysanthemum sinense





Cosmos bipinnatus





Dianthus chinensis





Tagetes spp.





Lupinus spp.






Codiaeum spp.





Poinsettia pulcherrima





Mussaenda spp.









Milk bush

Euphorbia titucalli








Kata mehedi

Kata mehedi

Lawsonia alba





Carissa caranda



Rangan (Single)

Ioxora (single)

Ixora spp.






Coelogyne spp.




Lady’s slippers

Cypridium spp.



Moth orchid

Moth orchid

Phalaenopsis spp.





Renanthera spp.





Saccolabium spp.



Maiden hair fern

Maiden hair fern
















Trichomanes spp.





Gleichenia spp.





Sword fern










Water lily (white)





Water lily (Red)




Nil Komol

Water lily (Blue)










Giant lotus

Victoria amazonica



VI. Conclusion

In conclusion, we can say that the approach of using recyclable material

and green landscaping can give a lot of beneficial effect in perspective of

Dhaka, Bangladesh. It can be started easily from the waste without

investment and application of technical sense can convert the polluted city

Dhaka to a green city with proper guideline. Although there has not been

found any restriction on rooftop garden, government response to it has

generally been one of neglect. The financial barrier fuelled by lack of

awareness is limiting the promotion of rooftop garden in the city. In order

to realize the potential that rooftop garden can offer, major shifts in thinking

of the policy makers is required. The scarcity of land is a key constraint on

the use of land by the poor in Dhaka. They have not been fully able to

utilize their village-honed skills in agriculture. Roofs of the public buildings

can be leased out carefully so that they can be given only to the interested

poor. Which will ensure urban benefits of free agriculture, low carbon

footprint also in improving micro climate of buildings.


VII. References

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is provide a sustainable, energy saving, comfortable and healthy

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SudiptaBarua, Sarah Bashir, Study of the effect of residential

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Hossain MM, effects of green roof concept on residential apartment in

the context of Dhaka city. (Unpublished)

Rumana Rashid, Green roof and its impact on urban environment and

sustainability, World Journal of Management, Vol 2



End of Service Life Recycling of Thermoplastic PVC Roofing

Membranes By S.P. Graveline, Vice President Technical

Services, SikaSarnafil, a Division of Sika Corp










Rooftop Garden Design with Recycled Materials

- In Case of Dhaka Environment -

Shamsad Firdous

Advised by Professor Kim, Sung -Kyun

Department of Landscape Architecture

College of Agriculture & Life Science

Seoul National University






정원,수직정원또는파사드가든 (façade garden)













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