Direct marketing Prepared by: 07308019 Betty 07308021 Catherine 07308059 Becky 07308069 Abby 07308072 Luna.

Post on 01-Jan-2016






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Direct marketingDirect marketingPrepared by:• 07308019 Betty• 07308021 Catherine• 07308059 Becky• 07308069 Abby• 07308072 Luna

Learning objectives

This chapter gives an overview of the variety of media available from which direct marketers can choose so that they can convey their messages to potential purchasers


•Direct marketers are able to use all the media available to mass marketers



Electronic media


Direct marketers are able to

use all the media available to

mass marketers

Newspapers • are a traditional mass marketing media. • If you add to this the many community weekly newspapers,

then this particular medium has far reaching and effective and selective circulation.

Magazines • another form of print media, with a more selective audience

than newspapers.• Direct response marketers consider the magazines with

proven consistent response rates to be virtual retail outlets, only far more cost effective.

Electronic media encompasses:• Free-to-air television• Pay television• AM and FM radio• The internet • Email( electronic mail)• Faxes( facsimile machines)• Video-cassettes• Video discs• Audio CDs• Other computer network services.

Telemarketing is probably the most widely used of all media in direct response marketing. It is highly successful media when combined with other media.

1.Inbound telemarketing: Promoting a product, service or idea through on

medium and using a toll free telephone response mechanism to prompt a response

2.Outbound telemarketing Outbound telemarketing is when a direct marketer

makes the call to a potential prospect.

•House list•House list

•Compiled list•Compiled list


Direct mail relies on mailing lists and the specificity of the profiles provided on potential prospects by each list, there are 3 main types of lists:


• have particular advantages for direct marketers.

• In the case of local community newspapers delivered to each household the reach is 100 percent of households.

Today, there are four ways of pacing advertisements in newspapers:

• Classifieds• Free standing inserts (FSIs)• Run of paper(ROP)• Supplements.• This is also good for the marketer because they

have an immediate evaluation of how a particular offer is pulling.

Line classifiedsLine classifieds

• Line classifieds are usually placed in a special section of the newspaper and in separate classifications.

• Display advertisements can be found in the classified section or in the general news section.

• Run of paper (ROP) means just that-the newspaper will place your advertisement at their pleasure where it is convenient for editorial and layout.

• Advertising in supplements, whether line classified or display, will incur a premium charge, there is the cost of producing the inserts.


• Because of the wide diversity of magazines available all over the world it is important to review the affinity between the product or service and the editorial of magazines when selecting them for direct response campaigns.

• Consumer magazines can be broken into different categories and subcategories, for example:

special interest Entertainment Educational sport, and many more.

where in the magazine it should be placed;

whether it should be color black and white or more;

what size it should be

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if an insert, the quality of paper and color and whether it will be a free standing insert of bound in etc.

Other decisions still have to be made about your advertisement:

Electronic media

• Television is, without question the most far reaching and dynamic medium used by direct marketers today.

• Television commercials (TVs) are expensive to produce and lack some of the qualities of good print media-in particular direct mail.

Free-to-air television

• At the same time, campaigns can be conducted where the longer version initially creates the scenario as well as delivers the punch line.

• This would be played enough times to develop awareness of the story and association with the brand.

• Then the shorter version is introduced which is much less expensive to run because it takes up less air time.

Cable television ① Cable television is Cable TV is also known as "CATV"

(community antenna television).

② cable TV will likely become a popular way to interact with the World Wide Web and other new forms of multimedia information and entertainment services.

③ The major difference between free-to-air and cable television is that

cable television audiences are more defined; the channels are the media vehicles, whereas with free-to-

air television the media vehicles are the actual programs.

Radio• Radio, unlike free-to-air television but like cable television,

has considerable station loyalty from listeners.

• Radio is also considerably less expensive than television, both in production and placement costs.

• Radio is often no more than background sound for people occupied in other activities.

• Talkback programs break through the clutter more readily and are more effective for direct messages than music stations.

Computer networks and the internet

Introduction to the internetIntroduction to the internet• The Internet is a global network of networks. People and

organizations connect into the Internet so they can access its massive store of shared information.

The beginning of the webThe beginning of the web• The Web was invented in 1991 by Tim Berners-Lee, while

consulting at CERN (European Organization for Nuclear Research)in Switzerland. The Web is a distributed information system and contains multimedia. Information in the Web is connected by hyperlinks

Computer networks and the internet

Introduction to the internetIntroduction to the internet• The Internet is a global network of networks. People and

organizations connect into the Internet so they can access its massive store of shared information.

The beginning of the webThe beginning of the web• The Web was invented in 1991 by Tim Berners-Lee, while

consulting at CERN (European Organization for Nuclear Research)in Switzerland. The Web is a distributed information system and contains multimedia. Information in the Web is connected by hyperlinks

Videos, CDs and DVDs• Direct response messages are being communicated

via VCRs(video recorder/players) and CD(compact disc) forms of electronic media.

• The DVDs are interactive, the same size as an audio CD but sore seven times as much data, there is very little deterioration even when used over and over again provided they are cared for appropriately.


Telemarketing:• The definition of telemarketing is the planned,

organized used of the telephone and other advanced telecommunications technology to accomplish organizational communications objectives.

• It is one of the few genuine one on one communications media. It is an integral element in the direct marketers’ tool kit. It has been used for direct marketing for almost as long as it has been a business tool, and yet its use is still growing as more ways are found to use the telephone to advantage in business.

• The telephone can be used with any other medium as a complementary tool and it serves customers and prospects as a contact medium with business.

• It provides an effective and simple means of taking orders, from businesses or consumers alike, particularly when the toll free can numbers are used.

• It can be used as a prime media for outbound direct contact with a prospect.

• Outbound telemarketing is one of the most effective media for developing customer relationships and conducting market research.

Facsimile machines using the same transmission lines can be used in much the same way as the telephone for sending or confirming orders.

Telemarketing is a highly skilled activity and may require expensive operating centers, because there are professional agencies who specialize in both inbound and out bound telemarketing campaigns.

Direct mail:While direct mail is an expensive medium, particularly

with respect to reach, it is without doubt one of the most cost effective. It has unique advantages, and following are the core unique advantages:

• Selectivity• Virtual unlimited• Personalization• No competition• Most testable medium• Unique capability

• With the ever increasing cost of advertising marketers are always on the lookout for way to diminish their costs without diminishing the effects of their advertising. The co-op has proved to be one solution to this problem.

• The co-op shares the cost between two or more “friendly” advertisers.


Other types of media for Other types of media for direct response messages:direct response messages:

1. mail order catalogues• They have the same advantages of direct mail for

the personally addressed to customers– selective– virtually unlimited choices of format– one to one communication– little or no competition– testable– have a unique capability to involve the recipient

2. floppy disks for home computers Given the enormous number of home

computers it is simple enough, and relatively inexpensive, to send your message this way.

3. teleconferencingTeleconferencing enables us to make live presentations to prospects or dealers simultaneously at several different locations.

4. sky tray Sky tray is a computer built into the tray on the back of

airline seats for passenger use.5. on-pack/ in-pack advertising The message may be on the package of the product

purchased. Alternatively the message may be about a related product or another product in your range. Often it is an excellent vehicle for coupons.

6. card packs Multiple advertisers create separate postcard sized

advertisements to promote particular products.

Summary1. Newspapers carry masses of advertisements with

response mechanisms printed in them. It has moderate reach; fast response; good testing for responsiveness.

2. Consumer magazines can be broken into different categories such as entertainment, hobbies, sport and so on.

3. Electronic media is the growth area of new dynamic media built on the back of radio and television, included cable television, radio, computer networks, videos, CDs and DVDs.

4. Telemarketing is a genuine one on one medium, trough which good personal relationships may be developed.

5. Faxes use the same transmission lines as telephones. Their main advantage is that they convey a hard copy of the message.

6. Direct mail is also a one on one strategy which has six unique core advantages.

7. co-ops are ideal for those with limited budgets of complementary products

Learning objectives

• This chapter gives an overview of the main issues involved in producing direct marketing materials in a variety of commonly used media.



Video production


Post-production I (Rough cut)

Post-production II (Finished product)

Post-production technology

Video to film

Linear editingNon-linear editing

Video to film

VideotapeColour television standards

Digital television

Digital versatile disc (DVD)

Computerised presentations and media

Still photography mechanics and methods

CDsOvercoming the limitations of floppies

Digital and conventional cameras


Digital photographyTraditional photography

The printing process

Paper quality




Colour printing

Mechanical printing processes

Electronic printing processes

The convergence of traditional and

digital printing

The printing process

Paper qualityPaper weight

Paper surface


• Well produced direct marketing materials are needed for campaign success. Careful planning for this phase will help prevent cost overruns by using appropriate technology and materials, including video and television, computer communications and print media.

Video production

Making a video is a three stage process:• pre-production, including scripting• shooting • post-production


• The script specifies every detail of all the visual and audio elements to be included.

FIGURE 14.1 Typical storyboard layout

Scene 1Visual

Scene 2Visual

Scene 3Visual

Scene 4Visual

Scene 5Visual

Scene 6Visual

Scene 7Visual

Scene 8Visual

Scene 9Visual

Scene 10Visual

Scene 11Visual

Scene 12Visual

TV Ad storyboard visual.


• A first draft is sent to the client for approval and required changes are discussed and included.

• The second draft script incorporates a detailed shot list of all scenes and graphics to be included.

• A shooting schedule is worked out after the script and shot list have been finalized.


• Most corporate videos can be done in one to three days’ shooting.

• Generally, one day’s filming will allow a maximum of two to three locations.


• Post-production I(rough cut)• A rough cut is produced from video footage and a

guide track of any voice over.• The rough cut video gives the overall look of the video.

• Post-production II(finished product)• This final process translates the rough cut into the

finished product.• Changes after this stage will require booking more

time on the equipment with the associated extra costs.

Linear and non-linear post-production technology

• Linear editing involves working with rough taped material from the shoot to produce a finished tape.

• Non-linear editing is done on a computer running appropriate software.

Video to film

• Nowadays the industry is moving to video and computer technology and transferring the end result to film if it is to be shown in cinemas.


• Videotape is easy to duplicate but a campaign involving distributing large numbers of them would become expensive.

Colour television standards

System where used

PAL UK, most of Europe, Africa,Australasia and South America

NTSC North America, Japan and their dependents

SECAM France, eastern Europe, the former USSR, and parts of the Middle East and Africa

Digital television

• provide better reception than current analog systems like Australia’s PAL

• deliver higher quality picture and sound with approximately twice the resolution of a PAL signal

• provide high definition television programs• change from a single HDTV program to a number of

SDTV programs at any time• carry a range of multimedia services in the form of

audio, images, data and text.

Digital versatile disc (DVD)

DVD players are already on sale in Australia.The double-sided CD-ROM machines are backwardly compatible with CD-ROM and CD-audio.


Overcoming the limitations of floppies

Computerised presentations and media Tradeoffs may have to made in order to geta final package that will:• be developed within time and budget constraints • be easy to use • run at an adequate speed on most users’ systems• fit into the storage space available on the media that will be

distributed• convey the look, feel and style required• be easy to update• present the story clearly and memorably• stand out from other competitors for the customers’ attention

Still photography mechanics and methods

digital and conventional cameras

• digital photography

• traditional photography


The printing process



Color printing

Mechanical printing processes

Electronic printing processes

The convergence of traditional and digital printing

Paper quality

Modern word processing packages offer a variety of sizes and styles of typefaces and the ability to import pictures, resize them and place them where they are wanted on the page.

Desktop publishing packages can take text from a word processor and graphics files to give a professional appearance.

Graphics software can manipulate pictures allowing cropping, recolouring, merging with other pictures, etc.

The visualization competencies of the finished artist are essentially the same

operators using Macintosh machines have a more powerful tool kit that allows exciting effects which could not be easily achieved otherwise.

Introduction of the pre-printing

Application snapshot of Pre-printing

Changing pre-printing technology

we are right at the middle of an enormous change in our industry, it depends what sb. Give to you

Base art

Color job

Shoot it on camera


Convert the typesetting to base art—literally cut and paste

And take a proof, gat sign off from the clientthen take it to film, then to plate, then to press

Scan it on a drum scanner

Flat bed Scanners are catching up very quickly

HalftonesHalftones obtain the visual illusion of continuous tones in a black-and-white photograph by converting the picture to a collection of clumps of black dots by photographing it though a finely scored screen.

The human sense of vision blends black dots with the white on the paper to perceive shades of grey so you 'see' a continuous toned photo.

Halftone is the reprographic technique that simulates continuous tone imagery through the use of dots, varying either in size or in spacing.' Halftone' can also be used to refer specifically to the image that is produced by this process

Color printing

With one color ink and one color of paper

by passing the paper through the printing process a number of times and building up an image

Separate plates need to be prepared for each color ink.

Presses need to be adjusted so that the image is exactly registered for each run through the press

Application snapshot

CMYK----cyan, magenta, yellow, and key, or black

Mechanical printing processes

Mechanical processes


Offset printing

transferred from a fixed printing surface at high speed but long runs are required to cover the cost of making plates

mounting them on the press and then running the press until everything is aligned and the colors are correct.


Web fed and sheet fed presses

Screen printing

The letterpress process The offset process

Rotogravure Web fed and sheet fed presses

The larger commercial sheet-fed presses handle much larger sheets of paper. Sheet-fed presses can also print on cardstock, plastics, metal, and other substrates. A sheet-fed press may consist of multiple print units that each print a different color of ink.

Screen printing

Electronic printing processes

Electronic processes are more economical for short runs because they can produce Good copies without wasting paper or requiring plates to be made up, but they are slow.

In photocopiers and laser printers, electric charges create the image on an electro photographic surface that works as a printing plate.

Analog photocopiers

Digital photocopiers

Ink-Jet printing

Laser printing

Analog photocopiers Digital photocopiers

Ink-Jet printing

Laser printing

The convergence of traditional and digital printing

The emerging relationship between traditional printing and electronic printing is more complementary than competitive.

Digital color printing processes are increasingly used to predict the appearance of images before they are processed into films and plates for lithography, gravure, or relief printing

redacting the likelihood that changes will be necessary after the job has reached the press.

Application snapshot of the digital crossover

produce film

Paper quality

Paper is made by breaking up raw material to form a suspension of fibers in water about the consistency of porridge and then draining and drying it on a suitable porous surface to form sheets of the desired thickness and texture.

General characteristics

Paper weight

Paper surface

Most paper made from wood pulp.

Better grade papers are made from new and recycled chemical wood pulp or

mixture of pulp and rag fibre.

Different types of paper have different bulk

Coated papers have good resistance to ink penetration.

The smooth surface of coated papers also helps to reflect light evenly.

Summary• Direct marketers should know how materials are

produced for various media in order to get the best results for their money.

• The planning or pre-production phase of video production is important as it determines the scheduling, staffing, equipment and procedures.

• The latest generation of printing presses are completely computer controlled and allow the computer operator to output directly to the printing plate.




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