Digital Storytelling Arencibia A.A. Earthquake Terror

Post on 11-Nov-2014






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  • 1. Earthquake Terror An ordinary day turns into a disaster
  • 2. In his mind Jonathan the mighty man could see his grandparents riding down the thin road. They were going to the grocery store to buy paper towels. Moose the maniac danced around as if he ate chocolate. Moose get over here! Jonathan said.
  • 3. Moose wants chocolate, you know he loves chocolate. Abby the great said. No you silly he wants caramel now. Jonathan said. I think he wants me to remove that enormous blister off his paw. Bob the medic protested.
  • 4. The ground suddenly upheaved making everybody fall. Loud noises of falling oaks made everyone cover theyre ears as the ground shook like a maraca. Quick, run to this bench! Jonathan said. Jonathan and Bob the medic sprinted to the bench but Abby ran to a light post. An enormous oak fell on the light post which squash Abbys leg.
  • 5. Jonathan knew what was going on but he was too scared to even care. Jonathan and Bob decided to stop being babies and to save Abby. Jonathan was a brute, stupid as a fly, but as strong then Hercules. Bob on the other hand was the opposite smart but weak. Together they ran to the fallen light post, with even more maraca shaking than ever!
  • 6. Jonathan lifted the light post and Bob took Abby to safety. Bob saw that Abby had a broken leg. He snapped the bone into place. Using a ripped up shirt a cast. Bob saved Abbys leg. They saw a mysterious bus and shouted at the top of theyre lungs to get its attention.
  • 7. Heeeeeeeelp!!! Jonathan and Bob shouted. Miraculously it had worked. They scurried carrying Abby to the bus. The bus opened the door and they rushed to the hospital. Where they put a real cast on Abbys leg.
  • 8. THE END

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