

Digital MarketingDigital Marketing: What’s Trending

Digital Marketing

Digital Marketing

Let’s begin with a digital marketing definition just to kick us off in good style:

“Digital marketing is an umbrella term for the targeted, measurable, and interactive marketing of products or services using digital technologies to reach and convert leads into customers.

Makes for a fun read, doesn’t it?

Digital Marketing

Digital Marketing Trends

Search Engine Optimization

If you’re continually 100 percent reliant on Google to boost your digital marketing strategy then you’re building your business foundations within a pit of sand.

Digital Marketing

Search engine optimization is all well and good, but to rely on this solely is not a good business decision. After all, with Google’s regular algorithm updates you may be flying high in search one day, only to find that the next, you’re gone with the wind.

The book and the movie have a huge popularity that has persisted for decades, but don’t imagine for an instant that your business will do likewise.

Digital Marketing

So, the motto here is, don’t be placing all your eggs in the one basket for fear they’ll get smashed.

Mobile Magic

Mobile optimization, mobile search, mobile conversions – they all cannot be over stated. The mobile device is without any argument a strongpoint for the coming marketing era, if it isn’t already…

Digital Marketing

Mobile is already surpassing desktop (that includes laptop usage too), and all predictions are that this trend will continue for years to come.

Don’t be left behind – mobile marketing is your friend.

Converting to Social

Social networks are continually newsworthy but what about the marketing side of social networks? It’s really just progressing from its infancy.

Digital Marketing

For websites that are focused on lead generation and ecommerce, social offers a growing opportunity not only to capitalize on blossoming conversion rates but also to create new conversion channels. One to embrace, for sure!

The Digital Marketing Agency

Why would you use a digital marketing agency? More costs involved, right?

If you know what you’re doing and you have plenty of time to do it, then by all means,

Digital Marketing

Digital Marketing

Fact is though, most businesses do not know much about digital marketing and most businesses do not have the time to learn or the time to handle their own digital marketing channels in a successful manner.

That’s where the digital marketing agency comes in. These guys are experts at handling SEO, mobile marketing, social networks, and so forth.

Digital Marketing

Providing you’ve got a sound basis for courting digital marketing, and the vast majority of businesses have. And providing you work with a decent agency – digital marketing agencies are now ten-a-penny so be careful when choosing – working with a digital marketing agency could be one of the best investments your business has ever made.

Digital Marketing Courses Geared much more towards the online solopreneur, digital marketing courses have been around since the beginning of the world of internet marketing, when most of you

Digital Marketing

Digital Marketing

In fact, these days you can even pick up digital marketing certificates and diplomas, where only a few years back it was all about go it alone or stick to your day job.

Times are indeed changing.

A quick online search will churn out plenty of results whereby you can glean the ever-growing number of digital marketing courses

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