Digital Marketing Pepiras Technologies

Post on 16-Apr-2017






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Digital Marketing • Pepiras technologies, digital marketing is marketing that makes use of

electronic devices (computers) such as personal computers, smartphones, cell phones, tablets and game consoles to engage with stakeholders. Digital marketing applies technologies or platforms such as websites, emails, apps (classic and mobile) and social networks. Social Media Marketing is a component of digital marketing. Many organizations use a combination of traditional and digital marketing channels; however, digital marketing is becoming more popular with marketers as it allows them to track their Return on investment more accurately compared to other traditional marketing channels.

• In simplistic terms, digital marketing is the promotion of products or brands via one or more forms of electronic media. Digital marketing differs from traditional marketing in that it involves the use of channels and methods that enable an organization to analyze marketing campaigns and understand what is working and what isn’t – typically in real time.

Why Digital Marketing Is Important

• Digital media is so pervasive that consumers have access to information any time and any place they want it. Gone are the days when the messages people got about your products or services came from you and consisted of only what you wanted them to know.

• Digital media is an ever-growing source of entertainment, news, shopping and social interaction, and consumers are now exposed not just what your company says about your brand, but what the media, friends, relatives, peers, etc., are saying as well.

• And they are more likely to believe them than you. People want brands they can trust, companies that know them, communications that are personalized and relevant, and offers tailored to their needs and preferences.

Result Driven Digital Marketing Services by Digits

• Here are no 2 thoughts about it. A strong digital marketing strategy is the cornerstone of any growing business. If you find your competitors ahead of you on the search engine results, then your business will most definitely need a stronger presence on the web.

• At Digitz, we help you grow business with social media marketing, reputation management, and online ad campaigns.

Pay Per Click – PPC• Pepiras technologies help you create and organize excellent PPC

campaigns that will give your business more recognition, and in the process, drive plentiful targeted traffic to your website.

Pepiras ppc services

Our PPC helps you:• Maximize the benefits of your advertising costs• Gets you the most customers for every dollar spent• Targets the right customers with keyword research• Increases your sales conversion rate, which is by bringing

in more paying customers to your website.Online Reputation Management – ORM• Pepiras technologies, digital marketing strategy also

includes creating a brand image and maintaining a positive association in your customers’ mind.

Benefits of our online reputation management services:

• Positive stories about your business are promoted on various credible sources on the net

• Unfair criticisms are buried deep in the results, so they are not easily visible

• You get direct feedback from customers, so you can make informed business decisions and strategies

• Managing the brand reputation online is crucial for any sustainable business. People will buy into your marketing message only if it is genuine, and if your products are better than others in some way.

Mobile Marketing

• Keep your business ahead of the competition with our smart mobile marketing campaigns. We specialize in app advertising and mobile web advertising.

• By targeting the right kind of users with location and behavior based advertising, you will attract more customers, who are actually interested in your products, and will turn into paying customers.

• It is really the combination of all three aspects of digital marketing that will give you a competitive edge in the local, as well as the international market.

• With our professional SEO strategies, we make sure your business is always on the radar of people, who are seeking the products or services that you wish to market. Your website traffic keeps growing steadily, contributing significantly to the bottom line of your business. Profits!!!

• Marketeering Group begins each new package with a strategic plan, which serves as a guide for the entire campaign. This plan is designed to be a living document that is revisited on a regular basis as your business grows and the digital marketing landscape changes. You will receive a paper or digital copy of this plan, based on your preference.

Pepiras Technologies Coimbatore Packages

• Starter Package:• Strategy Document• Review basic business stats & goals• Target demographic overview• Web revision suggestions• SEO Goals• Social Media recipe• Content Piece calendar• Meeting:• Onboarding facilitator lead• Social Media or Content representative support• Brief introduction to a developer (if applicable)

Pepiras standard packages • Standard Package:• Strategy Document• Review business stats & goals• Target demographic overview• Creation of ideal customer profile• Web revision suggestions• SEO Goals• Social Media recipe• Content Piece calendar• Photo/video plan

Pepiras Digital Marketing Improve SEO

Pepiras Online Marketing

Online Marketing • Meeting:• On boarding facilitator lead• Social Media or Content representative support• Brief introduction to a developer (if applicable)• Account Manager/SEO Strategist lead• Full team representation, including Content, Social & Development• Premium Package:• Strategy Document:• Review business stats & goals• Target demographic overview• Creation of ideal customer profile• Web revision suggestions• SEO Goals• Social Media recipe• Content Piece calendar• Photo/video plan

Online Marketing • Meeting:• Senior Level Strategist lead• Full team representation, including Content, Social, Development• Starter Package Account Setup:• Project management system• Analytics:• Google Analytics• Webmaster Tools• Directories:• Yep, if applicable• Social Media:• Facebook control• Twitter to control• Google Plus/maps page claimed• Linkedin Control (Optional)

Google Webmaster Tools • Project management system• Analytics:• Google Analytics• Goals established• Webmaster Tools• Keywords highlighted• Directories:• Yep, if applicable• Profile build out• Top 10 Directories for the industry• Social Media:• Facebook control• Profile build out• Twitter to control• Influence and list building• Google Plus/maps page claimed• Profile build out• Linkedin Control (Optional)

Pepiras Technologies Project Management System

• Project management system• Analytics:• Google Analytics• Goals established• Webmaster Tools• Keywords highlighted• Directories:• Yep, if applicable• Profile build out• Top 20 Directories for the industry

Search Engine Optimization(SEO)

• Competitor comparison dashboard• Social Media:• Facebook control• Profile build out• Twitter to control• Influence and list building• Google Plus/maps page claimed• Profile build out• Linkedin Control (Optional)• Existing Website Acquisition

Website Rework• The extent of Website Rework will be determined by the

strategic plan, and is limited to the hours allotted in the selected package. If you also purchase either of Marketeering Group’s Website Packages, any completed Website Rework hours listed in the setup section of their package will be applied as a credit toward the website rebuild, and shall be used either for creative direction or research and development at no additional expense up to the hours allotted in the package’s setup.

• The client will provide all hosting and content management system logins.

Pepiras Rework process • Website Rework will be subject to the hours allotted in their package setup

section. The specific changes will be outlined in the Strategic Plan.• Standard security and SEO updates will include, but are not limited to, malware

security, site uptime monitoring, backups, standard website updates, as well as installation of verification certificates, tracking codes, and SEO plug-in.

• All security and SEO updates are subject to the client’s CMS compatibility with Marketeering Group’s standard core competence, as well as access given by the client.

• The purpose of your SEO campaign is to increase the total visibility of your brand online to prospective clients or customers. Specific goals are subject to your Strategic Plan. All packages contain a regular schedule of site check -ins called Work and Review Sets(WARS), which are designed to analyze problems and opportunities and assign a work set to address issues and take advantage of opportunities. The details of each review and work set vary, depending on the client’s industry, goals, and competition.

Work And Review Sets (WARS)

Work And Review Sets (WARS):• Each regularly scheduled Work And Review Set will address and/or implement the necessary

combination of the following techniques, practices, technologies, or coding to accomplish your individual goals. These include, but are not limited to, the practices listed below. Marketeering Group will, by default, alternate the work and review set types on an equal basis, so long as the individual strategy or client access limitations do not dictate otherwise or restrict the regular alternation between the two Work and Review Set types.

• On- Site SEO: An On-Site Search Engine Optimization(SEO) Work and Review Set (WARS) consists of up to an hour of analysis of site structure, content and user experience, and up to three hours of implementation of the needs either discovered during the WARS analysis of issues previously outlined in your Strategic Plan or Marketing Consultation.

• Off-site SEO: An Off-Site Search Engine Optimization(SEO) Work and Review Set (WARS) consist of up to an hour of analysis of traffic sources, links, total visibility of your website and various other digital properties, and the sources of your and your competitors’ domain authority and traffic. Additionally, it includes up to three hours of implementation of the needs either discovered during the WARS analysis or strategies previously outlined in your Strategic Plan or Marketing Consultation, including but not limited to link building and distribution of content.

Pepiras Reporting • Reporting:• Pepiras technologies Coimbatore, India Marketeering Group offers its clients

access to real time reporting via a private login through third party systems.• A Monthly Custom Report will be provided to clients on the Standard or

Premium packages.• Requests for further reporting may be made, and will count against your

Marketing Consultation retainer. Simple questions or requests for clarification may be made over the phone or email, and do not count against allotted consultation hours.

• Limitations:• Pepiras technologies Coimbatore, India efforts does not guarantee the

control or quality of user reviews that are posted on external/directory websites.

• We will regularly monitor website results and make adjustments to improve your ranking, but we cannot guarantee your page ranking; it is affected by competition and the algorithms of every unique search engine.

• Marketeering Group will provide ongoing content marketing services as well as optional content marketing work. All content created by Marketeering Group shall be considered work-for-hire shall belong to the client, with the exception of the terms of use outlined in the Terms and Conditions.

Content Marketing Pieces

• Pepiras technologies Coimbatore, India Content Marketing Pieces include any combination of Internal (on-site) Blog Posts, External (off-site) Blog Posts, On-Site Static Content, and General Off-site Content. Marketeering Group will produce the Content Marketing Pieces in the frequency allotted in your selected package. The particular type of Content Marketing Pieces will be determined by the Strategic Plan and may be overridden at the discretion of the analyst performing the SEO WARS, or by a mutual decision with the client in a Marketing Consultation. Each Content Marketing Piece will be between 300 and 600 words, depending on the goal of the piece.

• Internal Blog Posts: These Content Marketing Pieces will be posted on the client’s blog and be comprised of topics approved in the strategic plan, on a case-by-case basis as requested by the client, or under advisement from the analyst performing your SEO WARS

• External Blog Posts: These Content Marketing Pieces will be posted on other websites for the purpose of link building, and/or awareness. Pieces written for this purpose are determined by the strategy for Off-site SEO WARS. Approval of content is dependant on the nature of the post and where it is placed.

• On-site Static Content: These Content Marketing Pieces will be applied to building out static pages of your website. Its purpose shall be determined by either the Strategic Plan, On-site SEO WARS, or Marketing Consultation with the client.

Content Marketing • General Off-Site Content: These Content Marketing Pieces cover

up to 600 words of unique descriptions for directories or any other purpose that enhances your visibility and reputation as it appears on any other property than your website. The specifics will be determined by the Offset SEO Wars, the Strategic Plan, Marketing Consultation or by request from other departments within Marketeering Group.

• Pepiras technologies Coimbatore, India Marketeering Group will setup up any non-existing social media accounts in the client’s selected campaign. There are extended Social Media Packages and add- ons available, should you wish to utilize them for the added fee, as noted on our website.

Pepiras posting AdsPosting:• You will receive monthly check-ins with a social media specialist to discuss ideas,

campaigns, specialized posts, and any questions. Marketeering Group will produce and distribute regular

• Posts of original content in one of the following ways:• Monthly scheduling of posts to be distributed to Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and

Linkedin (if selected).• Posting and organic build out of Pinterest Profiles.Conversion Campaigns:• Pepiras technologies Coimbatore, India Marketeering Group will work with you to plan

posts on Facebook that are specifically designed to accomplish a conversion or goal for the given period. These posts will be boosted with a discretionary budget (included in the regular retainer). The client may pay for an additional conversion budget to extend the effect of the campaign.

• Note: We may apply these campaigns to different networks by request of the client or changes in the strategy.

Social Outreach & Engagement

• Pepiras technologies Coimbatore, India Marketeering Group will utilize the social properties dictated by the Strategic Plan, Marketing Consultation, or Off-Site SEO WARS to network with a client’s peer, influence, community, clients or potential clients for the promotion of content, to build awareness and followers, or to solicit direct connections.

Product/Reporting:• Pepiras technologies Coimbatore, India Marketeering Group offers its clients

access to real time reporting via a private login through third party systems.• Requests for further reporting may be made, and will count against your

Marketing Consultation retainer. Simple questions or requests for clarifications may be made over the phone or email, and do not affect Consultation hours.

• Starter Account’s will be managed by Marketeering Group’s Facilitator staff, and facilitate inbound requests for meetings or updates on the account. All account changes in the course will be either initiated by the client’s request or outlined in a meeting with their team during their Consulting Hours.

Social Outreach & Engagement

• Standard Accounts will be assigned an Account Manger within the SEO department. Their SEO account manager will be proactive in suggesting monthly suggestions in their campaign along with their reports.

• Premium Accounts will be assigned a Senior Level Analysis within the SEO Department. Their Analyst will be proactive in suggesting monthly suggestions in their campaign along with their reports.

• Starter accounts will receive a PDF summarizing their traffic, and work completed that month.

Standard Packages will receive a PDF report summarizing the following

• Traffic• Rankings• Work completed• Other properties of note• Premium Packages will receive a PDF report summarizing

the following:• Traffic• Rankings• Work completed• Other properties of note

Pepiras functions • Pepiras technologies Coimbatore, India Marketeering

Group offers a free entry level hosting to its active clients, as well as tech support for any client hosted on Marketeering Group’s servers to ensure the perpetual proper functionality of their site. Proper functionality will be defined as:

• Functioning within the parameters of the website when it was launched and/or when Marketeering Group took over the account, OR

• Functioning according to the most recently requested an update or change.

Registration and DNS management

• Pepiras technologies Coimbatore, India Marketeering Group can register domains on your behalf. Client's domains registered for Marketeering Group’s Registrar accounts are not owned by Marketeering Group, and domain registration renewals will be added to your monthly bill as they become due each year.

• In the event that you discontinue service with Marketeering Group in total, the domain will be transferred to a registrar selected by the client and DNS will be pointed to a new location, if required.

Hosting Standard Security Protocol

• Pepiras technologies Coimbatore, India Marketeering Group’s standards shall be fluid and dynamic based on the demands of our clients and the industry. These standards will be updated on the Website Development page of the Marketeering Group website.

• Malware removal is provided to client sites, and in the event a site is compromised, Marketeering Group will provide immediate attention to the site’s health, as soon as the compromise is brought to our attention – whether via our monitoring systems, or contact from the client, whichever comes first. Security breaches include and are not limited to: SQL, file injection, corrupted files and data breach. In the event of a data breach, see our Liabilities Section.

Additional Security

• SSL certificates are required for all e-commerce sites and are available to our clients. The full additional expense of installation and licensing (see the Website Development page of the Marketeering Group’s website for current pricing) is passed on to the client. Additional security for SSL includes, but is not limited to:

• Site Firewall• Server Firewall• Server Monitoring

Email Management

• All clients who take advantage of Marketeering Group’s Hosting and Tech Support have the option to have Marketeering Group manage the hosting of their email.

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