Digital Marketing

Post on 22-Jan-2017






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Digital MarketingDigital marketing is an umbrella term for the marketing of products or services using digital technologies, mainly on the Internet, but also including mobile phones, display advertising, and any other digital medium.

Organic Marketing Methods Search Engine Optimization

•Analyze your site performance•Create More Optimized Landing Pages•Make Your Site Responsive and Mobile-Friendly•Link Building•Blogging

Social Media Optimization

•Social Media Audit•Social Media Monitoring•Social Media Management•Social Online Reputation Management•Social Media Marketing•Social Media PR

Analyze your site performanceTitle TagMeta DescriptionMost Common Keywords TestKeyword Usage<h1> Headings Status<h2> Headings StatusRobots.txt TestSitemap TestBroken Links TestSEO Friendly URL TestImage Alt TestInline CSS TestDeprecated HTML TagsGoogle Analytics TestFavicon TestIP Canonicalization TestHTTPS TestSafe Browsing TestServer Signature TestMicrodata Schema TestNoindex Tag CheckerCanonical Tag CheckerNofollow Tag Checker

Backlinks CheckerJS Error CheckerSocial Media CheckHTML Page Size TestHTML Compression/GZIP TestSite Loading Speed TestPage ObjectsPage Cache Test (Server Side Caching)Flash TestImage Expires Tag TestJS Minification TestCSS Magnification TestNested Tables TestFrameset TestDoctype TestURL Redirects CheckerURL Canonicalization TestDirectory Browsing TestLibwww-perl Access TestPlaintext Emails TestMedia Query Responsive TestMobile SnapshotDisallow Directive CheckerSPF records checker

Web site analysis report shows the Negative things about our website and help to solve those things for making our website Search engine and user friendly.

Optimized Landing PagesWhat are SEO landing pages?SEO landing pages are those optimized for search engines — with features that make it particularly appealing to the algorithms that decide whether or not a page is valuable to searchers.

How to create an SEO landing page:

1. Publish to a custom URLFor example, when you build a page using Instapage, you have the option to publish it to your own custom domain (

2. Determine your keywordsFor example, let’s say I’m a lawyer based in New York City who’s creating a landing page targeted to clients who are car accident victims. Instead of trying to rank for broad terms like “lawyer” or “car accident lawyer,” I’m going to try for “car accident lawyer in New York City.” Or something, even more, precise than that, like “car accident lawyer in Brooklyn.”

3. Include your keywords strategically on your landing pageOnce you’ve determined your target keywords, you’re going to want to place them strategically on your landing page. Here’s where to put them if you want to get ahead on SERP’s: Meta Title, Meta Description, Header Tags, Image File Names

How to helpful for us:Landing Help to increase the website, keywords visibly in search engines and help to decrease your website Bounce rate. Landing help the visitors understand your business details briefly.

Responsive and Mobile-FriendlySEO: Google to Make ‘Mobile-friendly’ a Ranking Signal:

Example of Mobile Impact: Example of Ecommerce Impact:

Link Building Important For SEOWhy is link building important for SEO?

In order to understand the importance of link building, it's important to first understand the basics of how a link is created, how the search engines see links, and what they can interpret from them.

Start of link tag: Called an anchor tag (hence the "a"), this opens the link tag and tells search engines that a link to something else is about to follow.

Link referral location: The "href" stands for "hyperlink referral," and the text inside the quotation marks indicates the URL to which the link is pointing. This doesn't always have to be a web page; it could be the address of an image or a file to download. Occasionally, you'll see something other than a URL, beginning with a # sign. These are local links, which take you to a different section of the page you're already on.

Visible/anchor text of link: This is the little bit of text that users see on the page, and on which they need to click if they want to open the link. The text is usually formatted in some way to make it stand out from the text that surrounds it, often with blue color and/or underlining, signaling to users that it is a clickable link.Closure of link tag: This signals the end of the link tag to the search engines.

Helpful Blogging For UsA blog is an excellent content and SEO tactic that allows websites to build their brand, traffic, and reputation. When you regularly update a blog, you have an excellent platform to produce fresh and high-value content. This will keep visitors on the page, boosting engagement and therefore ranking.

1. Fresh ContentSearch engines want to provide the optimal user experience for those typing queries into the search bars. To this end, they seek fresh, up-to-date content and websites. In algorithmic terms this is known as Query Deserves Freshness or QDF, where more weight is given to recent content on trending or spiking topics. Generally, the search engines interpret recent updates to mean that the page has more relevance and currency than a website that has not been updated in months or longer and would be a better user experience for its customers.

2. Keyword Targeting and Coverage

Keywords are the base commodity of search engines. These simple words and phrases, however, may be one of the most misused SEO tactics.•They will likely be a phrase of several words, enabling the business to focus more precisely on the vocabulary their customers are most likely to use•They will likely be used only a handful of times throughout the content•They will only be used with a natural voice

Helpful Blogging For UsA blog is an excellent content and SEO tactic that allows websites to build their brand, traffic, and reputation. When you regularly update a blog, you have an excellent platform to produce fresh and high-value content. This will keep visitors on the page, boosting engagement and therefore ranking.

1. Fresh ContentSearch engines want to provide the optimal user experience for those typing queries into the search bars. To this end, they seek fresh, up-to-date content and websites. In algorithmic terms this is known as Query Deserves Freshness or QDF, where more weight is given to recent content on trending or spiking topics. Generally, the search engines interpret recent updates to mean that the page has more relevance and currency than a website that has not been updated in months or longer and would be a better user experience for its customers.

2. Keyword Targeting and Coverage

Keywords are the base commodity of search engines. These simple words and phrases, however, may be one of the most misused SEO tactics.•They will likely be a phrase of several words, enabling the business to focus more precisely on the vocabulary their customers are most likely to use•They will likely be used only a handful of times throughout the content•They will only be used with a natural voice

Social Media Audit:•Research your social media presence•Analyzing your social media opportunity and threats•Recommending the ideal social media strategy•Execution plan

Social Media Management•Strategic presence creation on social media•Presence promotion and response management•Analyzing opportunities for social media outreach

Online Reputation Management

•Researching and analyzing current online reputation•Defining a reputation score•Recommending steps to improve reputation score•Execution of recommendations

Social Media Strategy

With a well-designed social media strategy, you can leverage conversation to advance your business. Without such a strategy, you run the risk of falling behind.The benefits of social media campaigns are extensive – from increasing customer satisfaction, to keeping tab on the competition, to marketing your latest product.

Why not take advantage?


•Creating profile•Creating page•Content development•Buzz creation•Integration page with other social media channels•Post updates with links to the desired landing page•Joining groups and pages•Adding members•Starting discussions•Sharing links•Creating facebook “like” button and badge, to place it in the website and blogs•Run contests, promotional campaigns, polls…•Video sharing via YouTube tabs ( for viral campaigns)•Photo sharing via page flicker apps/ similar apps•Document sharing ( pdf, ppt, whitepapers, brochures, notes..)•Customized contact form/ registration form•Promote blogs/feed•Adding custom tabs•Tagging use of various external interactive Apps


•Creating twitter handle•Post tweets with site link (content from the site)•Following key influencers•Use hash tags for keywords•Retweet influential tweets•Tweeting based on trends•Post natural updates frequently•Influence mentions•Create a twitter badge and place it on the site and blogs•Increase followers base constantly•Network and engage the followers

Google +

•Create profile•Create page•Content Development•Buzz Creation•Integrating page with other social media channels•Post updates with links to the desired landing page•Joining pages•Adding influencers to our circles•Starting discussion•Sharing links•Video sharing •Photo sharing •Document sharing ( pdf, ppt, whitepaper, brochures, notes…)•Tagging

12 – Month Social Media marketing plan

12 – Month Social Media marketing timeline

Month 3 - 6 : Brand/customer


Increase followers base

Monitor brand, industry, niche

Reply to customers and


Traffic source

Referring sites

Search engines

Projected traffic

25 – 30 % increase

Twitter/ facebook / LinkedIn followers

1000- 3000 followers

12 – Month Social Media marketing timeline

Month 6 - 12: ROI focus

Special offers for fans, members,


Converts fans, members,

followers to email subscribers

Revenue based campaigns

Lead generation

Traffic Sources

Referring sites

Search engine

Projected Traffic

50-60 % increase

Paid Digital Marketing

• Email Marketing• Pay-Per-Click Advertising (PPC)• Facebook Advertising

Email Marketing1. Save valuable budget dollars

Save money and some trees! By going digital, you’ll avoid printing, paper, envelopes, mail handling, and postage costs. Plus, with an email newsletter you can work with a designer to design a custom newsletter template you can use over and over again, and get your message out much faster than good old snail mail.

2. Increase brand recognitionGet your brand image and name in front of your audience more often by including your logo, tagline, color palette, and brand graphics in the template design of your email communications. Seeing your brand elements in every issue will build brand awareness and recognition — even if they old see it for a second.

3. Connect with your target marketEmail marketing helps you stay in touch with your audience on a regular basis, keeping you top of mind and at the tip of their tongue.

4. Increase your credibilityConsistent, quality email marketing that is relevant, on-topic, and full of value will help you earn and grow the trust of your target market making it much easier for you to then promote and sell your products and services.

5. Educate your current clientsYour email newsletter is a great place to keep your clients up to date with what’s news in your business. By sharing what you’re working on and what’s going on, you can also keep them informed of the products, services, and programs you have available for them — and maybe entice them to hire you or buy from you again.

Email Marketing6. Attract new opportunities

Publishing an email newsletter can help you generate new opportunities such as strategic partnerships, joint ventures, media interviews, speaking engagements, and more. All it takes in the right person to see your message at the right time — and the opportunity may not even come from a subscriber, but from someone your ezine was forwarded to.

7.Create new streams of incomeYou can use your email newsletter to recommend as an affiliate, products, programs, and services you have used yourself or truly believe in and earn commissions on any sales made from your referrals. Once your list grows quite large, you can also sell ad space in your ezine.

8. Expand your networkEmail marketing helps you grow your network and build your list by allowing you to capture the email address through a website opt-in box.

9. Organize your industry knowledgeUse your email newsletter to test content topics, subject lines, headlines, and more, then turn your most popular content into an information product or opt-in gift.

10. Reach a wider audienceDrive your email newsletter subscribers back to your website by promoting recent blog posts in each issue. Repurpose your ezine content or archive your ezine articles on your blog to attract new visitors via social media. Share your ezine articles on article marketing and article sharing sites to gain exposure and visibility for your brand.

Pay-Per-Click Advertising (PPC)

What is PPC?

PPC stands for pay-per-click, a model of internet marketing in which advertisers pay a fee each time one of their ads is clicked. Essentially, it’s a way of buying visits to your site, rather than attempting to “earn” those visits organically.

What is Google AdWords?Google AdWords is the single most popular PPC advertising system in the world. The AdWords platform enables businesses to create ads that appear on Google’s search engine and other Google properties.

While a number of factors determine how successful your PPC advertising campaign will be, you can achieve a lot by focusing on:

Keyword Relevance – Crafting relevant PPC keyword lists, tight keyword groups, and proper ad text.

Landing Page Quality – Creating optimized landing pages with persuasive, relevant content and a clear call-to-action, tailored to specific search queries.

Quality Score – Quality Score is Google's rating of the quality and relevance of your keywords, landing pages, and PPC campaigns. Advertisers with better Quality Scores get more ad clicks at lower costs.

Pay-Per-Click Advertising (PPC)PPC Keyword Research

An effective PPC keyword list should be:

Relevant – Of course, you don't want to be paying for Web traffic that has nothing to do with your business. You want to find targeted keywords that will lead to a higher PPC click-through rate, effective cost per click, and increased profits. That means the keywords you bid on should be closely related to the offerings you sell.

Exhaustive – Your keyword research should include not only the most popular and frequently searched terms in your niche, but also to the long tail of search. Long-tail keywords are more specific and less common, but they add up to account for the majority of search-driven traffic. In addition, they are less competitive, and therefore less expensive.

Expansive - PPC is iterative. You want to constantly refine and expand your campaigns, and create an environment in which your keyword list is constantly growing and adapting.

Facebook AdvertisingCreating Ads:

Advertising on Facebook can be a cost-effective means of bringing new people to your fan page. To truly harness the value of Facebook advertising, you’ll need to dedicate time and resources to test, analyze, monitor and tweak your ads.

1: There are two primary destinations that can be advertised through Facebook

2: Ad costs and impressions are heavily influenced by click-through rate

3: Targeting friends of connections increases the relevance of your ad

4: Facebook advertising takes time

5: An “Action” is an in-ad Like

6: Daily budget and daily spend limit are not the same

7: You’re not the only person who can access and edit your Facebook ad dashboard

Difference SEO And SEMThe Difference between Organic and Paid Search Engine Results

When a search engine returns its search results, it gives you two types: organic and paid. Organic search results are the Web page listings that most closely match the user’s search query based on relevance. Also called “natural” search results, ranking high in the organic results is what SEO is all about.Paid results are basically advertisements — the Web site owners have paid to have their Web pages display for certain keywords, so these listings show up when someone runs a search query containing those keywords.On a search results page, you can tell paid results from organic ones because search engines set apart the paid listings, putting them above or to the right of the organic results, or giving them a shaded background, border lines, or other visual clues. The following figure shows the difference between paid listings and organic results. A results page from Google and Yahoo! with organic and paid results highlighted.The typical Web user might not realize they’re looking at apples and oranges when they get their search results. Knowing the difference enables a searcher to make a better informed decision about the relevancy of a result. Additionally, because the paid results are advertising, they may actually be more useful to a shopping searcher than a researcher (as search engines favor research results).

Difference SEO And SEM

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