
Digital GraphicsBy Haris Shaikh

File Formats

Raster Graphics• Raster graphics are made up of bitmaps which are normally made up of

small cubes of colour data called pixels. A picture is made up of lots of these tiny cubes. The downside about raster graphics is that every time they are edited they deteriorate in terms of quality.

• This is because this type of graphic is compressed and recompressed each time its opened and closed, so that it doesn’t take up much memory. Each time it is compressed it loses a bit of quality and multiple edits can cause a problem due to this.

Vector Graphics• Vector graphics are made up of what's called vectors instead of pixels,

they have no loss in definition meaning they can be scaled smaller or larger without diminishing quality. They are useful for things such as logos which may need to be resized while retaining quality. There are 2 types of vector graphics AI and 3DS.

• Vector graphics are better quality and make resizing easy and effective, but they take up large amounts of memory which can be a problem for some tasks

JPEGStands For Joint photographic experts group

Used For Photographs and web formats

Advantage •Doesn’t take up much memory •Compatible with a lot of different programs •Uploading images is quick •They are not limited to a certain amount of colour

Disadvantage •Loses quality every time the file is open, closed, saved or edited due to decompression and recompression•No use of transparent backgrounds

TIFFStands For Tagged image file format

Used For Desktop publishing

Advantage •Doesn’t lose any quality in the file due to lossless compression •Many pages can be saved in the same file•It is supported by a lot of operating systems

Disadvantage •The files are large and take up a lot of memory •Not as many photos will be able to be saved if using a digital camera while in TIFF format

PSDStands For Photoshop Document

Used For Image manipulation and also largely used for things such as front covers of magazines. It can also be used for correcting colours and adding text to an image. Another use would be creating web pages and logos.

Advantage •Saves layers•Page formatting information•Swatches•Supports transparency

Disadvantage •Large files •Only useful with Photoshop•Can be difficult to use due to updates that make it more advanced

AIStands For Adobe illustrator

Used For It is used for creating logos and web graphics for a wide variety of things such as advertisements, billboards, brochures, business cards and more

Advantage • Vectors have no loss in definition so images can be scaled large and small.

Disadvantage •Software is needed in order to use•Quite expensive •It is complex and can be difficult to master

3DSStands For 3D Studio

Used For It is used for 3D modelling, animation and rendering. Also used for the creation of 3D characters, environments and animation. It is used in film and TV and video games

Advantage • It can be used in a range of programmes

Disadvantage •Large files•Software expensive

Digital Graphics Images

Shape Task


What did you like about your image?I like how you can make an image just by using shapes and warping them.

What would you improve if you did it again?I would add more detail and maybe use multiple tones to create a 3D feel.



What did you like about your image?I like how realistic it looks and was surprised by this fact. I thought because it was quite a formal image that by rotoscoping it would produce a strange, mixed emotion sort of image, that seems unsure on its purpose and it would lose the effect that the original image purveyed. Instead it retained its ferocious vibe and I am pleased with the final outcome.

What would you improve if you did it again?I would add even more detail and texture to the fur, further enhancing the power and formality of the image.

Text Based


What did you like about your image?I like the simple font as I think it makes it more effective.

What would you improve if you did it again?I would like to find a bolder font so that you can see more of the skyline image detail.

Logo Creation


What did you like about your image?In both images I like how the letters are presented.

What would you improve if you did it again?I would like to add more detail such as making it 2 tones.

T-Shirt Designs

Mood board of designs you like

Idea Generation

Mood board of chosen idea


2400 by 3200 pixels


A T-shirt design mainly featuring animals

Export Format


Advantages; Compatible with redbubble

Disadvantages; The file sizes are large taking up space



Monday Wednesday Friday

Research existing t-shirt designs_____________________

Begin Final design

Begin creating design ideas_____________________

Continue final design

Continue creating design ideas_____________________

Write an evaluation



Young people who like cool art

Digital Flat Plan

Final Design 1

Peer Evaluation

What are the strengths of the final image?• The strengths of the design are that it is quite unique in that there will not be

many designs like it, the lighting on the meerkats body is also very good and I like the 3D effect. Also just from the image of the meerkat as well it has a slightly humorous aspect in that it may appeal to a wider audience than say a specific topical niche such as a TV show or such.

What could be developed if the image was repeated? • To improve the image could be developed on the bottom so as that it does not

just cut off, also some text could have been added.

T-Shirt Evaluation

Does your final product reflect your original intentions?

• My final design has more detail than the digital flat plan. I have also added a 3d effect which was not featured in any of the original design ideas.

• When I started my intention was to focus on animals, but I began veering towards the use of 3D images, and wonder if I would have been better off focusing on 3D prints instead of prints of animals, as it would give me more options as I would not be limited to just animals, and I could instead explore a much wider variety of symbols and images.

• This would also allow me to create designs that may have been more suitable for text to be incorporated into, allowing me to explore another area of design other than just images, as text can be just as eye-catching and (arguably more so) meaningful (although I believe a combination of both to be the most effective).

Is your product suitable for your audience?

• My final design is aimed mostly at, but not restricted to, younger people. It is cartoony and has a humorous element to it which supports this. The way the meerkat is stood also supports this as it has a hint of personification, in the way it is protecting its eyes from the glare, making it feel less serious. The 3D effect adds an interesting twist and makes the simple image stand out more.

What do you like/dislike about the techniques you have used?

• To create this image I have used the rotoscoping technique. I like this technique as it means you can use any image and create your own version of it, giving you a lot of chance to be creative. The way the image looks is down to the blending options used. The colours are all there for a reason and can give it a more sinister or joyful overall feel. With this image I have stuck to realistic colours but colour manipulation could be used to create a completely different feeling end product.

• Something I dislike about it is it is hard to get a serious image out of this technique, for example, if you were designing an image of a lions head mid-roar it might not be the best technique to use as it will give a cartoon effect, taking away some of the serious element in the image.

What do you like/dislike about how your final product looks?

• I like how it is a fairly simple image, in that it is not intricate. I believe this makes it more bold and eye-catching. I also like the 3D effect as I think it makes it a great deal more interesting. Another thing I like is the way I have shaded the image, giving it more depth and making it look more realistic. Something I have thought about the image is that it doesn’t include any text.

• If I were to elaborate on the image then I would certainly look at adding some text but I am unsure if the image needs it, as it is effective on its own. If I were to add text I would most likely add a pun or quote that would suit the body language of the meerkat making it more comical.

• Something I would like to do to this image is to actually add 3D glasses to the meerkat, as I think it would complement the image well and make the 3D effect more relevent

Why did you include the content you used?

• I included the image of the meerkat because it is very strange and interesting. The way it is shading its eyes from the glare of the sun is very human-like and makes it quite funny, while at the same time slightly mysterious in the way it is looking out for something, or keeping guard.

• I created the 3D effect as I think this is a really effective way to make a simple image more interesting and I like the way it gives a hazy feel, like your looking at it in the wrong way.

What style have you employed in your products?

• My final design has a cartoon-like visual style. The way the shading is done is similar to that of pop art, and the whole image is made up essentially of sections of colour. The different tones add texture and depth. I chose this because I believe it is suitable for the target audience and I like the way it final product looks.

• It is influenced by 3D imaging, in that it has the stereotypical 3D image format, having a blue and red shadow on either side. There is art out there that also use this and I just thought it was a good idea and would suit my piece of work well.

What were the strengths and weaknesses of the pre-production and planning

• The planning and research helped hugely by giving me insight into what is already available on the market, what is popular, and where there is a gap in the market. I think I could have looked at a wider range of designs though, instead of limiting myself solely to animals.

• I could have focused on using the 3D effect instead of focusing on animals and created a wider range of design ideas featuring other things such as vehicles, symbols, people or objects, such as trees, plants, planets, galaxies, mountains etc.

Analyse each of your final print products commenting on the strengths, weaknesses and aspects you would

do differently if you were to repeat the projectI have used shading to add depth and a more realistic, 3D feel, so you really get a feeling of what is going on with the image and the direction of light. I believe this gives you more of a sense of what is going on outside of the image.

I have duplicated the image twice, changing the opacity to 50% for the top two layers, leaving the bottom one opaque and making one of the top layers a blue and the other red and shifting one slightly to the left and the other slightly to the right. This creates the 3D effect.

Peer Feedback• I agree with the fact that it is quite a unique design, and that the

shading plays a huge role in the image. I also agree with the statement that the image being humorous makes it appeal to a wider range of people than something more specific like a music artist, movie or TV show. I also agree with the fact that the bottom could have been developed more instead of ending abruptly.

• In terms of the feedback that I have been given, I do not disagree with any of the comments made and believe it to be an fair and appropriate evaluation.

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