Digital capabilities in social care · and digital capabilities in the social care context. The research informs the development of workforce strategy for „Digital Working, Learning

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Digital capabilities in social care

Final report

July 2014

Written by Sara Dunn with Alexander Braddell and John Sunderland

Published by Skills for Care

Digital capabilities in social care: Research report


Digital Capabilities in Social Care: Final Report

Published by Skills for Care, West Gate, 6 Grace Street, Leeds LS1 2RP

© Skills for Care 2014

Reference no. NT330 / 130121C

Copies of this work may be made for non-commercial distribution to aid social care workforce

development. Any other copying requires the permission of Skills for Care.

Skills for Care is the employer-led strategic body for workforce development in social care for adults in

England. It is part of the sector skills council, Skills for Care and Development.

This work was researched and compiled by Sara Dunn, Alexander Braddell and John Sunderland of Sara

Dunn Associates

Digital capabilities in social care: Research report


Table of contents

Acknowledgements ....................................................................................................... v

Executive summary ...................................................................................................... vi

Part A: Background ....................................................................................................... 1

1. Purpose of the research ......................................................................................... 1

2. Research approach ................................................................................................. 2

2.1 Approach to desk research ................................................................................. 2

2.2 Approach to survey research .............................................................................. 2

2.3 Approach to site visits ......................................................................................... 3

3. Limitations of the methodology ............................................................................. 5

4. Profile of participants ............................................................................................. 6

4.1 Survey respondents ............................................................................................ 6

4.2 Site visit organisations ........................................................................................ 7

Part B: Findings ............................................................................................................. 9

5. Current uses of digital technologies in adult social care .................................... 9

5.1 Supporting people management ...................................................................... 10

5.2 Supporting workforce learning and development ............................................. 12

5.3 External marketing and communication ............................................................ 14

5.4 Organisational communication ......................................................................... 15

5.5 Planning, managing and assessing care services and outcomes .................... 16

5.6 Supporting direct care activities ........................................................................ 20

5.7 Key messages about digital technology use ..................................................... 23

6. Staff access to digital devices ............................................................................. 25

7. Attitudes to digital technologies.......................................................................... 27

7.1 Using digital technologies: drivers and benefits ................................................ 27

7.2 Using digital technologies: barriers and disadvantages .................................... 31

7.3 Key messages about attitudes to digital technologies ...................................... 34

8. Digital capabilities in the adult social care workforce ....................................... 36

8.1 Managers‟ perceptions of workforce digital capabilities .................................... 36

8.2 Staff perceptions of their own digital capabilities .............................................. 39

8.3 Key messages about workforce digital capabilities .......................................... 41

Digital capabilities in social care: Research report


9. Digital skills assessment and support ................................................................ 42

9.1 Current approaches .......................................................................................... 42

9.2 Suggestions for additional forms of support ..................................................... 45

9.3 Key messages about digital skills support ........................................................ 46

10. Future uses of digital technologies ..................................................................... 47

Part C: Conclusions and recommendations ............................................................. 48

11. Uses of digital technologies ................................................................................ 49

12. Access to digital technologies ............................................................................ 52

13. Digital capabilities................................................................................................. 53

13.1 Current capabilities ........................................................................................... 53

13.2 Skills support .................................................................................................... 54

Appendix 1: Manager interview script ....................................................................... 58

Appendix 2: Staff interview script .............................................................................. 61

Appendix 3: Pen portraits of site visit organisations ............................................... 63

Digital capabilities in social care: Research report



The researchers are very grateful to the following people for their help in developing and

administering the surveys, for hosting site visits, and for participating in interviews:

Olusegun Ajayi (Three Cs); John Archer (Green Light PBS); David Asemota (Three Cs);

Toni Ashton (Salvere); Steve Ball (Crimson Hill Support); Nikki Williams (Salvere); Ian

Bosworth (Wolverhampton CC); Diane Buddery (Skills for Care); Liz Burtney (Skills for

Care); Michaela Cahill (Heathlands Resource Centre, LB Barking and Dagenham);

Sheldon Carolan (MacIntyre); Jenny Collieson (SCIE ); Phil Cutler (Langstone Society);

Gaynor Dale (Salvere); Teresa Davis (Langstone Society); Louise Durham (Crimson Hill

Support); Liz Edgar (Skills for Care); Richard French (British Computer Society); Karen

Goddard (Royal Alfred Seafarers); Ann Gray (Crimson Hill Support); Frances Green

(Salvere); Carol Hackett (Heathland Resource Centre, LB Barking and Dagenham);

Martin Harvey (e-Skills); Lee Howard (Heathlands Resource Centre, LB Barking and

Dagenham); Paul Jaunzems (Langstone Society); Tommi Junttila (Crimson Hill

Support); Anne Kasey (Royal Alfred Seafarers); Gary Kent (New Key); Gary Knight

(Reach); Lesley Lander (Langstone Society); Miles Maier (Lasa); Michelle Mason

(Queensbridge House); Karen Melck (Three Cs); Sharon Merrett (Queensbridge

House); Diane Middleman (CVS); Sarah Miller (Green Light PBS); Wendy Miller

(Wolverhampton CC); Hayley Neale (Skills for Care); Mercy Ofori-Kuragu (Three Cs);

Janet Ogunlade (Three Cs); Martin Pagan (BUPA); Simona Potroanchenu (Royal Alfred

Seafarers); Jo Pyrah (Green Light PBS); Ken Pyrah (Green Light PBS); Jimmy Rujbally

(Royal Alfred Seafarers); Robert Saunders (Queensbridge House); Zachary Selvon

(Heathlands Resource Centre, LB Barking and Dagenham); Stephen Sloss (Salvere);

Ryan Smith (Green Light PBS); Anna Snowling (Three Cs); Jon Staley (Green Light

PBS); June Stanton (Queensbridge House); Danielle Teahan (Skills for Care); Ian

Turner (RNHA); Shirley Way (Staffordshire CC); Paul Webster (Lasa); Judith Webb

(Local Solutions); Chris Westwood (Langstone Society); Tina Wilson (Dimensions);

Angela Woodley (Three Cs); Vickie Worthington (Salvere)

Digital capabilities in social care: Research report


Executive summary

Background and aims of the research

Skills for Care, the sector skills council for adult social care in England, commissioned

this research in order to gain a better understanding of the status of digital technologies

and digital capabilities in the social care context. The research informs the development

of workforce strategy for „Digital Working, Learning and Information Sharing‟, which

aims to support commissioners and employers to develop the digital capacity of their

workforces and ensure that digital approaches to care and support are open to



The research consisted of three strands: desk research, online surveys and site visits.

The desk research was a rapid evidence review to identify existing evidence on digital

technology and digital capability in social care. Thirty-three relevant studies and reports

were included in the review.

Two online surveys were conducted, one for managers and one for frontline staff. The

surveys covered the uses of and attitudes towards digital technologies, as well as

perceptions of digital confidence and skills. In total, 236 managers and 303 staff

responded. The survey respondents represented the wide range of social care

organisations, services and workforce roles, though with some bias towards

respondents from larger organisations and more highly qualified staff, compared to the

sector as a whole. Convenience sampling meant respondents were also likely to have a

pre-existing interest in digital technologies; we mitigated this as much as possible by

asking managers to help recruit staff to the research, and providing a paper version of

the staff survey.

Eight sites were selected from volunteers recruited via the managers‟ survey. The site

visit organisations had between 25 and 150 staff, were a mix of statutory, private and

voluntary/not-for-profit, and represented a broad range of service types. They were also

at varying stages of engagement with digital technologies. We conducted interviews

with 20 managers and 17 frontline staff to gain in-depth insights into their uses of the

technologies and their approach to digital skills support.

Research findings

Current uses of digital technologies in adult social care

The evidence review revealed little existing evidence on the use of digital

technologies in social care. The most robust research was a series of three bi-

Digital capabilities in social care: Research report


annual surveys showing a steady increase in the use of digital technologies for

workforce learning.

The use of digital technologies was pervasive in the organisational activities of the

social care organisations we surveyed – over 95% of survey respondents report its

use in at least one aspect of their activities.

The surveys suggested digital technologies are most pervasive in generic

organisational activities, particularly internal and external communication, workforce

learning and development, and people management. All the organisations we visited

used digital technologies in these areas.

Amongst survey respondents, digital technologies were slightly less pervasive in

care-specific administration activities such as recording care plans or managing the

delivery of care, though even here three-quarters of organisations report its use.

We found widely varying degrees of digital management of care activities in the

organisations we visited; some had digitised almost every aspect of the

management and recording of their care activities, while others still used mainly

paper-based records.

Digital technologies are having an impact on the direct interactions between care

staff and the people they support, for example to support leisure activities for people

using their services, and to support communication with family and friends. We

found numerous examples of this during our site visits, and spoke with managers

and staff who felt that digital technologies played a significant role in making

services more person-centred.

Lack of consistent internet access for mobile workers providing services in people‟s

homes, however, still inhibits the use of digital technologies directly with people who

receive care and support services at home.

The two most significant determinants for whether organisations were embracing

digital technologies appeared to be management priorities and the overall attitude to

change in the organisation.

The rapid adoption of digital technologies in society generally was also driving

adoption within the care organisations we visited. There was a general sense of a

potential danger of being left behind, summed up by a staff member: “The whole

world is going digital. You can‟t run away from it. You have to acquire the knowledge

and fit in.”

Staff access to digital devices

The digital device most commonly used for work purposes by staff we surveyed was

the desktop computer provided by the employer – two-thirds of staff reported using


Just under a third of staff reported using laptops provided by their employer for work,

and 15% reported using their own personal laptop for work purposes.

Digital capabilities in social care: Research report


The use of tablets for work is still relatively low, with less than a fifth of staff using

one; about half of these staff are using their own device, and half are using one

provided by their employer.

Personal use of smartphones (i.e. phones with access to the internet) is high, with

almost three-quarters of staff saying they have their own smartphone (very close to

the figure for the UK population). One fifth of staff report using their personal

smartphone for work purposes.

Personal use of mobile digital devices – smartphones, laptops and tablets – is

considerably higher than workplace use, suggesting that in terms of digital mobile at

least, individual staff are more digitally engaged than their employers are.

Attitudes to digital technologies

Most managers in our survey were convinced of the potential benefits of digital

technology and its capacity to improve both the efficiency and the quality of care

services. All the managers we interviewed on site also had very positive attitudes

towards the introduction and continued expansion of the use of digital technologies;

they too cited efficiency and quality improvements as the principal strategic drivers

for adoption of new technologies.

Other drivers for the introduction of digital systems included increasing requirements

from commissioners for detailed and immediate reporting on the status of services,

the increasing integration of health and social care information systems, and the

need to gain and maintain competitive advantage in an increasingly competitive

provider market.

Most staff in our survey also had a strongly positive attitude towards digital

technologies, seeing their potential to improve the quality of services and the quality

of life of the people they support, as well as the potential to support their own career


The staff we interviewed also felt that digital technologies were beneficial to the

organisation as a whole and to their own role, helping them to do their jobs better.

Caveats included a sense of pressure to do administrative tasks more quickly, and –

in organisations using shared folders and email extensively – the pressure to take

administrative work home.

Digital capabilities

Social care managers in our survey reported a significant shortage of digital skills

across all levels of the workforce; over a third said their workforce does not have

sufficient basic online skills.

A number of managers and staff in the organisations we visited felt digital skills

correlated with age, and that younger staff were often well equipped to support older

staff who needed it.

Digital capabilities in social care: Research report


While the managers and staff at the sites we visited were content with their

knowledge and procedures regarding online safety and security, nearly half of the

managers in our survey said their workforce lacked a basic understanding of these


The most frequently cited digital capability shortage concerned insufficient basic

understanding of digital assisted living technologies; managers and staff in both the

surveys and a number of the sites visited felt they needed to understand more about

these technologies.

We found evidence of a range of effective peer support approaches for digital skills

at the majority of sites we visited; however, two-thirds of managers we surveyed feel

that more „digital champion‟ skills – the ability to enable others to engage with digital

technologies – are needed at all levels in their organisations.

The surveys revealed a significant „perception mismatch‟ between how managers

assessed staff skills and how staff assessed their own skills; managers reported

significant skills shortages while staff were very confident in their own skill levels.

Digital skills assessment and support

The majority of social care organisations do not as yet consider digital skills to be

essential for all recruits; however some organisations are making basic online skills

a requirement, and assessing them at interview, and this trend is likely to continue.

Peer support and peer-to-peer learning are essential for the development and

maintenance of digital skills in the social care workplace; these forms of support are

highly valued by both managers and staff, including staff who may lack confidence in

using digital technologies.

Opportunities for more formal training in digital technologies would also be

welcomed, although costs are a barrier to uptake; there are gaps in generic digital

skills for example using mainstream office software and social media, as well as in

specialist areas such as assisted living technologies.

Managers and some staff would also like access to regular, independent updates

about digital developments, presented for a social care audience.

Future uses of digital technologies

Participants expected a range of imminent developments including:

greater use of digital technologies for managing and monitoring service activity

including real-time reporting to commissioners

greater use of mainstream digital technologies directly with people who receive care

and support services

greater use of assisted living technologies.

Looking a little further ahead, interviewees predicted:

mobile digital technologies becoming ubiquitous for care staff

Digital capabilities in social care: Research report


more and more people who receive care and support services using mainstream

digital technologies independently to manage their own care.


Digital technologies are deeply embedded in adult social care organisations; they are

pervasive in business processes, and they are increasingly commonly used for the

management and actual delivery of care. Drivers for the uptake of digital technologies

include efficiency improvements, quality improvements, compliance with

commissioners, and competitive advantage. Organisations making best use of digital

technologies tended to have an appetite for innovation, and open learning cultures,

recognising and encouraging peer support in the use of digital technologies. They were

also very keen to keep abreast with advances in the use of technologies in social care.

Lack of resources currently inhibits many organisations rolling out digital access to all

staff. Some organisations support staff to use their own personal devices – particularly

smartphones – during the course of their work. Some of the organisations we surveyed

had concerns about digital data security and the reliability of their digital systems.

Further guidance on workplace use of personal devices and on digital security issues is

likely to be welcomed by employers. A wider programme of support for strategic digital

skills would also help managers to understand and to maximise the quality and

efficiency improvements digital technologies can deliver.

Managers in social care consider their workforces to be significantly lacking in the whole

range of digital skills, from basic online skills through to specialist skills in digital

assisted living technologies. Staff, however, are very confident in their own digital skills.

An authoritative skills and competency framework for the sector could go some way to

addressing this current perception mismatch, as well as supporting any digital skills

programmes put in place.

By far the most frequent form of digital skills support evidenced in this research was on-

the-job learning, ranging from informal peer support through shadowing and supervisory

support to structured in-house training. The organisations we visited had key members

of the workforce who were the „go-to‟ people for digital skills support. These digital

enablers, or „digital champions‟, help to make the application of technology possible for

other staff, and in many cases also for people using their care and support services.

This effective form of support offers an existing foundation on which to develop a

comprehensive skills support programme for the sector.

The core skills of literacy, language and numeracy are essential to the effective use of

digital technology. And in turn the ability to use digital information and communication

technologies (ICTs) will become an increasingly essential element of information-

Digital capabilities in social care: Research report


processing and communication skills for all members of the workforce. In effect, ICT

skills are becoming core skills in social care.


Recommendations arising from the research included:

exploring the feasibility of an information service about digital technologies in social


providing guidance on „bring your own device‟ approaches, and on data and system

security issues, tailored for social care organisations

reviewing digital skills and competency frameworks with a view to their potential use

across the adult social care workforce

considering the development of a national „digital champions‟ support programme,

and a programme of support for strategic digital skills

reviewing whether the functional skill of ICT should be a mandatory part of all

learning and development and qualifications frameworks in the sector.

Digital capabilities in social care: Research report


Part A: Background

1. Purpose of the research

Skills for Care wish to gain a better understanding of how digital technologies are used

in and by the adult social care workforce in England. In particular, to investigate the

skills required to use digital technologies efficiently and effectively in the adult social

care context. To this end, in late 2013 Sara Dunn Associates were commissioned to

undertake initial scoping research.

As well as providing Skills for Care with an evidence base about digital capabilities, the

research was intended to inform the development of a workforce strategy for „Digital

Working, Learning and Information Sharing‟, with which Skills for Care and partners

have been tasked by the Department of Health. The aim of the strategy is to support

commissioners and employers to develop the digital capacity of their workforces and

ensure that digital approaches to care and support are open to everyone.1

1 Skills for Care (2014) Digital working, learning and information sharing: A workforce development

strategy for adult social care.

Digital capabilities in social care: Research report


2. Research approach

The research consisted of three strands:

desk research to identify existing evidence on digital technology and digital

capability in adult social care

online surveys: one aimed at managers and one aimed at staff, and

site visits and interviews to gain further insights into the challenges and

opportunities digital technologies present to social care, and the skills issues


Interim reports on the findings from the desk research and the online surveys were

produced, and summaries are available. This final report presents the synthesised

findings from all three strands of the research.

2.1 Approach to desk research

A rapid evidence review was undertaken to establish the existing evidence base for

work in this area, addressing the following questions:

To what extent are digital technologies embedded in the daily working lives of the

social care workforce?

What are the main uses of digital technologies in the delivery of social care?

What are the main barriers to the further use of digital technologies?

What facilitates or inhibits digital capability in the social care workforce?

Searches were undertaken on eight of the most relevant databases and search engines

including ISI Web of Knowledge, Google Scholar and Social Care Online. Manual

searches of a further eight websites of relevant organisations – including the BBC,

Ofcom and the Tinder Foundation – were also undertaken. A range of primary search

terms, related terms and search strings were used including digital, „information

technolog*‟, IT, ICT, computer*, internet, literacy, skills, capability, inclusion. In total 69

studies, articles, reports and guides were assessed for relevance and quality, and 33

items were then selected for detailed review and inclusion in the review.

2.2 Approach to survey research

The purpose of the two surveys was to gain insight from as broad a range of

organisations as possible into the uses of, and attitudes towards, digital technologies in

the social care workplace, as well as the skills issues raised.

Skills for Care were keen to capture the views of individual staff working directly with

people who receive care and support services, as well as the views of people managing

services and organisations. To this end, a single common entry point to the surveys was

Digital capabilities in social care: Research report


devised, and respondents directed to either the manager or staff survey according to

whether they had line management responsibility or not. The surveys addressed four

main topic areas:

activities for which digital technologies are currently used

attitudes towards digital technologies

perceptions of levels of digital confidence and skills

types of skills support.

Both surveys were principally quantitative, with a series of rating/ranking type questions,

and also allowed respondents to add their own comments on the main topic areas if

they chose. The proposed questions for the surveys were reviewed by an Employer

Engagement Group convened by Skills for Care. Members of the group checked both

the relevance and face validity of the questions. We are very grateful to the people who

helped us develop and disseminate the surveys (see Acknowledgements).

The managers‟ survey also functioned as a research recruitment tool by asking

managers to:

volunteer to facilitate the completion of the staff survey either online or on paper,


express their interest in hosting a site visit.

The survey was disseminated by electronic means to a range of relevant networks.

539 surveys were returned, 236 from managers and 303 from staff. Analysis of the

surveys was through standard statistical formulae for the quantitative data and thematic

analysis for the qualitative data.

(See the survey report2 for full details of design and dissemination approaches. See

Appendices 1 and 2 for the full texts of both surveys.).

2.3 Approach to site visits

Volunteers for the site visits were recruited via the managers‟ survey. A total of 63

managers registered an interest in their organisations being one of the sites visited for

the research. A further expression of interest form, which detailed the requirements for

the site visit interviews and outlined the data protection and confidentiality

arrangements, resulted in 23 confirmed volunteers. From this sample, we selected eight

organisations representing a range of sectors, types of service, client groups, size of

organisation, location and extent of use of digital technology (a rough approximation

based on aggregated scores from the online survey). Of these eight organisations, three

subsequently dropped out and were replaced with reserve organisations.

2 Dunn, S. (2014) „Digital Capabilities in Social Care: Report of Survey Research‟ (Leeds: Skills for Care)

Digital capabilities in social care: Research report


See Section 4.2 below for anonymised profiles of the organisations visited.

During the site visits, we conducted interviews with a minimum of two managers and

two frontline staff working directly with people who receive care and support services.

The frontline staff were selected by managers at the sites. We interviewed managers

and staff one-to-one or in small groups, using a semi-structured interview schedule

tailored to each role. A total of 20 managers and 17 frontline staff were interviewed. See

Appendices 3 and 4 for the interview schedules.

The interviews were audio recorded, with permission, to ensure accuracy of reporting.

Each site visit interview was written up in a standard template by the researcher,

together with any observations about the use of digital technologies. We are very

grateful to the organisations, managers and staff who gave us their time to facilitate and

participate in the site visits (see Acknowledgements).

Digital capabilities in social care: Research report


3. Limitations of the methodology

The desk research was a time-limited rapid evidence review and may not have

uncovered all research relevant to the topic. It is possible that research about other

aspects of workforce development in social care may contain some reference to digital

technologies and/or digital skills, in particular research that focuses on specific contexts

of use for technology such as assisted living or telecare.

The method of blanket dissemination of the surveys using digital media is pragmatic

and effective. The total response of 539 survey returns compares very well with

previous surveys done using this method of dissemination. However, this approach

means response rates cannot be measured and confidence intervals cannot be


There are additional specific limitations when using this method to research a topic

directly related to digital media. It is highly likely that there will be an over-estimation of

the levels of engagement with digital technologies because participants have been

recruited through digital channels. Attempts were made to mitigate this by involving

managers in promoting the staff survey, including through the dissemination of paper

copies if preferred. A good percentage of managers volunteered to undertake this

(30%), and 55 paper surveys were returned, representing approximately 20% of the

total number of staff surveys returned. We should still however assume that the sample

is biased towards organisations and individuals at the more digitally engaged end of the

adult social care sector.

The organisations we visited were drawn from respondents to the surveys, so the

selection bias in the surveys also applies to the sampling for the site visits. The fact that

these organisations were willing to host a visit suggests they are already very engaged

with the concept of digital technologies. While we developed a set of criteria to ensure

as wide a range of site visit participants as possible in terms of organisational profile,

ultimately the selection was a pragmatic one relying on self-selected volunteers who

were able to engage with the research and see through their involvement. The staff

interviewees were selected by managers. While managers made significant efforts to

select staff they felt were typical in their approach to digital technologies, we were not in

a position to confirm this.

Digital capabilities in social care: Research report


4. Profile of participants

4.1 Survey respondents

In total 539 managers and staff responded to the two surveys. Of these responses, 55

were on paper, the rest online.

Respondents to managers’ survey 4.1.1

A total of 236 respondents with line management responsibilities took part in the

managerial survey.

Over half (57%) described themselves as managers, a fifth as

employers/owners, 10% as workforce leads and 10% as team leaders.

Forty two percent of managerial respondents were from private or commercial

organisations providing adult social care services. Voluntary and not-for-profit

organisations made up 29% of the sample, as did local authorities.

Over half (55%) of respondents to the managers‟ survey were from organisations

with more than 100 employees. Just under a quarter (23%) employed 11-50 staff.

Residential care was the most common single service, provided by over a third of

respondents (36%). The next most common single service was nursing care

(19%), followed by home care (10%) and day care (5%). Just under a third of

organisations (30%) provide a mix of services.

Respondents to staff survey 4.1.2

A total of 303 staff (i.e. members of the workforce without line management

responsibility) took part in the survey. Of these, 55 used the paper version of the survey

facilitated by managers within their organisations. The remainder responded using the

online version.

Just under one-third (31%) of the staff respondents were care workers or support

workers. The next most commonly reported role was administrative worker

(21%), followed by social worker (16%).

Almost half the staff are employed by local authorities (compared to under a third

of the respondents to the managers‟ survey), a third are from the voluntary sector

and under a fifth work in the private sector.

Nearly three-quarters of staff are working in organisations with more than 100

employees. Twenty percent of staff are in organisations with fewer than 50 staff.

Characteristics of survey samples compared to national workforce 4.1.3

Both samples adequately reflect the diverse range of social care employer

organisations and the range of staff roles within the adult social care workforce in

England. However:

Digital capabilities in social care: Research report


both samples are skewed towards respondents from local authorities, and from

larger organisations;

respondents from home care organisations are under-represented in the

manager sample; and

professional and qualified staff at level 4 and above are over-represented in the

staff sample.

4.2 Site visit organisations

Anonymised profiles of the site visit organisations are shown in Table 1 below.

Table 1: Profile of organisations visited (visits conducted during March and April


Overall, the sites represent a good range of service and client types, and of

geographical location. They were also at different stages in their adoption of digital

technologies. However, due to some sites on the original selection having to be

replaced with reserves:

all the organisations are SMEs; there are no micro-enterprises (i.e. fewer than 10

staff) and there are no organisations with more than 150 staff (defining the local

authority site by the number of staff in that service, not the authority as a whole),


there are proportionately more voluntary organisations than originally planned.

There are brief „pen portraits‟ of the eight organisations who hosted site visits, and an

outline of how they describe their use of digital technologies, at Appendix 5.

id sector services

principal groups services

are provided for no staff region geog founded

Site 1 priv home care

learning disabilities,

autism, mental health

problems 70 SW semi-urban & rural 2011

Site 2 vol residential care

learning disabilities,

autism 105 SW semi-urban & rural 2009

Site 3 vol

residential, supported housing,

community services

learning disabilities,

physical disabilities,

acquired brain injury 120 Midlands urban 1986

Site 4 LA day care

learning disabilities,

autism 35 London urban 1993

Site 5 priv residential older people 28 Midlands urban 1984

Site 6 vol residential, sheltered housing older people 100 SE urban 1865

Site 7 vol support planning & brokerage

older people, disabled

people 25 NW semi-urban 2010

Site 8 vol day care, community services

older people, disabled

people, mental health

problems 150 London urban 1993

Digital capabilities in social care: Research report


A note on language

The organisations we visited used a range of terms to describe the people who used

their services, including, client, customer and service user. Skills for Care‟s preferred

term is „people who receive care and support services‟. We have used this term in the

body of this report, but kept each organisation‟s own terms in direct quotes.

Digital capabilities in social care: Research report


Part B: Findings

5. Current uses of digital technologies in adult social


We asked research participants a range of questions designed to shed light on the

nature and extent of the use of digital technologies in adult social care. The term „digital

technologies‟ means different things to different people, and its definition and scope

were the subjects of considerable discussion when designing the research. In the end

we opted for a practical and straightforward definition, based on the types of devices

and mainstream terminology with which most people are familiar:

desktop computers

laptop computers



mobile phones

the internet.

In the survey, we asked managers which activities their organisation uses digital

technologies for the most. Figure 1 below shows the reported use of digital technologies

in the respondents‟ organisations, across five broad categories of workplace activity:

people management including recruitment

workforce learning and development

external marketing and communication

internal communication with staff

planning, management or assessment of care services or outcomes.

Digital capabilities in social care: Research report


Figure 1: Extent of use of digital technologies in organisational activities, as

reported by managers

We can see that the 229 respondents to the managers‟ survey report the most

pervasive use of digital technologies for supporting people management (which we

defined in the survey as including recruitment), closely followed by workforce learning

and development. External and internal communication purposes are the next most

frequently digitally enabled activities. The least digitally enabled activities amongst the

respondents‟ organisations are the care-specific ones of planning, managing or

assessing services or outcomes. However, even here, over two-thirds (64%) of survey

respondents reported the extensive use of digital technologies.

The findings from the site visits were broadly consistent with the survey results, and are

discussed further below.

5.1 Supporting people management

Recruitment 5.1.1

Some of the sites we visited took an almost wholly digital approach to recruitment:

“We have over 12,000 „likes‟ on our Facebook page and it is the way we get the

message about ourselves and our work out into the world. It‟s a very important channel

of communication for us. We may be getting a slightly younger profile of recruits as a

result – I am not absolutely sure – but in any event it is our main recruitment tool. It

accounts for over half our recruits. Another quarter of them come from word of mouth

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referrals which in turn we think are encouraged and amplified by our social media

presence.” (Manager Site 2)

Several sites used a mix of digital channels and more „traditional‟ recruitment routes, for

example placing vacancy notices on their own website and also on popular community

websites such as Gumtree3, in addition to still using the local printed press and notices

in local libraries and similar community spaces. Most organisations encourage the use

of email for correspondence with potential recruits:

“We prefer it if people email, mainly because it is so much easier to communicate with

people that way. You don‟t have to read their handwriting. We don‟t really send out

printed recruitment packs any more. The online advertising is important to us because it

covers a wider geographical range. Anyone can access it.” (Manager Site 8)

One site, a local authority day care centre, makes use of the commercial recruitment

software package their authority uses. Candidates apply online, and the whole

recruitment process is in digital form. This can mean managers have to scan in some

paper documents, which can be time-consuming, but is still seen as more efficient:

“The advantage of the online system is that nothing gets lost, and we can keep

everything more securely. And it‟s also quicker. In the old days I had to get all the

application documents together in a bundle, get someone to take them to head office

[i.e. the local authority] wait for someone to process them, scan them and upload them.

Now it‟s all done here at the service site, it‟s much quicker and all under our control.”

(Manager Site 4)

One site we visited did not see any added value in either social media or other forms of

online recruitment, finding that they get sufficient recruits through the „traditional‟

channels of newspaper advertisements and the local job centre.

Monitoring of workforce 5.1.2

We found extensive use of digital technologies to manage rotas and monitor staff

working. One domiciliary care organisation we visited has developed its own bespoke

rostering software, which sends a text message alert to all staff on their personal mobile

phones the evening before their shift:

“We are pretty confident that the SMS reminders have reduced the number of missed

shifts. Missed shifts were only an occasional occurrence before, but they sometimes

caused us significant reputational issues. Introducing the system has definitely almost

eliminated the problem. When the alert system has 'gone down' for any reason we have

3 Gumtree is an online classified ads and community website

Digital capabilities in social care: Research report


tended to have the odd missed shift again. We also get staff contacting us when they

have received a text but haven't been expecting the shift, which enables us to resolve

these rostering issues.” (Manager Site 1)

Another site, a support planning and brokerage provider whose staff are mostly lone

workers visiting people‟s homes, has a digital monitoring system for home visits,

operated by mobile phone. The member of staff logs the start of their visit, and if the

visit lasts for longer than expected then an automated alert is raised at head office. The

organisation sees this as an important element of their lone worker policy, and staff

reported finding it reassuring.

Two of the residential care providers we visited use biometric technologies to record

attendance, whereby staff use a hand scanner to sign on and off shifts. One site already

links the data collected to the staff rota, and in turn to the payroll system.

Two of the sites we visited manage all their personnel records digitally using databases

created in Google Docs to hold all aspects of staff records online, including training

records and personal development plans. These are used to support and record the

supervision and appraisal process, as well as for performance management.

5.2 Supporting workforce learning and development

The survey showed over 95% of respondents using digital technologies to support

workforce learning, and we found evidence of a wide variety of uses of digital

technologies to support staff development during the site visits.

In terms of the delivery of learning, we saw several examples of innovative home-grown

use of digital technologies, for example extensive use of in-house video:

“If someone is very profoundly disabled we might video how you give them a drink, or

how you help them take their coat off. Then you show that to new staff. It is so much

easier than trying to read a description of how to do it.” (Manager Site 4)

One site was investigating how to use online media to bring alive its workplace policies

for learners:

“We have ambitious plans to make all our workplace policies interactive multimedia

resources which will be used at induction for staff training, as refreshers, and also to

make the policies more accessible for families and other partners. We are interested in

the concept of gamification, and maybe using a virtual world like Second Life. We are

working with a university in Greece on this as a research project.” (Manager Site 2)

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There was a consensus that while online learning modules – i.e. individual staff working

through online learning content – did have their uses, they were limited. Some

organisations were required by their commissioning local authority to put staff through

online courses on subjects such as COSHH, infection control or food hygiene:

“Instead of having to spend the whole day training on things like first aid, fire training,

health and safety, staff can do these online, either in the office with headphones, or do

them in the house. We just send them the log-in details. It takes an hour instead of a

day.” (Manager Site 8)

The organisations were happy to use e-learning courses for this kind of factual content,


“[E-learning courses] are only as effective as you make them. If staff just do them and

they are not discussed, some people will not learn that way. The e-learning is most

effective when we discuss it afterwards and see what people have learned and how

they are going to apply it in their job.” (Manager Site 4)

Most of the sites visited felt that face-to-face and group learning was required for care-

specific and values-based learning:

“We deliberately do not use e-learning for care-related training. It might be useful for

generic admin tasks but we feel any training directly related to care work has to be done

face-to-face and in a group. We tend to recruit in tranches so we can organise face-to-

face induction for groups of staff at a time. This is the best way to check staff

understanding and also to enable staff to learn from each other.” (Manager Site 1)

“We have found social care e-learning to be of very variable quality – often very flat and

uninspiring and when we asked staff what they thought of it they said if felt like a tick-

box exercise. So while the local authority and regulators require some e-learning to be

done, we end up repeating it in face-to-face training anyway.” (Manager Site 2)

“Some of our staff want to sit and discuss in a classroom, particularly staff who do not

have English as their first language. Also for talking about things like dignity and

respect, I would not use e-learning for that, you need to discuss that round the table.”

(Manager Site 6)

All but one of the organisations visited kept training records in some digital format,

ranging from a simple spreadsheet held locally on a manager‟s desktop through a

Google Docs spreadsheet to bespoke learning management software.

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Several staff talked of how their access to the internet and other digital media had

greatly improved their learning and development opportunities, principally through

access to a wide range of research and guidance. We also heard from two

organisations where members of staff were directly benefiting from the additional

accessibility of digital media compared to print:

“I like the fact that for some of the e-learning you are able to listen, because I can‟t sit at

the screen for too long because I am visually impaired. It has to be sound for me, so I

can hear it and take it in as well as see it.” (Staff Site 4)

“I encouraged one support worker who was clearly capable to go for a supervisory role.

He turned it down on the grounds he was not good with computers. So I sent him on a

basic IT course but he had trouble with it. When we talked more it became clear that he

was dyslexic. He did not want to talk about it, he had been made to feel inferior and

stupid at school. But I said to him: „It‟s not a problem, I can get you technology to help.‟

We went to Access to Work,4 got him all the equipment he needed, got him training.

And he is going from strength to strength, becoming a really excellent team leader. At

55 years old he has got a new lease of life and he‟s so confident.” (Manager Site 4)

5.3 External marketing and communication

The survey showed 95% of respondent organisations using digital technologies for

external marketing and communication, with over half saying they use it extensively.

Organisational websites 5.3.1

All the organisations we visited had an organisational website, ranging from the simple

to the sophisticated in terms of both design and functionality. The support planning

organisation we visited considered its website to be an increasingly central part of its

offer and one of the main ways in which people wanting to use its services would

interact with them in the near future. The website has embedded video explaining what

person-centred support planning involves, and has just introduced live chat, so that

people can interact directly with the organisation online. It also offers an online care

„marketplace‟ where people buying and providing care services can find each other.

Social media 5.3.2

While a number of the organisations we visited planned to upgrade or improve their

websites, for several the main focus of external communication was social media. One

organisation uses Facebook (including for recruitment as described above) and a

regular blog to engage with staff, family and the wider community. They also use Twitter

to organise live chats with colleagues within and beyond the organisation to share

4 A government funded scheme that provides grants for practical support at work if you have a disability

or health condition.

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experiences about autism support and other issues relevant to their work. Other sites

also had staff who are active tweeters:

“We do a lot of tweeting, it‟s a massive thing. Trying to get your message into 140

characters is something you have to get used to. Also you have to be careful what you

say, or you might end up in the newspapers. So we started a Twitter group to go

through the kinds of things you can and can‟t say, setting some ground rules.” (Manager

Site 8)

However, one organisation did not see a need for a great deal of external marketing or

communication because:

“We get the vast majority of our work through the local authority social services. Our

communication with the social services department is what is important, making sure

social workers know of our work. I am redoing our organisational website myself. We

don‟t use much social media; there‟s no obvious business need.” (Manager Site 1)

5.4 Organisational communication

Our survey showed that the use of digital technologies for organisational

communication, while still very widespread, was not as pervasive as for other activities.

The site visits generally confirmed this finding, because while all the organisations we

visited reported using email amongst managers and/or team leaders, two of the sites

did not use email as a general communication method with all staff:

“Communication in the home is manual – using the Comms Book. Email is used to

communicate with head office. We would not use email to communicate with relatives

unless they asked.” (Manager Site 3)

Managers in the sites who did not use email for all staff indicated that the main reason

was that frontline staff spent all their working time on practical tasks and have neither

the time not the internet access to enable them to check emails.

Two of the sites reported a very recent move towards using email for all staff:

“[Within the last 18 months] we have been really pushing email. At induction I set people

up with an email address and show them how to use it from the workplace or from

home. We started to do the payslips online, and that has made a massive difference in

people checking their email. We declared last year „The year of the email‟ and we told

staff: „Stop using laborious communication and use the email.‟ We set a benchmark of

48 hours to respond to emails.” (Managers Site 8)

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“[Since we introduced email across the organisation] the number of memos going out

has reduced. The internal messaging board has improved communications

considerably. Access to key documents is a benefit, the intranet means that staff can

have access to policies and procedures so there is no excuse for not knowing what the

policy is.” (Manager Site 6)

Other reported benefits of email amongst the sites were the more comprehensive and

accurate nature of written records and the „equal opportunities‟ function of giving

everyone across the organisation equal access to information.

Two of the sites we visited conduct all their communication and administration with all

staff using email and other digital tools including shared calendars and shared

documents drives. At both these sites all staff have smartphones, some supplied by the

employer and some belonging to staff personally (see Section 6 below for more on staff

access to devices).

5.5 Planning, managing and assessing care services and outcomes

The survey data on use of digital technologies for care-specific activities suggest

divergences within the sector. While one-fifth of respondents said that digital

technologies were not used at all for these purposes – therefore making it the least

commonly digitally enabled activity, over two-thirds of respondents said that their

organisation used it extensively. We might infer from this that the use of digital

technologies for supporting care specific activity tends to be more „all or nothing‟ than

other organisational uses of digital, which might be more incremental. This inference

was supported to some extent by the site visits; several organisations had a „digital by

default‟ approach, where the planning, management and assessment of services and

outcomes was done digitally wherever possible, and by contrast several did not really

use digital to support this side of their work at all.

Those organisations that could be described as „digital by default‟ have one obvious trait

in common, which was a senior manager or managers with an enthusiasm for digital

technologies, and belief in the importance of getting the most out of digital technology

for both their business and the people using their services. Two of the very digitally

enabled organisations were quite recently formed, and recognised that the lack of

legacy issues gave them an advantage over other organisations with older infrastructure

and software:

“As a new start-up we had no issues with legacy – either in terms of systems or of

records. Our vision is all about positive behavioural support. And we have used digital

technologies to help us run an efficient business as well as to help us in the day-to-day

provision of care and support.” (Manager Site 2)

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One organisation we visited, a recently established support planning provider, took

advantage of the free and low cost web-based database systems now available to

digitise as much of the care planning process as possible. In effect their main „product‟

is information in the form of support plans, so they had a focus on digital information

management from the outset:

“Our advisors are mobile workers who do as much of their administration and record-

keeping as possible online. They visit people in their own homes to develop a care plan

with them. That first part of the process is still usually done using pen and paper – we

have plans to use tablets for this but we know we need to do this very carefully so the

device does not become a barrier getting in the way of the interaction between the

advisor and the person. Once the plan has been agreed at the initial meeting, the

advisor will input it into the shared document system using their laptop, and everything

about the process will be digital wherever possible thereafter. We email the finished

plan to clients whenever we can. If the person themselves does not have an email we

will ask for a friend or relative who has – we really want to encourage digital

engagement because it is beneficial for people, we believe that it will give them more

control over managing their care. In terms of the internal record-keeping, all the

information we hold about all our clients is held on a spreadsheet which is constantly

updated as we work through the planning process with them.” (Manager Site 7)

The other two sites extensively engaged in digital technologies for the management of

care activities had taken a different approach to embracing digital, having both opted to

buy into commercial software packages designed for the care sector. One residential

care home uses an all-encompassing care planning and care recording system enabling

entirely paper-free records. The managers control the system from a small office with

two computers. Staff record their daily care activities onto the system through three

wall-mounted tablet computers in various parts of the home, as well as five handheld

tablets. As well as enabling paper-free recording of data, the system also makes care-

related information available to staff on a need-to-know basis. Visitors to the home sign

in using the wall mounted tablets and are also able to enter comments. This care home

also uses a remote telehealth monitoring system, which allows care staff to enter

regular details of vital signs of residents whose GPs have indicated they are at high risk.

These logs are then monitored by medical personnel who will in turn alert the local GP

of any concerns.

One local authority day care centre also uses a bespoke commercial software package,

specifically for person-centred planning:

“In 2010 we became the first organisation nationally to use a web-based tool that tracks

outcomes and puts the „action‟ into „planning‟. Each person we support has a user-

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friendly account on computer where outcomes and actions agreed in person-centred

planning are logged. It helps make sure that the outcomes most important to the person

are kept in view all the time.” (Manager Site 8)

Other sites have adopted a more incremental approach to the digital enabling of their

care activities, for example by starting off with digitising their care plan records allowing

staff to update plans as they go, using either desk-based or handheld computers.

Impact of commissioner attitudes 5.5.1

Commissioners – in these cases local authorities – appeared to influence the use of

digital technologies in recording care services and outcomes. In some cases the

commissioner was acting as a driver, and in other instances as a significant brake on

the use of digital technologies.

For example, a manager at one site commented that while they did not use digital

technologies extensively for the recording of care plans or for monitoring services

internally, she was required to make online returns to the local authority, and was aware

that digital reporting requirements would increase. Another manager said that the use of

digital technologies by the local authority head office required them, as a community

service, to take up digital approaches to learning and development, and recruitment.

One interviewee, the director of a domiciliary care business we visited currently using

digital principally for rostering and internal business functions, was clear that the

demands of their local authority would be the principal driver for more use of digital

monitoring of service provision, for example real-time recording of home visits:

“The area of growth in use of digital technologies for domiciliary care is likely to be in

staff timekeeping systems. Some local authorities already demand digital records of

domiciliary visits, time, duration and so on. Ours does not as yet, but it may come very

soon. If commissioners start to require that kind of data, and require that it is provided to

them in a digital format, then we will have to comply. There will also be complete

digitisation of client records, other than just the care plans which we do at the moment.”

(Manager Site 1)

By contrast, managers at other sites felt their local authority was to some extent an

inhibitor rather than an enabler when it came to digital approaches to managing and

recording services and outcomes:

“The biggest problem is the local authority information systems. All our records are done

on Google Docs spreadsheets and they work really well internally and for the people we

support, but getting our information systems to speak to the local authority social

services systems is really challenging. Their systems are quite old technically and also

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their processes are inflexible, so it takes up a huge amount of our time delivering

information about our service outcomes to them in the way they need. I think they are

beginning to change though, in part because of how they have seen us approach our

information management.” (Manager Site 7)

These managers also noted a good deal of resistance to mainstream social media and

cloud-based systems from local authorities – or more precisely from local authority IT:

“The biggest problem is the interface with commissioners – the local authority. Their IT

policies mean they block Facebook, YouTube, Google Docs, so the staff in the social

services department cannot access all the information we provide to our customers and

families. We have to send all the information to them as email attachments.” (Manager

Site 2)

While the open and transparent use of digital media may challenge the local authority,

families respond very positively to the organisation‟s approach:

“Families can, if they wish, log in to the online records of their loved one and view daily

activity logs. The families really love it because it gives them the reassurance that

people are being well supported and are active and engaged with meaningful activities.

Digital technologies are also used in more informal ways for recording services. For

example we encourage staff to take photos using smartphones or tablets of their

activities with customers. These photos are shared with family, and used on Facebook

[with all appropriate permissions in place]. They give an immediate and more intimate

record of the customer‟s day and are a good way of keeping families in touch.” (Staff

Site 2)

Our interviewees also reported widely divergent responses from Care Quality

Commission inspectors to their use of technology:

“We wondered what the regulators CQC would make of this digital approach. But in fact

the inspectors have really embraced it.” (Manager Site 2)

“When we had our visit by the CQC inspector, she couldn't get her head around the

system. She wasn't computer-literate, we had to print everything off for her. Even

though I sat for hours with her that day, she just couldn't get it. But when I printed it all

off for her, the reams of paper, and she took it away and came back, everything in the

final inspection report was fine.” (Manager site 5)

Digital capabilities in social care: Research report


5.6 Supporting direct care activities

We wanted to get a detailed understanding of whether and how digital devices were

used by and with people who receive care and support services. In the survey, we

asked managers about their use of digital across a range of types of direct care activity:

planning leisure activities or finding entertainment

keeping in touch with friends and family

communicating with welfare agencies or other services (e.g. GP, housing


finding information about the person's care and support

supporting education or employment related tasks

helping with daily living - assisted living technologies such as falls monitors etc.

doing shopping or banking-related tasks.

Figure 2 below shows the results. The use of digital technologies in the direct provision

of care was more limited than for generic organisational administration and business

activities described in the previous section. However, even here the penetration of

digital technologies is quite marked. We can see that over three-quarters of

respondents reported that their organisation uses digital technologies for planning

leisure activities with people who receive care and support services, for helping them

keep in touch with family and friends, and for communication with other agencies such

as GPs or housing services. Through additional comments made by survey

respondents, we also identified communication aids as a significant area of use of

digital technologies.

Figure 2: Use of digital technologies in direct care activities, managers’ reports


Digital capabilities in social care: Research report


Entertainment and leisure activities 5.6.1

One of the sites we visited, a residential care service for people with autism, sees the

use of digital technologies as one of the most important tools in their approach to

positive behavioural support:

“Many of our customers have tablet computers, and almost all of them have iPods for

music. The staff help them to listen to music, to use YouTube5 and Facebook, to find

and access films, pictures and so on. We use our own phones to take pictures of

activities we are doing with customers in the day – lunch in the café, going shopping,

whatever it might be. We upload these to Facebook and onto the customer‟s care

record. And we help people make video diaries. All this goes onto the customer‟s care

record and their family members can access these at any time. It makes a real-time

record of how the person is spending their time.” (Manager Site 2)

A day care centre for people with autism we visited has an emphasis on group activities,

with a large touch-screen smart TV for games involving cognitive skills and to provide

music and videos for clients – access to the internet via the large screen provides a vast

source of these kinds of resources for entertainment. This site also has a sensory room:

“We have had a sensory projector put in there. It‟s interactive – it produces sound and

light and colour, creates an audio visual environment. It can be controlled by the

individual, and we have put photos of people on it, so that it is very personalised. We

also have eye-tracking software, so that the programmes on the projector can be

controlled by movement of the eyes, for people who do not have motor control. We are

just starting to use this with some of our clients.” (Manager Site 4)

This organisation also has tablets to use with clients, with apps for cognitive skills (for

example matching colours or pictures) as well as apps to aid communication (for

example flash cards with pictures of common daily tasks and activities). One of the

managers we spoke to had undertaken a course in multimedia advocacy.6 He learned

how to create multimedia profiles for some of the clients, using common office

presentation software, producing a slideshow with audio and video clips, images and

text. The aim is to build up a picture of the individual‟s life, their likes and dislikes, how

they communicate:

“It„s for the individual to take with them on DVD wherever they go. So for example if they

go to respite care, particularly if they can‟t communicate verbally, then the respite staff

can use the profile to learn all about the person, who they are and how best to support

them.” (Manager Site 4)

5 YouTube is a video-sharing website

6 These courses are run by the Rix Centre at the University of East London;

Digital capabilities in social care: Research report


Another service we visited, also supporting people with learning disabilities, makes

extensive use of digital communication aids. They do not provide people with their own

computers but do support them to access PCs in libraries, for example. Some people

have digital devices of their own which the staff support them to use. This organisation

also has an interactive console game, using a large screen, which can be used for

physically interactive games – bowls, archery etc. – as well as for cognitive stimulation

such as matching games, quizzes and so on. This was originally planned as a

rehabilitation support for people in need of care and support with acquired brain injury,

and has worked well for this group, but its appeal has turned out to be wider, with other

people also enjoying the games. In addition, the staff have realised that an internet-

enabled large screen opens up a whole world of entertainment and leisure possibilities

for both individuals and groups, well beyond the console game it was originally

purchased for.

Communication activities 5.6.2

Two other sites we visited, both offering residential care to older people, reported more

limited use of technology directly with people using their services. One site that has a

very extensive online care management system, tends currently only to use digital

technologies directly with residents for Skype7 or other forms of online communication,

and this is generally when families come to visit bringing their own laptops or tablets.

The managers at this site expect to use technology much more with residents in the

near future. Similarly, one of the other sites providing residential care also sees

interaction with family as the main focus for current technology use for residents:

“We have internet stations in the home – we call it our internet café. Families and

visitors will use them to show people pictures and so on. And we use email to

communicate with some of our families – but this does not suit everyone, so it is

determined by whether families are online or not.” (Manager Site 6)

Staff at several sites noted that the people they were offering care and support were

themselves asking for digital technologies:

“One of the people I support wants an i-Pad so I'm going to get him one. But for the i-

Pad to be useful to him he needs some apps, so I'm going to download some apps for

him - music apps that he can easily touch.” (Staff Site 8)

“You can do things the old-fashioned way. But our service users seem to prefer the

digital approach and it is helping them to live normally.” (Manager Site 3)

7 Skype is an internet-based voice and video calling service.

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One site, a support planning brokerage, while it does not actually engage in service

delivery per se, has a pro-active approach to digital communication with the people

using its support planning services. Their aim is to encourage everyone to make use of

digital services to help them research, plan and access their support packages. They

encourage email communication with as many people as possible, and also encourage

family and friends to be email points of contact for people who are not yet online.

Bespoke developments 5.6.3

One site we visited is developing an app in-house, to help clients find local services and

also as a learning aid for using the computers available on the premises. One of the

members of staff identified a need for this app and presented a case for its development

to the managers. They found the worker an online course in app development and

provided the worker with a tablet for developing and testing the app:

“The app is going to help raise our profile with commissioners of mental health

services.” (Manager Site 8)

5.7 Key messages about digital technology use

The use of digital technologies was pervasive in the organisational activities of

the social care organisations surveyed – over 95% of survey respondents report

its use in at least one aspect of their activities.

The surveys suggested digital technologies are most pervasive in generic

organisational activities, particularly internal and external communication,

workforce learning and development, and people management.

Each organisation we visited described at least one significant use of digital

technology – almost always involving the internet – to support activities in these

areas, though the focus varied according to the priorities and circumstances of

the organisation.

Amongst survey respondents, digital technologies were slightly less pervasive in

care-specific administration activities such as recording care plans or managing

the delivery of care, though even here the great majority of managers and staff

report its use.

We found widely varying degrees of digital management of care activities in the

organisations we visited; some had digitised almost every aspect of the

management and recording of their care activities, while others still used mainly

paper-based records.

Digital technologies are having an impact on the direct interactions between care

staff and the people they support. Three-quarters of respondents to our manager

survey said their staff use digital technologies to support leisure activities for

people using their services, and to support communication with family and

friends. We found numerous examples of this during our site visits, and spoke

Digital capabilities in social care: Research report


with managers and staff who felt that digital technologies played a significant role

in making services more person-centred. They also reported an increasing

expectation/demand from people using services to be able to engage with digital


We found extensive use of digital technologies in both the new and long

established organisations we visited, and across all forms of service.

Lack of consistent internet access for mobile workers providing services in

people‟s homes, however, still inhibits the use of digital technologies directly with

people who receive care and support services at home.

The two most significant determinants for whether organisations were embracing

digital technologies appeared to be management priorities and the overall

attitude to change in the organisation.

The age, sector or type of service provided by organisations did not seem to

influence their approach to technology overall, although in the eight sites we

visited there was generally more use of digital technologies in direct care

activities with people with autism and learning disabilities than there was with

older people.

The rapid adoption of digital technologies in society generally was driving

adoption within the care organisations we visited. There was a general sense of

a potential danger of being left behind if digital was not embraced, best summed

up by one comment by a staff member at site 8: “The whole world is going digital.

You can‟t run away from it. You have to acquire the knowledge and fit in.”

Digital capabilities in social care: Research report


6. Staff access to digital devices

We wanted to gain a quantitative snapshot of the extent and type of workforce access to

digital devices. We used the staff survey to ask respondents what devices they used,

whether the devices belonged to them personally or were provided by employers, and

whether they used them for work or personal purposes. Figure 3 below shows the


Figure 3: Staff access to digital devices

We can see that personal use of smartphones (i.e. phones with access to the internet)

is high, with almost three quarters (74%) of the 302 staff who responded to our survey

saying they have their own smartphone (very close to the October 2013 national figure

of 72%).8 One fifth of staff (20%) report using their personal smartphone for work


The device most commonly used for work purposes by staff survey respondents was

the desktop computer provided by the employer – 64% of respondents reported using

one. The next most commonly used device for work purposes was an ordinary mobile

phone (i.e. one that does not access the internet) provided by the employer; just over a

third (34%) of staff report using this.

Just under a third of staff (30%) reported using laptops provided by their employer for

work, and 15% reported using their own personal laptop for work purposes.

8 Deloitte (October 2013) Deloitte Consumer Review: Reinventing the Role of the High Street London:


Digital capabilities in social care: Research report


The use of tablets for work is still relatively low, with only 17% using one; about half of

these staff are using their own device, and half are using one provided by their


Personal use of mobile digital devices – smartphones, laptops and tablets – is

considerably higher than workplace use amongst staff survey respondents, suggesting

that in terms of digital mobile at least, individual staff are more digitally engaged than

their employers are.

Device access for staff at the organisations we visited reflected the diversity of levels

and types of access suggested by the survey. Frontline staff at one site have no access

to digital devices at work apart from their own mobile phones:

“The technology we use for work is our personal mobile phones, just ordinary mobiles,

whatever we have ourselves. We get SMS reminders about our shifts on them. I also

use it myself at work for example if I need to call someone‟s GP while I am looking after

them, that kind of thing. I do use a computer at home, my husband has one. I am quite

keen on using it for research and I have also used it in the past to make lists of useful

contacts for work, that kind of thing. But that is done at home, not in work time.” (Staff

Site 1)

By contrast, frontline staff at several other sites reported using a range of tablets,

laptops, smartphones and digital cameras provided by the employer on a daily basis,

both for the recording of care activities and directly with people who receive care and

support services.

Digital capabilities in social care: Research report


7. Attitudes to digital technologies

7.1 Using digital technologies: drivers and benefits

The great majority of respondents to both the manager and staff surveys had strongly

positive attitudes towards digital technologies. Around 70% of the managers we

surveyed felt that digital technologies can make their organisation more efficient, and

have clear benefits for the people using their services (see Figure 4 below). (When

reviewing these attitudinal results we do need to bear in mind the issues with selection

bias discussed at the start of this report – we will inevitably have recruited respondents

who are generally positively disposed. We would caution against any extrapolation to

the sector as a whole).

Figure 4: Managers’ views on effect of digital technologies on efficiency and on

quality of service

In the staff survey, over 70% of respondents agreed that digital technologies help to

improve the quality of services, and to give people more choice and control over the

care they receive (see Figure 5 below).

Digital capabilities in social care: Research report


Figure 5: Staff views on effects of digital technologies on quality of service and

on people who receive care and support services

Drivers for introducing digital technologies 7.1.1

Like the managers in our survey, the managers we interviewed during our site visits

identified improved organisational efficiency and service quality as the principal strategic

drivers for introducing digital technologies in their organisation. They also identified

three other strategic drivers specific to the care sector:

A. Compliance with commissioning requirements

As discussed in Section 5.5 above, some of the organisations we visited felt that the

digitisation agenda was being driven in part by their commissioners – in this instance

their local authorities. These organisations recognised that commissioners were likely to

demand more detail and transparency about the activities of provider organisations, and

also more „real-time‟ reporting, which would need to be done using digital systems. For

these organisations, using digital technologies in the management and administration of

their services was therefore fast becoming a compliance issue.

Digital capabilities in social care: Research report


B. Integration of health and social care

Some interviewees felt that the increasing integration of health and social care would

require them to use digital systems that enabled organisations to exchange data in

common formats and enabled a person‟s records to be viewed by a range of healthcare

and social care providers. There was no clear sense of the detail of what this might be

entail, just a general awareness of profound changes to the management of information

being a likely consequence of integration.

C. Competitive advantage

Managers at several of the sites we visited were clear that the use of digital

technologies was a key way in which they hoped to gain competitive advantage. They

recognise that there is an increasingly competitive market of care providers:

“We need to be out there saying: „This is who we are, this is where we‟re at, these are

the services we offer.‟ We want a fair share of the business in the market, so we need

systems that are easy to use. And of course we keep an eye on what our competitors

are doing with technology. That‟s why we have an innovation group, so we are able to

give that „extra‟ factor – these are the things that give us an edge over our competitors.”

(Manager Site 8)

Some managers also saw digital technologies as a valuable tool for getting feedback,

which in turn can then be harnessed as a marketing tool:

“We put comments on the NHS Choice website. We carry cards for residents or

relatives to make comments. We now have three comments up there, all positive.”

(Manager Site 6)

Benefits of using digital technologies 7.1.2

Both the managers and staff we spoke to during the site visits were able to identify a

wide and varied range of benefits accruing from their use of digital technologies.

Efficiency improvements

Interviewees felt that efficiency improvements operated at a number of levels:

Improved consistency of communication: many interviewees had more

confidence that everyone was getting the same information at the same time,

and that information was more up to date

Greater flexibility of communication: for example staff using tablets or

smartphones could update records held in shared folders on the internet without

having to return to the office or to their desk

Increased speed of communication: email, intranet and shared document

drives reduced delays in time sensitive communication

Digital capabilities in social care: Research report


Improved accuracy of records: “There is a common format for recording work

which has made it so much easier, you don‟t have to struggle with reading

people‟s handwriting, and staff who don‟t have English as their first language find

it easier too – there are dropdown menus, and auto-complete prompts when you

are typing” (Manager Site 6); “On the old paper records you‟d be writing

sentences, going round the mulberry bush trying to get your point across; on the

computer you have a list of points, you select them, there is space for extra

information or comment if you need it” (Staff Site 5). Some interviewees also

commented on the more intuitive nature of touchscreen technology, meaning that

staff who did not have keyboard skills did not feel disadvantaged.

Space saving: “We don‟t have reams and reams of records of people‟s support

plans” (Manager Site 7); “The care plans at my last job, they were in these little

cardboard files, and they were so thick, and then you would pick one up and a

piece of paper would fall out or the file would break in the cupboard because they

were so heavy” (Staff Site 5).

Time saving: interviewees identified time savings in both record creation and

information retrieval: “This new system for recording our care work has probably

saved me half my working week” (Manager Site 6).

Improved management of information: “You have a clear audit trail with

electronic records, and you can interrogate them to pull off reports on all aspects

of your service. The records are more secure from loss because they are backed

up, and they are also very hard to tamper with” (Manager Site 2); “Keeping

everything in central databases means you don‟t have to ask people to give you

the same information over and over again – collect it once, use it many times”

(Manager Site 7).

Improved monitoring of people using services: “We have a real-time

information system which means we can monitor individual customer experience;

we know what people are doing at any given time, and their families can access

that information in real time too” (Manager Site 2); “The electronic care

monitoring system has alarms, so for example it can tell us „X has not had a

bowel movement‟ – it comes up as an alert and we need to address it to clear the

alert on the system. With the old paper-based system it was possible things

could get overlooked” (Manager Site 5).

Improved monitoring of staff activity: shift alerts via SMS and biometric

clocking on and off had reduced missed shifts and improved time-keeping;

integrated systems, for example linking shifts worked to rotas and to electronic

payroll, significantly reduced administration for managers

Better evidence for workforce planning: “The real time recording of care

activities helps me to audit how many staff I need to achieve the best possible

outcome for the clients” (Manager Site 5).

Digital capabilities in social care: Research report


More efficient external marketing: the use of social media in particular was

seen by several of the sites we visited as indispensable in raising their

organisation‟s profile with commissioners, customers, families, staff and potential

new recruits.

Quality improvements

The types of quality improvements identified by interviewees were equally wide-ranging

and varied, and applied both to working practices and to learning and development:

Positive impacts on choice and control for people using services: this took

different forms in the various organisations we visited (see Section 5.6 above)

including using digital technologies for accessing music, video and other forms of

entertainment, for sensory stimulation, for information seeking about care

services, for communication aids, and for alert and reminder systems

Positive impacts on teamwork: “The younger staff were really keen on the online

system we introduced – they were whizzing about it in seconds. It had a really

positive effect on teamwork – the younger staff could really help out the older

ones who felt less confident with the technology” (Manager Site 6).

Better feedback on approaches to care: the use of video feedback in one site

had direct impacts on quality of care: “We started to use intensive interaction with

one of our service users, but we were not seeing much improvement. As soon as

we looked at the video footage we could see what a member of staff was doing

wrong. They could see it themselves, they changed their practice. There was an

immediate improvement. That would not have happened without the video

technology” (Manager Site 4).

More reliable evidencing of learning and good practice: digital video was seen

as a very effective means of evidencing learning for formal qualifications, and for

sharing good practice between staff.

Improved access to learning and development for staff: “I am the dementia link

person for the organisation; you can get so much information on the internet

about good practice and research” (Staff Site 5).

Improved transparency about working practices and opportunities: staff at one

site commented on how the hand scanner for logging on shifts stopped a

colleague persistently turning up late, and how using e-mail gave everyone a fair

chance to take up any opportunities for learning and development.

7.2 Using digital technologies: barriers and disadvantages

While all the participants in this research, both survey respondents and interviewees,

were able to identify wide-ranging drivers for and benefits of the use of digital

technologies, they were equally able to describe barriers to their implementation, and

some potential disadvantages of their use.

Digital capabilities in social care: Research report


Barriers to introducing digital technologies 7.2.1


By far the most common barrier to the introduction of digital technologies cited by both

survey respondents and our interviewees was cost. These costs included:

costs of purchase of hardware and software: though as noted above, some of

the organisations we visited had a strong appetite for open source and other

low/no cost software solutions

costs of internet connections: not just office broadband; staff using internet

enabled devices on the move also need 3G or 4G connections

costs of training staff to use new devices or applications: “Courses cost money,

and so does coaching, because you are freeing up two people, the learner and

the person showing them what to do. Then if they don‟t use that device or have

to use that particular function on the device for another three weeks or

something, they have often forgotten how to do it.” (Manager Site 4)

Lack of reliable internet connection

This was clearly more of an issue for organisations with mobile workers, and most

particularly for those in rural or semi-rural locations; both the sites with mobile workers

felt that lack of reliable mobile connectivity was a major barrier – and for one of them it

was one of the principal reasons for not considering the use of internet-enabled devices

for staff.

Problems with local authority IT policies and information systems

As discussed in Section 5.5 above, two of the organisations we visited found digital

interaction with their local authority commissioners very problematic. In both cases this

concerned using cloud-based services, of which – together with social media – many

local authority IT departments are still wary. While neither of the organisations we spoke

to have been put off pursuing their own use of cloud-based systems and social media,

they did feel it put a brake on them being able to use them to their full potential in their

reporting to commissioners.

Lack of digital confidence and skills amongst staff

Most, though not all, of the managers at the organisations we visited felt that at least

some of their staff lacked confidence and skills in using digital technologies:

“The main barrier for us is fear of technology, a lack of confidence, particularly the older

staff can be very sensitive to their perceived lack of skills” (Manager Site 3); “The

younger staff, they‟ve grown up with their i-Phones and i-Pads, it‟s second nature to

them; it‟s harder for older staff” (Manager Site 4).

Digital capabilities in social care: Research report


Some, though by no means all, of the staff we spoke to expressed misgivings about

using technologies when they were first introduced: “I was worried about the computer

system to start with. Before the computer came in we used the report book, we used to

write up a daily report. So it did worry me to start with, because I did not know much

about computers” (Staff Site 5). None of the organisations we visited had seen lack of

staff skills as an insurmountable obstacle however. A mix of peer support, training, and

a well-managed change process had been used to address the issue. We discuss

digital capabilities and skills support in more detail in Sections 8 and 9 below.

Disadvantages of using digital technologies 7.2.2

Potential risks

In all the sites we visited we found managers and staff were aware of possible

downsides to using digital technologies in the social care context, but considered these

potential risks, rather than problems actually encountered. These potential risks


the perception that staff may be seen as interacting with computers rather than

the person they are looking after

the potential for an increased information processing load on frontline staff, which

in turn might mean they have less time to spend with people they are supporting

the possibility that some people receiving care or support may spend more time

using digital devices than interacting with other people – i.e. that this may be an

easier way of keeping people occupied, at the expense of social interaction

or, on the opposite side, a risk of alienating or excluding current or potential

clients who did not want to engage with digital technologies.

Negative impacts

Staff at some of the sites did cite the following as actual negative impacts of the use of

digital technologies:

• In some situations the requirement to enter information into a digital system was

seen as a „hammer to crack a nut‟, when a quick note jotted down would do the

job just as well; this may be a symptom of either poor device usability or

procedural overkill rather than an actual disadvantage of digital per se, however.

• Several staff at different sites said they had some anxiety about how a mistake in

a digital document could be more costly as it could be propagated so instantly

and widely; for example an email sent to the wrong people: “You just press the

wrong button and it‟s too late”. One staff interviewee also found the shared

document system in their organisation somewhat intimidating, as they worried

that they might introduce an error that would be visible to all their colleagues


Digital capabilities in social care: Research report


• Several staff felt that a negative impact of digital communication generally was

the pressure to do things quickly; e-mails requiring immediate responses, and a

sense of „information overload‟ which added to the pressure of their role.

• Several staff also commented that the „always on‟ nature of internet-based record

systems and email communications meant that they and some of their

colleagues were more often tempted to take work home – for example by putting

off doing administrative work in order to do more pressing things during their

shift, because they know they can catch up on the (digital) administrative work at


Security issues

We had hypothesised that data and device security might be major issues for managers

in social care. Our survey revealed some concerns – a quarter of survey respondents

said that they had difficulty in ensuring their digital systems were reliable and secure.

However, security risk was not seen as a major issue by most of our interviewees. For

the most part, when the issue of data or device security was raised, both managers and

staff seemed confident that existing safeguards – for example password protection –

were sufficient. Two managers commented that they felt data security was easier to

ensure with digital records than it had been with paper records. We discuss these

issues in the conclusions and recommendations at the end of the report.

Interviewees at two of the sites commented that their complete reliance on internet

connectivity and on digital systems did mean that they were vulnerable to either power

cuts or broadband outages, or to equipment running slowly or failing.

There was not the scope within this research to find out what contingencies had been

put in place to deal with data breaches or equipment failure – disaster recovery plans,

data backup and security measures and so on. There is scope for more investigation

and/or guidance in this area, and we discuss it further in the conclusions and

recommendations at the end of this report.

7.3 Key messages about attitudes to digital technologies

Most managers in our survey (around 70%) were convinced of the potential benefits

of digital technology and its capacity to improve both the efficiency and the quality of

care services. All the managers we interviewed on site also had very positive

attitudes towards the introduction and continued expansion of the use of digital

technologies; they too cited efficiency and quality improvements as the principal

strategic drivers for adoption of new technologies.

Other drivers for the introduction of digital systems included increasing requirements

from commissioners for detailed and immediate reporting on the status of services,

the increasing integration of health and social care information systems, and the

Digital capabilities in social care: Research report


need to gain and maintain competitive advantage in an increasingly competitive

provider market.

Most staff in our survey also had a strongly positive attitude towards digital

technologies, seeing their potential to improve the quality of services and the quality

of life of the people they support, as well as the potential to support their own career


The staff we interviewed also felt that digital technologies were beneficial to the

organisation as a whole and to their own role, helping them to do their jobs better.

Caveats included a sense of pressure to do administrative tasks more quickly, and –

in organisations using shared folders and email extensively – the pressure to take

administrative work home.

The majority of managers in our survey had reasonable confidence in their ability to

maintain safety and security. Similarly, the managers and staff we interviewed were

by and large happy with the data protection and security arrangements in place.

Nearly 80% of staff in the survey felt that digital technologies should be made

available to all workers, and all the staff we interviewed – including those whose

employers did not provide access to digital technologies – felt that more use of

digital technologies would help them do their job better.

Digital capabilities in social care: Research report


8. Digital capabilities in the adult social care workforce

We investigated the issue of digital capabilities – skills and confidence – in both the

surveys and the interviews on site. We wanted to understand how managers perceive

the capabilities of their workforce, and how staff feel about their own capabilities.

8.1 Managers’ perceptions of workforce digital capabilities

Based on our desk research we identified five broad categories of digital knowledge and

skills relevant for the social care workforce:

basic online skills (use email, use a search engine, fill in an online form)9

basic awareness of online safety and security

ability to help other people use common digital technologies (i.e. being a „digital


use online sources to find, evaluate and share authoritative information about

care related issues or problems (i.e. information literacy)

an understanding of how specialist digital assisted living technologies can help

people live independently.

Figure 6 below shows the percentage of managers reporting a shortage of each of

these knowledge/skill types across their workforce as a whole (i.e. across managers

and frontline staff).

Figure 6: Percentage of managers reporting skills shortage across workforce as a


9 Based on the „industry standard‟ definition of basic online skills devised for Go ON U, see http://www.go-

Digital capabilities in social care: Research report


Basic online skills 8.1.1

Over a third (37%) of managers in the survey report a shortage of basic online skills.

For two of sites we visited, managers did not see basic online skills as an issue for

frontline staff, either because they had no call to use them in their work or because the

skills they needed involved only the use of a single bespoke application for which all

staff received intensive training. For the other sites, by and large, managers felt that

staff had sufficient basic online skills, but they did report an issue with older members of

their workforce. Typical comments included:

“Staff over 40 are certainly less confident using some of the digital devices.” (Manager

Site 2)

“The older staff are very good at their jobs, they have a hands-on way of working, and I

think it is a matter of then giving them confidence with the new technologies.” (Manager

Site 3)

“Some staff have struggled a bit when they arrived, particularly older women with a

background in the care sector, it has taken them longer to get to grips with things like

Google Docs.” (Manager Site 7)

“The staff who were lacking in basic digital skills were the staff we have had for quite a

while. In the past this work did not involve IT. So it‟s been about raising their level, and

there are some who still have quite a way to go.” (Manager Site 8)

A counterpoint to this was provided by a comment in the managers‟ survey about a lack

of basic communication skills amongst younger staff:

“The young staff seem to be able to tweet but not write a decent letter on a computer!”

(Survey respondent)

Distinctions between basic communication (i.e. language and literacy) skills and digital

skills are increasingly difficult to make as digital media become ubiquitous in everyday

life. We discuss this issue further in the conclusions and recommendations at the end of

this report.

Online safety and security awareness 8.1.2

None of the managers or staff we spoke to made any mention of a lack of

understanding of online safety and security issues amongst staff, despite almost half the

managers in the survey feeling that this an issue for their workforce. Managers and staff

at several of the sites commented in passing about the confidential nature of many of

Digital capabilities in social care: Research report


their records, but they did not indicate that they felt they lacked the knowledge or skills

to deal with digital data appropriately.

Information literacy skills 8.1.3

Information literacy skills are reported as being in short supply across the workforce by

two thirds of managers, but none of the managers or staff we interviewed identified a

lack of these skills. This may be an artefact of the types of sites visited however, as we

did not interview any staff who had a specific or specialist role in research or information

gathering. Several staff interviewees made mention of using the internet to find

information – for example for personal learning and development – and all felt they had

the knowledge and skills to do this effectively.

Digital champion skills 8.1.4

Two thirds of managers in our survey felt that their workforce lacked the enabling skills

needed to help others to use digital technologies. The site visits revealed clearly the

high degree of importance attached to peer support and peer-to-peer learning for the

introduction of digital technologies, both by managers and staff. There may be potential

for more formal encouragement of and support for digital champion skills, and this issue

is discussed further in the conclusions and recommendations at the end of this report.

Understanding of assisted living technologies 8.1.5

Almost three quarters of managers surveyed reported a lack of understanding of

assisted living technologies across the workforce as a whole. This was identified as a

major skills gap in the site visits as well, a typical comment being:

“We need to know more about telecare and assistive technologies. We know this is a

growing area and in fact we are going to a regional information event about this topic

next week.” (Manager Site 7)

A number of the staff we spoke to also expressed a wish to gain more skills in digital

assisted living technologies:

“I am aware that some of the parents of the people with autism we look after are using

quite complex kit at home especially specialist communication stuff. We need to get

more knowledge about this kind of technology I think.” (Staff Site 2)

Additional skills gaps 8.1.6

Several managers felt that most of their staff, younger and older, lacked expert

keyboard skills, and would benefit from learning keyboard shortcuts for more efficient

working and more effective use of mainstream office software packages. A typical

comment was:

Digital capabilities in social care: Research report


“If anything, actual keyboard skills are needed; most administrative staff are two-finger

typing and that is very slow.” (Manager Site 1)

8.2 Staff perceptions of their own digital capabilities

We asked staff survey respondents about their levels of confidence in the same five

areas of digital knowledge and skills we had addressed in the managers‟ survey. Staff

reported considerably higher levels of confidence in their digital capabilities than we

might originally have expected, and their perceptions diverged markedly from those of

the managers we surveyed, as Figure 7 below shows.

Figure 7: Contrast between managers’ and staff perceptions of digital confidence

and skills

Over 95% of frontline staff surveyed said they are confident or very confident about their

basic online skills, whereas fewer than half of managers feel these skills are present in

sufficient quantity in their frontline workforce. Similar figures apply to staff and

managerial views of awareness of online security issues.

The „perception gulf‟ between managers and staff is at its greatest for information

literacy skills and digital champion skills; more than four-fifths of staff say they feel

confident about these skills, whereas less than a quarter of managers report having

enough of these skills amongst frontline staff.

The staff we interviewed on site were, by and large, confident in their digital capabilities

in a similar way to the survey respondents. The younger staff in particular expressed

confidence about using digital devices and were generally happy with the skills they

had. Older staff were more likely to say that they had had initial reservations when

digital technologies were introduced in the workplace. However, without exception these











0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

Basic online skills

Basic online securityawareness

Information literacy skills

Digital champion skills

Assisted living technologyunderstanding

Percentage of respondents

managers whosay staff skillssufficient(n=187)

staff who areconfident(n=269)

Digital capabilities in social care: Research report


staff said that once they had been trained and/or given help when first being introduced

to the technology, they had grown in confidence.

Peer support 8.2.1

There was a strong theme of peer support throughout all the sites we visited. At some

sites there was an explicit culture of mutual help and continuous learning inculcated by

management, and at other sites it was more informal, but typical comments included:

“There is always someone you can ask,” “Once we teach each other it makes all the

difference,” “I try to communicate everything I discover to my colleagues,” “I've actually

helped some newcomers that have come recently, showing them what to do, because

the seniors aren't always here,” “If anything‟s come up that I don‟t really understand, I

can definitely go to someone and they will show me what to do.”

At some sites the introduction of digital had had an added positive effect on team

bonding, as the more confident staff (generally younger) helped the others. However,

several interviewees, both managers and staff, also commented on the demands on the

time of the more digitally capable staff in helping others:

“Lots of the support workers have their own smartphones. For those that don‟t, it‟s

because they are not IT literate. It‟s a matter of personal interest. One of the support

workers I know, he cannot send pictures from his phone to use as evidence in his work

– but we‟ve taken the time to give him the necessary support.” (Staff Site 8)

“It can take a lot of time helping people who don‟t know how to use the office computers

properly.” (Manager Site 1)

“With the staff who are less confident with technologies, there is a cost to the time it

takes other people to help them.” (Manager Site 7)

Necessity of digital skills 8.2.2

Many of the staff we spoke to felt that digital capability was becoming a necessity for

their work, when it had not been in the past:

“Most of us [frontline staff] could not even access the internet before, but because of the

way our work is now we must find a way to do that because messages come and

information comes through our browsers [sic]. When I joined we were not IT literate, but

now we have to be.” (Staff Site 8)

Most of the staff we spoke to were clear that digital technologies were simply tools to do

their job, they did not regard digital as an end in itself. A typical comment was:

Digital capabilities in social care: Research report


“I think I know enough for what I need in my role, and if anything new comes along then

I will be given training in-house to understand it. I don‟t want to learn more about digital

over and above that.” (Staff Site 7)

8.3 Key messages about workforce digital capabilities

Social care managers in our survey reported a significant shortage of digital skills

across all levels of the workforce; over a third said their workforce does not have

sufficient basic online skills.

Managers at our site visits had systems in place to help those staff who were not

already competent to become so with whatever digital devices and applications were


A number of managers and staff in the organisations we visited felt digital skills

correlated with age, and that younger staff were often well equipped to support older

staff who needed it.

While the managers and staff at the sites we visited were content with their

knowledge and procedures regarding online safety and security, nearly half of the

managers in our survey said their workforce lacked a basic understanding of these


The most frequently cited digital capability shortage concerned insufficient basic

understanding of digital assisted living technologies; managers and staff in both the

surveys and a number of the sites visited felt they needed to understand more about

these technologies.

Information literacy was not a skill shortage identified during the site visits, but two-

thirds of managers in our survey felt that the workforce as a whole lacks sufficient

skills in finding, appraising and sharing online information.

We found evidence of effective peer support for digital skills at the majority of sites

we visited (see Section 9 below for more on this); however, two-thirds of managers

we surveyed feel that „digital champion‟ skills are insufficient at all levels in their


The surveys revealed a significant „perception mismatch‟ between how managers

assessed staff skills and how staff assessed their own skills. We found some

evidence of divergent perceptions at the sites we visited, but the majority were

organisations where active steps had been taken by the employer to assess the

skills staff required and to provide digital skills support. We discuss these skills

support approaches further in Section 9 below.

Digital capabilities in social care: Research report


9. Digital skills assessment and support

9.1 Current approaches

Skills assessments 9.1.1

We asked managers in our survey whether they assessed potential recruits on their

digital skills. The majority (nearly 80%) said that they did not. Most of the managers we

spoke to on-site said that digital skills were of secondary importance to them, so they

recruited people for their interpersonal, communication or care skills first and foremost.

They were confident that any digital skills gaps could easily be addressed with training

and support:

“We always recruit on interpersonal skills, not the digital ones; our frontline staff spend

so much time talking directly to people, this is what matters. We have had some staff

who struggle to use the IT systems we have, but not to the point where they can‟t do

their job. We give them extra support, and of course that is time-consuming for other

members of staff who have to buddy them or mentor them. But quite often these staff

are delivering a really brilliant front-end service with the client and are getting great

feedback. We don‟t want to lose that because of the digital side of things, so it is worth

the time and resource to support them with that.” (Manager Site 7)

Some of the organisations we visited however, do assess potential recruits on their IT

skills at interview; they have decided that basic online skills – which they have defined

as using email and using a web browser to find information – are required for all the

roles in their organisation:

“With the interview process we have started to do a 30-minute IT assessment, just to

get minimum standards. It‟s literally nothing more than emailing and finding something

on the internet. If they have a certain level of IT, then they get through.” (Manager Site


Skills support in the workplace 9.1.2

We asked survey respondents what kinds of digital skills support they currently use in

the workplace. Both managers and staff reported coaching/peer support to be the most

common form of support for digital skills, as Figure 8 below shows. This was followed by

formal IT training. Self-guided learning was less frequent, and accredited qualifications

the least common form of support.

Digital capabilities in social care: Research report


Figure 8: Percentage of managers and staff reporting different types of digital

skills support

The survey results were born out by the comments from interviewees. All the

organisations we visited spoke of the central importance of peer support for digital skills.

This was equally valued by both managers and staff, because it was informal, available

when needed, tailored to the specifics of the workplace, practical and supportive:

“We have one whizz kid that everyone goes to for support. We need role models, we

need to recognise skills in our existing staff and give them the chance to support

others.” (Manager Site 3)

“As long as I have someone to ask, that‟s all the support I need.” (Staff Site 4)

“I need the person-to-person contact, I need to be shown [how to use the technology].”

(Staff Site 4)

“We use a lot of peer learning at the moment and it has worked really well. I‟ve been

doing some IT training myself recently with the staff and I was quite surprised going into

the houses at how much more confident they were than first time round. They said they

had all been working together, all showing each other how to do things. That‟s great. It‟s

really good.” (Manager Site 8)

More formal coaching, mentoring and cascade models of training were also highly


“Classroom training suits some but it puts many off. Coaching and support from

colleagues at the time you need it is better. You need to practice what you have

learned, otherwise you forget it, especially if you do not do the particular task all that

often.” (Manager Site 3)

Digital capabilities in social care: Research report


“The only realistic way to train new staff to use digital technologies is to train a small

core of staff to feel confident with whatever the technology is and then to cascade that

knowledge on a need-to-know basis to other staff.” (Manager Site 4)

“Every time I was on shift for a week or so I would have some training. I‟m full time, but I

had to get used to the night-time [digital recording] system as well as the day-time

system. So each time I came in there was someone to help me go through it. After that I

was OK, I wasn‟t scared, as the management all said „Any problems, come and see us.‟

There weren‟t any problems, I got used to it fine.” (Staff Site 5)

“It was really important when they introduced the new online system that there was a

manager on hand you could contact for help. At my old place we had telephone support,

but here we can speak directly to someone.” (Staff Site 6)

“The way we work is very flexible, it changes quickly. By the time we had created some

sort of formal in-house training programme for the IT things would probably have

changed anyway. So we believe more in on-the-job just-in-time training, on the spot. To

sit with people, shadow them, support them to learn for themselves. We are a young

organisation with a strong learning culture that we have worked hard to develop. We

have all been learning new things, staff and managers together.” (Manager Site 7)

Several of the organisations we visited discussed how they include training in the use of

essential digital systems in their induction. This was delivered by a mix of in-house

training and mentoring or shadowing:

“An introduction to using Google Docs is part of the two and a half week induction we

give all our staff. After that they rely on peer support or support from their line manager.”

(Manager Site 2)

“It takes about a week to get someone up to speed using the digital care recording

system. We use shadowing and peer support to achieve this, and we have „dummy‟

profiles on the system that people can practice with. We like people to be quite

conversant with the digital system before they start actually using it live. That training

needs to be really hands-on.” (Manager Site 5)

Some organisations spoke of an iterative process of developing digital systems and

building up staff knowledge and skills in tandem, so that the one informed the other:

“Staff went through a process of learning as the system was implemented. It took a year

to build it up, bit by bit, and the staff gained confidence in parallel. They also contributed

to the development process, getting the system to function effectively for our particular

work patterns.” (Manager Site 5)

Digital capabilities in social care: Research report


“One of the things that really helped when we introduced the new software was

involving staff at an early stage in actually selecting the system, and also having lots of

practice before we went live.” (Manager Site 6)

“We have ongoing learning on the job around the digital systems. We develop all our

databases using Google Docs and they are changing all the time. The staff use them,

and feedback about their use of them. That way we surface if there is any training

needed, and we also find out if we need to make changes to the system to make it work

better or to be more user-friendly.” (Manager Site 7)

One organisation had considered a slightly more formalised „digital champions‟

approach to peer learning for digital skills:

“Coaching and support from colleagues is better than formal classroom training, and we

did explore a digital champions approach. There are people in the organisation who can

support and advise on the way to do things. But we did not have the time and the

resources to really set it up.” (Manager Site 3)

9.2 Suggestions for additional forms of support

Three quarters of the respondents to our staff survey said that additional forms of digital

skills support would help them to do their job better. Staff we surveyed and in the

organisations we visited wanted a combination of:

continued support from peers including potential for a more structured „digital

champions‟ approach to help learning directly relevant to individual workplaces to

be shared, and the contribution of colleagues with expert digital knowledge to be


opportunities for formal training (this might be in-house or from external trainers),

with several mentioning in particular that they would appreciate training in

mainstream office software to improve productivity and efficiency; there was also

an awareness that training in mainstream software can be done effectively online

opportunities for self-guided learning, including access to some form of regular

update about digital developments specifically tailored to social care.

One manager we spoke to felt that a specific programme of skills support for the use of

social media was needed in social care:

“I would like to see Skills for Care develop social media training to get people engaged,

conversing and following sector leaders, so that people start to share what works and

doesn‟t work for the people we support. So many people in care work in silos – without

knowing what others are doing and without realising that others have probably solved

the very same problem they may be working on. I would like to see digital technology

Digital capabilities in social care: Research report


used to make care more open, so that the „pulse‟ of the caring organisation is there for

all to see. If people could be supported to take pride in what they are doing, then I‟m

sure this will have a positive impact on carers and people who are being cared for.”

(Manager Site 2)

9.3 Key messages about digital skills support

The majority of social care organisations do not as yet consider digital skills to be

essential for all recruits; however some organisations are making basic online skills

a requirement, and this trend is likely to continue.

Peer support and peer-to-peer learning are essential for the development and

maintenance of digital skills in the social care workplace; these forms of support are

highly valued by both managers and staff, including staff who may lack confidence in

using digital technologies.

Opportunities for more formal training in digital technologies would also be

welcomed, although costs are a barrier to uptake; there are skills gaps in

mainstream technologies such as office systems and social media, as well as social

care specific technologies such as assisted living technologies.

Managers and some staff would also like access to some form of regular update

about digital developments, from an independent source and designed for a social

care audience.

Digital capabilities in social care: Research report


10. Future uses of digital technologies

We asked managers in the organisations we visited what the future applications of

digital technology for social care might look like. A number of themes emerged, some

regarded as very imminent, others further off in the future. Imminent developments

predicted were:

Digital technologies will lead to increasingly streamlined and more efficient

administration of services; in the very near future commissioners will require the

use of digital staff timekeeping systems and real-time reporting.

There will be increasing use of the internet to support people using services with

their interests and activities, and help them stay in touch with people.

There will be more use of digital technologies in medication administration.

Assisted living technologies will be used more and more.

Records, including individual care plans, will all be digital and will be shared

between agencies including much more sharing between health and social care.

Looking a little further ahead, interviewees predicted that:

Mobile digital technologies will become ubiquitous for all care staff.

Multimedia records including life histories will become the norm.

Digital communication aids will become mainstream.

More and more people who receive care and support services will be using

mainstream digital technologies independently to manage their own care.

More and more elderly people in need of care and support (including people with

dementia) will be accustomed to using mainstream digital technologies.

One interviewee could envisage a time when the capability of assisted living

technologies would make residential care obsolete.

Digital capabilities in social care: Research report


Part C: Conclusions and recommendations

The findings presented in this report give insights into the uses of digital technologies in

adult social care in England, the attitudes of both managers and staff to the benefits and

challenges these technologies present, and some of the workforce skills issues


We need to bear in mind the limitations of the methodology, in particular the

predominantly digital mode of dissemination of the surveys, which will tend to introduce

selection bias, the over-representation among survey respondents of larger

organisations and more highly qualified staff, and the small number of site visits

conducted. These factors are likely to lead to an over-estimation of levels of

engagement with digital technology compared to the sector as a whole. The data are

also self-reported.

Nevertheless, the data give a good overview of some of the main issues as well as

specific insights into how some social care employers are engaging with digital

technologies. Below we discuss the findings and their implications, with a view to

providing a set of recommendations for further actions. There is scope for a great deal

of support work associated with the development of digital capabilities in social care,

which can only be achieved by a number of national organisations and representative

bodies working in partnership with social care employers. A foundation for this

partnership working has already been established during development of the adult

social care workforce strategy „Digital working, learning and information sharing‟.10


Digital capabilities in social care: Research report


11. Uses of digital technologies

The research overall suggests that digital technologies are now deeply embedded in

social care organisations. They are most pervasively used to support business and

administrative processes – almost every organisation surveyed, and all the sites we

visited, was using digital technologies in some way to help them „work smarter‟.

The managers and staff we spoke to identified a number of drivers for the uptake of

digital technologies, including:

efficiency improvements: benefits realised included more consistent, flexible

and quicker communication; more accurate and easily auditable records; more

efficient monitoring and management of workforce activity

quality improvements: benefits realised included better management of

workforce learning and development, more choice and control for people using

care and support

compliance: some organisations needed to institute digital systems in order to

comply with service reporting, workforce development or information governance

requirements of commissioners

competitive advantage: an increasingly diverse care market, with customers

ranging from local authorities to individual self-funders and people in receipt of

direct payments, means service providers need to be innovative, and digital

technologies offer one route to innovation; there was also a sense that if you did

not „get on board‟ with digital technologies, you risked being left behind.

The organisations we spoke to who felt they were making the best use of digital

technologies had a number of traits in common:

an appetite for innovation

an awareness that digital technologies can contribute to innovations across the

whole range of organisational processes and working practices

an open learning culture

an ability to manage change and to bring staff along in the transition, including

those staff with lower levels of awareness or confidence in their digital abilities.

The survey respondents and the people we spoke to on the ground were aware of

potential downsides to the use of technologies. It is clear that, like any organisational

change, the introduction of digital technologies is not a „silver bullet‟. The organisations

we visited who reported most positive benefit from using digital technologies had

aligned the use of technologies with both their business priorities and their vision for

their services.

The surveys showed the use of digital technologies to be slightly less pervasive for

care-specific activities – the management and the actual delivery of care – than for

Digital capabilities in social care: Research report


generic business activities. But the people we spoke to on our site visits, while they

were at varying stages in their implementation of digital technologies, were convinced

that digital technologies were becoming essential for delivering good quality care, not

just for running an efficient business.

The knowledge, skills and attitudes of managers appear to be determining factors when

it comes to the introduction of digital technologies. Managers at the sites we visited

displayed enthusiasm for digital technology and confidence in their organisation‟s ability

to make use of it. A few of the organisations we spoke to had dedicated business

development roles, and this can be the route through which potential for digital

technologies is recognised. Otherwise it comes through managers and occasionally

staff. In any event, the capacity for the organisation to capitalise on the initial

identification of a business opportunity needs to be in place.

Managers and some staff at sites we visited were keen to learn what others were doing

with digital technology and to keep abreast of technological developments – to know

what technology is „out there‟. There is at present no focal point or single information

source concerning the use of digital technologies in social care – none of the people we

spoke to reported having accessed any guidance or received any help from sectoral

organisations when developing their systems or approaches. This suggests a potential

need for an information service about digital technologies in social care.

Recommendation 1

Explore the feasibility of creating a single online information resource about digital

technologies in social care, focused on the strategic planning and management of ICTs

in the social care context. The individual resources suggested in other

recommendations below could be contained within this overarching service.

The aim would be to improve the confidence of those managers who are reluctant to

engage with technology, as well as to equip existing digital enthusiasts with resources

and insights all tailored to a social care audience.

At the start of our research we had speculated that system and data security, including

digital information governance, might be areas of concern for managers and staff in the

sector. The findings on this were mixed: the majority of managers we surveyed felt that

a large proportion of their workforce lacked sufficient awareness of online safety and

security issues, but only a quarter of them reported any problems with ensuring their

digital systems were secure. Very few of the interviewees on site raised safety and

security issues, and none of them had allowed these issues to inhibit their uptake of

digital approaches – in fact some interviewees said they felt data security was improved

through the use of digital systems.

Digital capabilities in social care: Research report


Our findings are all based on self-reported data, and there was not scope within this

research project to establish detail about what back-up, disaster recovery, data security

and digital information governance measures are being put in place by organisations as

they expand their use of digital technologies. However, we are aware for example of

ongoing Department of Health funded support work with social care SMEs that suggests

system and data security may be an area of greater vulnerability than many

organisations realise.11

Recommendation 2

Consider providing guidance for employers in the sector on digital data and system

security issues of relevance to them.


The Connecting Care project, run by technology charity Lasa and funded by DH, is working with voluntary sector social care SMEs on strategic approaches to ICTs. Their experience to date suggests that few SMEs have adequate provision for data back-up, disaster recovery or protection from malicious attack.

Digital capabilities in social care: Research report


12. Access to digital technologies

The majority of managers in our survey said they found it difficult to offer digital access

to all staff, and several of the interviewees at the sites we visited said that they would

roll out more devices to staff if it were affordable. At the same time, the survey data

suggest that individual care staff have much greater personal access to some digital

devices – specifically mobile devices including smartphones, laptops and tablets – than

they do via their employer.

There has been much debate amongst employers from all sectors in recent years over

the pros and cons of „bring your own device‟ (BYOD), whereby staff are encouraged to

use their own devices for work purposes. Several of the sites we visited were already

encouraging this and viewed it as a successful strategy both in terms of efficiency and

the quality of service provided to individuals and their families.

The particular issues that pertain to the use of personal digital devices by social care

staff may well warrant further investigation, with a view to providing specific guidance for

employers in the sector. The guidance could cover the range of ways of approaching

BYOD, the pros and cons of the strategy, data security and information governance

issues, templates for acceptable use policies and so on.

Recommendation 3

Consider providing a framework for discussion on „bring your own device‟ (BYOD)

approaches, to enable social care employers to take informed strategic decisions about

their policy on personal digital devices.

Digital capabilities in social care: Research report


13. Digital capabilities

13.1 Current capabilities

Over a third of managers in our survey reported a shortage of basic online skills – which

we defined as the ability to send and receive email, use a browser to find information,

and fill in an online form – at all levels of the workforce, from care workers to managers.

This is consistent with previous survey research, for example the 2012 UKCES Sector

Skills Insights report on health and social care found 26% of social care employers

reporting basic IT skills were hard to obtain.12

However, 97% of the staff we surveyed said they were confident in their basic online

skills. The mismatch of perceptions between managers and staff about levels of digital

skills could have a number of causes:

managers may underestimate staff digital skills generally

managers may be more aware of staff who lack skills than staff who have skills

staff may overestimate their own skills

managerial and staff understandings of what digital skills are required for social

care work may be very divergent.

We need to bear in mind that the staff survey sample over-represented the more

qualified end of the social care workforce, and is also likely to be biased towards

respondents who are happy to engage with digital media. However, the finding about

divergent perceptions of digital skills is not without precedent in the sector. The 2009 „E-

readiness survey‟ conducted by Ipsos Mori for SCIE also suggested that staff rated their

ability to engage in online learning more highly than their managers did.13

The organisations we visited did not report shortages of basic online skills, either

because they did not regard them as relevant – this was a small minority – or more

commonly because they had identified any skills issues at the time digital technologies

were introduced, and had taken steps to address them with existing staff and with new

recruits (see Section 13.2 below).

Our research participants had widely differing understandings of what is meant by the

term digital skills. It was noticeable for example that many staff, and some managers,

interpreted it to mean „device skill‟ – in other words the ability to operate a particular

device or to use a particular digital application. This definition tends to occlude skills not

related to the actual interface, for example understanding online safety and security, or

the ability to appraise the quality or reliability of digital information sources.


UKCES (2012) Sector Skills Insights: Health and Social Care Evidence Report 52 13

Ipsos Mori (2009) „E-readiness in the social care sector for SCIE‟

Digital capabilities in social care: Research report


This definition also focuses only on the end-user of any digital systems, and so

excludes higher level skills such as commissioning, purchasing or managing systems.

Many of the managers we spoke to were „digital enthusiasts‟ with a personal interest

and/or aptitude for digital technologies who had taught themselves these strategic skills.

To better understand and map the current capabilities of the workforce, a robust

framework identifying different types of digital skills relevant to social care is needed.

We are aware of an EU project addressing this issue – for a limited number of care

roles – which may be a useful starting point. The Carer+ framework14 recognises three

overarching domains of digital competence in care work:

„General digital competence‟: competences relevant for the development of general

ICT literacy. This would include the areas we identified in this research as basic

online skills, basic awareness of online security, and information literacy.

„Enabling digital competence in care work‟: competences to make the application of

digital technology possible, sustainable and accepted by both care workers and care

recipients. We identified these as „digital champion‟ skills in our research.

„Advanced digital competence‟ in care work: competences focused on care sector-

specific digital technologies, and on enhancing the employability of carers through

occupation-specific digital competence. This would include the understanding of

assisted living technologies we identified in this research.

Recommendation 4

Review relevant digital skills and competency frameworks with a view to their potential

use across the adult social care workforce in England.

13.2 Skills support

Strategic digital skills support 13.2.1

A number of the people we spoke to identified a need for a central source of information

about digital technologies in social care (see Section 11 above). Closely allied to this is

an evident and growing need for care-oriented development programmes for strategic

digital skills. Employers, owners, managers and supervisors all need to understand how

to make effective business use of digital technology in social care. At the moment there

is nowhere for them to go to access any training or support in this area.

Recommendation 5

Consider the need to develop a learning and support programme for strategic digital

skills in social care.


Digital capabilities in social care: Research report


Support for general digital skills and digital champions 13.2.2

The main (interrelated) barriers to general digital skills identified in this research are lack

of familiarity (due to infrequent use of devices or applications) and lack of confidence.

While to some extent the spread of digital technology in daily life is addressing both

these barriers, by far the most frequent digital skills support in the social care workplace

evidenced in this research was informal peer support. This works most effectively in

organisations with a learning culture, where blame-free, reassuring, just-in-time, friendly

support is built into the day-to-day working practice of the organisation.

In our research we identified a range of on-the-job learning for general digital skills:

shadowing, peer learning, supervisory support and occasional supervisor-led formative

assessment. The organisations we visited had key members of the workforce who were

„go-to‟ people for digital skills support. These individuals are digital enablers, often

called digital champions15, helping to make the application of digital technology possible

for other staff – and in many cases also for people needing care and support.

Our research suggests this form of support is effective, and offers an existing foundation

on which to develop a more structured and comprehensive skills support programme for

the sector. Recognising, supporting and improving the skills of the digital champions –

who are already in situ, on hand and motivated – not only develops their skills and

knowledge but helps them help their colleagues get to grips with the everyday digital

skills they all need to do their jobs.

A digital champions support model comprises a centrally supported programme that

facilitates peer-to-peer learning, buddying and mentoring schemes. There is already

some evidence of the success of this approach, particularly in the housing sector where

several current initiatives are aimed at recruiting and supporting digital champions to

improve the digital skills of both the workforce and residents.16

Recommendation 6

Consider developing a national social care „digital champions‟ support programme;

review approaches currently being used in the housing sector with a view to their

possible re-purposing for the social care sector.

Digital skills support and core skills 13.2.3


In health and social care the term champion can often mean a senior manager with strategic responsibility for a particular area of policy or practice. In the context of this research however, the term champion is synonymous with enabler. A digital champion is a person who helps other people access and use digital technologies. 16

See for example: Digital Unite Digital Champions Network for Housing; Tinder Foundation Digital Housing Hub

Digital capabilities in social care: Research report


Consideration should also be given to the overlap between digital skills and the core

skills of literacy, language and numeracy. Core skills are clearly essential not only to the

effective use of digital technology but also to the ability to learn how to use it – and

individuals who lack core skills characteristically lack confidence in their ability to learn.

On the other side, digital technology is clearly transforming the practice of literacy,

language and numeracy. According to the OECD: “Accessing, analysing and

communicating information takes now place largely through the use of digital devices

and applications, such as personal computers, smart phones and the Internet. The

capacity to use these devices intelligently to manage information is thus becoming


We found significant evidence of this at the sites we visited, where the extensive

adoption of digitalised reporting has transformed – and vastly improved – routine

reporting and record-keeping. While there may be problematic issues attached to this

approach, it is likely to become more and more widely adopted.

The value of digital skills and confidence is clear. It is also clear that skills and

confidence in using digital information and communication technologies (ICTs) will form

an increasingly important element of competence in information-processing and

communication. However, the current learning and development and qualifications

frameworks in social care do not all reflect the „core‟ nature of digital skills.

We are aware that Skills for Care has recently published a Core Skills Strategy18 and

that this strategy notes the linkage between core skills and digital skills. The research

reported here suggests there is considerable potential for synergy in these areas.

Recommendation 7

Consider making the functional skill of ICT a mandatory part of all learning and

development and qualifications frameworks.

Digital skills assessment 13.2.4

The majority of the organisations who participated in this research have recognised that

digital skills are now a necessity for all their staff, and some of the sites we visited have

incorporated this recognition into their recruitment and selection practice. Procedures

reported to us ranged from asking questions at interview (e.g. whether the applicant

used a computer at home, or had an email address) to giving applicants a digital task

required by the role (e.g. using the internet to plan a journey for a client). These

assessment procedures were always accompanied by reassurance to the applicants


OECD (2013) Skilled for life? Key Findings from the Survey of Adult Skills p.7. 18

Digital capabilities in social care: Research report


that support would be available to help them develop any digital skills needed for the

role. In this way, assessment helped to communicate the digital requirements of the

role; make the skills required visible to the applicant (and also to employer-

organisation); surface at an early stage any digital skills issues the applicant might have

– and also reinforce a culture supportive of learning within the organisation. As such

they seemed to contribute to good recruitment and retention practice.

Recommendation 8

Make explicit mention of digital skills and skills assessments in the revision of the

recruitment and retention strategy for adult social care currently under way from Skills

for Care.

Assisted living technologies 13.2.5

This research focused on mainstream digital technologies rather than assisted living

technologies. However, we identified a strong consensus from managers and staff in

the surveys and on site that a much greater understanding of and engagement with

digital assisted living technologies is needed across the whole adult social care

workforce. The affordances of assisted living technology are currently greatly

outstripping the workforce‟s capacity to make use of them. A programme of skills

support for these specialist technologies is already under way from Skills for Care.19

It is hard to draw a clear boundary between adaptations of digital mainstream

technologies and specialist assisted living technologies – there are many areas of

overlap. Linkages need to be fully articulated, as for example has already been done in

the UK-wide information resource Technology to Care.20

19 20

Digital capabilities in social care: Research report


Appendix 1: Manager interview script

A short preamble by the interviewer:

introduce themselves

briefly reprise the purpose of the research overall

set out the aims of the interview, data protection and confidentiality terms

seek permission for use of recording device

give estimated length of time interview will take

ask if interviewee has any Qs

ask interviewee for:

o name

o job title and one sentence about what their main duties are

o length of time in this job and in social care overall

Discussion topic 1: Use of digital technologies in social care

Q1.1. Would you describe your organisation as „expert‟, „developing‟ or „novice‟ in its

use of digital technologies (DTs) overall? Why?

Q1.2. We asked you in the online survey about your use of DTs in a range of activities.

Could you give some brief illustrations or examples for each one you use, and of the

benefits you think digital technologies offer?

Activity Survey answer

[interviewer to note this before start

of visit]

Record or manage delivery of care [e.g. extensive use, use a bit, don‟t


Record or manage care plans/assessments

Deliver, record or manage staff learning and


Support external marketing and comms

Enable staff to access L&D networks

Enable staff to better communicate within the


Support HR/People mgt and recruitment

Q1.3. Looking ahead, do you think the use of DTs will change more in some areas of

your organisation‟s activity than others? If so, which, and why?

Digital capabilities in social care: Research report


Q1.4 What do you think are the main barriers and enablers to the use of digital

technology in your organisation? [NB refer to any answers offered in survey and probe –

ask people why they answered as they did]

Prompts if needed

Poss enablers and benefits

Buy-in from managers, from staff, from people using the organisation‟s


Improved efficiency and effectiveness using digital technologies

Improved support for/access to learning and development using DTs

Poss barriers and challenges

Conflict between technology and human aspects of social care

Costs of set up and maintenance of DTs

Lack of access to impartial expert technical advice

Difficulty recruiting people with basic online skills

Difficulty keeping digital skills up to date

Difficulty maintaining data security and confidentiality

Difficulty ensuring appropriate use

Problems with system maintenance and reliability

Discussion topic 2: Digital skills in the workforce

Q2.1 Do you think all your staff have the digital skills they need to do their jobs – now

and in the foreseeable future?

Q2.2 Do you currently offer any training or support for digital skills for your staff? refer to

survey answer] If so please describe it

Q2.3 Would you like to provide more support for staff in developing digital skills?

If so,

a/ what kind of support do you think might be most effective, and

b/ what do you think are the biggest barriers to digital skills support?

Prompts for types of support:

Formal training including IT training

Accredited qualifications

Coaching and help from colleagues and managers – either very informally or more

formally through a digital champions system

Time for individuals to explore/learn about technologies themselves

Guidance from outside organisations such as Skills for Care, British Computer

Society, e-Skills etc

Digital capabilities in social care: Research report


Q2.4 Would you like to make any other comments about digital technologies in social


Digital capabilities in social care: Research report


Appendix 2: Staff interview script

A short preamble by the interviewer:

introduce themselves

briefly reprise the purpose of the research overall

set out the aims of the interview, data protection and confidentiality terms

seek permission for use of recording device

give estimated length of time interview will take

ask if interviewee has any Qs

ask interviewee for:

o name

o job title

o length of time in the job

Discussion topic 1: Use of digital technologies in your work

1.1 Do you use digital technologies in your current role? If so, can you give me some

examples of typical uses?

Prompts for areas of activity that may involve use of digital technologies:

The direct delivery of care services to people in need of care and support

Personal learning and development

Organisational administration (e.g. care plans, assessments, budgets, rotas


If not, do you think you might use digital technologies in the foreseeable future in your

current role? Why do you think this?

1.2 Do you think the use of digital technologies in your work enhances or could enhance

the service you provide? If so why, if not why not

1.3 Do you have any concerns about using digital technologies in your work?

Discussion topic 2: Support for digital skills

2.1 Do you feel you have the digital skills and knowledge you need in your current role?

If not, what skills or knowledge do you think you need?

2.2 Do you think you are likely to need more digital skills or knowledge in the

foreseeable future? If so, which?

Digital capabilities in social care: Research report


2.3 Would you like to improve your digital skills? If so, why and which skills would you

like to improve?

Prompts for reasons for improving

Provide a better service for people in need of care and support

For my own satisfaction

To make organisational/business processes more efficient

To improve my CV

2.5 What kinds of skills support do you think might be most effective for you? Are there

are any challenges or barriers in getting this kind of support in your organisation?


Formal training including IT training

Accredited qualifications

Coaching and help from colleagues and managers – either very informally or more

formally through a digital champions system

Time to explore/learn about technologies themselves

Guidance from outside organisations such as Skills for Care, British Computer

Society, e-Skills etc

2.6 From your perspective, are there other ways in which your organisation could

improve the digital skills of its staff?


Colleagues from similar organisations talking about digital technologies

Peer to peer learning network focused on digital technologies

Better technical support for existing digital technologies

More time to integrate existing digital technologies into current role

More time to experiment with new digital technologies

More buy-in from management about the potential of digital technologies

2.7 Do you have anything else you would like to add about either the use of digital

technologies or the support of digital skills?

Digital capabilities in social care: Research report


Appendix 3: Pen portraits of site visit organisations

Site 1: A private homecare business, recently founded (2011) operating in a medium-

sized town in the south west. Provides support for people with learning disabilities,

autism and mental health problems. 70 staff.

“Our main focus for implementing digital technologies is for business administration and

record-keeping. Digital technologies are not used in direct care work, in part because

the lack of internet access in people‟s homes presents too much of a barrier, and in part

because we do not see much call for it amongst the people who use our services. From

the start we decided that all our office information systems would use open source

software, not commercial products. We have developed our own rostering alert system,

which sends an SMS reminder to staff the evening before their shift. This has really

helped with the efficiency and reliability of our rota. Team leaders and other senior

managers all use laptops and a smartphone provided by work for administrative tasks.

Support workers do not have any devices provided by us, but they all have personal

mobile phones.”

Site 2: A voluntary residential care organisation, recently founded (2009), operating in a

medium-sized town in the south west. Provides support for people with autism and

learning disabilities. 105 staff.

“We decided to embrace digital technology from the start. We focused on low cost and

open source systems that we could develop ourselves. We want to use technology to

market ourselves, to build a local and regional community around autism issues, and to

run our business efficiently. We also use digital devices a lot with our customers, to

support activities and entertainment, and we use social media to communicate with

families and be open and transparent about our services. It‟s fundamental to our values

and how we support people, as well as the way we do business. All managers and

deputy managers have laptops and smartphones provided by work. All other staff are

encouraged to bring their own smartphones to access the workplace systems, which

are all shared online.”

Site 3: A voluntary organisation founded in 1986 providing residential care, supported

housing and community services to people with learning disabilities and physical and

sensory impairments, operating in an urban setting in the Midlands. 120 staff.

“We very much want to move forward with our digital technology. Up until four years ago

we did not have desktop computers in the office. But now we use computers and the

internet regularly for all our office-based administration work, and we are discussing

how we might use tablet computers in the future for our community-based services.

Digital capabilities in social care: Research report


Support Workers now use digital technology regularly in their work with service users.

You can do things the old-fashioned way. But service users seem to prefer the digital

approach and it‟s helping them live normally.”

Site 4: A local authority day care service in London set up in 1997 to provide support for

people with profound and complex learning disabilities and autism. 35 staff.

“The local authority is making more and more use of digital technology and online

systems for things like recruitment and e-learning, so of course we use all those

systems. In the centre here we use a lot of digital photography, including video. We

attach photographs to care plans and assessments for example, to make things clearer.

We use them as evidence of clients‟ achievements and progress. We also make our

own videos for training staff to work with clients. We find this is very effective, much

more effective than describing things. We also support clients who are able to use

technology directly themselves, i-Pads and apps for example. We have a sensory room

where we recently installed a sensory projector that you can control by the movement of

your eye. This creates a whole audio-visual environment the person can control

themselves. ”

Site 5: A private residential care home for older people specialising in dementia care,

set up in 1984, in a medium sized town in the south west. 28 staff.

“I think we're developing towards expert in our use of digital systems - that's what we

want to achieve. Throughout the home we've got 10-inch tablet computers mounted on

the wall and any and all information gets put on the tablets and entered into our record

system. There‟s very little in terms of paperwork and our staff are pretty confident on the

use of technology. The system is now very big. We use it for care plans, for risk

assessments, health assessments, safeguarding, medication, general information,

everything really. From the moment a resident gets up in the morning to when they go

to bed, it's documented on the system - we hope in real time. So, for example, at meal

times staff enter all the details of what each resident has eaten and if they enjoyed it.

That goes into our system and makes it easy to see if all of a sudden someone is only

eating half or quarter of their meal. It comes up as an alert on the system.”

Site 6: A voluntary organisation providing residential care and sheltered housing for

older people, established in 1865 in a semi-urban area of the home counties. 100 staff.

“We are developing our use of digital technologies quite rapidly. We have recently

introduced a staff intranet for the sharing of documents, electronic care planning and

digital care records which the staff update using tablets. We also have biometric signing

in and out of shifts. We will continue to innovate as we can and as the need arises. We

Digital capabilities in social care: Research report


have just set up a job page on the website. We are not experts but I would not describe

us as novices. We are definitely learning as we go along.”

Site 7: A voluntary organisation recently founded in 2010 to provide support planning

and brokerage services, operating in an urban setting in the north west. 25 staff.

“Technology is ubiquitous in this organisation, we want to work digitally as much as we

can. We use it for all our business and administration activities. We use shared folders

held securely online, and because a lot of our staff are remote working, visiting people

in their homes, we hot desk in the office. We think digital technology not only makes us

more efficient and effective, but it can also offer people the chance to be more in control

of their care and support. We provide a lot of information and advice services through

our website, and plan to do more. Because most of the people we support at the

moment are older people, we communicate using paper where necessary, but wherever

we can we promote the use of digital communication and services.”

Site 8: A voluntary organisation offering day care and community services to older

people, disabled people and people with mental health problems in London, founded in

1993. 150 staff.

“We have been developing our use of digital technologies rapidly in the last two years.

We had quite haphazard systems, with people in different parts of the organisation

having different approaches. We have introduced electronic care planning, digital rotas

and payroll, and made email the standard form of communication with all staff. We are

now looking at cloud-based storage for all our business administration and

communication, and we are very conscious of making sure all our systems are secure.

The IT skills of support staff were quite low until relatively recently, but it‟s more and

more important to be IT literate, and staff skills have been improving as we have

developed our systems.”

Digital capabilities in social care: Research report



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