

We have looked at some previous album work from other artists and decided to do a test shoot to see what effects work well. We

believe that this shoot was successful.

These photos are unclear and not in focus, not just will but the background doesn't’t look good either.

This is my favourite photo. We took the photos on a low shutter speed to get the effect of the car lights. We used flash as it was late at night which means the lights appear brighter. The location looks urban which fits well with what we want to achieve on our music video. I am going to choose 3 photos to use on our digipak from this shoot to edit. We are going to put filters on these photos and change the effects so they appear different. Such as; Black and white.

This photo wasn’t as good because it’s slightly blurred. If it was more in focus it would look better. We used this angel to make it look as if the lights were appearing forward/towards us.

Seeing where the camera was put with a bit of the concrete on show looks nice and is used in other photos which will be good to edit.

This photo could work as a front cover because it’s in focus and clear. The colours of the green light have worked out well. I’m going to put this into my top 3 and on my list to edit In order for it to be on the digipak.

This photo is blurred again. However with Will facing this way the colour from the traffic lights look really good.

This photo is nice because you can see where the camera is put. The light looks nice and this is a possibility to edit however it looks fairly similar to other photos and we have decided to put only 3 photos from our night shoot. Therefore we have to choose from this and a similar one of what we are going to use.

The lights look really good here however it would look better if Will was in focus

I have used a fish eye lens to add this circle effect around the photo. I think this works well and the blurred lights/colours from a really slow shutter speed work nicely together. We think this would be best to put behind the CD disc therefore we are going to edit this one as well.

Will’s face is blurred so it doesn’t look as good

This photo is unclear and hazy towards the top because the light is like that. If this was took again or from a different angle it would look better.

These photos wouldn’t work as well because they are quite dark. Although the effect of a small dim light looks nice, it still looks to dark to use.

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