Differentiating: Rasul, Nabi (as Prophets) from …aaiil.org/.../differentiatingrasulnabimujaddidislam.pdfDifferentiating: Rasul, Nabi (as Prophets) from Mujaddid (Reformers) in Islam

Post on 05-Jan-2020






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Differentiating: Rasul, Nabi (as Prophets) from Mujaddid (Reformers) in Islam

One of the difficulties in globalization of certain languages is, that whenever an English-usage word is substituted for the most appropriate ethnic word in religious and cultural matters, the situation is either confusing the reader some more, or it even changes the specifically correct intended meaning.

The term “prophet” has been widely used in many communities, with as many variations in the implied meanings to the readers. It has been noticed, however, that the three mainstream Semitic religions of Judaism (descending from ancient Hebrews, especially from the line of Isaac), Christianity (which evolved out of Judaism and also from the line of Isaac) and Islam (the final revealed religion – but directly from the line of Ishmael), have used the term “prophets” in very inclusive ways in modern times and about events, which rolls back into history, and which is exceeding at least 10,000 years in the past.

It is extremely important for the reader to note that the commonly used term “prophet” is an English language usage word, and its application and references into the Arabic language makes it an alien word in Arabic applications, especially when used within the context of Islam, and which mainly uses Arabic references and titles. Widespread uses of the English word “prophet” in Arabic applications are also causing lots of confusions, especially to the younger generation, which is taking a liking for Anglo-Arabic mix in conversations and in written materials.

The specifically correct words for prophet in Arabic are of two classifications. They are “Nabi” for basic prophets and “Rasul” for the selected higher intensity prophets and their relevances have been explained later in this article. Whilst they are both different words, they have specific meanings and their inter-changeability is rather restrictive, as one-way only. This is now explained below.

It is necessary for the reader to understand the prequalification of prophets within the context of their Arabic applications of the Arabic words “Nabi” and “Rasul.” All past prophets (as in English usage) were also “Nabi” (as in Arabic usage) and the persons so appointed as “Nabi” referred to the most pious persons, whom Allah had contracted as His agent on earth, to carry on with religious preaching to different communities; and using the same scripture, which his immediately previous Nabi had been propagating. Incidentally, in the Hebrew system, a prophet (Nabi) is also called a Nabiy.

A basic Nabi did not introduce new scripture (as a new religious law called Sharia), but only helped clarifying better to different communities with changing levels of civilisations. Every subsequent Nabi improved the messages of the previous Nabi, over the same community and using the existing scripture. The Nabi formed the bulk of all those very pious persons who were described as prophets (as in English usage).

Every nation has been blessed with at least a Nabi and the Holy Qur’an gives this testimony at 10:47, as “And for every nation there is a messenger. So when their messenger comes, the matter is decided between them with justice, and they are not wronged.”

The term “Nabi” is mentioned in the Holy Qur’an several times. Examples of Nabi in Islam and mentioned in the Holy Qur’an are: Noah, Enoch, Eber, Saleh, Lot, Ishmael, Isaac, etc to mention a few. This listing can be seen in the matrix at Part 1, which is at the end of this article.

The term “Rasul” referred to messengers or apostles of much higher intensity, and who introduced totally new religious preaching based on totally new replacement scripture (a new religious law called Sharia). Hence the Rasul had to be persons of higher intensity, because of the uphill struggle in completely changing the mindset of the communities, which were already believing and practising under the previous Sharia. Incidentally, the Rasul also had to bridge this culture gap and bring about necessary change. The religious preaching based on totally new replacement scripture (new Sharia) became essential over spaces of thousands of years, when the levels of civilisation had greatly advanced and improved to greater elevation; and so it became necessary for the particular Rasul as the agent and Ambassador of Allah, to introduced



new package of preaching and scripture with new names (as a new Sharia). The new scripture with a new name, but with greatly enhanced to some additional details, superseded the previous scriptures. This is also explained and exemplified later in this article.

Examples of Rasul in Islam and mentioned in the Holy Qur’an (to mention a few) and who had brought in significant changes (new Sharia) are Adam, Abraham, Moses, David, Jesus and Muhammad. The fundamental prequalification for Rasul is that he must also be Nabi. Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) brought about total closure to both prophetical titles of Nabi and Rasul. Without any doubt, Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) was the Final Rasul and there shall be no other prophet of any description whatsoever coming to this world after Prophet Muhammad (pbuh).

It is for this reason in history that Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) is most affectionately and uniquely known as “Rasul-Allah.” Incidentally again, in Hebrew system, a prophet (Rasul) is called a Malak.

There is need for the reader to understand the restricted one-way inter-changeability of the titles of Rasul and Nabi. All those prophets with Rasul titles were also Nabi (a prequalification); but all those prophets with Nabi title only cannot be Rasul at same time. The absolute baseline means that all prophets were Nabi and indeed most pious humans, who were born in this world as normal humans of both human parentage in the natural reproductive process; and none of the prophets (Nabi or Rasul) was born from any form of Immaculate Conception.

One of the most confusing difficulties facing the modern generation of people is the acceptance or the denial, of past prominent persons in religious history, especially of those persons who have been variously referred to as prophets. In the analysis of this roll back of history, and according to Islam, Allah sent 124,000+ prophets1 (total combined Nabi + Rasul) to this world since its creation; and there was not a single community, which was denied the fundamental right to have a prophet, largely to correct them, to guide them and to lead that community.

Again, the Holy Qur’an testifies at 16:36, as “And certainly We raised in every nation a messenger, saying: Serve Allah and shun the devil. Then of them was he whom Allah guided, and of them was he whose remaining in error was justly due. So travel in the land, then see what was the end of the rejectors.”

Each and every one of those 124,000+ prophets was an Ambassador from Allah when they served their term on earth. They were Ambassadors in the sense that they, as natural humans, actually appeared in material human form in the midst of those communities, of which they were designated to, and were also of the same ethnicity, they spoke the same language and they practised the same cultures for widespread acceptability. Of course, Allah is the Best Administrator and the Best Knower and none can match Him. The Holy Qur’an stresses this at several places: 2:1; 3:1; 7:1; 13:1; 29:1; 30:1; 31:1; 32:1 most proudly as “I, Allah, am the Best Knower.”

The relationship between a prophet (whether Nabi or Rasul) and Allah is akin to a binding contract, which has an agent and its principal; the prophets are agents on earth acting on behalf of Allah, their Principal. The contract becomes binding in the sense that the message of prophetical appointment was brought to the prophet by Angel Gabriel (Jibrael) and the prophet agreed to the terms and obligations in meeting up with the common understanding; and the events were witnessed so. This also means that no individual can claim prophet-hood entirely upon his own desires!

These 124,000+ prophets also performed the assigned role as guides and as reminders to their communities, of their not drifting away from their previously designated prophets’ scriptures and preaching (previous Sharia). They were all communal prophets assigned and to their communities; the reader must

1 Prophet Muhammad’s (pbuh) statement in Hadith No 21257 in Musnad Ibn Hanbal that there were over 124,000

prophets since creation.


also note that the only exception to such communal prophets was Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), who, although he was born in Arabia, he did not come as communal prophet for the Arabs, but he came as the Final Prophet to all communities of the whole world (the entire broadband of humanity) since creation.

It is an expected belief of all Muslims that all prophets (Nabi and Rasul) brought messages, rules and practices, which were fundamentally Muslim principles; and because they were centrally guided by Allah. They all came with differently worded messages but as continuous flowing of the same messages; however, it was the communities over thousands of years, which had corrupted and distorted the basic Muslim messages, revealed thousands of years ago. The basic Muslim messages brought by all prophets were as:

1. Belief in the Supremacy of only One God and total prohibition of idolatry; 2. Regular prayers and making sacrifices to One God; 3. Existence of holy men (prophets) and holy spirits (angels); 4. Having a welfare system and contributing to charity for the lesser privileged; 5. Respect and honour of the rulership or head of governance; it must be noted that some of the

previous prophets were also patriarch of their communities (e.g. Abraham) and some others were Kings of their communities (e.g. Solomon and David);

6. There would be some form of a Great Judgement Day; and 7. Existence of a reward/punishment system after death.

There shall not be another prophet (Rasul or Nabi) after Prophet Muhammad (pbuh). This testimony is easily available as two streams of verifiable evidences, which testify that Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) shall be the final prophet (both Nabi and Rasul) ever.

The first evidence is in the Holy Qur’an at 33:40, which testifies as “Muhammad is not the father of any of your men, but he is the Messenger of Allah and the Seal of the prophets. And Allah is ever Knower of all things.”

The second evidence was a paragraph in the last sermon, which Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) delivered to and witnessed by the multitude of tens of thousands of Muslims, in which the Holy Prophet clarified (as his paragraph No 7): “O People, no prophet or apostle will come after me and no new faith will be born. Reason well, therefore, O People, and understand my words which I convey to you. I leave behind me two things, the Qur'an and my example, the Sunnah and if you follow these you will never go astray.” (Author’s underlining).

Having considered the verifiable evidence, revealed in the Holy Qur’an at 33:40 from Allah, and after having further considered the widely-witnessed evidence spoken by the Holy Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) in his last sermon, it becomes conclusive to the reader that “there shall never be another prophet of any description (Rasul and Nabi) whatsoever in this world, after the death of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh).”

Different scriptures have mentioned some of the prophets by name, as explicitly simplified means of exemplification to what was preached and practised, so that the communities would be guided to do the correct things and at same time refrain from doing the wrong things. The prophets were sent to their designated people in different countries, in different eras, to teach them and to guide them; and then to judge them for correction and bring about improvement; but at same time kept warning those people of the consequences of disobedience to instructions from Allah.

One of the most common disobedience acts of past communities was disregarding the existence of One God and then resorting to idolatry. All those past communities, which disregarded their prophet, were severely punished and historically recorded so in many scriptures.

The Holy Qur’an compels all Muslims to accept all prophets and servants of Allah (and this also includes acceptance of Mujaddid) and this appears as an ordinance at 4:69 as “And as for those who reject Our


messages, chastisement will afflict them because they transgressed.” More on Mujaddid is explained later in this article.

Each of the prophets (Nabi) was a timely reminder of past revelation deliveries, and generally the Rasul came with a new message and new religious law (new Sharia); the new messages delivered were especially adjusted and refined to suit the level of civilization; and the prophets warned their disbelieving people of non-compliance to past scripture. When those communities did not listen to the messages delivered by the prophet of the day, the communities were severely punished. An example is Prophet Noah, who lived a very long time, and throughout his whole life, he preached the existence and worshipping of only One Supreme God (Allah); but his community kept up with idolatry and ridiculed the prophet’s preaching. Of course, the idolaters (numbering by the millions) were completely drowned and, the rest is history already known to most of readers as the “Great Flood.” There are many other cases of mass-punishments delivered to whole communities.

None of those previous scripture is a Registry of Prophets - of all prophets in history. The Holy Qur’an, which is the final scripture, also mentions prophets, but only a few (actually 25) prophets by exact name, and relating them to events, situations and the lesson to be learnt from such circumstantial situations.

Names of all prophets mentioned by name in the Holy Qur’an are listed in the matrix-table below (as in Part 1), according to their historical sequence. This appears at the end of this article. Two other prophets have been mentioned in the Holy Qur’an as “prophets” but their names have not been detailed. These are at 2:247 and at 36:11. The common opinion is that the referral to prophets is more generic rather than specific.

All prophets do not say to their communities what those prophets want to say voluntarily, but they are guided very discretely by Allah with His messages delivered to them through the processing of direct revelations. It should also be noted that every past prophet was a Muslim and all prophets delivered the messages with such consistency, that with each new prophet, the next prophet continued from the point the messages and practices delivered by the prophet before him had left off. The only differences in the messages delivered by the prophet previously and the next prophet were the extent of refinement of same messages, elevating those messages as consistent to the improved levels of civilisation existing in different parts of the world.

Each prophet also delivered in their messages, the proclamation that there shall be a Final Prophet, who shall not be allocated to a particular country or community, but he shall be the prophet to the world’s humanity; and he shall also serve the entire global community. That Final Prophet is Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) and his name has been mentioned with slight spelling variations in different countries and their scripture. This topic alone is substantial and would be better authored as a separate article.

The Holy Qur’an makes certain at 33:40 that Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) upon his death sealed any further arrival of prophets (Rasul and Nabi), which concludes that he was not just any prophet in isolation, but the Final Prophet in the whole series of 124,000+ prophets; and that also concludes that the religion preached by Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) is the ultimate and final development of religion – as Islam - the religion of choice from Allah. In the same vein, the scripture introduced by the Final Prophet (Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)), as the Holy Qur’an is also the final revealed scripture, authored and sealed off by Allah.

Being the final scripture in the series of scriptures since creation also means that the Holy Qur’an supersedes all other earlier scriptures, and embodies within its sacred texts the spirit of all other previous scriptures.

The reader is reminded that the uniqueness of the Holy Qur’an, the final revealed scripture, superseding all other previous scriptures requires particular explanations. For example, the two ancient Hebrew Scriptures, which were revealed to the Israelites, the Torah (Tawrat) and the Psalms (Zabur), and which were authored by Prophet Moses and Prophet David respectively, were superseded by the Gospel (Injeel). The Gospel (Injeel) was revealed to the final Israelite prophet, Jesus Christ. These processes of superseding took several


hundreds of years in between them, with changing civilisations. The Gospel (Injeel) was superseded by the Holy Qur’an more than 600 years after the birth of Jesus Christ. There shall never be another revealed scripture after the Holy Qur’an and the Holy Qur’an shall not be superseded and shall remain intact and original.

This puts to closure three very important points:

1. Firstly, there shall not be another Sharia.

2. Secondly, there shall not be another prophet to receive any further Sharia.

3. Thirdly the Sharia which was received and introduced by Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), was the final Sharia and shall remain to be the currently valid Sharia indefinitely, till the end of this world.

An obvious question which arises is: How can 1.9 Billion Muslims carry on into the future without any Divine leadership such as a prophet and periodic updates till the end of this world?

The answer lies within the current Sharia and the need to understand this best is with quotations from the Holy Qur’an and the Hadith. It is now timely to mention the purpose and function of Mujaddid. A Mujaddid is a maintenance manager of the religion of Islam, as a reviver, selectively appointed by Allah; and that person is informed by Allah’s angels of his appointment as the Mujaddid at the head of the emergence of an Islamic Century (Hijri), at that point in time.

The Divine authority for commencement and continuation of the arrival of Mujaddid every Islamic Century (Hijri) is in the Holy Qur’an at 24:55, as “Allah has promised to those of you who believe and do good that He will surely make them rulers in the earth as He made those before them rulers, and that He will surely establish for them their religion, which He has chosen for them, and that He will surely give them security in exchange after their fear. They will serve Me, not associating aught with Me. And whoever is ungrateful after this, they are the transgressors.”

It should be noted that the non-acceptance of the valid Mujaddid is a serious sin, as the Holy Qur’an has described non-accepting persons as “transgressors.” This must be read in conjunction with the earlier ordinance in the Holy Qur’an at 4:69, as “And as for those who reject Our messages, chastisement will afflict them because they transgressed.”

Perhaps it is timely to remind the reader, that after the death of Rasul-Allah, it is indeed a heinous sin for any person of any capacity or description whatsoever, to claim any form of prophet-hood after the revealed verse at 33:40 which testifies as “Muhammad is not the father of any of your men, but he is the Messenger of Allah and the Seal of the prophets. And Allah is ever Knower of all things.”

There is also need to take a navigational run through some of the Hadith, where Rasul-Allah has assured that such maintenance managers to the religion of Islam, as revivers, shall be coming at the head of each of emergence of an Islamic Century (Hijri), at that point in time. Some of these Hadith quotes are as follows:

1. "Allah shall raise for this Ummah at the head of every century a man who shall renew (or revive) for it its religion." (Sunan Abu Dawood, Book 37: Kitab al-Malahim [Battles], Hâdith Number 4278).

2. “Surely Allah will raise up for His people in the beginning of every Century (Hijri) one who will revive for it its religion” (Abu Dawood, 36:1).

3. "The Israelites used to be led by prophets; whenever a prophet died, another came after him. After me there is no prophet, but there will be khalifas and there will be many." (Bukhari, book 60, ch. 50)

In addition, to exemplify further, there is need to draw an analogy, with a very large and sprawling building structure, which is there to stay forever, but needs a dedicated maintenance program manager at regular intervals, so that the building structure retains its originality indefinitely into the future. The landlord of that building structure must foresee the future, and have in place a contracted maintenance manager, to revive the tenancy demand for that building. Consequently, over several decades, perhaps the roof of the


building structure needs repainting; perhaps the exterior and interior paintwork has faded or peeling off, and also needs repainting; perhaps some of the electrical are out of date and in dangerous condition and need replacement, etc, etc.

If the building is not maintained at regular intervals by the contracted maintenance manager, in all probability, some of the tenants of that building would vacate the neglected dilapidated building and then relocate to another building, which is directly in open competition and very much up to date and attractive.

The following point must be noted in this analogy: The contracted maintenance manager can only refurbish the building, following the original blueprint of the building plans; but he is not permitted to either become the owner of the building, or alter the general structure of the building, or for that matter commence construction of a new building structure.

Insofar as the global survival of Islam matters on the long haul, the “building structure” landlord in the previous paragraph, is Allah, the periodic contracted maintenance manager is a Mujaddid, the blueprint plans is the current Islamic Sharia, and the existing tenants are the Muslim population throughout the world. The “other buildings in open competition” are other religions, which are ever ready to systematically crush our beloved Islam into non-existence at any time.

Taking the above analogy into consideration, the dire need to have a Mujaddid at the head of every Islamic Century (Hijri) as the “maintenance manager” or reviver, becomes potentially compulsory to save Islam from being enviously crushed by other religions.

There are certain fundamental rules, which the Mujaddid must never do:

1. He cannot introduce anything new to Islam which is contrary to the Holy Qur’an.

2. He must not assume or declare himself a prophet (both Nabi and Rasul) after the line of prophet-hood ceased with Rasul-Allah the Final Prophet (see quote above in Holy Qur’an 33:40).

3. He must never introduce a new Sharia contradicting the existing Sharia.

4. He must never introduce a new Scripture replacing or substituting the Holy Qur’an.

5. He must not introduce a new religion either in competition with Islam or replacing Islam.

6. He must not use religion to gain worldly fame.

7. He must not fail to defend Islam each time the need arises.

8. He must not forget to remove Bid’a from Sunnah.

When referring to the list of Mujaddid who have already served their terms according to the Islamic Century (Hijri) of their proclamation by an angel, it is important to fully understand why some Centuries had more than one Mujaddid.

The explanation rests with global activities against Islam, with every attempt made to crush Islam. These were the Crusades, the amalgamated armies of mainly Christian countries against Islam. In the main, there were four Major Crusades and five minor Crusades. The first Crusade commenced and lasted 1071 – 1101 and the last Crusade was from 1271-1272. In all Crusades, millions died as result of battle casualties on both Christian sides and Muslim sides.

At the peaking heights of those nine Crusades 1071 to 1272, it was necessary for Allah in His superlative wisdom to send two Mujaddid in certain Islamic Centuries and those decisions were not only defensive, but also inspirational to bolster Islam with greater defensiveness.

In addition, Mujaddid always came at times when Islam was at its lowest ebb and most highly vulnerable by other pressure groups, and considered necessary to defend Islam to the full.


Part 1

(Prophets, some as “Rasul” and some as “Nabi” Mentioned in the Holy Qur’an)

Sequentially Listed Prophets in Islam

(Spread out throughout the Holy Qur’an).

(Arabic names in italics)

Was he a Prophet?

Was he a Rasul or a Messenger?

Was he a Nabi?

Was he a Reformer or a Mujaddid?

Name of His Revealed Scripture (Holy Book)

Would He Reappear as Rasul or Nabi in Future?

Community He Served as the Dedicated Prophet

Adam (Adam) Yes Yes Yes No Scrolls of Adam

No Human descendants

Noah (Nuh) Yes Yes Yes No X No The new Descendants of Noah (after the great flood)

Enoch (Idris) Yes Yes Yes No X No

Eber (Hud) Yes Yes Yes No X No Community of Ad (now called Yemen)

Saleh (Salih) Yes Yes Yes No X No Community of Thamud

Abraham (Ibrahim) Yes Yes Yes No Scrolls of Abraham

No Descendants of Abraham (Semitic)

Lot (Lut) Yes Yes Yes No X No Communities of Sodom and Gomorrah

Ishmael (Ishma’l) Yes No Yes No X No Communities of Arabic Descents

Isaac (Is’haq) Yes No Yes No X No Communities of Canaan

Jacob (Yakub) Yes No Yes No X No Twelve Tribes of Israel

Joseph (Yusuf) Yes No Yes No X No Coptic Communities (Egypt)

Job (Aiyub) Yes No Yes No X No Community of Job

Jethro (Shua’b) Yes Yes Yes No X No The Medianites

Moses (Musa) Yes Yes Yes No Torah (Tawrat)

No Twelve Tribes of Israel and the Coptics

Aaron (Haroon) Yes No Yes No X No Twelve Tribes of Israel and the Coptics

David (Dawd) Yes Yes Yes No Psalms (Zabur)

No Israelites

Solomon (Suleiman) Yes No Yes No X No Israelites


Elijah (Ilyas) Yes Yes Yes No X No Communities of Elijah

Elisha (Al-Yasa) Yes Yes Yes No X No Israelites

Jonah (Yunus) Yes Yes Yes No X No Descendants of Jonah

Ezekiel (Dhul-Kifiel) Yes Yes Yes No X No Israelites

Zachariah (Zachariah) Yes No Yes No X No Israelites

John the Baptist (Yahiya) Yes No Yes No X No Israelites

Jesus Christ (Isa Masih) Yes Yes Yes No Gospel (Injeel)

No Israelites

Muhammad (Muhammad) Yes Yes Yes No Qur’an


No The Entire Humanity



Part 2

(Mujaddid (Reformers) Who Served Every Islamic Century (Hijri) After Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) Died in year AD632)

Sequentially Listed Reformers (Mujaddid) in Islamic History

Was he a Prophet?

Was he a Rasul or a Messenger?

Was he a Nabi?

Was he a Reformer or a Mujaddid?

Name of His Revealed Scripture (Holy Book)

Would He Reappear as Rasul or Nabi in Future?

Community He Appeared within as the Century’s Reformer


Century Hijri Hazrat Umar ibn Abdul Aziz

No No No Yes Nil No Arabia


Century Hijri Hazrat Imam Shafi & Hazrat Imam Ahmad ibn Hanbal

No No No Yes Nil No Palestine



Century Hijri Hazrat Abul Hassan Asha’ri & Hazrat Abu Sharh

No No No Yes Nil No Arabia



Century Hijri Hazrat Abu Ubaid Naishapuri & Hazrat Qazi Abu Bakr Baqlani

No No No Yes Nil No Iran



Century Hijri Hazrat Imam Al-Ghazali

No No No Yes Nil No Iran


Century Hijri Hazrat Saiyyid Abdul Qadir Jilani

No No No Yes Nil No Iran


Century Hijri Hazrat Mueen-Ud-Din Chisti & Hazrat Imam ibn Taimiyya

No No No Yes Nil No Iran



Century Hijri Hazrat Hafiz ibn Hajar Asqalani & Hazrat Saleh ibn Umar

No No No Yes Nil No Egypt



Century Hijri Hazrat Sayyid Muhammad Jaunpuri

No No No Yes Nil No India


Century Hijri Hazrat Imam Jalaluddin Sayuti

No No No Yes Nil No Egypt


Century Hijri Hazrat Mujjaddid Alif Sani

No No No Yes Nil No India


Century Hijri Hazrat Shah Waliullah Muhaddith Dehlavi

No No No Yes Nil No India


Century Hijri Hazrat Sayyid Ahmad Barelvi

No No No Yes Nil No India


Century Hijri Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad

No No No Yes Nil No India


Century: Commenced on 21


November 1980 (In Waiting)

No No No Yes Nil No ???

It is for all correct thinking Muslims to guide and assist other Muslims; the Holy Qur’an has sanctioned that

correct advice shall be given to those who need to be guided. This is given in the Holy Qur’an at 3:103, as

“And from among you there should be a party who invite to good and enjoin the right and forbid the wrong.

And these are they who are successful.” Fiji

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