
Advanced Fabric Manufacturing Engr.Azmir Latif, M.Engr.(Textile)

Loom: Loom is machine or device which is used to produce woven fabric. It is the central point of whole process of cloth production. In other word, a loom is a mechanism or tool used for weaving yarn and thread into textiles. Looms vary in a wide assortment of sizes. They come in huge free standing hand looms, tiny hand-held frames, to vast automatic mechanical tools. A loom can as well pertain to an electric line construction like that of a wiring loom. The main task of looms is to clutch the twist threads under pressure to enable the progress of interweaving of the woof strands. The loom's system and exact form can differ to some extent; however it still performs the basic application.

Classification of a Loom: Manual/Hand loom1. Primitive or Vertical loom.2. Pit loom: a) Throw shuttle. b) Fly shuttle.3. Frame loom: a) Throw shuttle. b) Fly shuttle.4. Chittaranjan loom. Power loom1. Conventional power loom: a) Ordinary power loom b) Automatic power loom2. Modern loom: a) Air jet loom

b) Water jet loom. c) Rapier loom. d) Projectile/Missile loom. e) Multiphase loom.

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Advanced Fabric Manufacturing Engr.Azmir Latif, M.Engr.(Textile)

1. Primitive or Vertical loom.

Primitive or Vertical loom: A primitive loom is generally by sinking the frame into the ground and the work inside the pit by both feet. The framework is of bamboo. This loom had been known to be in use in 5000 to 6000 years B.C. This loom are still used for weaving silk pieces ,silk shirting and sarees, muslim, derivative weavers.


This type is loom used for finer yarn.

This loom has to be known to be in use 600 yarn B.C

This is throw shuttle loom

Made of wood or metal

It must be heavy and smooth


First fabric is produce

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Advanced Fabric Manufacturing Engr.Azmir Latif, M.Engr.(Textile)

By skilled labour we can get very quality fabric

Set-up cost is very low

Primitive loom can work with dobby & jacquard attachment


Slay are suspended from the top and its action is very weak eausing compact or heavy cloth

Warp thread are drawn direct from the warp beam

Primitive loom accommodative a small can weft.

2. Pit loom

Pit loom: This loom is created by sunking four posters into the ground and with an

overhang sley.The thread work inside the pit,so that the warp threads may absorb moisture and better weaving will result.In this loom the combination of sley & shuttle boxes.In 1733 A.D John kay of Bury,England invented the"Fly Shuttle".This invention wsa an extreamlyn important event in the history and development of weaving.

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Advanced Fabric Manufacturing Engr.Azmir Latif, M.Engr.(Textile)


It fly shuttle loom

Its production is double because by the introduction of sley,shuttle-boxes

An average weaver cans weave a medium width fly-shuttle loom at 80-110 pics per minute.

Shuttle is transfer one box to another box

To control moisture loom are settled in floor that way yarn can get moisture

By this loom we get texture fabric.


Production is high

Moisture can easily control

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Advanced Fabric Manufacturing Engr.Azmir Latif, M.Engr.(Textile)

May produce texture fabric

An average weaver can weave

Fly shuttle pit-loom,back and beastbeams have been introduced to remove this dificulties like(knot,yarn breakage etc)

Can accommodate a greater quality of weft in the pirn.


Difficult to control more number of heald shaft

This is one kind of hand loom so large scale production is impossible

To set the loom is difficult.

3. Frame loom:

Frame loom : Frame looms almost have the similar mechanisms that ground looms

hold. The loom was made of rods and panels fastened at the right angles to construct a form similar to a box to make it more handy and manageable. This type of loom is being utilized even until now due to its economy and portability.

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Advanced Fabric Manufacturing Engr.Azmir Latif, M.Engr.(Textile)

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Advanced Fabric Manufacturing Engr.Azmir Latif, M.Engr.(Textile)


This type of loom made on a frame

The movement of the slay is given by the left hand of the weaver

Twill,satin other weave more number may produce

Beam dia may highnby weaving


It has a increased speed as one hand of the weaver operates the picking handle and the other remains free to operate the slay

Fabrics of long width can as conveniently be woven as narrow ones

Larger number of heald can conveniently be operated

Ensure better selvedge

Let off is done with a pawl lever arrangement.


Cloth beam dia increase and make it very large

Difficult to fit the level

Fabric may compact

4. Chittaranjan loom.

Chittaranjan loom:A type of semiautomatic loom of sturdy construction made of

iron and wood commonly used in Bengal is known as Chittarangan loom.This loom also called Japani loom.

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Advanced Fabric Manufacturing Engr.Azmir Latif, M.Engr.(Textile)


The principle characteristics of this loom lie in its beating up take up and let off motion

For beat up two wheels upon the top shaft connect the slay at two ends with two livers

A five wheel positive take-up motion has been aadopted to regulate pics per inch

Production rate is high

Shedding & picking motion in this loom work as fly shuttle loom.


An average can conveniently run this loom

In 80 percent Efficiency this loom run at 120 to 140 picks per minute

It ensure uniformity in the inserstion of picks per inch by the use of five wheel positive take up motion

It also ensure uniform beat up

It is more suitable for weaving medium and coarse fabric then finer ones

The sweep of slay to produce terry piles


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Advanced Fabric Manufacturing Engr.Azmir Latif, M.Engr.(Textile)

This is not a automatic loom

Five wheel positive take up motion is use which give jerky motion

Precise control of fraction of pic k is not possible

Production rate is less over then modern loom

5.Hattersley Loom

Hattersley Loom:In 1856 hattersley and hill of kighley,Yourkshire act in the same

manner as a power loom excepting the movement of the slay which may either be operated manually or by motive power to the top shaft,but the loom is constructed with lighter foming.


Tis is the same manner of power loom

This loom is lighter then power loom

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Advanced Fabric Manufacturing Engr.Azmir Latif, M.Engr.(Textile)

Shdding,picking,beating up,taking up and let off motions are automatically operated.

For take up five wheel take up motion is used.

Shedding is the formed from the bottom shaft in case of plane weave.


Maximum motion are motive by power

This loom is lighter then power loom

It also ensure uniform beat up

It ensure unifprm insertion of pick

An average weaver can conveniently run this loom.


For driving manually more than 50'' read space is not control

An weaver can not weave a long time

Five wheel take up give jerkey motion

Power loom

Power Loom: This type of loom is not drive by hand only eclectic power is used.

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Advanced Fabric Manufacturing Engr.Azmir Latif, M.Engr.(Textile)

Modern loom

6. Air jet loom

Air jet loom: This looms use a jet of air to propel the filling yarn strength the shed,It

requires uniform filling yarn. They are suitable use with medium weight yarns then very light and very heavy yarn.

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Advanced Fabric Manufacturing Engr.Azmir Latif, M.Engr.(Textile)


Power consumption less

Much production std.fabric and light to medium fabric produced

Air jet std.width 190 cm.

Highest weft insertion performance(600 ppm)

Multi color weft insertion up to 8.


Air jet standard. width 190 cm.

Power consumption less

Highest weft insertion performance(600 ppm)

Noise levels is lower than missile and rapier loom.


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Advanced Fabric Manufacturing Engr.Azmir Latif, M.Engr.(Textile)

Due to air resistance there form pile up and buckle tip of yarn

Some times there is formed loom of weft yarn along weft direction due to

variation of air pressure.

Double pick may occurred

Excess air pressure of main nozzle cause miss pick or broken pick.

7. Water jet loom

Water jet loom:A pre measured length of filling yarn is carried across the loom by a

jet of water.It can produce superior quality of fabrics.


This type of loom is suitable for non absorbent fibre like synthetic fabric

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Advanced Fabric Manufacturing Engr.Azmir Latif, M.Engr.(Textile)

Less power consumption

Highest weft insertion (600 ppm)

weft yarn package weight 3.6-4.1 kg

Treated water are used by pump nozzle.


Less power consumption

Production rate is high

Noise level is lower then missile and rapier loom

This type of loom is suitable for non absorbent fibre like synthetic fibre.


Not suitable for absorbent fibre like (cotton)

By hard water may form rust on the yarn.

8. Rapier loom

Rapier loom:These loom are competitors to the missille looms.There are two types

of rapier looms.Long rapier & double rapier long/single rapier that carries the weft across

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Advanced Fabric Manufacturing Engr.Azmir Latif, M.Engr.(Textile)

the width from one side of the loom to another.Double rapier that is one on each side of

the loom.One rapier feed the filling yarn half way through the shed of warp yarn to the

arm the other side,which reach in and takes it across the rest of the way.


Fancy fabric produced

Production costly

Power consumption moderate

Simple mechanism

Suitable for weft patterning

Standard rapier width 190 cm.


Fancy fabric produced

Production costly

Suitable for weft patterning

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Advanced Fabric Manufacturing Engr.Azmir Latif, M.Engr.(Textile)

Power consumption moderate

Simple mechanism

Production speed (200-260 ppm)


Noise level is high then jet loom

Production speed is less then jet loom.

9. Projectile Loom

Projectile Loom: This picking action is accomplished by a series of small bullet

projectiles which grip the filing yarn and carry it through the shed and return empty.

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Advanced Fabric Manufacturing Engr.Azmir Latif, M.Engr.(Textile)


Accommodator used reduce tension

Power consumption is less (3 kw-hr)

No. of projectile 11 to 17

Width minimum 190 cm

Width maximum 540 cm

Multiple fabric produce

Double beam single fabric can be produced in projectile.


Fashionable fabric may produce

Drawing-in pinning of drop wires and knotting are accepted prectice

The weft and warp stop motions actuate first and reliable

Simple to operate and maintain

Less noisy then shuttle looms.

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Advanced Fabric Manufacturing Engr.Azmir Latif, M.Engr.(Textile)


Require skilled personnel

High initial investment

High noisy than jet loom

It lasted long.

Special Loom

Multiple shuttles loom: More than one tape is produce. More than one shuttle is

used, Shuttle are traverses on belt No. of shuttle tapes are placed on race boared grove length of shuttle=3", length of pirn =2"

Needle loom: This type of loom, one angular needle always carries the yarn

horizontally. Weft yarn comes from the top of the machine; latch needle makes the loop at one side of the selvedge. No. of tapes/one loom obtained.

Conclusion: Loom is machine or device which is used to produce woven fabric. By

this experiment we come to know about loom. This assignment will help us in our study life as well as job life. Special thank to our honorable teacher for great co-operation.

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Advanced Fabric Manufacturing Engr.Azmir Latif, M.Engr.(Textile)





http://www.Water jet

http://www.power .com


Weaving Mechanism, N.N.Banerjee

Studies in Primitive looms, H. Ling Rock

Fabric Manufacturing Technology-IV, Md. Al-Amin Sheikh

Weaving Machine, mechanism & Management, Talukder

Special Fabric Production, Md. Al-Amin Sheikh

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