Diary dates Principal’s report

Post on 17-Oct-2021






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Term 2 I Week 8 Page 1

64 Alexander Street, Bligh ParkTel 4572 7067 I Fax 4572 6642


Persistence • Pr ide • Excellence

Principal’s reportDear parents/carers,

It is hard to believe that we are almost at the end of Term 2 but it is all still happening here at Bligh Park. Year 6 have been enjoying the Moving in the Teens program, our dancers have taken to the stage at Penrith Panthers, Stage 3 and Support unit have been enjoying the OZ Harvest program, Premier’s Debating Challenge, the Start Smart program K-6 and school assemblies, along with some great learning and students achieving their own personal learning goals.

Some parents/carers have shared with me that they are unsure of who to talk to if they have a question or are just unsure of something. The classroom teacher should always be your first point of call and you can contact them through the front office or by sending an email to the school email account. Please keep in mind that the teachers are on class.

We then have our stage leaders. This year the stage leaders are as below and people that you can go to once you have spoken to the class teacher.

For early Stage 1 and Stage 1: Mrs TaylorStage 2: Ms Saunderson Stage 3: Mr Futcher

To contact the stage leader please contact the school office or send an email to the school and the stage leader will then be in contact with you.

If you would like to discuss a matter or have any concerns or questions and would like to speak to me directly, please contact the school office to make an appointment or send an email to the school email address and I will contact you.

Phone: 4572 7067

School email address is: blighpark-p.school@det.nsw.edu.au

Recent notes Note/Payments due

Crazy hair and disco fundraiser Tuesday 22 June

Stage 3 camp Friday 16 July

Stage 1 headphones

Kindergarten – home learning

Senior dance group participation Balance due now

Wonder recycling rewards Friday 25 June

Weekly activities

Tuesday Scripture Term 2: Years K–3 only Term 3: Years 4–6 only

Student banking

Friday School assembly – morning

Fortnightly activities

Thursday Newsletter (even weeks)

School assembly presented by rostered classes – afternoon (starting week 4 – even weeks)

Monthly activities

3rd Monday every month: P&C Meeting

June Monday 14 Queen’s birthday public holiday

Wednesday 16 Blue Mtns dance festival audition (snr dance only)

Tim Harris author talk – Stage 2 & 3

Thursday 17 Support unit class assembly

Tuesday 22 Crazy hair, mufti and disco Year 6 fundraiser

Wednesday 23 Gold card morning tea (qualifying students)

Thursday 24 5/6P class assembly

Friday 25 Last day of Term 2

July Monday 12 Staff development day

Tuesday 13 Students return for Term 3

Diary dates

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Our wonderful dance group will perform at the Synergy Dance Festival at Penrith Panthers Evan Theatre during this week which is very exciting. The dance group will take to the stage for a matinee performance on Wednesday 9 June and then for a night performance on Thursday 10 June.

We wish the dance group good luck and know that they will represent Bligh Park Public School with pride. Thank you to Ms Bourke and Miss Morrison for coordinating the dance group and the fantastic and very talented parents/carers who assist with hair and makeup.

Synergy Dance Festival

Kindergarten enrolments for 2022

We have started taking Kindergarten enrolments for 2022.

If you have a child who will be enrolling in Kindergarten for 2022, please assist us

by completing an enrolment form.

The enrolment process is now onlline through our website at www.blighpark-p.schools.nsw.gov.au.

Your child’s original birth certificate/passport, immunisation history and proof of address will

need to be provided to the office. Your assistance in this matter helps with planning for 2022.

If you are aware of a family in the area who has a child who will be enrolling in Kindergarten for 2022,

please ask them to contact the school office.

Term 2 I Week 8 Page 3

Principal’s report (continued)

School assemblies Due to the further relaxing of Department of Education COVID-19 guidelines, we will begin our class assemblies in the school hall this term. We are extremely pleased that parents/carers are able to join us for these assemblies but we ask that a maximum of 2 visitors from each family attend the assembly. These restrictions have been put in place as the assemblies are conducted in the school hall and we are trying to ensure the safety of our students, staff and community.

Parents/carers who attend these assemblies must follow the COVID-19 guidelines outlined below.

1. Please sign the school register and also completethe check-in by scanning the QR code located atthe school office.

2. Please sanitise before entering the hall. Sanitiser islocated at the office.

3. Parents/carers are also requested to socialdistance 1.5 metres, as at times it can beextremely crowded to have all students andparents/carers in the hall.

A note will be sent home prior to the assembly to inform you of when your child’s class assembly will take place.

Please note that students will be returning to class after each assembly, as we expect the assemblies to conclude by approximately 2.45pm. We request that parents/carers do not take students home prior to the end of the school day.

To reduce the number of people in the hall the following classes will not be attending the assembly.

COVID procedures and unwell students In accordance with advice form NSW Health, parents and carers are reminded not to send their children to school if they are unwell, even if they have the mildest flu-like symptoms. Students must be symptom free before returning to school.

We remind all parents/carers that afternoon pick-up is under the COLA and drop off is at the school gate with an exception an Friday to enable parents/carers to attend the assembly.

We ask that parents/carers do not congregate on the walkway in front of the hall. Thank you for your assistance in helping to keep everyone safe.

Thursday 10 June: 3/4G assembly – Stage 3 will not be attending the assembly.

Thursday 17 June: Support unit assembly – whole school will be able to attend due to reduce parent/carers numbers.

Thursday 24 June: 5/6P assembly – Stage 2 will not be attending the assembly.

If you have any concerns, which you would like to discuss please contact the school office to make an appointment.

Take care

Joan Westerweller

Presently, teachers are working on the Semester 1 student reports. The reports will reflect the outcomes that have taken place thus far this year. The report will also indicate your child’s level of achievement and effort. Reports will be sent home on Tuesday 22 June, 2021.

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Student recognition and celebration at Bligh Park Public School

Celebration of learningAt the end of each year, the school and it's community will come together in recognition of student achievement. Awards will be given to acknowledge and celebrate effort, achievement, creativity and citizenship in areas such as literacy, numeracy, performing arts and sport. The incoming student leadership team will be recognised at this ceremony and the outgoing student leaders will be celebrated for their contribution to the school.

Positive feedbackPositive feedback serves to sustain behaviour that is appropriate and effective. Providing regular feedback to the student regarding their work is the most powerful tools teachers have. Feedback is provided during all learning and social activities and is ongoing throughout the school day.

Class awardsClass awards can be given to students in recognition of effort and positive behaviour in the classroom. These might include star of the week awards, point systems, class prizes (lollies and treats are not to be used as a reward). Teacher-developed reward systems should be secondary to and in support of the whole-school PBL rewards and should not take the place of Blueys and merit awards.

House pointsHouse points can be awarded as motivation to display qualities of citizenship, teamwork and responsibility. Sports leaders will record house points from each class regularly and the house point display will be updated with the new point totals after Thursday assemblies.

Learning BlueysIn line with whole school PBL systems and practices, teachers will deliver dedicated learning experiences designed to teach the learning expectations; focus,

Students at Bligh Park Public School are provided with opportunities to demonstrate success in a wide variety of activities. They are rewarded for displaying appropriate

behaviour and following school rules. Students will be acknowledged for their achievements and their contributions to school life in a range of ways.

persist, inquire and reflect. To reinforce concepts taught, learning Blueys should be awarded to students and stored in the classroom. For each 50 learning Blueys a student earns, they will receive a merit award.

Behaviour BlueysTeachers should reward students for safe, respectful and responsible behaviour through the use of behaviour Blueys. These will be kept in a box in the classroom and collected once a week by the student representative council. A student from the student representative council (SRC) will draw names from this collection, representing 1 student from each stage. The students whose names are drawn will receive a PBL award.

Our friendly Bluey!

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Whole school Bluey rewardThe student representative council collects the behaviour Blueys each week which are added to the whole school reward box. This is located in the school office so that students can see their progress. When the school has worked together to accumulate enough Blueys to fill the box, a whole school reward activity will be arranged.

Class of the weekAt each school assembly, the principal will award a class of the week award in recognition of whole class achievement. The winning class will be awarded the class trophy.

Merit awardsMerit awards are presented at school assemblies. The class teacher selects 2 students per assembly to receive a merit award. At times, additional merit awards may be given.

Gold card awardsGold cards can be awarded when students achieve 2 or more of the following criteria:


• responsible decision-making


• high levels of care and respect for self and others

• active citizenship, honesty and courtesy andpositive relationships


• consistent co-operation and responsibility

• improvement through sustained effort

• pursuit of excellence

• love of learning.

In addition, a gold card may be awarded upon receipt of 5 blue merit awards. These merit awards do not need to be received in one year.

Students will be awarded a gold card when they have gained 5 merit awards. These must be sighted and signed by the class teacher and then recorded on a gold card referral. Up to 15 gold cards may be issued per semester by each teacher, if the criteria has been met. When a student has received 3 gold cards an invitation is extended to the student and their parents or carers to attend a gold card morning tea with the principal. The student receives a principal’s award and a small memento in recognition of their achievement.

Gold card morning teaIn Terms 1-3, the gold card morning tea is held in Week 10. In Term 4, the gold card morning tea is held in Week 9.

Each time a student attends a gold card morning tea, they will receive a memento from the school, correlating with the number of times they have earned their reward. These rewards will commence with a school badge, followed by a BPPS pen, a principal’s medallion, a school mug and a USB.

5 merit awards throughout students’

schooling equals 1 gold card

3 gold cards throughoutstudents’ schooling is

rewarded with a gold card morning tea with the principal

At each gold card morning tea, students will receive a principal’s award and Bligh Park Public School


Term 2 I Week 8 Page 6

Premier’s Debating

Challenge 2021Bligh Park was host to Shalvey for their second debate for the Premier’s Debating Challenge. The topic on the day was that Years 5 and 6 classes should set aside 20 minutes each day to watch and discuss the news.

Bligh Park students did a fantastic job preparing their arguments within an hour and won their debate.

Thank you to Shalvey for coming out and putting up such a great fight.

Todd Hall Debating Coordinator

Thank you to Shalvey P.S. for coming out and putting

up such a great fight.

Term 2 I Week 8 Page 7

Any named items are returned to students. Unfortunately all the following items are not labelled:

• Jackets, jumpersand parkas

• Drink bottles• Lunch containers

Please label all items with your child’s name and check regularly that

names have not washed/worn off. Thank you.

Term 2, Week 7

KH Kobie

K/1C Aysha and Ethan

2K Cassidy and Izayah

3S Eli Pi

3/4G Chloe and Mela

4L Joel

5W Charlaiha

5/6P Thomas

6F Brodie

Gold awardsTerm 2, Weeks 5 and 6

KB Cooper

KH Jaxon

K/1C Amelia

1T Destiny, Sienna and Dakota M

2K Isla, Zackariah and Makayla

3S Lilley and Quinn

4L Isabella and Ruby

5/6P Aiden

6F Natalia

3-6R Briy and Ben

Crazy HairMufti DiscoTuesday 22 June

To celebrate a fantastic term of learning, Stage 3 will be hosting a crazy hair and disco fundraiser

on Tuesday 22 June.Students from Kindergarten to

Year 6 are invited to style their hair and dress in mufti.

K-2 students will be in the hall during recess

3-6 students will be in the hallduring lunch

The cost to take part in this event is $2.00. The $2.00 donation will go

towards funding the Year 6 farewell and the Year 6 gift to the school.

Wonder recycling program There is still plenty of time to bring in your bread bags and tags to make your contribution to the Wonder Recycling Program.

Thank you to those who have already started collecting their bread bags and tags. We have already filled 4 boxes and gained 1000 points!

Don’t forget 5kg of bread bags earns us 500 points to go towards purchasing new equipment for

our school.

Friendly reminderRemember to collect Bluey stamps in

the playground and let your teacher know so that you can trade them in for a class Bluey to add to your learning Bluey total. Happy collecting!

Thank you

SRC & House Captains

Fortnightly focus update It’s that time again… this fortnight’s focus will be:

‘Use toilets during breaks’

Congratulations to 5/6P for receiving last fortnight’s Bluey award for ‘using technology responsibly’.

Don’t forget the school captains are on the lookout. They will select the class that best demonstrates the fortnightly focus to receive their class ‘Bluey’ award and games box. It could be you!

Our students who received the canteen vouchers for last fortnight’s focus were Lara 3/4G and Cobie 4L. Keep up the great work! These lucky students will have $2 to spend at the school canteen. How exciting!

PALS updatePALS is officially up and running in the playground. Our Stage 3 students and school leaders are looking forward to running some fun activities and teaching students at Bligh Park some great new skills.

SRC and PBL news

At Bligh Park, what are we? . . . Safe, respectful, responsible. That’s me!

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Well done 5/6P, Cobie and Lara!

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Our local community offers…

Term 2 I Week 8 Page 10

Our local community offers…

CARES Community and RoadsEducation Scheme

Creek Road, St Marys

School holiday programs – FREEBookings and further details:

caresstmarys@gmail.com • 02 9833 3699

Group ages 5-10 (2-3 hours)Time will be spent with a NSW Police officer

speaking about basic road and pedestrian safety along with the role of the police in the community.

Ages 10 and above from 9.30am–2.00pmRoad safety program utilising push bikes.


9a Thomas Place, Bligh Park

0451 757 355 glendalala8@gmail.com

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