Diapo Inde Final

Post on 04-Jun-2018






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  • 8/13/2019 Diapo Inde Final



    Development society16 french students in uttrakhand (India)

  • 8/13/2019 Diapo Inde Final


    What is Paryavaran prabodhini ?

    Project : Innovative Education

    for School Student's (Advocacy

    and value Education)

    It is a Non Government r!ani"ation #hich is estab$ished in the year %&&'%&&6 #ith theobectives and aim of protection and conservation of our environment*+ociety is continuous$y doin! efforts to protect and conserve Nainita$ city from i$$e!a$construction, i$$e!a$ cuttin! of trees etc***

    Workin! in the fie$d of cu$tivation and deve$opment ofmeditationa$ p$ants and herbs* -u$tivatin! and promotin!f$oricu$ture #ork*

    +ociety is runnin! free of cost data entry computer course for+-, +. and minorities !roup in Nainita$ city and as soon as

    possib$e #e are p$annin! to start this course in /a$d#ani a$so*/ea$th pro!ram is runnin! for !eneratin! a#areness in mass orvi$$a!e peop$e to#ards c$ean$iness habits in our day to day $ife*

  • 8/13/2019 Diapo Inde Final


    % french students in the NG 0 ashtakar 2ikas +amiti

    CRESPIN Jean-Loup

    VALETTE Lionel

  • 8/13/2019 Diapo Inde Final


    3nemp$oyed youth and back#ard poor vi$$a!ers and farmers

    4aor areas of interest of the or!anisation are up$ifment of product in

    the market in beha$f of vi$$a!ers

    What is ashtakar 2ikas +amiti ?

    Works as a no po$itica$, no profit and no re$i!ious* 2+ #orks amon! rura$ #omen

  • 8/13/2019 Diapo Inde Final


    Farmers group and development offiers ! da"s# farmers training program

    Training programAnnual $eneral %eeting

    First prie of mil& prodution

    ashtakar 2ikas +amiti Pro!ramm

  • 8/13/2019 Diapo Inde Final


    5irst day in ashtkar 2ikas +amitiIntroduction part in otaba!h

    Gin!er so#in!

  • 8/13/2019 Diapo Inde Final


    Practica$ #ork

    .aramarik so#in! /ybride seeds rice so#in!

    +oi$ #ork in po$yhouse2e!etab$e seeds so#in!(oki)

  • 8/13/2019 Diapo Inde Final


    +ta!es of hybride rice seeds so#in!

    +ta!e 1 0 +oi$ #ork

    7fter soi$ #ork #ith hands andinstruments, #e mi8 the soi$ #ith


    7fter this #ork, #e put ferti$i"ers(97P) in soi$ for boost the !ro# of


  • 8/13/2019 Diapo Inde Final


    +ta!e % 0 /ybride seeds rice so#in!

    4aya madam tau!ht the Indiantechni:ue for seeds rice so#in!*

    .he rice seeds have to be so#ed in$ine*

    We put !rasses to protect seeds fromsun and to keep the #ater in soi$

    7f h k

  • 8/13/2019 Diapo Inde Final


    7fter the #ork +even days after

    5ourteen days after 7fter %1days,transp$antation

    7fter ' or 6 months, the rice is ready*

  • 8/13/2019 Diapo Inde Final


    .aramarik so#in!

    7fter soi$ #ork, #e are so#in! the !in!er seeds* It;s important to keep distancebet#een the seeds (%& cm)*

  • 8/13/2019 Diapo Inde Final


    +oi$ #ork in po$yhouse

    +oi$ #ork for tomatoes seeds so#in!

  • 8/13/2019 Diapo Inde Final


    oki so#in!

    We are so#in! oki seeds around thetrees

    2i i d

  • 8/13/2019 Diapo Inde Final


    2isits and meets5$oricu$ture in Naya !aon 7ssistant !overnment ho$ticu$ture

    in 4ayamam !arden

    4ornin! and $unch in9evipura

    7fternoon in 2iaypur 5armers meetin! in 9oania

    Pantna!ar university

  • 8/13/2019 Diapo Inde Final


    4eetin! #ith +ham$a$, assistantdeve$opment officer in ho$ticu$ture

    < ho$ticu$ture techni:ues 0

    - 'uding

    - $rafting

    - $out"

  • 8/13/2019 Diapo Inde Final



    .his ho$ticu$ture method is !reat for the mu$tip$ication of branches*

    We cut one eye in ayoun! branche*

    With a nife, #e cut$ike aT*

    We put this eye inthis one*

  • 8/13/2019 Diapo Inde Final



    We put one youn!branche (1 year o$d)

    bet#een the t#o parts*

    We put p$astic forkeep the t#o parts*

    .his method is used for boost the !ro# of youn! trees*

    With a knife, #e cutthe tron in t#o parts*

  • 8/13/2019 Diapo Inde Final



    We cut one part #ith a knife* 7fter#e put !rasses #ith humidity in thispart* With p$astic for ho$din! them


    .his method is used for the mu$tip$ication of trees *

    > months after, the roots deve$opand #e can so# the branch in soi$*

  • 8/13/2019 Diapo Inde Final


    .he visit in Naya!aon po$yhouses

    < diferents co$ors of Gerbera i$ium

    4r =a$bir ambhoh is a o#ner of this

    po$yhouses* /e or!ani"ed the visit ande8p$ain the f$o#ers $ife cyc$e, there basic#ork is importation of seeds ande8portation of f$o#ers* .here are manyco$ors of !erbera and many i$ium* .he

    f$o#ers are 6m@*

  • 8/13/2019 Diapo Inde Final


  • 8/13/2019 Diapo Inde Final


    .rainin! pro!ram in 2iaypur

    Garlik and Mano !ickals

    1'! 0 turmarik%&! 0 cumin1&&! 0 sa$t'! 0 chi$$i po#der

    1&! 0 mustard%'&m$ 0 mustard oi$

    5or 1 k! of Gar$ikor man!o

    Meetin "ith the scientists

    .he scientists #as teachin! the correct methodand techni:ue of preparation and preservationof picka$s, to the #omen of vi$$a!e* 5or this,there are t#o scientists (9r =a$#an +in!h and9r +huda Cakarya)* It is a $itt$e vi$$a!e #ith

  • 8/13/2019 Diapo Inde Final


    5armer c$ub inau!uration in 9oania

    We #ent in 9oania for our first farmers meetin! and trainin!*

    Member : Binod Kumar

    Animal's doctor : R.K. Pathke

    Superviser in holticulture : Noel Kishor !oshi

    4aya madam take the paro$ front of a$$peop$e* +he has a !ood bondin! #ithfarmers* 7fter that, No#e$ speak aboutdepartment proect and informations*E** Pathke speak about anima$;s

    prob$ems and vaccinations*In the end of the meetin!, 4aya madam !ive $adies fin!ers and $okiseeds to the farmers*

    We distribute papers of +hudershan Ne!i proect in #hich they havementioned that everyone shou$d !ro# one tree in the monsoon season and the

    particu$ar proect is for ' years*

    Pantna!ar 3niversity

  • 8/13/2019 Diapo Inde Final


    Pantna!ar 3niversity

    We !o to the 4edicina$ P$ant Eesearch-entre to meet 9r 7it apoor* /e isscientist, profesor and a inchar!e of

    4E9-*In our discussion 9r apoor e8p$ain$ot of thin!s about medicina$ p$ants 0

    Asparagus Racemous Anti-cancer

    Ravolfia Serpentina Blood pressure

    In this department,there are %&&species of herba$ crops and there are&&&students*

    .h ti $ k d $t $ h

  • 8/13/2019 Diapo Inde Final


    .heorytica$ #ork and cu$ture$s e8chan!es9iscusions of cu$tures and traditions -reation 0 .rees and p$ants $eaves book

    Ne#;s book and dictionary 5rench/indi

    Indian f$o#ers

  • 8/13/2019 Diapo Inde Final


    Indian f$o#ers



    #a$al :Nationa$ f$o#er






    emon !rass


    f I di t4an!oichii

  • 8/13/2019 Diapo Inde Final


    eaves of Indian trees

    Pi!al0 Nationa$ tree





    emon Gou$aha$atha$

    an!ua!es e8chan!es

  • 8/13/2019 Diapo Inde Final


    an!ua!es e8chan!esWe $earn /indi and #e teach 5rench

    In 3ttarkhand, there are t#o $oca$s $an!ua!es 0 #u$auniand Gar"ali

    Muhei #ota%ah se !yar hai C;aime otaba!h

    &u$hara naa$ kya hai -omment tu t;appe$es ?

    aya 9roiteaya Gauche

    kaise ho -omment Ha va ?

    Indian months 0

    Poush CanvierMahe 5vrier

    Phahun 4ars

    *hait 7vri$

    eishak 4ai

    +eth Cuin

    Ashaad Cui$$etSavan 7out

    hado +eptembre

    Ashoj ctobre

    #artik Novembre

    Mansir 9Jcembre

    KJro Soni,

    3n Ak

    9eu8 o

    .rois &hinLuatre &char

    -in: Patch+i8 &ch,

    +ept Sat

    /uit -at

    Neuf .aon

    9i8 eus

    .a$ast, =onour

    A!se $ilkar acha laa FnchantJ

    Anoor Eaisin

    Aa$ 4an!ue

    Suntara ran!e

    .i$%u -itronaSu%/i J!ume

    ean 7uber!ine

    Shi$la$erch Poivron

    Aaloo Pomme de terre

    - $ h

  • 8/13/2019 Diapo Inde Final


    -u$tures e8chan!es

    0 seasons


    Sitah 1ani

    Indian son

    A Pardesi, pardesiCana nahi4u!hei chordkJi4u!hei chordkJi B

    Nationa$ anima$ 0 .i!reNationa$ f$o#er 0 otus (ama$)

    Nationa$ fruit 0 4an!oeNationa$ bird 0 PeacockNationa$ tree 0 Pipa$Nationa$ father 0 Gandhi

    Indian tea (*hai)

    1) Put !in!er in #ater%) % or < spoons of kardaban) In the end, put the mi$k

    Indian !rieres

    A 9eva, oh devaGanapati deva.umsei badkar kaun+#ami tumasei badkar kaun B

    A m ai a!adish saharJ+#ami ai a!adish saharJ=hat ano :uJ sancut=hat ano :uJ sancut+hJa$ mJ dur carJm ai a!adish saharJ B

    2 t f .h k

  • 8/13/2019 Diapo Inde Final


    2ote of .hanks 0

    +akta for $oad!in! and boardin!and +erhu for the security

    Prabha and 4onicafor he$p and services

    4aya madam for her a$$ support andkno#$ed!e and a$$ members of 4aya;sfami$y

    +hudershan +hah and Pooa for or!ani"ation

    faci$itation, care and support

    Presentation %y0 27F..F ione$ and -EF+PIN Ceanoup

  • 8/13/2019 Diapo Inde Final


    y p

    LE$TPA de la Lo()reSite Fran*ois Ra+elais

    Civergols,.// St C01l" d2Ap0erFRANCE

    'TS Agriulture $estion Protetion Nature

    .hank you everyone to see our presentation.hank you everyone to see our presentation

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