Diamonds Studio Presentation Feb 2011

Post on 18-Dec-2014






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About Diamonds

Located within the Birmingham Science Park Aston, Birmingham, England

Comprising an experience management & software development team

Technology born from a research program at Brunel University

Evolved through collaboration with International Enterprise Organisations

“Our vision is to make the development of business and human process management , workflow and business systems easier, quicker

and delivered with greater agility”

Specialists in business and human process management for competitive markets where, compliance and visibility of performance are critical

The penalties for not being agile can range from

• being outwitted and out-performed by competitors

• being fined for non-compliant

• and or missing opportunities to gain operational efficiencies.

Technology, culture, society are all changing customer attitudes and increasing the need for greater agility

Many business scenarios and or government regulations are continuously generating the need for organisations to become more agile

The Business Problem

• The IT / Business gap

• Lack of contextual process management tools for Six Sigma, Lean, and

Kaizen consultants

• No support for unstructured or case management processes

• Still generating and storing program code (Business people cannot code)

• Lack of management around Standard Operating Procedures

• Monolithic business systems that allow only 3-4 major changes per annum

Without an adaptable business and human process layer around core enterprise applications, an organisation’s ability to react to a fast moving, and or highly regulated marketplace becomes limited by


Barriers to Agility are:

The Business Problem

The Opportunity

Human Process ManagementBuild an extendable layer around your core infrastructure,

providing a platform that can adapt to the changing needs of departmental operations.

- Flexible integration through web services

- Create and update forms, workflows and reports, with no need to write code

- Graphically rich interface incorporating Web 2.0 technology

The Needs GapWithout an adaptable human process layer around core enterprise applications, an organisations’ ability to react to a fast moving, highly regulated market place becomes limited by technology.

Product Architecture

Web 2.0Diamonds adopts AJAX technology,presenting the user with a truly Rich UserInterface for powerful application deliveryover the Web.

Why Metadata is the Differentiator - Versatility, Adaptability, Integration - Enables evolution in line with your


Diamonds Studio

• Choice of notations for processes, organisation charts and more

• Support for structured, unstructured and case management processes

• Create, manage and deploy business Standard Operations Procedures

• Support for Six Sigma, Lean and more.

• Configure dashboards, monitor thresholds, boundaries, and exceptions

• Customise Reports

• Full audit trial

Diamonds Studio, solutions in the context of users

Business Process Management (BPM)

• Design, model, simulate, refine, deploy, execute, monitor, analyse, and optimisebusiness process

Diamonds Studio

Workflow• Rich workflow and forms dynamically orchestrated and changeable by the business

• Support for unstructured and case management processes

• Add tasks & log activities

• Book meetings & appointments

• Send email, manually or automated

• Schedule or log telephone calls

• Add documents and notes

• Send letters and faxes with or without using templates

• Create service tasks

Business Rules• Graphically design and manage Business Rules

Diamonds StudioApplication Management

• Build SaaS applications using a pool of preconfigured and re-useable components

• Link and integrate to existing applications

• Modernise and enhance dated applications into modern SaaS solutions

• Extend clients’ expensive enterprise solutions with additional functionality

• Point to existing databases and have your maintenance application built dynamically

• Extend or amend pre configured Diamonds Knowledge Packs

Fund AdministrationFor organisations providing Fund Administration services to the financial market, who are looking toensure compliance and improve service delivery.

- Schedule, Plan and Execute all administrative tasks for Funds, Compartments, Classes and Shares- Extensive workflow monitoring and reporting- Manage and automate all communications

Ticket & Penalty Infringement ManagementFor organisations delivering back office administration services to Public Transport providers, enablingthe streamlining and automation of the administrative workflows for registration and processing ofInfringements.

- PDA Upload, Web service creation- Customer communication workflows- Advanced mail merge and letter generation- Case Management and Legal workflows- Financial Management (payments, payment plans, penalty rules)

Knowledge Packs

ITIL & Service Desk ManagementEnable organisations to adopt ITIL v3 workflows and best practices for Service Requests,Incidents, Problems, Changes, Releases and Configuration Management.

- Extend communication and collaboration beyond the Service Desk- Service Level Management- User Self-Service Management- Extensive reporting and charting options

Customer Relationship Management (CRM)For organisations who are looking to extend their customers’ interfaces through extendableworkflows and processes, ensuring that service delivery and quality is monitored andoptimised.

- Contact Management - Marketing and campaign management- Lead, opportunity and account management- Sales and forecast management- Order and financial management

Knowledge Packs

Enterprise Resource PlanningFor Professional Services organisations who want control of their service delivery whether using

internal or external resources.

- Workflows and processes- Projects management- Service management- Employee and HR management- Issue, problem, change and escalation management- Business management- Compliance and best practice management

Event ManagementFor event management businesses and organisations managing multiple events.

- Create events using best practice workflows and processes- Market and sell exhibition space, sponsorships, speaker slots - Market, attract and manage delegates

Knowledge Packs

Venture Capital / Private Equity Deal TrackingFor venture capital and private equity firms to demonstrate accountability to funds owners

- Make investment decisions knowing best practice workflows and processes have been followed.- Automate mundane tasks- Provide accountability to fund owners

Knowledge Packs

Create uniqueness for your business

• Define, model, simulate, refine, deploy, execute, monitor, analyse, and

optimise business processes

• Rich knowledgeable workflows and applications

• Software as a Service (SaaS) in private, public or secure clouds

• Manage business scenarios, government regulation, and or compliant needs

• Quick and easy

• Accelerate process improvement results increasing business performance

and competitiveness, as well as simplifying the management of regulations.

• Become unique

Business Advantage

In context process management for Business and IT

• The visualisation used by Diamonds Studio is easy enough to enable business people, business consultants, business analysts as well as IT to document their own business processes.

• Bigger resource pool capable of accelerating business improvements

• Business processes are associated to business objects, which facilitates the generation of rich knowledge based workflows and forms directly avoiding any business/IT misinterpretations

Business Advantage

• Workflows and forms dynamically generated significantly reducing the time to develop workflows and forms

• Easy to use Forms designer

• No code, easier change management

• Can enhance with usability change

• Can regenerate without loss of previous applied usability changes

• Can take over mainstream forms development for bespoke applications

• Imports Model Driven Developments via UML allowing forms to be auto generated

• Imports from other BPM models via XML

Business Advantage

Using Metadata for Workflow and Forms delivers agility

Knowledge Packs

• Re-useable business processes, associated workflows and applications

• Easy to change

• Reduces the project size, costs and risks

• Delivers quicker return on investments

Business Advantage

Application Development

• Applications are configured, NOT coded.

• Configure change and adapt without knowledge of AJAX, java script,

XML, Soapor any other coding principle.

• By making change this easy

• The need for expertise or for specialised computer programming skills is diminished

• The business can dictate the pace of change

• The business will not be constrained and restricted by IT resources.

• Application maintenance costs can reduce up to 75%

• Business agility is increased

Business Advantage

Sample Clients

Case StudyThe largest Belgian urban public transport company, the Société des Transports Intercommunaux de Bruxelles (STIB/MIVB), serves the 19 communes of the Brussels capital region as well as ten other outlying communes. It covers a surface area of 241.5 km2 and provides transport for a population of over 1,100,000 inhabitants and thousands of commuters.

Diamonds in partnership and with local system integrator Sogeti, won the public tender contract to replace the existing mainframe system for managing the dossiers that are compiled around all the accidents and incidents that occur on the public transport network of the city of Brussels.

STIB/MIVB required a complex solution that managed dossiers through departmental processes, with additional requirements for document management and extended customer relationship management functionality. It also requires the support of a complex data model that would allow them to generate drill down analysis reporting structures.

Further projects have since been undertaken with the extension of the accident management solution to also incorporate the specific needs for the incident Management department, to further manage any "incidents" that happen on the transport network.

To leverage their investment and success of previous projects the STIB chose Diamonds to also deliver a Fraud Management solution. This solution enables the STIB to exchange information with their PDA handheld terminals from ticket officers that travel the transport network, validating whether passengers have the appropriate tickets or subscriptions.

Infringing passengers are managed and tracked using Diamonds. Dossiers are created for frequent offenders, allowing personnel to build up an extended picture of the case, calculate client specific penalties, prepare mail merges for client communication and prepare data packages for integration with other government agencies involved in the collections process.

The business value:

- Replace old mainframe server solutions with a modern robust technology architecture - Provide their business departments, with the exact system they require - Provide a comprehensive audit trail of case management activity - Lower acquisition cost and total cost of ownership - Apply workflow and collaboration between disparate operational departments

Case StudyRBC Dexia IS, constitutes the investment services division of this Royal Bank of Canada.

New legislation instigated a RBC Dexia IS to review its Mutual Fund and Unit Trust Administration processes and more specifically in relation to the vital key dates around the management of all funds. Diamonds was deployed to automate the management of the administration processes around funds totalling in value in excess of 700 million Euros.

Diamonds Software was to be the proven choice of vendors due to their unique approach to process and workflow management, which the customer realised, would do more for their business than just meet legislation requirements. Diamonds Software’s rich set of business centric functionality enabled the customer to focus the Diamonds product implementation around a broader spectrum of strategic business objectives. This was framed by one clear mandate, identify, implement and demonstrate returns on investment.

It has been estimated that the return on investment in the first 2 months after the implementation of Diamonds, equated to over €300,000.

Case Study - SMEMDT Sales Training

Reduce the costs of managing a 360 degree assessment test. Currently costing them one full time Administrator (£20K per annum) plus a $400 bill to create each new customised online assessment test to clients specifications.

The Business Value:

• Fully automated processes making administration cost zero

• Dynamic build of customised assessment tests based on five (5 )minute

input from Sales

• Created new go to market opportunities

Customer Relationship Management (CRM)Problems:

• Creating an organisation that delivers uniqueness so that customers only have your business to choice from

Solution:• Build processes and workflows that deliver consistent quality services to customers that can be measured and monitored and can adapt quickly as customers needs change• Make every customer interaction special


• Increased opportunities• More sales closed• Reputation grows• Employee satisfaction grows

Knowledge PacksCustomer Relationship Management

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