Devonwaynespoetry aspirations firstdraft

Post on 01-Apr-2016






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Devon Wayne's PoetryAspirations


This being the first poetry book I have ever written, with enough reader feedback,

I will tailor the next books for the it is the quality of lives that are being

influenced and changed that have utmost importance in my criteria for a successful

book. You may reach me personally at

As for the contents herein, I have compiled a list of beginner poems that have been

written by myself over the course of two years while attending the University of

British Columbia and for the year after that. The poems are observations,

descriptions, concepts, and visions of what I see in my life and what is going through

my mind daily. Do you feel the same way? Can you resonate? I would love to connect

at the email above regarding a poem you find intruiging and can relate to.

I would like to thank the readers for taking the time to read... Well.. back to building

robots! Enjoy!


Three Kings.......................................................................................................11

Poison Arrow.....................................................................................................15

Summer Dress...................................................................................................19

For when I die there will be meaning...............................................................21



Last Living Moment..........................................................................................27

Blooming Light..................................................................................................29

Loaded Lethal Injection....................................................................................31

Our Enemy's Child............................................................................................33

Darby's Ascension.............................................................................................35

Platinum Cards.................................................................................................39


Lemma Dilemma...............................................................................................43

Join Filth...........................................................................................................45

Dusty Roads......................................................................................................46


Political Ambitions............................................................................................50

What Have We...................................................................................................52

Poetry List

This being the first poetry book I have ever written, with enough reader feedback,

I will tailor the next books for the it is the quality of lives that are being

influenced and changed that have utmost importance in my criteria for a successful

book. You may reach me personally at

As for the contents herein, I have compiled a list of beginner poems that have been

written by myself over the course of two years while attending the University of

British Columbia and for the year after that. The poems are observations,

descriptions, concepts, and visions of what I see in my life and what is going through

my mind daily. Do you feel the same way? Can you resonate? I would love to connect

at the email above regarding a poem you find intruiging and can relate to.

I would like to thank the readers for taking the time to read... Well.. back to building

robots! Enjoy!

Remember Us....................................................................................................54

Space Age Epic..................................................................................................56


The Dove...........................................................................................................60

Smiles Kill.........................................................................................................62

Power Dance.....................................................................................................64

American Deceit................................................................................................66


Shining Hearts..................................................................................................70

Tooth Pain.........................................................................................................72

Children's Eyes..................................................................................................74

Billionaire Game...............................................................................................76

Destruction: Stopped........................................................................................78



History Believes................................................................................................86

Night's Teacher..................................................................................................88

Peanut Butter And Traffic Jams........................................................................90

Influential Dictatorship.....................................................................................92

Daisy Damsel....................................................................................................94

King Kong..........................................................................................................96


Leopard Yachts................................................................................................100


Have You.........................................................................................................105

Within Me........................................................................................................107

Die In A Cage..................................................................................................109


Caged Conqeuror............................................................................................113

More Power.....................................................................................................115


Examples Of Paths..........................................................................................119

Path Of Legends..............................................................................................121

Nessa's Reminder............................................................................................123

Enter: The Gates Of Garnier............................................................................125

Space Champion.............................................................................................127

The Vanguard..................................................................................................129

Feel The Heat..................................................................................................131


Board Walker...................................................................................................135


How I Pictured The End..................................................................................139

Vedder: The Champion Of Garner...................................................................141

Cave Marauders..............................................................................................143

Orchard Pies...................................................................................................145

Darby: Night Time...........................................................................................147


Discovery 1.....................................................................................................151

Life Is My Tree.................................................................................................153

Ode To Loss.....................................................................................................155

Ode To Belief...................................................................................................157

King's Men.......................................................................................................159

Thunderous Nights In Paradise.......................................................................161


Tiven: Rattlesnakes.........................................................................................165

Journeys 67.....................................................................................................167

Mother Eagle...................................................................................................169



The Knight is fanciful,

charming, seductive,

alarming, breakneck;


His walk is the leaf attached by rubbery vine

His talk is the deep echo of the canyon valley

The Knight is what we all inspire

He is the fanyan to which we rally.

His enemies are pitiful,

weak, grotesque,

predictable, glutenous;


Crushing are his dreams,

gushing are his queens,

as an open book he reads,

Yet every word spoken, is a word we've never, never, ever, never;


Three Kings

In forth, here I describe, tactics of the made men who make men die.

Magistrate strategy,

to beat competition,

to beat them madly.

One man, Jose, I crushed him badly.

Saved my resources,

played a ruse,

and fooled him with dark horses.

Rounded the roosters for months, unbeknowingly, and unleashed them at once.

It appeared as a miracle,

and I was feared,

question arose, how does he hunts?

Four months of work in a two week span,

for no hunter from no land could even understand

Moved up to the King's chair,

from the King's hand.

The next in line, I knocked as dominoes in a line.

His friends I gathered, his friends I won.

His work I battered, his songs I sung.

The necessity for him by the people was none.

I surrounded him like a bear in a gladiator colleseum.

The bear put a fight, yanking chains and roaring his might.

The bear had what he had, a viscious bite.

The entertainment was, at the end of the day, it was the last of his nights.

An earthquake I shook, I pounded the ground below him like a fist from the heavens.

First it cracked. Then it caved. Then it crumbled.

Dropping fast as gravity could carry him and on the way down, the rocks he tumbled.

Last words mumbled, I could not hear through the roars in the jungle.

Working the way through the Jungle, the next King awaits.

Mastering the throne and my success doesn't wait.

Tougher, nonetheless. I had mental endurance, I lacked seductive suggests.

I feminized.

Gates guarded, I couldn't put him in the colleseum.

His roosters parted, I couldn't fool him.

His people loved him. I couldn't ruse them.

The inside jobs, that'll do him.

How? I'll win his women.

I'll kill his women. And replace them with mine.

A dangerous strategy because women are vine.

Feed them water and they grow fast. The only catch, you have to lay their

tracks, cut the lines and leaves if they sneak out the hatch.

Mental seeds to fuck him mentally indeed.

To fuck his inn deed.

A new strategy, indeed.

Fuck the flattery, he now bleeds.

His people see he's weak, destruction brings him to his knees.

Jealousy and envious weeds exclaiming "I'm not the man she please".

A self destructive parasite was planted, no help from no man can help the

man with power granted.

Three ways to kill three kings. Power is a free way, and with flowers, ground

breakers, and roost howlers it can be ours.

Poison Arrow

As I write this I have

Poison Arrow Tips

pointed at my head.

Whether or not I live

I have to tell you that

These words here were once mine.

I give them to remind

I give them to your mind

That if you don't give, you're forgotten in time.

That's all I asked

and to grow like a rose

and to be cut like the grass

made me chose between

cowering and fear

or towering greatness that empowers my peers

The steel arrow head

will kill me head on

If it misses

The poison drips on

Into my shirt

and into my heart

My cheering will stop

I will die

I will be forgotten

And she will live

In the world like a plum picked but rotten

For what; for what.

I have been betrayed

By the lands I obeyed

I trekked them while young

Passed ball and made friends

In the schools

Suffered no lunches, talked with its fools

I agonized through the standardized tests

I was dealt a life with no wealth

and no father to show me a man's chest

A black widow killed me

For her pleasure

I died in the finest hours, I died in my soul

My body lives on

Heart is dead

The poison kills you

If the arrow head

misses you

The poison will not

Drip drip

Drip Drip

coffee in a pot

Kill my heart but my cold

logical mind lives

And it doesn't forget

It doesn't forgive

and my stomach no longer digests

The poisoned arrow tipped, barbed,

piercing, digging, spiraling,

dripping, thick, venom,

whistling, sizzling, with momentum.

Summer Dress

I love the flow


Her head to toe


She had the cotton

Covered in red and blue blossoms

Red dress shoes to

Make the red flowers stand out on them

She brought it to our eyes

With her low cut blossom top

Daydreaming my mind,

Lost in the thought

She brought her eyes

And I looked left

I thought of an approach,

I'm not the best?

I smile; words flow

She turns; her smile in the sun gold

The sun heats me, her dress and eyes see me

I sweat; I stop; I breath.

"You're the prettiest girl in the world, believe me!"

For when I die, there will be meaning

For when I die there will be meaning

through the thick and the thin

Ten thousand other men will be seeing

I have laid the ground work.

I have made the clouds move.

Soundly into the future true.

And it's that I lead myself onto

This journey of potential despair

Because I thought of where we could have gone to

I think and I act as if, what if no one were to do it

And I pass when I'm old in a bed

Wondering who could I have told and what to be said

I will die indefinitely

but I would rather die for the cause and inspire

For the vengeance upon my dreams and what it meant to me

By the sons and friends of Earth

by, bye.. Bye to my sons and daughters of Earth

When I lie into the eternal portals of Space

When I fly through the atmosphere in a final rocket race

My journey and purpose brick by brick laid for your chase

There will be ten thousand men to take my place

I'm in bloom right now,

and the seeds and flower gardens are growing

But please, remember, this venture that I'm showing

Do not let it fault, do not rest

Beat it with sticks and stones

And your tears and bones

Dive into the depths of space

Make it a crime to test the time of waiting on faith

Do not let this one life go to waste.


A boy with dreams had dreamt,

That our feet and lives were meant

for the sands of Mars.

And by the hands of ours

to the lands of stars; humans were sent.

He asked, please, the men,

and the women, of the greatest alliance upon earth

Please, our best is yet to come, to the sun,

our work.

"To the stars we must go"


Inside manifolds

of once magma

The molten track,

once man's magma,

Dripped through.

I, biological magma

Feel too the pressures of plates

And the stress of the earth

It wants to crush me

To make this cave into magma

Inside manifolds

of once magma

The molten track,

once man's magma,

Dripped through.

I, biological magma

Feel too the pressures of plates

And the stress of the earth

It wants to crush me

To make this cave into magma

Last Living Moment

Vast fields of the empty

Filled with green shrubs

Grass catches like sails in the winds

And their blade sails tempt me of water coasting

The Ocean waves and breezes play

With flow like ices' gas

The dirty roots and hungry beetles

Must like wet sands which nightly they burrowed into

Flurried sky; with elements going bye

Arrays of colors; faint rotation shutters

Our mother sun; brother moon

Love and fun; space and gloom

The mind is my castle

That I peer out from

My eyes seer

Into the darkening sun

The gloom and beaches

The sky and the grassy needles

Meet to paint the wordly picture

Worldly in our hearts a swirly mixture

What do we feel

We see the colors

I hear the oceans

And I'm greyed out

Clutch the cliff side

Trust the tide

Withstand the pillow willowed fall

My pride will not fall

Blooming Light

Do research.

It moves Earth,

proves milk's worth,

soothes the hurt,

shows the fools,

grows mind tools,

saves lives by law,

it saved mine, awwwwwwwh.

Discovers the greatness,

rediscover paintings,

research, research,

ohh, awwwwh, research.

Loaded Lethal Injection

Serpentine fangs dangle straight down

like cave icicles

and drip venom when the heated body

warms the tips of the vertical vice.

The eyes sooth and roll back as

the snake delivers it lethal injection:

a trap door flows open

full of poisonous venom into the heart.

Its victim is strangled and squeezed.

Tightened and boa­constricted by tensing

pulsing muscles.

The pulsing of the snakes muscles take over the blood flow.

The venom is controlled through the system by its grip

A glassy glare ices from its killers soul into the

victim's unhappening eyes while it dies.


The power of the serpentine.

The poison of venom.

Our Enemy's Child

I knew only the teachings of my culture.

I'm their prey; We're bullied by vultures.

My mother is beside me. I’ve lost her.

The idea is my name and my generation is fostered.

Where are our grandparents, mothers, and fathers?

Our dreams shot at by camoflouged covered men in helicopters.

I knew only the teachings of my culture.

I'm their prey; We're bullied by vultures.

My mother is beside me. I’ve lost her.

The idea is my name and my generation is fostered.

Where are our grandparents, mothers, and fathers?

Our dreams shot at by camoflouged covered men in helicopters.

Darby's Ascension

The flower blooms

The eagles swoon

The day turns moons

And I'm here.

Dark sword in my left

Light sword in my right.

Castle guarding;

Like a dog; cattle hoarding.

My muscles twitch; I'm the eagle soaring.

I shatter through the doors

and march with step after step

and through the corridor

the men chant


DARBY, our warrior king DARBY!

The weaker men: they have not warned me!

Have it I known my kids would have

learned from you, they'd have grown!

The jaw is chiseled and the eyes are so piercing

I march and the eagles above start fearing

Badump. Caddabump. Clink clank.

The armour and it's chain buckles

The water I drink and my descending chuckles

The hotter women in lion mink from me befriending muscles.

A force of ambition to my back and

my horse: white like victorious fire from winning.

Cape sways to the side and I'm nearly half way


And listen to my feet stomp the laymen laid brick

Listen to my dreams be pulled from the heavens with my fist

As an assassin jumps from the crowd

He thinks he can stand against me

and ten thousand men he sees

The life lose from his body as he bows to his knees

The swords from the light

The swords of the dark

Swiping from the left to the right

to the heart

and he rests in eternal dark




Platinum Cards

Murder is out of no question,

In this quest, don't be messin,

Startin off with nice cars,

Luxury wood, leather styles and high­end bars,

Martinis, cocktails with every meal,

The wine only a King would drink,

Fox eyes attached to my woman's mink,

We The Freshest, style impressionist, we perfectionists,

The doctor, and author of the messages

More and more as we go,

Yachts by 26, glass floor to see the sea below the boat

Cigars handed by Eduardo,

professional wait­staff handin escargo

Barbeques, head cheffs with blue­rare prime rib and baked potatoes

Twenty six this time, stuffing our banks with bacon, cream, and cebollinos

Since I was eleven out of concrete I rose,

Our private jets priviledged to land on your roads,

Delicate footwear, red carpets where my feet are shown,

Darken the lights, the darkest night will have your girl taken alone,

Only for the night, the kings of the land will have her home,

It's how to win the game, watch and learn show your kids how I've grown

Hosting transactions, twenty eight, eight zeroes, as far as its known

In the land we're known as the heroes,

Atleast we act like De Niros,

Some say we are delliros

The scheme is a secret,

If you came in hopes I'd release it

Put more work in and you'll never be hurtin'.

It's only when you look at what I never said that you'll start your learning


Gentlemen waketh!

Mountains begin shaken.

talking real is forsaken..

Mm ‘ol chap, fancy cigars this morning

I do say, three please.


Yes, many, sir.

Indeed, passion, blood, and dignity

uhmhuh excuse me sir?

Tomorrow'll be a day

Sure sure.

You don't think

Of course not.

A light, Solly

Mindly of you.

To do it now

We? Yeah.

Lemma Dilemma

Here I am in math class again

dreaming of ways I can break through the cage

When I raise my axe to the steel chains on the case

Brain says you're misbehaving

It's only me and my hands, the gait of my strands,

I'm taking my **** and I'm leaving.

Need something to occupy my time

Talk faster than the math teacher rambling about sines

I fasten my seat belt, prepred to board an aircraft to a place out of my mind

What he speaks I can see, I have my own two feet beneath

I owe it to myself to acheive the dreams I do believe

My body tells me to leave, more than I want to breathe

Hostile heart yells no son you need that degree!

Join Filth

I'm stomping the tomatoes. Marching with the wrong fruit.

Taunted by glares from the red apples.

Confused, so I took my axe as I am the King, and destroyed everything.

Even the words.

And very excited I caused the very hurt, very undeserving, and in my unthoughtful,

something I burned.

Mantras, to the cellars and be a beggar I wish.

Caving not by men's breath I made them hold.

Caving as I were not much more and the cyclic dawn continues on. I throw more fits,

I slipped, on, and on, I'm a fable and I slayed the fawns, make the maker and

mayhem be gone blasphemous, blasphemous,

and I went on, and on...

You too must dwell! In the hell, the unforgiving, the turtle must live forever in his

shell! As to you, come with me, suffer and burn. Negativity will fill us.

Drown us!

Destroying the Bastions.

Dwell. Dwell. Revell in that I am saved, I am out! Repaired this time and only once

my Bastions freed from doubt!

Dusty Roads

There's a windy chill,

and the cars drive by.

Ice on the mountain tops,

and the cars drive by.

There's smoke in the trees,

and clouds by the oceanside,

and the cars drive by.

Dust on the road from the trees,

and the cars drive by.

Fortune in our lives,

and the cars drive by.

Gold in the rivers

and diamonds in our mines,

and the cars drive by.

When the winnings are in,

and the cars drive by,

back to our lives

to drive the cars

that go by.


It's easy to walk on bridges over water

a man traded a life of time for its cost

remember his pain and struggle:

for the bridge is not what he saw

a river, a gap, and doubt, a problem we needed to solve

his ambition heated to thaw.

and that's the name humanity never lost


Political Ambitions

My opposition

was found with chronic

How ironic.

I got you thinking

that a gun planted near the body

and a note left in the hotel lobby

was a real suicide.

When the triggers pulled in this arena,

a man dancing power; political ballerina.

Politicians play the game like puppeteers

Triggers never pulled for a reason,

One man dies, another man succeeds him.

What Have We


the problems are too great here.

Our lands around us,

owned by banks and governments.

Our homes and our lawns,

the grocery stores and the food in them,

our friends, our daughters,

our sons.

We're wearing price tags set by the marketeers.

In a land of the free we are so free.

So free that our presence in a building has cost,

That our denizens whom are willing are lost.

Our education and cause to believe in our selves

is price tagged and infringes our wealth.

A free society, free merely for the owners who begrudge the pen.

Remember Us

Our dream

The readers of this are now captured

Into the hardened jewel of our dreams

The dreams that are our masters.

Stare directly into the eyes of this sentence

Hairs on the backs of hands rise, and eyelids elevated

The rhyme strikes your heart and matches its paces

It's fine, it's fine, for eternity we walk together toward greatness.

Rhyme... RHYME! RHYME our leader, TAKE IT!

Take us to the lands your hands have painted!

YES, let them know NO ONE CAN TAME US!

Break barricades that stop HISTORY from making us NAMELESS.

A break, we take, catch,

the breath, the breath,

the storms,

in wake,

The test, the universe,

the test,

it tests, our worst

Our best, our best, we give our best, to her.

Who, who's her?

You, you know,

You know, the dream

Have, you heard?

The dream, is her, the dream

we live, and die for, the dream

What is it? Remember.

The dream, the dream, is for us, to be remembered.

Space Age Epic

Chant for the cause,

Chant everyone!

We are here today in this moment

To unify our existence and OWN it!

We are living in the time

The ONLY time where this has

Ever become possible to shine

Like the legends and gods in lore

As a people we can conjure

The greatest achievement.

You have heard of the pyramids.

You have seen the landing on the moon.

What can be greater than that?

We surely are not no better than the pyramids.

No, we are not better.

We are much, much greater.

People. You, the reader of the future,

the smart men listening and the hopeful

and bright wives, and nomads.

We are going to do something, very, very great.

The first civilization of all time

The Americas, are going to build a civilization

on Mars.

A liveable, maintainable, habitable, new world.

The new world, with new governments,

new opportunities for riches,

new worlds for exploration,

and evolution of our dear human kind.

How will we accomplish this magnificence?

We will believe it into existence.

The men of the pyramids lifted bricks

without cranes

We will erect civilizations, with our brains.

We will test the cosmos, does the universe

REALLY think it can hold us back.

We have conquered light

Invented structures that withstand natures might

Smashed the particles that make up the fabric of the universe

together, to create and destroy the nether!

Who is to say that human might will not defy.


Yes, this poem

is drudgedom and gray

As is the time waste

that men mean when they say.

Punishment by execution,

As time waste propagates

through other men without retribution.

Death on the stake: in the centre of city way.

The Dove

My dove flew

from me, she flew so fast

she loved me.

I knew it wouldn't last,

she: too lovely.

My knight,

he rode from night.

Told stories of might,

where his armour in the light

shined bright.

My dove knew

I wouldn't be back.

She smiled and blew kisses to my act

I went through, confident to give her hope;

hope of the past.

My knight,

cold in the bed of the first

that I realized he was gone for the worst

I chased down the paths of rocked dirt.

Why, why, why again we war; war my heart hurts.

Smiles Kill

You're so bubbly

Oh so lovely

See my skills,

my smile kills.

Take a ride of joy

of my sly and coy

The charm and disarm,

of the little boy.

Power Dance


dance, dance.

Roman clashes in modern pants.

Roaming fears of ashes for a sovereign stance.


last, last.

Conquerors, where for art thou now?

Watchers of her, watch over us for now.


rise, rise.

Storms, lightening, and thunderous rumbles.

Swarms, fighting, and thunderous rumbles.


bloom, bloom.

Liberty grows old in a brightened room.

Sincerity flowers get old after they bloom.

American Deceit

In the media, Obama

appears as the weak one.

In Russia, Putin

rears his presidency as a meek one.


Pay attention.

Read The Art of War,

The Machiavellian intentions,

appear weak it said,

did the rest of the world,

really believe the pearled

American liberty statue

would bend in half,

into two,

the most powerful nation in history; laugh,

because its not you.


To the men and women of ours,

the poor, the rich,

the doctors, and the men who dig our ditch.

The enemy is no terrorist,

no Nazi, and no snitch.

The enemies of our nation:

said by our governments that Russia is evil for invasion,

there are no sides in this world, we are of all one nation.

I can call today and hear the laugh of a happy Ukrainian,

he can call the Russian soldiers mobile and beg, please no invasion.

The world we live and the time that we exist,

there is no reason that we as humans should spread propaganda to trick each others


We were brought to believe as kids that no discrimination exist.

Yet here we are, fighting over lines on a map drawn before our parents did kiss.

Yet day after day, we seem to have forgotten

that as children we were told the boy with no lunch brought in,

is no less of a friend than our best friend who sit across him.

We seem to have forgotten; that we never chose our friends

by the colours of their skins, or by the foster parents who brought him.

Shining Hearts

See what I have here,

I have to show you

My heart shines like a billion suns

My hands and guts never tremble at the sight of guns

The concrete is shining and the

Winning is inevitable

The path I'm on, the life I'm about to live


You can feel this too, oh, you know

Everyone knows what they have to do

It's a matter of putting the mind to

Putting the mind to the goals and be true

Tooth Pain

Bow down

Let me march through

Stand down

To the barks I bark at you

Woof at the King,

I'll woof back

Whoever woof's the loudest,

You can bet I'll attack.

It will be a full war, not a calm attack.

Oh my god, you'll say when I bomb barracks.

Children's Eyes

I travel the winding road alone.

Perilous with every turn

Overlooking hill sides of gravel and fern

The steps left in a dusty breath of the wind

Will stamp crests

Like marks inside children's desks

Do they know that one day

They'll follow mine, and I'll grow old;

Chase the happiness that is a child's mind

A great leader that I hope to be

Please, I hope I can grow to meet

Educate our children that there's no one we can't defeat

In my mind I'm running

Down the final hill everyday

With flower blooms and overhead loons

Daisy the magnificent,

Thomas the articulate,

The Childrens Blue and green eyes look on that are so considerate

Look on, look on,

Our children's eyes so considerate

Look in, look in,

The eyes that see us as magnificient

Billionaire Game

Joyful presence of winners

Sections of golden retrievers

Relevant comedians in mansions with theatres

Destruction: Stopped

Cascading fires

On hills

Met by the glaciers river troops

Even fire obeys law



inside; fearful

of impurity of mind.

Hope you never mind.

Hope the pulls

of my rope on the buckets

in time's mine

are relieving the gravitational agony of your life.


Explaining my visions, my missions, and tragic feelings:

the poems are expressions

sandpapering your view

of my innards.

History Believes

My innards are pistons to be rested at a Legend's kissing.

Tombstones please read what I'm wishing.

It's by history's judgement to decide if I'm forever living:

Until my last liver, until my legs limping.

Night's Teacher

I'll skip the night session

and only go to the afternoon class.

I'll be partying and starting fight clubs.

Too drunk and hungover for morning's lesson.

Peanut Butter And Traffic Jams

I've got enough gas,

for four months of traffic jams.

I don't have enough for first,

and I have too much for last.

Influential Dictatorship

Lie in line

Salute the King as he walks by

I unite the nation so separated

Write your names in the books that are leather decorated

Sign up for the greatness,

follow through, we're monsters that are tasteless.

Why, why me?

The prose below described in rhythmic descriptive vivid flow

Sickness is cured by the hands of my government's arm

Witness the purity of our funding and aid towards our country farm

Growth invested in education,

Bestowed in part to the people's genius in my thrones election.

We must overthrow the current owned regulation,

Potentials are lacked and stolen from us preventing our destination.

The enemies perk and the enemies perch,

While our leaders eat feasts and take seat in the church

Scientific advancement takes part fast around the world

but not in our home; left behind because of the present throne.

How much influence can we have in one vivid poem?

Daisy Damsel

Daisy Damsel

Distraught in the court

Through my handy counsel

I paint warm into her heart

Flowery blooms envy the budding spread of her hair

Showery gloom is ended by her delightful cheer

Step after steps she takes

the men in suits on the side swivel their gaits

Wishing they could be her conqueror and her captor

Longing for her, digging like archaeologists for the raptors.

But I have her. And her sisters.

I'm The King, haven't you forgot you silly swoons

Daisy Damsel

King Kong

King Kong,

I smash, I sing song,

I mash people like potatoes,

I wring them wrong my crush is fatal.

Ding to my dong,

Knock on my door, I take time, I take long,

Who be it, who be at the door?

Knocking for the beast, King Kong: "I come to door!"

Fury feet cracking boards creeping willows are weak,

Window sills with pillows, painted doll house for Kingy's keep.

Disastrous and masterful not in this domain,

King's wife opens the door, "Hi deary would you like a cookie?"

King Kong


The Valet unloads my Aston Martin

I says, where do you

suppose this car is parking?


Leopard Yachts

Alcohol labels decorated by Basquiat

Seats separated by cushions coated with diamond rock

Boats leaving ports at noon

Toasts from the penthouse overlooking the royal rooms

Yachts, private jets, Bugatti's,

G40­X, Helicopters, can't even spot me.

So much cash flying over the seas,

They just want a peak; they don't believe.

To be rich, famous, and shine with greatness:

the entire team.

Believe, have faith, we make what we seen,

it's our destiny, our future, our life, it's our dream.

We're Masters of this life and of our time.

We're the Da Vincis, the Eulers, the Einsteins.

Leopard Yachts











Have you

Ever been killed by a tiger

while he licks the spouting blood

from your main vessels

as you suffer and die

and the eyes rollback into

your head

and your soul

diminishes into nothing.

His last look is innocent and that

of nature and need.

The regret he sighs

as the teeth begin ripping the flesh.

You're still alive.

The flesh peels and rips as your lungs

gasp and the heart you have pumps the

remaining blood out of the

punctured valves that

would have sent life fluid into your mind.

No longer is blood pumped through your system.

The consciousness fades and the lights dim.

Your faculties stop working, the sugars

don't pass through the synapses.

The electricity doesn't work without

gradients of salt to reset the activation.

Pure death thoughts were the thoughts you thought

as the Tiger laid you to rest.

As a final feeling, you have one action

before the final eternity checks.

You move your hand to pet

The Tiger's fluffy, white, and bloody chest.

Within Me

Struggling if its in me

I'm going to step until it's in me.

No breaths until I win me.

I press words, I check if it rhymes, doubles,


Struggle, wonder, blurbs.

The worst I've written, scattered


Like it matters


Die In A Cage


When I get the power, when I get control,

When I'm old, when I have greying hair,

I'll show the told.

Right to the grave, the entire family line.

Grandchildren, grandmothers, and thine.

Eat the fecal matter your brethren leave behind.

Go to the grave, when I'm King, it's your time.

The fire inside burns on fuel

from entire lives and lust for rule

The wired mind devours time of fools

Sirens of life beg for blood pools

Whine for the heart to keep its beat

Die during wine and my feast

Fly to the keeper; last sight my feet

Slay, slay slay, to the top; I make my way


Keep it up,

speak from the heart,

never give up,

fuel that spark,

and you'll never live in the dark.

Caged Conqueror

The depths of dungeons

walked by dark dreary

cauldron stairs.

Keys hung, skeletons wrung,

Death rots and the air

sticks to the brick walls.

Sticks and stones,

we wished for broken bones.

We're with ourselves; we're still alone.

The scene described:

help me, help me.


Society wants you to die.

Not to be spoken.

Die alone, die broken.

Caged conquerors,

caged conquerors break free,

and become monsters.

Destiny, destiny,

Faith, faith,

Hope, hope.

Caged conqueror,

where art thou?

Caged monsters, our society; so proud.

Agony, please put me down.

Waken me with the knowledge I've known.

Re­birthed; with the crown.

I'm no surf, I'm a caged monster.

I'm no caged conqueror.

Why me? Why am I, the monster?

More power

Motivated by death

More taunted by less

Torn waiting for checks

Born to be making the best

Trees, cut, desks

Taxes, jail, death.

Masks worn by trails of red


Pace­, pace­

death wins the race,

Race, race,

look him in the face,

Ace, ace!

you took first place!

Hate, hate,

as second and third chase,

Wait, wait!

life untied your lace!

Ache, ache,

your knees get scraped,

Haste, haste!

this is no opportunity to waste!

Make, make

it come true, its your fate.

Fate, fate!

Believe in your fate.

Examples Of Paths

In this game we play called life

There are levels of strength, intelligence, and might.

Depending on achievement, your goals, and endearment,

you may become famous, great, legendary, or heinous.

Who is great, who is legend, who is heinous?

Da Vinci, Euler, Newton, and Archimedes were great, they made it.

Legends do not exist yet, but in this lifetime of technology:

It will happen. The speed and accessibility of information means learners fasten.

Who is heinous? These are the famed modern famers,

framers of false faces, playing roles to be seen, to be famous. Fakers.

Who are legends? I save these for the conquerors, the rich, the wanderers.

The Bill Gates, the Steve Jobs, the Caesars, the Augustus, the Tiberius.

Mythical men do not exist. This status will not be achieved until years of the six.

Path Of Legends

In the order of things that matter:

Artisan, then Master.

The skills of men you will see, we can rank ten:

Master, then Doctor, then:

Exceptional Doctors, the ones tenure went.

After exception, these are the ones who lead direction:

Leaders, the ones that we mention.

That's five, the sixth is the Kings of invention.

The lords of invention leave us steps to step in.

Then, we have greatness, achieved by a few of history's ten.

Greatness is only occluded by the secluded, the recluses,

the tricksters, the ruses.

Legends. But the path doesn't end,

it hasn't been achieved, until we don't know when.

Myth. Mythical Men. Too great for life, too fake for legend.

These are topped by only the stop of the chain, the God's sent.

Nessa's Reminder

I want you to feel the power

and devour the mind's fruits becoming soured.

Fools, father time fucked forever with your flowers.

Fools, rhythm and rhyme rotted roots in the rightful hours.

I robbed you to steal my power

and gnawed with my teeth and claws to climb the tower.

Friends, happened I hadn't had to hound that you're living lour.

Friends, maddened my masterpiece did not master peace in my soul that’s to be


I stopped to breathe in the bower

and sobbed when my breath seen the seeds slandered in her bestowered.

Brothers, attached and agonized and in fact its my hand that antagonized.

Brothers, had I hadn't, my hands heed haste to unlay haze from hated nighs.

Enter: The Gates Of Garner

Perfection in perfumes of a pen

Predicting repetitious peas put in patterned bins

From the time it all begins.

Broad were the shoulders

of the brash bitten swordsmen.

Cash for their gashes; a mast for their win.

Space Champion

Journeys of the mind you'll never wander.

Travel the unknown; but we wander.

Explore and keep what we find.

The space voyagers; forever marauders.

The Vanguard

The conqeured

become the followers

The wanderers;

assimilate or be squander

Or beyond there,

Oi, we'll be beyond there

I lead. I pole, I tread,

I told.

Follow the mark of the old

Tell the tales of the folk we hold

The wills of our group as we cross the cold

Our history, our books, our lines to time we sold

In the cosmos; it is our time.

In the hands of or children; stars will fly.

Below the sands of the buildings; water will flow.

The atmospheres will form and our liken­kind will know

We made it

Feel The Heat

Small underground tunnels

Five miles deep; one meter shuttles.

Lava caked underneath causing small puddles.

One shake sealed fate from searing funnels.

Momentuous rail trains

On crustaceous lava manes

Steel stiffened and wheels meet

Lava meets forged steel, wheels screech.

At the center of an explosive package

Combustion concaucted like modern magics

Thrust and a jolt of an atom to molt.

Bang when the volts, clear the area with the scolds.

Hear the hysteria by feeling the heat,

Cleanse the malaria by feeling the heat,

Dividend the steel barriers by feeling the heat

Without fire I seared by feeling the heat.


One note book on the desk

One laptop, two screens.

I have to watch youtube when I work.

Small mug; for coffee, water, and juice.

A plant with a few leaves; well, many.

I can't control that.

A wooden desk to put it all.

It's from a garage sale. One dollar.

I have had these shoes for

4 years. My socks for 8

New ones every month. The closet is full,

Fits on one rack, though.


Board Walker


Board owner, CEO


For thy King; for thy Stockholder.

Barrels bring of oil by thy Soldier.

The government, women, and thy friends respect the sole stockholders.


Mister C.E.O



l()l m8 u tink u can phuk wit me?

I'll 'ave u kno m8


Me mum n' dad; R STR8!! ballen.

Straight ballers, top mountain

shot callers.


Coke slinger; neck wringer, neck ballin', best winner.

With all due respect,

My family, may, at the discretion

of our fourth generation chartered certified family accountant,

make an offer, that, would marginalize your wealth with respect to my own.

'nd.. uh. I mite be able 2

beat u lol.

but pls

go ez tho.

Lol. You don't understand bro.

My friends and I rank in the TOP 10.

You're a **** scrub.

Get **** on retard.

How I Pictured The End

I pictured the end


With arrows that exhausted

an armour.

I pictured it with gravel.

Gravel gritted into my cheek

and my injured hand stretched

for a final grasp of dried earth.

Instead I'm doomed.

In dread of a destined gloom;

to be the best breakneck boxer,

to join the team and early cut from the roster.

Vedder: Champion Of Garner

"Yes, my Queen" the rogue peasant says under

his submission.

"I ness' be seen'd; mine checkered tan dress

prevents the guy from his eye'd scene checks"

Goodness my peasant; my oh my.

Shower with the greatness of my and taste thy breath

that knows of the nameless.

Do as I wish: spy on Vedder and occupy his fists.

I, the championed Rouge Rogue!

needled into castled doorways and done as

I told.

Vedder... thy fist will not know thy own attacking lips.

Not upon Nessa; not upon her with a mace.

Upon her, objectified her you've done.. with her waist.

Delectified her red beauty lips you've done.. I've seen thy eyes savour the taste.

Woman after woman. You sick monster! They do too hath a face.

Cave Marauders

Rugged terrains like the insides of

my mother's hardened dinner roll.

Buggered paintings enlighten

the cave with a soul.

This martian planet with beetles and scarabs

Limestone and useless earth; mummified by space.

V­shaped trek walkways that make feet ache

Trickling water giving the fear of a washout.

Us. The First Mars Cave Marauders ­ April 19th, 8544 BC.

Orchard Pies

apples and cherries; the fruits says taste me.

slice and diced; glaze me.

rainbow sugar jelly pastry.

I'll have a small slice

because it feels nice

living the pastry life

blueberries, rhubarb; flavor galore.

pie not­yet in stores.

find it only lies in mom's cupboards.

Darby: Night time

Darby will be the King at the right.

Rightful heir; the rightful dragon slayer

In the night's prayer

Heavenly figures shined the shields with light.

The way people have it, Darby describes

"Influenced, she's influenced the masses,

her constituents, these **** female masters"

We will prevail; the three men's hit sea and wave ride.

Blown as I'm like a fiery candlelight

Shining with oil ignited by tinder kindling

Prying Queens from seats righted wrong by siblings

The champion, I wrought the necks, I'm the man of Knight.


In the barons of what is since.

Set the tea! Set the tents!

Today we take a trip

to where water knows mist.

Where we mistaken our dream and dreamed it since.

See it seems the flower blooms with the fellow mist.

Rain has hit her with no seeds of dismiss

Discovery 1

The cold ground on my soles of my feet

I'm walking

The breeze makes trees stale

The stagnant mist on the horizon as the moon

flows vibrantly.

Down the streets at intersections,

it meets the other edge of the earth

where it is recycled perpetually.

At each cross section the cold air is

bundled tighter

It reaches the ocean

it is pulled up an escalator of pressure difference

the water below, a soft pillow for the fallen comrades which

rise again.

To the top of the clouds and to the sun, to the tip of the atmosphere

days come and they wake and rustle from the sky

fallen to the ocean, to begin sprinting

towards shores

Their shoes never wear nor do feet tire

they circle round the coastal trees before

beginning the journey to the

other horizon.

Friends are lost into buildings, captured by

the beauty of the products or just consumed by the people.

The rest struggle down the road

poured over

obstacles that displace their path but they

march on.

Most arrive early but

at the last call

the consuming night

pulls them to the darkened destination,

up to the ocean escalator

to greet the moon before they do sleep soundly.

Each day marks a sad ending for a sad few, attitude concludes

Their altitudes.

Life Is My Tree

The world is my Forest

I woke up today and the clouds

layered eachother in a way that the sun was

sifted into many rays.

I can transform it in any way.

I can go anywhere and nothing can stop me.

The growth is in my roots.

There is nothing in this trunk, on this bark, or on these leaves.

I am a victim of war but with no proof.

It's an illusion because the world is too great.

The world assaults every day.

It is the opponent that attacks after being defeated.

It is the opponent that is stronger after each battle.

Its torment is vivid and reckless but leaves no scars to prove this.

It is the opponent that takes the fear from the physical world,

and fear from the men in it.

After defeating this opponent, it cannot be told, or seen, or spoken.

Not encased in glass to be celebrated for your triumphs.

It is the world that brings the war everyday.

Those that live this life understand this and know that defeat is only temporary


it will be back.

Those living will grow, and grow,

until life attacks so hard with the blows of nature that

it cannot be recovered from.

Those that wish to grow tall only wish to make a larger sound when they fall.

Ode To Loss

Can I lose it?

I want the bridges to collapse,

my shoes to untie and my knees to snap

and crush the flowers before their bloom in summer time.

Can I live it?

The last stretches:

I need to grow, I need the mind

to stop being in my way.

Can I push forever?

The concrete and the jungles.

I'm stuck in the vines and the cracks

have me tripping.

Ode To Belief

Can I believe?

Today I wake up to sunshine and

travel on the journey to my dreams.

Smile so wide, first time since I'm thirteen.

No one man can stand in my way.

I made up my mind yesterday.

It's going to happen, now just you wait.

Can you leave me alone and let me breath?

Can I dream for a day where I do believe?

They told me I can't; they said man:

stay here, a hundred thousand a year,

don't risk it, we don't want you to miss these fishes.

I don't want to be the man in that consumer position.

I'm on a mission. My chin's up. The eggs are cooking.

It's only breakfast, and they told me I can't.

I told them: I can't listen.

Can you leave me alone, and I'll let you see.

Can I dream for a day where I live my dream?

This is all I want, what I really want to be.

I'm going to get up tomorrow and plant my seeds.

Then the next day will still be the same.

I have a question for those who ask why,

Can I live my dream?

King's Men

You see me as a conqueror.

And a lion, and a soldier for the king.

There's the children we protect,

the wives; the women who give love that we musn't ever return.

I can grasp it. There is air and the breadth of life in my path.

Another step is all I'm going to take.

There's perfection in this ending:

nobility, blue plumes, steel helmets, strong chins,

blonde hair cooled of battle winds.

Horses, dogs, and men exuberated by those dead.

Flags are standing: blue, gold, and yellow patterns hooked by copper

encased in thin iron that six men parade with. Horses are galloping with them.

The joy is felt by all.

Thunderous Nights In Paradise

Rumble, and Rumble..

Thunder.. Thunder..

Storm drains drip;

Thunderous reverberations as air ripples rip.

It's like drum a drum pounding.

It's like the rain's flooding.

It's like the clouds rubbing.

It's like the floor's slipping.

It's the animals moving

It's the rocks standing still

It's the trees sparking

It's the rain putting the sparks out.

The owls peak from their tree­side perch.

The foxes sleep in their holes in deep dirt.

The bears in mountain caves sleep.

The worms in the dirt and the fresh air meet.

Rocky cliff sides become slippery slides

Rubble at the bottom keeps the water above ground

Boulders deflect rain to other boulders at the bottom

Mountain tips are unaffected; altitude has the storm bested.


Off and see,

Lo, and up out your loft,

On the next train with glee

Go, leave the land soft.

Kindly greet the dirt

Shine with rhythmical words

Dine mayors and tuck shirts

Tightly squeeze lemons for desert


keep kindly your walk,


speak lively with your words

Off and see,

Lo, and up out your loft,

On the next train with glee.

Go, leave the land soft.

Tiven: Rattlesnake

Keep on s­s­slithering ssserpentine.

Cease thee ssipping, Vedder will.

See sashes of cryssstaline, Vedder will.

It takes one life to twist the tails of time.

I, the over ssseearing of the martyrdom of Nessa.

I, the solid soil to the Golem of Garner: be gone yonder!

Mine turn. Mine turn'd to be glassy eye'd and urn'd.

To sapphire and ruby my eyes fire cooled and burn'd.

As Aspen hunts I, his hunger yearn'd.

Crystallized Martyr; Crystal eyes the Warlock of Garner.

Journeys 67

Off they go to Adventure

every night, celebration after lecture.

Inebriation, stomachs turn up

in need, their vacation,

their future burnt up.

The time it takes the time she waste

for death marches on and he doesn’t wait

On the Western, those that always rise to triumph

a lad and many voice’n “the souls rejoiced then!”

In witness I see, acts of love and speech of comfort

that is that, all is it is an act.

Their true actions avoid real tender as acrobats, they venture.

On the Eastern, I rise alone, eagle eying my dine

and then I dive upon.

Goals not I wait, scolded by those who do not want the same.

I am young and my mind may be tame

my tender is shown in the

storms it blows

The winter in which my love comes, not in words but by the

food I grow.

I am young and my mind may be tame

do not forget, that our feelings are the same

Think before you on me put it shame

I’m the one who acts the love you nightly imitate.

Mother Eagle

What do I do at the edge of a mountain?

I can see the other side.

There's nothing left in me though.

I'm feeling all the pain.

I have to do it because you must follow me.

I want the best in us to take flight.


When you walkin down the street

ain't got a buck fifty

when you feel like a buck fifty

Can't take the bus to another city

We been there, been at the bottom

Seen what's there, nothin but ants, and bats like gotham

The nobodies, the never make it out,

Sleepin on streets where the gum spit out

Negativity like a job, can't go to the gym

ain't got no cash,

can't get a job, shit, I'm too fat.

Can't go to school, so how I get paid?

Can't get laid cause, I ain't get paid

stuck in the whole stuck in the trap

only chance i got to sit on the block with some

bricks tryna rap, what i see around me

white cruisers and white men of the county

the rich man hustle a brick of rowdy

I get rustled for chewin a stick of cow meat

tossed in the back jail for 8 months

costin more than 100 tickets for the bus

Yo but on the brighiter side heres what we do

I ain't need no bus, I got two legs ima walk to school

Start in the morning, ain't need much only a buck or two,

ask the neighbours in the culdesac what can i do

for ten dollars to feed my mouth and clothe my back

while I go to school so one day i can live in this cul de sac?

here sir, pick up some leaves, cut my lawn, please

he taught me manners, he taught me respect

taught me how to work a nice job and earn a pay cheque

Freddie Gibbs became Fredrick Gibbson,

got a degree, became a contributing member of society,

He didn't work a 9­5 and his boss didn't pull his teeth

his boss said get the job done, no matter where, even on a beach

I began to vote, i began to understand

i recall what its like becoming a man

in the fall of 13 i knew what it was like to have land

got my first home, came with some flowers and a little back yard

proposed to my girlfriend in the little back yard

drove her to dinner in the little black car

had some lobster and caviar, nice red wine imported from somewhere far

gave a big tip, 'cause i appreciate the service

told 'em i'd tip more but my wife be birthin

I saw Joe jack walkin up the ave

as my girl and i leave and began headin back

"Yo dawg where you been, its been 4 years"

"the whole street game dun changed wheres your phone, open ya ears"

Sorry man i've changed, i couldn't go through life bein in that gang

I hear some screaching and it was my old life

coming in a black camero on this cold black night

black bullets spray lead into my wife

Joe jack tried to run but not out of their sight

gunned him down as the boys road off to the night

screamin an hollerin "yeah son we just did you right"

9­11, who the fuck gon help? they killed my wife

cops dun come, they got better issues,

I got no son, and I got no tissues,

went to the glove, took out my gun

kissed the forehead of my dead lover

cheers to the world for another one down under

pistol to my head, bang, off to see my mother

When you walkin down the street

ain't got a buck fifty

when you feel like a buck fifty

Can't take the bus to another city

We been there, been at the bottom

Seen what's there, nothin but ants, and bats like gotham

The nobodies, the never make it out,

Sleepin on streets where the gum spit out

Negativity like a job, can't go to the gym

ain't got no cash,

can't get a job, shit, I'm too fat.

Can't go to school, so how I get paid?

Can't get laid cause, I ain't get paid

stuck in the whole stuck in the trap

only chance i got to sit on the block with some

bricks tryna rap, what i see around me

white cruisers and white men of the county

the rich man hustle a brick of rowdy

I get rustled for chewin a stick of cow meat

tossed in the back jail for 8 months

costin more than 100 tickets for the bus

Yo but on the brighiter side heres what we do

I ain't need no bus, I got two legs ima walk to school

Start in the morning, ain't need much only a buck or two,

ask the neighbours in the culdesac what can i do

for ten dollars to feed my mouth and clothe my back

while I go to school so one day i can live in this cul de sac?

here sir, pick up some leaves, cut my lawn, please

he taught me manners, he taught me respect

taught me how to work a nice job and earn a pay cheque

Freddie Gibbs became Fredrick Gibbson,

got a degree, became a contributing member of society,

He didn't work a 9­5 and his boss didn't pull his teeth

his boss said get the job done, no matter where, even on a beach

I began to vote, i began to understand

i recall what its like becoming a man

in the fall of 13 i knew what it was like to have land

got my first home, came with some flowers and a little back yard

proposed to my girlfriend in the little back yard

drove her to dinner in the little black car

had some lobster and caviar, nice red wine imported from somewhere far

gave a big tip, 'cause i appreciate the service

told 'em i'd tip more but my wife be birthin

I saw Joe jack walkin up the ave

as my girl and i leave and began headin back

"Yo dawg where you been, its been 4 years"

"the whole street game dun changed wheres your phone, open ya ears"

Sorry man i've changed, i couldn't go through life bein in that gang

I hear some screaching and it was my old life

coming in a black camero on this cold black night

black bullets spray lead into my wife

Joe jack tried to run but not out of their sight

gunned him down as the boys road off to the night

screamin an hollerin "yeah son we just did you right"

9­11, who the fuck gon help? they killed my wife

cops dun come, they got better issues,

I got no son, and I got no tissues,

went to the glove, took out my gun

kissed the forehead of my dead lover

cheers to the world for another one down under

pistol to my head, bang, off to see my mother

top related