Development of Accidental Collapse Limit State Criteria ... · PDF fileAccidental Collapse Limit State Criteria for Offshore Structures by ... - Improve inspection of the structure

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T.Moan.26.03.2007 1

Development of

Accidental Collapse Limit State Criteria for Offshore Structures

byTorgeir Moan

Norwegian University of Science and Technology

Risk Acceptance and RiskCommunicationStanford, March 26-27, 2007

T.Moan.26.03.2007 2


Critical event

• Introduction

• Accident experiences

• Safety management at large in theoffshore industry

• Accidental Collapse Limit State

• Concluding remarks

ULS:RC/γR > γDDC + γLLC + γEEC

FLS:D=Σni/Ni ≤ allowable D

T.Moan.26.03.2007 3

Oil and gas are dominant sources of energy; 20 % of the oil and gas is produced in the ocean environment

- affects ”world” economy


Regulatory requirements: - National Regulatory bodies;

(MMS, HSE, PSA (NPD)- Industry : API, NORSOK,…- Class societies/IACS- IMO/ISO/(CEN)

Safety- oil and gas represents energy withlarge potential accidentconsequences

- operating in a demanding environment- loss of reputation could also be anexpensive consequence of accidents

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Safety with respect to - Fatalities- Environmental damage- Property damage

associated with failuere modes such as:Capsizing/sinking

Structural failure

Mooring system failure

Unavailability of Escapeways and Evacuation means (life boats….)

Introduction (continued)

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Technical-physicalpoint of view- Capsizing or total loss of

structural integritycommonly develops in a sequence of events

Human andorganizationalpoint of view- Codes- Design, fabrication and

use of individual structures

Accident Experiences

CriticaleventFault tree Event tree

- Fatalities- Environmental

damage- Property


Safety: absence of accidents or failures

T.Moan.26.03.2007 6

Failure or accident due to ”natural hazards”

Severe damage caused by hurricane Lilli in the Gulf ofMexico

Technical-physical causes:Wave forces exceeded the structuralresistance

Human – organizational factors:State of engineering practice (codes)

Errors and omissions during the design(fabrication) phases

- relating to assessment of- wave conditions or load calculation- strength formulation- safety factors

Should the platforms have been stengthenedif improved state of the art knowledge becameavailable later ?

T.Moan.26.03.2007 7

Accident experiences for offshore platforms


ber o

f acc


ts p







T.Moan.26.03.2007 8

Safety management• Design criteria

- ULS, FLS (and ALS)• QA/QC of the engineering (design)

process• QA/QC of the as-fabricated structure• QA/QC during operation

(inspection of structuralresistance , monitoring ofloads)

• Event control ofaccidental events

• Evacuation and Escape

• Direct design for damage tolerance (ALS)

ULS:RC/γR > γDDC + γLLC + γEECFLS:D=Σni/Ni ≤ allowable D



- Leak- Dispersion- Ignition

- Leak- Dispersion- Ignition

T.Moan.26.03.2007 9

Causes of structural failures and risk reduction measures

None- Research & DevelopmentUnknown phenomena

Quantitative riskanalysis

- Improve skills, competence, self-checking (for life cycle phase: d, f, o)

- QA/QC of engineering process (for d)- Direct ALS design – with adequate

damage condition (for f, o)- Inspection/repair of the structure

(for f, o)

Gross error or omissionduring life cycle phase:- design (d)- fabrication (f)- operation (o)

Structural reliabilityanalysis

- Increase safety factors or marginsin ULS, FLS;

- Improve inspection of the structure (FLS)

Less than adequate safety margin to cover “normal”inherent uncertainties.

Quantitative method

Risk Reduction MeasureCause

T.Moan.26.03.2007 10

Safety management – the ALS check

• Alternative principles for design against accidental actions:- design the structure locally to resist the action- accept local damage and design the structure against progressive collapse (in the manner which is relevant in connection with abnormal strength)

• Structures should be designed to ensure that small damages do not develop into disproportionately large consequences–loss of overall structural integrity–loss of buoyancy/stability


T.Moan.26.03.2007 11

Accidental Collapse Limit State relating to structural strength (NPD,1984, later NORSOK)

• Estimate the damage due to accidental event (damage, D or action, A) at an annual probability of 10-4

- apply risk analysis to establish design accidental loads

• Survival check of the damaged structure as a whole, considering P, F and environmental actions ( E ) at a probability of 10-2

Target annual probability of total loss: 10-5 for each type of hazard

P, F


P, F


P, FP, F



T.Moan.26.03.2007 12

Failure modes - Hazards (accidental actions)Instability:


Structuraldamage onsubmergedparts, includingexplosion in column

Unintended pressure or ballast/cargo distribution

Structural failure:HazardsFire/Explosion

Fire on sea

Ship impact

Dropped objects

Mooring failure:Hazards

- Hull, mooring, risers- Safety equipment(escape ways and evacuation means)

T.Moan.26.03.2007 13

Estimating the Accidental Event

Theory based on: - accidental events originate from a small fault and develop in a sequence of

increasingly more serious events, culminating in the final event, - it is often reasonably well known how a system will respond to a certain event.

Damage or accidental load with annual probability of occurrence: P = 10-4

Need homogeneous empirical data of the order 2/p = 20 000 yearsto estimate events by empirical approach Accumulated platform years world wide:- fixed platforms: ~ 180 000- mobile units: ~ 20 000- FPSO: ~ 2 000

Account of all measures to reduce the probability and consequences of the hazards

T.Moan.26.03.2007 14

Risk indicators for large scale accidents- monitoring of incidents (near-misses)

• Blow-out related incidents- uncotrolled hydrocarbon leaks- lack of well control

• Structure related incidents- structural damage, leak, collisions, loss of mooring line..)

- ships on collision path, etc.

• Nonfunctioning barriers againstlarge scale accidents- e.g lack of detection, deluge

T.Moan.26.03.2007 15

Relevant Accidental Actions (Hazards)1 Explosion actions

(pressure, duration - impulse)scenariosexplosion mechanics probabilistic issues⇒ characteristic loads for design

2 Fire loads(thermal action, duration, size)

3 Ship impact actions (impact energy, -geometry)

4 Dropped objects 5 Accidental ballast6 Unintended pressure7 Abnormal Environmental actions8 Environmental actions on platform

in abnormal position

T.Moan.26.03.2007 16

Release of Gas and/or Liquid

Release of Gas and/or Liquid

No IgnitionNo Ignition

Immediate Ignition

Immediate Ignition FireFire

Formation of Combustible

Fuel-Air Cloud(Pre-mixed)

Formation of Combustible

Fuel-Air Cloud(Pre-mixed)





No damageNo damage

Damage toPersonnel

and Material

Damage toPersonnel

and Material






Explosions & FiresExplosion is a process where combustion of premixed gas cloud is causing rapid increase of pressure

Fires is a slower combustion process

Implication of simultanous occurence of explosion and fire: Explosion can occur first and damage the fire protection beforethe fire occurs

T.Moan.26.03.2007 17

Probabilistic SimulationsFor example: explosion overpressure

(given type, I of acidental action)


Dispersion AnalysisGas leak location and directionGas leak rateEnvironmental conditions

Explosion AnalysisIgnition locationGas cloud location and size

Monte Carlo SimulationProbabilistic scenario definitionOverpressure definition


1 .0 0 E-0 6

1 .0 0 E-0 5

1 .0 0 E-0 4

1 .0 0 E-0 3

1 .0 0 E-0 2

0 .0 0 .5 1 .0 1 .5 2 .0

P r e s s u r e [ b a r ]

St o ichio met r ic maxInho mo g eneo us maxR isk analys isSt o ichio met r ic averag e

Histogram of overpressure at each location (j)based upon different scenarios (k)


T.Moan.26.03.2007 18

Abnormal strength (damage)

- generic values for specific types of structures based on consideration of the vulnerability of the structural components.

Examples: 1) slender braces in mobile drilling platforms

(semi-submersibles) due to their vulnerability to ship impacts and fatigue.

2) Catenary mooring line3) Tether in tension-leg platforms

Abnormal degradation due to fatigue or corrosion

T.Moan.26.03.2007 19

FE Analysis of damage and survival of the damaged platformValidation• To be based on full

scale experiments, laboratory tests

• For the use in a design project, the accuracy of predictions is to be identified.

Application of Methodology• Topside structure

on a jacket platform

0 20 40 60 80 1000















Experiment Analysis

Laboratory experiments with corrugated panels

Courtesy:J. Czujko, 2001

T.Moan.26.03.2007 20

Framework for Risk-based Design against Accidental actions

][]|[]|[)( )(


)( ijk



probability of damaged system failure under relevant F&E actions

probability of damage, D given Ajk

(i) (decreased by designing against large Aj


probability of accidental action at location (j) and intensity (k)

(i)jkP A⎡ ⎤⎣ ⎦ is determined by risk analysis while the other probabilities

are determined by structural reliability analysis.

[ ]P FSYS | D Is determined by due consideration of relevant action and their correlation with the haazard causing the damage

For each type ofaccidental action

T.Moan.26.03.2007 21

[ ] (i) (i)FSYS jk jk


P (i) P FSYS| D P D| A P A⎡ ⎤ ⎡ ⎤= ⋅ ⋅⎣ ⎦ ⎣ ⎦∑

Procedure for determining the characteristic accidental action (overpressure) on different components (j) of a given platform, can be determined as:

- Establish exceedance diagram for the load on each component- Allocate a portion (pi) of 10-4 probability to each area, and determine

the Qc for each component corresponding to the probability, pi - Determine the characteristic load for each component from the

relevant load exceedance diagram and reference probability.

-The characteristic value for each type of accidental action refers to a probability of exceedance of 10-4 .for the platform as a whole.

- In view of additive character of the PFSYS(i)

- the exceedance probability level relevant for each location (k) is taken to be a portion of 10-4 for each location.

Characteristic value of the accidental action at each relevant location

T.Moan.26.03.2007 22

- A goal-based approach is needed/practiced for new design concepts - (new function, layout,…)

• deepwater production platforms (spar, TLP, semi, FPSO)

- Future challenges relating e.g. to arctic oil and gas operations require a Goal-based Approach

- Design accidental actions tend to be more prescriptive when:

• experiences are accumulated• after accidents

From Prescriptive to Goal-basedto Prescriptive Approach

T.Moan.26.03.2007 23

Typical Explosion Loads for Design

Explosion scenario

Structural component

Overpressure (barg)

Duration Impulse (kPa s)

Deck girder (30%) 0.3-0.5 0.1 <1.4-2.0 Process area Process roof 0.2 0.3 1;3

Export riser area


Central blast wall 0.3-0.7 0.2-0.4 1.5-2.5 Wellbay area Upper deck 0.2 0.3 1.7

Note: goal-setting approach tends to become prescriptive

Significant experiences about Explosion Actions for design for commonly occuring cases

T.Moan.26.03.2007 24


The main cause of accidents of offshore structures is human and organizational errors and omissions – resulting in- abnormal strength- accidental actions

Besides introducing measures to limit occurrence of errors by QA/QC etc, a direct quantitative design for robustness has been introduced in NPD/NORSOK offshore codes

The Accidental Collapse Limit state Design check introducedin NORSOK is a two–step procedure

estimate damage due to accidental actions with annual prob. of 10-4

check survival of damaged structure subjected to relevant functional and environmental actions

- the necessary methods for structural analysis to determine loacal damage and system survival, have been developed

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