Developing Creativity 11.15.14

Post on 02-Jul-2015



Self Improvement



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Developing Creativity newsletter: * Being An Introverted Entrepreneur * Where Do We Get Creative Inspiration? * Creative Anxiety * Cheryl Richardson on Protecting Our High Sensitivity - and much more.



* Introverted Entrepreneur * Creative Inspiration * Creative Anxiety * Protecting High Sensitivity

• Being An Introverted Entrepreneur

• Where Do We Get Creative Inspiration?

• Creative Anxiety

• Cheryl Richardson on Protecting Our High Sensitivity

• and much more

articles include :

4 Ways It Pays To Be An Introverted Entrepreneur by Michaela Chung

"Shy. Anti-social. Hermit. Socially inept. Strange. These are just a few of the unflattering terms that people associate with the word “introvert”. Of course, introverts by definition are not necessarily any of these things...They can also make highly

effective leaders and innovative entrepreneurs."

Where Do We Get Creative Inspiration? It may show up mysteriously, “out of the blue” – and for a good part of human history, it has been explained as a

gift from a supernatural being, a Muse.

Creative Anxiety

Both creating and avoiding it can arouse anxiety. Creativity coach Eric Maisel asks, “Are you creating less often than you would like?

Are you avoiding your creative work altogether? Do you procrastinate? That’s anxiety."

Cheryl Richardson on Protecting Our High Sensitivity

“The more you become your own best champion, supporter, cheerleader, and trusted confidant, the better able you’ll be to fully and joyfully express

your blessed creativity."

Additional articles in this edition :

• An Intense Inner Pressure to Create

• Brian Vaszily on authentic happiness

• Creating is a way to channel our emotional intensity

• A great artist can come from any background

• The psychology of creativity: Performers and Excitabilities

• Albert Einstein on the numinous and the creative individual

• Any more chocolate than my limit causes anxiety

The Developing Creativity newsletter is a publication of:

Douglas Eby, M.A./Psychology writer, researcher and online

publisher on psychology, creativity and personal growth.

Creator of the Talent Development Resources series of sites

The weekly newsletter presents selected articles and resources from the TalentDevelop sites - including related Facebook pages and other channels.

Find much more to inspire and fuel your creative mind at :

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