Dethroned Nebuchadnezzar : A Dream and the Insane King.

Post on 03-Jan-2016






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Dethroned Nebuchadnezzar: A Dream and the Insane King

Daniel 4:1

“Nebuchadnezzar the king, to all peoples,

nations, and languages that dwell in all the earth: Peace be multiplied to you.”

“I thought it good to declare the signs and

wonders that the Most High God has

worked for me.”

Daniel 4:2

“How great are His signs, and how mighty His wonders! His

kingdom is an everlasting kingdom, and His dominion is

from generation to generation.”

Declaration of the King: Praise of the Most High God

Daniel 4:3

The Declaration

• From Elam and Media in the east to Egypt.

• From Mediterranean sea coasts in the west.– Assyrian, Babylonian, and Persian kings regarded

themselves as “kings of all the earth.”

• Mighty works God was performing before the king

• Everlasting kingdom

• Must be a contrast the King made to his own earthly kingdom which was mutable and perishable in nature.

• Could the declaration have been prepared by Daniel?

• The purpose was for to declare the king’s testimony to God’s grace and His power to humble those who lift themselves up with pride.

The Declaration

“I, Nebuchadnezzar, was at rest in my

house, and flourishing in my


Daniel 4:4

“I saw a dream which made me afraid, and the thoughts on my

bed and the visions of my head troubled me.

Afraid and Troubled

Daniel 4:5

The King’s Dream

• The monarch was at ease in the palace.

• He was flourishing—prospering.

• Secure on his throne

• Images frightened the king

• The matter greatly agitated the king’s well-being.

“Therefore I issued a decree to bring in all

the wise men of Babylon before me,

that they might make known to me the

interpretation of the dream.”

The Decree

Daniel 4:6

“Then the magicians, the astrologers, the

Chaldeans, and the soothsayers came in,

and I told them the dream; but they did not make known to me its


Daniel 4:7

Babylonian Counselors

“But at last Daniel came before me (his name is

Belteshazzar, according to the name of my god; in him is the Spirit of the

Holy God), and I told the dream before him,


Daniel 4:8

At Last, Daniel Appears

The King’s Appeal

• “Belteshazzar,” according to the name of Nebuchadnezzar’s God

• “Master of the Magicians”• Why not call Daniel FIRST?

– Did not wish to deal with Daniel’s God.– Realized that he might suffer humiliation and that

it would come through Daniel’s God.

• Did he forget about the image of chapter 2?

“Belteshazzar, chief of the magicians, because I know

that the Spirit of the Holy God is in you, and no secret

troubles you, explain to me the visions of my dream that I

have seen, and its interpretation.”

Daniel 4:9

Confidence in Daniel

“These were the visions of my head while on my bed: I was looking, and behold, a

tree in the midst of the earth, and its height was great.”

Daniel 4:10

The Dream

The Tree

The tree occupied a central position on the earth.Remote from any forest—therefore, would attract attention.

“The tree grew and became strong; its height reached to the heavens, and it could be

seen to the ends of all the earth.”

Daniel 4:11

The Dream

Growing and becoming strong.

Visible to the ends of the earth.

The Tree

“Its leaves were lovely, its fruit abundant, and in it was

food for all. The beasts of the field found shade under it, the birds of the heavens

dwelt in its branches, and all flesh was fed from it.”

Daniel 4:12

The Dream

Tree provided...abundant fruit,shade for beasts;birds dwelt in its branches; there was food for all.

The Tree

“I saw in the visions of my head while on my bed, and there was a watcher, a holy

one, coming down from heaven.”

Daniel 4:13

The Visions

“He cried aloud and said thus: 'Chop down the tree

and cut off its branches, strip off its leaves and scatter its fruit. Let the beasts get out from under it, and the birds

from its branches.’”

The Visions

Daniel 4:14

“Watcher and Holy One”

“I saw…”• Only time in the Old Testament the word “watcher”

is used as it is in this chapter.– Daniel refutes the king’s understanding--vs.24

• He cries out that the tree is to be hewn down.• Tree to be cut down and its leaves stripped.• Fruit will be scattered.

“Nevertheless leave the stump and roots in the earth, bound with a band

of iron and bronze, in the tender grass of the field. Let it be wet with

the dew of heaven, and let him graze with the beasts on the grass of the


Daniel 4:15

The Stump

“Let his heart be changed from that of a man, let him

be given the heart of a beast, and let seven times

pass over him.”

A Changed Heart

Daniel 4:16

The Stump

• Tree is not completely destroyed.• The stump is to be left.• Stump—refers to the king

– He shall be cut down as king– He will remain a man– He will again become king

• The “band” refers to something that Nebuchadnezzar would undergo during his madness.

• “Let it be wet…drenched”• Portion with the beasts• Heart changed—from a man’s to a beast’s• Reason taken away• Lower, irrational creature

The Stump

• “Let seven times pass over him”

• Duration of the king’s insanity

• Length of time unknown

• Definite, fixed period of time

• Seven periods of time must pass before the King’s health returns.

The Stump

“This decision is by the decree of the watchers, and the sentence by the word of the holy ones, in order that the living may know that the Most High rules in the

kingdom of men, gives it to whomever He will, and sets over

it the lowest of men.”

Daniel 4:17

Decree Given

“This dream I, King Nebuchadnezzar, have seen. Now you, Belteshazzar,

declare its interpretation, since all the wise men of my kingdom are not able

to make known to me the interpretation; but you are able, for

the Spirit of the Holy God is in you.”

Daniel 4:18

Wants Interpretation

The Sentence

• Nebuchadnezzar—sentence is by decree of the “watchers.”

• Daniel will disagree with this conclusion• That the living may know the Most High rules in

the kingdom of men• King acknowledges the inability of the “heathen”

wise men and the ability of Daniel “for the spirit of the holy gods” was in him.

“Then Daniel, whose name was Belteshazzar, was astonished for a

time, and his thoughts troubled him. So the king spoke, and said,

‘Belteshazzar, do not let the dream or its interpretation trouble you...’”

Daniel 4:19

Troubling Dream

“... Belteshazzar answered and said, ‘My lord, may the dream concern those who

hate you, and its interpretation concern your


Troubling Dream

Daniel 4:19

Daniel Troubled• Daniel’s troubled spirit• Daniel was perplexed—he understood that this

was God’s judgment against the king.• Idea of embarrassment• Silent for a while.• Hesitation not fear but respect for the king• Difficult to tell the king—”you’re going to go


“The tree that you saw, which grew and became strong,

whose height reached to the heavens and which could be

seen by all the earth.”

Daniel 4:20


“Whose leaves were lovely and its fruit abundant, in

which was food for all, under which the beasts of the field

dwelt, and in whose branches the birds of the heaven had their home.”


Daniel 4:21

“It is you, O king, who have grown and become strong;

for your greatness has grown and reaches to the

heavens, and your dominion to the end of the earth.”

Daniel 4:22


“And inasmuch as the king saw a watcher, a holy one, coming down from heaven

and saying, 'Chop down the tree and destroy it, but leave

its stump and roots in the earth...’”

Daniel 4:23


“... bound with a band of iron and bronze in the tender grass of the field; let it be

wet with the dew of heaven, and let him graze with the

beasts of the field, till seven times pass over him.”

Daniel 4:23


Daniel’s Truthful Statement

• Daniel recapitulated the dream.

• The tree symbolized the king himself.

• It denoted his pride and the extent of his sovereignty.

“This is the interpretation, O king, and this is the decree of the Most High, which has

come upon my lord the king.”

Daniel 4:24


“They shall drive you from men, your dwelling shall be with the beasts of the field, and they shall make you eat grass like oxen. They shall

wet you with the dew of heaven...”

Daniel 4:25


“... and seven times shall pass over you, till you

know that the Most High rules in the kingdom of

men, and gives it to whomever He chooses.”

Daniel 4:25


“And inasmuch as they gave the command to

leave the stump and roots of the tree, your kingdom shall be assured to you, after you come to know

that Heaven rules.”

Daniel 4:26


“Therefore, O king, let my advice be acceptable to you; break off your sins by being righteous,

and your iniquities by showing mercy to the poor. Perhaps there

may be a lengthening of your prosperity.”

Daniel 4:27


Daniel’s Interpretation

• Daniel states the truth of the matter

• Not from the “watchers”—but from God!

• The king will be “driven from among men”

• Verses 15,16 now explained…– Driven out as men drive out beasts– Dwelling out in the open as do beasts– Dining on herbs as do beasts

• The express purpose of this is to bring the king to a knowledge of the truth.

• After the king knows that “the heavens do rule,” the kingdom shall be assured to him

• The King must be humbled to acknowledge where the power truly resides!

Daniel’s Interpretation

• Daniel urges the king to repent.

• Daniel does not say this will avert God’s judgment.

• Means of turning the king to God.

• Daniel speaks of the possibility of the lengthening of the king’s prosperity.

• Righteousness is coupled with mercy.

Daniel’s Interpretation

“All this came upon King Nebuchadnezzar.

At the end of the twelve months he was walking

about the royal palace of Babylon.”

Daniel 4:28, 29

A Year Later

“The king spoke, saying, "Is not this great Babylon, that I have built for a royal

dwelling by my mighty power and for the honor of

my majesty?”

False Pride

Daniel 4:30


• “Which I have built…”• The king was a great builder

– He renovated the two temples of Marduk in Babylon, and of Nebo in Borisippa.

– Restored 15 other temples in Babylon– He completed the two great walls of the city, adding a

large rampart.– He rebuilt the palace of Nabopolassar.– In 15 days, he constructed a palace to which was

connected the “hanging gardens.”

“And you shall remember the LORD your God, for it

is He who gives you power to get wealth, that He may

establish His covenant which He swore to your

fathers, as it is this day.”

Deuteronomy 8:18

God Is the Reason

“And now I have given all these lands into the hand of Nebuchadnezzar the

king of Babylon, my servant; and the beasts of the field I have also given

him to serve him.”

God Is the Reason

Jeremiah 27:6

“Look among the nations and watch-be utterly

astounded! For I will work a work in your days which

you would not believe, though it were told you.”

God Is the Reason

Habakkuk 1:5

“For indeed I am raising up the Chaldeans, a bitter

and hasty nation which marches through the

breadth of the earth, to possess dwelling places

that are not theirs.”

God Is the Reason

Habakkuk 1:6

“While the word was still in the king's mouth, a

voice fell from heaven: ‘King Nebuchadnezzar, to

you it is spoken: the kingdom has departed

from you!’”

Dream Fulfilled

Daniel 4:31

Daniel 4:32

“And they shall drive you from men, and your

dwelling shall be with the beasts of the field.

They shall make you eat grass like oxen...”

Dream Fulfilled

“…and seven times shall pass over you,

until you know that the Most High rules in the kingdom of men, and

gives it to whomever He chooses.”

Dream Fulfilled

Daniel 4:32

“That very hour the word was fulfilled concerning

Nebuchadnezzar; he was driven from men and ate grass like oxen; his

body was wet with the dew of heaven till his hair had grown like eagles' feathers and his nails like

birds' claws.” Dream Fulfilled

Daniel 4:33

King’s Insanity!

• Kingdom departs from him—while the words are in his mouth!

• His hair grew long until it resembled an eagle’s feathers.

• His nails became long and sharp like bird claws.• Medical description—lycanthropy• Ate grass like an ox!

“And at the end of the time I, Nebuchadnezzar,

lifted my eyes to heaven, and my

understanding returned to me...”

Daniel 4:34


“...and I blessed the Most High and praised and

honored Him who lives forever: For His dominion is

an everlasting dominion, and His kingdom is from

generation to generation.”

Daniel 4:34


“All the inhabitants of the earth are reputed as nothing; He does according to His will in the army

of heaven and among the inhabitants of the earth. No one can restrain His hand or say to

Him, what have You done?”

Daniel 4:35

Clearer Understanding

The King’s Humility

• At the “end of the days,” the king humbly looked toward heaven.

• He now recognizes the source of his help.

• He knows the eternal God alone is his strength. (Psalm 123:1)

• The King’s humble confession is an outstanding declaration of God’s sovereignty and power

• No one is like Him and His kingdom.

• No one can oppose His action.

• No one can question what He does.– “It shall come to pass in that day that the

LORD will punish on high the host of exalted ones, and on the earth the kings of the earth.” (Isaiah 24:21)

The King’s Humility

“At the same time my reason returned to me, and for the glory of

my kingdom, my honor and splendor returned to me. My

counselors and nobles resorted to me, I was restored to my kingdom, and excellent majesty was added to


Daniel 4:36

The King’s Recovery

“Now I, Nebuchadnezzar, praise and extol and honor the King of heaven, all of

whose works are truth, and His ways justice. And those who walk in pride He is able

to put down.”

Daniel 4:37

The King’s Recovery

• His understanding returned.• His splendor and glory returned to him.• His place as king among his kingdom officials was

restored.• He extolled and honored the King of heaven.

– “His works are truth”– “His ways are just”– “His ability to abase the proud”

The King’s Recovery

Was the King Converted?• The king’s progression in knowledge and his

confession– His knowledge of God

• Daniel 2:47; 3:28; 4:34,35

– Confesses God’s complete sovereignty• Daniel 4:37b

– Acknowledges God’s power• Daniel 4:34,35

– Worships the “King of Heaven”• Daniel 4:37a

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