Desree - jukebox

Post on 01-Nov-2014






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I have come up with 1 logo that is bright, memorable and completely unique. The name is……

BOXJUKEThe reason why I chose this name is because it is catchy and easy to remember. The channel will be a music channel (one of the reasons why I had chosen the name) the reason for this is because a wide range of the audience you want to target watch music channels and listen to music most.








I have created 4 idents that could be your future.....This ident is quick and simple well. it transforms into different colours ends with a dramatic finish I made this because I want to show case the brands logo so the audience will instantly recognise it when is they turn on the tv. In my questionnaire the feedback was positive most people said that they liked this ident most because it is entertaining.

Because this is a music channel I wanted the ident to include something to do with that topic by adding music notes. I also included some comedy as well to attract viewers. The feedback I got from the viewers was that this ident was funny and very entertaining

I added pixies into the ident. I wanted to make this ident a Christmas theme. Viewers said they didn’t really like this ident because it doesn’t appeal to both genders

I came up with this ident so I can showcase the brands logo. Most people said that this ident was simple and not boring to watch


TARGET AUDIENCE:DEMOGRAPHIC PROFILE: The channel will be aimed at 16-30 year olds as you asked in your brief because the age difference is so big we need to create a balance by including shows and idents that all ages will like. It is aimed at both genders, aiming at both genders opens the channel up to a wide range of viewers and can be watched from all over the world. The channel will be also be viewed on both free view and cable, this means that any type of person can watch the channel.

PSYCHOGRAPHIC PROFILE: we are aiming at mainstreamers. People who like following the current trends in pop culture and who like to go with the crowd

RESEARCH: QUESTIONNAIRE Using a questionnaire helped me understand what people want in a channel

I asked 10 people of different ages. This is the results.


The identity of this company is very important. Whilst creating the logo I had to consider how the ident was going to reach out to the audience in a unique way. In The idents I have produced they don’t display texts however I can develop them and make sure it tells the viewers what programme or music video is coming on next it will also have a voice over so the audience can see and hear what is coming on next. Furthermore whilst creating this brand I had to consider how we can encourage brand loyalty. We can do this by making the ident recognizable and highly entertaining, this means the audience will instantly recognise the brand making the channel popular.

LIMITATIONSThe typography big, bold and stands out from the background I didn’t add to much of it because people will get bored of tying to read a big paragraph of words on the screen. The colours in the idents I have created it is very colourful and bright which makes the ident visually stimulating and not boring to watch.

CREATIVE COMMUNICATIONTo enhance my ident ideas I have to communicate visual ideas to a non-visual audience. We can do this by creating sound effects and inform the viewer that there is movement in the ident. A voice over to inform the viewer what programme is coming on next.

COMPETITIONKISS TV: kiss TV (in case you don’t know) is a music television channel from Box television. The music that they usually play is hip-pop, dance and R&B. They aim at around 16-30 year olds. Kiss said that younger side of there target audience is called progressive youth and that for their audience every part of their day revolves around music. They also said that kiss helps them to feel free and relaxed whilst having fun. For the older side of their audience, kiss calls them modern mainstreamers who feel in their prime and they plan to enjoy every moment of it as they can.4MUSIC: 4 music is a music and entertainment channel in the united kingdom. Their target audience the same 16-30 year olds . They believe they showcase the best in mainstream music for street addicts. They give fans celeb exclusives and gossip.

The reason why I have chosen these two brands is because they have both got similar qualities that I am looking for my brand and ident. They both use entertaining music and special effects to keep the viewer watching and they meet their target market group’s needs by including popular shows. This helps the channel to receive more viewers because the channel isn’t just for music lovers.


Our brand “jukebox” will give viewers a unique feel and it will give a different approach to music. The channel will host the latest music for even holiday season e.g. Christmas. It will be themed for that occasion. The channel will give viewers the chance to meet their favorite celebrity. And the channel will include a number of competitions to make viewers feel like they are a part of the channel.

It will include programmmes that will attract more viewers like our own channel programme which is called celebwatch. The viewers would step into the shoes of their biggest fans. They will get to go behind the scenes of award shows, concert tours, movies productions and premieres this is something that no other music channel has.

THE CHOSEN ONEThe ident I have chosen is….

It is easy to adapt and change to what colour scheme or seasonal theme

Because it is simple and goes straight to the point. It showcases the logo which means the logo will be recognizable to the viewers.

Most viewers said that this is their favourite ident which is a key

part of why I had chosen this ident


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