
Designing with darts tuck darts, pleats, flare and gathers

Dart- is one of the most flexible and creative parts of the pattern.

Dart excess used as design is referred to as dart equivalent.

Dart equivalents are illustrated as tuck darts, pleats, flareand gathers.

Dart- is stitched end to endTuck darts- partially stitchedPleats- foldFullness is spread and gather along the stitch line or

flare when not stitch.

Dart cluster and dart equivalent

The dart excess can be divided among multiple openings and treated as a single design unit.

Graduated and Radiating darts

Graduated dart- are darts of varying length within a group.

RADIATING DART Radiating dart spread out (radiate) from a focal

point in a balance arrangement and maybe of the same or graduated length.


Intersecting darts resemble asymmetric darts and equivalent. The dart cross center front and intersect with each other.

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