Design Session vol. 2 - Form ‹ Function ‹ Idea

Post on 08-May-2015






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Design is in Session is a monthly internal initiative to share insight and knowledge on a variety of design topics, while bringing together our offices and various groups. Topics include web typography, responsive design and best practices for showcasing projects, as well as philosophical topics such as deconstruction and rhizomatic theory. Sessions are led by members of our design group, and periodically feature guest presenters from other departments.


Form ‹ Function ‹ Idea

Design Session vol. 3 presented by Erin Standley July 10, 2012

The Two mosT engaging powers of an auThor are To make new Things familiar and familiar Things new.—Samuel Johnson




starts with this




1. Idea (concept)

2. Function (purpose)

3. Form (manifestation)

1. Idea (insight)

2. Function (utility)

3. Form (desire)



wtf images• What are you complaining about?

• What’s your mom complaining about?

• Computer Glitches

• Freudian Slips

• Fireworks Malfunctions

• Political Goofs

• Typos

• What she reads

• What she watches on TV

• Her favorite kitchen gadgets

• Her dreams

• Her shoes

• Art

• Religion

• War

• Politics

• Invention

• Humans being humans

• Animals being animals

Idea Goldmines!

your mom

What was important to other people? Why? (The why probably still applies today.)


He’s tired.

He was curious. and mad.

He was curious. and mad.

feudalism. (Pyramid scHeme.)((Power.))

[insert favorite old timey art]

If you have a reaction from it, take a moment to think about why. Then use that why for your own nefarious (or virtuous) purposes.

wtf images


ignorance?point of view?



So, you get Started...

you’ve got nothing.

Is the idea good?

Go with your gut.

If you like it or laugh at it or hate it, someone else will, too.

wHat’s your reaction to it?

If they like it or laugh at it or hate it, someone else will, too.

wHat’s tHeir reaction to it?

And they don’t always make sense at first.

not all good ideas are exciting.

if you have a frame of reference To judge your work...Then you have noT venTured far enough inTo The unknown.

Reason your instinct.

if you can’T explain iT simply, you don’T undersTand iT well enough.

if you can’T explain iT simply, you don’T undersTand iT well enough. —Albert Einstein

Have the balls to make the call.

The mosT powerful elemenT in adverTising is The TruTh.—William Bernbach

People just want to be cool.

We create...

We create experiences that guide and moderate conversation between a company and an audience. The interaction between the company and audience is part of what creates the brand. We build brands through creating experiences.

When we see a problem or a need or want for something, we build it. These our our products.

We both reflect and create the world we live in. This goes for both brands, the culture-at-large and the culture at Phenomblue.




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