Dependency · Reasons for use Dependency Injection – Decoupling: dependency injection makes your modules less coupled resulting

Post on 19-Jul-2020






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Dependency Injection

What is DI?

– DI is a design pattern that enables us to develop loosely coupled code, it is also

one of the most misunderstood concepts in the object oriented programming.

– The Dependency injection pattern is strictly related to SOLID principles

– Dependencies are services or objects that a class needs to perform its function

DI involves 3 types of classes

– Client Class : The client class (dependent class) is a class which depends on the

service class

– Service Class : The service class (dependency) is a class that provides service to

the client

– Injector Class : The injector class injects the service class object into the client


Client Service




Types of DI

– Constructor Injection: Injector supplies the service (dependency) through the

client class constructor.

– Property Injection: (aka the Setter Injection) the injector supplies the

dependency through a public property of the client class.

– Method Injection: (aka the Interface Injection) the client class implements an

interface which declares the method(s) to supply the dependency and the

injector uses this interface to supply the dependency to the client class.

DI Responsibilities

– Create the objects

– Know which classes require those objects

– And provide them all those objects

DI in Angular

– Angular has its own DI framework, which is typically used in the design of

Angular applications to increase their efficiency and modularity. A dependency

in Angular can be a class, referred as a service or even a simple object. Angular’s

Dependency Injection is based on providers, injectors, and tokens.

DI in Angular Components

– Token: This uniquely identifies something that we want injected.

A dependancy of our code.

– Dependancy: The actual code we want injected.

– Provider: This is a map between a token and a list of dependancies.

– Injector: This is a function which when passed a token returns

a dependancy (or a list of dependencies)

Reasons for use Dependency


– Decoupling: dependency injection makes your modules less coupled resulting in

a more maintainable codebase

– Easier unit testing: instead of using hardcoded dependencies you can pass

them into the module you would like to use

– Faster development: with dependency injection, after the interfaces are

defined it is easy to work without any conflicts

Thank You !

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