Department of Recreation, Park and Tourism Sciences · Youth workers are program developers, leaders and managers who need to be able to work with youth, families, organizations and

Post on 03-Dec-2018






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Ann Alexander

Senior Academic Advisor II

Texas A&M University

Department of Recreation,

Park and Tourism Sciences

Office: AGLS 468

2261 TAMU

College Station, TX 77843-2261

Phone: (979) 845-0571


Melyssa-Anne Stricklin

Academic Advisor I

Texas A&M University

Department of Recreation,

Park and Tourism Sciences

Office: AGLS 463

2261 TAMU

College Station, TX 77843-2261

Phone: (979) 458-8515


Department of Recreation, Park and Tourism Sciences For Students Entering Under Catalog (Fall 2018)

B.S. degree in Recreation, Park and Tourism Sciences

Name: UIN#: Certificates:

Course#/Choices (Hrs) Grade Substitute

Communications (6 hours)

ENGL 104 (3) _____ _____________

COMM 203 (3) _____ _____________

Mathematics (6 hours)

MATH 140, 141 or 166 (3) _____ _____________

MATH 131 or 142 (3) _____ _____________

PHIL 240 or MATH 167 can replace any of the


Life & Physical Sciences (9 hours)

RENR 205 (3) _____ _____________

RENR 215 (1) _____ _____________

Biological Elective (4) _____ _____________

KINE 120 (1) _____ _____________

Language, Philosophy & Culture (3 hours) _____ _____________

Creative Arts (3hours) _____ _____________

Social & Behavioral Sciences (3 hours)

_____ _____________

American History & Political Science (12 hours)

HIST 105 (3) _____ _____________

HIST 106 (3) _____ _____________

POLS 206 (3) _____ _____________

POLS 207 (3) _____ _____________

Technical Support (12 hours)

RPTS 230 (3) _____ _____________

ACCT 209 (3) _____ _____________

ENGL 210 or

AGCJ 404 (3) _____ _____________

STAT 201, 302, 303 (3) _____ _____________

Course#/Choices (Hrs) Grade Substitute

Recreation, Park and Tourism Sciences (22 hours)

RPTS 201 (3) _____ _____________

RPTS 302 (3) _____ _____________

RPTS 311 (3) _____ _____________

RPTS 336 (3) _____ _____________

RPTS 340 (ICD) (3) _____ _____________

RPTS 481 (1) _____ _____________

RPTS 484 (6) _____ _____________

Certificate Courses (19 hours each)

Free Electives (25)

See next page

Total Hours Required: 120

Additional Requirements for all students: (To be met through certificate requirements or electives)

Designated Writing Intensive or Writing Intensive

and Communications. (Two writing intensive “W”

courses or one writing intensive ‘W” and one

communications “C” course are required)

RPTS 403/401(W) (4) _____ _____________

See Certificate (3) _____ _____________

( C ) or ( W )

International and Cultural Diversity Courses: (2 required)

RPTS 340 (ICD) (3) _____ _____________

Your choice (3) _____ _____________

Foreign Language:

_____ _____________

_____ _____________

A minimum of one year (2 semesters) of foreign

language is required. This degree requirement can be

satisfied by the satisfactory completion in high school

of two full years of the same foreign language or one

year (2 semesters) of the same language at the college


Degree Plan for Recreation, Park and Tourism Sciences For Students Entering Under the 2018-2019 Catalog

Courses Requirements for Selected Certificates

Course#/Choices (Hrs) Grade Substitute

Community Rec. & Park Administration

Certificate (19 hrs)

RPTS 209 (3) _____ _____________

RPTS 304 or 323 (3) _____ _____________

RPTS 370 (3) _____ _____________

RPTS 402 (3) (C) _____ _____________

RPTS 403 (4) (W) _____ _____________

RPTS Elective (3) _____ _____________

Parks & Conservation

Certificate (19 hours)

RPTS 304 (3) _____ _____________

RPTS 307 (3) _____ _____________

RPTS 316 (3) _____ _____________

RPTS 402 (3) (C) _____ _____________

RPTS 403 (4) (W) _____ _____________

RPTS 460 (3) (W) _____ _____________

Free Electives (25 hours)

[RPTS Majors can use electives to fulfill

additional certificates]

3 _____ _____________

3 _____ _____________

3 _____ _____________

3 _____ _____________

3 _____ _____________

3 _____ _____________

3 _____ _____________

3 _____ _____________

1 _____ _____________

Course#/Choices (Hrs) Grade Substitute

Tourism Management

Certificate (19 hours)

RPTS 320 (3) _____ _____________

RPTS 323 (3) _____ _____________

RPTS 331 (3) _____ _____________

RPTS 401 or 403 (4) (W) _____ _____________

RPTS 426 (3) (W) _____ _____________

RPTS Elective (3) _____ _____________

Youth Development

Certificate (19 hours)

RPTS 304 (3) _____ _____________

RPTS 370 (3) _____ _____________

RPTS 371 (3) _____ _____________

RPTS 401 or 403 (4) (W) _____ _____________

RPTS 474 (3) (W) _____ _____________

RPTS 478 (3) _____ _____________

RPTS Majors must complete at least ONE certificate

Each certificate must be a 2.0 GPA at completion

**Students may not pursue more than five (5) curriculum records**

(BS RPTS, certificates, double major, double degree)

How Many Certificates Can You Pursue?!

“Students may pursue multiple certificate programs concurrently. However, including a student’s degree program(s), a

student may not pursue more than five programs of any kind concurrently.”

Curriculum Record ONE

Bachelor of Science in Recreation, Park and Tourism Sciences

Curriculum Record TWO

All Recreation, Park and Tourism Sciences undergraduate students must choose one certificate from the following:

Community Recreation and Park Administration Tourism Management

Parks and Conservation Youth Development

Curriculum Record THREE

All Recreation, Park and Tourism Sciences undergraduate students may choose to pursue a second RPTS certificate, a

non-RPTS certificate program, a Double Degree, or a Double Major.

RPTS Certificate Programs:

Community Recreation and Park Administration Tourism Management

Parks and Conservation Youth Development

Professional Event Manager (must apply) Online Hospitality Management (must apply)

TAMU Certificate Programs:


Double Degree Information:


Double Major Information:


Curriculum Record FOUR

All Recreation, Park and Tourism Sciences undergraduate students may choose to pursue a third RPTS certificate or a

non-RPTS certificate program.

Curriculum Record FIVE

All Recreation, Park and Tourism Sciences undergraduate students may choose to pursue a fourth RPTS certificate or a

non-RPTS certificate program.

**Minors do not count towards curriculum records**

RPTS Certificate Descriptions

RPTS Majors must choose at least one

Community Recreation and Park Administration

Management of recreation, park and leisure service agencies that requires expertise in problem-solving,

computer-based decision making, assessment of social and environmental impacts, personnel, public

relations, volunteer management, financing and fund-raising, marketing of services, and needs

assessments. Skills in working with people in the legal and political environment are necessary, as well as

the ability to assess and work with other organizations for cooperative developments in recreation and

tourism. Students in this emphasis prepare for managerial careers with public recreation and park

agencies, youth agencies, not-for-profit recreation agencies, and commercial recreation enterprises.

Director of Parks and Recreation · Community Sports Manager · Golf Course Manager · Aquatics

Manager · Park Planner · Event Manager

Parks and Conservation

Management of natural and cultural resources associated with conserving parks and other protected areas.

Land managers and related professionals integrate concepts in the bio-environmental sciences, social and

behavioral sciences, and policy and administrative decision-making. Necessary skills include geographic

information systems, impact assessment methodology, and heritage and natural resources planning

techniques. Students with an emphasis in this field look forward to careers with both public and private

employers in the recreation, park, and tourism fields, including state and federal agencies and private

enterprises, non-profit organizations, youth camps, and environmental education programs.

Manager · Ranger · Interpreter in National Park Service, USDA Forest Service,

Bureau of Land Management, US Army Corps of Engineers, State Park System

Tourism Management

Tourism is one of the world’s largest and most diverse industries. This option focuses on the planning,

management, development, and promotion of places and events as tourism attractions. Courses in tourism

are designed to collectively build understanding about the linkages that exist between local places and

cultures, host populations, and various public, private, and special interest groups. Students in this

emphasis can pursue careers in private sector enterprises, government agencies, convention and visitor

bureaus, and other tourism related service organizations.

Resort Manager · Cruise Director · Airline Marketing Professional · Hotel Manager ·

Travel Business Entrepreneur · Tour Guide Operator · Event Manager ·

Convention and Business Bureau Manager · Theme Park Manager

Youth Development

Programs and services that contribute to the development of young people’s personal, physical, social and

educational abilities. Youth workers are program developers, leaders and managers who need to be able

to work with youth, families, organizations and communities. Coursework in this option focuses on

positive youth development, program planning and evaluation, and methods for working with young


Camps · Advocates for Youth · After School Programs · Mentors for Youth ·

Park and Recreation Programs · Youth Programming · Youth Ministry · Youth at Risk

Department of Recreation, Park and Tourism Sciences

Online Hospitality Management Certificate Program

Name: UIN#:

The Online Hospitality Management Certificate (HMC), is designed to provide students with an

understanding of the planning, analysis, and decision-making techniques needed for management

positions in the hospitality industry. Students will study and develop skills related to principles

of management, sustainability, development, cultural tolerance, marketing, finance, and service

quality as they apply to the hospitality industry.

Applicants must be enrolled in a degree program at Texas A&M and, if required, have

permission from their departmental advisor to apply for the program.

All TAMU students may apply. A GPA of 2.0 or higher is required for acceptance into the HMC

program. To apply, students must complete the HMC application and essay. Once accepted,

students must earn a grade of “C” or better in each HMC applicable course, must complete all

requirements, must maintain a 2.5 GPA in the required courses.

Participating departments reserve the right to limit the number of applicants to the program.

General Requirements

Required Courses (15 hours)

RPTS 302 (3) _____ ____ ____________

RPTS 331 (3) _____ ____ ____________

RPTS 423 (3) _____ ____ ____________

RPTS 421 (3) _____ ____ ____________

RPTS 444 (4) _____ ____ ____________

Total Hours Required: 15

Required GPA

Students must earn a grade of “C” or better in each HMC applicable course

The requirements for GPA are 2.0 for admissions and 2.5 in the 15 HMC credits for graduation.

Department of Recreation, Park and Tourism Sciences Professional Event Manager Certificate Program

Name: UIN#:

The Professional Event Management Certificate

(PEMC ), offered by the Department of Recreation,

Park and Tourism Sciences (RPTS), has been

developed to accustom students with the various

components of planning, managing, implementing

and evaluating meetings and special events.

Applicants must be enrolled in a degree program at

Texas A&M and, if required, have permission from

their departmental advisor to apply for the program.

We will only accept applications for the Fall and

Spring semesters.

All TAMU students may apply. A GPA of 2.0 or

higher is required for acceptance into the PEMC

program. Once accepted, students must earn a grade

of “C” or better in each PEMC applicable course,

must complete all requirements, must maintain a 3.0

GPA in the required courses. Participating

departments reserve the right to limit the number of

applicants to the program.

General Requirements

Core Courses (9 hours)

RPTS 311 (3) _____ ____ ____________

RPTS 320 (3) _____ ____ ____________

RPTS 321 (3) _____ ____ ____________

Administration Course (3 hours)

RPTS 304 (3) _____ ____ ____________


RPTS 423 (3) _____ ____ ____________

Specialized Elective (3 hours)

[choose 3 credit hours of the following]

AGCJ 306 (3) _____ ____ ____________

AGCJ 380 (3) _____ ____ ____________

HORT 203 (3) _____ ____ ____________

HORT 454 (2) _____ ____ ____________

RPTS 308 (3) _____ ____ ____________

RPTS 331 (3) _____ ____ ____________

RPTS 444 (3) _____ ____ ____________

Total Hours Required: 15

A recommended elective for all PEMC program

participants is an internship (paid or unpaid) with a

company, organization, or agency involved in event

management responsibilities. Suitable courses

include RPTS 484 (3) or an internship class in the

student’s major field.

Students are required to complete the required

courses in sequence (RPTS 311, RPTS 320, and

RPTS 321), and enrollment preferences will be

assigned to those in the proper sequence.

The PEMC program will require a minimum of

forty (40) hours of service in the conduct of event

planning and execution. Appropriate

documentation guidelines are given by the PEMC

Program Advisor. Service hour requirements from

RPTS 311, RPTS 320 and RPTS 321 may apply.

Prior approval and post documentation verification

will be granted by the PEMC Program Advisor.

These hours will be performed after the student is

admitted to the PEMC program.

Students are required to complete a portfolio and

submit for approval prior to graduation.

Students are required to pass an exit exam based on

RPTS 311, RPTS 320 and RPTS 321.

RPTS Internships An internship of 400 or more hours is required in the RPTS degree plan; students register for 6 credits of RPTS 484.


RPTS 311, 340 & 481

Completion of a minimum of 15 hours of RPTS courses & 80 hours total

A GPA of 2.25 or above in RPTS courses; overall GPA of 2.0 or above

Grading and Evaluations

Four reports @ 10 points 40

Website 10

Hour Logs signed by supervisor 5

Evaluations (done by supervisor & self) 45

What must employers provide?

A minimum of 400 hours of work experience (includes training and work)

A clear description of internship tasks/roles

Training and orientation; availability to answer questions related to internship reports written by the intern

On-going mentorship and guidance, including written evaluation forms mid-way through and at the

completion the internship (evaluations are web-based and each one takes about 10 minutes to complete;

employers are not required to submit any other paperwork)

Note: Internships may be paid or unpaid. Many job titles are acceptable for internship credit; you don’t have to be

called an “intern” by your employer. You may work 40+ hours per week, or take a part-time position and spread it

out over 2 semesters. eCampus is used for assignments; no in-class meetings are required.

Where can you find a position?

Job listings sent to RPTS department:

Web pages made by past RPTS interns:

Internship sites and links on RPTS website:

TAMU Career Center:

Other websites & networking

Paperwork & actions required by RPTS Department (Forms & info:

Form A – submit when you know the semester you will intern but you do not have a position yet

Form B –submit when you have a position lined up

Register for 6 credits of RPTS 484

Questions? Contact Mrs. Susan Scott at to ask questions via e-mail or to set up an appointment

Résumé Assistance – E-mail Mrs. Scott for samples, or e-mail her your updated résumé for review. Please note

what types of positions you’re seeking. Tourism, event and other business-related positions require a one-page

résumé, while many youth and park positions will accept a longer résumé.

Job Fairs & Professional Conferences - learn about the field and network for internships & jobs:

Camp Day – Fall semester

RPTS Career & Internship Fair – Spring Semester


Degree Planner

The Undergraduate Degree Planner is a course planning tool designed to facilitate the

timely completion of your degree at Texas A&M University and to assist in planning the courses

required to fulfill your degree program requirements. To start using the Degree Planner, log into

Howdy, click on the My Record tab, and find the Undergraduate Degree Planner channel on the

right column.

You must submit your degree planner by every September 30th until graduation.

Force Requests

You can submit a force request for any RPTS course if it is closed when you are registering. You

will not here back from us because we get 200+ requests. You will either see the course show up

on your account or you will not. We go over requests the moth before classes begin. We cannot

force students into non-RPTS courses. You will have to contact those departments about their

force request policies.


We put a registration block on all RPTS students every semester. This requires you to meet with

us during a specific period of time to go over classes. You will receive an email from us mid-

semester, every semester telling you when to start your required advising appoints.

TAMU Email

It is your responsibility to read your TAMU email daily! Please use your TAMU email when

contacting us so that we can verify that it is you. Read all emails we send you completely and

carefully. We know that you receive numerous emails daily from different sources, but you are

responsible for reading everything sent from us. We will send out emails regarding registration,

job fairs, RPTS merchandise, special events, etc.


RPTS club is to provide RPTS majors and all other students at Texas A&M the opportunity to

build networks, meet other students, and promote the RPTS Department through socialization

and interaction during club activities.

The RPTS Club is open to all students, faculty and staff at Texas A&M. Through our programs

and service events throughout the year, we ensure that the club offers a wide variety of activities

for members to participate in with at least two service projects per semester. The club compasses

all aspects of RPTS from community and youth development, hospitality, tourism, park and

natural resource management. Additionally, the club offers the opportunity for members to

attend conferences in both the fall and spring semester.


RPTS Aggie REPS is a leadership organization which strives to serve our department, the

students, and the faculty, and to help others learn about our field. Each year the REPS design and

lead programs such as career fairs, dinners with faculty, recruiting events, the COALS tailgate,

and projects to increase the department’s visibility and reputation. Students must be RPTS or

CDEV majors with full-time status to serve as RPTS Aggie REPS.

Aggie Restaurant and Hospitality Club

We like to call it Texas A&M’s best kept secret. It is a group of students interested in entering

the restaurant and hospitality industry in one way or another. The club is open to all majors, so

we span a broad range of interests including restaurant management, the culinary arts, food

writing, hotel and resort management, and event planning. We meet about twice a month with

restaurant owners, chefs, recruiters, and other industry professionals to learn about every aspect

of the business. If you are interested in food, dining, and hospitality, then this is definitely for


Student Event Planners Association

SEPA is a student organization focusing on developing professional skills and establishing

networks with Event Planning professionals, associations, organizations and conferences. The

mission statement for SEPA is to provide a professional outlet for future event planners to gain

knowledge and experience, develop skills and network. Our vision is to make SEPA an asset to

any event planner’s resume.

Rho Phi Lambda

The purpose of The Rho Phi Lambda Professional Honorary shall be fivefold:

To recognize superior recreation/parks/ leisure major students;

To encourage the development of professional standards for the leisure field;

To stimulate the personal development of individual members ‘professional growth in the

leisure field;

To cultivate, foster and promote a sentiment of amity among the students of the leisure


To recognize those persons who have made outstanding contributions to the field of


Hospitality Financial and Technology Professionals

HFTP is a student organization that attends (HFTP) dinner meetings in Houston every

third Thursday of each month.

Dinners are a great networking opportunity and allow students to rub elbows with some

elite hospitality professionals.

HFTP is a global association, founded in 1952, dedicated to providing its members with

leading-edge hospitality education and opportunities.

By joining HFTP we are dedicating ourselves to providing members with extraordinary

networking opportunities, industry-leading certification programs and events, and

essential resources for professional growth

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