Department Art / Technology Head of Department Mr P Clark HoD … · 2020. 10. 9. · Topic 1: Dance Styles – Urban V’s Contemporary Looking into 1 or 2 different dance styles

Post on 13-Oct-2020






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Subject Name Art

Periods per week 1

Core / Option Core


In Art pupils will extend basic skills and develop new ones through a series of linked projects. The projects

students will study in Year 8 will be aimed at building upon the skills learnt in Year 7 and introducing them to

new artists and new areas of study.

Units Studied

Observational drawing and still life

Studying the work of artists such as: Sarah Graham, Georgina Luck and Bridget Riley

Ceramics (coil pots)

Painting skills and techniques

Graphics (Zentangles)

Mixed Media

Two-point perspective

Assessment Pupils will be continuously assessed throughout each project through questioning, formative assessment and

peer assessment. At the end of each project students will achieve a final grade for that unit of study. Year 8

will also be assessed through a series of PPE's which will take place at regular intervals throughout the year.

Other Information The Art Department is open after school on certain days for each year group to come and explore their ideas

and develop their skills.


Department Art / Technology

Head of Department Mr P Clark

HoD Email

Department Staff P Clark, N Amos, T Fulford, H O’Neil, L Hoyland & J Podlewski


Following a combination of Product Design and Food Technology units, students in Year 8 have the opportunity to

develop the skills that they were introduced to during Year 7.

Units Studied

Engineering & Design

Students will continue to develop communication techniques in order to be able communicate engineering


2D and 3D sketching and drawing methods are developed. Designs are rendered and annotated with

appropriate information.

Students will develop Isometric and Perspective drawing techniques designing and communication and range

of products using these methods.

Rendering techniques will be developed to detail tone, texture, material and surface finishes

Successful designs may be manufactured. Students will also have the opportunity to manufacture products in


Food and Nutrition

In Food and Nutrition students establish a range of skills in the Food Technology suite expanding their range

of cooking techniques and skills to produce a range of more complex dishes

Assessment Pupils will be assessed through class based assessments of both written and practical aspects.

Other Information n/a _________________________________________________________________________________

Subject Name Technology

Periods per week 1

Core / Option Core

Department Art / Technology

Head of Department Mr P Clark

HoD Email

Department Staff P Clark, N Amos, T Fulford, H O’Neil, L Hoyland & J Podlewski


Dance is a practical based subject.

Units Studied

Topic 1: Dance Styles – Urban V’s Contemporary

Looking into 1 or 2 different dance styles – characteristics, dynamics create a performance piece looking into communication of intent.

Topic 2: Performance Skill

Choreographed and developed by teacher and student with an opportunity to perform to an audience. Research into job roles in the performing arts industry


Half Termly - Through videoed/ live performances, log books and pupil progression diaries Other Information

• Lots of extra curriculum activities on offer.

• Opportunities for live performances and theatre trips.

• Whole school productions and visitor workshops.


Department Dance

Head of Department Mrs R Kelly

HoD Email

Department Staff R Kelly

Subject Name Dance

Periods per week 2 (on a carousel with Musical Theatre & Drama ½ termly)

Core / Option Core


Drama is a practical based course, focusing on the performance skills which students will need in order to

progress in this subject area. Students will study a range of practical based and process based (SMSC) topics.

Each of the following units will rely heavily on the students being able to use a range of Explorative Strategies

and Drama Medium.

Explorative strategies include: The drama medium includes: *Still image *The use of costume *Thought -tracking *The use of masks and/or make-up *Narrating *The use of sound and/or music *Hot-seating *The use of lighting *Role Play *The use of space and/or levels *Cross-cutting *The use of set and/or props *Forum theatre *The use of movement, mime and gesture *Marking the moment *The use of voice *The use of spoken language

Units Studied

Topic 1 – Darkwood Manor

Introducing Improvisation and Tension

Revisit drama techniques and conventions

Topic 2 – Script Work

Looking at a professional script and understanding how to read from a script

Introducing devising skills through workshops and higher ability drama conventions


Each topic lasts half a term and the students are assessed at the end of each topic. This is in the form of

practical assessment including video evidence (internal use only) and a progress log book kept by the


Other Information

Department Drama

Head of Department

HoD Email

Department Staff J Boner

Subject Name Drama

Periods per week 2 (on a carousel with Musical Theatre & Dance ½ termly)

Core / Option Core

Students will have the opportunity to attend many different extra-curricular activities. This will include the

weekly drama club and the whole school production.



Year 8 students are exposed to a broad curriculum with opportunities to enjoy all aspects of English, including writing, reading and speaking and listening.

Units Studied

Autumn Term 1 – ‘Of Mice and Men’ or ‘Heroes’

This scheme gives students the opportunity to develop reading comprehension and analytical skills.

Exploration of character, plot, themes and motives will be completed through discussion, individual, paired

and group work activities, allowing students to understand and cultivate the analysis skills needed for GCSE


Autumn Term 2 – Transactional writing (writing to argue)

Prompted by tasks in the GCSE Language specification, students will explore, understand and create a range

of transactional writing tasks, such as leaflets, letter writing and speeches. They will develop an

understanding of tone and writing for different purposes and formalities. This scheme also includes a

speaking and listening assessment, incorporating writing techniques and practising speeches for different

purposes, such as to persuade, to argue or to inform.

Spring Term 1 – Magical Voyages

Students will explore narrative writing structure, creative writing and grammar in a scheme designed to

challenge and encourage imaginative writing skills. Different creative and imaginative texts will be explored

and opportunities will be given for students to engage in their own original writing using a range of imagery

and linguistic devices.

Spring Term 2 – World Writing

A range of poems from different cultures will be explored in this scheme, allowing students to explore

context, alternative values and new perspectives. Comprehension and language analysis will be developed

and practised in preparation for anthology poetry and unseen poetry in Key Stage 4.

Summer Term 1 – Introduction to Shakespeare Students will be prepared for GCSE literature analysis through reading and analysing various Shakespearean extracts. The text will allow them to explore the context and historical background of Shakespeare, his work and the world he lived in. This analysis will also include writing tasks, such as diary writing and letter writing to explore wider themes and writing skills.

Subject Name English

Periods per week 3

Core / Option Core

Department English

Head of Department Miss A Blaikie

HoD Email

Department Staff A Blaikie, J Richmond, G Skyner, K Wilson, S Heath, N Ennis, F Galtrey, S Lowe, J Wilson and K Sissons

Summer Term 2 – Detective Fiction Preparing students for the demands of the 19th century historical texts to be studied as part of the Literature GCSE specification, this scheme allows students to analyse and apply reading analysis skills to a historical text. As well as literature analysis of the text, students will also explore a character-focused speaking and listening task. There will also be the opportunity to explore narrative and transactional writing as part of this scheme.


Students will be assessed formatively throughout schemes through the use of questioning, a range of tasks

and regular marking of books using the two week department policy.

All classes will be given the opportunity to complete a ‘Big Write’ each week, using learning from recent

levels to inform and develop skills in extended writing. This is marked and assessed by their teacher.

Each term, students will be assessed using a formal PPE. This will include both a reading comprehension and

writing task, which will be assessed and moderated in department. These grades will be communicated to

parents formally.

Other Information Year 8 students will have one lesson a week in English for Accelerated Reading. This will include independent reading time, assessment using the Accelerated Reading programme on school computers, guided reading sessions and one-to-one reading with their teacher within the lesson. Progress in reading and understanding is monitored and tested using the Accelerated Reading programme to check and manage progress by the class teacher.



The aim of Enrichment is to allow students learning opportunities and activities that engage them in developing essential knowledge, skills, values, and relationships as a vehicle for inspiring learning and encouraging

Units Studied

All activities are linked to academic standards and are creative, exciting, fun, engaging and relevant. The enrichment programming will hold pupils attention, awaken imagination, and inspire the desire for broader learning. The specific activities vary from year group to year group.


Pupils will be assessed through written prices and photographic evidence of meeting their success criterion. Other Information


Department Enrichement

Head of Department Mrs S Chambers

HoD Email

Department Staff Various

Subject Name Enrichment

Periods per week 2

Core / Option Core

Qualification None

Weblink N/A


Students will experience learning in 4 skill areas of Listening, Reading, Speaking and Writing. They will also

experience translation, transcription, extended listening and reading authentic texts. We will aim to inspire

further learning and a love of French culture, film and literature

Students learn how to give and develop opinions in French and to understand and produce lengthier and

more complex language. Students also look at the geography, culture and customs of France and other

French speaking countries.

Units Studied

Term 1:

Local area Entertainment and advertising, TV and films

Term 2:


Issues for teenagers

Term 3:

A balanced diet

Jobs and Ambitions


Students will be assessed formally during the calendared Assessment dates on the Academy calendar. They

will also receive ongoing assessment in class throughout the year. Assessments will cover listening,

speaking, reading and writing.

Other Information __________________________________________________________________________________

Department French

Head of Department Mrs K Causier

HoD Email

Department Staff K Causier, S Chambers & S Le Gall

Subject Name French

Periods per week 1-2

Core / Option Core


Geography enables students to study the world around them at a local, regional and national scale. It includes

both human and physical aspects as well as considering environmental issues.

Units Studied

Term 1 – What is development? In this unit students will develop awareness of the way in which people live in poorer part of the world. This will be taught largely through the comparison of the country of Kenya with the UK. Pupils will also look at trade and the impacts of Fairtrade.

Term 2 - Restless Earth

In this unit students will learn about the causes of natural tectonic hazards such as volcanoes and

earthquakes. Students will study specific examples of past eruptions and earthquakes; the effects and


Term 3- Tropical Rainforests

In this unit students will locate the world’s tropical rainforest and will study the characteristics of this fragile

ecosystem as well as their sustainable management, focusing on the Amazon.

Term 3 – Hot Deserts

In this unit pupils will look at deserts across the globe. This will involve describing and explaining the desert

climate as well as looking at how plants and animals have adapted to survive in such extreme conditions.


Students will be assessed on a half-termly basis using a combination of end of unit tests and assessed pieces

of writing.

Other Information __________________________________________________________________________________

Department Geography

Head of Department Miss D Forrester

HoD Email

Department Staff D Forrester, R Dudderidge, K Elliot & O Robinson

Subject Name Geography

Periods per week 2

Core / Option Core


History sparks pupils' curiosity and imagination, moving and inspiring them with the dilemmas, choices and

beliefs of people in the past. It helps pupils develop their own identities through an understanding of history

at personal, local, national and international levels. It helps them to ask and answer questions of the present

by engaging with the past. Pupils find out about the history of their community, Britain, Europe and the

world. They develop a chronological overview that enables them to make connections within and across

different periods and societies.

Units Studied

Term One:

Students will begin their studies with an investigation in to the topic of Slavery, making links back to Elizabeth

I from the Year 7 curriculum. Students will look carefully at the impact of slavery on enslaved African peoples

and the political changes made within Britain to support the abolition.

Students will then link the Transatlantic Slave Trade to the Industrial Revolution; students will study the

changes that happened in Britain after 1750 and consider how this influenced the way that people lived. The

political changes of the 1800s will be taught to continue the study of Power in England.

Term Two:

A depth study of WWI will give students a valuable insight into the changing power structures in Europe and

how technology changed the face of warfare.

The Roaring 20s in the USA will widen students’ knowledge of world events and discover how economic and

political positions changed in the aftermath of WWI.

Term Three:

Our extension into world affairs introduces Nazi Germany so that the study of the Holocaust is well founded

and more easily comprehended by our students.

Students will then delve into the political, and social aspects of different conflicts in WWII by studying

different the theatres of war.


Students will be assessed on a half-termly basis using a combination of end of unit tests and assessed pieces

of writing.

Other Information __________________________________________________________________________________

Department History

Head of Department Mrs L Snaith

HoD Email

Department Staff L Snaith, H Tordoff and C Hannam

Subject Name History

Periods per week 2

Core / Option Core


The IT and Computing Framework breaks down the Computing program of study into three strands. These

three strands are

1. ICT

2. Media

3. Computing

Units Studied

In year 8 the course is split in to six different projects, two each term. There is one period a week.

Project 1 - Graphics: This project involves the students building on their project from year 7 where they

learnt about vector and bitmap graphics. This year they use serif drawplus and extend their skills by learning

how to use layers and create a magazine cover.

Project 2 – Programming project: This project gives students the opportunity to use the programming

language python. They learn to sequence events and debug programs.

Some pupils may not undertake this project and will take part in a different project where they create an


Project 3 – Video Editing: This project gives students the chance to use video editing software to create

a promotional video for the dance show Move IT!

Project 4 - Spreadsheets: This project involves the students learning how to use Microsoft Excel. They will

learn how to enter dad, format the data in a professional way, create formulas and function and learn how

to present the data in the form of graphs and charts.

Project 5 – Revision for PPEs: This half term is used to showcase some revision techniques that could be

used for the upcoming PPEs

Project 6 – Gaming avatar: This project involves students designing and creating a gaming avatar. They will

need to carefully consider the audience and purpose the avatar is aimed at.


Formal assessment every half term. Other Information __________________________________________________________________________________

Department ICT

Head of Department Mrs L Robinson & Mrs S Dakin

HoD Email

Department Staff L Robinson & S Dakin

Subject Name ICT

Periods per week 1

Core / Option Core

Subject Name Maths

Periods per week 3

Core / Option Core


During year 8 pupils will be taught mathematics from the areas of number; algebra; geometry and measures;

statistics; probability.

Units Studied


In quizzes students are expected to demonstrate their learning from all of the units that have been delivered

since the last quiz took place.

Students are expected to take PRIDE in their work. We will expect to see:

• Underlined learning objective and date

• Worked examples with any additional notes

• Numbered questions

• Clear method with all workings out shown

• Students marking work and responding to feedback in purple pen

Homework will be set on and students who wish to undertake further independent

study use this platform for that too. Students having issues accessing HegartyMaths should speak to their

maths teacher.

Other Information

Department Maths

Head of Department Mrs L Thompson

HoD Email

Department Staff L Thompson, S Moore, S Kemp, M Arbon, M Robinson, B Coleman, M Aramburu, K Durant, J Hough and H Rotherforth

Students should come to lesson equipped with: black/blue pen, purple pen, pencil, ruler, and a scientific calculator (we recommend the Casio fx83-GTX).


Subject Name Music

Periods per week 1

Core / Option Core


Intent – The National Curriculum for music aims to ensure that all pupils perform, listen to, review and evaluate music, sing with confidence, create and compose music and understand and explore how music is created, produced and communicated.

Implementation - Our curriculum ensures students study a wide range of music, including that of the great composers, through composition, listening and performance opportunities. Students learn to perform and compose on a variety of instruments and are encouraged to sing with confidence. Musical vocabulary is consistently so that students are able to appraise articulately.

Impact – We aim to develop self confident, creative and proud musicians who are able to compose, perform and listen with increasing discrimination to a wide genre of music.

Units Studied

Unit 1 – Pop Music

This project brings together students’ knowledge of chords and riffs from Year 7 and allows them to

compose their own pop song. The class will study existing pop songs on their chosen instrument and

then move onto composing their own.

Unit 2 – Film Music

This project builds upon the Year 7 Instruments topic by focussing further on how certain timbres and musical devices add to on-screen action. Students learn how to perform leitmotifs and themes, listening focuses on great composers and musical intent.

Unit 3 – World Music – Reggae/African Drumming/ Indian Music

This project builds upon music from China as students perform a range of music from a wide range of different cultures. Unit 4 – Music of the Great Composer

The class will learn about the major periods of music through listening and performing opportunities. Students will also learn about prolific composers and their composition techniques.

Unit 5 – Games Music

This project builds on Year 8 Unit 2 Film Music by composing using musical devices such as chromatic, dissonance and syncopation.


Each topic has an interim and final assessment. Assessment will focus on a composition or

performance alongside a listening or knowledge based quiz.

Department Music

Head of Department Mr G Woodfine

HoD Email

Department Staff G Woodfine

Other Information At Airedale we have a thriving extra-curricular programme that will further students development in music. In addition, students can take extra-lessons on a variety of instruments. __________________________________________________________________________________


Units Studied

1st Half Term 2nd Half Term


Characters within ensemble, acting through ensemble

How to create a character. Techniques to create character using textual clues (vocal, body, gesture).

Devising and Independence, audition process for principals. Preparation for KS3 Performance to a live audience – showcase.

Practical Exploration

Blood Brothers Creating character, with movement and song in ‘Kid’s game’ ‘Shoes upon the table’ The Greatest Showman Creating character, with movement and song in ‘This is the greatest show’

Our House Group performance of extracts from the Musical ‘Our House’. ‘Our House’ ‘Baggy Trousers’

Core Skills Covered

Use of gesture, gait, voice, body to create a credible character, reading script for understanding, devising in a group and maintaining originality, confidence building

Performing to an audience, how to deal with nerves, stagecraft and hierarchy backstage, personal rehearsal and preparation, ‘getting into character’, team work and confidence.

Remote & promoted personal research


Create a Personal Character profile AND a profile of a famous Musical Theatre performer including their training and career to date.

Log book of personal rehearsal, target setting and achievements.


Subject Name Musical Theatre

Periods per week 2 (on a carousel with Dance & Drama ½ termly)

Core / Option Core

Department Musical Theatre

Head of Department Mrs T Bell

HoD Email

Department Staff T Bell & R Nickerson

Other Information __________________________________________________________________________________

Subject Name PE

Periods per week 2

Core / Option Core


The Physical Education curriculum at Airedale Academy enables all pupils to enjoy and succeed in

many kinds of physical activity. Students will develop a wide range of skills and the ability to use

tactics, strategies and compositional ideas to perform successfully. They will develop the confidence

to take part in different physical activities and learn about the value of healthy, active lifestyles.

Physical Education helps students to discover what they like to do and what their aptitudes are at

school, and how and where to get involved in physical activity helps them make informed choices

about lifelong physical activity

Units Studied

Students are encouraged to take on different roles and responsibilities, including leadership, coaching

and officiating. Lessons are taught through game orientated activities to develop students ’tactical ability

and knowledge of rules. Lessons explore exciting new sports from around the world and give students

the opportunity to enhance their engagement with the new concepts, processes and techniques.

Sporting areas including;

• Invasion games - football, rugby, netball, basketball, tchoukball, handball, American football, unihockey

• Net and wall activities – badminton, table tennis, tennis, volleyball

• Striking and fielding sports – rounders, baseball, table tennis, cricket

• Physical Challenge – athletics, orienteering

• Artistic performance– trampolining, gymnastics

• Health and Fitness – circuits, weights, fitness suite, cross country, method of training, bikes


Assessment is frequent throughout lessons in the form of Q&A and through performance. At the

end of each unit, students are given the opportunity to demonstrate their overall skills and

capabilities in that activity. Attitude to learning grades are also given to students in line with the

school policy.

Other Information

Extra-curricular activities provide great opportunities for students to participate in an Airedale

Academy team. A varied extra-curricular programme allows different opportunities for students to

become involved in physical activity with the options of specific coaching to improve performance

and maintain participation. Enrichment opportunities such as educational trips, Inter-School

sporting events and coaching courses are also offered. Airedale Academy is proud to have designed

a comfortable and smart PE kit that students wear with pride in all lessons.


Department PE

Head of Department Mrs K Ball / Mr R Singleton

HoD Email &

Department Staff K Ball, R Singleton, E Phelan, M Dye, B Coleman, E Harrap and D Lowe

Subject Name Science

Periods per week 3

Core / Option Core


Students follow the “10 Big Ideas” themes throughout Y7 to Y9




Complexity of topic increases →





Electromagnets Resistance & current Voltage Magnetism Electromagnetism

Matter Particle model Separating mixtures Periodic table Elements

Organisms Movement Cells Breathing Digestion

Forces Speed Gravity Contact forces Pressure

Reactions Metals/non-metals Acids and alkalis Chemical energy Types of reaction

Genes Variation Human reproduction Evolution Inheritance

Energy Energy costs Energy transfer Work Heating & cooling

Earth Earth structure Universe Climate Earth resources

Waves Sound Light Wave effects Wave properties

Ecosystem Interdependence Plant reproduction Respiration Photosynthesis

Units Studied

Year 8 Earth Part 1

Genes Part 1

Electromagnets Part 2

Matter Part 2

Organisms Part 2

Forces Part 2

Reactions Part 2

Ecosystems Part 2

Earth Topic NC statements to be covered

Earth structure Pt 1

the composition of the Earth

the structure of the Earth

the rock cycle and the formation of igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic rocks

Universe Pt 1

our sun as a star, other stars in our galaxy, other galaxies

the seasons and the Earth’s tilt, day length at different times of year, in different hemispheres

the light year as a unit of astronomical distance

Department Science

Head of Department Mr S Miller

HoD Email

Department Staff S Miller, M Sanderson, M Matthewman, J Milner, A Howse, T Wadsworth, J Halman, E Walker, D Cox

Genes Topic NC statements to be covered

Variation Pt 1

differences between species

the variation between individuals within a species being continuous or discontinuous, to include measurement and graphical representation of variation

the importance of maintaining biodiversity and the use of gene banks to preserve hereditary material

Human reproduction Pt 1

reproduction in humans (as an example of a mammal), including the structure and function of the male and female reproductive systems, menstrual cycle (without details of hormones), gametes, fertilisation, gestation and birth, to include the effect of maternal lifestyle on the foetus through the placenta

present observations and data using appropriate methods, including tables and graphs – breast feeding vs not breast-fed graphs

Electromagnets Topic NC statements to be covered

Magnetism Pt 2

magnetic poles, attraction and repulsion

magnetic fields by plotting with compass, representation by field lines

Earth’s magnetism, compass and navigation

Electromagnets Pt 2

the magnetic effect of a current, electromagnets, DC motors (principles only)

evaluate risks

select, plan and carry out the most appropriate types of scientific enquiries to test predictions, including identifying independent, dependent and control variables

Matter Topic NC statements to be covered

Periodic table Pt 2

a simple (Dalton) atomic model

chemical symbols and formulae for elements and compounds

the periodic table: periods and groups; metals and non-metals

the principles underpinning the Mendeleev periodic table

how patterns in reactions can be predicted with reference to the periodic table

the varying physical and chemical properties of different elements

understand and use SI units and IUPAC (International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry) chemical nomenclature

understand that scientific methods and theories develop as earlier explanations are modified to take account of new evidence and ideas, together with the importance of publishing results and peer review

Elements Pt 2

differences between atoms, elements and compounds

conservation of mass changes of state and chemical reactions

undertake basic data analysis including simple statistical techniques. Conservation of mass practical, calculate averages.

Organisms Topic NC statements to be covered

Breathing Pt 2

the structure and functions of the gas exchange system in humans, including adaptations to function

the mechanism of breathing to move air in and out of the lungs, using a pressure model to explain the movement of gases, including simple measurements of lung volume

the impact of exercise, asthma and smoking on the human gas exchange system

present observations and data using appropriate methods, including tables and graphs – pulse rate experiment in breaths per min

Digestion Pt 2

the content of a healthy human diet: carbohydrates, lipids (fats and oils), proteins, vitamins, minerals, dietary fibre and water, and why each is needed

calculations of energy requirements in a healthy daily diet

the consequences of imbalances in the diet, including obesity, starvation and deficiency diseases

the tissues and organs of the human digestive system, including adaptations to function and how the digestive system digests food (enzymes simply as biological catalysts)

the importance of bacteria in the human digestive system

the effects of recreational drugs (including substance misuse) on behaviour, health and life processes

ask questions and develop a line of enquiry based on observations of the real world, alongside prior knowledge and experience – enzymes and speed

Forces Topic NC statements to be covered

Contact forces Pt 2

forces: associated with deforming objects; stretching and squashing – springs; with rubbing and friction between surfaces, with pushing things out of the way; resistance to motion of air and water

forces measured in newtons, measurements of stretch or compression as force is changed

force-extension linear relation; Hooke’s Law as a special case

opposing forces and equilibrium: weight held by stretched spring or supported on a compressed surface

using force arrows in diagrams, adding forces in 1 dimension, balanced and unbalanced forces

moment as the turning effect of a force

pay attention to objectivity and concern for accuracy, precision, repeatability and reproducibility (Hooke’s law)

Pressure Pt 2

atmospheric pressure, decreases with increase of height as weight of air above decreases with height

pressure in liquids, increasing with depth; upthrust effects, floating and sinking

pressure measured by ratio of force over area – acting normal to any surface

use and derive simple equations and carry out appropriate calculations

Reactions Topic NC statements to be covered

Chemical energy Pt 2

exothermic and endothermic chemical reactions (qualitative)

Types of reaction Pt 2

representing chemical reactions using formulae and using equations

what catalysts do

combustion, thermal decomposition, oxidation and displacement reactions

chemical reactions as the rearrangement of atoms

the difference between chemical and physical changes

representing chemical reactions using formulae and using equations

understand and use SI units and IUPAC (International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry) chemical nomenclature

Ecosystems Topic NC statements to be covered

Respiration Pt 2

aerobic and anaerobic respiration in living organisms, including the breakdown of organic molecules to enable all the other chemical processes necessary for life

a word summary for aerobic respiration

the process of anaerobic respiration in humans and micro-organisms, including fermentation, and a word summary for anaerobic respiration

the differences between aerobic and anaerobic respiration in terms of the reactants, the products formed and the implications for the organism

Photosynthesis Pt 2

plants making carbohydrates in their leaves by photosynthesis and gaining mineral nutrients and water from the soil via their roots

the reactants in, and products of, photosynthesis, and a word summary for photosynthesis

the adaptations of leaves for photosynthesis

the role of leaf stomata in gas exchange in plants

evaluate data, showing awareness of potential sources of random and systematic error – pond weed experiment

make and record observations and measurements using a range of methods for different investigations; and evaluate the reliability of methods and suggest possible improvements – pond weed experiment

Assessment For each Big Idea, students will complete:

one ‘response time’ – which will include feedback provided using the whole class feedback

proforma. Students will be expected to response to feedback provided using DOT marking.

one multiple-choice, end of topic test

Homework is set weekly using Educake and will consist of approximately 9-15 questions.

In addition, students will also undertake written papers in line with the academy’s assessment


Other Information

The department holds regular revision sessions after school. Ask your teacher for more



Subject Name Student Wellbeing

Periods per week 1

Core / Option Core


Student Wellbeing allows students to develop their personal skills as well as their understanding of

the wider world outside of school and how they can keep themselves safe from harm. It gives pupils

the opportunity to learn about topics they would not learn about in conventional lessons within set

lessons and also through guest speakers.

Units Studied

Student wellbeing is split into six different topics of learning each with a different teaching focus

throughout the year pupils will look at risk and keeping themselves safe, finance and career

pathways, sex and relationships, identity society and equality, citizenship and health and

wellbeing. Within each of these areas pupils will do different activities including discussions,

debates, group work and individual research tasks.


Pupils will assess themselves at the beginning and the end of each of the topics of work against set

knowledge based criteria, they will also reflect on their own learning throughout each unit of work

to see how their attitudes, thoughts and opinions of different topics have changed.

Other Information __________________________________________________________________________________

Department Student Wellbeing

Head of Department Mrs J Coleyshaw

HoD Email

Department Staff Various

top related