Denver Event - 2013 - Boulder Digital Strategy for Community Foundations Conference

Post on 07-May-2015






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This is the Place for Inspired Giving

Philosophy: Why is digital important for us?

Boulder County is a wired place.

•88% accessed Internet during past month

•52% own a smartphone

•95% of households own a computer

•45% spend 5-19 hours online/week

Philosophy: Why is digital important for us?

Moving from transactional to transformational leadership needs timely communication tools easily accessed by the masses.

How have we used digital strategies?

How have we used digital strategies?

How have we used digital strategies?

Site Impressions Clicks CTR CPC Campaign Dates

Facebook 4,439,198 1,785 0.04% $1.12 Nov 2012 - Dec 2012

TOTAL 5,547,081 2,555 0.05% $4.86

The Facebook campaign drove over 1.7k efficient clicks to the Culture of Giving Facebook Page. The CTR was also high for Facebook campaigns- the Sponsored Stories, which are targeted to non-fans whose friends have "liked" the COG FB page, drove a very high CTR of 0.11%. The other ads drove a CTR of 0.04%.Overall the campaign drove a total of 824 new Facebook fans and 92 other actions (comments, post likes, etc.).

Culture of Giving Facebook Ads 2012

How have we used digital strategies?

Site Impressions Clicks CTR CPC Campaign Dates

Boulder Daily Camera 659,983 514 0.08% $11.67 Nov 2012 - Dec 2012

Boulder Daily Camera (BDC) drove the strongest CTR of the campaign at 0.08%. The 300x250 was the best performing size with a CTR of 0.10%.The banners ran in the News, Entertainment and Life sections.

Denver Post 447,900 256 0.06% $17.25 Nov 2012 - Dec 2012

Although Denver Post's (DP) CTR was not as high as that of BDC, we were still able to share our message with over 447k relevant people in the Boulder area. The 300x250 size was also the top performer on DP.The banners ran in the News, Entertainment, Life and Your Hub sections of the site.

TOTAL 1,107,883 770 0.07% $13.53  

Culture of Giving 2012 Online Newspaper Ads

How have we used digital strategies?

Other uses of digital tools?

• Facebook: 15 Forever, Leadership Fellows, TCF in general

• Linked In: Leadership Fellows

• Twitter: EFCO

• Video:

• Blog/News Board on

Lessons, Opportunities & Questions

• Organic organizational growth

• Metrics: understanding and using them

• The digital world is 24-7

• Professional and personal lines blur

• CEO’s and Trustees coordinating via social media?

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