


DentistryF A C U L T Y O F


Tradition, Innovation and Excellence




Faculty Newsand Notes

Spotlight onStudents

Fund RaisingHighlights

Recognizingyour Gifts

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N E W S L E T T E R I M C G I L L U N I V E R S I T Y I 2 0 0 2 - 2 0 0 3 I V O L U M E 8 2 , N O . 1

The start ofa new tradition




We can thank third-yearstudent Arezu Akhavan for thenewest tradition at the Facultyof Dentistry - The White CoatCeremony. Last year Arezu wasone of 30 McGill dentalstudents preparing for theclinical phase of theirprofessional education aftereighteen months of classroomstudies with medical students."The medical people had theirown ceremony to mark the factthat they were about to startworking with patients and wewere not included," she said. " Ithought we should have one too."

She had a positive responsefrom the Faculty of Dentistry.

"We thought it was a verygood idea," said Dr. Paul Allisonwho worked on a committeewith Arezu to create theceremony. "There is anincreasing movement in allhealth-care fields to promoteethics and professionalism in apositive way."

Dr. John O'Keefe, Editor ofthe Canadian Dental AssociationJournal and the keynotespeaker at the ceremony, wastouched by the quality of thestudents and the seriousness ofthe occasion.

"They understood that theytook on a lot of responsibilitieswith those white coats, thatthey would be really dealingwith people who trusted themand that they had to merit thattrust," said O'Keefe, a guestlecturer at the Faculty.

"These are great people,mature and well qualified."

McGill Dentistry requires aminimum 3.5 Grade PointAverage from applicants, thestandard for the best schools onthe continent.

"And they're from prettydiverse backgrounds," said Dr.Marie Dagenais, AssociateDean Academic Affairs. "Theycome from everywhere."

Arezu's parents, for instance,are Iranian. She was born inThe Netherlands, grew up in

the United States and Dubaiand applied to McGill from theMiddle East.

Major Work DoneThe program that she and herclassmates enrolled in has beenunder way for seven years.

Dean James P. Lund, whopresided over the change, said"the major work is nowcompleted." The Faculty is nowconcentrating on fine-tuningthe curriculum.

Dr. Dagenais, who overseescurriculum development, said,"McGill is producing dentistswho are great problem solvers.They are competent to diagnosethe kinds of problems today'sdental patients face and canprovide the variety of solutionsthey need."

Dr. Norman Miller, theFaculty's Director ofCommunity Relations, said“Our graduates understand therelationship between dentalhealth and general health.”

"Our patients are aging andkeeping their teeth" Dr. Milleradded. "They need dentists whohave a comprehensive view oftheir state of health."

Dr. Jeffrey Myers, Directorof Undergraduate ClinicalPrograms, explained that morethan 60 dentists in private

practice keep the students andprograms up-to-date with therealities faced by professionalsin the field. They, in turn, areenriched by their contact withnewcomers and academics whoinclude some of the leadingresearchers in the field.

Excellence In TeachingDr. Robert Faith, who retiredfour years ago, said the Facultyhas always had a variety ofexcellent teachers, even when"it had less than half the budgetand half the full-time staff of anyother dental school in Canada."

He talked specifically aboutDr. Mervyn Rogers, theFaculty historian, who retiredas Assistant Dean in 1970 andwent on to play a leading rolein the Canadian DentalAssociation's Council onEducation, and Dr. ErnestAmbrose, who retired as Dean

in 1977 to become Dean of theCollege of Dentistry at theUniversity of Saskatchewan.

Dr. Faith said Dean Ambrosewas outstanding as a teacherand administrator.

"He taught operative dentistry,the backbone of the profession,"Dr. Faith said. "He loved everypart of dentistry and lovedteaching it. He was veryempathetic. He used to say thatonce a student had made it intodental school, that studentbecame his responsibility andwas entitled to all theunderstanding, time andpatience he could give."

Dean AmbroseRemembersIn a telephone interview fromSaskatchewan, Dr. Ambrosesaid, "As a student, I alwayshad questions. They weren'talways answered but if you hadan idea, the good teacherswould listen to you."

He said he believed that dentaltraining should be as close toreal conditions as possible andhad made McGill, for example,one of the first dental schools

on the continent to

make sure that the artificialteeth on the mannequins usedby students before they had achance to practice on realpatients had realistic problems.

And he said he "always hadfun taking questions and tryingto answer them with simpleresearch problems which werethen used to teach otherstudents."

Expanding Our Mission

Dr. Marc McKee, PhD(Anatomy and Cell Biology),Associate Dean, Research, notedthat full-time professors at theFaculty of Dentistry now bringin as many dollars in researchgrants per capita as full-timeprofessors of medicine at McGill.

"Our professors publish inworld-class journals," DeanLund said, naming Science,Nature, the Journal of DentalResearch and the Journal of theCanadian Dental Associationamong others. "They are alsoable to attract an increasingnumber of top graduate studentsand visiting professors to McGill."

Dr. Lund added, "we haveexpanded beyond ourtraditional strengths in toothdevelopment and microbiology,into biomaterials, bone andpain research, public health andclinical trials in prosthodontics."

Teaching, however, remainsthe major focus.

"I recognize that in donning this white coat, I become a member of the dental

profession. I understand that my primary responsibility is to my patients and I

shall dedicate myself to render, to the best of my ability, the highest standard

of oral health care. I pledge my commitment to work for my community and

the benefit of all society through creating lasting alliances in health, pursuing

professional integrity and providing compassionate care for all."

"A great deal of thought and

effort went into producing a

curriculum that retained the

excellent practical training of the

old program, while adding the

new knowledge, skills and

technology needed to address the

changing needs of patients in the

21st century" added Dr. Lund.

"Unlike most other dental

schools" added Dr. Myers, "the

McGill Faculty of Dentistry has

a long tradition of committed

part-time clinicians who teach in

our preclinical labs and in the

undergraduate clinic. That

tradition continues to be one of

the strengths of the program."

McGill is a world-class research

institution and the Faculty of

Dentistry is fulfilling its part in

the University's mission.

The First AnnualWhite Coat Ceremony Class of 2004By: Rob Bull

The oath sworn by Third-Year Students as they begin the first year of clinical studies:

New MontrealGenomics and


“Great Teachers”“This faculty has always had

some great teachers,” said Dr.Myers, “people who cared aboutthe students and the patients,who were up-to-date in theirknowledge but weren't afraid ofnot knowing all the answers allthe time, who were concernedabout the faculty and theuniversity and their studentsbeyond the time they were inschool. It still has teachers likethat.”

The results speak forthemselves.

Dean Lund is proud to pointout that the McGill programwas given full approval by theCommission on DentalAccreditation this year.

The majority of graduatesfrom May 2002 were acceptedin residency programs foradditional clinical training andare performing well. And athird of the class of 2000 wenton to post-graduate programs invarious specialties across thecontinent. At the time ofpublication, most studentsgraduating in May 2003 hadalready confirmed theirplacement and many weredestined for top residency spotsin McGill and throughout NorthAmerica while others weregoing directly into privatepractice, again across thecontinent.

Dr. Karyne Spina, BA(biology, physiology, toxicology),DMD (Doctor of Dental Medicine)is in a unique McGill residencyprogram with a private practicein a community setting at theQueen Elizabeth Oral Health Clinic.

Other dental residencyprograms are hospital-based butshe says her training "in aprivate clinic is more like thereal world."

Under the supervision ofdentists who are on part-timestaff at McGill, she and herfellow residents work the waymost dentists work in an officewith front-desk and supportstaff and inter-act with differentspecialist consultants. Theyattend regular lectures with theother McGill dental residents inMontreal and once a week theydiscuss cases with theirsupervisors who also teachformal lessons.

"Doing my residency heregives me a chance to see thelarger picture," she said.

"I think now more than everthat the medicine we studiedwas absolutely necessary" addedKaryne.

"We have to understand thewhole patient."

3• In 1892, the provincial dentalassociation opened the DentalCollege of the Province of Quebec.It became a department of theMontreal-based Medical College ofBishop's University in 1896, whichwas absorbed into the Faculty ofMedicine of McGill University in1904, a decision influenced by SirWilliam Osler.

• In 1908, the Department ofDentistry moved to the MontrealGeneral Hospital

• In 1920, the McGill UniversityFaculty of Dentistry was created asan offshoot of the Faculty ofMedicine.

• In 1922, Florence Johnston becamethe first woman student to beadmitted to the Faculty. Eighty yearslater, in August 2002, 17 of the 30students entering the Faculty werewomen.

• About one in ten applications tothe Faculty are accepted to fill anaverage of 30-32 positions. Justover 55% are from out of provinceand approximately 64% are female.

• The overall Grade Point Average ofstudents entering the Faculty for thecurrent academic year was 3.6, afigure that ranks with the bestdental schools on the continent.

• Teaching dental students is moreexpensive than teaching any otherprofession at McGill.

• Seven of the 24 students whograduated in the class of 2000, orabout a third, are in post-graduatespecialist studies.

• A comparative study published inThe Research Journal Nature showsthat Canada leads the world indental research interms of theimpact of its dental research.

• Full-time professors at the Facultyof Dentistry bring in as manydollars in research grants per capitaas full-time professors of medicine.


TRADITION INNOVATION EXCELLENCEClass of 2002 - "In their own words"

Hello Dr. Myers:I'm just sending you a quick e-mail to thank you for all yourefforts in pushing us to excel and do more. . . . .I wanted toshare with you my experience thus far at my AEGD residencyat the University of Michigan i. At McGill, the dental experience received in terms of the

number and type of treatments is on a par with, if not aboveaverage to, other dental schools in Canada and the U.S.

ii. McGill's name has a lot of weight when it comes to applyingfor dental school residencies. Ten of the 11 studentsgraduating in the class of 2002 got their top choices of dentalresidency. . . .

Thanks again for all the guidanceYamen Ghamian

Dear Dr. Myers:It has been already two months that I have been in Pittsburgh.Time really flies. I have to admit that we were really welltrained in treatment planning at McGill. Everybody notices ithere to the point that I have been given the title of "treatmentplanning queen." . . . .

I have had a few cases of implant restorations; however someof the materials we used at McGill were better than the oneswe work with here.

Today I was an instructor in one of the modules. . . I wasmostly helping a girl in third-year who was extremely scaredand nervous and lacked confidence in her work. She remindedme of myself when I was doing my first restoration. We havecome a long way with your help as well as the supervision ofall the instructors at McGill.

SincerelyBibi Hatef

DESTINATIONSAs of the date of publication, the following students from thegraduating class of 2003 were accepted into Residency Programsand Private Practice throughout North America:

Basel Abdul Sharaf - Oral Surgery (Harvard)

Mairaj Ahmed - Private Practice Vermont & Albany

Marcelina Benedito - AEGD (Harvard)

Brigitte Bigras - GPR Burlington, Vermont (UVM)

Nancy Boivert - GPR (Laval)

Jennifer Charbonneau- GPR Boston (Harvard)

Alap Choksey - AEGD Ann Arbor (Michigan)

Brent Coté - GPR Las Vegas (UNLV)

Steve Da Costa - GPR San Antonio (Texas)

Amir A. Ghalaei - GPR Boston (Tufts)

Aphrodite Kalyvas - GPR RVH (McGill)

Taleen Kassabian GPR RVH (McGill)

Sonny Kenth - Private Practice Toronto

Matthew Kerner - GPR Burlington, Vermont (UVM)

Omid Kiarash - Private Practice Michigan

Helen Kontogiannis - Private Practice Ottawa

So-Young Lee - AEGD Stonybrook (SUNY)

Martin Lin - AEGD Ann Arbor (Michigan)

Bernard Mayantz - GPR QEHC (McGill)

Mitch Miller - GPR JGH (McGill)

Paul Morton- GPR MCH (McGill)

Luckshi Patgunarajah - GPR Danbury (Connecticut)

Greg Penny - GPR Burlington, Vermont (UVM)

Mark Salvati - GPR MGH (McGill)

Chantal Theriault - GPR Vancouver (UBC)

Simon Touchan - Oral Surgery, Henry Ford Hospital (Michigan)

Zain Turner - Private Practice Montreal

Melanie Yu - AEGD Buffalo (SUNY)


"We are here to

add what we

can to life, not

to get what we

can from it."

Sir William Osler, who was

influential in bringing

dentistry to McGill

Occasionallysomeonequestions theacademicside ofDentistry.

In his History of the McGillDental School, Dr. MervynRogers told the following

story about Dr. Gordon Leahy,the Faculty's clinical director inthe 1940's and 50's. One afternoon, a third-yearstudent came into the clinic ina pretty bad mood. He had hada supplemental examination inbacteriology and had failed itagain. He said to Dr. Leahy, "Why dodentists have to have aknowledge of bacteriologyanyway?""Very important, my son," saidDr. Leahy. "Do you see thatstudent there treating a patientin the fifth chair? He justdropped his mouth mirror onthe floor."He picked it up, wiped it offon his white coat and wentback to work."Now if he hadn't studiedbacteriology, he probablywouldn't have bothered towipe it off."


“I think now more than ever that the medicine we studied was absolutely necessary. We have to understand the whole patient.”

Dr. Karyne Spina

It is once again that time ofyear where I have theopportunity to highlight

recent events and happeningspertaining to researchconducted in the Faculty ofDentistry. I relish this occasion,as it allows me to bring to theforefront issues important to theevolution of research in theFaculty of Dentistry, which maybe of interest to our alumni andother readers. McGill Dentistryis playing an important,leadership role in understandingthe determinants of oral health.Together with the otherresearch institutions in Canada,McGill continues to makeexciting new discoveries andthe means to develop thesediscoveries into preventive,diagnostic and treatmentstrategies for the oral cavity.

FundingWhile research funding from

provincial and federal grantingagencies is robust at themoment, and many of us arespending great amounts of timewriting grant applications,generous private donations (likethat from Mrs. Pierrette Wongfor the Jamson T.N. WongLaboratories for Bone andPeriodontal Research) haveallowed us to expand and buystate-of-the-art, expensiveequipment and create newresearch laboratories - andremain competitive with ourAmerican counterparts. Theimportance of this supportcannot be underestimated. Ithelps those of us already here inthe Faculty to move our researchto a much higher level, and alsoallows us to recruit the best andbrightest to our academic staff.

Recruitment The competition for new

recruits is fierce at the moment,and the future of our facultyclearly relies on maintaining(and even improving!) McGill'soutstanding reputation for itsresearch in oral health.McGill's professoriate iscurrently an aging one, withmany retirements occurring inthe upcoming years, and it isestimated that to effectivelyreplace this turnover in staff,McGill as a whole needs torecruit roughly 100 professorsper year for the next 10 years!Dentistry is no exception, andwe are currently activelyrecruiting full-time professors inseveral strategic areas thatinclude dental public health,pain research, connective tissue(calcified tissue) research,nanobiology/nanotechnologyand biomaterials.

Perhaps nothing is more

important to our long-termvision than maintaining andimproving the quality anddedication of our academic staff,so that future generations ofdental students and graduatestudents can benefit fromDentistry's teaching andresearch missions. It isincumbent upon us to leaveMcGill Dentistry stronger thanever upon our departure.Young recruits provide not onlynew expertise and knowledge,but they inject vitality and vigorinto our programs to keep us atthe leading edge of all thethings that we do. New seniorappointees bring the wisdomaccrued from past experiencesat different academic

institutions. In this issue of theNewsletter, we highlight two ofour most recent, full-timerecruits to the Faculty ofDentistry, Dr. Fernando Cerveroand Dr. Mari Kaartinen. Youwill find in this issue a briefdescription of their careers andcurrent activities. Dr. Cervero isa senior professor from Spainwho investigates themechanisms responsible forvisceral pain. Dr. Kaartinen is arecent graduate from Finlandwho investigates bone andtooth proteins. Along with aninternational flavor, they bringwith them ambitious andexciting new research projects.Please join me in whole-heartedly welcoming them toMontreal and to the Faculty ofDentistry at McGill (please seesidebars for more informationon Drs. Cervero and Kaartinen).

GrantsIn the past year, the high level

of success of our professors inobtaining peer-reviewed researchfunding from granting agencieshas continued. This past year,we have been funded at thevery enviable average rate ofapproximately $250,000 perfull-time professor - a quiteremarkable amount indeed -and a level of funding similar tothat obtained by the Faculty ofMedicine at McGill. WhileDentistry is still a small faculty,its number of professors fundedfor research has neverthelessalmost tripled in the past 10years, and the funding of eachprofessor brings with it anincreased number of graduatestudents and summer researchopportunities for our undergraduatedental students. Further goodnews was reported in the Octoberissue of the Journal of the CanadianDental Association, announcingthat the Canadian Institutes ofHealth Research (CIHR) inpartnership with StraumannCanada Limited granted $1.6million to Dr. Jocelyne Feineand her research team, for a

four-year study into the "Effectof Improved Oral Prostheses onthe Nutritional State of ElderlyEdentulous Individuals". Alongwith the excitement andinteractions that occur withinthis increased human "mass"comes the need for more space- and trust me - we spend a lotof time on this, and space is notat all easy to find! Although wewill benefit tremendously fromthe opening of the Centre for Boneand Periodontal Research in theadjacent Montreal Genomics andProteomics Centre building, ourbeing part of a downtownuniversity on the slopes ofMont Royal limits our growthboth laterally and vertically!Creative projects to find ways inwhich we can increase ourcapacity to do research are inthe planning stages.

New CentresSpeaking of Centres, Dentistry

professors are playing leadingroles in three major new Centreson the McGill campus: 1) theMcGill Pain Centre headed by Dr.Cathy Bushnell (of Dentistry andMedicine), 2) the Centre for Bone

and Periodontal Research headed byDr. David Goltzman (ofMedicine), and 3) theInternational Centre for Biosensorsand Biochips headed by Dr.Maryam Tabrizian (of Dentistryand Medicine). Of these, the PainCentre just recently established ahome in Dentistry in theStrathcona building. The Centrefor Bone and Periodontal Researchwill be opening a second majorfacility (the first is located at theRoyal Victoria Hospital), namedthe Jamson T.N. WongLaboratories for Bone andPeriodontal Research, located in

the new Genomics andProteomics Building. On April29, 2002, a ceremony took placein the Strathcona Anatomy andDentistry Building to mark theconstruction of the new building,and was attended by governmentand agency representatives, aswell as private donors contributingto the project. Photos 1, 2 and 3highlight this event.

"Move in" is scheduledthroughout spring 2003 - thelaboratories are now poised tofulfill their mission as a corefacility with advancedinstrumentation for McGill's(and our sister universities in theprovince) research community.Efforts are currently underwayto expand the Wong Laboratoryactivities into an adjacent"unfinished" space in that building. While the Wong Laboratorieswill be operational in late spring2003, the official opening of thebuilding itself is slated forSeptember 2003.

As a final point, and representative ofthe international stature of manyof McGill's staff, I would like tocongratulate Dr. Jocelyne Feineon her recent appointment asAssociate Editor for Clinical Reports.She is one of only two associateeditors of the international Journalof Dental Research, which is the highestrated journal in dentistry. DeanLund and I have also been appointedto the editorial board of thisjournal. Not too bad a representationfor such a "small" school!

So, that about does it for now.As always, I invite all of you tovisit our newly formattedwebsite ( for additional andupdated announcements, and I

ask you to join us in celebratingthe research achievements ofour faculty members - and thepotential of our discoveries inthe field of dentistry. In futureissues of this Newsletter we willhighlight some of our otherprofessors, and share with yousome of the "specifics" of whatwe are doing - and the impactwe are having on maintainingoral health and fighting diseasesof the oral cavity.

Research Matters

(l-r) Dean Lund, Mr. Luc Vinet (Provost and Vice Principal, Academic), Dr. Thomas Hudson, Mme. Pauline Marois, Mme. Lucienne Robillard,Principal Bernard Shapiro, Mr. Paul L`Archeveque (Genome Quebec) an Mr. Martin Godbout (Genome Canada)

(l-r) Dean Lund, Ms. Jennifer Wong, Mrs. Pierrette Wong, Mrs. Mirella Saputo, Mr. Lino Saputo, Ms. Isabelle Neiderer (Dairy Farmers of Canada)and Dr. David Goltzman

(back row, l-r) Dr. Marc McKee, Dr. Jocelyne Feine, Dean Lund, Dr. David Goltzman, DebbieLarocque (front row, l-r) Mrs. Mirella Saputo, Ms. Jennifer Wong, Mr. Lino Saputo, Mrs. PierretteWong (lunch held at the University Club following event at the Strathcona Anatomy andDentistry Bldg)


By:Dr. Marc McKeeAssociate Dean, Research






Research MattersInterior - Jamson T.N. Wongresearch facility lobby

Exterior of Genome Building,facing Dr. Penfield Avenue

Wong researchfacilitylaboratories

Wong researchfacilitylaboratories

Commonconference room

Mr. Michael Shapiro,Engineering consultant

Outside walkwaybetween Genome andStrathcona

Exterior of Building facing Dr. Penfield looking up towardRoyal Victoria Hospital

Outside terrace withStrathcona inbackground


MARI KAARTINEN, BSc, MSc, PhDWord about the high quality ofresearch at the Faculty ofDentistry gets around.Dr. Mari Kaartinen, who comesfrom Finland, is at McGillbecause she heard Dr. MarcMcKee, Associate Dean ofResearch, speak at a symposiumin France in 1999 and wasimpressed by his report of thework being done here. Dr.Kaartinen does hard-tissueresearch using a variety oftechniques in protein chemistryand molecular and cell biology.She received her PhD inBiochemistry from the

University of Kuopio in Finlandand completed her postdoctoraltraining at McGill. She haswritten widely on the dynamicsof the extracellular matrix inbones and teeth at the proteinlevel. The matrix is the materialbetween hard-tissue cells. She isspecifically interested in howthe proteins regulatecalcification and cell adhesion."This may help us eventually tocreate smart bio-materials fordental implants so the implantscould integrate more naturallyinto the mouth," she said. "Butwe still need to understand a lotof things about the matrix beforewe start manipulating it."

McGill has a long standing andgrowing reputation in hardtissue research. "It's awonderful university," Dr.Kaartinen said. "I'm happyhere. The Faculty is growingand dynamic and everybody isvery enthusiastic about whatthey do." And she loves Montreal."It has the energy of NorthAmerica with a European feelto it," she said.She joined the staff of theFaculty in the fall of 2002 andhas already obtained her firstresearch grant from the federalgovernment. Her long-termcareer path includes simply'doing research and teaching'.

"In science, it is hard to have aten-year work plan, let alone acareer plan" she said."Research branches to placesyou never thought you'd goand that is very exciting.Career-wise, you will just haveto do the best research you can,and the rest of the careerusually falls into place on itsown. You tend to gravitatetowards where you belong".

FERNANDO CERVERO,MB ChB, PhD, DScFor pain researchers like Dr.Fernando Cervero, who arrivedfrom Spain in August 2002,McGill's reputation is certainly adraw."There is a very strong painresearch community at McGillthat crosses a wide variety ofdisciplines," Dr. Cervero said. " Ithink I can contribute."McGill's world leadership in thefield goes back more than 50years. A questionnairedeveloped here by Dr. RonaldMelzack that patients fill out sothat their pain can be

evaluated, has beentranslated into manylanguages and is usedaround the world. It isknown as the McGillPain Questionnaire. The people Dr. Cerverowill work with haveprofessional backgroundsin psychology, physiologyand dentistry amongothers. He himself is a medicaldoctor with a PhD inneuroscience. "Virtually my entire career," he

said, "has been spent studyingthe physiology of pain,particularly visceral pain, dealingwith questions like "How do we

feel pain?""What are themechanismsin our bodythat feelpain?’ and, ofcourse, ‘Whatcan we do tomodify pain?"He haswritten more

than 140 articles about pain andis Editor-in-Chief of theEuropean Journal of Pain. Hehas worked at the universitiesof Edinburgh, Bristol andMadrid and was Chairman ofthe Scientific Board of theSpanish UPSA Pain Institute.

Dr. Cervero has been appointedProfessor of Anaesthesiologyand Dentistry and works withMcGill's Anaesthesia ResearchUnit. He was able to obtain a Chairfrom the Canadian Institute forHealth Research with supportfrom Astra Zeneca. The samecompany offered his wife, also aresearcher, a job in Montreal. "It was a good chance for thetwo of us to come together togood jobs, rather than just oneof us working and the otherone trailing, which is the usualstyle," he said.

LEADING RESEARCHERS JOIN THE FACULTY Drs. Marc McKee and MariKaartinen of our Facultyhave been invited by TokyoMedical and DentalUniversity to participate inteaching and research for aperiod of three months(April - June, 2003). Duringthis time, Dr. McKee willteach in the graduate schoolof the Faculties of Medicineand Dentistry as a VisitingProfessor and performexperiments there with Dr. Yoshiro Takano of theDepartment of Hard TissueEngineering. Drs. McKeeand Kaartinen will both giveseminars at severalinstitutions in Japan, and Dr.Kaartinen will present herrecent data at the jointmeeting of theInternational Bone andMineral Society and theJapanese Society for Boneand Mineral Research, tobe held in June in Osaka.

Montreal Genomics and Proteomics BuildingJamson T.N. Wong Laboratories for Bone and Periodontal Research




(l-r) Mrs. Susan and Dr. Kwong Li, Ms. Judiann Stern, Dr. Pierre Lamontagne

First meeting of Outreach Program Management CommitteeNovember 14, 2002 (back row, l-r) Judiann Stern, Dr. MichaelWiseman, Dr. Bruce Dobby, Dr. Kwong Li, Mr. Tommy Kulczyk(Sun Youth) (front row, l-r) Ms. Ronna Miller (MaimonidesGeriatric Health Centre) Dean Lund, Ms. Toni Cochand (Dansla rue) (missing: Mrs. Cynthia Lam)

Clinic UpdateFor those who are not alreadyfamiliar with the OutreachProgram; it provides free dentalcare to members of our societywho do not have access toproper treatment due to financial,social, psychological or physicalbarriers. Patients are referred tothe Outreach Program by itspartner social agencies. Theseagencies verify that all patientsare truly in need and this pastyear the Program has treated arecord number of such patients.Clinics are held at Sun Youth,Dans la rue, Norwood 7th DayAdventist Church and theMaimonides Hospital GeriatricCentre, using portable dentalequipment. In addition,treatment is provided toOutreach patients at theMontreal General HospitalTeaching Clinic during daytime

clinics held two to three times ayear. First and second yearstudents assist their big sibs inthird and fourth year. All giveat least half a day to help theneedy.

The Faculty gratefullyacknowledges the dedication,hard work and compassion ofthe Program's volunteerclinicians, dental students,auxiliaries, and the Cote St. LucEmergency Medical Service,and extends its sincereappreciation:

VOLUNTEER CLINICAL STAFF:Dr. Louise des NoyersDr. Bruce DobbyDr. Tony IannellaDr. Christine KoranDr. Pierre LamontagneDr. Yu Kwong LiDr. Philippe MojonDr. Julia PompuraDr. Ed SlapcoffDr. Daphne VermesDr. Laura deVreeze

VOLUNTEER AUXILIARY/ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF:Ms. Geni AngelopoulosMs. Vavi BohbotMs. Nicole GuedonMr. Richard HalperinMr. Sean LavryMr. Michael McHughMr. Blair SchwartzMs. Randi WaksMs. Susan Young

The greatest reward that thestudents and staff receive fromour patients is a simple thank you.The patients bring with them aunique life history filled with, attimes, both joy and sadness.

By Dr. Michael WisemanDirector, Outreach Program











EXT. 0315.


Outreach Program -evening clinic atDans la rueCommunity Centre

The Faculty of Dentistry andthe McGill Outreach Programwould like to recognize withsincere appreciation thefollowing individuals andorganizations for their verygenerous donations:

•Provincial government(Ministère de la Santé etdes Services sociaux - M.Roger Bertrand) will becontributing $40,400 tosupport the initiatives of theOutreach Program, followinga review of the study onaccessibility of dental services,prepared by Dr. Paul Allison.

•Mr. Keith Petrovsky,President of Thermo King,donated a truck equippedwith a diesel generator, and

will be preparing it to beconverted to a dentaloperatory on wheels. Thistruck will allow the Outreachteam to transport allequipment to treatment siteseasily.


•The George Hogg FamilyFoundation and the ZellerFamily Foundation haveonce again generouslydonated funds to purchaseadditional portable dentalcarts and chairs. These unitsare self-sufficient, containingtheir own compressor, water

supply and suction. Theseunits will increase theOutreach Program's ability toprovide care to more peopleat each of the monthlyevening clinics.

•Mr. Alan Edwards,representing The LouiseEdwards Foundation,made a major contributiontoward the Program'smission of raising awarenessand providing free dentalcare to school children in thecommunities it serves.

Faculty Highlights

The faculty has established amanagement committee for theOutreach Program that includescommunity representatives. Thiscommittee consists of Dean Lund,Dr. Michael Wiseman, Dr. Kwong Li,Ms. Judiann Stern, co-ordinator, Dr.Bruce Dobby, Ms. Toni Cochandrepresenting Dans la rue, Mr.Tommy Kulczyk from Sun Youth,Ms. Ronna Miller from MaimonidesHospital Geriatric Centre and Mrs.Cynthia Lam. This committee hasbeen charged with managementoversight fund raising, and publicawareness.


Dean Lund and Dr. Michael Wisemanacknowledging generous support from Mix 96 radio station

•On February 14, 2002, Montreal radio station CJFM Mix 96 sponsored a Valentine's Day Dance at the RitzCarlton Hotel and all proceeds were donated to the OutreachProgram. Special thanks must be given to Mr. Rob Braide and Standard Radio for their thoughtful contribution.

A Patient's Experience:Mrs. J. a patient referred by theSantropol Roulant organization, hadcomplained in the past of her dentalpain but with just enough funds to pay forher rent, food, and medication she had toconstantly put her oral needs on the "backburner". Mrs. J. admitted to the Outreachteam that many nights were spent in pain.Her only answer was to take some Tylenol.This however never rid her of that constantache. When she was informed of the McGillOutreach Program and its "drill, fill with nobill" program she was elated. She wonderedif Christmas had come early, her prayers forrelief from constant pain were answered.She was told to arrive at the MontrealGeneral McCall Dental Clinic at 10:00 AMSaturday November 23. She had to taketwo buses from her home anddisembarked from the bus with a sense of both anxiety andhopefulness. She hadexperienced many years ofdental problems over her 93years of life and did not quiteknow what was in store for her.But she hoped that she couldhave some sort of relief.

When she arrived at the thirdfloor of the Montreal GeneralHospital, she was met by smilesand welcoming words.❶❶ Heranxiety levels decreased a little.She registered with theOutreach reception staff andwas told that her medical history, and bloodpressure would be taken. It didn't take long for hername to be called and she entered another roomwhere she responded again to another friendly face.She was asked questions about her health and hadher blood pressure checked.❷❷ She thought toherself that she was happy she had taken her highblood pressure medications this month. WithChristmas approaching she had pondered the ideaof delaying the trip to the pharmacy to buy her pillsin order to buy her grandchildren toys. She gave asigh of relief when she was informed that her bloodpressure was within normal limits.

Mrs. J. then waited in the hallfor her assigned student to callher name. It didn't take longuntil she saw her studentdentist clad in blue approachingher. She followed him down thehallway into the McCall clinic.She explained that her chiefcomplaint was a mobile tooththat caused her a lot of painwhen eating, talking, or justwatching TV. She had said that ithad gotten to the point where shebegan to avoid meeting friendsafter church as she didn't want tobe a burden to anyone. Sheproceeded to have a radiograph ❸❸of her troubled area and, uponconsultation with the Outreachdentists, it was agreed that hertroubled tooth was to be extracted. She made the long trekdown the hall to the Oral Surgery Department. Her attendingstudent volunteer extracted the tooth under the watchful eye ofDr. Ed Slapcoff ❹❹ and she left the clinic with much relief.❺❺ Shethanked the Outreach team continuously throughout her visit.Many of the Outreach staff noticed that her facial expressionshad changed from pain and anxiety to relief.



Faculty Highlights

Outreach Clinic Day at the Montreal General Hospital November 23, 2002Two to three times a year, the Outreach Program holds a full day clinic at the Montreal General

Hospital McCall Dental Clinic (undergraduate teaching clinic facilities), to which the Program'saffiliated social agencies refer patients.

One clinic day in particular is featured below. It was held on November 23, 2002 and one veryspecial elderly patient stood out in the hearts of the volunteers. Her story is typical of the patientsregularly treated by the Program and she agreed to share her clinic experience with our readers.












In the past few years,undergraduate studentshave become more and

more familiar with computers.Recently, McGill University haschosen WebCT as its on-linecourse management system.

The following article written byDr. Jeff Myers explains theintroduction in more detail.

Like all new technologicalchanges, WebCT will demandsome adaptations by theteachers. Typical carousel slidepresentations are not digital andcannot be simply copied onto acomputer. The first step will beto transform the slidepresentation into Powerpointpresentations that can then beposted on the WWW via WebCT.In Orthodontics we have takenthis concept one step further.We have started to producemovies in digital format that willallow the student to review aclinical procedure as often ashe/she would like. With thesedemonstrations, important stepscan be highlighted for review.Students can review proceduresin a real clinical setting. We havealso gone beyond thePowerpoint presentation andhave developed a uniquecomputer-based course for theUndergraduate and ContinuingEducation program. Thisprogram allows students to learnat their own pace, do practicalexercises and answer shortquizzes to evaluate theirlearning. Movies, sound, video,slides and text are used to makethis courseware much more

interactive while enhancing thelearning experience. The teachercan highlight with zoom, fade-ins, appearing arrows, specificimportant points about aparticular topic.

This format is well adapted toContinuing Education because itallows the dentist fromanywhere in the world to learn,practice and interact with amini-course developed by McGillUniversity. The material isalways available on the Web andCD, can be updated, and evenadapted to specific needs of asegment of the dentalcommunity. Using WebCT,interesting cases can also beposted weekly. Discussion groupscan be used to encouragestudents to participate and allowfor discussion of cases and otherimportant issues.

Presentation of thesoftware utilized:

Our software required aprofessional programming teamto assist the teacher in coursedevelopment. Without thecollaboration with the InstructionalCommunications Centre atMcGill, this development wouldnot have been possible. Thisproject is the first of its kind andMcGill University should berecognized for its vision inmodern teaching methods.

The first module that will beoffered is:"Diagnostic in InterceptiveOrthodontics". This module is areview of all the necessarydiagnostic tools that a generaldentist interested in Orthodonticsshould master. It is divided intodifferent categories such as:1. Facial exam

2. Functional exam

3. Dental exam 4. Dental cast analysis

5. Cephalometrics6. Panoramic X ray7. Diagnosis

One of the interesting featuresincorporated into the modules is aseries of exercises that are designedto help dentists test theirknowledge and skill on a subject.

We have also tried to addressquestions frequently asked bythe general practitionerinterested in Orthodonticsregarding the case selectionprocess. We have introduced the"green light -red light" conceptto case studies to alert a dentistto the severity of the observedmalocclusion. While theprogram is not able to deal withthe whole range of problemsobserved, the green light - redlight system can assist a dentistto quantify the observedmalocclusion and giverecognizable " landmarks" ofmalocclusion severity.

This "new" concept inContinuing Education is basedon changing delivery and controlof the CE process. Unlikeprevious types of professionaldevelopment, this course will becontinuously available to theparticipant. Participants will beassured that the course contentas well as the platform used hasbeen designed and monitored byteaching professionals. Thecourse will be regularly updatedto reflect the most moderntreatment methods. Theparticipant will also have theopportunity to examinetreatment plans posted on thesite and even present his/herown cases for review.

Does this new formatreplace conventional CEcourses?

Absolutely not. It is importantfor participants in CE to haveprofessional contacts with othermembers of their profession on aregular basis. Multimediacontent does not replaceinteractivity and real practicalexercises. This "new" format isonly a complement to regularattendance at conventions andhands-on CE courses that areinvaluable for optimal learning.

Nevertheless our project cangreatly enhance the CE experience.

A student can take thetheoretical part of the "InterceptiveOrthodontic Course" in amultimedia environment. Oncethis course is completed and aftera proper evaluation, the studentwould be allowed to participate ina hands-on clinical training sessionoffered by the McGill UniversityCE department in cooperationwith the Montreal Children’sHospital Dental Department. Beforeimplementation, this new proposalwill have to be approved by theOrdre des Dentistes du Québec,

the body responsible for thegranting of temporary licenses.

The Orthodontic Division ofMcGill University isimplementing these newmultimedia teaching methods toprovide students and participantsin CE courses a more enjoyableand effective learningenvironment. Once again, McGillUniversity is at the forefront ofeducating the future dentist aswell as offering a uniqueexperience in CE to generalpractitioners looking to improvetheir clinical

Faculty Highlights

McGill DentistryGoes Digitalby Dr. Jean-Marc Retrouvey,Director, Division of Orthodontics







Things have changed at McGill. And I don't just mean that whenyou come back for your 20th reunion you won't be able to findyour old chair in the clinic anymore. The information technologyrevolution has not left your old faculty untouched any less thancomputers have affected the way you manage patients in yourown practice.

In the classroom, PowerPoint presentations have largely replacedconventional slide shows. All our classrooms are equipped withcomputer hookups and projectors that can be used for both videoand digital presentations. Improvements in computer softwarehave meant that lecturers can incorporate text, graphics and videointo one seamless presentation that can be edited easily, asadditional information becomes available. Our Faculty has made aconsiderable investment in this new technology and will continueto spend annually on equipment and training. Our students willhave the most up-to-date resources and facilities.

Meanwhile, the University has introduced a new Internet basedteaching tool called WebCT. Our instructors can use this programto post teaching material to the Internet on a secure website.Students can review PowerPoint presentations at their own pace,have access to class notes, take quizzes and surveys and conductdiscussions just by logging in on their home computer. WebCT isnot meant to replace class time. But it is a valuable adjunct thatcan enhance the interaction between our teachers and theirstudents.

The Internet is being used in other ways as well. With Medline,students and full and part-time staff can review the dental andmedical literature going back more than 30 years. For mostpublications, access is limited to abstracts of the material. But foran increasing number of journals, including the journals of theCanadian, American and British Dental Associations, The Journalof Prosthetic Dentistry and others, members of the McGillcommunity can read an entire article online. Evidence-based careis becoming an integral part of our practices, and access tocomputers and the Internet has become an absolute necessity forthe education of our students.

Of course, computer technology is not just limited to theclassroom. Practice management software has been used for yearsto administer financial operations in the Undergraduate Clinic. Wealso use specific applications to monitor our students' progress. Weroutinely track the quantity and type of procedures each studentdoes, the status of their patients and the number of visits eachyear. Programs are also being developed to review treatmentoutcomes and improve the quality of care our patients receive.

What else is happening in information systems? To begin with,video presentations are being replaced by digital video. Using thistechnology and high-speed Internet access, students will soon beable to download short movie clips demonstrating periodontalsurgery on oral patients. They'll be able to review what they'reexpected to do before doing the procedure for the first time. Andwireless networks: McGill has started installing wirelessconnections in all the university's libraries. Using a wireless PCCard any desk can become a computer workstation with fullInternet access.

The day is fast approaching when laptop computers will becomejust another part of our student's instrument kit. And like you inyour own office, we will wonder how we ever got along withoutthem.

McGill Teaching Takes a Giant Step

by Dr. Jeffrey Myers, Director,Undergraduate Clinical Programs, Montreal General Hospital



In traveling to make directcontact with our alumni incities across North

America, the most commonquestion people ask me is "So… how are things atMcGill? ". My answer beginswith " We are doing great";but quickly moves on to thegreat challenges that dentaleducation faces, as this newmillennium, now three yearsold, reveals the changes thathealth care faces in the future.

It is important to rememberthat education should preparedental students to deal with theissues that will be present atleast a decade from now andbeyond. We are not just trainingour students for the challengesof today; we are also, in manyways, futurists, predicting theneeds of patients down the road.

We are training our studentsin groundbreaking ways to beconscious of their relationshipto our society. We sensitize themto the need for compassionatecare and the importance ofpreserving the dignity of ourpatients. We provide them,through our outreach programs,with a feeling of responsibilityfor the health of their fellowhuman beings, outside ofeconomic motivation, and thusallow them to appreciate theunique skills that they have.This we hope will go a long wayin providing them with a feelingof fulfillment in the professionallives that they will lead.

I could not be prouder of ourrecent graduates as I see theminteract with patients in ourlarge Residency network. Theyare maintaining and I daresaysurpassing, the long-heldreputation of the quality of ourgraduates world wide.

We feel that visiting ouralumni is even more importanttoday than ever. Your support,as we look to providing ourstudents with continuoustechnological means to preserveour leading edge in educationand research, will be essential.

In March 2002, we enjoyedour visit to the Pacific DentalConference in Vancouver. Thewarm reception we continue toreceive reinforces the efforts wemake to connect with you, andwe could not be more grateful.

In April 2002, we attendedthe Ontario Dental Associationmeeting in Toronto, and wewere delighted to see so manyOntario alumni visit our booth.It is clear that McGill grads havehad an enormous influence ondentistry in Ontario.

In May 2002, we held anextremely well attendedreception in Montreal inconjunction with the landmarkjoint Journées dentaires duQuébec/CDA convention. Thisafforded us the opportunity towelcome graduates from acrossCanada and we were extremelygrateful for your attendance.We hope that you came awayfrom this experience with thesame positive feeling that we did.

As this issue goes to press wehave just returned from theMarch 2003 Pacific DentalConference in Vancouver aswell as the Yankee Dental Congressin Boston held earlier inJanuary. We were delighted tosee so many of you and to havea chance to spend someextended time with a numberof you. It was wonderful, onceagain, to savor the quality of ourgraduates spanning thegenerations. So many peoplehave such enormous respect forMcGill University that wecannot help returning withrenewed enthusiasm about thework we do.

As always, we pledge ourcontinued commitment to youand invite you to ask us forwhatever help we can provide.If you are visiting Montreal andwould like us to give you andyour family (includingprospective applicants) a VIPtour of our facility and anopportunity to meet ourstudents, please contact DebbieLarocque or myself and we willbe delighted to arrange it.E-mail:

Creating Connections

(l-r) Dr. Scott Stewart, DebbieLarocque, Pacific DentalConference, Vancouver (PDC)

(l-r) Dr. Norman Miller, Dr. Myrna Halpenny, Mrs. and Dr. Bruce Ward, Dean Lund, PDC

(centre) Dr. Evelyn Yeo with (r) Dr. Norman Miller, PDC

(l-r)Dr. Charles Laszlo, Dr. Doreen Laszlo, Debbie Larocque, PDC

Dr. John O`Keefe, CDA Journal Editor, Dr. Susan Chow, B.C. Women`s Associationof Dentists, PDC

(l-r) Mr. Brian Mirth, Ms. Joanna Mirth, Mr. Graham Mirth, Dr. Majid Sherkat, PDC

(l-r) Debbie Larocque, Dr. Jim Harrison, Mrs. Tina Harrison, PDC


(l-r) Helen Chantzos, Christy Chan, CDA

Phyllis and Bernard Shapiro, CDA

Dean Lund, Professor Phyllis Shapiro, Dr. Doreen Laszlo, CDA Alumni Reception, Montreal

(l-r) Dr. Herb Borsuk, Dr. Robert Faith, Mr. Alan Edwards, CDA

By: Dr. Norman M. MillerDirector, Community Relations

(l-r) Dr. Norman Miller, Dr. James Jung, Dr. Sylvain Marino, CDA


(l-r) Dr. John Drummond, Dr. Bruce Dobby, Dean Lund, CDA




Faculty News & Notes

(back row, l-r) Dr. Scott Stewart, Dr. Jim Harrison, Dr. Ken Weaver, Dr. Alex Lieblich, Dr. Ken Walley, Dr. Doreen Laszlo (front row, l-r) Mrs. Birgitta Weaver, Mrs. Tina Harrison, Dr. William Bryson, Mrs. Joan Bryson

Howard S. Katz Excellence in Teaching Award

At a special meeting of the Faculty Council March 13,2002, the first Excellence in Teaching Award waspresented to Charlie Smith, DDS'70. To present the

Award, the Faculty was honored to have as its guests membersof the late Dr. Howard Katz's family including his wife Dr. LornaKatz, DDS'88 and his children Adena, Avi and Ilan.

This most auspicious occasion also acknowledged the officialcreation of the Dr. Howard S. Katz Scholarship, with fundingfor the endowment having been recently completed, thanks tothe many donations from family, friends and colleagues. Dr.Michael Tennenbaum and Dr. Jay Waxman were on hand torepresent the Alpha Omega Society, which had made asignificant contribution toward the endowment.

(seated) Avi Katz, (l-r) Dr. Lorna Katz, Adena Katz, Ilan Katz

(l-r) Adena Katz, Ilan Katz, Avi Katz, Dr. Lorna Katz, Dr. Charlie Smith, Dean Lund, Dr. Michael Tenenbaum, Dr. Jay Waxman

Call for NominationsThe Howard S. Katz Excellence in Teaching Awardwas initiated in March 2001, and is presented to amember of the Faculty of Dentistry for superiorundergraduate teaching.

The Selection Committee comprises the Dean, theAssociate Dean (Academic), the President of the DentalStudents' Society, and two academic staff members (oneclinical and one preclinical) who are selected by FacultyCouncil

The award will consist of a scroll and a cheque for$1,000, and the recipient's name will be inscribed on aplaque to be mounted in the Faculty Council Room.

Nominations are sought from staff and recent graduates(5 years) and must be received prior to April 1st of agiven year. Each nomination will be initiated by twoletters of support; one from the nominator and one from aseconder. Nominators should provide a brief descriptionof the general procedures they used in the selection of thecandidate. Nominees must be willing to attendConvocation to accept the award if selected.The nominator should solicit evidence of outstandingteaching through letters from former faculty and/or fromformer students who have gone on to successful careers,and also through letters of support from the candidate'sdivision or teaching hospital. Please note that letters fromcurrent students are discouraged.

The following criteria will contribute to the evaluation:excellent student evaluations, evidence of pedagogicalinnovation, and recognition of leadership in dentaleducation.Nominations should be mailed to: The Office of the Dean,Faculty of Dentistry, McGill University, 3640 UniversityStreet, Room M/21, Montreal, QC, H3A 2B2.

Vancouver LeacockLuncheonThe Faculty once again hosted atable at the Vancouver LeacockLuncheon, held April 5, 2002 atthe Four Seasons Hotel. Theseannual Leacock Lunch eventscontinue to provide anexcellent opportunity toconnect with graduates andfriends of the Faculty and toexpress the Faculty'sappreciation for their loyal andgenerous support.

International Symposium Draws Rave ReviewsOn May 24-25, 2002, the Faculty had the distinction of presenting an international Symposium onIMPLANT OVERDENTURES AS STANDARD OF CARE FOR EDENTULOUS PATIENTS.This world class event was organized by Dr. Jocelyne Feine and Dr. Gunnar Carlsson, Editor of TheInternational Journal of Prosthodontics, and drew attendance from around the world. Over 200 peoplewere on hand to listen to presentations given by internationally renowned speakers, listed below:

A panel of experts who work in areas relevant to this topic, along with patients and clinical trialparticipants who have experience with dental prostheses, prepared a consensus statement based on (1) presentations given during the 1.5 day session, (2) published scientific knowledge on this topic and(3) the personal experience of the patients/participants.

The final version concluded that current evidence suggests that restoration of the edentulousmandible with a conventional denture is no longer the most appropriate first-choice prosthodontictreatment. There is now overwhelming evidence that a 2-implant overdenture should become thefirst-choice treatment for the edentulous mandible.

Dr. Manal Awad, Sharjah, UAEDr. Gunnar Carlsson, Göteborg, SwedenDr. Antoine Chehade, Montreal, CanadaDr. Jocelyne Feine, Montreal, CanadaDr. Timothy Head, Montreal, CanadaDr. Michael MacEntee, Vancouver, CanadaDr. Regina Mericske-Stern, Bern Switzerland

Dr. Philippe Mojon, Montreal, CanadaDr. Jose Morais, Montreal, CanadaDr. Ignace Naert, Leuven, BelgiumDr. Alan Payne, Dunedin, New ZealandMr. John Penrod, Montreal, CanadaDr. Thomas Taylor, Connecticut, USADr. Daniel Wismeijer, Breda, The Netherlands

Jewish General HospitalResidency Program ReunionDentists from across North America who didtheir residency training at the hospital between1968-2002 caught up with their formerteachers and colleagues when they attended thefirst-ever JGH Dental Residents Reunion, whichtook place at the hospital on May 26th, 2002. Afull day scientific program featured keynotespeaker Dr. Neil L. Starr, whose topic was"Esthetic Rehabilitation - Elements in Designand the Surgical-Restorative Interplay." Theprogram was preceded by an evening receptionat the home of Dr. Mervyn Gornitsky, formerChief of the Department of Dentistry.

"This reunion was a most fitting tribute to Dr.Gornitsky and a way to honour his leadership," explains Dr. Melvin Schwartz, current Chief of thedepartment. "Dr. Gornitsky was passionate about residency training and his students have gone on tomake important contributions to the field of dentistry," he adds.

While not compulsory, the residency program offered at the JGH is a popular one, providingdentistry graduates with the opportunity to perfect their technique and learn new skills, especially fortreating medically compromised patients. "Our program is of tremendous benefit, not only to thedentistry residents themselves, but also to the population at large,"notes Dr. Schwartz.

Also at the reunion, Dr. Gornitsky and his wife, Rena, were thanked for their generous donation tothe Department of Dentistry, which will be used for the purchase of new equipment and to upgradethe dental facility.

Foundation Chairman James Alexander (left) and Dr. Mel Schwartz (right)present a plaque to Dr. Mervyn and Rena Gornitsky (centre))

Dr. Mervyn GornitskyHonored:In addition to being recognized forhis long standing commitment to theJGH Residency Program, Dr. Gornitskyalso received the distinction of beingnamed Emeritus Professor by McGilland was honored at Convocation heldMay 23, 2002.

"My involvement with the Facultyof Dentistry at McGill University hasbeen very positive", said Dr.Gornitsky. "I received an excellenteducation in clinical dentistry whichprepared me for my graduate studiesin oral and maxillofacial surgery. Itis the duty of a professional toreciprocate in the field of educationand I pursued this goal withenthusiasm and vigour".

(l-r) Mr. Arthur Lau, Mrs. Crystal Lau, Mr. Keith Petrovsky, Mrs. Cindy Petrovsky, Dean Lund, Ms. Katherine Lund, Mrs. Pierrette Wong, Ms. Jennifer Wong



Faculty News & Notes

What a view!!!! (l-r) Mrs. Lorraine Barolet, Dr. Eddie Chan and Mrs. Vivian Chan

(l-r) Patricia Bassett, Al Bassett, Dr. Lucie Billette

Dr. James Harrison (2nd from right) and family, with scholarshiprecipient Brent Coté (3rd from right)

(right) Dr. Bob Miller, chef extraordinaire

(l-r) Mrs. Joan Kepron, Dr. Don Kepron, Ms. Marnie Taylor

Dr. George Brabant, Dr. Ralph Barolet, Dean Lund, Dr. Rod Lefebvre

Dr. Gerald and Mrs. Summer Filgiano

In keeping with tradition, the sun prevailed, attendance was high, food was plentiful andthe venue was picture perfect. Dean Lund and his wife, Dr. Jocelyne Feine, were onceagain gracious hosts of the Faculty's annual barbecue held at their home in Senneville for

the fourth straight year. The event took place on August 24, 2002 and staff, graduates andfriends of the Faculty and students from all four years were in attendance.

4th Annual Dean’s BarbecueA Resounding Success Once Again!!

Annual Staff DinnerThe Faculty's annual staff dinner took place at the Faculty Club on June 12, 2002. Professor David Bird,Director of the Avian Science and Conservation Centre at McGill's Macdonald Campus, was the guestspeaker, and the occasion also honored the following individuals on their retirement from the Faculty:Dr. Stanley Blum, DDS'68, and Ms. Hélène Hogan, who had served as the Faculty's tower of strength invarious departments, most notably the Student Admissions Office, for over 35 years. The Faculty alsorecognized the contributions of Dr. Esa Klemetti, Assistant Professor, Division of Prosthodontics who wasleaving the Faculty to work at the University of Kuwait.Dr. Harry Rosen,

Dr. Chris Herten-GreavenDr. Julia Pompura, Dr. Gary Freedman

(l-r) Dr. David Bird, Ms. Hélène Hogan, Dr. Frank Kay, Dr. Stanley Blum Dr. Philippe Mojon and Dr. Esa Klemetti Dr. Gerry Konanec, Dr. George Harasymowycz, Dr. Yazdi Turner

Lake view



Faculty News & Notes

Class of `77

Mrs. Mary Crawford, Dr. Reginald Lyn

(l-r) Dr. Jack Turkewicz, Dr. Peter White, Dr. Alan Michaud, Lt. Col. Eric Reid

Faculty HomecomingReceptionThe Faculty hosted anAlumni ReceptionSeptember 27, 2002 in theMervyn A. Rogers FacultyCouncil Room of theStrathcona Anatomy andDentistry Building,following the Dr. ErnieAmbrose Lecture Series.The Faculty was delightedto welcome back many ofits alumni who hadattended the lecture, someof whom were alsocelebrating reunions.

Class of `62

Dr. Ernie Ambrose Lecture SeriesThe Continuing Education Department was pleased to host its annual Lecture Series, which washeld Friday, September 27, 2002, at the Strathcona Anatomy and Dentistry Building. Dr. MelSchwartz, DDS'77, served as moderator and the featured guest speakers were Dr. Murray Arlin,DDS'77 presenting on the topic of "Dental Implants: What Works in Private Practice (and What Doesn't)"and Lt. Col. Eric L. Reid, DDS'77 whose presentation was entitled "Mass Disaster Response: The Swissair111 Investigation". This continues to be an important occasion for presenting key topics of interestand bringing together professionals motivated to learn and expand their own base of expertise.

Leacock LunchStephen Butler LeacockDecember 30, 1869 - March 28, 1944BA (Toronto, PhD (Chicago), Litt D (Brown), Litt D (Dartmouth),LL D (Queen's), LLD (Toronto), DCL (Bishop's), LLD (McGill)

Each year, McGill University honours Stephen Leacock, oneof its most beloved and renowned graduates by hosting aluncheon that carries not only his name but his wit and wrysense of humor. The Faculty took great pleasure in invitinggraduates and friends to join in this celebration which washeld in conjunction with Homecoming Weekend on Friday,September 27, 2002 at the Hilton Montreal Bonaventure Hotel.

(back row, l-r) Dr. Ken Weaver, Dr.Penny Tucker, Dr. Norman Miller, Dr.Taras Konanec, Ms. Patricia Bassett, Dr.Fernando Cervero (front row, l-r) Mrs.Birgitta Weaver, Dr. Martin Guibord,Dean Lund, Debbie Larocque

CCllaassss ooff ''5577

Dentistry Class Reunion Celebrations

In nineteen forty-eight was born-the class of '52

From here and there and everywhere-the magnet drew us to

that place of learning: world renownedwhose emblem is the martlet

And planted seeds of friendship rare-much sweeter than a bartlet

Four years to germinate and grow-a tender plant to start

Fertilized with sweat and pain-experience shared and heart

At graduation how could we know-that as the years went by

Our friendship all the sweeter grows-and will until we die

So here's to us and to old McGill -"Grandescunt Aucta Labore"

I drink to the class of '52-hard work brought us glory!

(l-r) Dr. Ken Clark, Dr. Ron Kelly

(l-r) Dr. Mike Gossack, Dr. Elliott Goldenberg

(l-r) Dr. Esau Hosein, Ms. Marnie Taylor, Dr. Rudy Postema

(l-r) Ms. Hélène Hogan, Ms. Mary Farmus, Ms. Susan Young

HOMECOMING WEEKEND October 26-29, 2002

CCllaassss ooff `̀5522

A Toast to the Class of 1952

CCllaassss ooff ''7722

CCllaassss ooff ''8877



Faculty News & Notes

(back row, l-r) Joyce Topolski, Dr. Richard Topolski, Mrs. Freyda Fellows(front row, l-r) Mrs. Donnette Mahoney, Dr. Jim Mahoney, Dr. Ed Fellows

(back row, l-r) Lisa and Dr. Michel Matouk(front row, l-r) Yoguv and Dr. Julie Freedman, Sherry and Dr. Lawrence Hier

On a recent swing through South Florida, theFaculty had the opportunity to gather together a group of its own graduates and their spouses. They provided a warm welcome to Debbie Larocque(Development and Alumni Relations) who hosted a dinner on behalf of Dean Lund and the Faculty on November 14, 2002, at Gibby's Restaurant inFort Lauderdale. The event proved to be a tremendous success, thanks in large part to Mrs. Freyda Fellows who helped in bringing this group together.The Faculty extends its appreciation to all who attended for their enthusiasm and support and looks forward to future opportunities to host its familyand friends across the border.

South Florida Rolls Out The Red Carpet

(back row, l-r) Dr. Jack Hirschfeld, Dr. Mongi Mikhail, Dr. Mitchell Josephs(front row, l-r) Mrs. Donna Hirschfeld, Mrs. Hoda Mikhail, Mrs. Eileen Josephs

Mrs. Pierrette Wong, Mr. Arthur Lau

(l-r) Mrs. Lorraine and Dr. RalphBarolet, Mrs. Vivian Chan

(l-r) Dr. Gerry Konanec, Dr. Ike Silver

(l-r) Dr. Peter Chauvin,Dr. John Drummond Dr.Bruce and Mrs. Dee Dobby

(l-r) Dr. Stephen Miller, Dr. Robert Faith,Dr. Gary Freedman

Dentistry Staff Honoured at Quarter Century Club EventTwo members of our Dentistry staff were recently honouredfor their 25 years service with the University, at an eventheld November 7, 2002 in Redpath Hall. They were Dr.Herb Borsuk, DDS'72, Endo'74 and Dr. Ed Shields, DDS'70,Ph.D'79 (Human Genetics) from Indiana University.

The Faculty is grateful for their many years of loyal anddedicated service.

The annual Staff ChristmasReception was heldDecember 11, 2002 at the

University Faculty Club. TheFaculty welcomed staff and friendsalong with their spouses andguests. As always, it provided awonderful opportunity to bringthe Faculty family together tocelebrate the spirit of Christmas.

NEWS FLASH: On October 30, 2002, the McCallUndergraduate Teaching Clinic at theMontreal General Hospital kept theHalloween tradition alive. Its hallwayswere filled with monsters and ghouls,witches and geishas who had taken overthe bodies of Dentistry students andstaff!! Young patients were last seenfleeing in terror!!See for yourself!!





as Reception



Faculty News & Notes

Paul AllisonBest published paper in the Journal of Disability andOral Health. Awarded for article: Allison PJ, Faulks D &Hennequin M (2001): Dentist-related barriers to treatment ina group of individuals with Down syndrome in France:Implications for dental education. Journal of Disability andOral Health. 2(1):18-26

Catherine BushnellDistinguished Career Award, Canadian Pain Society

Marie DagenaisFellow, Academy of Dentistry International

Mervyn GornitskyProfessor Emeritus, McGill University

Hervé Le MoualFonds de la recherche en santé du Québec - "Chercheur boursier senior"

Marc McKeeFonds de la recherche en santé du Québec - "Chercheur national"

Harry RosenLife Member, American Academy of FixedProsthodontics

Stéphane SchwartzFellow, L'Académie Dentaire du Québec Honorary Member, Canadian Academy of Pediatric Dentistry

Charles E. SmithDr. Howard S. Katz Award for Excellence in Teaching

Maryam TabrizianFonds de la recherche en santé du Québec - "Chercheur boursier senior"

Martin TylerHonorary Fellowship, American Academy of OralMedicine

Certificate of Merit, American Academy of Oral Medicine Certificate of Appreciation, American Academy of Oral Medicine

Ana VellyFonds de la recherche en santé du Québec - “Chercheur boursier junior”

We Salute You!!Staff Honors and Awards

Congratulations are extended to the followingFaculty members on their 2001-2002 honors and awards:

Faculty Staff UpdatesNEW FULL TIME STAFF:Dr. Fernando Cervero, MB ChB, 1972 and PhD, 1975 (Univ Madrid); DSc, 1992 (Univ Edinburgh) Dr. Gerald Domanowski, MD 1983 (SUNY)Dr. Mari Kaartinen, PhD 1999 (Univ Kuopio, Finland)

NEW PART TIME STAFF:Dr. Gerald Abish, DDS 1981 (McGill)Dr. Josée Bellefleur, DMD 1992 (UdeM)Dr. Tibor Bertalen, DMD '75 (UdeM)Dr. Andrew Bourke, DDS 1983 (McGill)Mr. Michael Climan, MA 1970 (Carlton U)Dr. Marie-Claude Constance, DMD 1990 (UdeM)Dr. Louise Desnoyers, DMD 1991 (UdeM)Dr. Bruce Dobby, DDS 1981 (McGill)Dr. Robert Dorion, DDS 1972 (McGill)Dr. Emilia Espiritu, DMD 1989 (U Western On)Mr. Yanis Felemegos, B Nutritional Sc 1989 (McGill)Dr. Raphael Garofalo, DDS, 1998Dr. Stefan Haas-Jean , DMD 1995 (UdeM)Dr. Marie-Josée Higgins, DDS 1993 (McGill),

MSc 1996 (U Minnesota)Dr. Marie-André Houle DMD 1995 (UdeM)Dr. Mansour Kano, DMD 1984 (UdeM)Dr. Christine Koran, DDS 2000 (McGill)Dr. George Kyritsis, DMD 1996 (UdeM)Dr. Lise Pichler, DMD 1981 (UdeM)Dr. Hilal Sirhan, DDS 1993 (McGill)

McGill Regional Volunteer Phonathons 2003:March 11, 12, 18, 19 MontrealMarch 25, 26 TorontoApril 22 VancouverIf you are interested in volunteering, pleasecontact Maria Keenan at (514)398-3557.

MARCH 28, 2003Continuing Education Lecture, TGIF, featuringDrs. Marie Dagenais, Peter Chauvin, Paul Allison,Elizabeth O'Brien and Channy Muhn, on"Cutaneous and Oral Diseases-What DentistsShould Know" at the Strathcona Anatomy &Dentistry Building, McGill University, Montreal.

APRIL 11, 2003Continuing Education Lecture, TGIF, featuringDrs. Michael Wiseman, Jocelyne Feine, PhilippeMojon, Julia Pompura, Daniel Fortin and SergeGauthier, on "Geriatric Dentistry - Today andTomorrow", at the Strathcona Anatomy &Dentistry Building, McGill University, Montreal.

MAY 26-28, 2003Faculty Exhibit at Les Journées DentairesInternationales du Québec held at the MontrealConvention Centre. An Alumni Reception isplanned; details to be confirmed at a later date.

May 30, 2003McGill University presents the 9th annualLeacock Luncheon, Toronto, Ontario.The Luncheon will take place at 11:30 am at TheFairmont Royal York Hotel, 100 Front St. West,Toronto, OntarioGuest Speaker: Jane Farrow, CBC Radio host'

JUNE 2, 2003Faculty of Dentistry Champagne Brunch to beheld at the McGill University Faculty Club,followed by the Student Convocation Ceremoniesscheduled to take place at Tomlinson Field House.

OCTOBER 16-19, 2003McGill University Homecoming/ReunionWeekend, featuring the Dr. Ernie AmbroseLecture Series. This year's lecture, to be heldOctober 17, will feature Dr. Stephen Fitch,DDS'78.

If you are celebrating a class anniversary in 2003, thisis your opportunity to plan for your reunion activitiesin conjunction with McGill's own lineup ofhomecoming events. Be sure to get in touch with yourrespective class representatives for further details, or callMary Crawford at (514) 398-7203, ext. 0188.

NOVEMBER 7, 2003Continuing Education Lecture, featuring Dr.Nathan Booth, on "Management", at theStrathcona Anatomy and Dentistry Building,McGill University, Montreal.

JANUARY 23, 2004Continuing Education Lecture, TGIF, featuring Dr.Herb Borsuk together with the Division ofEndodontics, at the Strathcona Anatomy andDentistry Building, McGill University, Montreal

For further information on Continuing Education Lectures, please contact Ms. Olga Chodan (telephone: (514) 398-7221, fax: (514)398-8900, email:




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NEW APPOINTMENTS:Dr. Véronique Benhamou,DDS 1986 (McGill), Cert Perio1989 (BostonU) - ClinicalCoordinator, Department ofPeriodontics

Dr. Irwin Fried, DDS 1992(McGill), MSc & Cert Pedo1995 (UMinnesota) - Director,Department of PediatricDentistry

VISITING PROFESSORS:Dr. Mark Thomason, BDS1983 (Univ of Newcastle-on-Tyne)

Dr. Byung Gook Kim, DDS,1988; MSc 1991 and PhD 1996(Chonnam National Univ)

POSTDOCTORALFELLOWS:Dr. Belinda Nicolau, BDS,1982 (Univ of Parana, Curitiba-Brazil); MSc 1996 & PhD 2001(Univ College London)

SUPPORT STAFF:Patricia Bassett - We wouldlike to welcome Patricia in hernew position as AdministrativeAssistant (Student Affairs).Patricia is replacing HélèneHogan, who retired last year, inensuring that student admissionand registrar functions areperformed effectively.

Nicole Guedon - has joinedthe support staff at the MUHC-Montreal General Hospital inthe secretarial position that wasformerly held by Patricia Bassett

Isabelle Chevrier - joined usas dental assistant/receptionistat the Satellite Clinic.

IN MEMORIAMDonald K. Gibson, DDS'70, at Halifax, NS on June 29, 2000

Desmond P. Mayne, DDS'59, at Madeira Park, B.C. on July 31, 2000

Michael Weiss, DDS'54, at Vancouver, B.C. on October 16, 2001

Arnold Khan, DDS'49 in May 2002

Matthew J.T. Dohan, DDS'40 at Victoria, B.C. on June 27, 2002

Francisco F. "Pancho" Asencio, DDS'66, at Montreal, on September 26, 2002

Frank Giannasio, DDS'40 at East Sandwich, MA on January 10, 2003

Dr. Stanley Ratteray, DDS'57 at South Hampton, Bermuda on February 09, 2003

The Faculty extends its deepest condolences to the family and friends of ouresteemed graduates.



Faculty News & Notes

Dr. Catherine Bushnell, PhD,Professor of Anaesthesia andDentistry, served as KeynoteSpeaker at the 2002 AnnualConference of the CanadianPain Society, held May 23-25 inWinnipeg, Manitoba. Over 40Canadian and internationalexperts were on hand toprovide the newest informationon basic and clinical sciences inthe rapidly expanding field ofpain management. Dr. Bushnell'spresentation was entitled "PainImaging - PET Scans and OtherTechniques to See Pain".

Dr. Robert David, DDS'62and Dr. Fred Muroff,DDS'66, Perio'69, Endo'94,are proving to be verysuccessful on the lecture circuitwith their full-day presentationentitled "A Team Approach toPeriodontal, Implant andRestorative Procedures forAnterior Gingival Aesthetics".Their exceptional presentationskills and interesting topic havecome to the attention of manyinstitution representatives whohave invited them to speak atvarious conventions and lecture

series. They spoke at theUniversity of British Columbiain Vancouver, B.C., at the AlphaOmega Dental Society inToronto, Ont., at the New YorkState Third District DentalSociety in Albany, NY, at lastyear's joint CDA/JournéesDentaires du Québec inMontreal, Que., and mostrecently at the University ofToronto, Ont. In addition totravelling on the lecture circuitand managing their own privatepractices, they also serve on theCommittee for ContinuingEducation for the Faculty ofDentistry at McGill, with Dr.David acting as Chairman. Dr. Donald W. Davis, BA'63,DDS'69, retired from HealthCanada where he served in anumber of positions during thethirty years with theDepartment. Donald lives inVancouver and will be spendingpart of the year in SouthernFrance. He says he plans to leapback into the literary pursuitshe put aside for three decades.

Dr. Julie Dracoulacou,DDS'90, extends her privatepractice in Montreal beyond heroffices to reach out to youngchildren at the daycare andelementary school levels, andteach them the importance ofdental hygiene. Durring her"Dental Awareness Program",Julie visits with many groupsthroughout the year, withcreative and informative

presentations that help bringhome the importance of healthyeating and proper brushing andflossing. She benefits from thehelp of her staff, volunteerclinicians, teachers and dentalstudents, and encourages thechildren to participate (e.g.using Draw a Winning SmileContests, guest magicians,dental props, theme costumes,etc.). Julie looks upon thisoutreach initiative as extremelyrewarding, with unlimitedbenefits to the children. Sheplans to continue delivering thismuch needed communityservice.

Dr. Newton Gordon, BSc'66,DDS'70, Clinical Professor andChief of Dentistry in theDepartment of Oral andMaxillofacial Surgery,University of California, andSan Francisco General HospitalMedical Center, received theOutstanding Teacher of the Yearand Mentorship Award fromthe UCSF School of Dentistry.Newton serves as a Consultantto the American DentalAssociation Commission onDental Accreditation and as aDirector of the California DentalSociety of Anaesthesiology.Since December 2001 he hasserved as the President of theSan Francisco Dental Society.

Dr. Mitchell A. Josephs,DDS'88, currently hosts anationally syndicated call-inradio talk show entitled "ThisOld Mouth." Josephs, whospecializes in cosmetic dentistry,

has been practicing in PalmBeach, Florida, since movingfrom New York City ten yearsago. After nearly five years of

hosting a show on local WDJA-850 AM, Josephs recently brokeinto the big time. His showbegan national syndication onBusiness-Talk Radio which isaffiliated with 200 stationsacross the country. So far, “ThisOld Mouth” has been picked upby over 30 stations in citiessuch as Denver, Minneapolisand Buffalo. Mitchell lives inPalm Beach with his wifeAileen Naja Josephs, animmigration attorney.

Dr. Jonathan H. Lang,DDS'86, a prominent Montrealdentist, was installed asPresident of the Mount RoyalDental Society by the MontrealAlumni Chapter, Alpha OmegaDental Fraternity at the annualmeeting and dinner dance inMay 2002. For the first time inthe history of dentistry inMontreal and possibly in theprovince of Quebec, his father,Dr. Morton R. Lang, DDS'49,who was the first dentist toserve as President of each ofthese organizations separately,before their amalgamation,installed his son as President ofthe joint societies.

Dr. Jules E. Lemay III,DDS'84, received certificationas a Diplomate from theAmerican Board ofOrthodontics. He maintains a

private practice in orthodonticsand dentofacial orthopedics inSherbrooke, Quebec.

Dr. Irwin Margolese, DDS'61,recently reported on hisexperience as a DentalVolunteer for "DentalVolunteers for Israel" (DVI) Atthe Trudi Berger Dental Clinicin Jerusalem. This Clinicprovides free dental care tochildren referred by the social

service department, whichassesses the financial situationof each family. For two weeksin December 2002, Irwintreated Jewish and Arabchildren, between the ages of 5and 18, and joined othervolunteer clinicians whotraveled from many differentcountries for the opportunity tohelp those less fortunate. Irwin'sexperience was both rewardingand enriching, and he plans toreturn, as many volunteers havedone in the past. Another McGillgraduate, Dr. Lorna Katz, iscurrently the Canadianrepresentative for the DVI.

Dr. William Oliver, DDS'68.As an orthodontist practicing inSilver Lake, Washington, Dr.Oliver maintains a long-standingfamily tradition that emphasizeshard work and high achievementand has dedicated much of hislife to helping others throughhis strong belief in education.To prove that he is a man of hisword, he established a localprogram to support needycollege students in goodacademic standing through

annual contributions to coverexpenses. His overwhelminggenerosity also extends abroadto third world countries such asCambodia where he recentlytraveled to open a schoolhousehe helped finance. Dr. Olivercan take pride in the fact thathe is part of a very large familyof McGill Dentistry graduates.He is the son of Austin Oliver,DDS' 31 who was a goldmedalist and nephew ofHoward Oliver, DDS'38.William has two cousins whoalso graduated from McGill,Thomas Oliver, DDS'77 andBruce Oliver, DDS'79.

Dr. Peter Walford, DDS'75recently wrote to the Faculty'sDirector of the OutreachProgram, Dr. Michael Wiseman,commending the Program on itsextensive work in bringing freedental care to a needypopulation. He also shared thefact that he too is involved inan outreach initiative. He hasbeen operating a mobile dentalclinic for seventeen years inboth Hornby Island andDenman Island, B.C., using a38-foot school bus chassis (soonto be upgraded) equipped withtwo complete dental chair unitsand x-ray facilities. Besidessharing McGill's mission ofaddressing community needs,he also shares a close familybond with the University, asboth his father, Dr. WallyWalford, DDS'38, and hiscousin Dr. Joanne Walford,DDS'81, are McGill graduates.

Dr. Evelyn Yeo, DDS'00, andher husband Mike Lazzaroni,are proud to announce the birthof Lucas Kee-Ming Lazzaroni inAugust 2001. Congratulationsto Evelyn and Mike andwelcome Lucas!

(l-r) Dr. Robert David, Dr. Fred Muroff

(l-r) Dr. Stéphane Schwartz, Dr. JulieDracoulacou

Dr. Dracoulacou's clinic - demo tooth withcavity-causing food

(l) Dr. Irwin Margolese

Dr. Dracoulacou's clinic - demonstratingproper brushing

Spreading the Word

Dr. Robert Faith came upon a piece of McGill history and wanted to share a walk down memory lane with our readers.




Spotlight on Students

CDA/Dentsply Prize

The prize for the best scientificTable Clinic was presented byDr. Gerry Dushkin, representingthe CDA, and Ms. Vavi Bohbot,representing Dentsply CanadaLtd. Awarded to Ali Mehio andMichael Moore for theirpresentation titled "Effects ofBeverages on Oral Health" Aliand Michael went on torepresent McGill at the annualnational competition inMontreal.

Montreal Dental Club Prize

The prize for the most popularTable Clinic was presented byDr. Taras Konanec, President ofthe MDC, and was awarded toJolann Benson and KenLawrence for their presentationtitled "Digital Radiography-Advancements in DentalImaging."

The MultidisciplinaryResidency Table Clinic Prize

The prize for the bestpresentation by a Resident waspresented by Dr. MichaelTenenbaum, and Dr. JayWaxman, representing thesponsor, the Alpha Omega/Mount Royal Dental Society.Awarded to Dr. NathalieKadoch and Dr. Karine Sebbag,residents with the MontrealChildren's Hospital, for theirpresentation titled "SpaceMaintenance in the EarlyMixed Dentition".

The Hinman Graduate

Student PrizeThe prize for the best originalresearch poster by a graduatestudent was presented by Dr.Marc McKee, Associate Dean ofResearch, and was awarded toDr. Jacques Veronneau for hispresentation titled "EarlyChildhood Caries DiagnosticAgreement between Dentistsand Hygienists".

(l-r) Ali Mehio, Michael Moore, Dr. GerryDushkin

The Faculty once again presented an Annual Research Day thatbegan with a presentation by guest speaker Dr. Christian S.Stohler, DDS, Dr.Med.Dent. (William R. Mann Professor and Chair,Department of Biologic & Materials Sciences, School of Dentistry,The University of Michigan), entitled “Some People May Have anAdvantage When it Comes to Pain”.

Following refreshments, undergraduate students, graduate studentsand residents presented their Table Clinics and Posters.

Dr. Christian S. Stohler (l-r) Dr. Paul Allison, Dr. Philippe Mojon, Dr. Jocelyne Feine, Dr. Stohler

Annual Research and Table Clinics Day February 12, 2002Osler Amphitheatre (Research segment), Montreal General HospitalLivingston Hall Lounge (Table Clinic segment), Montreal General Hospital

(l-r) Ken Lawrence, Dr. Taras Konanec, Jolann Benson

Table Clinic displays

(l-r) Dr. Michael Tenenbaum, Dr. NathalieKadoch, Dr. Karine Sebbag, Dr. Jay Waxman

(l-r) Dr. Jacques Veronneau, Dr. Marc McKee

Awards for Fourth Year Dentistry were presentedat a Convocation Champagne Brunch held May 23,2002 at the McGill University Faculty Club. The eventwas attended by Faculty staff, students and theirparents and friends.

student awards audience

(back row, l-r) Debbie Larocque, Dr. JeffMyers, Dr. Antoine Chehade, Dr. MervynGornitsky, Dr. Norman Miller(front row, l-r) Dr. Marie Dagenais, Dr. HerbBorsuk, Dr. Stéphane Schwartz, Dean Lund,Dr. Jocelyne Feine

We were very proud to welcomePrincipal Bernard Shapiro whoserved as our Guest Speaker forthe event.

The Faculty used the occasion to honor Dr.Stéphane Schwartz, on her retirement as Director,Division of Pediatric Dentistry. She will continueto carry out her other duties at the MontrealChildren's Hospital Dental Clinic.

The Faculty was very fortunate to once again havemusic provided by the Levitt Al Dente Quartet (Dr. Harvey Levitt, DDS'55, Ortho'58, 1st violin, Dr. Jacqueline McClaran, 2nd Violin, Ms. Susan Gal,Viola and Ms. Monique Prévost, Cello).

Levitt Al Dente Quartet

(standing) Dr. Stéphane Schwartz with Dean Lund


DR. A.W. THORNTONGOLD MEDALawarded to the student whohas attained the highestoverall standing in Cycle III ofthe undergraduate program.

PRIX D'EXCELLENCEJEAN ROBERT VINCENT,donated by the QuebecAssociation for Special CareDelivery, awarded to astudent in the final year whohas demonstrated anexceptional commitment togeriatric dentistry.

(presented by Dr. Ahmed-Zouhir Chiali,Douglas Hospital- right)


DR. JAMES McCUTCHEONMEDAL awarded to themember of the graduatingclass who has demonstratedoutstanding qualities ofleadership, scholarship andprofessional achievementthroughout the four years.


C.D.A. PRESIDENT'SAWARD awarded to thegraduating student who, overthe undergraduate years, hasshown outstanding qualitiesof leadership, scholarship,character, and humanity andwho may be expected tohave a distinguished careerin the dental profession andsociety at large. Student mustbe a member of the C.D.A.


DR. J.K. CARVERAWARD awarded to thestudent who has attained thesecond highest overallstanding in Cycle III of theundergraduate program.


DR. W.G. LEAHY PRIZEawarded for meritoriousachievement in ClinicalDentistry throughout theclinical years.


DR. A.L. WALSH PRIZEawarded for meritoriousachievement in OralMedicine throughout theclinical years.

DR. A. GERALD RACEYPRIZE awarded to a studentin the final year of theundergraduate program whohas excelled in thecomprehensive oralexamination in Oral andMaxillofacial Surgery.

(presented by Dr. Tim Head and Dean Lund)

Principal Bernard Shapiro

(presented by Dr. Sam Sgro)

(l-r) Ms. Hélene Hogan,Mr. Michael McHugh,Mrs. Mary Crawford


Fourth Year Dentistry Awards and Prizes



"It seems as though it was only a couple of months ago,when I was busy filling out my applications, taking myDAT's & flying out for interviews. I have to say, it wasn'teasy finishing off my final year as an undergraduate, andapplying to dentistry as well.Applying to dental school is one thing. Then there are the

interviews that you have to go to and finally the responsesthat you have to wait for. I guess each one has its ownelement of excitement, but then there is the frustrationand stress of where am I going to end up?

Looking back, we all went through it and sat through the first day of orientation.Now we were faced with a new challenge. Medical School! I remember hearinghorror stories about unit 2, unit 6 and finally good old unit 8.

It was some time last November. I remember wondering if we were ever goingto survive that unit. But luckily not only did we survive, we all did well and startedthe pre-clinical program; something we had been waiting for over the past yearand a half.

Within the first three weeks of school, we learned that a tooth isn’t just a tooth.It has contact points, surfaces, borders, ridges and a lot more. And with that, wespent the next six months of our life in the lab. It was amazing how sometimes,time would fly by and before we realized, it was 10 o'clock at night and we hadspent our entire day at school.

But now, all of that is behind us and as we start our third year, we're faced witha totally new challenge, our patients. Each one of us has our doubts and fearsabout how we are going to manage our first patient.Hopefully we all will, and we'll be able to apply all the knowledge and informationthat we have obtained throughout the years, in school and through life to bettertreat our patients.

With our white coat comes the responsibility of dedicating ourselves, our timeand knowledge to our patients and hopefully each and everyone of us will be ableto fulfill this great responsibility that lies ahead of us.Last but not least, I would like to take this opportunity to thank Dean Lund, Dr.Dagenais, Dr. Allison and all the staff and professors who have dedicated theirtime and effort to us and made this event possible. Thank you very much."



Spotlight on Students

The classic white coat was draped over the shoulders ofthe third year students by Dean Lund. The studentsthen recited the Pledge of Responsibility. This ceremonyis becoming a traditional one for many university

medicine and dentistry programs. It is intended topromote ethical and professional attitudes among health

care students as they progress from preclinical to clinicalstudies and accept the responsibilities of caring for patients. Thekeynote speaker was Dr. John O'Keefe, Editor of the CanadianDental Association Journal, whose talk was both motivational andstimulating. Students Paul Morton, DMDIV, and Arezu Akhavan, DMDIII, spokeon behalf of the student body, and their own individualperspectives are provided below.

Captive audience

Amy Chuang, DMDII

Z. Arezeu Akhavan Kharazian, Sharon Aronovich, André G. Brun, Jeremy A. Cymet, Margaret A. Hanlon, Kelly S.A. Hynes, Sonya Kapoor, Patrick Magnan, Katherine M. Majewska, Stephanie Ment,Mark P, Munzar, Jonathan W. Pawliuk, Isabelle Pigeon, Jennifer Y. Ian, Jonathan Albilia, André C. G. Bisson, Sarah M. Craig, Mara L. Green, Laurence Hyacinthe, Kristen Itagawa, Patricia R. Kelly,Mathew Mailloux, Daryoush Maleki, Amir H. Mousavifar, Christa L. Oliver, Mindy Pho, Monika Singh, Jill M. Taylor

HISTORY in the Making


McGILL ALUMNAESOCIETY PRIZE to bepresented upon graduationto a distinguished student forexcellence and high academicstanding.Preference given towomen students.

(presented by Shari's Father, Dr. HerbBorsuk, with Dean Lund)


DR. LEANORE K. FEINEPRIZE awarded to thestudent in the final year whohas best demonstratedcommitment to the oralhealth of the local communitythroughout the clinicalundergraduate program.

(presented by (left) Dr. Jocelyne Feine,with Dean Lund)


DR. PAUL A. MARCHANDand MAURINE McNEILMARCHAND PRIZEawarded to a student in thefinal year of the undergraduateprogram who, in the opinionof the Clinical Director, inconsultation with the staff,has demonstrated the highestdegree of professionalism inpatient management.

(presented by Ms.Linda Marchand)


PRIX MICHELINE-BLAIN,donated by the QUEBECDENTAL SURGEONSASSOCIATION, awarded toa student in the graduatingyear who has best served theinterests of his/her colleaguesthroughout the university years.

(presented by Dr. Sam Sgro)

Dr. John O`Keefe

Jennifer Charbonneau with Mr. Arthur Lau

(l-r) Dr. Doreen Laszlo, Mrs. Crystal Lau

Mrs. Leigh Taylor, Dr. Don Taylor, Jill Taylor

Ilan Katz, Dr. Lorna Katz, Avi Katz


As you have already read in the Front Page feature story, the Faculty of Dentistry of McGill University launched its first annualWhite Coat Ceremony. This major event was held in conjunction with the Awards Ceremony for First, Second and ThirdYear Students on September 5, 2003, in the main lecture hall of the Strathcona Anatomy and Dentistry Building. Faculty,

staff, students and proud parents were on hand and were entertained by the Faculty's own Amy Chuang, DMDII on violin. A receptionfollowed for all in attendance.

Graduate Class of 2002


Student Recipients and Teaching Staff at White Coat Ceremony







In Their Own WordsArezu Akhavan, DMD III



Spotlight on Students

"As I was asked to speak to theincoming 3rd year class on theoccasion of the Faculty's firstever White Coat ceremony, Idecided to research what aWhite Coat ceremony is allabout. A quick search on Yahoorevealed that this relatively newceremony is widespread - Ifound over 115 000 web pagematches. Medical, osteopathy,pharmacy, veterinary, and

dental students from around the world participate inthis event. In fact, you are receiving your coats todayalong with your fellow dental students from NYU.As dental students we are not yet members ofprofessional associations. We study in order to gain theknowledge, skills and ethics, which are required to joinour profession. This does not mean that we do not act asprofessionals before receiving our dental license.Receiving a white coat is symbolic of the responsibilityyou accept on the journey to becoming a professional.As you, in the 3rd year class, begin to treat your firstpatients next week, you will learn how much trust thesepatients place in you. The patients we see in the McCallDental Clinic hold us to the same standards as theywould any dentist. Patients have different reasons forcoming to our clinic, but they all expect the same, if notbetter care than they would receive from a dentist.Treating patients in a professional manner means morethan being competent in placing restorations, crowns ordelivering dentures. Most patients don't know if you'veplaced a crown with clean margins, or root-planed all oftheir subgingival tartar accumulation. They have had agood dental visit if they feel their concerns and interestshave been properly treated by their dentist. Patientsplace a great deal of faith that you will make decisionsneeded to best serve them. They wish to be treated withrespect and be sure that their student dentist is listeningto their concerns and caring about them. When apatient is treated in this manner, the result is morerewarding than additional competencies being checkedoff the requirements list. In fact, some of the best days Ihave had in the dental clinic come from doing very littleexcept genuinely caring for a patient.I have a patient who is in the stages of receiving animplant supported mandibular overdenture. Thoughthe patient was advised about possible numbness afterimplant surgery, she was not prepared to experience thisherself. Post-implant surgery, I called to confirm anappointment and found out that the frozen sensationhad not dissipated. Needless to say, I did not sleep verywell that night. Though sensationtook over one month to return toher lip, phone calls and a fewappointments were appreciated bythe patient. I couldn't do anythingelse to help her. The patient stillconsiders me her "angel", eventhough the real healer was time.The lesson that was reinforced inthis case was that I should notforget that caring for the patient isas important as the skills in thetechnical work that I do.Good luck in your clinical journey.Sometimes you'll encounterdifficult patients. Treat them aswell as you would your family.You'll then be well on your way tobecoming a dentist and aprofessional."

“The White Coat

Ceremony is, in a

small way, a rite of

passage that helps

the participants to

see that they are

moving into a new

phase of their lives.

The Faculty

therefore takes great

pride in facilitating

such a move.”

Dean Lund

First, Second and Third Year Dentistry Awards and Prizes


DR. GERALD FRANKLINPRIZE awarded to the studentattaining the highest standingin the Third Year of the dentalundergraduate program.

DR. LYMAN E. FRANCISPRIZE awarded to the studentin the Third Year of theprogram who has obtained thehighest standing in Unit 8(Pathobiology, Treatment andPrevention of Disease), DentalPharmacology andTherapeutics, and Oral andMaxillofacial Pathology andOral Medicine over the Secondand Third Years of the dentalundergraduate program.


INTERNATIONALCOLLEGE OF DENTISTSPRIZE (CANADIANSECTION) awarded to thestudent attaining the secondhighest standing in the ThirdYear of the dentalundergraduate program.


DR. L.A. COHN PRIZEawarded to the student in theThird Year of the program whohas obtained the highest standingin Prosthetic Dentistry.

(presented by Dr. Peter Chauvin)

(presented by Dr. John Blomfield)




(presented by Dr. Lucie Billette)

DMD IHagen KliebMichelle SholzbergNicole E. SovranYves Benabu

DMD IIKatherine MajewskaChrista OliverMindy Pho

DMD IIIBrigette Roseanne BigrasMatthew Kerner

ANNUAL GRADUATING STUDENT BANQUETFourth year Dentistry students once again organized a firstclass, well attended event during which a number of teachingstaff were roasted but with kindness and respect. This year`sevent was held March 8, 2002 at Montreal`s Omni Hotel andincluded an evening filledwith great company,terrific food, and musicand dance that lasted untilthe wee hours. Party animals!!

(l-r) Mr. Mike McHugh (in full Scottish regalia), SusanYoung, Mary Crawford, Hélène Hogan, Mary Farmus

STUDENT AWARDS2002In Their Own Words (cont’d)

Paul Morton, DMDIV


DR. M. DONIGAN PRIZEawarded to the studentattaining the highest overallstanding in the Introduction tothe Patient and Introduction tothe Practice of Dentistry unit inthe Basis of Medicine.

(presented by Dr. Martin Tyler)


DR. D.P. MOWRY PRIZEawarded to the studentattaining the highest standingin Second Year of the dentalcurriculum.

DR. I.K. LOWRY PRIZEawarded to the studentattaining the highest overallstanding in Unit 12(Management of Oral Disease)in the Second Year of thedental curriculum.

(presented by Dr. Pierre Lamontagne)



DR. K.I. MELVILLE PRIZEawarded to the studentattaining the highest overallstanding in Unit 10 (OralHealth) in the Second Year ofthe dental curriculum.

(presented by Dr. Ed Shields)


DR. LEANORE K. FEINEPRIZE awarded to the studentattaining the awarded to thestudent in the Cycle II of theundergraduate program whohas best demonstratedcommitment to the oral healthof the local community.

(presented by Dr. Jocelyne Feine)


DR. W.C. BUSHELL PRIZEawarded to the studentattaining the highest overallstanding in the Unit 11 (OralDisease) in the Second Year ofthe dental curriculum.

(presented by Dr. Hervé LeMoual)



Spotlight on Studentss




J.W. McCONNELL AWARDSare made possible through thegenerous donation of the lateJ.W. McConnell. Awarded bythe University Committee onScholarships and Student Aidon the basis of high academicstanding and facultyrecommendations to studentspursuing degrees in any field.Candidates must be Canadiancitizens or PermanentResidents.


YU-MING LAMSCHOLARSHIP awarded tothe student entertaining thefour-year dentistry program onthe basis of high academicachievement.

(presented by Dr. Tony Chehade, on behalfof Dr. Lam)


PING KWAN LAUSCHOLARSHIP is awardedon the basis of high academicachievement, by the Faculty ofDentistry, with preferencegiven to internationalstudents.

(presented by Dean Lund, on behalf of Mr.Arthur Lau)


DR. ERNEST R. AMBROSESCHOLARSHIP is awardedto an outstandingundergraduate student whohas demonstrated commonsense, compassion andexcellence in restorativedentistry, with preferencegiven to students who areentering the fourth year ofthe DMD program.

(presented by Dr. Doreen Laszlo, who withher husband Dr. Charles Laszlo, establishedthe Award in honor of Dr. Ambrose)


DR. JAMES E.G. HARRISONSCHOLARSHIP is awardedto a meritorious undergraduatestudent who demonstrates afirm commitment to theethical practice of dentistry ininteractions with patients andcolleagues or in essays onprofessional conduct andresponsibilities. Preferencewill be given to studentsentering the third or fourthyear of the DMD program.

(presented by Dr. Jeffrey Myers, on behalf ofDr. Harrison)


DR. STEPHEN S. CYMETSCHOLARSHIP is awardedto an undergraduate studentwho has completed at leastone year of the D.M.Dprogram on the basis of highacademic standing by theFaculty of DentistryScholarships Committee.

(presented by Dr. Cymet)


DR. HOWARD S. KATZSCHOLARSHIP is awardedto a student who has completedat least one year of the DMDprogram, on the basis ofacademic achievement.

(presented by Ilan Katz and Dr. Lorna Katzright))


DR. EARL LERNERFACULTY SCHOLARSHIPawarded to an undergraduatestudent currently enrolled inthe program on the basis ofacademic achievement, by theFaculty of Dentistry.

(presented by Dr. Jean-Marc Retrouvey, onbehalf of Dr. Lerner)


DR. HARRY ROSEN SCHOLARSHIP INDENTISTRY is awarded to anoutstanding undergraduatestudent who has completed atleast one year of the D.M.D.program. Awarded on thebasis of high academicstanding by the Faculty ofDentistry ScholarshipsCommittee.

(presented by Dr. Rosen)


DR. JANET GRIFFIN-MERTH SCHOLARSHIP isawarded to a student who hascompleted at least one year ofthe DMD program, on the basisof academic achievement.

(presented by Mr. Dennis Griffin)

(l-r) Mr. Dennis Griffin, Dr. Jocelyne Feine, Dr. Stephen Cymet, Dr. Lorna Katz,Dr. Doreen Laszlo, Dean Lund, Dr. Harry Rosen)



Dr. Belinda Nicolau (University of London)

The Dr. Wah Leung Graduate Fellowship,awarded by the Faculty to an enteringpostdoctoral, doctoral or master's studentwho is working in pain, oral cancer or bonetissue research.

Dr. Manuela Mandu (McGill University)

The Dr. Yu-Ming Lam GraduateFellowship, awarded by the Faculty to anentering postdoctoral, doctoral or master'sstudent.

Dr. Haiou Jia (Beijing Medical University)

The Dr. Soo Kim Lan Prize in Dentistry,awarded by the Faculty to a graduatingstudent entering a Residency or PostGraduate program.

2002DENTISTRY STUDENTS ONCE AGAIN MAKE A MAJORCONTRIBUTION TOWARD McGILL VOLUNTEERPHONATHON EFFORTEach year in March and April, McGill University's DevelopmentOffice coordinates a volunteer phonathon event in Montreal,Toronto and Vancouver, and each year in Montreal, the Faculty ofDentistry has had exceptional representation by its students. Thispast year proved no exception as fifteen students volunteered theirtime over an entire evening on March 6, 2002, calling asambassadors of the Faculty for the purpose of not only fund raising,but more important, thanking our graduates and friends for theirgenerosity. Their time and effort delivered extraordinary results forboth the Faculty and the University.

The Faculty therefore extends its sincere appreciation to thefollowing volunteers for their contributions:

DMDI: Chris Allington, Andrea Heckler, Janet Lee, MonicaMacVane Pearson, Nicholas Makhoul and Sherman Ng

DMDIII: Mairaj Ahmed, Jennifer Charbonneau, Brent Coté, StevenDaCosta, Amir Ghalaei, Didi Kalyvas, Matt Kerner, Mitch Miller

DMDIV: Barry Quinn


Technological advancementshave simplified common tasks,offering convenience, andsometimes, money-savingbenefits. As apparent as thesechanges are around us,though, the average medicalor dental student can easilyfind themselves in awe ofmodern technology. Learningabout today's technologyallows us to take advantage ofwhat it has to offer. Indeed,you may soon wonder howyou have ever lived without it.

The following is the first of afive part series on cell phones,laptops, PDAs and Pocket PCs,minidisc players, and digitalcameras penetrating themarket globally, and how it isimportant for us to be familiarwith how these gadgets can beof use to us.

THE CELL PHONEIt is not uncommon to walkdown the main campus ofMcGill and see studentschatting away on their cellphones. In fact, a growingpopulation is beginning to usepercentage of the cell phonesas their permanent line.

With the right callingplan, you can talk asmuch as younormally wouldon your landline, and payless than whatyou would onyour monthlytelephone bill! Forexample, one cellplan currently being offeredprovides 100 minutes ofweekday calls, unlimitedweekend calls, and 150minutes of long distance callsa month.

With a few additionalupgrades, your phone cancome equipped with caller ID,call waiting, three-way calling,and voicemail features.

All of these features, whenpurchased for your land line,

could easily amount to $60 amonth; the equivalent cellphone plan, on the otherhand, could cost as little as$40 a month (all feesincluded).

Some of the new cell phonesalso provide voice-activateddialing, color LCD screens,

caller picture ID, and caneven let you set the

ringer to yourfavorite song!

Theconvenience ofmaking a callfrom anywhere

is ideal for thebusy student,

making it no wonderthat the popularity of cell

phones has skyrocketed in thepast few years.

Indeed, it might be time tocut that land line and trade itin for a cell phone.

In future issues, we willexplore the growingpopularity of laptops, as wellas the so-called "wirelesszones" at McGill.

Spotlight on StudentsSECOND YEAR By Dr. Paul AllisonThe second year dental publichealth (DPH) encourages thestudent to form independentopinions about the coursesubject matter (and that ofother courses) based on thebest available evidence. I donot want students to listen tome and assume what I amsaying is correct. I want themto challenge me and otherteachers and form their ownopinions. To help students tothink rather than regurgitatefacts, we invite outsidespeakers with very differentbackgrounds who givestudents alternative views ofthe world. These speakers arevery important to the successof the course, and I am verypleased to be able to offer thestudents such excellentlecturers as Drs. JohnO'Keefe, Euan Swan, AnneCharbonneau and JacquesVeronneau.

Many of you know that Dr.John O'Keefe is the Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of theCanadian Dental Association.He was a private dental

practitioner, who hascompleted an MBA fromConcordia University and hastrained in dental publichealth. Considering hisextremely busy timetable, weare very fortunate to haveJohn come to talk to ourstudents. Having recentlyreviewed the future ofCanadian dentistry for theCDA, John gives the studentsa very interesting andparticularly provocative talk.

Lieutenant Colonel EuanSwan is a public health

dentist who works forNational Defence in Ottawa,in the field of dental programdevelopment and evaluationand he gives a verythoughtful presentation onquality assurance andevaluation in dentistry,bringing in excellentexamples of good and poorquality services for thestudents to discuss.

Dr. Anne Charbonneau isAssociate Professor in dentalpublichealthacross thehill at theUniversitédeMontreal.She is alsodirector ofthe mobiledental truckof the ODQ that can be usedby all sorts of groups all overQuebec for dentaleducational and promotionalpurposes. With this excellentexperience in the field ofhealth education, I haveAnne come and talk to thestudents about health

education - how to and hownot to teach one's patientsabout oral health and oralhealth care.

Finally, Dr. JacquesVeronneau talks to thestudents about the dentalhealth of and dental servicesprovided for First NationsPeoples. Jacques works forthe Cree Health Board andorganises an innovativeservice for the Cree Peoplesway up around Hudson'sBay. He has also worked as aprivate dentist up there for acouple of years, so he canconvey the difficulties ofproviding dental care topeople in such geographicallychallenging situations.

These four outside speakersprovide the students with verydifferent points of view andjudging by the feedback I get,they are thoroughly appreciated.Thanks to them all.

THIRD YEARBy Dr. Philippe MojonOn November 27, 2002,Wright Dental Company, incooperation with Ultradentorganized a Hands-on course

for the 3rd year students.This is the second year in arow that Wright Dentalpresented this course oncomposite restorations, whichis part of the third yearcurriculum. The courseprovides a uniqueopportunity for our studentsto manipulate compositeresin of different shades,colors and translucencies,and to arrange differentlayers of materials to mimic anatural tooth. After takingthe course, the students areable to restore large defectsin anterior teeth withpredictable and superioraesthetic results. Despite thecompetition with the Greycup Parade, (Yes, theAlouettes won!!) the coursewas attended by all the students except one and wasextremely (as Dr. Klemettiwould have said) wellreceived.














Dr. John O'Keefe

Lt. Col. Euan Swan

Dr. Anne Charbonneau

By Nghe Luu, DMDI Class President


Aubri, Paul and Katherine atthe Dean's BBQ

Meghan andKaren atMeghan &Eugenie'sBirthday

Sherri, Tony, Rebecca and Paul atMeghan & Eugenie's Birthday

Tony, Jason and Anthony at the firstannual DMD-I Kris Kringle

The gang all warmed up and readyto take on Montreal's nightlife.THE CUTTING


A Glimpse into One of Today’sCoolest Gadgets - the Cell Phone By Nghe Luu


A planned gift is a charitable donation arrangedduring a donor’s lifetime but not available toMcGill until sometime in the future. The mostcommon type of planned gift is a bequest, but it is just one of many types.

A bequest to McGill University may serve toreduce, by means of a tax credit, the income taxpayable by the donor’s estate. A planned gift may eliminate or reduce tax on capital gains whenappreciated property is given.

Susan Reid, Director, McGill Planned Gifts Office3605 de la Montagne, Montreal, Quebec, Canada H3G 2M1susan.reid@mcgill.catel.: (514) 398-3560fax: (514) (click on “Supporting McGill” then on “Planned Giving”)

How does aplanned gift

work? Is there any


to the donorwho makes


For MoreInformation

The Gift of a LifetimeThe Gift of a Lifetime

All images are details fromwatercolours by Bonnie P. Folkins:“Columns-Hosmer House,”15x22”; “The Three Bares-View ofthe Arts Building,” 20x27”; “Viewfrom Porch Strathcona,” 28x17.5”

Bequests and other

planned gifts for

McGill University


Fund Raising Highlights

Thanks to the enormous amount of support from our graduatescoupled with donations from our friends, the Faculty reported asignificant increase in its Annual Fund, with total donationsof $279,398, representing a 28% increase over the fund yearending 2001.

The Annual Fund drives the Faculty's growth, while sustainingexcellence in teaching and research. These contributions alsoallow the Faculty to attract the best students, teachers andresearchers, and provide the flexibility to address future needs.

This past year, gifts to the Faculty:• Completed equipment installations in the Undergraduate

Student Laboratory• Completed expansion of the Student Dental Clinic in the

Brown Student Services Building• Funded major equipment purchases, and supplies and

materials for the Outreach Program• Funded the 2nd Annual Campaign to support the Dr. Kenneth

C. Bentley Fund in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery• Purchased audio-visual and computer equipment for

undergraduate lecture rooms • Funded endowed scholarships, fellowships and prizes

Doreen Laszlo, DDS 1969 andher husband Charles LaszloPhD 1968, have a challenge foranyone who studied in theFaculty under Dr. Ernest Ambrose.Dr. Ambrose began teaching atMcGill in 1952 and retired asDean of the Faculty in 1977.

"Both of us want to honourhim in a memorable andmeaningful way," she said. "Dr.Ambrose was a wonderfulteacher who imparted his zestfor practical dentistry and ahigh standard of professionalethics to hundreds of youngpeople at McGill. His nameshould be remembered. "

The Laszlos think an endowedprofessorship should beestablished in Dr. Ambrose'shonour. At McGill this will costabout $500,000.

"We thought we would kickthings off with a contribution of$50,000," Doreen said. "We'rechallenging our classmates andgraduates from other years tocome up with the rest of themoney to fund a professorship inrestorative dentistry in his name."

The couple got the idea whenthey saw the strong reaction tothe endowed scholarship theyestablished last year in Dr.Ambrose's name.

"He's respected by so many,"she said. "He helped a lot of usbecome good dentists with ahigh sense of ethics and excellentprofessional standards, andmany of us want to express ourappreciation in a tangible way.

"That's an important traditionat McGill."

"We had several calls frompeople who told us they wouldhave liked to participate in thatproject in his honour. Some saidthey would have been glad tocontribute money. This madeus think that something specialcould be done."

"Dr. Ambrose was at McGillfor 25 years," she added. "Wecall upon everybody from thatperiod to contribute."

For more information on the Dr. Ernest Ambrose endowedprofessorship fund, contact DebbieLarocque, Development andAlumni Relations, Faculty ofDentistry, McGill University. Tel: (514) 398-7203 ext. 4165 orEmail at

Mr. Arthur Lau C.M., Governor Emeritus of McGill University, is along-time friend of the Faculty of Dentistry.

"When the Faculty was threatened with closure in 1991, Arthurwas the first person outside it to step forward in our defense," DeanLund said. "He has been a strong pillar of support for us ever since.He is altruistic by nature and one of his endearing qualities is hisreluctance to accept recognition for his achievements."

Mr. Lau, B Arch 1962, FRAIC, is a member of the Faculty ofDentistry Advisory Board. He is also a tireless fundraiser who hasfound millions of dollars for scholarships, fellowships andprofessorial chairs for several other McGill faculties and schools andhelped raise the money for two major new buildings on theuniversity's main campus. "Specifically this year" added Dean Lund"he worked with one of his old friends to bring a new endowedFellowship to our Faculty. This major contribution will allow us tosupport one of the many outstanding applicants from China whoapply every year to McGill to train in dental research. This is, infact, the second Fellowship created at the Faculty, with Arthur's help."

"Many significant contributions come from people who wish to

remain anonymous," Mr. Lau said. "At times thismay create a problem, because there is atendency to put a name on a lot of things likebuildings and scholarship funds.

"But you can understand why some peoplewho make a major gift don't want their name tobe known," he added. "People donate justbecause the need is there. For them, the bestpart is in the giving. They don't need or don'twant anything else. The university gave them an education. Lifehas been good to them. And it is good to be able to give somethingback."

There is a plaque on a McGill building with a Chinese inscriptionthat when translated means, "When you drink the water,remember the source."

"That's an old Chinese proverb," Mr. Lau said. "A lot of peoplehave given to McGill with that in mind."

The Faculty of Dentistry received a major donation from Canada'slargest dairy processor, Saputo Inc.. The fact that Dean Lund andMr. Lino and Mrs. Mirella Saputo are neighbors may havecontributed, but the strong link between dairy products and ahealthy life, was more important. "Milk products are a dietary sourceof calcium for bones and teeth.” Dean Lund said.

"Many researchers at McGill and elsewhere understand that thecalcification of bones and teeth is dependent on regulation byproteins. They want to understand how the process works."

So Dr. Lund raised the subject with Lino and Mirella Saputo. This led to a meeting at the head office of Saputo Inc. in east-end

Saint-Leonard with Dean Lund, Mr. Purdy Crawford (thenChairman of Imasco and a member of the Faculty's AdvisoryBoard) and Principal Bernard Shapiro, together with Mr. Saputoand his Executive Vice President.

"We toured the factory and saw hundreds of thousands of gallonsof milk being turned into cheese," Dean Lund said. "We then hadthe opportunity to present a proposal to support our researchinitiative in hard tissue biology. "

There were more meetings and the result was a major pledgefrom Saputo Inc. that was paid over five years to the Faculty ofDentistry for research in Hard Tissue Biology. Saputo Inc. hashistorically helped several organizations involved in health care,contributed to other university research initiatives and capitalcampaigns across the nation and has offered food aid to a variety ofgroups in the province of Quebec. The Mirella and Lino SaputoFoundation has also supportedmany community programs.

The donation for the Faculty isspecifically targeted toward theestablishment of a Chair in Boneand Periodontal Research.

"This money has been a majorfactor in developing our boneand periodontal research center,"Dean Lund said. "It is very muchappreciated."

The relationship between the Faculty ofDentistry and Pierrette Wong, and herdaughters Tanya, 15, and Jennifer, 25, is afamily affair.

Mrs. Wong and her daughters are majordonors who helped fund the new JamsonT.N. Wong Laboratories for Bone andPeriodontal Research that is located in theMontreal Genomics and Proteomics building

next to the Faculty of Dentistry. The Laboratories are named inhonour of Mrs. Wong's husband and the girls' father. "My husbandand I were always eager to assist in the development of researchthat could help mankind," she said. "I am very pleased that we as afamily can make a difference."

"It is very exciting to be able to help in the research that will bedone in these Laboratories that will eventually make life easier forso many people," she added.

Tanya, a student in Montreal, and Jennifer, an investment bankerin New York City, share Mrs. Wong's enthusiasm. "They're partnersin all this. They know what's being done with it and they approveof it." she said.

Pierrette Wong made her first contribution to the Faculty in 1999when she co-chaired a fund-raising event at the Ritz-Carlton forthe Outreach Program, and, she added, "we plan to stay involvedwith the Faculty for some time to come."

The family plans to make a donation every year and let theFaculty decide where the money will be spent.

"Down the road we'll always be involved," she said. "We'vebecome very good friends with the people in Dentistry at McGill."

Dean Lund reflects on the generosity of the Wong family.Throughout the second half of the 1990's, the Canadian and Quebecgovernments established a number of very large funding programs tostimulate research and teaching in our universities. As you know, we werejust emerging from an era of budget cuts, and our buildings, particularlyold buildings like many of those at McGill, were no longer adequate formodern research. But as always, the money we needed was not easy to get.We had to write detailed grant proposals to justify our projects, and inaddition, the University had to obtain a portion of the budget from non-government sources.

Our researchers put together a proposal for consideration by the CanadaFoundation for Innovation and Les Fonds de Recherche en Santé du Québecto fund the Bone and Periodontal Research Centre. Pierrette Wong and herdaughters pledged to provide the missing portion, in itself significant.Through this program, their gift was amplified many times, and it hasprovided the researchers and students who will work in the Jamson T.N.Wong Laboratories, with a unique environment in which to work and study.

A Legacy of Support Profiles of Loyalty


(l-r) Dr. Jocelyne Feine, Dean Lund, Mrs. Mirella Saputo, Mr. Lino Saputo




The Faculty is pleased to report that graduate supportcontinues to be strong and this was clearly reflected in thepercentage rate of donor participation for the fund year endMay 31, 2002. The Faculty achieved the highest rate ofparticipation amongst all faculties and departments, with35.90% of its graduates contributing, surpassing Medicineat 34.48%. These results are significant, as Medicine has alwaysmaintained a very strong network of graduate support. TheFaculty is therefore proud and honoured to acknowledge theloyalty and generosity of its graduates and we will continue towork very hard to merit this commitment.

Fund Raising Highlights

FOUNDER'S CIRCLE :$10,000+Roberta Dundass, DDSJames E G Harrison, DDSItal Wong FashionInc/Pierrette WongDoreen Laszlo, DDS and Dr.Charles LaszloSaputo IncTasc Group CorporationZeller Family Foundation

GOVERNOR'S CIRCLE :$4000-$9999C J A D LtdThomas Robert M Craig, DDSKenneth K S Lee, DDSLouis Zalman G TouyzJoanne Constance Walford,DDS

CHANCELLOR'S CIRCLE : $2000-$3999Antoine Chehade, DDSAWD Association of WomenDentistsStephen Semour Cymet, DDSRobert J David, DDSJohn P Essepian, DDSRobert W Faith, DDSNewton C Gordon, DDSGeorge J Harasymowycz, DDSRoss E Jenne, DDSFrank A Kay, DDSE Bruce Kennedy, DDSKatherine Laura Kovalcik,DDSEarl Lerner, DDSHarry Rosen, DDSCecil ScantlandAndrew G Toeman, DDSYazdi Shawakshaw Turner,DDSRobert Andrew Wiggins, DDS

PRINCIPAL'S CIRCLE :$1000-$1999Marie-José BisaillonSusan K ChowThuy Thanh CoDouglas NielsenYves Marie Andre, DDSMurray Arlin, DDSEarl Bercovitch, DDSMichael A Blau, DDSStanley Blum, DDSLancelot Anthony Brown, DDSDaniel Cyril Chin, DDSGeorge H Dagg, DDSP Lino Di Lullo, DDSJulie P Dracoulacou, DDSGraeme P Dyck, DDSSten E Fersing, DDSGerald William Filgiano, DDSWilliam T Finnegan, DDSStanley P Freeman, DDSDouglas Erwin Hamilton, DDSKevin L Hargadon, DDSChee Kong Ho, DDSTom Iwanowski, DDSRobin S Jackson, DDSStuart Jeffrey Katz, DDSSkip P S Kerner, DDSAnthony Dupatrick Mair, DDSStuart Arthur Matheson, DDSJeffrey William Meeks, DDSAlan Gregory Michaud, DDSRichard J Orawiec, DDSFrancois Riendeau, DDSLeonard Schwartz, DDSScott James Stewart, DDSDonald Taylor, DDSIan Michael Turner, DDSDouglas Joseph Vincelli, DDSW Bruce Ward, DDSSheila Ann Wong, DDS

DEAN'S CIRCLE: $500-$999Robert Lee Abbey, DDSCharles D Alleyn, DDS

American Coll. of Dentists-QuebecMichel R Bienvenu, DDSDavid R Blair, DDSHerb H Borsuk, DDSGabriel Buck, DDSJames Edward Carere, DDSDaniel Chenette, DDSRoderick Arthur Clarance,DDSJoseph F Cronin, DDSMichael Francis Cronin, DDSFrancis A Crowley, DDSRobert B Crutchfield, DDSWissam Daher, DDSBruno De Minico, DDSKristen Katherine Degurse,DDSDentistry Canada FundLouis Drouin, DDSRonald E Ducham, DDSDwayne Dudgeon, DDSJ Richard Emery, DDSEdward Arnold Fellows, DDSJohn D Fenwick, DDSDavid J Flam, DDSFrank L Frani, DDSDonald A Friedlander, DDSAlbert Frydman, DDSJoan Glashan-Craig, DDSLeonard Malcolm Gordon,DDSMichael Ian Gossack, DDSJerome A Griffiths, DDSNeil I Hanna, DDSPaul Joseph Helpard, DDSHarvey Hirsh, DDSSimon Jacobson, DDSCameron Jones, DDSRobert S Kadowaki, DDSIsaac M Katz, DDSEzra Kleinman, DDSRichard B Kramer, DDSGuy LeblancBrent Peter Leinen, DDSAlexander A Lieblich, DDSJames Percy LundLisa Annette Mcgregor, DDSLeonard S Mendell, DDSRobert William Nevin, DDSJosie Nudo, DDSLyn PerryMichael Howard Rapp, DDSEric L Reid, DDSMichael D Rennert, DDSJ David Rowat, DDSGerald Rudy, DDSMark Francis Santana, DDSAlbert J Schutz, DDSDanny Seller, DDSFrank E Shamy, DDSStewart Shapiro, DDSDavid R P Sharp, DDSLouis R Sharpe, DDSAbraham Shuster, DDSLeonard Slepchik, DDSStephen P M So, DDSMarvin H Steinberg, DDSMichael Tenenbaum, DDSEva Rita Toth, DDSNicolino Vincelli, DDSKenneth M Walley, DDSEdward Michael Wilby, DDSLorne Alan Wiseman, DDSChristopher J Wojcicki, DDS

Gifts : Under $500Alpha Omega Fdn of CanadaBryan Altshuller, DDSVana Andreou, DDSEvangelos D Androutsos, DDSWalter W Anglin, DDSThomas J Ashe, Jr., DDSDavid Auerbach, DDSPeter Gordon Ayoub, DDSMorty Baker, DDSAndrew Ted Bala, DDSR Gordon Baynes, DDSDonald J Beauprie, DDSMichael Barry Beigleman, DDSThomas Bergman, DDS

Jack Berman, DDSDorothy Binder Bassett, DDSFrederic M Bliss, DDSAnna Bolanis, DDSJosee Bourgon, DDSAvrum L Brenner, DDSMark Charles Brenner, DDSWilliam T Bryson, DDSBryan Cole Budning, DDSDouglas H Bunt, DDSE C Burman, DDSAnthony S O Byer, DDSTed Carolin, DDSJonathan Michael Center, DDSLynne Elizabeth Chadwick,DDSChristopher Tsong Chan, DDSClaude Charette, DDSHye-Eun Choi, DDSAndrew George Christie, DDSTony Wenhau Chu, DDSKenneth David Clarke, DDSNorman Yvon Clement, DDSGuittel Cohen, DDSMrs. Lawrence N Cohen, DDSPeter Howard Collins, DDSStephen B Collins, DDSLawrence L Cramer, DDSSteven Joseph Cruise, DDSAlbert L Danforth, DDSLesley A David, DDSClaudio De Minico, DDSZovinar Der Khatchadourian,DDSEvangelos Destounis, DDSDavid Deutsch, DDSLaureen Distefano, DDSThi Nhu Mai Do, DDSJohn Graeme Drummond,DDSNorman Pierre Edger, DDSRobert H Edmison, DDSMartin Eidinger, DDSJ Thomas Elo, DDSRonald M Erlick, DDSHarvey Faigan, DDSSabdar Fakirani, DDSNorman Fred Finkelstein, DDSWilliam A Finkelstein, DDSAlyce Dinah Fischer, DDSMonique M Fitch, DDSStephen G J Fitch, DDSHarry B Fleming, DDSRonald G Fletcher, DDSEdward J Fox, DDSJourdan Hilary Freed, DDSGary L Freedman, DDSGeorge P French, DDSIvan G Gasoi, DDSThomas J Gavriloff, DDSLeo Gerczuk, DDSBetty Giannias, DDSRobert E Gibbons, DDSRobert Donald Godin, DDSHy Goldberg, DDSElliot Frank Goldenberg, DDSAllan Goodman, DDSMervyn Gornitsky, DDSHoward Allan Gossack, DDSSamson Gradinger, DDSMorton M Greenblatt, DDSRonald A Grossman, DDSMartin Alphonse Guibord,DDSHarvey Haber, DDSGeorge K Hale, DDSM Calvin Halliday, DDSEarl S Haltrecht, DDSRobert E Hampshire, DDSFereidoun Harandian, DDSRobert Bruce Harfield, DDSD Ross Harvey, DDSWilliam R Harwood, DDSMelvyn Heft, DDSJack J Hirschfeld, DDSAlexander S Hledin, DDSKatherine Anne Hledin, DDSJames G Hodgson, DDSSheila Hofbauer, DDSIra David Hoffman, DDSSirus Homayun, DDSRita Hurley, DDS

Donald Ingerman, DDSNorman E Ironstone, DDSSamuel Israelovitch, DDSFerhana Jaleel, DDSRichard James Donald Jones,DDSRonald G Jones, DDSMitchell Allen Josephs, DDSPaul K Kavanagh, DDSJames E Kehoe, DDSS Michael Kennedy, DDSJames C Kenrick, DDSJohn Irving Kershman, DDSLevon Kichian, DDSMark Ulrich Knoefel, DDSGordon H Knutson, DDSGerald M Konanec, DDSSidney Konigsberg, DDSWalter Kowal, DDSDonald R Kramer, DDST Krawchuk, DDSSteve A Krychman, DDSVivien Kwok, DDSMichael A Laffin, DDSArchibald S Laidlaw, DDSHarmon T Lamar, DDSWilliam J Lambert, DDSPierre LamontagneJonathan Howard Lang, DDSMorton Richard Lang, DDSMrs. Debbie LarocqueBartley L Larrow, DDSMark Lazare, DDSDaniel Le Blanc, DDSTrinh N LechiGenevieve Leclercq, DDSSammy W S Lee, DDSAllen Leftick, DDSJack M Lehrer, DDSMalcolm J R Leitch, DDSJules Lemay, III, DDSSusan Harriet Levin, DDSHarvey L Levitt, DDSYu Kwong Li, DDSLouis Libman, DDSDavid Lipnowski, DDSMichael Gerald Liverman,DDSMark Warren Luden, DDSM Reginald Lyn, DDSSabine C Marechaux, DDSIrwin Margolese, DDSSylvain Marino, DDSRonald J Markey, DDSCharles R Mccambridge, DDSJohn C Mccavour, DDSLisette Kim Mcgregor, DDSGordon H Mckinney, DDSJohn F Mcmullan, DDSElliot Mechanic, DDSGita Mehrabani-Z, DDSAlan N Melamed, DDSGail Mendonza, DDSRichard Migicovsky, DDSEric Peter Millar, DDSStephen I Miller, DDSRichard L Miner, DDSAntonio Mirarchi, DDSAmir Mirzaei, DDSMonica E A Mooney, DDSDomenic Morielli, DDSMichael S Moscovitch, DDSRobert George Muir, DDSSusan Elizabeth Murray, DDSJocelyne Marie Nassr, DDSDac-Thang Nguyen, DDSLan P Nguyen, DDSW Earle J Nind, DDSElaine Nussbaum, DDSJonathan Flynn O'Dea, DDSRufino S Olivar, DDSLouis Michael Ong, DDSDavid G Owen, DDSCharles W Oyer, DDSJack W Padveen, DDSAlvin Pancer, DDSJohanna Thi Anh Thu Pham,DDSGeorge Poulakos, DDSLeonard L Prosterman, DDSCharles Rawas, DDSGiuseppe Rebellato, DDS

Stanley I Reich, DDSWarren M Retter, DDSWilliam Richard Robinson, DDSRobert G Romcke, DDSMichael Allan Rorke, DDSPaul Rosenberg, DDSJoseph A Rotondo, DDSLorna RubinsteinPeter L Safran, DDSMelvyn Sandler, DDSPaul C Scheier, DDSLorraine G Schmidt Thaker,DDSGordon Schneider, DDSErle Schneidman, DDSJohanne Seguin, DDSPeter C Shatz, DDSWilliam F Shaw, DDSMadelaine Shildkraut, DDSMargo Ann Shum, DDSJohn Robert Sidorchuk, DDSIssie I Silver, DDSMichael Silver, DDSRalph Silverstone, DDSJessica-Marie Singh, DDSJames W Skillings, DDSStephanie S Skopek, DDSKjell Solhaug, DDSAlexander Spira, DDSRobert John Stefanison, DDSHoward M Stein, DDSMinna Stein, DDSMyron Abbey Stein, DDSWilliam Lester Steinman, DDSBarry Sternthal, DDSJ Douglas Stewart, DDSColin V Stirzaker, DDSEuan S C Swan, DDSMichael Szikman, DDSSharleen Frances Tan, DDSJeffrey Howard Tenser, DDSNorman Tepper, DDSJacques Emile Thibault, DDSNathan Tiffenberg, DDSJacob TinkRichard Topolski, DDSStratis Touloumis, DDSSamuel T Towell, DDSNgoc-Tran Stefanny Tran, DDSGeorge N Truscott, DDSPenelope A M Tucker, DDSAnthony V Tulumello, DDSAlbert Vachon, DDSDoug R Vandahl, DDSRobin Vincelli, DDSWallace F Walford, DDSWalter Michael Wantola, DDSMichael Joseph Watkins, DDSNoel S Watkins, DDSJay Waxman, DDSMorris H Wechsler, DDSEli Joseph Weinberger, DDSGerard H G Weinlander, DDSMarvin Werbitt, DDSPeter Charles White, DDSRobert Wiener, DDSMr. Roy WiseAlbert H Woolsey, DDSRobert Tak Kay Yip, DDSChun Kam Yun, DDSNorman Z Zinman, DDSJudy S Zucker-Laxer, DDS

RECOGNIZING YOUR GIFTThis list recognizes with sincere appreciation gifts to McGill and to the Faculty of Dentistry fromDentistry graduates, in addition to recognizing gifts to the Faculty of Dentistry from individuals,foundations and corporations, from June 1, 2001 to May 31, 2002 (note that Dentistry alumni areindicated by degree). We gratefully acknowledge the generous support of all our donors, in particularthose who designated their gifts to the special needs of the Faculty of Dentistry.

Every effort has been made to ensure accuracy in this list. Please notify us of any errors oromissions. Some names do not appear because permission to print was not granted at the time ofpublication. If you wish your name to appear in future donor lists, please ensure that you check the"permission to publish" box on the pledge form, and sign and date it in the spaces provided, or returnthe letter with your consent indicated. You may also respond via our web site

RECOGNIZING YOUR EFFORTSThe Faculty wishes to thank the many volunteers for their hard work, generosity and dedication toraising private support and awareness. The Faculty's present strength and future potential are tangiblysymbolized in the outstanding results reported for last year and this outcome could not have beenpossible without the significant contributions of these volunteers.

The Faculty's vision of being among the top dental schools in the world can only be realizedthrough the continuing efforts of our volunteers and this bold vision cannot be fulfilled without theloyalty and generosity of our volunteers, alumni and friends.


"It costs McGill more to train dentists than members

of any other profession," says Dr. Jeff Myers, the

Faculty's Director of Undergraduate Clinical

Programs. "It also costs more to be a dental student."

Depending on the year, student registration fees

range from $3,800 to $5,600 per year for Quebec

students, from $6,200 to $10,600 for out-of-province

students and from $20,500 to $40,100 for

international students. The fees are roughly

equivalent to what students in other health science

faculties pay.

"But dental students also have to buy equipment,"

Dr. Myers said. "That adds up to $21,000 more over

four years."

"And that's why donations for Scholarships and

Teaching are extremely important."

Funding Priorities - Looking AheadThe Faculty must continue to provide a rich and rewardinglearning experience for its students, along with the fertileground needed for research and student scholarships.

To accomplish this, the Faculty will be seeking majorsupport to fund the following priorities:• continued upgrades to the undergraduate teaching clinic

and laboratories• construction of a new computer room at the Strathcona

Anatomy and Dentistry Building• acquisitions for the Dental Library• promotion of excellence in clinical teaching and

acquisition of teaching aids through renewed support ofthe Dr. William Sanders Teaching Fund

• expansion of the Outreach Program to address thepressing oral health needs of the poor and disadvantaged

• creation of additional endowed Scholarships andFellowships to increase student aid

• creation of a Professorship in Restorative Dentistry toenhance clinical teaching

• expansion of research space in both the Strathcona andGenome Buildings

Report on the Kenneth C. Bentley Fund in Oral Surgery:Graduates of the Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Program at theMontreal General Hospital were once again called upon toparticipate in the second annual campaign to raise money for thealumni fund created in Dr. Kenneth Bentley's honour. Thisoperating fund was created to ensure continued development ofthe didactic and clinical teaching efforts of the graduate programand for resident research projects. All donations go directly to theresident training program.

Upon completion of the first campaign in February 2002, Dr.Timothy Head, Director of the Program, published its firstNewsletter. He reported on recent developments within eachtraining year of the program, staff news, resident news and currentresearch activities. Dr. Head was also very proud to announce thetremendous success of the first campaign and the projects that werefunded as a result of the enormous support received fromgraduates. They included major equipment purchases (anesthesiasystems, computer equipment and software), library acquisitions,and start-up funding for resident research projects.

The Faculty is grateful to Dr. Head for his continuing efforts andto the many graduates who gave so generously. The program'sfuture success is guaranteed with the loyal support of all those whobenefited greatly from their years at the MGH.

Report on Anniversary Class GivingThe Faculty wishes to thank the following classes and theirrepresentatives for making Homecoming 2002 a tremendous success.

Class of 1952 Rodney Lefebvre and George BrabantClass of 1957 John McMullan and Wilf RobinsonClass of 1962 David ShapiroClass of 1972 Herb BorsukClass of 1977 Peter Woolhouse and Mel SchwartzClass of 1982 Bruce Harfield and Gerry FilgianoClass of 1987 Anita OrendiClass of 1997 Taras Konanec

Each class was asked to commemorate their anniversary bycontributing toward specific priorities within the Faculty and mostresponded with enthusiasm and exceptional generosity. Thesepriorities included the Annual White Coat Ceremony (as introducedin the first page feature article) and the Outreach Program.

The Faculty extends its sincere appreciation to all whoparticipated and looks forward to reuniting in another five years!!


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DentistryF A C U L T Y O F

If you enjoy reading about your classmates, they are probably interested in you! Send usyour news, as well as photos (please advise if you want them returned). We’d also like toknow if you have ideas for future issues, or any comments on something you just read.



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DDS Year: Specialization:

LETTERS, COMMENTS, ALUMNI NEWS ITEMS AND ARTICLES SHOULD BE SUBMITTED TO:Debbie Larocque - Development and Alumni Relations,McGill University, Faculty of Dentistry, 3640 University, Montreal, Quebec, H3A 2B2

Your News:



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DentistryF A C U L T Y O F

F A C U L T Y O F D E N T I S T R Y N E W S L E T T E R , V O L . 8 1 , N O . 2 , 2 0 0 2 - 2 0 0 3

Strathcona Anatomy andDentistry Building3640 University StreetMontreal, Qc H3A 2B2Tel: (514) 398-7222Fax: (514) 398-8900

GRAPHIC DESIGNMcGill InstructionalCommunications Centre

ACKNOWLEDGMENTSOur thanks to Dentistry supportstaff and Helen Dyer, McGillCommunications, for their helpand support.

© 2003 Faculty of Dentistry, McGill University

EDITOR/WRITERDebbie Larocque,Development andAlumni Relations


CONTRIBUTING WRITERSDr. Paul AllisonNghe Luu, DMD1Dr. Marc McKeeDr. Norman M. MillerDr. Jeffrey MyersDr. Jean-Marc RetrouveyDr. Michael Wiseman

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