Dental Marketing 2.0 - Is Growth Hacking A Viable Strategy for Your Dental Marketing Program

Post on 01-Nov-2014






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Dental Marketing 2.0 - Is Growth Hacking A Viable Strategy for Your Dental Marketing Program? Is growth hacking simply a trendy buzz word that Dentists have been excitedly talking about in social platforms, or is there more to it? Just how does the job description for a growth hacker differ from a “regular” dental marketer? Or is this actually a fancy way to describe a dental marketing professional? Let’s take a look at the growth hacking phenomenon and how it will revolutionize the strategies and format that Dentists include in their Dental Marketing programs in the future.  Definition of Growth Hacking and How It Differs from Traditional Dental Marketing To put it simply, Growth Hacking came about as Internet start-up companies (with little money to spare) began hiring marketers who would work on a “performance-basis” as opposed to traditional production or service companies who wanted to get paid (a lot) for creating ads, promotions, marketing campaigns, etc. (whether they produced results or not). My friend Sean Ellis actually coined the term “Growth Hacking” in early 2010 after playing the key role in the explosive growth of Internet giant Ellis stated that growth hacking is “the art and science of creating awareness, traction, adoption, and advocacy using unorthodox and surprising means. It’s quite literally a hack for traditional processes to accelerate business.” There are, however, several significant differences between a growth hacker and a dental marketer, including but not limited to the following:  Significant Dental Marketing and New Patient Generation Goals Met in a Relatively Short Period of Time As of 2014 Dental Marketers and the Dentists who hire them often operate in a developed and saturated market with a high degree of penetration. For that reason, their (realistic) goals usually include growth by single percentage points or sustaining their market shares at a minimum. If we analyze a successful (Internet) start-up company, we’ll immediately see that it has been designed for aggressive growth, measured in double digits or more at the least from the outset. While it’s not enjoyable for the Dentist, a doctor who’s been in practice for any length of time and has enjoyed a decent track record of success can temporarily survive an under performing dental marketing program, while a start-up (Internet business and/or a new dentist trying to open a practice on his/her own) needs dramatic increases in revenue in order to break even, bring profits, and ultimately become truly successful, which is the goal of any new and/or existing dental practice. To learn more about how Growth Hacking can inject life back into your Dental Marketing program and Generate MORE Quality New Dental Patients for your practice each month you may want to attend the Premier Growth Hacking Dental Seminar go to


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