democratising regional integration in Africa: Sadc national committees as platforms for participatory policy making and implementation

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Democratising Regional Integration in Southern Africa: SADC National Committees as

platforms for participatory policy making and implementation

(O Nzewi and L Zakwe)- research report carried out forThe Centre for Policy Studies

With funding from the National Endowment for Democracy

IntroductionAim of research: Investigate SADC National Committees as participatory

platforms for SADC policy making:1. Find out extent of SNC functionality2. Find out extent of compliance with SNC participatory

requirements as spelt out in treatySignificance: Very limited information on SNC performance available Previous reports focus on capacity issues Examines stakeholder participation as requirement for a

functional SNC Point of departure of this study is in examining the SNCs’

role as participatory platforms for SADC policy process

Introduction contdConceptualisation of Key Terms SNCs: as defined within the confines of the SADC

treaty 2001 Public Participation: encompassing in terms of

mechanisms; consultative forums; stakeholder membership, limited to civil society;

Civil Society: Inclusive of stakeholders stipulated in the SADC treaty provision for SNCs: NGOs, private sector, business, trade organisations

Functionality: administrative and operational characteristics in terms of SADC framework provisions for SNCs

SNCs as participatory platforms: the issue is examined from the wider question of SNC functionality


SADCC (1979) to SADC (1992) Treaty Amended 2001 SADC restructuring in 2001 From SADC Coordinating Units (SCU) to


SADC treaty provisions for functioning SNCs

SNC Functionality

State Financing

Specified Structure

Secretariat Meetings

Stakeholder participation





MethodologyPurpose: Exploratory studyData gathering28 respondents from 5 countries in SADC

Sample No

Government officials 8NGOs 18Parliamentarians/Politicians


Total 30

Methodology contd.Research Instrument Semi structured questions Designed to test extent of public participation

and the functional requirements of SNCsLimitations: Sampling and data gathering The scale of study (time and budget) Respondents: Accessing identified respondents

and respondent bias.

Desk research Participation in African regionalism

governance ( UNECA Charter for popular participation -1990)

Framework for participatory governance in SADC (SADC Treaty; RSIDP)

Significance of SADC ‘participatory’ national model.

State of SNCs: (Metacomm report 2005; SADC review of operations report 2001, Isaksen, J 2002; and SADC capacity Development Framework 2008)

Desk research contdChallenges of SNCs: The lack of qualified and experienced manpower The lack of material resources (offices, equipment, etc) The lack of clarity on the SNC linkages to SADC secretariat

on budgetary provision for programmes and projects for implementation within RISDP context

The lack of mechanism for integration of SNCs into government systems and procedures

The lack of full comprehension of function of SNCs in SADC

Lack of internalization and understanding of the roles of SNCs by stakeholders

The lack of technical capacity for SNC sub-committees.

Overview of Findings

Broader functional issues

Specified Structure Secretariat Financing Arrangements

Meetings Public Participation

Malawi CH(MIN of Foreign Affairs), SC and TC(TIFI)

Focal point(located at SADC desk)

Not fundeddependent on

government funding

Ad hoc Not significant

Zambia CH (Sec. to Cabinet); SC (TIFI)

Focal point (Located at Not funded, dependent on government

Ad hoc Not significant

Mozambique CH (Min of Foreign Affairs)

Plenary (all Sub committees + stakeholders)

Provincial SNCs

Member institutions carry the cost of

disseminating SNC deliberation s to

members (Focal point)

Inadequate( dependent on government

Plenary(yearly); SC monthly

Significant participationI&S: 4 Gov, 3 NGO, 3

CSOTIFI: 6 Govt 3 NGO 3

CSOFANR: 11 Govt, 11

NGO, (more than 40

institutions rep)South Africa “African Renaissance

Committee”Participation by all


Located within the IRC Department

Government Once a month (Business through NEDLAC/DTI) Civil

Society when needed

Public Participation Civil society interaction with


SNC awareness Membership of SNCs Government SNC engagement with

civil society


Malawi SADC-PF ; 2 groups 1 (on paper) Minimal & restricted to certain groups

None confirmed

Zambia SADC consultative forums

none none none None confirmed

Mozambique SADC CNGO, SADC-PF 2 groups 1 I group 1 group confirmed

Botswana SADC CNGO

South Africa SADC CNGO; SADC-PF, other Regional NGO


1 none Little information None confirmed

Findings and analysis Broader functional issuesSpecified Structure No uniform model Lacking complete organizational structural requirements Ad hoc meetingsSecretariat and coordination: Focal points not secretariats No coordination between committees and national

secretariat Weak coordination between national secretariat and SADC Difficulty in integrating SNCs into government institutional

and operational structure

Findings and analysis contd Broader functional issues contdFinancial arrangements: Funding responsibility (at national level) Funding mechanisms (national budget) Availability of Funds (not

prioritised/competing needs)Human Resources/Capacity Building:Capacity building responsibilitiesPoor staffing

Findings and analysis contd Public ParticipationGauging civil society knowledge of and

responsiveness to participation in SADC Avenues for participation: The SADC CNGO Independent Regional Civil Society Forums such

as the Southern African Poverty Network The SADC Parliamentary Forum and National

Parliaments Consultative Forums of various SADC Units such as

the gender desk and HIV/AIDS desk SADC National Committees

Findings and analysis contd.Awareness of the existence of SNCs in civil

society groups 5 out of 18 NGOs interviewed had heard of

SNCs and 2 out of the 18 NGOs interviewed belonged(Malawi (MEJN); Mozambique OTM)

Lack of information from government Funding for awareness programmeMembership: Limited to government (Except in Mozambique

(tendency for more involvement in finance and trade))

Findings and analysis contd.

Possible contributing factors: Reactive SNCs: the ad hoc and issue

driven nature of SNC meetings Lack of funds to build awareness and

organise Civil Society participation The relationship between Civil Society

and government Lack of clear criteria and guidelines for



Context: 1. The SADC structure and system,2. the political dimensions of regional governance in Africa, 3. the economic realities of regional integration in Africa4. global realities

SNCs exist but are not functional in most countries(Mozambique only)

SNCs were not designed to be focal pointsLack of clarity on the support role of SADC in terms of capacity

building; Lack of clarity on the structure, operations and institutionalisation

of SNCs in SADC (detailed guidelines needed)

Discussions contd. Political and institutional commitment from governments and

SADC put in context of 1. commitment of member states to national implementation

since the SADC restructuring and centralisation process2. Competing multilateral agreementsOverall SADC system:3. Highly intergovernmental nature of regionalism in Africa4. Lack of understanding of SADC calendar and workings

Funding within the context of SADC:5. ICP partners (61%)6. SADC membership contributions7. Joint enterprises

Discussions contd. PARTICIPATION1. Two levels and several entry points

identified for participation in SADC:

Regional• SADC CNGO• SADC Parliamentary Forum• Consultative meetings of SADC units• Independent Regional Civil Society Forums

National • SADC National Committees• National Parliaments

Discussion Contd.1.1 Participation in SADC: fragmented, loosely organised and structured

framework2. The role of Parliaments: contribution of regional parliaments through

legislation aimed at harmonising and co-ordinating laws

Parliaments or talk shops (supranational and intergovernmental power pull?)

national parliaments/parliamentary committees activating SNCs through Acts of Parliament

Discussion contd. 3. Membership by civil society (understanding

civil society) Diverse civil society Access- hegemonic control Government viewed with suspicion(threat

element)4. SADC and government create the space for

justifiable criteria for inclusion and exclusion when considering participation

5. Given these findings: a case for SNCs as semi-autonomous?

Recommendations Lessons: Mozambique: Integrating SNCs into the overall government agenda1. SNC participation in Mozambican Integrated Development

planning2. SNC domestication: successfully contribute to national


Suggestions: 1. Developing a regional framework for public participation in

SADC SADC full protocol on SNCS incorporating guidelines, work

procedures etc Establish a SADC standard (with perhaps minimum

requirements) for SNC structures

Recommendations contd. Member states develop guidelines for

participation2. Explore alternative funding options 3. Explore the question of semiautonomous SNCs4. Take advantage of regional parliamentary de

facto powers through national parliaments.5.Build awareness and educate regional and

national civil society focused groups on the structure, organization and operations of SADC

6. NGOs can create their own spaces


1. SNCs represent an innovative effort in African regionalism to directly involve public in regional policy making

2. A functional SNC must also fulfil its participatory requirements. 3. SNCs have not been given priority in national and regional

governance4. SNCs are seen to be government centric5. Complementarity between government and civil soceity is a

prerequisite for enhanced integration and cooperation. 6. Is there a future for SNCs?

Conclusion contdViews for future research: Gauge the effectiveness of SADC national

coordination and implementation since SADC restructuring (scrapping of SCUs)

Explore the possibilities of regional parliaments as entry points for participation in the continent (identify lessons from regional Parliamentary Assemblies )

Research and develop public (citizen and civil society) friendly manual on how SADC works(architecture of African regionalism, SADC structures, programmes projects, operations etc)

Full report can be seen on line at

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