Demo is in SP 2013, this was originally created in SP 2010. So it works in both versions.

Post on 29-Dec-2015






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MeetingsTeam site conversion to Meeting Site(Possible replacement for Meeting Workspaces)Using Document Sets, a Workflow and wee bit of Javascript

July 2015


Who am I?

Meeting Workspace Review

Why do we need an Alternative

The Build of an Alternative Lists, Pages, Libraries Lookup Columns Web Part Connections Document Sets Mini Workflow Some jQuery


Demo is in SP 2013, this was originally created in SP 2010.

So it works in both versions




It’s not only a career, it’s a hobby!

My love of SharePoint is contagious, just ask my friends!

I believe

• In Quick Wins!

• SharePoint Solutions are full of compromises

• SharePoint is not a Hammer

• SharePoint does not do everything

• SharePoint is not always the right tool for the job

• I dislike FOLDERS!


How many meetings do you attend in a day, a week?

How many in a month?

Where are the meeting notes, how do they get distributed?

Where are the actions from the meeting, who is managing those?

Who attended?

What did you review?

Where was that presentation that we reviewed 2 months ago during the Board of Directors meeting?

How often do these questions get asked?

How much time is lost during the day looking for this information?



SharePoint Workspaces

SharePoint 2007 & 2010


Purpose of a Workspace – what do they do?

Help organize the meeting! Who is attending? (Outlook invite) What are you reviewing? (Presentations) When are the meetings? (Calendar) What are the Actions? (Tasks / Outcomes / Decisions) What’s the Agenda? (Word document or email)

Every meeting pretty much has the same flow and everyone has attended a meeting at some point.

Wouldn’t it be nice to have 1 place to go – to see all of the information for a particular meeting? As well as past meetings, current meeting and future meetings


The Good and the Bad of a Workspace!

Quick Wins! Everyone has meetings Everyone works on documents It makes complete sense that these SharePoint templates were quick wins for the users

However, For Admins and IT……. Nightmares One wrong move – and POOF! It was very difficult to fix something How do you see all the files, oh yeah, Hidden folders within the lists and libraries

The button to see All, reset after changing from one view to another

Reoccurrence – please shoot me now… You want to move a reoccurring date after 3 other reoccurring dates, good luck with that! You want to extend the reoccurrence – well that resets all the previous individual date changes you made

NIGHTMARE! – this is the reason for an alternative as well as they are gone in 2013 (new installs)

The Build


How it works: By clicking on the arrow next to the date, the meeting agenda and meeting files web part filters to

show only the agenda and files for that specific meeting. Meeting Dates list can have a “Calendar” view. This is not an actual calendar, just a view. Very

important distinction.

What it doesn’t do: Not attached to a SharePoint Calendar Not attached to Outlook (nor can it be) No reoccurrence – need to enter the dates manually


Create a site (sub site) using the Team Site Template

Delete the following lists / Libraries Shared Documents (only because it has a space in the URL and the name is too long)

If you decided to use this library, that is fine, nothing will break

Announcements / Team Discussions / Links / Calendar I only delete these because I’m not using them within the Meeting Site. Your version of a meeting site – you may want

Announcements and Links I would suggest removing the Calendar – just based on causing confusion

Create a custom list for Meeting Dates Columns: Title – renamed to Meeting Name, Start Time, End Time

Date & time fields are just that – Date and Time

Create a custom list for Agenda Columns: Title – renamed to Agenda Item, Objective, Presenter, Time and / or Duration, Meeting date

Presenter could be a People picker – depending on desired functionality Time and Duration are single line of text – just information fields Meeting Date is a Lookup to the Meeting Dates list and select Start Date

Screen Shots of Lookup Column creation

Setup (cont.)

Create a Document library for Meeting Files Create a column for Category (choice field)

ex: Documents, Minutes, Presentations, Reviews

Create a column for Meeting Date Lookup to Meeting Dates list and select Start Date as the field

In Library Settings, select Advanced Settings, then set Allow Management of Content Types to – Yes – click Save This will be to allow us to add a content type to

this library (document set**)

** Note: The Document Set Content Type is aSite feature that needs to be enabled first! (Site Settings)

Setup (cont.)

In the Content Type section, select Document Set to configure the Document Set Under Settings, select Document Set settings

Shared Columns – Select Meeting Date Welcome Page Columns – Add Meeting to Right side

Click ok

In the Columns section, remove Category – if it exists within the Document Set screen.

Setup (cont.)

On these lists and libraries I have attachments disabled (why?)

Attachments bad!

I have version history set to retain 3-5 versions

So – you should have the following: Lists: Tasks, Meeting Dates, Agendas Libraries: Site Pages, Site Assets, Meeting Files

Final Configurations

I also create a view grouped by Meeting Date in Agenda list

On the Agenda list – I also adjust the column order of the columns on the form. I prefer the Meeting Date column to be the first column on the form. If Column Ordering isn’t an option in the list setting page, go to the list settings / advanced settings /

select allow management of content types and click ok. Click on the Content Type, there is column ordering for you to adjust the order of the columns as they

appear on the form.

Create the new Home page

We need to create a Web Parts Page Go to Site Actions, More Options, Pages, and select Web Parts Page

I use the 3 column with Header and Footer Title the page as “Current” and Save in the Site Pages library

Add Web Parts to the page

Next slide depicts page with screen shot and notes

**Note on Meeting Dates – I want to show only Current Meeting dates on the Home page. I need to provide a way to view the previous meeting dates and the associated content as well. We will do this by copying the Home page, and making minor adjustments.

Left Middle Right

Content Editor Content Editor Meeting Files

Meeting Dates Agenda


Meeting Dates web part only showing the Start Time column, no tabular view and sorted by start time in descending orderFiltered to only show Start Time greater than or equal to [today]-14 AND Start Time less than or equal to [today]+90 -I want to show the last 2 weeks of meetings and the next 3 months of meetings

Tasks web part – this is rolling actions, meaning these are not associated to a meeting date.

Content Editor web part to display Meeting details and link to previous meetings page

Agenda web part showing the Agenda Item, Time and Presenter, no tabular view and sorted by time.

Meeting Files displaying the Presentations and Documents web part grouped by Category, tabular view off, Toolbar none, Folders – Show all items without folders

To Upload Documents – click here (web part title)

(Don’t worry about the double arrow yet, we will do that last)

Let’s connect this up!

We are going to use Web Part Connection to apply this filtering capability Edit the page Mouse over the Agenda Web Part, to activate the web part menu. Select Connections, get filters values from, Meeting Dates

Provider: Start Time Consumer: Meeting Date

Repeat for the remaining web parts that you want filtered by the Meeting Date that is selected You should also notice that the double arrow is now visible in the Meeting Dates web part

Setup Previous Meetings Page

Once the Home page is situated and functioning as you like it, we want to make a copy of it and name it Previous.

Using SharePoint Designer – navigate the to Site Pages library and copy the Current.aspx page and rename the new page as Previous.aspx If you do not have access to SharePoint Designer, you will need to create a new page and go through

the same steps as creating the home page.

The major difference on the Previous page is that the Meeting Date web part is filtered where Meeting Date is less than [Today].

I have also removed some web parts – like Meeting Details and Tasks. Only to help limit the confusion between the 2 pages.

Create Document Set Workflow on Meeting Date list

We want to create a Workflow so that when a new meeting date is added and new Document Set is also created within the library to hold files for that meeting. In SharePoint Designer, Click on Workflows, New List Workflow, and select the Meeting Dates list then

name the workflow On the Workflow settings screen – select the Start up option of “On Create” Select Edit the Workflow

Stage 1 Add the action: Create List Item Click on “This List” – and select the Presentations and Documents library Modify the Content type ID from Documents to Document Set Modify the Path and name to Current Item: Meeting Name Add Meeting Date and map to Current Item: ID Click OK

Transition to Stage Add Action: Go to Stage – select End of Workflow

Save and Publish

Create Document Set Workflow on Meeting Date list

Filtering the Meeting Date options in the Agenda form

For the Agenda Items list and the Meeting Files library, we have placed a lookup column to select the correct Meeting Date. After some time, this lookup column is going to have quite a few selection to pick from, especially if

you cross years.

To help facilitate the lookup column to only show “Current Year” selections, lets add some jQuery to the Add & Edit default forms. We also want to be able to allow the user to see all the dates if they wish

Create the jQuery (screen shot on last slide) and store it in the Site Assets library

Navigate to the List – List tab – Form Web Parts – Edit New Form

Add a CEWP – point it to the /SiteAssets/filterMeetingDate.js

Repeat for the Edit form within the Agenda list.

For the Library, you only need to modify the Edit Form.

New Agenda Item form



Code (text)

<!-- Reference the jQueryUI theme's stylesheet at the Site Collection Level - Assets --> <link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="//…Enter own…./jquery-ui.css" /> <!-- Reference jQuery at the Site Collection Level - Assets --> <script type="text/javascript" src ="//…Enter own…./ "></script><!-- Reference jQueryUI at the Site Collection Level - Assets --> <script type="text/javascript" src ="//…Enter own…./ "></script>

<div align=right><p><button id="show" type="button">Show Previous Year dates</button><button id="Hide" type="button">Hide Previous Year dates</button></p></div>

<script type="text/javascript">var heidiMWS = heidiMWS || {};heidiMWS .d = new Date();heidiMWS.year = heidiMWS.d.getFullYear()-1;

$(document).ready(function() {

$store = $(":input[title='Meeting Date']").find('option:contains("'+ heidiMWS.year+'")').detach();

$("#show").click(function() {$(":input[title='Meeting Date']").append($store);

});$("#Hide").click(function() {

$(":input[title='Meeting Date']").find('option:contains("'+ heidiMWS.year+'")').detach();});



© 2015 Slalom, LLC. All rights reserved. The information herein is for informational purposes only and represents the current view of Slalom, LLC. as of the date of this presentation.SLALOM MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS, IMPLIED, OR STATUTORY, AS TO THE INFORMATION IN THIS PRESENTATION.

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